4 : ' PI -4lilfSB ' '! V"t fA,',i(. w tF -i -. 5flWHB 11W I5 'Wf''' m jvw&j "ifm'Wwm. srwiSW? JW -T S. W.MM. w. i v. i. 4 1- - ... . -. HI' 4tftA4fc ' .--'"J't?T. EVENING VU1S1A.V ILJMJJWEl-Jt'JbLlJLiAJJBJJLjl'JllAi TJUUJKHLAX JUi-X Sfffi XSIffiS , w:m thnn liked Lllllnn nml Dorethy Olsh. New deny my nceusntlen. "Oil, the muiumwn of llfe! Peer Hiidy still roc In for n whole let of filly renctiug. 1le the boy a clinitee. lie ticciN It. Mne Murray Is still told that ns an actress flie Is n geed dancer. Wallaci Held Is called cerj thing from a milksop te a matinee Idel. Oh, orig inality, where- Is thy sting? I can hardly accuse any of jour readers of erlglnalltj. They all cling te their nai row-minded Uc, nil quote each ether As for .urn. YOU (refer ou all te paragraph one). "New, Nee!, pirate try te he broad bread minded. Yeu ate net a bit. If once, seu get an Idea In jour head It's ledged there feieer. Yeu cannot listen te reaen. Yeu aie prejudiced In tome way and cjnnet tee the ether side. I'm going te take jour pet actor and show BfTe Daily Mevie Magazine BSjK'' 1 ROBERTS IS "UP IN THE WORLD" j I . Jl HOk In order te play the role Hsv , hSSh r Jesh ,n "The old BH - CIHibkS Hemstead," Theodere HKT sSF" Roberts had te discard HrRy -rMkB ",e m,ls,!,c,1 hicli has Its IVL 'IHftkllV distinguished Ills recent fe Q5k iSBmvI appearance. He Is shown P sSshhBk up rl"K "'' 'tan' ut "m P, HmwIsKv old-fashioned high. wheel t CIIHkPN& blcjele, which Is used In &J! T1BBI dome of the scenes of if j(pKHBianpri-fln Jiimw Jar k Wa i 'a i i5!fP! ?- . . ml f II i iW r1 ' ii TiWirl " ' "ii wte" ii, iirfsllB 1 i i ,':;-A ) '''v'JS.jiii f- Li I m.-u 1L ilinirriitf -1 ' I ' liliij Weft r w " '- 11 -y Z7i ilOFE F.4Ar'S LETTERBOX I?v nEXHT M. NEELY Fuzzj- I didn'r tee "Stelen Inents" and hae no record of It Mn. He- delph plaved the illain in Italian one -ln "Frivolous "Vies." and Vera Sis Km and ICathlerm Klrkham Wff the but that's the he't I can de for ynu Since "I,lllem"' dosed after a dKisttou dKistteu kta In Chicago there'- been no new s of It except a mnier that It as te be shot through te the Pacific with Jeseph in his usual role. I'e all kinds of rumors ladies in the iast. Perhaps yeu'e eon- "n in suDjfct et uieri.i, but. s0 frr as . , . ., . ., ,.,,. I ! Knew, the hnal divorce proceedings bepn such n nleture is you name Narl- t-eva is tnirried te Charles Hrvant. her business nanacer and often her leading man. I'd like te hear fieru ' Mrs Hippy's Husband" asaln ten. Sure, Pearl White plais m ether pictures than fena'' She s hpen appearing in Fex features for the last two eirs. the last te show here bein Wi'beut Fear." Yeu hive re inrlose twenty five cents te get pictures of th stars between her and Somborn bae net been started ) M. M. M.. .Ierr II . Elsie. P. B ., Tempus Fuglt. Mtram. Shirlej i ilenes. and YIW Va. have all written j in tn tell me that Florenie J,t lindie. of whose whereabeut I confess ignor ance, died in an Opining (N. Y ) hes. , 5 ou that he Is only a prejudice en your j part. Take Tueodere Ileberts. Here N an actor who has gotten Inte a rut and his erj sameness appeals te you. He does net seem te be able te act with out his. eternal cigir. Perhaps cigars can register joy, happiness, hate, in- , tanity. I "Miss Alice Terry! A beautiful wem.in. but as an neties' impossible! Her face cm evpiess one emotion and one -has a hard time wondering what that is supposed te eej. She U far bevend Katherine MacDonald. "Anether thing, that impossible I 'Moren et the L.idv l.em.' Uorethv I Dalten as a nnn ou make a beautiful woman Don't trv te de It again. It uee-n t ncceme jeu. from some correspondent who baa some thing mere lntcrestl'.g te say.) K. K. K. Write te Marien Dai'le. care of Cosmopolitan Productions, 127th street nnd Second aveuue. New Yerk, and Inclese twenty-five cents and I Imagine she'll send you a picture. Yes, she wns pretty geed In "Beauty's Werth," but I'm told she docs her first really striking piece of screen acting In "The Yeung Ulauu," a Mnrle C'erelll story, and her next feature te play here. She's in her lute or tniddle twenties, I believe, though she doesn't mention anything about her age in her biographies. She is net married. I can't snjr I agree with you en comedies of today t I think they show n bigger improvement ever former efforts tl any ether clnsw of films. lmn -4 LIFE OF SERVICE EtUblUlnd ltt "Mortgages" and "Kelsky" t urnenytnnun. Te think of mert nni Is te think of Keltky. Abe Kekky & Ce., Inc. N. ( COB. OTII WALNUT 8T9. Ne. 0703 A MIRROR" that harmo harme ' nuesJ Subtly hand wrought in Swedish iron and richly polychrome finished. We have enough of them variously styled te make a worth-while collection for your inspection during our August Sale. Lighting Fixtures BIDDLE-GAl'MEK CO. 3846-56 Lane later Ave. Take Ne. 10 Or In HcJwur Own Rat. Till If o'clerV (neon) fhene HA ilnit 07K Something te be cleaned? Send it te Bargs', Dyers and Cleaners, 1113 Chestnut Street. Yeu will find their service most satisfactory and efficient. ; EVER have I enjoyed my sum- mer's eutinp se much as last year, because I just simply didn't worry about my clothes at all. As seen as my skirts or blouses became soiled, I sent them te Bargs', 1113 Chestnut Street, and I was amazed hew quickly they were returned by parcel pest, looking as clean and fresh as new." This is the sort of thing that you will hear from Bargs' many satisfied patrons. 'Whatever you wish te have cleaned or. dyed, whether it is clothing or housefur heusefur nishlngs such as curtains, draperies, etc., send them te Bargs'; you, tee, are bound te be pleased with the results. OH, these het days! Hew every little thing bothers usl Eye glasses which you would ordinarily put up with worry you te distraction. It is at this time that you decide that your bifocals are a failure; that you are net obtaining perfect eye comfeit from them. But have you tried the ULTEX One-Piece Bifocal, made by Wall & Ochs, Opticians, 1716 Chestnut Street? Ground from a solid piece of crystal clear crown glass, they arc the highest type of bifocal produced. I am sure they will meet with your undivided ap proval. Wall & Ochs' experts spe cialize in fitting bifocals, se that you are certain of halns complete satisfaction. (Pure I'll print uiur letter uetild lme without the dare I can't ficure Klf.Tl ,n Ofnher. I'll? no tl,e re.nlt "ul "--'"- '"" .' .. " " iiie lie iccuj : i...i.. ... ' i i ' ' .. ' L.i unwarranted ana sun accident My thanks are extended te A BEAUTIFUL diamond, beautifully set a Polished Girdle Diamond, exclusive with the house of Bailey, Banks & Biddle Company. The Polished Girdle Diamond is mere brilliant than any ether, both because of its wonderful quality and the unique manner in which it is cut. A ring especially designed by Bailey's artists and executed by thpir craftsmen, containing one of these marvelous jewels, will make an unequaled Engage ment Ring. And this ring should be supplemented by an exquisite circle of diamonds, also from Bailey's. Net only is the superiority of the Polished Girdle Diamond acknowledged by experts, but It Is easily recognizable by compirlsen with ether diamonds. 'I De Punhie write 'WravmV letter verv Interesting en the subject of "Peter Ibbetson.' although I entirely disagree with him I.ikc you, Mr Neelv I happened te haw V seen Jehn Rirrviaere in the erisin.il, nd hU acting i of course, mcompnr mcempnr able, but, te mv mind. Walh s was just about as geed Thev say It Is much harder te act before a camera than before an admiring audience, therefore se much mere credit te our screen, here. The crime of it nil U, there are no mer Peter for Wally te portray his greater talents upon I like It, anywav. Pav, I never have een a real honest -te -goodness criti cism from you en the 'Twe Orphan". ' What's the matter with it? I was wild about it until I aw it the third time, then it lacled geed music Something as wrong, but wet'' Toe draggv' In rae veu find t deen' idmlrer of Miss Lillian Olsh I think Mie i superb, and has exceeding grace an I natural beautv al. the-e besides being a gifted actress What mere euId one wish? She is even great enough te have Nerma Talmadge copy her one favorite gesture Yeu knew the en, In 'The Orphans.' when Ilenrlette is en the balcenj screaming for Louise, and she can't get te her. in that place Lillian puts her h.md eer her rneutu and acts rather inine Well did jeu happen te notice quite ,i likenes,, t that gesture in 'Sinilin' Through'? I don't just remember where, it was, but several people I knew remarked about it. A man I knew who is daffy about Nerma declared I was coo-coo, and said all of the above, ien If some of them , Z nniI r sn't Va, , n ,h. were rather off en such miner details as T,n"'i u, -,"! B.n "B .'" K .A"? .. !.i, t j.i. j i.. i..-i.. ...itu i.u mv mat i consider """-. '"'" i uu ...... W .,,..,,,, "Sale Maniac" writes. "?av, Neel, veu're a sly old bird. Yeu enlv print these letters which agree with u per frctlv New don't deny if Yeu knew It's the truth. I knew, 'cause I wrote veu a letter some time age. and never saw it In print. Why. because I dared te prale Hepe Hampton and Mae Mnr rav I exalted 'Oiphans of the Storm and had the temerity te Eay that I mere ana (-ui ana futile at- tick? .lust te get m coat? That seems te be the attitude of a number of people m nny-I never I print letters which don't agree with me jeu'ie allowing euielf up. I cin give win snrrs of examples of letters wnun net em ciirm i agree with in". hut nppd me up Uie baek. Your letter is net one te be treated with lewtj it pn-es the bounds of our accustomed joshing geed humor, and I can only giv fair inrniiu that I'll feel per fectlv ju'ttllefl in ignoring any like epistks in the future New. en te something mere pleasant and useful riieTnri.Ai s rneTnpr.. The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. Anm m 52D & THOMPSON BX3, ArULLU MATINEE DAII.T SPECIAL CAST IN FANNY HUtU'S "BACK PAY" L Die N1XON-NIRDL1NGER THEATRES w . -r-r- railHTH & PiZS I Jt MATINEE DAILT CHARLES RAY B ALTI MORE S ,BeASLHS LIL.X LEE S. T. ROY nXItVIS In "Is Matrimony a Failure 7" BLULdIKU Continuous 2 until 11 I.ILA LEE A T. HOY RARNES In "Is Matrimony a Failure?" I DETI l!r e:r jheve v inwr OIKAKD AVM. I -'l--IVlV-'l 1 1 3f) A 3; fl 3D te 11 P. ii. MARY PICKFORD -JlL-HtL1!!'1' I'rAl NTLEKOY" CEDAR C0TH & CEDAK AVENUH' POLA NEGRI In "llIK DKMI.'S I'AMN" ii. wu net uorreweu at mi. un, f.M,.. etn & Mplwoed Ave. ell ! I Q,(JLU1N 1 AL. 2 se. 7 and 0 P. it. ''Well, veu agree with me that Mr , JUK neLT & UEiiE DANIELS In Jeseph Schlldki.iut is a .eung mar Nnrfh of the Rie Grande vel? De say that jeu liked 'I.iliem.' iSL0i-tnI, ' """ .rT- De you knew where he Is new '- I get , FAIRMOUNT TirrDAltV" a letter from ( lucaze from him. bull ...... ,t r?irx that was ages age Would it he ces- 1 WALLALL rvLiu Bible for ten te tell me where he Is new? I ndmirtd Mente Blue's work tremendously 111 the 'Orphans' It was b great surpni-e te me te find he had such dramatic ability In him. "Mr. Neely, have you found .1 fan yet who likes as many Ftnrs as I de all afence Here gees my list: First anil foremost of all comes Jeseph Schlld kraut (I can pronounce it tee), then Lillian Olsh. Dick Harthelmess, Jehn Barrymore. Wallie I'.eid. Deug Fair banks, Klsie Fergusen, Mniv I'irkferil, Nerma Talmadge, Mente nine, Themas Meighan and Ilodelph Valentine, He 1 lust and quite the leant "Did Gleria Suanen get her lat di vorce from IJ K, Somborn in Paris the last time she was abroad? It's been ktpt sort of quiet en account of her career, I tuppese New I've rambled en quite long enough, mi wishing every ucccse te jour column, 1 11 clebc." (Teu certalnlj spread veur ndmlra- 1 tlen, adulation nnd affeiilen In many' directions. I'nlucky indcid, the star! ttde falls te nnd a place In jour rlon rlen gated list Haven't I discussed "Or- bans of the Storm" thoroughly enough this column? I thought it had been argued pre ami con n great deal. lVr- Anal T fAiin.l I ., I nil lw. 1. 1 .!. 1 1 ..1 te ,. 9 g vwuaiiT IUUII'1 H .114 iuv iiibll-ltftube itA and nil the muddy spots usually present K 4 In Griffith films. An "almebt-grcat" in vn the best deser ntien I can think of, nnd '"L the only great piece of acting, Mine's, r (oeugn csciiiiuuriiui scutu an um CMBces. we went nrgue en iu even tri-WIP JVr tuiyit (MV m m a mw. la4 NartM Talmade that she bus Olsh- MM.' fy i might address HclilIUkraut HpN ftfaL. Theatre Guild, New Yerk, 4 1 -ACROS) THE CONTINENT" GRLVfNORTHERN fJ.Wi u'Vfi' OWEN MOORE tn "REPOKTED MIbiu ,,,nrni a I fiOTH & WALWiT era. IMPERI ALMaU 2 30 Evh 7 & 0 WKM KY riARRY In "PENROD" LIBERTY BWNCB0nL,r?I?AV' CHARLES (BUCK) JONES In "BOHill MUM' ORIENT Woedlnnil Ave et 024 BU .MATI.Nf.l. UAll.J BPeCIAlMSTS pNMMItBW'B BJD Si IIAVERfORD AVENUE 0VERBR00K ANITA STEWART In "THE INT IMIII.K rEAH TTa I0I'lsANUvFOU AVE. PALM NOIIKIS bTOEET FLORENCE VIDOR In "THE JACK-KNIFE MAN" k J Mdrket tit. Blew i7m 10 A. M. te II T. M. REGENT GARETH HUGHES In "DON'T WIUTK U.TTEKS" QEltMANTOWN- AVlw.u KIALIVJ AT TUl.PEHOCKVVJ HT, RICHARD BARTHELME55 In "THE hEVE.TM HAY" COLISEUM iUrket bet- 'othTeeu v-wi-lkJlUiVl i3n-in,ia 7 anU 0 P.M. POLA NEGRI THK DKVIIS I'AlfN" tn JUMBO IRONT .ST. & .iinARD AVE' .lumbe June, en Pranljfnrrt T. SCHOOLDAYS" LEADER !!? fA-rAv- HARRY CAREY iln "MN TO .MAN- LOCUST "A.nW0" 8T.tIiBT3 t. ... M ' 1 3n lEisr. n an te u DJiii, Ii5irL,I'l'' I'RoerrTio.v "WAY DOWN EAST" AT. satb NIXON'S AMBASSADOR DUSTIN FARNUM In ""TKANfiE IDOLS" (,21) NIXON AND MAHKET tTS. ' 1.1. 7 . r.H fl VIOLA DANA inJhEEINO'sJJhr.ij-viNCJ'i 69TH ST. ".. epp .y. Terjntnjj PAULINE FREDERICK In ,TIjE0r.CIKV OF C'EEMEXTIXA" STRAND Graiantewn Av. et Venm.5 J J l,niil- d0 7 Kni y M JACK IIOI.T S. Ilhlin DAN'IELH In "North of the Rie Grande" ARDMORF IANCASTKR TIKE. "WOMAN, WAKE UP" ni'II U.(IU) KINNKV. Contralto r.RANT 10" GUIARD AVE, Jlrl"l X Mat Salurddy, Evei DORIS MAY Jves, 70 In "EDEN AND RETURN" Mth & Bultlmere Av. ai-in.t w J uu mat. 2. eve. e.se In BERT LYTELL "AUAH LADVEINOEBS" 0Q0 Kit ADITT STREET THEATUB 333 MAKlxt 1 1 a. m. te naa e. it. TOM MIX VI' AM) OOINQ" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. (JLKMAN 1UWN "l at'.!?S"d0aTv' JACK HOLT In "THE C1HIM COMEDIAN" PARK ItlUaK AVE. & DAUPHIN ST. M! "ill Kv II 4& In tl AUDREY MUNSON U "HEEDLESS MOTHS" Annual Inventory Sale of Used Cars Watch Our FRONT Window Fer DAILY SPECIAL August 1st is the ending of our Fiscal Year's busi ness, and it is necessary that we show a low inventory of used cars. Te accomplish this we must dispose of present stock. THIS WEEK ONLY Ending July 30 A Large Collection of Teurings, Roadsters, Spert Medels, Coupes and Sedans in REBUILT, REFINISHED & GUARANTEED OAKLANDS ALSO RECONDITIONED OTHER MAKES OF USED CARS in open and closed models that we have ever offered te the public. They are all mechanically right, having just been REBUILT and RECONDITIONED by our own mechanics and fresh from paint shop. Most attractive and best-looking jobs we have ever shown. We invite you te come in and leek our stock ever. Our business is based en new car sales, and te de a large volume of new car business we accept Used Cars in exchange for new. We, therefore, must dispose of them, and te de se quickly It means a sacrifice in price te ub, and the public new has the opportunity of taking advantage of this sacrifice. Our Inventory of Used Cars must be at its lowest en July 30th. Our liberal finance plan, allowing you 12 months te pay and at the lowest finance rate en the market, makes it possible for you te own a geed automobile at a low investment besides use while you are paving. Watch Our FRONT Window Fer DAILY SPECIAL Open Sunday and Evenings Until 10 o'Cleck OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Poplar 0407 c 911 N. Bread Street 0 Twin-Six Touring 'THE case, the safety, the reliability of the Packard Twin-Six are almost as pearls without price. These qualities, in such degree as you have them in the Twin-Six, are rare among meter cars. They are present in the Twin-Six because it is a bal anced piece of experienqed engineering, and the prod uct of a manufacturing plant which constantly seek9 te excel itself. The Twin-Six Touring, $3850 at Detroit Immediate Deliveries PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY of PHILADELPHIA 819 North Bread Street P-ACKAR ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE 99 Every Bay in "Dea Dcms Drive away that deg clay's, depy feeling by drinking buttermilk dailyj Just as it renews vigor in Spring, se does it help at this season of lowest ebb in vitality. GOLD MEDAL Cream Buttermilk is a benefiting, health promoting drink, net a mere thirst quencher or temporary stimulant, GOLD MEDAL CREAM BUTTERMILK Ont of the SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONES PreiacU Order by phone, or from the driver of our wagon. Alse at soda fountains and restaurants. CRet GOL.D ik SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONES B 7 ;..i BlBiL.'jv ( . rpw;. i. v . V. . f. . . j- jrv.,.1. . . f ' 'm .'-T .'i" Hi,1 M