mmmwzyb TrL - ,,.. KT.1 5)'A' mH m .'-j W'4 Kft" jttSESEama8SS&mFmBmimm &'t$ EVENING BtTfeliTO MnteERSmrif W ftJri '1' lase a? j ... i ;nrt W1 Jti s&rij82tssst; i a: m h a . 4f H. ir- ft, A Permanent Business Built By Permanent Advertising Advertising in THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL for twenty consecutive years has been the backbone of "Mum" selling policy In the summer of 1902, with an initial in vestment of $900, Geerge B. Evans began advertising "Mum" in The Ladies' Heme Journal. "Mum" was then sold only in Evan's' drug stores, two department stores in Philadelphia and a few stores in large cities like New Yerk and Chicago. The preliminary advertising results were se satisfactory that the next year he be came a consistent advertiser in The Ladies' Heme Journal. Every year of its advertising history the "Mum" busi ness has shown a steady increase. Frem this small beginning the volume of "Mum" advertising investment has grown steadily year by year. In 1919, when The Ladies' Heme Journal and The Saturday Evening Pest carried a major portion of the advertising, the business took a further jump. Consumer advertising has built the "Mum" business te a point at which it is new hard te find a store anywhere in the United States where "Mum" is net sold. During 20 years that "Mum" has been advertising in The Ladies' Heme Jour nal, a permanent and consistently grow ing demand has been developed through this permanent advertising policy. An ever-increasing number of Philadel phia manufacturers are adopting the policy of permanent advertising in the Curtis publications, and there are many ethers whose products could fill the per manent market which their quality war rants, if they advertised. We should like te discuss with you what advertising can de for your business THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA The Ladies' Heme Journal The Saturday Evening Pest The Country Gentleman IHI.WWI! - -! t-,-,t'Klr ' . - yf, - J. . ' r' tt,y - -. i ,e' r,.f i5kMi-ttii