WWWwwll VettWMBITVi' ... '? ' -''- ','. 'te&m'iSti Vdbiie ,'iiEDGER-giiABELPBtrA', Tuesday, ; r;t jTj:'i'Xi'i-..i, r. -J". "1 rxM'Awz: JULY 25,, 1922 m ' , TSl Lack of Experience Robs Bebfty Barrett of K. 0. in Seventh Round of Battle With Jee Welti IDLER-LEONARD READY FDR BELL With Big Battle Forty-eight Hours Away, Beth Are Down te Weight EVERYTHING IS COMPLETED AT.TIIerOII their twelve - round bout It "till two dnjs off. both' Itennv Leenard, thninplnn, and T.pw Tcndler. ilinlleiiRer, aiP en edge ready te enter (lie rintf at .Tersny nt a niin ute'H notice. Kneh Is down te weight and watching hN condition se Hint he tUll net ever-train and go stale. Net in n long sticteh of the port ing calendar ban a lightweight bout at tracted the wldcprend interest tlmt hn been evinced In the coming clash. Ter the lnt Fcveial years there has been nn fer-Incrcasing demand for a nieetlni; between this pair, with the title, at ttake. xenuier hob uecn.ine men persistent nt tne mammon s r ini cniici's. mil pi- forts te brinj thein together have proved futile until this time. They were matched te meet here Inst August, hut while he was preparing for the bout j.een.ini usukc ins wmiiiu una was" com- nclled te cancel the eii!rnreiii..nt. in,i! I'lill Olnssmnn promptly claimed a .sr000 for- E.. . T ? ".. felt which Leenard had posted te guar antee weight and appearance. This erred only te add fuel te the already blKing fire of ill feeling existing In the rival camps. Richard Steps In It was then that Tex Rtckard stepped in and offered te promote the match. Ills terms were such that neither could refuse, and the match web, consum mated. They will meet in the tfig nrena that Blckard a year age constructed for the Pempscy-Cnrpenticr battle nt Deyle's Thirty Acres. The bout is scheduled ier iwcire rumms. unucr tne laws i of the State of New Jersey, deci- s x. .. ". Ions are net permitted, se that the only manner in which the title can change hands is by n knockout or en n foul. And both boxers arc ready for the battle. Tex Illckard yestcrdny stated thnt the totaled close te the $300,000 mark, and, he added, thnt he is convinced the gete advance wile or seats for the fight lll be in the vicinity of $500,000. The tickets have been en sale nt Mad!- nm Square Garde,,, in Philadelphia. Baltimore and ether places for several weeks nnd the demand hns been trnt thnt thn nrnmnter l,n. .,lmnfn,l ,."t .; wpp'n lK nnn" n ,., 'StSan" :: 7n ... ... .i "."r .'".'.'" l. l..nle I I' Uexing fans from practically nil of the leading cities of the Enst nnd many as far west as Chicago, nre expected te see the fight. The rnllrends lend ing into New Yerk hnve mnde prepara tions te mid additional cars te all of tlielr legnlnr trains, should that be necessary, and nt least seven specials vtll ba run from this city. Fans Protected Kxtenslve preparations hnve been made te handle the crowd by Itlekiud. the New Jersey Itexing Commission and the Jersey City municipal uiitheslties. Tery pesslh precaution has been taken te p, event any dlsetder or am disaster. When the match was made and .ler jev Citv ns decided upon as the site. Majer IIiiRiie nssuied Itleknrd that the spei tutor-, would he accorded the sain" excellent protection by the police nnd nre dcnartmeiiK Him .linir..i .,.1,,,.. Dempsev squelched the cliampir.i,shi. Iiepes of Cnrpentier n jear iire. Seme' i.ieii .ierey vity pellecinen, ih;tcctics """"is ei getting the seats for wliHi l.elr tickets will. There will be tlilitv tlilitv e. loe, men. sKty-Mx ticket takers ami tldrtj tlret sellers. Ul-kard has installed n lighting s,. tcm. at n eest of $10,000. te pnivl le Plenty of ligh, ln tllp ,.; ThW.sVs- the ling. There ulll !i ............ i.i. . of inin ...... . ' -vti-iii. ugiim unllu I. ..,. ." -" "" '"' .www UjlIlN pni'M mil l"fl Til, iZ.:..vr "r"0"11 dai.. Ti? i"'""-1 iiireugiinttt I lie UICNI1. oenof,"5"1 "ver tl,e .(1.000 watts. will total mplVllBl,,'V"TCiZ,wrt,L "Tl.l tie eM , i PW"l",""'M. In.llcating kbH -T ? as v.! s lui'ltiesi., i(, s.Sfn. i,,lu ,..... . n ..C . .. . "illili Jt I'lJlirM. nm il... , i. .... .:" "'.'" '"s"iimi Slue ih-if It i i """" " l" "Who noiH,Bfw!,,Ky?.pi,rfm,lepkl8 ' INTERPID TRIUMPHS Class H Sleep wins 325-Mlle Yacht t.i.ti... i. . Race , MiKliiiiac Island. .Midi.. July e-j. ""'Phi. the Clns ii sleep, ewnei '"0111,1 I'llltlll "'I', of ChlciiL'n. u.i wieenth innniil i , : . tiuteil in I'i.i .''""i ini-e, Wlllr I ii ii nt ( hicnge .Satiirda. long s't'.!ri';,,,Vr ift Z0": :i- mileH IiineI , l,,,,r H,"'.'lnv i.ien.l.r,' -""""iiire ,. i'. VnmUli..,u !..n.. Ullx "'''J'jl nnd K. I Bloems-tor's j ?Mllllfii. ,1,1.. I 1. . . .. . . n.iss "fie tile - -.". iiiiiii, reiirrii tin, I fin , Akiiwii nnd Coniniedore Shel- ""i ' iniKe riligHllin 1(11 n low. hoi ii, "or,""i Inoterbont (iem ,?.' tl','1 ."'" te the straits for meter- e hv uma,t,,,'Ml the Sl'0'lle 'n'-"" A "mm. tes n tlme of 34 l,0,,rs ,'"1 . . a . ' , i i. .... . . ATTACKS BOXING COMMISH Cleveland Mayer Alse Refuses Per mlt for Kllbane-Martln Beut nermliClnfm1, Jl,Iy 25'-In "fuflnis n Jehnnv i'i,ia I,rP,i,',l e"t between leiinny h lhane nnd Pepper Martin Ids i? ",1",'w.eiK,lt fl'nmplenshlp here or ,12 "T'rMuyw Fr"1 Kllr took tern ii J.0"""! n. The Mayer re re Le, .! Ils. N,1,ml isnlnst professional "ejlng. saying; 1)0.1,,,'!' ",y. vl0'peint professional rffi .., mtJtt ? 1,l'"1,l,y condition r'BHt HOW. Cemn nlntu l,n., -..l..i inn l t ' " """ -'"inii imll.Vr ..,.", "' nu'"' raw siu I milled at Cincinnati, while the nets of n mM Wl, State Boxing Commission ns u.m,i'k ,""1 unmaking champions at " will has made a joke of the game." Wins Nine of Twelve Games MrtmVnt ii' ii?i? et ,he. ,I!'?.rn"1 "'venue inenV'and L. ,Cm.y,r 0ii b.Bl1 un lh 'H bUyid iinn. i".?lne ?Vl of t'Ui Knm hr from i,wV. ''nWumw(nii. Ilk in ' !M J ii.Sl i Laaun. Cull WoeOliiii'l "- 111 I lllri.lll.t In rmiiiu iiKi'iicy iieiicemcn anil liremcn I'llltlnn snlil li Jminl ilw nnntmi t'' 'n e i -. j , n goon urai ei cime. nuiiL-e euiinniin arc te be stationed inside nnd outside! i l te eh tnln Wnsen's share of ?l?e , , '??"", Cenwa' ' Camden, steppel national finalist and runner-up te Til the nst wooden structure. Flremen will ! eeeeds of tl e BrvnnT)ownev-Wilsen ?t0 .""'rlIni: n,s n "b.-tnte for Benny (len last year wen by default from Her he stationed in nil the aisles te ke.e, ! l0Z last I ater DnvTn Terser Citv "crrls nnd under the cinumsinnces he bert Miller ; Carl Fischer, present Mil them clear, nnd ethers will , , .1 seen n the decision of t he com- vn"" i K0df,7I,lbit'" ngain?t Jec die States champion, defeated R. M numerous Indrnnts that are ,, ,,17 lSW '',Z ?PT?,V..L2IeS'r' carnl"S Oraham without extending . himself m!.I nJ'i I nr"nn- w - ; a riial ViiRe te Cireb for n bout in Mas- "The en y knock 'en the uregram C;' 6-2! Dr' " V'P "'i TV' aMV Uleknid has arranged for 700 ushej-j, snelnisetts ,..., !., i, n.J; ? I I"Rrnm times runner-up. downed A. D. Snyder, te nssuiv nil !. i.i,u ", ". 'I "V.Vr :.. ; .. ... .,...,.. ... .... ' occurred in the Hist set-te when Ad n.n n.n. ...i.fii, t n T.ennnl . Leenard-Tendler Returns Te Be Given 'but in Phila. Announcement Jinn been mode by three dlflVrcht promoters Hint re turns of tlit Leenard-Tendler bout nt Jersey City will be given out in riillnilcljiirii.r .Telin Chapman, of the I'lillnitalphlA Velodreme. 1'elnt llrer-c 'Vrirk,m Imk nrranged for a Miecinl wire from the ringside te flip dreme, nnil n reiuiiiie of the bnttlp round by round will be nn nn neuncrd between bike races. The National I'lub and Legan A. A. nlse have arranged for n Mmllar Hervlcc by Charley Cress and Adam Itynn, rcHpectlvcly. Coast Star Begins Campaign te Regain Tennis Laurels Wen Many Years Age I e RIMING FOR NATIONALS t scv Voile, .July 2.". Sire. Mav Sut- ten Dundy, of Les Angeles, former ri.it Intinl u-mnnn. ..! .i "al,m,nl women s tennis chnmplen, te- day began her second campaign te re Rain the lnurels she were nearly a core of years age when she ilrst ap peared in the New Yerk State cham pionships en the courts of the Oreen Meadow Club. Mrs. Dundy was accompanied east bv .Mrs. William II. Henry, of Les An geles, who will be her partner In the doubles. She plans te play In a scries of women's tournaments preparatory te the national championships nt the West Side Tennis Club, Ferest Hills, N. Y., beginning August 14. Since her rpturn te California, after her remarkable performance in last ycnr'H chnmplenshlp, In which she was defeated by Mrs. Molln Djurstedt Mai 1 l?1"? . in thp fcmi-final round, Mrs. ' Tllittflt Itnu Irnnl ! anta.a. . .. Iitindy hns kent In censtnnt nrnetlre She has defeated Miss Mary K. Browne, of Santn Menica, Calif., in several mntches nnd theRe who have watched her gnme believe she Is playing even mere effectively than last season. Mrs. Dundy will play in the singles ef..Jl,,StaVi teurnan'ent ""J1, will pair I".1",1 M.rs IIcnr-v 'n the doubles. Next ", ' A. V . a u, ii x-" I ',enT tournament of the Srabrlriit. N. k,$ l"n ?" 1.Frftf.Clul " !1J"W',"B VL v C f A llta." CJV?T '''tf L 1N tt C S; I . Ihc Const star, os May Sutten, was. nntlenal women's chnmplen in 1004 Nn also holds the distinction of belnc I me uuiy yniieriLuii woman 10 win tne i all-comers title nt Wimbledon. Invad ing Knglnnd victoriously in 1005 and again In 1007. Her husband. Themas C. liundv held the national doubles title In 1010 with T. V. Hcndrick nnd also In 1012 with Mhurlce K. McLough McLeugh lln, the Califernla "Comet," ns his ;,nrtner. MASSACHUSETTS LIFTS BAN ON JOHNNY WILSON Middleweight Champien Immedi ately Issues Challenge te Greb Bosten. July 2.1. Johnny Wilsen, middleweight champion, and Marty Klllllcn. his manager, have been rein stated by the Massachusetts Ilexlng Commission. Wilsen nnd bis manager were sus pended en January fi. following the action of the New Yerk Itexing Com Cem mission in suspending the two when Wilsen lefuscd te meet Hnrrv CJreb. of Pittsburgh, in New Yerk, nfter Ktl- denrl in New Yerk, but outside of tliet State is still middlew eight champion of the world. TETRAMETER TRIUMPHS Wins Steward's Cup for Three I Year-Olds In England 1 C.'n-dwoed. ICngland. Julv 2.'. (Bv I A. P.) Tetrameter, by Tetrarch l out of Mendnln, wen the Steward's j Cup, a hnndlcnp of 1000 sovereigns for threc-yenr-eKis ami upward, six fur- N'iiht Patrel was second nnd Mern ing Light third. Thirty horses ran. The betting wns: Tetrameter, 10 te 1 ncninst; Night Pntrnl. 0 te'l; morning Light. 10 te 1. Tetrameter Is owned by Sir II. McCnlment. JESS LACKSTRAINERS Wlllard Forced te Loek te East for Sparring Partners Les Angeles, Calif., July 2.Y Scar city of seasoned heavyweight boxers in Southern California iiiny force Jcsh Willlaid te leek te the i'.ast for spar ling pm titers, nccerdlng te (!ene Deyle, imiuaxer of Willlnrd's tialtlHu'j camp here. Wllllard plans te use plenty it heavyweights in the dully grind of preparation for his proposed ehuinjilon ehuinjilen sjilp bout with .Tack Dcmpsey, ind he Is beginning te wonder whether he can find the "plenty" he needs. GREAT ROSE IS OUT Favorite Will Net Race In S. and S. Stake at Columbus Columbus, O.. July 25. The Great Rese of the McDonald stable, favorite In the 2:11 trot, the S. nnd S. Stake, feature event of today's Grand Circuit program nt the Columbus Driving Park truck. Is III and will net be started, it was snld at the track. Cnr Werthy likely will be the fa vorite ln the event, which carries a purse of $5000, the largest of the meet, which closes Friday. Other events Include the 2:12 pace, the 2:14 pace and the two-year-old trot. 1 MAY BUNDY IN NEW YORK PLAY llllnia lifld 4.iltn1 rt Anntunnl f,in tli.kliikufllt I itnu jmiii rikiiiu tt LuiiLiuiL iiii iiii ifiiiiL. i iivmr nnnn i i i i . iit.ii.. ti. Will Win Before 7th, Says Champien Leenard Iludil Lake, July 25. Before starting nn his dnlly five-mile run around the rim of the oval body of water from which this inosiiulto inesiiulto inosiiulte bitten oasis of New Jcrsey derives its name, Benny Leenard tedny made this bald Htnteinent : "I'll hnve nn nllbl if I lese nnd I'll be disappointed if I don't win by n knockout before the icvcnth rciBd." "' ' Vrn' -' ""i" BARRETT VICTOR. BY GREAT FINISH Redhead Has Welling en Verge of Knockout in Seventh Round CLINCHING, SAVES JOSEPH ny LOl'IS II. .IAFFE "DOIinY IIARRKTT Isn't a one-- hnnded fistmnn by any means. The rcdhend distinctly proved thnt fact Inst night In the feature bout at Rhlbe Park, when his left hook, mere se than his deadly light, enabled him te leave the ring a victor by a shade ngnlnst .Tee Welling, of Chlcge. Lack of experience, together with the vise-like clinching tnctics of Ac Mid dle Westerner. It nppenred In the sev enth round, robbed Hnrrett of n knock out. In thnt period Welling wns in n woozy condition, but he outguessed Hnrrett In making him ralss, nnd at the same time fell into numerous clinches, se that the Cliften Heights lad was un able te drive ever the "crusher." Thnt seventh session wns n rather stormy canto for the Windy City light weight. It was a left hook, half turn ing him around, that unbalanced Well ing first, early in the round, nnd then n right swing, n little tee high up, mnde Jen niore dizzy Held Continually But Jee's strongest asset in the ring is his defensive tnctics. He held en con tinually, falling into clinches almost ns seen as Referee William II. Recap would separate them. Several times Barrett shook his head in disgust toward his corner, from where shouts of "Fin ish 'im" emanated, intimating that Welllng's holding wns tee much for blm. The eighth round nlse found Welling suffering a let of punishment around the body nnd head. However, before the session web ever Barrett became some what fatigued and Welling finished up with n belated rally. Barrett cot into the winning nt n time when it looked as if he were being hopelessly outclassed. When the bell rnng ending the sixth round it appeared like n certain victory for Welling, whose inside work, short snappy upper ruts and body blows helped him pile up.n comfertnble lend. Welling had n let of respect for that Hnrrett right, nnd continually had that arm of Rebby's locked tight. But when Reb get geln; In the, seventh and con tinued his fast work in the eighth it proved conclusively that the Redhead hns n qunntlty of stamina and is never defeated until the bout is ever. Eddie Fltzsimmens, of New Yerk, proved a tartnr for Earl France, of California, and the Westerner fniled te win, although net beaten, for the first time since appearing In mntches in Philadelphia. France displayed suffi cient cleverness from the distance te give him a draw against the hard punching Getham southpaw. It looked as if Frnnce were due for a visit te the innvns en two different occasions, but he came, back strongly each time. In the third a left te the body almost doubled up Earl, nnd the fame glove te the jnw in the fifth by Fltzsimmens badly shook up the Call Call ferninn. Wagner Wins Eddie Kid Wagner, local rising fentherweight, added Sammy Seiger. of New Yerk, te his list of defeated when the Seuth Philadelphia!! came through with a rush in the last few rounds nnd cmnched the visitor around nt pretty Stene, the hard -hitting marine, scored a tcchuicnl K, (). In the second round against Eddie Hayes, of Shenandoah. The hitter's seconds threw n towel into tie ring after Hayes had been dropped twice. WORK ON STADIUM FOR OLYMPIC GAMES BEGINS Architect Premises te Have Track Ready by October Colembcs Stadium, Paris, July 25. Werk en the erection of the stadium nt Colombes, ln which the 1024 Olympic games will be held, began yesterday. The preparation for the gnmes, which, since June, 1021, has been confined te the Finance Commission of the Paris Municipal Council, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, is new officially assigned te the bricklay ers, carpenters and several hundred workmen under the direction of Archi tect Fnure Dujarlc. He premises te have the 500-meter track ready for the athletes te begin their preparation next October. The stands will have a capacity of 00,000, and will Inclese a regulation i ruguy ana association football field. They will be finished in April, 1023, said Architect Dujnric. NAME BACHELOR CREWS Announce Oaramen Who Will Rew In Canadian Henley en Saturday Three crews will represent Philadel phia In the Cnnndlnn Henley, te be held next Saturday at St. Catherines, Ontario, it was mnde known nt u meet lnc of the Schuylkill Nnvy last night. All of the erews will be composed of Bachelors' Biitki' Club oarsmen. W. K. dnrrett Glllmere will row in the henler einxlew nnd will be pitted nualnHt Heb Dibble, former Canadian and national hingles chnmplen, who Is attempting a come-back, and Hilten IJclyea, present Canadian tltlehelder. Glllmere will nlse be paired with HapKOed in the senior doubles. Doug las Derby and I'M Mitchell, former Pennsylvania, oarsmen, will compete in the Intermediate doubles. Plans for the national regatta next month were albe discussed. A. com mittee was appointed and left for New Yerk, where it will attempt te persuade Walter Hoever, winner of the Geld Challcnga Cup and Diamond Sculla, te uppcar in the local clnsnle. All-Ireland Pole Team Named Dublin, July 25, Arrangements are corn- Pletel te send a team represent Ine the All- Ireland lliile Cub le , riMricuiini: ine A Amurlca, It was an neuncej jrilerila)'. Ihe team will renalst of ii Captain i4iiiaiu uuiiiiiifiii , j, w. r rencn Inaard Ueulrilnir. J. Ueuglaa and Captain P, A. Q. V Ulll. TRNDI.FJi-U:OKAUD I1GHT mew by blew, the llaht will be followed by two eirrnllenally i allied sperlH writers, "lllllv" Hoeap and Cullen Cain are iteltiu le lull Pumiu LciOKR readers about mr in. Undent utjthe flslit.lii the iecl pajes "nn RIGHT OFF THE FIRE FOR BENNY This Is Paekey Schwartz, all the way from Michigan City, Ind who Is at IJudd Lake, N. .1... doing "The Man neltlnd the Steve" act for Benny Leenard during the llrfit weight champion's training for his match Thursday nfebt with Lew Tcndler at Beyle's T hlrty A'cres. Schwartz is a vet eran of the United States Navy, hev- Jug put in twelve years as cook for j je Rohs. Paekey beasts of "having cooked for a million men," and new glories ever the fact of preparing meals for the cham pion H S DEFEAT IS TENNIS USPET Penn Captain Beaten by C. W. Beard, of Cynwyd, in Middle States BILL TILDEN WITHDRAWS Chnrles N. Beard, veteran Cynwyd tennis star, furnished the surprise of the current Middle States tennis tour nament yesterdny when he trounced Captain Andrew Morgan, of the Unl ersity of Pennsylvania, after an un usually fierce battle, 4-0, 0-2, 7-5, en the clay courts of the Cynwyd Club. Morgan, who flashed some unusually geed tennis In the recent intercollegiate tourney nt Mcrien, when he trimmed some of the best collegians in the coun try, wan outgeneraled and outplayed by his veteran opponent. Anether Pennsylvania crack who was defeated by an unusunlly wide mnrgin wns Mnnngcr Donald Steel and Ne. 3 en the Red and Blue team. Little Gus Amsterdam, pride of Woodferd courts, driving with tremendous speed, chased Steel nil ever the court and wen In the Impressive style of 0-0, 0-0. Steel was given an even chance before the match but no one expected the result te be se emphatic. Though the tournament was hard hit by the withdrawal of Bill Tilden, nntlenal champion, there is enough talent left te make it a huge success. It has n larger entry list than any pre vious Middle States championship. In n telegram te Dr. Philip B. Hawk, teurnnment manager yesterday morn ing, Tilden expressed regret but said it was necessary te withdraw te prac tice en grass courts for the Davis Cup trials en Saturday. The Cynwyd nf fnlr is btaged en cloy and the sudden shift from clny te gross wan likely te have affected the champion's game. Twe unexpected defaults came when Stanley W. Pearson, one of the rnnklng local stnrs, nnd young Sandy Welner. Tllden's latest pretege, defaulted. Beth were expected te travel far in the tilt. All the ether taverues advanced with from Daniel Kecfe, 5-7, 0-4. (5 Other interesting matches were staged by J. Soils-Cehen, Jr., In de feating S. F. Farell, 0-0, 0-3, nnd by Dr. E. L. Eliasen in trouncing Her bert Wallie. 0-2, 0-0. One of the toughest matches of the day wns that wen by Dr. J. G. Tayler from Carl Martin, Jr., 0-2, 0-8. 0-4. GOODFELLOWS TO PLAY Will Meet Bartram Park en Heme Field In Twilight Game The Goedfellows baseball team, which Inst week trounced Hate Meters, 14 te 2, will open its home sensen at Fifty eighth nn.i.1 Walnut Btreets tonight with Bartram Park. Manager Lembard! has secured a great line-up for the Goedfellows, and McVer. who fanned eighteen of the motorists last week, will again be en the hill. The Goedfellows are a trifle late in getting started, ns they did net wish te enter the field as n trnveing club, and u was a ien: nine neiere tney were able te mukn arrangements for their preseqt location, which West Philadelphia. Is the beht in Hoever, Sculling King, Returns Frem England New Yerk, July 25. The steam ship Majestic enme up the bay to day with Walter Hoever, of Duluth, Minn., who wen the world's ama teur singles sculling championship in the Kngllsh Henley en July S. CAM$ A- c- VXA 'muni r.yr,., ji 1.1 xn, lunt OI'RV.AIR nnviVfl AL. )V1I.L.IH VS. CHAN ri'env lke Baseball Today, 3:30 P. M. NATIONAL RATIONAL LUAMTK PAKK 'IIIU.IKH vs. CINCINNATI l fents nt (llmlwls' nnd Npa I-1 Frv. Idlna'a UPSETS ALL YOUR OLD IDEAS ABOUT SHAVING -THE .Afrit $:'SlSlV ';sibV ('BS1K. ) ? M ''''ILi I -' MORGAN 4. r 12L d-LAWTV Aett f ,S" ' .- w''''s" MetHt-Ftt f J What May Happen in Baseball Today NATIONAL I.KAOCK . Wen Leut 1VO. Win Vw .Yerk M 84 .614 .8IS Loe .607 .006 .527 .505 .480 .484 .968 .049 .017 J hlrttce 4S nrlnnatl 47 t'lltsbiirch ... . 44 llrqekl.ni 44 I'Mlndrlphla SI Bosten 30 an 48 4A 4.1 40 (IS 05 .018 ,R3S tSIt .491 ,4H( .MO .853 ,B3S ,AIS .500 .405 .87S .300 AMERICAN I.KAOUE Wen Iet P.r. Win Ie .576 .558 .822 .511 .405 .407 .413 .400 t. ixmin S4 3S .582 587 .-sew leric .... OS rhlcnce 4R Detroit 48 rievplsnd 40 Wushlnsten 42 41 43 48 40 47 ns 51 .504 .888 .533 .511 .505 .478 .424 .420 .527 .510 .500 .478 .418 .414 Henton 88 Athletic 30 INTERNATIONAL I.EAOCK w. t. r.r. w. i.. r.r. naltlmerr ffl 24 .742 Terente. . 48 48 .480 RnchrKhr. 07 38 .flOO Readies. . 80 86 .411 .ler. City 55 42 .507 Hrracmtf. 38 61 .884 lluffule. . 51 45 .531 Newark.. 26 27 .280 YESTERDAY'S RE8ULT3 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh. Si New Yerk, 2 (first nune). .-sew Yerk, lit I'lttetainrli. 4 (2d same). rw lern, tur 111 I-ltthlirxh. Onlj same ttheduled. AMERICAN LEAOCE Athletics. 4i Washington. 2. Cleveland. 5i Chlcoce, t. Onlr games aehedalee, INTERNATIONAL LEAOCE Nerrark, 7t Boehreter. B. Nrmcune. let Jemey Cltr. 8 (Ant rmnuV Jersey CttT. Si SrrcD. 0 (oecend gnme). e, iu Terente, 0 Rrndlnc. Baltimore, 8 Buffalo, 4. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Teledo. 4 1 St. Pal. 1. .Minneapolis. 141 loin 4i Celtunbna Kansas Cltr. Ill Lonlsvllle, 8. Others teams net ached EASTERN LEAGUE Albany. 81 Bridgeport, 9. nartferd, 4 PlttafieJd. 0. New naTn, 61 Sprlngfleld. 0. Other teams net scheduled. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Birmingham, 6j Memphis, 8 (first MeaiDhla. 81 Birmingham. gam id ga e). NashrUlr. 61 Atlanta. 0. mrming nam. 1 (i oeona game), Mobile, 4i Chattanoera. Little Beck. 3 1 New 0?1 0. lean. 1. TODAY'S SCHEDULE NATIONAL LEAOUB Cincinnati at Philadelphia. St. Iyetus nt new Tene, Pittsburgh et Broeklm. von teage nt Bosten. AMERICAN IJSAOUE Athletic at Clrreland, Waahlnglan nt Detroit. New Yerk at St. IxmU. Bosten at Chicago. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Newark at Boeheoter. Jersey City nt Syracuse. Reading at Terente. BalUmara at Buffalo. WOODS IN FORM Western Star Beats Huesten In Second Bleck Arthur Weeds, Minneapolis star, again defeated Tem Huesten at the Hecreatien Academy in their 1200-pelnt pocket billiard match last night. Weeds wen the second block. 111 te 40. Weeds bad a high run of 20 and Hues Hues ten 10. Weeds' victory gave him a lead In the total scoring of 200 te 75. The third block will be played this after neon. OTHER 8PORT8 ON PAGE 19 -ml I " . -. J 'vi t',4 Going te the TENDLER-LEOMARD FIGHT JULY 27 . T.9ii aLe. "Jra te Und your friend en one of the fellow. Ing Keadlng" trains from Heading Terminal direct te Jersey City. ik.imj :oe Parler Parler 4,00 P. M.. 4.00 P. Al.- 4 48 P. KI.Hnrfal AII P..llmnn .in. nnn 4.80 P. SI. Hpeelal "All Pullman" Trlnl 4.B5 P, 8.00 2-XX ! ?! ?.nlnl Steel , ni. npniui ieei S.OO I' M.- eaehrs, Pnrler Fer uarnrs, i-Hrier ana '.the& il..lrinv m lantle City, after the "III nm direct mantle Lity. Philadelphia & Reading Railway V- In the Men's A special clearance et about 600 pairs of this season's smart oxfords White buckskin, light russia, wax calfskin All ether lines are also substantially reduced CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Slerc Cleaca S P. M, Saturday All Pay HOPKIN REACHES 2 TENNIS FINALS Central High Lad te Play for Beys' State Singles and Doubles Crowns TOM McGLINN DEFEATED Milten Hepkln. n wee Ind from the Central High Scheel, new representing the Woodferd Courts, renched two final rounds In the boys' Pcnnsylvnnla State championships nt the Cynwyd Club to day. He survived the dcml-finals in the singles nnd doubles. In the singles Hepkin showed his ability by eliminating Harry Axe, con queror of Donald Strachan, the na tional boys' clay court chnmplen, In two sets, 0-0, 6-2. In the doubles he plnyed he played with Milferd Myers. They defeated L. Powell and F. W. Armstrong, Jr., in two love sets. Wllllnm Mngulre and Jehn McOlinn also reached the doubles final. They de feated Themns Nicely nnd Malcolm Hedge, 0-3, 7-5. They meet Hepkln and Myers for the title tomorrow. Hepkin will also piny for the sin gles championship tomorrow. He will oppose the winner of the Milferd Myers-Teomas Nicely match . Karl Bnrtlctt, the southpaw youth, reached two semi-finals. He wen from Al. J. Maguire, Jr., in the singles. (1-1, 0-0 and with Themns McGllnn advanced ln the doubles by eliminating C. Gorden Hedge and J. J. M. Iiewker, 0-3, 0-2. One of the surprises of the day was the elimination of Tem McGllnn from the singles. McGllnn, who with Miles Valentine wen the national boys' doubles last year, was beaten by Nell Sullivan In two sets, 0-2, 0-2. Hepkin showed great steadiness in his match against Axe. His extreme coolness was a factor in his victory. He plnyed continually te Axe's back hand nnd forced his opponent te de feat himself. The point score follews: FIRST SET Hepkln ,4 4 4 4 8 4 28 n Ax 2 10 0 0 2110 BECOND SET Itepktn 0 4 8 8 0 14 4 29 fl Ax 4 2 4 8 4 4 2 2 242 The summaries: BOTS' SINOI.E8 Semi-final Round . Milten Hepkln defeated Harry Axe, 0-0, 0-2. JUNIOR SINOLES Fourth Round NU Sulltran defeated Themas MeOllnn. Karl' bartlett defeated Al J. Maguire. Jr. 6-1, 6-0. Jack Dremmal defeated L. B. Kraft. Jr., 8-4. 7-5. BOTS' DOUBLES ..... (Semi-final Re-jnd) Milten Hepkln and Milferd Myers defeat ed L. Powell and F. L. Armstrong, Jr., 0-0. 0-0. William Macutr and Jehn McOlinn de feated Themas Nicely and Malcolm Hodga. 0-3, T-0, JUNIOR DOUBLES (Second Round) Themas McQKnn and Earl Bartlstt defeat ed C. Oorden Hedge and J. J. M. Bowker. 8-8. 6-2. Heme-Run Hitters in Games Yesterday Walker. Athletles W 8t"2? Cerey. Pirates 1 4 LEAGUE TilTALS TO DATE American League 801 National League 27S 1021 291 208 THE LEADERS TO DATE American League Walker. Athletics Williams. Browns llellmann. Tigers Ruth. Yankees Miller. Athletles Measel. Yankees Falk. White Sex Burns, Red Sex Dykes. Athletics McManen. Browns Rath one year National Hnrnsby. Cardinals . . Williams, I'hUlles .... Wheat. Robins ...... Alnsmlth. Cardinals . . Kelly. Giants Meusel, (llante Grtmea. Cubs Parkinson. Phillies .. Miller, Cubs Founder, Cardinals .. HOME BUMS 1M1 American League National League Total and Dining Cars. and Dining Oars, 24 21 rarier Lars. Dining Car, Ceaeh tral Lourn Train and Dining Cars N light reinrn te At- BDeclal ipalna Jersey CUjr te $8.40 4aHBafe rnM ?wmm& WK m a l e "l,m WimmEscfanah 1H LANSDOWNE TITLE FOR COUNTRY CLUB "Dec" Carlss, Penn Coach, Beats Legien Nine, 4 te 3, Before Recerd Crowd ERRORS DECIDE THE ISSUE The I.nnsdewnc Country Club, 1022 baseball champions of Lansdewnc. This wns the outcome of one of the greatest games of baseball played nt Lansdewnc last night between the rep resentatives of thnt organization nnd the Amerlcnn Legien te determine the best tenm In the Delnwnre County town. Mere than lfiOO persons watched the pastime, which happens te be the larg est crowd of fnns thnt has witnessed a baseball contest there in years. Bril liant fielding nnd hnrd hntting, wltm sensational catches, combined te make the event one long te be remembered by these who witnessed the fray. Before the gnme begnn It was decided FRENCH, shr URNER g$!9 SALE "BesBaaaaa:TsaBsBaw aaaaaaKi;"v'r4aaaaaaaaBv The "Censul" One of the many models featured at $9.85 115 Seuth 12th St. Just below Chestnut Bt. Fer sundry reasons this bargain J 1 aftsasaa .v E If BTBmsssav .bh at Pure Worsted Guaranteed Dyes Marshall E. men m FurnithingM (Incorporated) 724 Chestnut Street ,n asH 1 I.. . M age 80 U-Visai sail M all sat vaBf il IA ni'aVlpsn!aBSBBVBa fakal Laagns ssa4Pai ! I sal sal I !! I IBM WIS last HI 'Hal 1 iL BHyn i s ' Mk Im mmk I mmk mmmk Wmk m " JnW-Msxi. eJs.wM la'iv3ws ImI 140 '&&& K14"'$S2 &&$$&& : ;Mssl im m?3m m&zmm. Wmm m - mfflm m$lm wiMmk Fme , m flHHL lffiffaR p$4ffi TjtBa5!nm ,fllt' SOSit m$S$3k m i m lV7aTVT7nl !JiilAafSesassm uNtScaBTaTam 9tl 1 K!V2iSmH!a BsssvmcSbI iieSCTJesBBm SF 1 1 afl KHKl WIH ' ml wirPm W?w$$$mk wwmsWL mm H wimk wMk II raranSH ivl-.Vc3eKi aw&3eaaV .iwFi !alfi W'iKV WmwS mm mw&kmM VteH&.'jmmBi .!& mm WE'beUiee yewOTlikthEI .Phw ducte blend. j It is hard te imagtaW an experienced cigar smoker who deeta'ti enjoy redlyweUibalimcedxWtiidpe geed Havana. And if you de likelhatMendrwe-iRiewlKat aiHuugmemwiy sizes from 10c r ."n. .. shape .that. suits your . ,w ww " ,.1 9 r.-r-.i;' -, m i' ivv ijvuuing eaiamvn ' jm in hach Majer i. NATIONAL LEAOCIS . (I. A.I1. R. Ml i iiernsny, wt. Lenl us sei 17 iff llrlmn. Chlrage.. 81 208 M It iieiinenrr. i nicMRO. hi nm e lT.i.' niKerr. i-iiisenrgn. nn ni i J'I iiumnn. t in nun. va iui (v ,tv AMKRtCAN l.r..fli;E n. a.ii.;r. n. Hlslrr, Nt. ItuU.. 01 78 8 IM Cobb. Detrnlt..... 80 814 AS 17 Hnciikrr, Clevetnnd HI 803 07 10 Mrnsrl. New Yerk 61 248 37 M llellmann, DMrelt. 87 840 00 12 I jiA te nlny seven innings, but with ' tetnls deadlocked nt 3-all U.gral agreed te continue until some ort .,J55)P xnc gnme was ier dioeu, ihiu every www --( wns ln favor of a fight te n tlnUh AM yS the soldiers lest. ' ' i A cnlnxv of stnrs. nast and nrewnti S, trotted out when play began. Many ex. $ I'enn players dotted the field. ThT 'fc nn ttn r, rmn.1 nmnitttt nf ffififiluAt POM. HwA ,i . Dec Cnrlss. Penn conch, wns the wi: i nlng pitcher. He hurled brilllnnt baflt H holding the Legien lads te six bits, faa-i j ning seven nnd wnlklng none. , " , Hnn Sheppnrd, who opposed hlai, A yleldetl eight hits, four of which weref double-,, had four bases en balls nasi, j breezed six. Hnds Ogden and the entlW' Jf rnnntrir flluh Infield lilnved n hint--its) VI game. SHOES OF MEN'S Practically our entire stock of Spring: and Summer models substantially reduced. will appeal te you. Life Guard Suits were $4.85, A. new $3 Smith & Bre. Athletic Goods or U hYoducte, sail ...:ii r; 1 i ," w a ina size particular prafi il I U nil Wf te ,... I a, I wmM iii 1 1 iiiwwwr vinc TT"n r ' rrr , 'Hittiiiffs wmjh ' . V. ' ..' " ' '""fffAi ia.M llllllliIMJM, 1 'Wfei y.me"t'Am g' '1 'IJS1HSB1 M 5 'J 7. ic k ' m B.V su4s ,., n ii. UcJijMtkZt i .a. rvVr UiXt MfU At "' ;! HM 1 i M n1, , AWH itfjj t"Tr. .J 1L It ,)l '. .,n I j, ,, i ?.,