Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 28, 1922, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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1 "
fcinTu?e nil i Ain
PflKlY rllLL AIU
iaker Denies That Alter Back-
ors Are Lukewarm te Victer
in Primaries
PUTS NEEDS AT $250,000
The Republican Stnte Committee will
Ire full mppert t" 'ilffnrd rinrliet,
f. Hnrry linker, tlic rlinlrmnn unlrt
today. Hr- I'entinillctrd reports tlmt
jemc who hnd backed Allrr In the pri
maries wmtld be en,v lHlwmn toward
the l'liirhet candidacy.
"Tlmt I' my Jeb ns chairman,'' Mr.
went en. If tliore nre any
who arc net 100 per cent for
JllH tlCKCt new, lliey win uc iiuumj
mpperters of the entire ticket before
t m threneh with them. Tlic De.v.e-
crats have nn Idea they can win nt
the cemlns election. They luvc lind u
ijmllnr idea In the past nnd have always
bcn licked. They will come out of
thin content wrens once mere."
Mr Maker nrrived In the rlty yostcr yestcr
ttv mernlnc te take up the auction of
'tfertiiiB fifteen men and women it
wrveen the finanre committee tlmt will
raise the funds for the fnll campaign,
n-he committee. Mr. Maker said, niob nieb
ibly will he made up of cWlit men and
leten women.
cDlincully In Getting .Members
Up te date, the party heads hae
tad difficulty in finding the risht pcr pcr
ieiis. That, Mr. linker said, was dip
lanrelv te 'be acalien season. He
Id It hnd been found impefslhlc te
let into touch with some of these plo
wed for membership. He feel-, coi cei
Ju.nK turnover, of cettlnc tlic remiMl.
number of men nnd women ncceptnb'.c J
tecverv eanumaie en ine iirniii, .in whs
premised after Mr. l'lnchet threatened
te conduct his own campaign utile1,
the Stntc Committee renounced Its
time-honored custom of assessing Stale
J.ittle aid in raising money Is ex
pected front politician, mnny of whom
still feel the KtliiR of the Alter defeat.
They think Mr. I'lnchet's friends will
eenic forward with unlimited funds' te
Insure his election.
The mm of $."00,000 lias been named
(s necessary te finance the campaign by
political leaders here who were promi
nent in the Alter cnnipalsn.
SMO.OOO Enough, Says linker
Mr. linker ridiculed that idea nnd
laid he had prepared llguies Minwing the
amount raised by the Slate Committee
In pnst campaigns for guidance new.
when spteiil ran ler tioverner in (
191S, .Mr. ll.tuer sain, ine Mine uoiii ueiii
mlttee rnled $2r7,78.8."i and spent
$242,203.0-1. In the Harding pre.siilcn- i
rial cainpalgn 201,!)03.."l was raided'
and $19.VJ77.0! spent. In 1M, when
Rriimhnucli and Penrose were candi
dates for the Senate, tlie State organi ergani organi
sateon collected SlfiH.Sllfl and spent
SKIS.'JOI, the deficit being made geed
Mr. linker thought S2.10.000 would be
enough tills year, ns lie nnd Mm. War War
burten '.mended te see thut the money
was expended judiciously.
I. P, C. A. is Receiving Stories in
Three Months' Prize Competition
Mere than seventy-live true stories
about animals line been received by
the Pennsyhrinla Society for the Pre Pre
tenteon of Cruelty te Animals, 1)24
North Ilread street, which is conduct
ing a three months' prize competition.
The plan Is cventiiatlv te have a nation
wide collection of anlmalb stories te be
embraced In a book.
Announcement of the Initial prize
dinners will be made about the middle
of next month. The competition is open
te men. women nnd children of this
State. New .leiney nnd Delaware.
Prize of R."j, 515 and - and !ie honor
able mentions ulll he awarded each
tnenth for the liet tales.
Stories must net exceed fiOO winds
lVl should be typewritten if possible, en
Olilj one side of the paper. The Mnrlr
I are te he the property of the society
and the let will be published with the
autners names.
Strays With Memery Gene Acress
River Frem Bucks County
A girl found nt Ilordentewn. X. .T.,
n n peicli nt a late, hour Wednesday,
nnablp te gHe her niiiiu1, becjilse of Inhs
of memory , was identilied last nlsrht
ly her mother. She l.s Doretln h.
Randelph, ngpil eighteen year", daugh
ter of Harry ltnndelph, of IMseh. P.i.
er metiicr icail nn iicceiint u: tlie girl
in n Philadelphia paper, ami cinie with
tbe clipping and took her home. She
could ....t account for her dlsappea .luce.
Hurt When Aute Hits Truck
jVendell Clark, fourteen cars old. of
elli Harlan street, wns cut nnd bruNed
last night when an automobile In which
He ttas riding collided with a motor metor moter
truck nt Thlity-feurth street nnd I.im
easter avenue. He was taken te the
Pmbvterlun Hospital.
The Municipal Hand will phiv to te
night at Kliigelug Center. Flftj -first
treet and Chester avenue.
The Tali mount I 'ark Hand will pl.ij
t Straw herrv Mansion.
The Kali mount Turk Symphony Or
rae&tru will play at Lemen Hill.
David Skvinski, Concert Singer,
England Ha Will Ge With
.At tlic (ileucester Immigration sta
S0 i a sixteen-; ear-old girl called
f'll. ery pretty, very talented, wait-
for the order from Washington that
l either admit her te the country or
"nd her back te England.
there also is her father, David
F-Mnnkl, the tenor, who will net leave
"" though he has a string of concert
iBnKeii.ents that mean money and mere
?mc,1 If xv"nl ,,in'N that his daughter
J",1! ,"" deported, he, snjs, he will can can
"Inte engagements and return with her
. "Ne. nn." rrip, zi,,i. ",u will net
fn i., '"" w"l Wl' be opportunity
l'. --" ,H
have werKei
win ung j our
, Wttlc one." sa Skvinski,
Jr fndl, ", ni t1(T0 iR.
n'y .nivemimnlmciifs''"
te play
tt I Am.. "" , "r mnil- accompanists
"Tl. .. . .
IS HI hnve none but Zlnl."
JHr they both weep, then smile.
, (,.""" rnj "etier wnen iny oaugn eaugn
tmm Zlnl plays for me,-' eald Skvinski.
- .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank (illbrcth nnd
their family of elccn children
phijtng ball en beach. Mr. Gil
brcth Is also shown below
Sporting Events Will Feature
Outing at Creenleck, N. J.f
August 5
William T. Slietzline Pest DO. will
held n nienter picnic nt (jicenlecu,
August !.
The sporting
events of the day
will Include a fat
men's race and a
baseball game be
tween the single
and married men.
Tlie ladies' nuxll
laiy will furnish
"cats" during the
day, and nt night
ii small nuruccue,
with a j puns porker acting as martyr,
will feature. An old-fnslileneu waltz
ing contest will be Interspersed with fox
tietn and one-steps in the evening.
Musle will be furnished by tne pel
band. T, .
A ball game between bhctznne Pest
and Pest 70 will be played en hhctz
llne Field. Ilread nnd Uigler btrccti,
August 1:$. . .
Tin' (ilee Club Is meeting legulnrlj
and cxpeits te attend the State conven
tion ut Wllliamspert.
At the last meeting of P,recn-Mc-Cracken
Pest -'70, tlic Permanent Hen.u
Ceminlttic sprung n surprte by an
nouncing the purcline of a piepetty for
the pest. Ce.madi' .lehii ,T. Owens,
clinirnian of tlie committee, announced
that tlie new home weulil lie epeneu
hhnrllv after tlie llr-t of August. Senior
Vice Cemiimiider Kdwnrd M. O Uriel:,
chairman of the Heuse Finance, Com
mittee, repeits that about SO per ct nt
of tlie reijuiicd amount has been
Tlie second nnnual moonlight will
be held Tuesday. The beat will le.ne
Aicb stiect wharf nt S o'clock. Pests
7 and W5 have joined with this pest,
and nn excellent time Is premised n.l
who attend. ,
The following comrades were elected
delegates In tlie State .convention, nt
Willlninpeit: Jeseph W. Hrccn, Vin
cent A. Cariel nnd Jehn J. Owens, with
Commander Walker. Asa S. Melley and
IMward Wintering as alternates The
Pest Ilugle Fife and Drum Cerps ex
pects te accompany tlie delegates
Tlie commander. Jeseph A. Wnlkcr.
with 1M. F. McLaughlin, chairman of
tlin Aiiierlcani.ntleii Committee, nnd
Pat Ceiiiiiinlider Jehn J. Ortcns. pre
sented the Legien Scheel Awnid
Medals te lieys of the Diinlap, Ilniinu
l.adv of Victory nnd Mether of Ser-
re) ",,'"". ii,.-i- fnrn m, nnmhers
L.,1,, " '. 5 nnS of Uie lnr5"t
- "' ' ." "" ls ,""LM , J" i,'"1"?,, .
experienced fife placrs and buglers.
Very high compliments have been glvtn
the corps each time they appear.
An intensive membership drive is
under way. All World War veterans
In the Tlilrtv-feiutli and Fortv-feurth
Winds nre United te join. The pest
has man attractions and is gaining an
enviable lemilntien as n real live outfit.
Heal Itiulih lin and cenundeship is
parameiii.t here.
Children te Give Pageant
Children will give a "Mether Cloee"
pageant and take part in games, songs
anil exercises teinm row nftei neon nt St.
I'liul'i. ItcM Center, Catharine street
between Sixth and Seventh.
Says if Zini Is Sent Back te
UvrShe Has Eye Affliction
"I have been looking forward te this
time when she could go nreiind the
country with me and accompany u.e en
my concerts,"
"I de net mind se much for myself,"
she said. "Hut my fnther tbe worry
and trouble, about it have turned his
hair white.
"If I have te go back I will go nlene.
I will net let him return with me. It
would mln his concerts. It would spoil
nil that he intended te de and all his
plans. I will go back te England ahum
mid hope that I can join him some time
seen "
.Inl came te this country with her
father en tin1 Haverfeid tlnee weeks
age tluee months nfter her mother
uiul brother arrived in Xew Yerk.
Tlie question in the. minds of tlie im im
migiutleu authorities is whether tlie
trachoma with which one of Xlnl's e.ve
lids is affected should be a bar te her
Sktvlnskl was introduced in 10H1 by
Oscar IlammerBtein and Bang one con
cert in .Philadelphia. ,
I, - , y-- 4Mb) jSL"' mtm Ab 12BfhDiP'"
rnri JiH''H I-( yB "BPiflLlLLfl ilH.HMr iJI l
'J'K niBI7iiVVviPlB'l9H&ikHBRfT'"flLik
'fkH kkWkkP 1 'rTTIl' v SiiVkrVikVkkVIAf';' H iL 4. ' wSkkkW
4 '' f JkkkkkH' . IkkkkkW kHkkF vf r S 'kkkkV kkkn v tkkkkkkkUlflkVrT' AkB VK6U ai kFTkkkkkkkF
zzmf: : H lL 11 Ik" i'ZJ j-iTwBiiM'' m j-lhiii rf V y-1
OH1 1 iir JSS"iikkH
Mrvik 'EHbb r A r r I 4 TJ M yi ' 7 7 XT' n mi fJ' T t
HH9BHHiV r a" rs' ran Bunker Gilbrcth, of Montclair, N. J.,
IKEMBMPiBB firing Family Under Real System, but Life Is Net Dreary
. J..
A real did-fashioned American family
such ns were in vogue before lap
dogs nnd pet monkeys became faliion faliien
nble is that of Majer and Mrs. Frank
Hunker (lllbreth, of Montclair, X- J.,
who nre called "daddy" and "mother"
by eleven youngsters.
Hearing a lnrge family has net pre
vented the (Jilbretbs from writing
dozens of books nnd scientific treatises.
They have colleboratcd en tomes that
require n college education te rend.
One light little volume written by
Mrs. Gllbreth is "Tlic Psychology of
Management." She put Its principles
Inte prnctlce with her children nnd
arranged their dally schedule en the
card-index plan..
Life for the eleven young (lllbreths
Js net n dreary round based en scien
tific formulas, however. Just new
they nre Installed for the summer with
their parents nt Xantucket Island.
They live in a big, rambling frame
cottage with two abandoned lighthouses
en el, her side of the liens.
The parents have plenty of time every
day te romp en the bench with their
children. The high tide washes all
sorts of Interesting things en the sands.
A few summers age the tide left a rim
of seaweed almost at the deer of the
cottage and stranded a little school of
whales there.
Mether Bacheler of Literature)
Mrs. flllbreth first of all is a mother,
devoted te her eungsteis and looking
nfter their health and schooling with
loving care. Un tlic scientific and
literary side she Is a bachelor of liter
ature, u master of literature, n doctor
of philosophy and the sole member of
Patrolman's Sen Accused In Rob
bery, 13 Said te Have Confessed
Jewelry, clothing nnd furs valued at
S4500, stolen Wednesday night from the
home of Miss Lillian Wallace, 415
Seuth Sixteenth street, have been re
covered by tlie police, hidden under
several tens of coal In a cellar en S'med
ley street nbeve Pine.
Three youths were arrested hv Dis
trict Detectives Curran nnd O'Xeil. of
the Twelfth end Fine streets station.
They arc alleged te have confessed. The
plunder was found in tlie cellar of the
home of I'eliceman Xichuls. of the
Twelfth nnd Fine streets station. The
articles were taken there, the police
snld. by the policeman's fifteen- ear
old son, William, and his alleged com
paniens, nailer Lane, fifteen jears old,
of Tierce street nciew isreuil, anil Jehn
Law, thirteen, of Ludlow Bticet above
Policeman XlcheLs, n Xegre, was said
te have been en duty at the time and did
net knew of tlie removal of the stolen
gendii te his home. Ills son told tlie
police that the three youths went te
Miss Wallace's home and veung Nichols
climbed through a window. Policeman
guarding homes closed for the summer
discovered the theft yesterday morn
ing. Miss Wallace is reinins Lurepc.
Today the ,v out lis were taken te the
Heuse of Detention.
Smyth Rules Cortelyou May Keep
Silent en Sleuths
David J. Smyth. City Solicitor,
hns ruled that Director Cortelyou
does net have te reveal the identity of
his secret police who are paid out of
the S10.000 confidential fund given him
by Council for special Investigations.
Tlie question of expenditures from
the fund wns brought nbeut through
Director Cortelyou's refusal te lc Con
troller Dudley knew the names of the
men hired te make the private Investi
gations. Director Cortelyou said If the
men became known their lives would
be In jeopardy.
The affair was brought te n bead
when Controller Hadley refused te ap
prove n warrant for $500 drawn bj
Director Cortcljeu.
As seen as Director Cortcljeu re
eeived City Solicitor Smyth's opinion
the warrant for the $.100 wns sent back
te Mr. Hadley for approval.
Temperance Worker Insists Public
Is Tired of Making It
"The public is tiling of home brew
because It Is tee much trouble te make,
and once they try it they find it tee
'tint' for drinking."
Rebecca Xaeml Itheads, of Hello Helle Hello
fente. Pa., nntlennl superintendent of
the Secial Welfare Department of tlie
Women's Christlnn Tempeiance I'nlen,
made that statement en n visit te
this city.
Mr. Hliends stepped here last night
en her return from Washington, where
she conferred with Hey A. Hnynes,
Federal Prohibition Commissioner. She
was enthusiastic in her reports of the
progress being ninde by piohibltlen.
Bedy Is Recovered Ten Minutes
After Sinking
Swimming in the Schuylkill Inst night
from tliu Spruce ttreet wharf. Cornelius
Hnggerty, fifteen .vears old, of 007 Seutli
Twenty-second street, sank in sight of
his companions. After ten minutes his
body wns In ought up.
Police of the Twenty-first District
used n piilmnter en him and rushed him
te tiie Pel clinic Hespltul, where it waa
leiliid Impossible te revive him,
Evrnta mew diuulllj forward In thr nmus
tnc liven of Ih" Lumlc ihiimiler of Oiuellne
Alley. Wult ami Hkcczlx have UieumikU or
(rlenila. Vhrs tlellKhtful ihnmcttra, te
nether with the whole famllv of regular en
tertainer!, appear In the. rilt-lna All-Star
Cemio Section of the. Hunday 1'ublie LKWJia.
iUk It Habit," Adv.
her sex te held
honorary membership
In the Sed
lety of Industrial I'nglneers.
Mr. (illbrcth, who holds the nink
of mnjer In tlie corps of engineers, is n
member of a dozen engineering socle secle
tics, has lectin ed nt numerous uni
versities In tliis country and Kurepc,
He is the Inventor of processes for
determining methods of industrial edu
cation, lie nlse devised methods for
fitting crippled soldiers for Industrial
At their winter home, 78 nngle Reck
way, Montclair, n visitor might be
somewhat nstenished te note encyclo
pedias and ether reference books In the
dining room.
Hut tiicrc is method in tiie npparcnt
nnemnly. The elder children linve
reached the point where iiicstlens nre
second nature, nnd they bombard their
parents and each ether with all sorts
of queries.
The discussions often occur during
mealtime and, even a scientific father
and mother are unable te give exact
names, dates nnd ether facts en nil
contteversles. Hence the reference
books within easy reach en tlie dining
Children Learn te Typewrite
As seen as one of their children Is
old enough te rend, he or she, is taught
te use a tjpewrtter. Knch child has
a workroom space especially assigned
and each must keep the prescribed allot
ment tidy.
Mrs. (illbreth's maiden name wns
Meller, and all the children have either
"Meller" or "Hunker" ns n middle
name. Mr. Oilbieth Is descended from
the Hunker family, of Hunker Hill.
Cardinal Dougherty Takes Title te
Old Landmark
Tlic Telnnd house, a historical Gcr Gcr
mnntewn residence, erected In 17.14, and
in which S. Stuart Uiilluiitlne, radio
expert of the United States (tavern
ment, recently perfected a wireless com cem
iiass which enables ships at sen te deter
mine tlic location of vessels sending
indle messages, has heen sold te Car
dinal Dougherty.
It is tlie intention of the Cardinal te
raze the biiildinc and erect en the site
a Catholic high school.
Tlie house, nt -1S10 Gcrmnntewn ave
nue, has spat leus gietinds. Geerge W.
Telnnd, who was a member of the Con
tinental Congress, lived in it I'ntil re
icntly It was occupied for forty ears
by Charles M. Haliantine.
Seme time age a pane of glnss, en
which was engiaved nn rqiietriiui fig
ure, presumably that of Frederick tlie
Great, was removed from one of tlie
windows of tlie house and presented te
tlic Independence Hall Museum.
Ex-Senater Henry Recovering
Fermer State Senater H.nnrd Henry
is confined te Ills home, in Fast Walnut
lane, Gcrmnntewn. with an Infected
feet. Until lltst FlidllV Mr. Hi.nrv
who is a director of tiie Penns.vlvanlii
Hn Ilread and has been active in reform
politics In Philadelphia, was at the
Pennsylvania Hospital. While still un
able te move nbeut, lie is said te be
1343 Cfiesinut Street
never came
knocking a t
our deer that we knew
of. But many a time we've
stepped in her way by mak
ing a supposedly impossible
photo engraving job pos
sible. The Chetnut Street
Be your own
With n Hruah and Sema
The Wonderful Liquid
Asbestos Cement
Any ene can easily step leaks In
tin, sine and rubber reefs and
make them nt geed us new
HIIANOKOTH Ih the. genuine
"no-coal tar" nsbestes reef coat
ing and Is free of ncld, Jute uud
ether cheap substitutes.
SIIANOKOTH In dabbed en
llke n paint and It covers the
nall-helcH, laps and henrus with
n solid hlieet of asbestos lllin,
treblliiR the llfe of vvorneut reefs
mid in.iKliiK them leaUpioef for I
te 10 veais.
- 1 ''''. ,V".' Til-1, ""'" M Miunr
frt. l.M In liliU.i Sl.ftrt In ft-mil.
cuni SI.73 In 1-u-iil. imiiib. Ilnidiiimr
ter for 100n imre tmlnlK, klilnslri
anil rubber rvelluc.
The Shannen-Ellis Ce.
IS Q llkSl Dl.il. Ph. Lembard
j. ...... -T -. . . .- .. ' li" -. Jr.
f raffs -m
n m m t rmm w
-4ltaM M
iiaaaaaaalHI i
Child Hit by Car While Cressing
Street Is Seriously
Special Dispatch te Evcnlne Public I.cdetr
Atlantic CHy. July 1M. Immediately
upon their arrival in this city today,
following their release tinder .feOOO bull
each in Ocean City en a charge of
stealing nn automobile, (Jeorge W.
Hare, 50:14 Yerk read, Philadelphia,
nnd Lee Dennelly, of this 'ty, were
rearrested. Tlie tinlr are charged by
Jehn Parsons, of !i Xerth llhede
Island avenue, with stealing his ma
chine from In front of his home. Tliev
were released under 111)00 bnll each
for a hearing.
Running across tlie street In front of
n standing trolley cnr. Margaret
Menara, seven years old, of 241." Arctic
avenue, dnrted directly In front of nn
automobile, driven by Leuis F. Masen,
12 Xertli Stenton place, last night.
She was knocked down nnd both tlic
front mid rear wheels passed ever her
body. Mnsen slopped Ills machine,
picked up tlic little gtii and took her te
the city hospital, where her condition
Is said te be serious. Masen sur
rendered te the police nnd was re
leased under S1000 ball te await the
result of the child's lnurles.
Michael Sncknn, who gave his
nddress ns Trenten, wns arrested here
early this morning as a susplcueus
chnractcr. Detectives who were
patrolling the upper section of the
city did net like the manner In which
Sncksen wns touring the neighborhood
nnd placed him tinder arrest. When
searched nt the police station he was
found te be carrying n revolver with
twenty-one shells distributed nbeut his
pockets. Police said he admitted te
them that tlie machine he was driving
was stolen in Trenten.
Brooks Completes Data en Rum- h
Smuggling Ships
A list of 110 schooners of American
nnd foreign registry engaged in smug
gling rum Inte tills country from the
Wcsf Indies nnd the Hahamas hns been
compiled b.v Xichela C Hroeks. spe
cial agent, Treasury Department, in
charge of customs lu this district.
Although this Is the largest number
of beats ever reported engaged in ruin
running, the apparent licet of smug
glers is steering hy of the Jersey
toast In Mr. Hreehs' dlstilct, lv iivs.
"Last summer." rind Mr. Hioeks,
'rum-runners dotted the .leisey coast,
and in several instani es successfully
landed their cargoes. Increased activ
ity bv coat guards and revenue men
in this dlstilct has caucd an ap
parent change in their operations.
"Xew Yerk apparently is the Mecca
for whisky smuggler, despite the
fact t tint most of the ewneis of the
bents are natives of tlie .Tersey coast.
"It is apparent that the rum-runners
hnve decided te lay off tire Jer
sey const in this district, due te tlie
strict vigilance maintained by the
const guiuds."
Bey Just Had te See Them Thus
Came Missing Repert
I.eve of his grandparents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. 0car II. A. Ven Hulevv, of
Hroekline. Delaware County, caused
fourteen- car-old Itnbert Titus, of 410
Gcddcs street. Wilmington, te leave his
home Mendny without telling his
parents whom he was going.
Part of tlie boy's trip was made in
the automobile of a friend and the rest
en roller skates. His parents told
police of bis absence and were notified
jetcrdny he was wife with his grand
parents. Ilia father took him home
last night.
Will Ask New Bids en Building
Director Furbush announced yester
day he would re.ulvfitise for proposals
for tlie construction of a building for
tiibcMiilur patients nt tlie Hospital for
tlie lnane, at Hyberry. and the elec
tion of a gatehouse or ledge at the
Hospital for Contagious Diseases.
Manufactured by
.. Tl. nF.ROER CO.. HO S. 2D STBEr.T
I MtI.i B7I4 MnrW flint
Electric and Steam Massagt
Salt Hubs
You'll get a new thrill when
you drive this Continental
12XD meter. Designed for
Reamer exclusively a
new experience in ease of
control, lack of vibration,
pep, power, silence and
Newest Triumph
Perfect balance special Lynlte
aluminum pistons and special
Alley metal connecting reds.
Everybody is talking about this
"miracle meter". See it new.
Kalamazoo, Mich.
U'eplar :3t(l)
WrVe Appeals te Police Who Give
Her Aid
Hungry nnd worn with worry ever
the nbcnce since Sunday of her hus
band, Mrs. Osteite Xcary. with her two
boys, tottered Inte the Trenten nnd
Dauphin streets station last night. The
beyH, Jeseph, five years old, nnd Wil
liam, two, cried with their mother ns
she told hew Jeseph F. Ncnry, the
husband nnd fnther, left their home te
go te work and disappeared.
The fnmlly lives at MriS Kerns
street. Xearv has net been well In
months. He wns employed as cashier
in n downtown resiniirniu, jisihb mu
famllv, he stnrtcd for the restaurant.
When lie did net return Sunday night
Mrs. Xcary wns terrified. Xcxt day
no word wns received nnd she went te
the restaurant only te find he hnd net
been there. She had little money nnd
that wns exhausted en Wednesday.
When the children cried with hunger
estcrdny she decided te appeal te the
police. The. latter gave her some
A gencrnl alarm was sent out with
instructions te search all hospitals.
Xenry Is forty jcars old, five feet live In
height, has brown eyes nnd were a
dark-blue suit.
Saturday Morning Symphony Pro
gram Displaces That e fSunday
The first of n scries of Saturday
morning children's concerts by the Mu
nicipal Symphony Orchestra, conducted
by Victer Kelnr, will be given at lOl.'IO
o'clock tomorrow in the I.emen Hill
concert pavilion in Fuirineiiut Park,
near Thirty-first street and Oirard ave
nue. Thcc concerts have been planned te
take tlic place of the Sunday afternoon
tenccrts, which, en account of tlic heat,
proved te be mere of n hardship than a
pleasure te audience nnd musicians
alike. Tlie pregrcm will contain music
of a light nature, designed te develop
geed taste in tlie youthful auditors.
The concerts will be free nnd the
.management is confident that crowds of
children will nttend nnd enjoy them.
The program Is as follews:
1. Turkish march Ileetheven I
J. Uiciturc "The .Merry Wlven of
Windser" .. .-sicnmi
Drenm music, from "Itnnicl nnd
Ureter' numpcraincK
Wnltz. "The lllue Dnnuhe' ....Strauss
hcherie. from "A Midsummer Night's
Dream" '' .MendelMenn
"I'ecr Unt, Suite Ne. 1 opus -111 . .Urleg
ASKS $1,000,000 BOND
Must Be Posted by Objectors te
Reynolds' Bid In Lehigh Stock
Objectors te the sale of tlic stock of.
The iA-hlgh nnd WUUs-Tlarre Ceal
Company te the .Tacknin K. Reynold
Svndiuite. of New Yerk, will have te
tiie a bend of $1,000,000 nt a guaran
tee that if n resale is ordered n bid
better than that of the Reynolds group
will be furthceming. The Reynolds
group bill $32.3)1 .l.'tO.
The United States District Court here
yesterday made this requirement of the
Franklin Securities Cempuny, of this
city, in filing bend en behalf of Isaac
T. nnd Mary T. W. Starr, ntockhelderi,
of tiie Ccntrnl Railroad of New Jersey.
The Stnrrs objected te the snlc te the
Reynolds group.'
If the bend is net filed the Starr.s'
petition will be dismissed. Fuilure te
tile the bend abe will bar the Frank
lin Company from filing an amended
Intervening petition ngnlnst the hale
In the event that no bend Is filed the
case will be determined en its, merits
by the Court.
Have Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary
Mr. nnd Mrs. .Teel Kleck, of fi.'lO
East Tulpeheckcn Mrect, (iermnntevvii,
celebrated their golden wedding nnnl
verhary last night Mr. Kleck, who is
seventy-six jeais old, retired from
business five years age. He was a
wholesale commission merchant. Mrs
Kleck is sKty-elght .vears old. With
them were their nine daughters, two
sons nnd twelve grandchildren.
Original end Superior in
Quality Design end Werkrnenship
Closed Saturday all day
en the Seles of
our Shoes '
UunrAntFe that
ifftai '$cue
Fer Men, Women and Children
The Footwear Event of the Year !
Savings for the Entire Family ! !
In Black or Tan
Others at
$5.J0 & $6.40
Fer the Bey I
Black or Tan Oxfords
Tim Hturily dependable kinds parents
nppreplnte for their Reed we.irtns:
Four Floers With Seating Capacity for 600
Men, Women, Misses, Beys and Children
1204-06-08 Market Street
Couple Attacked en Way
Church te Arrange for
While en the way te4Jrtirch te make
plans for their wedding "ay Jitrinn
Miirknzane, eighteen yenrs old, JSJC1
North Fnlrhlll street, and htilgi
Lnuiier, her nance, wcie attacked with
a knife last night by Michael Marka Marka
7ane, the girt' father, police say.
He strongly disapproved of the wed-
The prospective bride and bride-groom
nre In n serious condition. The girl is in
Mount Sinai Hospital, suffering from
n deep wound in the back. I.amier is
In Mm Pennsvlvnnin Hospital. He ie-
eeived two wounds In the side anil
"another In the back. Mnrkazane es
caped. hniirier called nt tlie home of Miss
Mnrknanne, L'M2(I Xertli Fnlrhlll stteel,
lust night, nnd they discussed plans
for the wedding.
The license had been ebtnincd, but
the bilde-to-be required u few things
te complete her trousseau. I.aurler uc uc
cempniilcd her en little shopping tours.
While out they decided te go te the
Church of Our l.ndy of Geed Counsel,
where tlie ceremony was te have been
performed today, nnd nrranged some
details. It hnd been planned te make
the wedding n picturesque affair which
would live long In their memory
Mnrkazarie, who it Is believed fol
lowed the coiiele when they left liiine,
Is said te have suddenly sprung upon
them near Flghth street nnd Washing
ton nvcniic. "It will never be." he
exclaimed, ns he drew a sharp knife
from Ills coat. He plunged It into
I.aurler first nnd then stabbed his
daughter, police say.
Paiscrs-by summoned patrols. I.au
rler pleaded te be token with Ills fiancee,
but in the excitement of the moment
his pica was unheard.
They are
Bay this Cigarette andSace Meney
THERE'S an atmosphere
about The Helmes Press
printing that we will be
glad te share with you.
The Helmes Press, 'Primers
1315.29 Cherry Street
Open Saturday
DurinR July
Men's Silk
Sex 60c
H H st
A Mm JLs &
iMBI Hi !KJf-iX-rf-v
"" y
Widow 8eeke Damages frf Death f$
Husband In Elisabeth, N, J.
Elizabeth, N. .1., July 28. Mayer ft
Mrnvlag was made defendant yesterday J$
In n suit In which $2.1,000 damages nrevy
seiiL'ht bv Mrs. Elizabeth Freer, of 1)34 3
Flera street, for the death of her hits M
band, Charle I'lcer, who wns struc -f
by the Mayer's car en December 31'$
mei 'A
t.' ....... .,... ...it..- . w.1l VV;(!fcC
in, iivnnllfl lint., ti'linn 4ltn Afnfm'ti M .Ml
lilt II 1 in lie uicii mu unys luicr.
The Geed Old Days
Have Returned
You'll realize that your dollar
is worth a dollar when you
see the price tags en these
splendid suits.
Suits made te sell for
$28 te $43 at
$19 $24 29
Finely made standard wor
steds. At prices that take
you back te the summer
of '14.
P !: R KY'S
Yeu wouldn't wear
ear-muffs at the
Then why net wear cool,
sensible summer clothes in
tropical Philadelphia? Take
your choice at our Super
Value prices.
! Palm Beaches
There's a lasting satisfaction in
Palm Beaches of such quality,
as ours. $14.50 and $17.
Rich, Lustrous Mehairs
Net the old-fashioned mehairs
but new, beautiful designs.
Superbly made. $18 and $20.
Tropical Worsteds
We have these cool, handsome
suits up te 54 inches.
And every ether form of sum
mer garment you may ask for
every one at a Super-Value
Perry & Ce.
16th and Chestnut
in Clethes for Men
id V. H Ce IOL'2
Bank Pencils
Ufst Quality
50c dez-
I vfinir rfl n
Wl'san liernixmvxsM
.. ILIV 4? I
j-7.y naraen. 3ireeL
While you are antici
pating the geed time you
are going te have while
away this summer make
arrangements new te have
the Evening Public Ledger
sent te you every day.
Ne matter what your
idea of a vacation may be,
or where you may go, the
Evening Public Ledger
will fellow you and bring
with your mail each day
mere news and entertain
ing features than any
ether Philadelphia evening
Telephone or send In your aummer
(iiibbcrlptlen new. for one. two or thre
months, the period you will be away, and
receive your tnverltn newspaper MS
ulatly with your dally mall.
Summer Subscription Rates
I nn 3 mm, 3 me.
Public LeJjer (Mem's; CUc $1.20 i,a9
Public Ledger (Evening) SOc 1.00 1.50
Public Ledger (Sunday) SOc 1.00 1.59
Hummer tmburripllena mt
lie entered lr the irrek,
Kerwuid yuur bummer buucrlptleej
Willi remittance te Circulation lHn-
ment. I'udiie iiir cjbiiikm, astMwafk
nc tSctuar
ujuara, a'eua.qaiyaifc
jL Office anusl
QWySaiTik Smpplnes
S ' I !;
ik. " .J
- 5
' V Af..Jy,V -V rt
f$ t