y vtf Cvrffe M( WH ?B8i KT IV . W1 u !.'' . If :(V I' : I6f. sn? I U' P 1 J asi i ilS 5J I Hi il I fr ' R3& e; iW RBl. K ft I" Pi I HI jftlSi (Sed :! 1 ft. I :' F i m p if 1 1 HI4 i ,1 I ? HE ifi A Vi1 & it'ii.i. ' v. VTatmmrmA f.'..i .y tfM.t'wwMr ',Vi";- "a )Ji "W 1N JW ? ..!(.; 'ij. VTBffl snrjwv ' "M-1 l ! WwY LVM S2iSl GUARDSMEN GIVEN WARFARE PRACTICE Inmbin, Pa., Ocnernl Shnnnen's home, nt n dinner Riven nt headquarters of tlie Fiityslxtli Infantry Urlgude. Radie greetings te Governer Sprenl were received during the Governer's unofficial visit here yesterday frur Unr nee Hcnle, Jr., Pnrkeilwrg, l'n., a personal f i loud and r.idle etitlmMM. Private Jeseph McGiexnn, e West OlieMer, attached te dhtalnnnl head head nunrters company, ns the li.vt nmn te be complimented by the Governer for Rencrul military bearing mid nppe.tr nnec. Nightly band concert 6y the regi mental organizations of the Uttli and lliltli Infantry rcKlmentH arc new com petltlve affairs with wireless prcKni'ii breadeatled from nil parts of tli cn,m try te the three radio stntieii'' at the encampment. Colonel J. AV. Pace, of the eenernl tlens tednj marked the fifth day of i stnff of the regular nrmy. and attaclied Brigade Headquarters Company Gets Taste of Actual Battle Conditions RADIO MESSAGES SENT ! a Staff CtrrcH'Otulent Csmp Duffy. I'n.. July 'JS. Tactical JBevenients under actual b.ittle wndl- training for thr reorganized guard. Early today Colonel Carl A. Martin, senior instructor from tlie reguhr ar'ii). ordered out the. brigade hradii'iartcrs company Inte the weeds surrounding the western boundaries of the camp ami , lntrui ter. were staged for the benetlt when tlie arrived there under vuet of tlie (mvrner during Ins vllt yester- orders they were placed in battle for mation. Ne ether troops participated in tlie movement but the strength of the te mini Uirns Area. IUit'r.iere. ar rived hete eMerday and uu one of the guests nt the luncheon given te the Governer and Adjutant Generil l'eatj. Mil" athletic under tlie supervision of Wllllnui A Hngers, camn athletic ? ' , U '"eis,3s evening public LEDCriFHmteferanEiv fbidaw july 2g,ift22 I. . ... .... . !..-.-... -. ..... I . ....... ..-.. . L. l - !--. FASCISTI DEFY ITALIAN TROOPS brlindc hcndnimrters cempnn vwis lift ' ed te 500 officers and men for the pur dn. Tlie exhibition was followed by Seize Socialist Headquarters at Ravenna Machine Guns Fail te Oust Them TEN DEAD IN FIGHTING By Associated Prcas Keine, July 28. The Fnsclstl at Hn vennn have occupied the Socialist bend quarters and heisted the national Hag. The police mid Government troops rushed the spot with machine guns and armored cars, but found the rnsclstl Inside refusing te lenve. The Government has concentrated n considerable force of troops nt Ilavenna te prevent further disorders. Several Kasclsti deputies have arrived there. A cemmunique Issued tedny by the Fnsclstl party says that "meblliza an inter-regimentnl push-ball match Hen of Fnsclstl is limited te forces between team'i representing tlie two in- i strictly necessary te face the situa- breeches. Twe hundred arrMU have been made. Three mere of the victims In Wednes day's fighting died yesterday, bringing the total up tl ten, while the wounded reached thirty. Many avoided jelng te the hospitals, fearing nrrest. The fer ment among the Fascitl is Intense and the authorities have adopted the strongest measures te prevent further disorders. The shutters of all the stores hny,c been put up and usually bear an Inscription saying "closed for Fnsclstl ! mourning, nlluding te tlie lone rns cMii who was clubbed te death. I The Fascist! hnve published a mani feste, giving Socialist. Communist mm Republican lenders twenty-four hours te lenve the country. The Fnsclstl eny thnt If any subversive leader" nrc caught they hnve themselves te blame for the consequences. ' Reme, July 128. Slgner de Nnvu, former Minuter of the Treasury, was received by King Victer Emmanuel In connection with 'the Cabinet crisis. Later Signer de Nnva said that he hoped te be able te form Cabinet comprising nil branches of the constitu tional parties except the Conservatives and Fnsclstl, after which he Intended te ask former Premier Orlande te re assume the premiership. HOMES FOR SHOPVORKERS fantry regiments. "Green" horses of the cavalry troop ers of the lOItd Cavnlrv uuartered nt pose of establishing communications 1 1 oltireoK. three miles west of here, nte sufficient for the Infantry brigade The giving their riders much difficulty In signal men were called into service for the close formation drills. Numerous the first time and laid thvir ground spills hnve occurred each day. lines and air communications in record Ale. I nmMttlnf ti 4t fi kin.. Imn .In... ...... ...I .f .1.. I.-... 1.41 Ground wireless radio, ground tele- officers, this enr there has been a no- said that the complete meblliza- ent of sleeping rooms and a large phone nnd carrier pigeons v ere ued t'' ticeable lac't of Illness among the ilen of the I'af-eisti of tlie provinces recreation Hall. carry brigade order. troop, due te tlie stilct regulations and i nf I'errara. Holegna. Medena, l'ann.i Durins tlie movement tlie rattle of hm police supervision of tlie vendins i nml IMncenzn would be ordered If the Clothing Stere Robbed tlim Itnvennn has the appearance of a state of war. Numerous patrols of carabineers and lleynl Guards march the streets, while nt strnteglc points de tachments of infantry and cavalry arm ed with machine guns are sfntlened. Dr. ltnle Hnlbe, secretary of the D. and H. Constructs Buildings for New Workers at Carbondale Srranten. Pa.. July 28. (By A. P.) Carpenters tedny started construction of large permanent buildings te house new shop workers of the Delaware and Hudsen nt Unrheminie Fascistl Federation of Ferrara. is In. 'ine new niiuinnmi ee or nea yy HO "'II'H UtllUII. 1-UUIMUI1110 la tliillUH '. i L- machine gun tire from the rltle range of soft drinks nnd ice cream In the rear of the mmching troop added the war-time atmosphere. Sharp rivalry exists in the terrain exereNes for division officers tinder regular army instruction. Majer Wil liam Fish. New Hrlgliten. ln., has se far held the highest mark. Majer Durins the afternoon part of the maneuver Brigadier General Shannen wns en the mound and later expressed himself 11s hiirliK cmt'lled with the le- apeiise te order's t-hewii by the tinall Fisli is division inspector. number et men engaged witn tnc ny- petheticnl brigade. j The members of tlie nole teams of the As there has been vevcral near, First and Second Troops of Phllndel Phllndel drewnings In fonewago Lake, wim-, phin are preparing for the inter-troop nilng instruction was started till- mmn- Plo mntcli scheduled for Sunday after lng In William A. Itegur. camp ath- neon. This will be the fiist game of letle nihtiueter. After ghlng the lirs''po!e ever staged at a National uard ineeiiiints nn land, the men getting encampment, down te werl h.Uf .stripped as tlie went through tlie arm motions of the "crawl" and irmlgeu, the instruciei took the men te the lake where the were permitted te put theer into practice. labor unions dared te make any preve- ' Thieves who robbed the clethine store catien. of 1. Weiss & Sen. 1204 West 'Berks Kvery train brings te Bavennn thou- street, escaped with goods valued at sands of Fnsclstl wearing military caps, )nere than $1000. A deer was found black shirts, Alpine beets and mllltarj I jimmied. MENSSeimmmmmis UNOFFICIAL NOTES FROM CAMP DUFFY Hi a Staff ' i rr'spend'yt Camp Duffy. Mt. Gretna. Juh '' Brigadier General F.dwnrd ('. Shannen, Commanding officer of tlie encampmu.t, was tlie host last night te th'rtj-ix member of the Itetnrj f'hib from t'e- IS .ft LOWERS ter Funerals Always Fresh lx"cmif of eur tntur Imsl ncm wltli Its m.m nlf. THE FLORIST AUse with Snap and for Your own buckle 'The Saddles Bel? M y MARK ia made of one lelid piece of real leather. Better leather cannot be had. It doe net curl up en hip. Ne Mtitching. Give no end of wear. Keeps its shape, always leeks neat. 1713 CHESTNUT. PHILA., PA. VSS 1327 Weit Cirrd Avt. 212 Etit Cirtrd At. 13 S. 60th St. 136 S. 52J St. Martin " Martin Inc. SADDLERS AND LONDON ALSO SOLD BY Strawbrldge A Clothier, Wm. H Wnnamaker, Wm, Hepkins Ce , Bewkcr & ilewKer, waiter (J HecKer. uee .Mnrsnall Ask for "THE SADDLER'S BELT" A Saddle (trade mark) stamped en every one "Wet" and "Dry' Spots AS SHOWN BY THE "Digest's" Pell of the Natien Have Yeu Voted Yet? In this week's "Digest" (July 29th) there is a summary of 357,600 ballets in the poll of 10,000,000 men and women in every State of the Union which THE LITERARY DIGEST is conducting en the subjects of Prohibi tion and the Soldiers' Benus. There is also a statement from Mr. Wheeler, General Counsel and Legislative Super intendent of the Anti-Saleen League, and communications from representa tives of organizations in favor of a modification of the present liquor law. Never before outside of a general election has uch an extensive poll been conducted. In addition te the thousands of ballets being received daily, letters are pouring in from all sections. By a secret process these ballets are proof against forgery and the most careful precautions have been taken against fraud of any kind, se that when the final tabulations are given they will reflect accurately public sentiment upon these two burning is sues. These ballets have been sent, by mail, te mere than 10,000,000 men and women, representing practically every profession and industry in the country. In addition, the poll will be extended se as te include large indus trial concerns the result of a poll in the Edisen plant is shown this week. The balloting will be continued throughout the summer and reported weekly in "The Digest." Don't fail te get this week's number and study the returns. If you have received one of these ballets be sure te mark and return it immediately se that your vote may be recorded. Other Big News-Features in This Week's "Digest" Are Ceal Mining As the Natien's Business The Railroad Strike Bleaching Out the Reds in the Laber Unions Cutting Sante Dominge's Apron Strings Nailing Down Peace With Canada The Chemical Foundation's Fight Settling the Upper Silcsian Problem Russian Communism Cleans Heuse Railroad Travel in Europe Radie Buoys With Brains Interior Decoration The Scandal in the British Press The Christian Hall of Fame Genea, Gehenna and Gencna The Sunny Side of Being One Hundred Topics of the Day Many Illustrations, Including the Best of the Humorous Cartoons. Get July 29th Number, en Sale Today At All News-dealers 10 Cents a The iterdry Digest FUNK Si WAGNA JLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK 'Tis a Mark of Distinction te Be a Reader ei The Literary Digest MODERN ARMAMENT READY FOR RUM WAR ON BORDER Sub Chasers, Airplanes and Armed Cars Assemble en Canadian Line Offdeiubur, N. , July 'J3. The former submarine dinner C 8-133 nr rlveihcre today .te nlil In the wnrfnre ngnltift border liquor nmuggllnR. Much surplus waf mnterlnl nf the Federal (levernment Is new assembled here. Of flcliils nssierc thnt within forty-eight Iieum the enmpnlgn ngalnst rum-running from Cnnnda would be prosecuted vigorously with navnl craft, const guard cutters, nlrshlps, srmed enrs nnd high power meter trucks. trucks. Twe powerful trucks, part of a fleet of forty-eight te be sent te Northern iScw lerK, nrc already ncrc. J-.ncn win carry Government agents nrmed with rifles nnd revolvers nnd will operate In this 'customs district, being used chiefly te blockade the highways when word Is received thnt a cargo of con traband had left the border bound Seuth. Airplanes, submarine chasers and coast guard cutters are te patrol the Hf. Lawrence. Ulvcr, which In the past has been the highway for the liquor smugglers. Itcccnt dispatches from Ottnwa and Montreal nsserted that the Canadian nutherltlcs would co-operate with United Stntcs agents In nn nttempt te shut oft the flew of liquor Inte this country. A pleasure no law will deprive you of iced BOJL Tea cjea-tetally Different R Have Yeu Inspected Gas Het Water Service? The automatic storage system auppliea piping het water, day or night, as fast as you can use it. When het water is drawn, the gas is turned en automatically. When the tank is again full of het water, the gas is turned off automatically. With7 all its advantages the automatic storage gas water heater is the most economical water heater you can use. Term payments. See a demonstration at any U. G. I. store or ask us te send a representative. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. ey Breaks Arm at Play Msrtln Wolf, fourteen yenrs old, of 2247 Colerado street, fractured his arm yesterday when he fell from a smnll ex- Jiress wngen In front of his home. He s In the Women's Homeopathic Hes pltal. RttOncs AW TACffjUfti; Met minl.111 will. Ik. IMI lh. Dliirnumtnt Cenftftne, Jiuniea uiieraa ni MrvlcM tCRA.1 rtu te rtetrmln tht . ewptAhlu- . TTJ Aries. A ful Recount of thll iJvN Mais- ie"0vtKr7ViMi w "MSK II HtDlt. '-Alv. . " l BHaiiiVflfe' Kt rr.jr.rrr U YES" LOVABLE E The outstanding hit from "Make It Snapfry," the new Winter Qarden Shew VINCENT LOPEZ and His Hetel Pennsylvania Orchestra, nightly entertainers of hundreds of dance enthusiasts, have made an OKeh Recerd of "Lovable Eyes" that is as refreshing and snappy as a LertK Beach breeze. This remarkable fox-trot is only one of several popular OKeh summer dance numbers. Fer Summer dancing try these 4 BEST SELLERS . fLOVAILE EYES (Prem Mkt tl Snappy ")-Fes Tret u ) Vlnetnt Lep ind Hit Metel Pennsylvania Or ehettra I? '"J HAPPY DAYS-rosTret-x "' Vlneent Lepef and Hit Hetel Pennsylvania Orehettra t SOME SUNNY DAY-Fe Tret- ' 4811 I Vlneent Lepef and HI Hetel Pennsylvania Oreheitrs li.l STUMBUNO-Fes Trot Tret '"' I Vincent Lepes and HI Hetel Pennsylvania Orchestra 404 ( te In.) 75s. ( SWANEE RIVER MOON-Wslts-Markels' Orchestra IN THE UTTLE RED SCHOOLHOUSE-Fes Tret- Markela' Orchestra AWT COT NOTH1N' BLUES-Fes Tret- 4S J Tampa Blet Jast Band iLla'i THE WEST TEXAS BLUE3-A Shimmy Fe Tret- " V Tampa Brut Jass Band KnlasWc OKeh artist Fer sale by your neighborhood dealer GENERAL PHONOGRAPH CORPORATION, NEW TORK OK! Records cfQftalHy Goedrich new tiie prices -lowest cost mileage, ever known The new base line tire prices established by Goedrich, effec tive July 20th, give motorists a definite guide te tire prices as Goedrich Tires are the definite standard of Tire quality. They knew new they can buy the very best tire the one quality Silvertown the tire that has al ways held its leadership because it wears longer, leeks better, and because, mileage considered, it costs less than any ether tire at any price. Dealers have been quick te point out ttTtheir customers the big advantage and economy of buying Silver town Cbids at such base line prices as these: SIZE BASE LINE PRICE SIZE BASE LINE PRICE 30x354 CI. $13.50 34x4 S.B. $30.85 31x3.85" 15.95 32x454 " 37.70 30x3&S.B. 15.95 33x454 " 38.55 32x354 " 22.95 34x454 " 39.50 31x4 " 26.45 35x454 " 40.70 32x4 " 29.15 33x5 " 46.95 33x4 30.05 I 35x5 " 49.30 New base line prices are also effective en Qoedrich Fabric Tires: SIZE 30x3 "55" 30x354 " 32x354 S.B. (Ssftrr) BASE LINE PRICE $ 9.65 10.65 16.30 SIZE 32x4 33x4 34x4 S.B. (Ssstr) u it BASE LINE PRICE $21.20 22.35 22.85 Ne extra charge for excise tax. This tax is paid by Qoedrich See your dealer, and place your order NOW for your Goedrich tire requirements. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY, Acron, Ohie SILVERTOWN CORDS FABRICS TUBES ACCESSORIES tza'mm'm,,mimmmZ!LsW '$? w fc fw . ViTW M- K 'M- tVi".,.'1... Mwifc, ,. - ..?,fVi.r.'