Ifl'iJipipykv,1' i v$m& i-ffi-A mfm. ' if'- . a )u& SrStffW )r i! II jj n se 7 ati'frt - . 30 1 rt 4 ' OatTOAQES . BROKERS and REALTORS we are principals net middlemen and hare our own unlimited funds for mert- El, builders', advances nnd alteration a for Philadelphia, Delaware and tiremery Counties. Alse leans of MOO up en rtilrd mortgages) Immediate Mttlamenti termi very reasonable. Call and let us explain our plan. GUARANTEE- FINANCE A $1,000,000 Company 1011 Chestnut St. Philadelphia TRUST FUNDS for Investment In first mortgages en Philadelphia real estate; large or am J II ameunta; Immediate aettlement. FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 518 Walnut St. LARGE TRUST FUND $100,000 TO I5OO.000 ALWAYS AVAILABLE FOR Immediate Investment FIRST MORTGAGES Alae Building Association Funds LIONEL FRIEDMAN 2.11 s i.vm ST. Spruce 0141-2-3 Answers given In 24 heura. p ttnmimm i iimi nmnii tinmi r:nn m it; n.ii;f mn n pittkh 1 1 nr rm fin ri n p i nrnnun j nmt THIRD MORTGAGES tarr fupd available for Immediate uaa. en't place mertgagee until you see us 24-HOUR SERVICE FINANCE REALTVCDRRr,i&ga etM MORTGAGE FUNDS WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1617 WALNUT STREET UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR BUILDING MORTGAGES EDELSTEIN & BERNSTEIN 21.1 S. ISTIf ST. WANTED 1ST. 2D ANDc3D 1N,ANT AOTONI8 FOR WEINBERGER & CO. It B. 17TH BT RACE 2028 $50 M,.aJ ,,,' security. Immediate V-"J settlement. Interest en estatM TO bought. Cash at one. $2000 EDW. M. MOLL J .,. Alae aee advertisements In small bur in felia nwlng columns. APARTMENTS PlINNSn.VANIA SUBURBAN NEW MODERN APARTMENTS 2 AND 3 ROOMS AND BATH P 1 LAWLER oeTii and r. J. UVWIXIX MARKET ST8. PHOyE I.ANSDOWNE 830. Alae aes advertisements In small type la fallowing oelum;i. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1707 SPR1NO OAUDEN, 13 RMS ft BATH 1730 SPRING GARDEN. 15 RMS. ft BATH f017 8PR1NO GARDEN. 13 RMS. ft 2 BATHS 1021 SPRING GARDEN. 18 RMS. ft 0 BATHS S004 SPR1NO GARDEN. 18 RMS. ft 0 BATHS 1117 8PRING GARDES, 14 RMS. ft 2 BATHS $123 SPR1NC "1ARDEN. 18 RM3. ft tl BATHS 1708 JIT. ilNON. 11 RMS. ft 4 BATHS 1710 MT. V'.il.ON (Gar.). 12 Rms. 8 Baths 1721 MT. VERNON. 13 ROOMS ft 2 BATHS 1038 MT. VERNON. 12 RMS. ft 2 BATHS 1484 RIDGE AVENUE TO 1STH STREET 1007 NORTH MAUVINE. 10 RMS. ft 1 HATH 2424 NORTH ALDER, 7 RMS. AND BATH 800 NORTH BUCKNELL. 7 RMS. ft BATH David T. Nevin, 529 N. 20th St. 1800-2127-2115-2041 SPUING GARDEN ST. liiin-.uj.i-.i-;ii-kiu ureen st. lT2.V102O.lti02.ltl2!. Cor. 22d Jrt Vernen at 1TOJ.-204O.1O2.V1M2. Cor 15th. Wallace St N.W. cer. 4th . Vine 1S44 Master. Vacant 1533 N. 15th 1522 N. Bread. 04TN. 22.1. brevvnVe J.5 l'ieih'11" "' 001-3 N. 11th, 33 rma. TTml-i (;..' Vine 1B2S Poplar .1.10 N. 17th Cur.atere 4"! N 11th Cor -,.'.,x0r lsAjl?l"r,'tl -1 r. j.un. ier. 7m y .inh.fiAtsvT 1818 N Ull'.i. 17 rms. 1513-21-22-21 Summer 2OI0 Falrmeunt ave 1023 W. Lehigh ave. 002 N. 23d I KM 1-1023 Itilie Hibberd B. Worrell & Ce. f 31T.h 1422 TO 32 W CUMBEIILAND ST Let tfi ft. front en Cumberland at by 47 ft. depth: II 2-story heusea bringing a monthly rental of $180, which will pay a geed return en the Investment; thlt preperts Is effned primarily, however, as a valuable let (lust west of Bread st.) In n neighborhood where garages, service stations, etc., are always In demand nnd where ground Is scurce and rnpldlv Increasing In value SHERWOOD APARTMENT AGENCY 1834 Walnut st Spruce 8uutf. NORTH BROAD ST. CORNER A 3-story corner with : elegant lemplete npnrtmenta and store, flist flour and nture vacant, affording opiiertuuitv fur buslneMH and home at moderate cost, priced at figure which will enjoy thu increase aurelv lemlnc te all Bread st real estat.-. LEHMAN & SNYDER Yerk rend and Erie nve, Tle.fi 0233 WILLIAM I. CRAVEN'S SONS. 201l Columbia ni enuc. 131 1 N. 10th, 14 roemt. 3 tilths, vacant. 040-42 N. ISth. S, W. enr Falrmeunt. 2020 N. 22J.. 3-story 14 rooms. 2721) Diamond, ,1-sterv ID rooms, vacant. 1713 Montgomery, :i-etery, 10 rooms, 1945 N. llilh 3-story 0 rooms. Ifins Merse. 2-story 3 rooms. 220-28 Pierce. 2-story. 4 rooms each 2042 W. Oxford. 3-story. 0 rooms 3 ROOMS nnd bath; 2231 North Sjdenhnm street $3000 rooms nnd bath. 2345 North Colo Cole rado street . . ... 3200 5 looms and bath. 2!37 North Bon Ben sall Jtreet 3SO0 M E IX NER 3J0.A' NflRIH 22DSTRi:ET 1610 SPRUCE ST la'net enlVan extremely well-located corner property, but Is nn at tractive valun at present price, most mutable for Immediate occupancy without ulterulmns for lieners, lawyers or business off Ires en lower floors apartments gn upper Mmira. SHERWOOD APARTMENT AGENCY 1331 W.tlllllt st Spruce hUOO COLORED BUYERS Uber street north of Columbia. 7 rooms nnd bath; vacant WM. 1. CRAVEN S SONS. 2010 Columbia aye 8CHWIN'."SHSOO homes, 6th and Itnvm'd 4500 blk N , 0 r. A bath, perch hardwoel firs, elec. Its, h -w ht., wash tras rcfrlg 1 rati 1 ahed. ea kltdien, white & mhig, tin -Ish; Nea 47, 5(1 car line te operation; terms right, O W Reudenbush, Jr . i2O0N. 7lh st 8457 ARUOR ST. Tsee cesh, poss , carry ing charges Including pajineuts nn mnrt gages, $32 me , will rent $32, bus Inn en this plan, inu aav $12 month uavin.- ort mortgages. Harry N halrber JI025 iluster at. VALUABLE drug atore prllIlert and busi ness In East Germantimn big money, mnker; unusual oppertunlt about IJ'J.UOO cash required A J. SANDERS 504Lan.l Title Hldu 4932 N. CARLISLE ST. Twe story, h. w., elec possefslen. $5300 TAL'l.ANE 1110 WALNUT ST. COLUMBIA AVE "l 113 Large store and dwelling excellent bustnt "S section sai-rt-flce $11,500: llnanced ItmuWe fiir Mr. Avin. sjpruce 7307 4243 N. 15TII ST Dutth" hall, H rooms and tiled bath; steam beat eltctrlc light, let 15 ft. 3 in, by SH ft . Immaculatu enkr. $0500, $3000 remaining .Weatney, 203 Liberty Bldg, !5R N. 7TH -Larse Ht'ere and dwellinif. 20x70, facing 3 streets- will sacrifice ter $0700, ilnanceil.f inquire, let .Mr Avin, Bpruce l.wi 4S10 N. leTII ST Immediate paasesslen'; ft rooms, bath arel perch, ter. property, EMIL SCHURGOT 48S? HOMES for' $June up. In the Northwest sec sec tlen. terms arranged send for our list, RAYMOND G. PRICK JUDSON AND INDIANA 2314 S. BROAD ST Perch; electric, hot het water heat: 11 ruems, cash $3300, subject te mtg. tlO.UOU. Heyde, 13th-and Snyder av. 1030 8. nilOAri 3-steiy. electric; hYt-water heat; geed condition; $15,001). Wm. C. Heyde lSlh and Snyder ave. N. W. COR. et Franklin and Columbia ae . suitable for uiiirttnent house. Win. M Klamen. 1104 Land Title Bldg. Lec. 7700. VALUABLE Winter at prep.'l200 i" jsoe blk D Delbert, It 1001. S. E mr Bread and Chestnut. SPECULATION 170O blk. CaT'tthlll. $1000. 1st inlg. Seymour U02 I'enn Sn Bldg, Spruce 1237. SliTsT SACRIFICE new home, 3200 block N. 27lh Bt . 7 'eui'.is, perch, hut-water heat elect! lis Ce umbla Ihl5 2231 .V COLORADO- 7 r : lt mlg $lsei" Sevinnui. 1102 I'enn Su llldir S ir-ce C"t' NEAR lrllh and Siifiuehanua rnny home,, 15001 llttl cash reiiulied. Poplar U3S'l. (311 H. 'JUST. 3-sty. twin, open lull, med., a a. .11 .....el . Diialaa I7il1 tf 'I'lnna jg Uel I lli HU"ul "V nuriri , $ uu i e " " j (9i LL CITY Quick sale. Addrea it; taer uidc. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 2447 N, CIIADWICK ST.. 0 room, bath, ""-nt. GOLDSMITH. 723 Bulletin Bid. TWO-stv. home for anle 43n W. Kewann af. nenr run a tiarKa sta.i in geed condition. 1814. S. BROAD ST. 11 roems: electrics $11,000. HEYDK. 13th and Snyder. me PINE ST. Cerner, near 12th: 4 stores; . $11000. Wcstney, 203 Liberty Bldg, 2337 N. 1IITII Twe atery, R roema; electric! A $35001 terma. Weatney, 203 Liberty Bldg. Alan see advertisements in large type In preceding columns, Apartment llenscs $8300 Rent $130; 8 2-aterv 2-famlly apt.: only $1000 each raah required; paya 30 per pent. LAMI) CO, 737 Walnut at. Bnlldlng Lela, Faelerr Mtt. Etc. TRACT, 234x300. one nf the most desirable elten In Philadelphia for an operation; mlaht divide. J. II. McCaffcrty. 5721 Ucr Ucr mantewn nve.. Germantenn. 123 ACRES In 33th Ward, 2 main read fronts, railroad station handy for country club or let dovelopment; $123,000 WEST- NEY. 203 Liberty Bldg. $27,500 Cholce factory site. 100x150. with both It. II. nnd river frontage, cheap. LA.Mll ft CO., 737 Walnut at. HUT. lets, $n.i,000; 00 leta, 20x130; W. aide din i chotcely located, where heusea will sell quickly. I.AMU & CO.. 7$7 Walnut at. SITES, railroad Pcnna. and Reading: $2000 pr ncrc nm up. Djcterich. 737 Walnut. Business Properties and Stores $42,300 Central 4-atery alere, Market St.; rental $4700, rear outlet; cheapest Prop erly en the street. I.A.MU & CO., 737 Wnl nut at $373,1100 Cetitfal 10-aterv office building. rent $02 000, pas 23 per cent un $100,000 cash required I.AM11 CO.. 737 Walnut at. J30.O0O Wareheuse: central; 4 atery; 30,- 000 aq. ft.; electric light nnd elevator; JI.10.nen Ilentnl $33,700: large 6-sterv liiilldlnB; $30,000 cash required, pa a 30 per cent net LAMB r CO 737 Walnut at Ien 000 Central Tu't liullillnir. f. atorles" rentnl $15,000 year only $20,000 rash; pays 20 per cent LAM II & CO.. 737 Wal nut at. THREE-STORY brick bjlldlng, straight tloers. lBxten, 210 S. 2d at. Fer Informa tion, call MnstbAuin Bres ft Flelsher. flurngra 1310-12 STILUS Three-story brick; garage: vacant. WnitRELL, ,1.15 N. 17th. Fncterle. Wnreheimea. Manufiicturlng Floers 1654 HARRISON ST. Beiutlful 3-sty. detached Mwelllng. 11 rooms , and bnlh: modern, let 50x123 ft, also ad- Joining corner let. 30x00 ft. CHAS. W. MILLER "SUMr"' ONE-STY. innclai" ahep in Kensington mill dlst.; bid. 3i)x: let 30x100 brick f. atel const.. 2d aty cn be ndded, prlcn 114. 000. Albert Hall Land Title Bldg, Spruce 74111 $.15,000 Factory, 1 sterv, 03x25eT with R. It . little cash required LAMB ft CO.. 737 Walnut st FACTORIES and fleer spar" at Wayne Junction. Address Mr. Dirllnc .T LEE PATTON. Lincoln Bid? FACTORIES, warehouses, railroads, can fln.nre DIKTERICH, 737 Walnut st. Alse are advertisements In large type In preceding celumna. RUerfrent Properties 125 ACRES P. R It SIDING 30 FEET ON WATER II. B. McCOLLUM. 1211 WALNUT ST. Merea nnd Dwellings 2020 SOUTH ST . STORlf AND 0 RMsT' PRICE RIGHT FOR QUICK SA'LIC J W GRAHAM. 417 S. 20. Spruce 7170. WEST rilll.ADEI.l'll I A $12 .100 Three-story residence: near 4flth and Spruce, het-water heat, electric lights, lltlni; bull, hardwood fluers, 2 baths nttlc, lvlnd finish, owner leaving city, quick pe. Semi-suburban home, 3 story, with enrage privilege, let 37x2i'3. hnrdneud fljers, large cheerful re6me, splendid new tile bath, con venient te train or trolley. Hermen Andersen 40lh ft Balte. ave. ivoeaiand r,200 5420 WOODBINE AVENUE" (CRAWFORD BUILT) Ideal home. Theinuihlv mn,i.Tn , sir bedrooms. 3 bathu. L'-cur ....-.' n stetie stnictures, Inspection, bv appointment, LEWIS A. TAULANE Old WALNUT REALTOR SJ eyi.Y' TWO LEFT $14 LESS THAN RENT pavs HxP,i charges mid mertRUgu Installment after .mil! ..!. pament, fine porch-ftent houses, 7 rooms' Osage uve.. 53d te Mill, close te ,12d aiij Market, open dall , $4SOO.f,1noe - ABERNETHY, 132S Chestnut 302 PINE ST. ! rooms, electric light J7..UII ..: mrws int., 11 moms, netr Pari: $i5UU. 1132 h. SSlh at. twin hee.t weed Hours. $11000 tbee houses are In geed locations und the prJc.es moderate, we flnanc lllem no s iimiuciiiry purcnasers. u, l'lJM, IIEBTON .lr si 3 Hnrrlsnu Hid. ai.i . ii.iij iivi.L.1 Suitable for duelling or for business pur- poses, let 15 IUX125 feet. MAGEE & R0DGERS 1200 Locust Street Spruce 0207 0203 5112 WILLOWS AVE. Twe story brlckl heated Inclesed perch, garage, hut-water ' heat, electric light, tiled bath, built-in I shower bath. leek at this before jeu buv. PAUL H STL'I.L. Merris llldg hpruie 1021. VICINITY H3lh and linennav, 0 r, bath 1 nnd tnuttdrv. Inc. tuii.. all med. cenv; owner linvinic for Tex . $.10(K for quick sale. L0FLAND, 7J2I Woodland Av. denftf OFFER sanketn, E. 41th NewTv ' CpOUvJU papered and painted: elec ; 4 roema I and lath 2d fleer. TAYLOR & SON and 2!) -leth "U tlltTH ST. SECTION X10 monthly carrvlr.ir rh.irc, 1 uirnm. het water heat hardwood tloers throughout'. guiuKe, only 5oe rash requlr ! WALTER a .viii i.Aiitu. luin aim -vratket. Lans dew tie 2U04. 5NTir ST. atniv.t Chester uve li rms ltsli) Warrington ave. vifst of 5ith tl20u Cpland st weat of 5.ld st . . . 41H0 51th st. south of Woodland inedei n .1010 Win I. I'niven's Sens. .Isth ,ml Che-iUM. PRICE 7500 Werth JU500 based en teday'Ti pilies Or. I Leilroeme, h -w lit., el. Its , wide main at,, with a let 112 ft deep, blg Kest home vjIum In W. Phil i 'mlav Cull Watuii, il2l4Voedlandiive. I'll Wdld 7U14. litiTii st. siirrieN 4 b'dinems, tile bath, hdtri.itir beut elec tric IPhi. garime, 1 equ.ire tu "I. " WAL TER A MeCLATCHY, utb ami Miukct. Landunne 2004. 1U32 BELMONT AVI." . u l5'Jl-'.:l-25 N. Rultlelil st "1 make elfcrs. HESPONDILLK It K CO., IVJI. Lancaster live .1M1 HAVKRI ORD AVE. Five apart mints. 5 baths, subHtantial rentals, het- wter heal, reasonable prbe LEWIS I'ullEN 2d SW. ter 17th and llainbrldKe TWO "STORY 0 rooms ami bith. living bill. lectrlc light, l Kiuarn treru naitimnr uve . H.uu TATE CO WEST PIULA REM, BS 000 llaltlmeru av 541S WHITBY AVE. Six rooms an. I bath, mirth, elecirliltj het water hea' gaa. kitchen, Inunilry lu biaement, excellent con dition, j osseisien vl'heiie Walnut 2Sia t)2 N 57T1I ST 2-ster buck diyMlliig. front percli, It rooms, elutrli llui and all cenvi nli'UCB, tlrst-class inndltlen IIim tnnvlll Rul Estate Ce . 4'.'3 Liinciiat. r ave, MAKE UM'Ell en 5131 Chi.ailHii ht 2 rt , side .ird. I be.lroeius e'cci . luin k cellent liel-w at. r heat i.vRtmn Jehn M Knbeig. 5207 Iliiltlmrre, uve COOn III.OCK lie I.ANCEY Modern through out tine condition. tHOt'ii Ri member, "CROSS" stands for nil that geed rial entitle 3lith and Lmchwued ue. VALUABLE cm, 41th mar cheat only Jio.leo D Ueihert R ! 1 h U cer BrnadJnd Chestnut VALUABLE cer 31th Spruce :t apts. only $13 000. D IMbert It 001. S E cer llrend und Chestnut must "al" I tiled bath, het-water heat. etc.. Inspection old shade: various scale of prices. Can be rSiTnivi.vT-rn.ivtii.-l.-i.nCT ,y , I ln'l'j''-., 'fKL YSl'gJ"'-"'"- a!L- , aeen any day by applslng te Wm. T. B. Beb- SUUS,lN b.Vr J ?!.imV. L. ini LAvl? iiM'M Alse ae ndiertlsements In large type In erta ft Sen, Glenalde. Pa. Open every day. riire.-terv iu Idlt.ga Ieta 41x..U; deslr- ,)rfmng column. 1 bone Oaentz t2. THE DOO DADS A Geed Memery I BIHBBaw3MM&J?BsBsl)ai,c fc wi'muniuewmlue pHMnHjHnHHHHOTHVCassB-T-------- 1 BJPiBH Mftl)PHBP5SHBHHHIJHDC2?W SSSSSftSfmSwtwv? uie j -s. strRrlmrtTwrtSrjSSas SMniSSSs 'lrtv559E5535Ss BIM 173 mi mHIIl firm t''$V 1 fJJ " f--- (gg? i J EVENING PUBLIC REAL ESTATE FOR -SALE vWKST PHILADELPHIA II JIMS.; let 44x300; 100 rnpi;-C00; terma. YERKKH. 1 Nf Blat at. , Marln 1281. I'INK. 3711 Nine roema: $3700; ceata IS3.4J with $800. R. P.. POWKLL. 202 S. B2d. APARTMENT properties, Weat Phtla.; little .caah rci.i big let. Relnhart. ,1324 Chest. SI'llUCi: N. K. cer. A3d at., and 2 apts.; $23.000. R P. POWELL. 202 H. B2d. 3042-44-40 OQUUN ST. Will sell separately. 134 8. 11th at. A're aee nilrrrttsemtntt In large type In preceding columns. (IF.RMANTOWW ATTItACTIVi: atont-nnd-atucce home, S atery, artnl-detached, 2 baths, open fire place, thoroughly modern, $8730. 201 K. upsai at., uermantewn, ra. PRICK ONY $4000 2-etery perch dwl.. Dutch hall, electricity, porcelain bath, laundry, etc, about $000 cash req., vacant. Wick A Vellmer. 4421 Qermantewn ava. 1'IUCK $10, 000 Nice, old-fashioned 3-story aeml-detaclicd iperch residence: let 41x130, near station. Wick AtvVellmer, 4421 Oer- mantewn nve. OKRMANTOWN. 3333 Wln-ohecklna- Ter race: nttrt. 3-aty. atene dwelling; e rms.. bath; exc. cend.; sacrifice for eulck sale. II, Hepe, 3004 N. Bread. Wye. 4337. 4421 N. UUEIl ST. Flne 2-story, e-room, perch dwelling, tiled bath, etc.: Inspec tion Invited. Wick ft Vellmer, 4421 Qtn. ave.. 427 K. MT. AIRY AV. llr. ft marble bath: 2 -car gar.: let (13x183; shrubbery, exclua. sec: only $12.300. Wm. Ussier. C1138 Chew. Alae see ndverttsementa In large type In preceding columns. I.OOAN SOMHRVILLi: AVK. WEST OK I1ROAD ST. SOMERVILLK AVE. WEST OF BROAD ST. Three-story atene house, garage and perch; new, carefully built, carefully finished; plenty of closets, cedar closet nnd rtorereom; 4 windows In the modern kitchen; a geed house for a weed housekeeper. ROBERT D. HAM-! ilten, Builder, Wyoming 333a. SU-MKItVlLLIJ AVE. WEST OF BROAD ST. SOMEHV1LLK AVE. WEST OF BROAD ST. PRICK ONLY $0000 for cither one, 4.133 I ,11. -,.". .... .v.., .I.., we. ..uunu 111 mn OLNEY $5750 East side 2d street, belev Fisher ave.. up-le-date homes, hardwood floors, laundry, deep lets, with gnrage rights, the best bargain In tls lecalltv. J. CHARLES YUNDT, Builder $6500 I Beautiful cer home, N. E. cer 4th and ' ihrn.ihmii. h -w lit. elec . brick flrenlnc 11 r sinnv. r.nn.1 N nth st. Wve. 8173 w. , $300 CASH buya beautiful modern home. I npi w. I.M.ier..i ave.: close te Incarnation , I Church: 7 roema. Inclesed perch: wide street: ' "oil sectien: eaay pajnients: 47 and 73 trel-1 les, AHERNKTHY. 132H Cheatnut. NEW Huscemb at, homes, between 20 and 3J ata.: 1 block north of TteOsevelt Blvd.: 0 rma. and bath, h -w. heat, Incl. perch: easy terma. Stahl. 3200 N. 3d. W)e. 3728 J. CHESTNUT 1III.T. HK1HI.AND Three atery, sten. alate reef. 11 rooms, 2 baths; let 30x135; hardwood floors, elec. lights; newly papered nnd nnlnt d. near trains and trellevs; $13.00e. Albert llnll. Land Title llldg Spruce 74111. FKANKFORP FRANKFORD PIllliiB at .4000 blk. Med.Or. ' & bath: gar., large let; rent $100. Agent nn I prem., or Dmby ft Evans, 1007 Lincoln Bldg BUNGALOWS with garage: 7 rms. nrst nr.: I latest Improvements. DUFF. Fkd. 0322. OAK LANE mm v- dtH ST. Fine 2-story residence lTVm's bath etc private Karaite meai ' tnutTuVheme: hSrdwoell fleSJJeiecTrlc ; het-water heat. etc. vacant, bargain. Wick Vnllmer. 4121 unrmantnwn ave. A VERY attractive home, fine lawn, best sec tien or udk i.ane prompt iwssesslen; nn rnnnahle. WM 1 CRAVEN'S snsn 201U Columbia avenue SUB. HOUSES, ull sizes and all prices. Her bert Hepe. 5UU4 -n. lireaii st wye. 4537. CHESTNUT HILL LOTS In Enlenhelm terrace: all street Im provements; concrete walks: iew tax rate: will nsslst In financing und for building, JENKINTOWN BANK AND TRUST CO. IN WYNDMOOR section. !-room med, dwell ing, large let, with garage. Saturday afternoon Sunday bv appointment. JENKINTOWN HANK AND TRUST CO TIOGA 1211 S.MEDLEY AVE -Will kacrlflce for uulck eale. nlce 2-story Dorch. 7-rnnni dwelling, owner uccuples, can bu Inspected and will alve quick pos., ubeut SOlie p.h renulred Wlik ft Vellmer, 4121 Gin uve s "w. COR 22D nnd Erie and ifuntiniT iTTr,7 Kves., tlistv. dwg.. excel, business loc : big I let; reum for 2 steres: bargain: $5250. F. H 1 Spltzcr & Ce . 1500 Venanre. MOUNT AIRY GO WEN AVE Modern detached atone ' dwelling 0 chambers, J marble baths. I 2--ar mirage und greunds: near train, trolley land schoel: prlce $2lt,00t, will finance. i"'i,l-'-l"!: PENNSYLVANIA tl'lH'BHAX I - - .T.-rr.-TTT.T." .-: .-.T.r- , iprvvYvi v vvu 11 FREE BRIDGE Where fhlldren are welteme nn.l may be -.. ...I ..... .-...., llii mnnii.tlnn ... ,,... ..,,.. I gneil schools, churches conveniences; water sports refined, historic section, J1U0 und . uv, t.oeklet wffiie,,1 uTSSlS?.13??. 35 ACRES, North Wales. Pa.; suitable for fa?terj idles or sub-division Inte building lets 11O0 ft ruiliead frontage; about 4.100 ft. frontage en 3 streets, particularly suit able for nuv miitiuf.ii turlng lencern requiring 1 ensldeidble acttage. can divide lu suit put chuer. II J. DAOER Ambler Pa. UIVER-FllONT piepeny ut Smlthlewn, near Point 1'leiiNHiH Bucks Ce., Pa., I acre wllh liver and uinal frontage; Colonial bun bun kalew, living-room with fireplace kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bnthroem. shower buth. screened pe,ch terr.ice etc , .ill modem cenvenleni.es, InilUilltif electric llchts. laundry, etc.; ga rage fur 2 cars, servant's rnrn und pump house, artesian well. liei 0 elec. ssleni for lighting nnd pumping, beuutlful giuunds. Price SfOOO, Including furnibhlncs, eaay "nu''' If. J DAG Kit Ambler l'u. NEW RIUTUN New New England tpe dwelling, 7 rooms, modern billi, elec, hot het water hent laige let, 1 block depot; worth $SOU0. no reasonable offer refused, bargain for some one. J. CARROLL MOI.I.OY. 22 E Court st Dnvjesiev. iijPa. W'YNNI.ni.I.D- hlenn Colonial center "hall. 5 i hind-era 3 biths modern throughout, garage, ex. eilent locution. $2'l,li.ie E A HAVENS CO LAND TITLE BLDG HOLMES. PA - w med. 7rm. huuse.70i) .MOORE. 1'V Nev 7-ioem heiite, $5ne.. Apply O W MOORE 1U35 Reul Estate trust Hl.g We I iiu O707 liiilldlng Lets FACTORY OR BUILDING SITE 1000 fi en R, It 2 street fronts, 100 fl. fiem livers Sintioe near trolley. P PETEIt.x ft M'N HOB CHESTNUT ST .mfin.rn ..pfinti rni- in. mnnAV. 11 vnAma I -.-. . f u j-ab. !-.. iah. ma u.iih EI.K1.VS PARK Cerner let. right oppeblte " e '", ,i .rn i,,,,,,, -,, t,,i vvntt'h station, Ideul apt heue or twin divg. le- i tlitit thev liftl eri II .III in I ' '" " "" " , ration F II SplUer & Ce.. 13011 Venango I j0 step tlie monster Ut'lir ill Ills llllleilS ' 2-ACRE bulbflng sltT. rlglit en Old Yerkjiiii.li nt tlicill. inuKlllg llllll for fl HH- i re.nl line nign lecHtinn. sniiue. gas, wuter. .etc WARREN M CORNELL Hatboro. Pl, (i-ACRi; mi'idiin ti.ict en Old Yerk read, iwe stream nerne high ground and trees WARREN M CORNELL Hatboro, Pa IH'll.DlNi MTE, all largu woodland; close te train and trullev all Improvements. $310. WARREN M, CORNELL. Hatboro Pa HOOD building let; nenr Easten read; $75. W'ATIREN M. CORNELL, Hatboro. l'q BALA AI. I. -STONE d(.Tach"d house, slate reef. 2 car gar.ige. WALTER a SUTHERLAND. UiilH-Cvnw.vl. Cvnwd 212 ll.M.A-CYNWUl, WELL-LOCATED building lets for detached I boosts improvements W. 3. SUTIIEil LNP nal i t'mwul 242. " BRYNMAH'R STONE IltJl'SE and" garage Tort D"eisit granite house 1,1 rooms, 3 baths; atable nnd KHragc. 3 rooms and bath; old ahade. BECKER, 2S E Lancaster ave. Ardmore. ,r . IJaD0ERPHtLADELPHlAVEDNE$DAfY, JULYf 26, 1922 REAL ESTATE FOR BALB PENNSYLVANIA SUBUmUN T AMULF.R MODERN new bungalow!, hollow-tile and stucco with asbestos "Century" shingle reefs, living room with fireplace, den, dining room, breakfast alcove, kitchen. ijedroems and bath; electricity, gaa kitchen, laundry tubs, all modern' conveniences; let each, no xlOl ft.; fine location; $0800: $1000 caah, balance eaay terma. Other bungalows at fioeu $7S0u and $0000, and modern houses from $0300 upward. H. J. DAOF-R, Ambler. Pa. TWO-STORY. brlckf slate-reef dwelling; let , 30x110 ft,; convenient te train and trol ley; large perch, -living roemi hall, dining room, kitchen, summer kitchen; 8 bedrooms, rath and sewing nom; all modern; fine con dition; old shade; $0300; easy terms; Imme diate possession. If. J. DAOER, Ambler. Pa. CYNWYD CYNWYD Cerner let: Ideal location; price right. Address V 1423. Ledger Office. DARnv I40UO 0 ItOQMS AND BATH; DETACHED. liiecme ugnia, etc. vacant. L0FLAND 7121 WOODLAND AVENUE IHlKXKt.HlIA DREXEL HILL HOMES WALTER C. nEDDtNO. 8ft S. 17th at. Spruce 283T. F.LKIN. rAKB T3?ll,,ffl.hRKlSSi '"-J.nd""". lri Miim for ilriss P W " Ucc 'L'pA.rpemrpr garage. . .... IKNKl.NTOWN HANK AND TTtUBT CO. COLONIAL 0-room heuse: all conveniences, fireplace. 3 minutes te elatien: bargain at " Jeng) Patane, Willow Oreve 81. OLENSIPK DO YOU WANT a beautiful suburban hemeT Sen fhn TTMiArta Imniralnufa. Ill Kt flnlahed! Individual In design, with large living rooms, nrcyiacrs. nei-naier ncai sumo wmi hi MODERN new single 0-room dwg,: attrnc- I tlve plan; cenenlcnt te train and trolley; $7000; nlse single 0-room dwg,, with garage, 'price, SS00. I RENNINGER & RENNINGER ' Ot.ENSIDr:. PA.. Q1TQ3ITE STATION. J $11000 NEW SINGLE DWELLING; all con cen Aenlences, RENNINGER & RENNINGER OI.EN81DE. PA OPPOSITE STATION. HI-AUritUL corner property. 1111:1 viuwii;. II IUVII1-I z et 100 feet frent: $10.i10l. ,. .nnMU tL stone house nlse hr.inunev slnsle hnuse. 7 rooms, het- water heat, geed loe.: $0230. Wm. T H. Rebnrts A Sen. Ulenalde. l'q. Open cerv ilnv NICE detached roaldence en Willow Oree turnpike, near trelley: large let. 111x310; two street front", coming section. S Ick ""it. "- "'" "" 1IATIIORO MODERN dwelllnR. seml-Colenlal; large liv ing room with open fireplace, dining room. kitchen and pantry; 4 bedroom", bath, linen closet, electric iturt.l. heat, etc.: let 33x175: prlce right: terms ensv. WARREN M. CORNELL. Hatboro. Ta. MODERN 10-room brick dwelling en Yerk read, with outbuildings, miltnble for gj gj reue or Hhep- huriialn te close nn estnte. JENKINTOWN HANK AND. TRUST CO. Ouirdlan MODERN BUNGALOW, 0 roema. bath, heat electric lights, perches, etc. let 00x230: ''rif.8. Al'JJ'J; ,. mnvTII ir.i, i. WARREN M CORNELL. Hntbnre. Pa. Hiail LAND PARK NMV detached dwelling, b rooms anil bath: every modern Imprevement: well tlnnncedi '" . nSii0,n JS?n 5.. 8U'000' many ethers from $1000 te $30,000. i . . '. """'.'' .im . l Olith St. Theatre Bldg. Phenn Latis. 2081. SIX-ROOM niodern bungalow, electric light, i elc. large let. jinwi einer uungaiewi I 11ml houses, urlce $C300 up W. M. HAW. ITHORNE. Roem 102. O'Jth St. Theatre Bldg. , Lan'ilowne 2031 Open Siintlm- , CENTER HALL, hollow tile and rtucce. -I ldroems, het-watir heat electric and gas, let COxlOO. W. M. HAWTHORNE. Roem 102. OUth St. Theatre Bldg. Lansdowne 21131. open Sunday. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms nnd bath: let 60x113: price JfiSOO. GKUKUK ).. 1JAU.-.I.3. l.'ul Chestnut st. Walnut 4085. imifiiiAM UEiniiTS Building Lets HORSHAM HEIGHTS (near Willow Greve), Neshamlny Falls 3000 choice Dug. ion at train and trolley. $.10 up; free title ln ln kurlince; easy payments; send for booklet und plans of modern bungalows, J1I.1. 1800. FERGUSON, Frent & Yerk JENKINTOWN. DESIRABLE property In Wyncote; O min utes' walk te station; best ui feundings wnn let 120x200 feet, stone liwclllng; 13 rooms. 7 chambers i.nd 2 bulln; Inige .no": gas nnd electricity. KHiage for .' cars; old shade and fruit, possession Sep- 'yENKlk'TmyBANK AND TRUST CO MODERN Btone dwelling en Washington lane' beautiful locatien: overlooking Old Yerk Read Ceuntrv Club; 11 rooms; let i;n reef, possession. NKI'TON.ii5.NIi.ANDTJlUSiCp. NEW BUNGALOW 111 W5ncete, II roems: thoroughly modern, loom for guraga; Sit-i-itiiv nftemnen und Sunday by appointment JENKINTOWN BANK AND TRUST CO. DREAMLAND The Happy Ity .Incl; mid -hinct ye with Hul IV'i'iff, the huiinii hey. In thv lilnmlef fi'ii, uhrrc dirrll the Jmhan Lest People. While the children ure icau (filiif7 i ''' i'-oeJ, they meet a tnir. 7'ice yni(in elm I eumc e their rescue. Then Janet suvch the chief from the henr tU imiw her irnteh te flank ti blindlnii light into the efur'jf cyt's. C.IA.'T-'.lt III An Imllan Party rt-UV. mutiiKT bwir foil. liii'Mllne sun 1 llKl,t tlrtsli-tl into his eyes from tlie elM.... of .lunei'" wrietwHtcli lillntliii him. IIh c.ii.1'1 net fiislit mill tin- nrrewh of Chief wift Arrew ;intl Chief Spotted v. ii .-...:. 1,,1 lilm ("real s the oe of the In.linn Miiiifs ni thev loeki'tt iilieii lunt't Mini 'l'l,f luiil rbriiicllt uneii tne vviiii'u. ...... ...- -..... Iiuii ""- u.,li.f m.i tlmt tin.' wtitiii l.t fere '.. ....i. wim n niiwerftil llvin ilinrm, ttinc .lllliei "ii"-!! "I I iraii"!- tli'-.v eniihl lii'iir its ticking find i.,, c.c, .mi iinuii uu milium. .-..ii. " . 11U hplnlrn (IH II I'llllDlf, Illf in- ilmip- were mere nmnzed tliiin ever. And their ninii'i'ineiit letiM-iit'il their KdV'HP" 'I'lii'V InilTled hiiek te the vll Inie te tiwiiki-ii the Hleeplnu hraves nnd v.,,i,iiiu nnd immunises nnd tell the i strntiK" tle. Tht oilier Indinns could ! pcil liidleVH ihe ntnrj until they rilxheil line the weeds and kuw the iiiiinsl.M' lieiir wllh the iiituwr t-tiiiliiK into him. "I'fli! (Jreiit lire the nplitK who !,uvi I'eine I" vl-ll us." they said. "Yi'.ir huiitir n by your coming," HiiiL Chief Swift Arrew. "V will L'ivt a great pnrty in jour noiier. .litei: nnil Janet wnnderetl what kind nf ii niirtv the lndiniiH would Jive. Hed Wing knew, for his father hail (Tomorrow's (Jiaplcr will tell hew mid him about the Indian pin lies of the , the children have :i very eultlng buf buf leng age. fiile hunt.) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA BUnUBTJAN I.AN8POWNK . 73 W. LA CROSSB AVE. 12r, n4 bathi large let! modern In every warj well financed: possession at settlement. HUOH 8, WALKER. 023 Land Tltle Bldg. Bpr, 4207. IAANEBt:H ONB BQUARH from trolley, new single dwelling. 4 bedrooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, het-water heat, large let. old ehaaei $11,300. W. M. HAWTHORNE. Roem 10, 00th Bt. Theatre Bld Lansdowne 2001. Open Sunday. ' MARGATE IPABK MAJtaATB PARK Lets: we hare listed for sale some et the choicest building leti in Margate Park, with restrictions that safe guard your Investment nnd enhance the value of your property. Ask for or write te If. T. Menetl. L MOYLAN NEW 8-R00M HOUSES Stene and shingle, 3 baths , h.-w. heat, ete., lets 80x200 ft.: near station and , tredey. C. P. PETERS ft BON. flOH CHESTNUT ST.. NABUKRTH 105 CONWAY 'AVE. Seml-detached. roema nnd hath, 'gaa, elenrlc, near stn- Hen: $4500. W. M. HAWTHORNE,' Roem 102, 09th St. Thentre Bldg. rtns1. 2031 . BUNQALOW, hollow tile, med, .ft Iri.perfect conditien: large let: 10.000:'a bargain, Albert Hall. Land Title Bldg. Spruce 2318. OVEHTIBOOK. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY te purchase one wrtmat contains" Blooms 'Ami bath" and upper npartme.u 8 roema and bath! hard- .., nun,. ..1 in avrallent condition! of Ilia I'elncianna Aparimenia: inn .mat; weed floors nnd In excellent condition; monthly Inceme $170; price $18,500. McDnvrrt1 ft mullin. C3d and Lancaster ave. Qverbroek 4S03 JEFFERSON rUT, 0300 block Three-story, eeml-detnched'heme. central plant heat, one-car, nested garage, 4 bedrooms, bath nnd maid's room, let 27 bv 103 ft: price, $13,000: owner will take (10,000 purchase mortgage for a term of five years. McDEVITT ft MULLIN" f.3d nnd Iincaster ave, Qverbroek 480. WOODBINE AVE., near 04th st.; three-story semi-detached atone and stucco home ami garage, perfect condition; 0 chnmbcrs and 2 modern baths: central plant heat. McDEVITT ft MULLIN. 03d and Lancaatcr ave. Overbrenk 4803. NASSAU ROAD Three-story, semi-detached atone home nnd garage, 0 chambers, store room end bath; central plant heat: a very dealrable home nnd In perfect condition. -McDEVITT ft MUKL1N 03d and Lnneaater nve. Qverbroek 4sl)3 CENTRALLY located atone-and-brlck home, having 14 roema and 2 baths t central plant heat: beautiful old ahade and shrubbery, with spacious lawn. 80x200 ft. Treat ft Treat. N. Wynnefleld. Overbk. 0320,. MODERN STONE HOUSE Twe baths: central-plant heat: sun parler: 2-car garage; near stntlen: .early possession. C. P. PETERS ft SON. 608 CHESTNUT BT. RIDLEY PARK UNUSUALLY attractive home. 4 bedrooms and bath, maid's room and toilet, h.-w. heat, conservatory; let 80x110: old shade: near lake; 5 mln. from stntlen: $12,500. Ph. Ridley Park 252 It. Bex 213. ROSLYN ROSLYN HOMESTEAD New homes. 2 acres of old shade and fruit trees; 0 bed- oenw. 2 baths, 4 fireplaces h.-w. ht.; n. w. thrueut; only $4500 csh req.: weith 'inking 111. Jehn l'atnne. vvinew ureve e.. ROSLYN HOMESTEAD New homes. rooms and bath, fireplace: $5000: lets $1.3 mi ...iay terms. J. Patane, Willow Greve 31, RIlXllOHOUOIl ROBOROUGH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION E. Monastery ave., 0 rems. tljii bath, patnuatry floors, gas and electricity, open fireplace. Lullt of slene, let 25x110; str.ne ga- nike for 3 care: pilce $7700. JOHN J. FORAN. 4410 Creasnn St., Mnnayunk 0I7U. SOUTH AIIDMOHF. MODERN dwg.: living rm., dining rm., kitchen, 4 bedrooms, tile bath; let 50x125; prlce $8750: will finance: $1000 cash. C, L, Barnes. 1201 Cheatnut. Walnut 468B. ST. PAVIPS FOURTEEN building lets, fronting en Im proved reads, aurreuneii ty ntgn-cinsa prep Ilea. 75 ft. front or mere: $1200 te $2000 meadow with small lake: orchards, clc.: at r Int. J. M. FRONEFIELP. Wone. 1'it. tractive Colonial house. 7 rma. ft bath, het- WAYNE COMFORTABLE "home. In exceptionally fine ttindltien, 0 chambers. 2 batha, het nnd told wnter In maid's room, hardwood floors, white paint clectrliltv, gas, het-wator hctit, geed location; convenient churches, schools nnd Motions; SKS.-'OO. J. M. FRONEFIELP. Wayne. Pa. COZY little well-built home, having 8 rooms nnd bath; centrally lecated: large Int. 200 x50 ft.; old shade: close te station, schools, utc; well financed; $8000. TREAT ft TREAT, Wayne. Pa, WYNNKFIELD AVYVNEFIELD AVE. Choice building sites and acreage; close te train and trolley; right en the edue et Fair mount Pat It TREAT ft TREAT, North WjHinefleM. Oveibioek 0320. " AUn see advertisements In large tjpe In fireeeillng relumns. NEW JEHMEV SUBURBAN MOORESTOWN, N. J. A real homestead, moderate In alze: modern improvements, 2 acres In lawn and garden, rare old shade and shrubbery, located In met fashionable part uf our ry pretty town. $15. nun; worth looking up. W. O. LE CONEY. 13 E. Main H. . Muurestewn. N. J BROWNS MILLS 3 room bungalow; close te Mirror Luke; beautiful locutien: poss. PETERS ft SON. COS CHHJTNUT ST.,PHILA ADVENTURES Hunting Ground DADDY First the Indians brought a pony te the weeds where the benr lay. They lied long poles te the Miles of the pony. Tin1' rolled tlie bear upon these poles iintl tied him there. In Mils way they had the pony drag the bear Inte the village, where the Mpiaws stripped off ils hide and made the meat ready for cooking. While thp Rqiiaws weie doing this Ihe bnivph were mounting their hense?. They bad, loe, n pony fer,,Iack, a pony for Janet and n pony for ltcd Wing. Then Jack and Janet learned what an Ijidlan party wut it" was a hiiniliig party. "Ami after the hunting there Ik feasting," explained Itd Wing, "A red man's party is heap mere fun than a white mini's piirtv, for tin; Imllan hunts what he eats." There was plenty in hunt in the for ests of the Island of Yenteriluy. There were tiiiuil and partridge., nnd wild turkeys. There were rabbits and deer. In the creeks were llishlng treutj in the lake Were salmon i f great size The hunting delighted Ued Wing! "i'gh!" bald he. "The hunting here .s like the plentiful hunting all geed Indians hope te enjoy in the Happy Hunting lireiinds when they die." "l'erhaps this Is ihe Happy Hunt ing (ireuiids," tmld Jauel as 'she saw the glad leek in he faces of ilie Indians) is Ihe hunted. " The best of the hunting was left un til the last. Their ponies brought thcin nut upon the bieuil plain the children I. ail seen fiem il.e heights above when they eanui into the Island of Yesterda. In ihe dlMtunce the saw iinlinuK feed- , "ik'. "I'gh! Huffnlue'" buhl Ued Wing, I his eyes glowing. : ' rr- REA1. ESTATE -FOR SALE, NEW JERSEY SUBURBAN ABSOLUTB AUCTION 87 RESTRICTED BUILDING I.OTS ST BEAUTIFUL-DEAL LAKE AND OP AVE, ASBUhy PARK, N. 3. 1 Aug. 4 and 8, at 3:30 and 7:8rKP. M, Rain or shine. In Bl Tent The first opportunity ever offered te buy Deal Lake lets In Asbury Park, at absolute auction 6TANDARD HEALTY EXPERTS, INC 223. Market sti, Newark. N. 3. . K. M. CLEVELAND, Auctioneer Bend for book map Belldlng rlg . LOT. 40x123 water, gas,' elect,, one fare en Trenten Una front Camden. $300. Phlla., Bail Diamond 730 M. ARL1NOTON JOIN Bungalow Club en Barnetat Bay, tlO down; $5 monthly;, -write for plan and particulars. M 131. Ledger Office. viMnirv 1505 NORRI8 Six rooms and bath posses- Ien. C. H. Blhlmaler, 202 Liberty Bldg.. COLMNOSWOOD FRAME, DETACHED 0 rooms, bath; alt modern cenvs.t hardwood finish;. 2-car ga rage: corner let, 45x125; 110,000. COLLINOSWOOD REAL. ESTATE CO. 726 Hadden ave. Phene 1033. GOOD houses with modern cenvenlencca from $8000 te $13,000: desirable building leta from $800 te $23,000. Colllngaweod Real Estate Ce., 728 Hadden ave., Colllngiweod. N Je HOLLOW TILE. BTUCCO T roema, bath; het-water heat, elate roef: inclesed perch; $0800. COLLINOSWOOD REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 720 Hadden ave. Phene 1033. BUNOALOW, 7 rooms, bath; all con vs.: ga rage; geed, ocatlen; near park: 40x123; 17300. COLLINOSWOOD REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 720 Hadden ava. Pheno 1033. HADDON AVE. Stucce: 8 .roema. bath; steam heat; ell renvs. ; garage: Inclesed perch: 80x120 ft.: $3000. COLLINOSWOOD REAL EST. CO. 726 Hadden ave. Ph. 10B3. BROWNS MILLH nulldlng Lets IN THE PINES I have a few choice lets te sell at real bargains: am getting mar ried and need money, se here's your chance; act quick, P 1312, Ledger Office. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITY BUNGALOW PARK HOSUJS Newly built, up te date; let 50x100: living room, din ing room, kitchen, bedroom, toilet, laundry nnd heater room en first fleer; 3 bedroema, hall end bath en rccend flecr: open fireplace, built-in boekcaaes, large clesets, het-water heat, gas and electric; cement walks: garage. OCEAN OATE FOR SALE Just-finished bungalow, O rms. ani bath: garage: nn 2 lets; near sta. nnd hnardcvnlk. H. ,W. ELLIS Ocean Gate. N.J. STONE HARBOR STONE HARBOR. N. J. Bungalow colony; newly fur, and painted: $1000; easy t-rnts. Derr B. Newton, 323 Walnut at. Iemh, 7337. wiuiwena ACKLEY. AUCTIONEER, can sell your Wildvvoed property; aale August 21. Get particulars new. JOHN A. ACKLEY. Realtor. Wlldwoed. N. J. FARMS Waterfront Farm With Creps FURNITURE, TOULTRY, WATCH DOa Mules, horse, cow, hog. beat. Implements thrown In If you come nov"JenJey sheeting, fishing beating, crabbing, bathing; 00 acres: near Maryland village: prosperous sectien: 40 a' ees heavy cropping tillage, weed. 30 npple trees, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes; 2-story 0-room house, barn, 3 poultry heusea. etc. owner unable operate! $3300 tnkea all, part caah: eaav terms. Detnlls page 00, lllua. catalogue. 1200 bargains, FREE. STROUT FARM AGENCY, 1122 L. Land Iitle llldg.. Pnllmlelnhli. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS ATTRACTIVE Tiirm nnt ceuntrv hem nenr 1 l..nlll'tl Qln.lnn ll,tl.. l.n RT nnKnu I I wuier neni, eiix. 115ms, meuem euins, etc. garage, barn and outbuildings. In geed con dition; a renl bargain for $14,000; quick possession If desired. If. J. DAGER Ambler, Pa. Improved Read Farm Nr. Village 11 MILES TO PHILADELPHIA Pleasant suburban home and 14-ncre poultrv peultrv truck farm In section Increasing valuea: madslde market; healthful surreundings: 10 acres easily worked tillage, vvoedlot, tiult; geed ID-room house, barn, garage: te settle affairs qulcklv $4200 gets It: about half needed. F. W. Werth, Ambler. Pa. BARGAIN 20 acres, 3 horses, 4 cows, let of chickens, nil crnns nnd machinery. It-room heuae: nil uecessury outbuildings; In geed repair; te be bold nt a ancriuce en account or 01a age no letters answered, Call te see LEONARD O. NEEDLES, De lestewnj Ph. Gentleman's Country Seat 120 acres', nnest preauctive land en malrus highway; 10 miles te City Hall; stream aniT woedland: tine sprtiighouse, 12-room man sion house, 3 baths, electric lights, 2 cot tages, large stuble for stock. Cun be bought right. WARREN M. CORNELL. Hatboro, Pa, 70-ACRE FARM and country home, near Chuichvllle Station. New town R. R.; splcn d'd dwelling, with all Improvements; lurge bain, furmer'e house, weeds, stream; en stune read te atutlen and Philadelphia; an Ideal, up-te-dute commuter's placel must be sold at once. HORACE G. REEDER, New low it. Pa 48 ACRES, desirable property; 2U miles from Main Line P. R. R. .Station, i mlle te new cement highway; stone, and frame house, 0 looms, heater, electric light, perches; barn for 15 head; plenty of fruit; timber and meadow, price, S7U0O. J. B. THOMPSON. Weat Cheater, Pa. PAOLI SECTION Forty acies. with stone heuae, 8 rooms, bath, electricity; new barn: line stream, spring house, orchard and timber: $12,000: all machinery, crops, horses and registered Helsteln herd for $2000 mere, j. M, FRONEFIELP. Wayne. Pa, 103 ACRES, close te concrete State highway, trolley, stores, etc.: 7 miles te Willow Crove; complete set of farm buildings In geed erder: must be sold quick with amazing price and terms. Furtrer details or Inspec tien by ii IAPP & SONS, Doylestown. Pa. 10 ACRES, Vi mlle te statien: 7-room frame dwelling wllh heiit and light; Larn: garage; 2 poultry beuses; price $4750' $1000 cash. WARREN M. CORNELL. Hatboro. Pit. 22 ACRES en macidtm read ll-roem stene dwelling; eren fireplaces; bain, eutbuild- liiga: fl acres Umber prlce J3S0D. W'ARRENLiQ RNELL, Hatboro, Pa, THREE-ACRE hem, close te trolley und train; stene house, garage, etc.; $1850; half cash. Happ & henw. uoyieatewn. Fa. BUCKS COUNTY farms, auburban and city nemea. ii. iiisicr k nun, am- utn. ave. NEW .IKUSF.V FARMS 85-Acre Farm, Colonial Heuse BORDERS BEAUTIFUL LAKE Buildings worth rrtbre thnn price of nil; ma. rhlnwnrl'ed tillage for geed vegetable crops, iibeul 20 ucres standing timber nnd weed; I n Cnlenl1! house, in conimndleus rooms, bathroom, telephone, beautiful slulrwny. 4 fliuplui'OM, innr'ile nnd hand carved, plenty of apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches, srapes, asparaqus, raspberries, blackberries, stravvberrleH, only mile te cxprcai station; aahvels li.tiuly, fne fshlnr,' In lake lioider lieider Inf farm, Owner called nvvny: ItiHOO; all Bleck, ImplementH and rrepa Incluiled for uulck sale, part cash. 1. E KALER, (It rt and Iwindls. Vlneliind N. J. "Sea-Breeze Farm" Near Resort AT EDGE THRIVING H. II. TOWN flrnvvlnar crepH, horse, cows, 70 peultry: full (.'itilpment Included If taken seen, 27 acres, rinvvnlent famous resort and unter sports, nil rich dark loam tillage, streum-watercd pasture; apples, pears, chunks, pi aches, beirles; attractive fl-room house; delightful ahude; cool ocean breeze: geed barn, poultry houses; nivner disabled, $3300 takea nil: leas than half down, James J. Palmer, Pleiu un'.vllle, N J. REATVggTATB.rOR tAJtlT I . witvy Jiawmv fa wm i ' FARM tt er''" Mltt lectl!9. n.n? .B.n1 TttlMYI ,ere ia, miles , Philadelphia! large milk route established; stream-watered pasture: 30 Rcres level tillage; well fruited; IH acres asparagus, 1H acres strawberries; geed 7-room heuse: southern cxpesureaimaple shade; 40-ft. barn, ft poultry houses, , milk house 1 Including 2 horses. S cows, bull. 730 poultry, wagons, harness, plows, farming tools, mewing machine: prlc $8000; terms; poss.; ether farms. 'WALTER DEf CAMP, 27 Cooper St.. Woodbury. N. J. REAL ESTATE WANTED WB WANT TO RENT A BUNGALOW We would like te rent ft bungalow wllbjn a radius of 30 miles of Philadelphia, near waten vearlv leaan! In reply state when property may be occupied, rental, terms, furnished or unfurnished, location and slis. Address C 117, LEBOER OFFICE. WE HAVE demand for properties In All sections or the city; art inaiin, -RIENCE INSURES REAL SERVICE. A, if. iWBBMiu, N. E. err. 13th and Tnsker sts. Real estate, mortgage. Insurance. EXCHANGE $75,000 equity office building. paying $15,000 yearly, clear; want clear property; exchange, $25,000. clear. 40 ripe lets. I E,: accept Improved Income prep'tjr. i.a.mh ft CO.. 737 wainm ai. PES1RB te purchase B-sty. home, east of B2d st.. south of Mnrket. 'modern or semi- modern. Possession September IB. P 1483. linger uriice. DESIRE a piece of ground ripe for Imme- illate develepment: sena particulars 10 JOHN T.DOYLE BndKffl Kensington aves. TWO or three story house; modern; 4 bed rooms; Qermantewn; price $5000 te $8500. ! uaa. i-egge- ertice. WANT te buy 2 and 8 atery dwellings In West Philadelphia or In fceuth I'hlTadtl rhln. Address P 1221, Ledger Office. WE CAN SELL that property for you In short time: buyers waiting. OR1SCOM. 2100 Catharine st. T.ncuat 0020. BUYER wants small apt. house or residence ni rcci irem owner; .Master te Diamond at. weat from Bread. 1L. 1002 N. Camae at. PROPERTY In 8trawbcrry Mansion section wanted; state particulars, p 1513, Ledger Office. . SWELLING of 12 or 14 rms. by Aug. 25 next; vicinity of Pine, Spruce 18lh te 17th at. Address, with full details, C 203. Id. On. RENTS collected with dispatch; Immed. aut- iiemcnr ir eesireti. jviccenncii, 4in m, uin. W. If. BALL ft SON 438 Land Title Bldg. 1IAVB buyers for this sec; what have yeuT Newman ft Ball, 32.10 Qtn, ave, Tle, 9302, HOME buyers waiting; get IA touch with me new. Webel. 3232 Fkd. ave. Gar 0037. EXCLUSIVE listing, city and auburban prep, wanted. J. P. Cunningham, 8707 Cheater av. Peak Roem DESK roem: central preference; use tela tela phene, afenegrnphcr. 3323 Pine) at. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY FOR RENT STORE BASEMENT. ALSO TillP.D FLOOR 1100 ARCH ST. PERFECT DAYLIGHT VENTILATION APPLY" YOUR BROKER N. W t COR. 15TII AND VEMANGO STS. (1501-03) Let 33x70: one of most promi nent cernera of Tlegn; will alter te suit tenant. MORRIS L. KOL11 21 N. Juniper at. Pheno Locust B388 . 200-70 S. AMERICAN ST. Fer rent, reason able, sixth floer: alae basement: about 40U0 sn. ft. each; geed light; new building; large elec elevator. S. S. Garrett. 2.10 S. 3d. -HOMES AND APARTMENTS for rent. WM. I.. CRAVEN'S SONS. 201U Colum bia uve.. 154U N. 7th st., CBtli and Chester nve. ONLY 1 desirable store left in the new building nt ,223-225 S. 17th at. Apply owner. 132 S. 4th st. Phene Lembard 300. Alse see advertisements In Inrge tjpe In preceding columns Business rrerertlee ana Bterta 3001-03 FRAJj'KFORD AVE. Large store, 30x55: will sub-dlvlde. D1ETBRICH. 737 Walnut at. Peak Roem DESK ROOM, Use of telephone, at.. Roem 201. 142 S. 11th factories. Warehouses. Manufacturing Fleers I'iviiuHic, wiirvniiuees or noer apace. Herbert Rice. Bulletin Bldg. Spruce 8413. WILL ERECT bulld'lng, 3(lToiie te 100,000 Bqunre feet. PIETERICH. 737 Walnut at. A FACTORY wnrehouse and fleer specialist'. ARTHUR H. ERASER, 21 B. 12th st. OFFICES, BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. SOUTH SIDE City Hall. Baxter Bldg. Twe offices, handsomely furnished te the small cat details In mahegany: suit any business; street floer: large office; single office. FINANCE BLDO.. en S. I'enn seuare. facing cny nun: a excellent outslile nf. Orea for rent. Phene Spruce 4801 or call 1003 Finance Building DESIRABLE, offlce apace, fireproof building' elevator service: moderate rent. Apply F J. ELLIOTT. 1111 Chestnut at. LONG-ACRE HOTEL BLDO., 1420 Walnut at. 30U ft. efficii apace, third fleer- suit Insiirance bualncsn or small bend house'. ilURD BLDO.. Uth and ChestnutDeslfabie daylight offices. Apply te Superintendent. Samuel T Hall. S. W. cer. 17th and Hansom. CENTRAL OFFICES, geed lights; reason llilif. vv uiiB-.vniciiemer CO.. ja 8, JHth st. FURNISHED OFFICE, $25: second-lTeor front. Frurlep, Roem 10, 321 Wulnut. IiRSK ROOM In dea. office bldir. . let desk: reasonable. Phene limliard ure of 1442. 134 h. inn ni., -a nnu aa noers win Illlllvn .li.."" " -e I.1IHUIB lllliani. Alse sen iifhcrtlaementa In lnra-e .na i. :.ji ..-i - .. .u lirrcrmiin mi .iiiiiiw, Slurea nnd Dwellings HIOR PARRISH, a roema and store. . $40 liti 1700 W. Venango, stere .40 00 WM, L, CRAVEN'S SONS, 2010 Celli in".l" WEST PHILADKLl'lllA TWO-STORY HOUSHS, het-water heat elec- trio light: B2d and Warrington uve $3', a month. DONALD V, REDDING, aJ nnd Cheater nve, uu enu B00O WALNUT ST. First Hnd third floors" 4 bedrooms nnd bath en third Meer. S u' Adams. 14 In Walnut at. ' -" 4027 CHESTNUT 3 atery 18 rms., 3 hatha"' aultable for apt. house; geed Investment OEO, M, AMAN'S SONU.121K Chestnut st ! UER3IANTOWK" 3709-11 OER.MAN'IOWN AVE. 00 ft from Chclten nve., main business cnrnr; new atom, 2d Heur nnd basement, 2!xllU ft new rendy for uccupuncy, Bplendld opper-' tunity for business man. territory embracing Utn.. Chestnut Hill. Mt. Airy. Flunk ford Ulenrncl;, E. Gin. Roxbernugh, .Manayunk and Olney m draw from. Apply te Unas J SCheiifcr 'ernen BJil.JJHn.4Chelten1Otn' fS8 StANIIEIM ST. 3-story atone lieuseT aeml-dctached, 0 rooms, hath, het-water heat, electric light: rent tiy AppIv te (ILYNDON PRIESTMAN. 31107 Gm.qve lUxajnjaa PjorrtleaniidjSteres 1433 QERMANTOWN AVE., stere and "" rma,; geed business location. Wick t Velliner. 4421 Qtn, ave. " tr-K.N RUCK ' I STORES, apartments, furnished houses i7 Hepe. KIIII4 N Bread at. Wv "iiil." 'jsa"' MOUNT AIRY MODERN detached stena dwelling II chum, bers, 2 mnrble baths: 2-car garage and grounds;, ii'.ur linln, trolley and achuul: S17. S17. per month, unfur. : $200 pur menlh fur carlyjeasej Phsnejriii!; " DETACHED stone dwellltuT'ana icaTage" grounds; modern; 0 bodroems, 2 marble laths; near train trolley und school' $1IA per me. Ph. Tiega 3732. L OAK LANK OAK. IJNL Twe beuses. I bedrooms. $75 per ine. : apts. $10 te $85. stores $40 ner me llerbeit Ilepd.jill04 N. Bread Wye. 4S37 r.22 N. OTIIST." Elcsnnt 'JijT, iurymed"er ii I rental WIlU & Vullrnr. U'-'l Otn. uve. By Arch Dale REAX'RWATE J, mi rENNSYLVANlAJ-A uvt,B . .wm ....?Mitmi,?ssia ami reimemeni, pleasant home "i!? HJU" 521 .?!?!. tun, EX?A " .-.., .n.uirMns. garden n -ni fi P WELLING pan, of store en "wlV pike .for renttse roenis wiik !. Chas. W. Russell, gflii0g.'.lwj,t.h.Jl ARPMORlt JSastyvuss-tJvPinni K.e.w. ..n :.,. unh..,- "paTa , I t.Annm ntvait.r v4vr l ' 1 "a pared and ptrinted; ' tnetfeVn9,1.,.! med. apts.. second nWv 8 room, closed nerch. 103. ninVieS.!0?'"" . pealte Narbfrth station, n. n 'r7" NARBERTH 8-sterr. .'3 ii:-t- Ity. 4 minutes station, new v J2SJ Phene JAMES W1IJSOM, JKUUSP? North American tliTeAi-i 'i'!.r.?rtn.,l enTWS'i VKW Jiawirir-aaIJ!pTl ATLANTIC ffiTV nA"I'!!:"ri-nn'.rldencer7SS .av luwum nnu 1 eainsf low i-TJ Inncfl ok neanen tA Kent 1 tiAKA '1 OCEAN ct?flr CBAN CITY. N. J,-Several h-7Sni aparimenia, airectlv en cum 7...1 my lurmsnea; 4 te 7 rooms and W..l'i ern appeintments: large rTbata in 51E balance nf itt... Wa m2. . n PTleai Ocean CltV. wT j. "n ,EI)a RTONR tlltmna BUNGALOW mlni., -.....-. painted. $20.00 weekly; Ateru.t"" Newton, 823 Walnut ' Ig, MORTQAOEB .FUNDS jcuiunpi TN Afav a".m.. IMMEDIATE B?r-Pit!;W nTJILDlNO ASSOCIATTnv-SJrt PgHPSEY ft CO.. 27 H is-rffq "i V'!iSLV P MTOS.. ANT im tC0.1 ?AJ-iJJTH8T. SS10-!;. ' "rirsfi Rim ks. MAGEIi & R0DGERS 1200 Lecuat St. Phene .Snrue. ns.a "'rXrTA'r? JXSX.ftW "NDl A I ipit nrrrv euwt nL.LC.lM OC HULL! . 1(H" I "iVUHT I rUlWJ ?'"?! I. c..mertiaa rc.en.Mlim.0?"ti ""iL" action; 7$i American Bldg., w.m... Zi "W, MAURranjamiM PERSONAL BERVICM 'w ijJiA-NiAl. TRUST BLDQ. spHtrra, WEnEPRESENT 0 of the laTg-eitiy -nnd lean niivintinnu ji V":" "W flerr. for first, second and" apllt me'rS n any section nf ih. i... .. r".1 m"ti WILLIA3rjAMES-ICEdQHrrL3U!r';?itj WB nEPnhSH.Nl' ttmda for 3d mtgsTl ...,.",7 ?nd 2d.' e-u'ek. reasonable? Sid S'.'Yi K,n PPrs. Bender ft Rubin-iJ 1218 Chestnut st. Filbert RSPri nl'Jl ." "CBiruDiB per cent nrat mtgtTt less than 50 per cent of sale prlel ABERNETHY. 1328 . Chrstniir-'&i MORTGAGES Building ft lan A.v . hTs amount; Immed answer: no adv ekul ii. vv. ivailtirw, tug Lincoln Bldg. HeV 1 iv.'1'1' pAT 3 per cent bonus feri . eiu.uvu, secured .hy 1st mertgai. ZT. trai city apartment hiuse. P 13ii i-jl BUILDING I association and private fu5 1st and 2d mtges. : large A small smZ Samuel T. Hall. S. W. en?. 1 7th .iiJgi! FUNPS for 1st and 2d mts.; le Newman ft Hall. 3250 ntn ave Tie rilNDS FOR nnilll Mim. " HttnHRH en a' n a-"rit o""eV.'i'.?J.v5 & " -" -'- ".. r.i-nui;ic- i FUNDS for building operation. ..i : mertgaitea. Abernethv. is;a ChutaafJ tt n. xiAii. m BON IW1 . . MM, "I.W.. -( - HAVE 100,000 for first and second i gages, cuv or country. C 112. UeWl M'NDS 1st and 2d fniia. nnd Dal. " - ..M. .i. ii. n. mm. ear. Alse are advertisements In large i prrrrdlng relumns. FOR RENT FURNISHED M DEVON u- -r.Aiii.y lease, stone house, 15 i ,i eniiia. carnge, servants' cnttage " ...'"" . "u "'" acres eeauttiui in With ercharil nnd narHnn. leell.lar,. ceurt: $2400. a year. Treat ft Treat. Wi! KKVT IERSEY--SEASH0RK .-, AVALUN BEACH front, newly papered, clean , luriBuie, u n-nroeme; juiy or Phene Oregon 2213 W APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE APARTMETm) 9S1-R1 a ittif et 'Iif3 T... l..""i."S "'.'J.. "".". . tJll aual luiiiiurieu. ,1 niuijr, Illiieem in.e respect; particularly hemelike: heuielrw nnd bachelor. Anply owner, 132 S. till Phene Lembard 300. Hj THREE ROOMS and bath, electrle Janitor tervlc-s: centrally lecatfd;' Hread at. near city Hall: reasnnabei Phene Wr.lnut 3201. Apply 413 S. Jlretii COLUMBIA AVEJ-. Apt.. 3 rre. and hdwd. 'nrs.. elect med. In every m near Park; 20 mln. from center of cltyif David Serber, 013 Lincoln Bldg Spruraf EXCEPTIONAL cnts.. larenm and $03: 2 rooms and bath $80: ateim I electricity; private family.. 1B0O Locetl I BACHF.I.DR'8 APART3IENT Twe'i and tiled bath, het-water heat. sl Bg ht: central. Phene Spruce O207-02IH, lfllfl W. PAS8YUNIC AVE. Six rooms M b.ilhl modern- 153. Oregon 23.13. BELMONT AVE 1227- Three-rm. aetrfl rent nil conveniences. Belmont f713 I,! 2300 Nt. 20TH Cozy npirtments, furnM for housekeeping, JaII Diamond in SEVEN-ROOM APT., geed condition; locatien: naruwoea noers. i-epiar crrv.Jrv flrte 5 lirpe room i.nt.. ail I private lamuv. z.-u.i r ranarern j -j HIINTINU I'AllrS. AVK., .ZIP - rnemi m bath: reasonable. Taulane, OKI Walnutl iitjit PHir.AnKf.PlllA '"'J ...-t-.rt.-U n.t.a nllMI TnWMltnn XTI.P ennm 1ltcttCtiett A and hath. '-J fcpnUCE. B137 Unfi apt.. Or. AbilhinfJ $83 APPiy fanner or pnune iimicssi t7...tTn nn.l It enm null linlh nnts.l nKX Ma gee & Redgers.1200 Lecust.Spr.0207j CTBRMANTOWN riTV Most desirable apt.. (I r. ra --. -.- - . . .. . ..,i...t...i Ings: every comfort niid cenv David ff 1113 Lincoln Hldn. Phene Spruce 728l.rJi near train nnu ireuej . ueuuiimi ; WAYNE AVE. and Walnut lane, S. W.tsi Med. npts.: ueuuiiiui iota'. ":. v it. Hi sta. Drcby tc Evans. Lincoln Big PENNSYLVANIA tUIIURIlAX dj APARTMENT Reliable party ""4 housekeeping apariment. ' '";'": . ...i. ..wi.li.lv nml raw C 120. l.aJ IU.II, .-,.....-.. ---- . LANSDOWNE nfTsiiiAULE hakPB. apt., 0 eutBld? ret private perch:, modern apt. "?" simile, lawn: $123 Per me., yww" adult family: also turn, npi. ir - adult family; aiseiur". ...... '. --,, 55 N i.nnftfinwne ave. iiunc ..- -r NFAV .1ERHEY HiaSIIOJtK VENTNOR 27 N, Oakland, ,api. i VV.V!. feiirhenette: near tre!leyiindbJi hii ace eiiVertlsemenla In large tW J nreci ding celumna. wnTJSTlKEEPiNa AFA.HTMgKlt'1 rrr. "-. ' ."sT ' 4j " " .". H tnnrii' mnst nttrCW'J "apartments, both furnished and -jgfel nlshed. for" rent at the present tl, ie. mp weed Apartment Agency. 1.134 Walnut ii.j FURNISHED APARTMENgJj TiwrTKIl claaa eel ntrnl elty furniines as-iji aach, 410 S. Bread it. J-..I mentt C. O. Reach, APARTMENTS WANTED :";. .'eT... ivttri'npri $ llat iilir lCntJ 1 "-be-vTcan t VpVrtmenl. l.h , .he Sh.fJJJ Ainrtment Agency. 334 Wi nu !.. JH Srruce 8fl(i0; t la 1 uue '""" Z.Z.M .'.!.ri...ni.ni. of our lnnny nppllcariti was I nut nur Jiearry, co-operation WANTED i.arce lurii. r -V,'-.L"'. i(. ui, ii,. rim nr Overb'k sec wainsUS TVO bedroema. living room und hltrtjj furnished or imfurnlahcd, Behgejii-g NICELY furn or unfur., 3 or 4 rin".. enelte: Immed, pose. Oregon OSii. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE! i 11TH AND PINE STS, .,.,-. ..mn. c-mi.'piinnF i- AllOUliUH'.M' j. AP iliTldENTS. FURNIflHED. U.vrtJrtTj ' LONG AS-D SHORT TBRM LKASBj; i Tur"nri iaO MfiPRlS hM IOC. UCL4W-WVI"'-"""- w rhiin ait. aERMANTOWN VT $0 MINUTES TO UtUAH..VA5ilii Hetel or. unfurn. suites, JiPJJlSSriJffiS ST.tH0 - : 1 ' ' . - . - or,,, ! m . HOTEL COLONIAL itu- BUMMER, "AT vi.nsr'fiil C. PITM vN ilAKllll Jr pm THE SVVARTI1MORE. 22d ' .1 " .iu!'rh'L..S.,''ne"n,',l:.",fin.nnifiw fllU I'ltllli ,,,,',-.,,,.- -- . ---hone Ixieuat B)H1. . r HOTEL HAMILTONa 1331 Wajnu''-, .. ii.-Hi a nnlMt cenacrvat'... beautifully furnished uhd wellcen!tuSig,Jci Geneva apartm ents ilENTa, 127 s. '":;. or a rooms, v,un eatn, lath, i'lioes ". 1 ie