."' f CC& Daily Mevie Magazine MAYBE YOU SAW rnmntciax: B-Mr -i dJ 'A?it iHHil B9i!FiipB? ' irv z'' rprarti BBIraij-B ''- It-it'fII -" v V4Ri &lw&i9EHwk 'THk'V''i'' '!;; r Jrl-HHt?' ';L. MRU , v-- ,''?. i V LflHlH i ' cS'''c44eHB a sj.v byTi silk-x JftHfc ? 'cM''earv 8 rHi aVJ nv iHarBUa'' ? 3 x " jV V 'iHMv eiHBlHfc' w?iv4L y' ?t$fi ''-RXjt-v I fMM"ylf 5i.flellGJ r-i ; -i " ' P3aH K?K ? 5 1. "T llBiiHMB l a'1 Wmv Sr w JrR''?' ?MHlHrir,i F ww ?t,'WAi!BR;v; $&i&."l " 1MHHV'3'' IW; Jn r : I fflfc 3v CV9, "V' rI , flfl$HMtf J?V ' A 9 ' i w1 ,'& ' I 'f -Mr "' 11 ' 'inHHK' K'M$ '' liv 9 ;i$ tV" F: ,7,, .' '.rr.i tm-.' i te asL -'; M JSwra ii Bf ',' A, V! v ''dsnfN!SF'flvrT' ' M JcVHJ' E1yBaSv4ihiMify "4lv Ht ' fA &, , Blfl!Hk'vHlPJIkP '? ; m HBI f:'- 'ili'', '-Jli'. XuWcMH f'?lM lHlHati? ''f' - jf f j jjMr MBa 4$?a L ?? i??' $4&$?aBT?2fc H . zfv f iwPrfHii Hflsr && K HIH).''IL ??& PBI',,':: ,3lW"- B fa. . . .fa'jJA.;:, J ?. A.J JTg??!g) BBBIA -fr" Season before lust that wild mcledramu, "The Storm," played In this city. New the films have It and above Is one of the exciting scenes. The players left te rlnht) are Matt Moere, Virginia Valll and Heuse Peters. De their costumes make you hotter than ever? THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX By HENRY Themas J. Tebln As I have said te often, I cannot advise anybody te try te "get into tlm movies" at the present time, and that applies te the comedy side as well as dramatic fea tures. Held your horses nnd bide your time. Franccjca writes: "This is my first offense. I have never entered a con troversy of this character via a news paper, but I cannot remain silent any longer. Allew me te compliment 'Kens. Llllem' en his few kind words for Ven Btrehelm. I fail te see why se many people condemn that man. He has done nothing but portray a true story in Foolish Wives.' Is it bis fault it these conditions exist en the Continent new and then? And I am in a position te say occasionally you de meet a decadent neblemnn. Our American women de net mnkc a very brilliant success of Inter national marriages, based en the ex change of money for title. That is just exactly what Eric von Strehelm is trying te drive home te American women. Hence, 'Foolish Wives.' Sup pose his story was suggestive and had te be cut by the censers what hnve you te pay about some of Oscar Wilde's iteries? I have a volume by Balzac fe vulgar that I did net care te finish rend ing it. Still that book is for sale nnd no one is voicing nny pretest against Balzac that I knew of. Then why censer the movies or Ven Strehelm be raiibe they nre telling the truth? De feu remember Ven Strehcim's 'Devil's Pass-Key'? That was a very geed pic ture, typical of some of the conditions that exixt in Pnrls. Maude Geerge, who P'nyerl the part of the mediste in the 'DeWl's Puts-Key,' nnd the Russian Princess, alias confidence woman, in the much-dipcuRscd 'Foolish Wives, Is without a doubt a splendid actress. Count von Strehelm displays perfect judgment In cheesing the person who Just scemR te fit into the part. "One of your readers fcome time age remarked Mime of the buildings repro duced of Monte Carle looked like At lantic City. Would suggest snld 'reader visit Mente Carle nnd then judge. Ven Strehelm's t-ccne of the interior of the Casine at Monte Carle was Indeed a very geed reproduction. ''I want te thank you. though, for upholding Wnllnce Reld. Certainly It I an outrage the manner in which he wir attacked by 'Wnym.' I sincerely "epe It never comes under Mr. Held's attention, as the criticism was very nnjuKt. 'Peter Ibbetson'? Perfect! Mr. Held's pcrsennl appearance? Very well groomed. I think it is n case of aeur grapes with 'Wrnynm.' lias every ene forgotten the un usually geed work Wnllace Reld hiw flfne In some of Geraldine Fnrrar's pictures? I have a very attrectlve lerslaii cat, and because he is attrac tive I have named him Wallie Reld." Still true te my Fourth of July res olution, I refuse te be stirred out of "y den en the Ven question, except te admit that you're perfectly right about Ms excellent choice of casts. Why. eh, '"y. that last remark about your Per "an cat? Are you trying te kid Wal lace after all? And I was just begin ning te agree with you se whole heartedly.) Wanna Lew writes: "First of nil I want te thnnk you for your very kind and cordial answer te my last letter. I certainly de enjoy the Letter Bex, na half the enjoyment Is derived from tie Interesting and Intelligent wuy in which you conduct it. "I' llke the letters from the 'old timers ever se much, recalling the dnys wnen the movies were in their infancy and long befere Cecil De Silly tried te wove them Inte their second childhood, fhnt was the Celluloid Era when the Jf-r-reat Mr. Griffith was practically unknown and the well-known stars of wlay net even visible In the filmy sky. "There was one quaint little nctiess wnem pcople noticed, even In the be wildcring nrrny of 'Blegraph blendes.' Ii'r?(W1. din two nnd gift of whim m3 ty, lc'' We t0 predict, even In theso -.., uhju, jnut sue would be suecetH Jv- And nhe was. The Mae Marsh PAtli ! 1. -. 1 i a i imi ft?.eni: .the winsome 'little sister' of p, ,ii'"" or " Natien, and the unfor unfer unfor Vem2 i D.w,r 0' f 'Intolerance' Is fri?n?berJ'a by u Frcat miln' fn- turn . '" nre wishing she would re- never'0 tl, Kcrc". Surely there wits tr,. i i'.,ere nPPea'li' emotional ne- l.vw ' t1,0 cn,'re rcillm t the Great e( ( Jnvmn. rN'alle '. "evSr ,ferSc.t ll'e Birth of a ,of i-!",d th! thrilling rescue ride Di:,!v',nnsmen' 'Miriam Cooper was Mi J u" tn? wthern girl. Surely Sin 00Pl lcscrvea mere attention vM.wn accorded her. She la , fNerm. type-dark, .IntenM', eme. . EVENING PUBEltf BEDGElt-PPIIiADEtPHl A, MONDAYS' " aaaa . as m - . . i mm i i eaaM as m h a v aw as mmmmmimmmimamimm-""1 THIS ON THE STAGE M. NEELY tiennl. Lillian also gished around quite a bit in that film, but I don't recall her as vividly as I de Mae or Miriam. "Glad you like Elliett Dexter. He is one of the very few plnycrs who give the impression of unassuming blncerlty combined with genuine ncting ability. Remember when he played the villain In a Marguerite Clark picture, 'Hclene of the North'? Alse when he was lead ing man for Lillian Glsh in nn old picture called 'Daphne nnd the Pirate'? "My very first movie favorite was a cute little blonde named Gwendeline STORE MANAGER WANTED A large financially responsible Chicago installment retail branch store house has an opening for a thoroughly experienced aggressive store manager te take complete charge of its Pittsburgh store. Net neces sary te be acquainted with our merchandise, but must thoroughly understand credits and collections. Liberal salary and excellent future prospects for a successful manager. C 115, Ledger Office PHOTOPLAYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. A DOT I n B2D THOMPSON ST3. rV-lllW MATINEE DA1LT ALMA RVUF.NS In "FIND THE WOMAN" ACTnD EIGHTH & OIRARD AVI MD 1 VJr MATINEE DULY ETHEL CLAYTON In "THE WOM X BENEATH" BALTIMORE eITSE MARY MILES MINTER In "THE IIKAHT HI'KCIALIBT" DI T lirniDfS tfreart t Susquehanna DlUli-DlrL Contlnueua 2 until 11 WILLIAM S. HART In "TRAVKUN" OX" , colonial Vrnrn? Ar' CONSTANCE TALMADGE 'in "POLLY OF THE rOLUKH" FAIRMOUNT gSJrAnfiAit?' SHIRLEY MASON In "LITTLE MIHH SMILES" GREAT NORTHERN "sn V, ETrt nd u CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "POLLY OF THE FOLLIES" IVIDI7PIAI 0OTH WALNUT BTS. IlVlr HrxlMLj Mati. 2.30. Evgi. T U CHARLES RAY In "R. B. V. P." I mCDTV DROAU & COLUMBIA AV. LlDdA 1 I MATINEE DAILT CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "THE WORLDLY MADONNA" rDICMT Woodland Ave. at 0!M 81. UrU.rl MATINEE DAILT ALMA RVIIKNS In "FIND THE WOMAN" 0VERBR00K 03D Si HAVERPORD avi;.nui; JACK HOLT and IIICHK DANIELS In "North of the Rie Grande" DAI U FUANKFORD AVE A r AL1VI NORRI8 STREET Rebert Edeson in "Any Nij?ht" ADDKIV-.M ACJ HF.NXETT COMEDY DrrTMT Market St. Delew lTth KcajLUN 1 10 A M. I( 11 V. M. GARETH HUGHFS In "DON'T WHITE LOTTERY T5Ta"i TO germantewn avenue K1AL 1 U XV Tl'l.l'ElfOf'KEM BT. MIA LEE nnd T. ROY IJARNES In "Ie Matrimony a Failure?" SHERWOOD Mi,hAT.I!?,McT,aiSe ANITA STEWART In "HOWlNfl THE WIND" aaa M adiCT street theatre i ii MAKrvti I 0 A. H, te UllS P, XT. "FOOLISH WIVES" BY AND Willi; VON STROUEIU 1'atcs, although I don't remember new just what she looked like except that she was n bit Plckferdy and had 'them there' eyes. "As for the men, Ivthlnk first of J. Warren Kerrigan. He was, you re member, the Wally Reld of the old dnys with variations. Carlylc Btnckwell and Arthur Ashley, of the gene nnd for gotten World Company, were quite popular when they suddenly vanished from scrcenland some years age. Arthur Ashley eugt te try the movies again, for, as I recollect, he was ns good geed looking nnd talented ns any who nre new acting. "Wonder why there nren't mere pictures like the 'Ge and Get It' of two years nge. Bet you saw it, for 'Lovable Eyes' Ayrcs was the leading lady. I like Agnes, tee. "Here's hoping mere 'old timers' write In. It would be interesting if each ene would tell about the very first picture he or she remembers seeing. "Te start flic performance will Mr. H. M, N. p'cnup recite his first mevie recollection?" (Applause). (My first? Mmmm! A comedy with Lilllam Walker, Wally Van and Jehn Bunny, ,but that's only because they didn't name the plays In the earliest days. When you mention Elliet Dex ter's interesting parts of yesterday, In clude that of the bandit in Mary 1'icK ford's "Remance of the Redwoods." 'n"w T" liLJ '' ,.l r,'''y 'lucs Arthur Ahlev Imhs nn ever new nnd tlen-.ln regard, te Gleria's eyes Is Arthur Ashley bobs up every new and then. He played at the 'Bread in O'Neill's "Chris" (the germ of "Annn Christie") several seasons nge, and was out en the read last year in "The Man Who Came aBck." Come along, old timers I) Jehn E. Raymond Address, Century Company. 1000 Broadway, New Yerk, or 0100 Sunset Boulevard, Hollyweod: Triungle Cempuny is out of existence; address, R-C Company (Robertsen Cele). 723 Seventh avenue. New Yerk, or 780 Gowar street, Hollywood; ad dress Unlversnl Company, Universal City, California, or .1000 Broadway, New Yerk. Tem writes: "OfUn I go te a little cemetery where the grass grows wild and high, and where there arc many graves trampled by the small feet of truant children. I watch the long rays from the setting sun paint the windows of the little church n deep red. As the colors ln the sky change te n deep amethyst, I whistle for First 'un. who is chasing a butterfly or something in a far corner. Together, me and my deg, we seek a little mound of earth, with n little white stone at the head. I stand reverently nnd try te choke back the lump that always comes into my threat. Sometimes it won't go back. "In the cold, blcnk dawn of a winter morn my dad carried me en his arm te where she lay. 'Geed-by. Senny,' she had said. 'I'm going te the angels new. "Maybe that's why I liked Richard Barthelmcss in his new picture; mnybe that's why I was glad I was In n very dark spot when Jee came home te Senny's mother. "Parts of 'Senny' seem a little im- PHOTOI-LAYS rtlrThe NIXON-N1RDLINGER M lkV THEATRES Sl BELMONT A,i: .market ti l SIata.l:30.3.IB.EB.0 30,8. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "THE THREE MUSKETEER'S" CEDAR G0TH,. CDDAjAVEMJlF "North of the Rie Grande" COLISEUM ?,nrket tet-0Olh euw "'J1-'-'1VX I 30 and 3, 7 and u P. M. TOM MIX In "I'p and c.mr. JUMBO J-RONr ST. 4 OHURD" AVE.' JUmtlO June, en Trankfer "l..i MISS DU PONT In "THE GOLDEN OAU.QWH" LEADER , J" &gfgWJ DUSTIN FARNUM In "YELLOW Mm nn OOLD" LOCUST mD. AFP. CtJ5"TRBETS , S'n 1-80. 3:10; Eir. II 3D. S:45 D. W. RRIFFITII'S PRODUCTION "" wYvn tfluSi" NIXON'S AMBASSADOR"1 Matinee. l:.1n A 3 EenlnH 7 ft 0 V D. W. GRIFFITH'S PRODUCTION' "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" NIXON "D AND "AKETSTST BERT LYTELL In "THE FACEnRTlVF.KN 69TH ST. 'fT'STfl GEORGE ARUSS In "THE RULINO PASSION" STR AND"Uwma37 7AvanV yrf "North of the Rie Grande" ARDMORF LANCASTER P1K1I i-II-IVlV-IC. ARDMORE. PA. "CONCEIT" BLTH LT.OD hlXXBT. Centrnlln GRANT 022 eiRAHDAvn. Jint, Today; Evr, 7 4 0 "THE LAST TRAIL" Added Wennil nf "The I-ther P.i..f" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANTOWN 83XTri?fini?Aw,nLv MARY MILES MINTER In "TILLIK" PARIf RIDfin AVE. & DAUPHIN 8f! nMlMV Mt, "tin. Kvk. fli5 te II HPECIAL rBODUCTION ' "THE GOLEM" sO probable, but the splendid noting muse one te lese sight of this. Barthclmess seems te have chiseled another blockef marb'e te make his niche. In the Hall of Mevie Fame, The nllkv course of hit t ncting is unruffled, unwrlnklcd, only smoetn. Ann iiih personality is se much mere vivid than that of ether actors. It sweeps around ene with a delicious wnrinth. It nffcctii ene like the chime of silver bells. "The world, runt an old phrase, gen erally gives ite ndmlratlen net te the man who does what nobody else at tempts te de, but te the man who docs best what multitudes de well. Per haps that is why Richard has such a large number of rooters. Success, hew ever, consists net in catching en, but In holding en, nnd the same principle holds whether it's nn nvinter and a pnrachute,u man and an ideal or an actor and the dizzy pinnacle of fame. Mnny stars have climbed the steep heights and grasped success, but the ap plause of the multitude 1ms caused such a Hwclllng of the cranium that their equilibrium wts destroyed and they toppled off. But net se with Barthcl mess. After struggling upward for a number of years, he has finally found n place in the sun that is assured. Hh Is net content, however, te sit back and enjoy the fruits of IiIh labors. If the approbation of his followers has affected him, It has only been n stimulus te urge him toward the zenith of his career. "Richard Burthelmcss, may his tribe increase." (A mighty nice letter which needs or deserves: no hackneyed comment!) Sliver Threads First It wns musical comedy French dialect in a letter, nnd something I've been trying te answer myscif ter several months. Cynwyd Girl' Gets Prize Miss Helen Qulnn, daughter of Dr. Arthur Heb -en Qulnn, of '101 Pembroke nvenue, Cynwyd, has been recommended bv the faculty of the Lewer Merlen High Scheel for the school's anuuni scholarship te Bryn Mawr College. Dr. Qulnn, father of Miss Qulnn, Is a member of the faculty of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania. OASOMNK AM.EY Rvcntii move stenUlly forward In th nrniu Inc lives of the comic characters of Onsnllne Alley. Walt nnd Mkrezlx have thousands of friend. Thene dellRhtfut t'.iaracter. to te to Kether with the whele fnmlly of regular en turtMncrn. nppear In the SIx-lHue All-Star Comic Section of the Sunday Il'ULic Leixikii. "Mttke It a Habit." Adv. WPMMKB ItKaORTS ATI.ANTIO CITY. N. J. "A Better Medrrnte Hal note." WELLSIORO KENTUCKY AVENUE NEAR BEACH Cerner house; open urreundlnc; center of all attractions and Fieri. Runnlnc water In rooms; private baths. Free bathlnr priv ileges from hotel. Electricity throughout; Elevator te Ftreet. Table unexcelled. S3.ne up dally. Special weekly American plan. MurIc. Danclnir. Oarage. Phene 400-J. JJklt. New Ownership Management Ralph Merkley AMERICAN PLAN Jgffi a-$3 te $6 Daily $15 te $35 Weekly European Plan, $1.50 Up Per Day LEXINGTON uwuui MUUCKAIC-KATC TOTri Millien Dellar Pier and Keadlrir Slctljiu Orchestra, Dancing Twice Daily Bunnlncr water in refmi I'rlvste bth. nejcl ed table, eea ft c4 and x eg tablet freeh dally. large perch, cleelik UshU. Bath houses for aurl baheri en rremleea with entrance tej beach. Cn.tie Beekie'. Phenes r2b0 & tea-W. W. M. H Ai LETT BI.EKl' WHERE LIFE IS SAFEST Brick. Steel mid Stene Construction Occnn nnd S. Carolina Av. Laraent moderate rate heure of modern larue city contructlen. Het and Celd Running W3ter In All Recms ' Private Rntlii Flcinter I French chef. Excellent tahl-, Whtte serlce. . Orchestra, Dinclnc. I no IihIMuiukuh feri cueata with Boardwalk entrance. All n'lndnws i icreened. ja..ie and up uiy. Am. pmn. tipeci, ukly. BUlt. with auto re.id map m-illed. Ph. 4.1l4-il!10 Paul C. Iteiecran, Owner & Prep NETHERLANDS New Tork eve., B0 yards from Boardwalk, overlooking luwn and ocean. Rest located, popular priced hotel. Capacity 400. Ult Ult aler. I'rhate batl)', het und cold running water In room; tlectrlc lights. Table ubumlantly supplied with the best market affords. Music and dance tloer, Uathlne privileges from hotel, jn ."0 up dally. S17.SU up wkly, Amer, plan. Ilklt. M. C. Sweeney. NEW OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT Virginia nve. nr. beach. Cap. OOU. 1'rhuie baths, tun, water, 14 vir day up; ne;lut wlily. bklt. Aute ut stuliune. O. P. Painter. CJOSm GABLES HOUSt1 V P Illinois Ave, epp. Traymore and Urlahten Hotels. Ocean view, Exclu the. refined environment. Prlv baths. Run, water in all rooms. Excellent Cuisine. PR W. L. ZANI.:. Prep, , SPteWlLTJ HIRE Virginia nve. near Deach. American plan. Ittems with run. water and private baths HAM KM. Id. Owner N, J. COLH.NW. Mr, "10 SO. JACKSON AVE One block from Ocean, Reems with bnth i and beard, two In loom. 13. DO ihi- il I Miwle, M.'IO H, M. HM1T1I. Phene 7S20.R Willow Greve ?. f'01 rla Ae. - UI.U Ltrlcltv. Amer, titan Xrt duv. S1T.S0 weeli. Heme cmiklnK, Run- nine water all looms. MlUMl'fJ. MlLL-ft COli'AGE H lu..1' ;l'"s' for Its table. IS up dally; tin up "weekly, jsth seseen Kmersnn firnulhamel. Mcr. HOTEL STERLING Kentucky ae. nr. Reach. Med cap All out eut clde rum. Hathlng from hotel Amer. plan HOTEL KAPTAMI v.ng Amer. Plan 3 dav up. $17 w! up. Hathlnir from hotel. Rl'NNINO WATER INROOMS. rnntinentfll A'wnH Pn- always vOnimCIllal readv; terms moderate. Vrlte or rhene, M. WALSH DUNCAN TRACY Tennessee Mr. near Reach. "ulv" Amer plan 22 SO week up. 12 day up Kurop. Plan MRS r. II LKvi UCAI Y'S ec,n ana Kentucky are. "c"- Runnlne water In rooms, f a nn up dnlly. spec. n'eeKlv. 17ih eeasen HTATION HOTEL. Cor. Ark A Atlantic avs. Run, water. Prlv, baths Rm Jl.ne day BP. Cenv. te traxelers. Facing Reading sta. Hetel BeSCObel K'ntucky avnr. heach rates 118 up. Telephone 117. A, E. MARION LON.QEORT. N. J. HOTEL ABERDEEN cJ.ry t'east. Dlrtctly en thn ocean trent 20 mln utes by trolley from Atlantic City, Ideal family hotel. Single rooms, 20 week and un. double rooms. J3S week and up Amer, plan New bathing beach Jehn C. (lenler. WILDWOOD CREST, N, ,1, MT lrDeIVM Lnlui ltd nr Reach. . Ilklt. ITU. T WUWH EMrllent table, JnhiiHten, Owner OAPj: IAY, N, J THE WILLARD nt)l lumbla Ave. tai itibuniw Ca))i Mas, N Largs cool furnished rooms, half block from the Ilench, Terms reasonable. Hntatl VireriniB Jacksen at. near -' e.. . , rf.iiv tr?a.. lights, private baths, J. J, Blecker, prea. BeVeflv Inn 0l5 '(uahaa at. Unilsriew Pinnaeement. Amer. plan. Hli CJB--n?..t"acj1H. Q. Rennatt. prep, LAFAYE3rTENw mt..Opn June . t . a g a UAV,8 A TAYLOR. BPMMICW BKBOKTU TTH.mVOOD, N. J. WILDWOOD MANOR WIMweed. M. 1. Ce, 400. peean front. Amr. riaa. kunn In waur. Pritate batnt, Rlertter. OKMatra. Daaelne. Tennis. OM-AUIX. MtMUBKAT fruN haaenfrent. Cap. 1SU. Uunnlna water. Vtlvate bathe All eutalde rooms. W. H. OBRST1IL. . TI4F WAI CU 183 15. Plna Ave. Clese Reems and aparts. for llsht lieuiekeeplnxl week, month or reason. Apply MRU. THOB. J, DOTLB. Prep. WiUNCTOM Near Reach. Cap. 200, Running; water. Prlr. hatha. Oolf privileges. Med, rates. Rklt. HOTEL DAYTON Wlldwoed's nieit moetrn heul. M.Mt an lmprT tiMiniliBr. peeaasa doe t euUInt and a OaparltyllO Iteelilat. W. W. UMmmr. free. D ORSFY Cap. U0O. Amer. plan. f?pc. vixabi tlitly raleg -g B0 dtr. i7 be week and up. Private baths. Ownership management. J. E. WHITEHALL. Ill A t$ tlf aVf aHTlaVf ttif mannffminl. fn vrneniiiuiun (ral ThrM perc,,, Kul ocean view. Poed talile. E. J. Hlnnatnen.Msr, RRFAKFtK On te Boardwalk. Het ae latht. Oar. Rklt. Oe. K. Binnamen. Owtw, OrFApTfRPSf Med. rates Runnlnc Ul-CAn l.KE,ai wnt.r, p. T. KINO. ABnPRY PARK. N.J.. ssiawsaj. umm van. rrs meM STAW DAHD OP EXCEILBNCf MOHCAN A PARSONS. nnrCTAY W.WHHYARD JLDlRECaY0N OCEAN FRONT ASBUKir RVRK U.J. rnem VM PLAZA HOTEL ASDORT PARK. K. J. ''ntv Rurevean Hetel en the Ocean front. Hradqunrters for auto tourists. Sbere dla nera n tpeflaltT. Ocean Hetel Rimnlrc water l UP. Tel. rial levater; white aerv. Ratae EWKLL A CRAWFORD. Owners A Mtnaeers STIRLING 205 Sunset Av.. Asbury Park, iitxuiiu N j ,1ncl te beaehi nln hel end celli water, private baths. '. R. WEST. 100 Third Avenue. Runnlnar water. Itnlf block from ca:; ocean. Herace L Trance Hetel Thedford Overloeklne Ocean. Run. Prlv t'ths Bklt. Hsrry DuffleM. Own. A Prep. I ORAINF Ne- 3 Ocean Pathway. Full e-V- "nn-, ocean View. Table a feature. Thene: Asbury .In4-W. ASI1LKV PARK INFORMATION nt'REAO Addrasa City Information Bureau. 200 Board Beard walV for anvthlnc you wish te knew. Ori'.AN GROVE. N J. Ocean Greve Hetel nn Main nve. Overlooking ocean. Amer. & European P. an. Phene Anbury .037. A. M. nnd L. M. Clrl-rcs GRAND ATLANTIC R'nch nnd Muln Area., Ocean Urate, N. .1. licit and cold run. water In rms Ilvirep. plan with cafterla seatlnc L'OO attached, nu.tlltv; service. T-l. 1470. M. J. WOODRINO MAJESTIC HOTEL Directly en the Rearh Hleviter rerMce. running water In rooms, Under new management. WM. T. 8AYKR3. HOTEL WHITFIELD Fireproof. Overloeklnc ocean; central te all nmus Med. Imprev. Chas, M. Herman. BREAKERS saT At the ocean Tel.Asb Park -831.I.V.Montfert. COLONIAL Main Ae, 'i block te r)fean. C.in. 100. Knt med, Ame. ,t Ilurep. plan. "A OOOD PLAf'E TO BOARD" I VASBAR HOUSE. Oernn Oreve. N. flhert block from ocean. Lew rates. OP KAN HOUSE 72 Main av.. Ocean Ureve UlCrW HUUOb ist-class family hotel. Tel 3 OS W. Cap I0. K. Duncan Zaller. New Centennial A,"-;; r'ttn;. 5ifP-f0,0 Nftr Mer.rn nnd Audi terlum. Teleph. Write for inf. I. M Wyllls ; Ocean Frent Heuse D'rf,l'tljr-Sn yjf,,2 MRS. V. Mi;t,U)R SPRINO LAKE RE.VC1I. N. J. eWarren On the Orenn. Sprlnir I,al;e, N. .1, Surrounded bv drren l.aiia nml m ili-HH nt the Kdee of the Hi. The Essex and Sussex Spring Lake Beach, N. J. A Ileert He el of T)lstlnrtlP Superiority. Directly en the Ocean Kidptlenul Gelf. C. S. KREM. Mnnncrr THE ALLAIRE SPRINO LAKE IIT-ACII. N, ,1. Directly un ttie ocean front. M, C. H O I.ME3 HEm HAVEN, N. J. THE ENGLESIDE 0 Prlate baths with sen and freuh water, (1m teiinlj reurtH. Ixieklet. R P. ENULI3. Mar. Alse the Colngten, West Phllndelphln. fl MILES AT SEA HOTEL BALDWIN """" New open. Eerv room overlooking the ocean. Special rates for families. BREAKERS .1,av''" or "" Meatin N. Ileail) Haen Children's I aradise. Tab.e unexcelled. Ratae KoekUt LAKEWOOD N. J, ? LAUREL t'ME LAKEWOOD, N. J. OPEN DURING SUMMER 1922 Gelf Tennis Riding Beating LAKE IIOPATfONti. LAMIIMi. N. MONTICELI.O HOTEL ON .MAIN ROAD " OnrnKeTeUllopiitieni. 2.'J. Landing. N, J, HIU.SIDE PARK. N. J. The Gladwyn J"at 1,ay i'."a n. 1HC ui" yu New npn Mud, rate.. RELMAK. N. J. MELROSE INN trect' ?n t""- Newiy llltLPUJL imi rBnevut(.d- Hungarian rulrlne Kosher. Music Dancing. Uathlng free. Special rates 12." HO per week up, our meuls the best mi the coast JIT POCONO. PA. THR ELVIN "T- I'";no. pa. Un- "-- M'l l i itKlne. season. Running watr Private tihnuer en Laih llenr ilnekkt , 27th baths, A J HI.ETTER. HAWTHORNE INN sir- "cene, Nen-Housekeeping cettacan te rent In con cen nrjkmjt Inn ljenUct L ,M. DENtlLER. Thn Clairmont l-hrant location. Large . ... iawn. Homelike Kis. C L SMITH. lent table Pecene Mt. Heuse Many Improve ments I.'nrtv. four ears Ownership management Ilklt. DELAtVARE WATER OAP. VA. KITtATINNYTnB Mountain " raradlae. niliniimu Delaware Water Gnu, P l.cadln hotel. Capacity nne Open te Decem ber Everv modern uppelntment High, cool location, masnlflcent scenerv Oolf, T'nnls Haddln llnrecs, Uathlng, Klshlng, Wnter Siierts, Dally concerts and dances Amer ican plan, uIhe a la carte grill, Etcellent iiihle. un farms and dalrv Writ for loeklet alto innps nnd SPEriAI. ie RATES, fur SEASflV .-.M!l,n:s '.! idi'Pi it .IOIIV Plltiiv run!"1" KARAMAC KAMR w.erj ery en- hi. . v. . . i , n tt.00'1 ,lm Hath n, froe bouts tennis, hikes d.inclmj entertnlii ments Qued things te cat Ha te. ili ,0 inn W lie for hmklet I. PE1NDT. Director. The Glenwood fD;'a"leJ"''r u"p. ' Capacity 400. Garage, ball, rnem, orchestra. Oolf. tennis, all amuse, cneiits. Kcir bklt qddieas Hll.T 1IROH., Mars Ferrest Howe Centrally located, priv; wisiiiwiiiB hl ejcellsnt table A m . "",' """" f U BelleVUC Cav- 150' """ water. Danclna -- p.w raunssm 1, Ke Kelly ft BurlSy sr II JULY 24,! l&S HITMMKK BIMOIiTB NORTH VyATBtl OAP, VA. Cmtnrmrt Hnua N""1' Water dap, Pn, uaiaraci neuw Heme coeknr, modem i ail indoor and oulde reasonable. Booklet. II InAnti ttt. n.ifAn antirfa. ttarace. rA'ea ... ......v. -..;. .....wv. .--; "..,:---', . t,- A. Xi. WinHi m own BTROCDBDtmO.PA. HIGHLAND "INN iflIf b,un'n.n?7wM.?.a; and private hatha. Outdoor v)tiJ aoed reads. Oaraa. own aarden and dairy. Meil, erate rates. Write for bklt. Wm P. Morten. gAWT BTROTTPHnCBO. PA. flair firnvsi Heuse TaWe supplied from own UBK UTOTC fBrm itemellk". All amusa. menta. Med, rates. Rklt. Mrs. E. L. Wyckoff. 1MARHHALL FALLH IIOUBK Table supplied from our own farm. Ileautlfal scenery en Bushklll Pike. Nerman Heffman. enAWyKE-ON.TflK.PETAWAKW. PA. pUCWVOOD Wl5t "Sne Ideal Country Hetel el America SH AWNCE ON -OELAWARE.Rft. ne.ie of rut shawnu cevtmrr cum NOW OPEN. FIREPROOF. miftfyunnn tuhl COMPANY. R. 3 . WORTMINOTOW. Pyealdent. CANADENSIS. PA, TL. Mn,intnairl In Pocenos: modern I UC f ! cf)nVMl ,en omfertnhle. Ratee reaeenable. Booklet. Wm. Lenir. Mar, rRKBCO. t'A. MAPIF I AWN Health, rest nnd pleae- KiArijC uttvri! ure Qe0l1 tnW), MnPrrii lloeklet. Reaeonable rate. C. PEOELKKX. IUBHK1LI.. PA. TU 1 ..irolren Flehlna-, tennla. apertt, ine LAureiien coeli (ninfer., homelike. Ac. 11 mn nl tn tlut'iltlll Falls. bk M !' McCall WERNEa'VILLE. PA. 1V.n Hie-Vilnnrl Dellahttully Situated os The Migniana Houth Meunwln Overlooking the Jfmeus Lebanon Vatls Hates model ate. Write fr booklet. Jlllti land Hetel Company. J. HOWARD FHIK9 prealdent. . TANyERSVn.T.T:. 1'A. POCONO HOTEL"- ; ; watcrar,ourtCaterrs.E.F.Low. I.AANNA. PA. Tri I -inrmtrer Hemey, comfortable, rett; ine uancasier fuL In p0,.en0,. Kan rates. Information. Baushan A L'tt. Preps. HEECHNUT COTTAOE, In the Pecene rln.: none coeklnn: rate-) $14 per wk. up. Gee. n Pareens. Laanna. Pike Ce.. Pa. VAI.I.KT yOKOK. PA. WAHUIMOTON INN Chlckea and Warn Dmnere DANIKL. J. VOORHFF.g. fnm. SWARTHMORE. PA. UARVARH Single rooms or en suite. 1""VIX'U' Tel. Hwnrthmere 140. NEW KSatMStt New Enclnnd the Vacation Land Magnificent Scenery. Delightful Climate. Uoed Reads, Atcom Atcem Atcom medatlons at areat Resorts; mod ern City Hotels or Waslde Inna. Send for free llluatrated read map in colors, published by New Ensland Hetel Association, cemprutnu Lue hotels and reseru. Wm. M. Kimball, Secretary Draper Hetel, Noithumpten. Maas. BRIARCL1FF MANOR. N. Y l&vmvzlxif N0W 0PEN ilttltyi WeSTCMHTia MILLS TIU-UUV- CV'SIOOKINO THE rl"9(0N BRIARCLIFF MANOR. N.Y. HtWYORKOP'ICe Ml MADISON AVt' LAKE fiEOROE. N. Y. Hetel Marien ervlevkc GcerA(?,N.T fT eijrtoentRwset Apl&cj&r rcmJ cultured AUMlJ 'l!IN. til.KN THE JJI.EN MRIN(,S (.l-ii. N. . r, r Int. Illernt lte.t. Wptklii. "On the Edge of Hie Ocean" AM) COTTAOEN REACH IILVIT. MSS, Hetel Preston cateri te u dl-c-lmlnat!n7 Ptirenain; who npprednti the comforts of a well-appointed home rmnblned wit'i the ruuln merit of a medern hotel This lomblnitlen fK1 ,rde:vrn';errYi'oetri,rflak-Hotel ,,rei0" Manakemcnt of J. A. MIERRAliD, Proprietor Winter T.esert Hamilton Hetel, Ilermudi ST NEWENOLAI HflS -wR-M3HW-r--PyJj C'V aaaVvn!SBklBI'sl'J li u aei REACH HUTT. MASS. I J3T:5SIyigSSa5 TOjfR . """ . - ,. m mM mm Jmm I i mM : 1 8-Day Vacation &t q&i.!tvMi'A'!.f V2 AXiff':, '. kWrSWraM . CfVnnU-rlL'sAT v .,te' Ky-P-JT. T A fl Xr"""N. 1 SMPA -v v " I I'iVivH C Pi'iiA si - - 'Ji nvmtm r-ertb MOOar.HEAIl LAKE. VK, Moosehead Lake, Maine Mount Kinee Heuse and Cottages New Open Definite policy te establish exclusive patron age. Reduced rates July and August TWO' DESIRABLE COTTAGES AVAILABLE Gelf, teRRia, fishing, beating, horseback riding, baseball, moving pictures, dancing, radio-phone. Breker's efllea. Threuch Pullmnn New Verk l Klneei or Philadelphia te Portland, chance for Klnee. Booklet and rates en request. I. W. OREENE, Manarer Kliiee. Matae ROHTON. MASB. STON V1SIT NEW ENGLAND become acquainted with its historical points of interest. Itadlate from Bosten. Make Hetel Vemleme your headrjuarttrs. DellRhtfully pltunted In the fa mous Back Bny district. Quickly acceailble te everythlnc Common Cemmon Commen vtnnltli Atenue lit Durtr-iuutli htreet. ON "IDEAL TOUR." American and European Plan during Summer Months Send fur Illustrated lloeklet. C. H. OREENLKAP COM PANT Eentt 11 Rich. Mnc Dlreciu- Frunltlln K. Pierce. Asteclate Mitr. HOTEL PUSTANJ SSOConmenweeJlhAw Boaten I The Distinctive Bosten Heuse ! On of lha mflat hemeltH neieia in ine weriu. L. Cotltlie, nd for Our Boeklirt wifli 8i Guide Is Historic Qoeten. D WHEN IN ROSTON STOP T HOTEL VENDOME Commenyenlth Aenu. nt Dartmouth ft VPPKtt SAKANAC. X. Y. SARANAC INN Modern .fielf. Tennis. Rldlnr, Rentlna. Enellrnt Music. I pper .S.irnnnc. X. V. NEW LONDON. CONN. THE flRISWOLD. LONDON. CONN. EASTERN POINT. NEW NOW OPEN. rOfl.TNEV. VT. The Colonial Inn In Green Mt BOacra tceundi. 'hade, rrerts. ceed table! ner R. R. ani trellev: ise miets. fiend for beautirully Illus trated bceklet: mndern lmpeement'. Ill Oil in ,tn nn. pn- l r. L. Leenard. Msr. MAINE MAINE all-year vacation land Ter He"k'i'ts en Klh'rix. (imi. iJV;. Resorts, etc . 'vrlte STATE Or .MAINE prni.ii'iTY nuREAU. 10 LoiiBfei:.n. .. Portland. Me RAR IfARROR. ME. Tlie Malvern and Cottages BAR HARBOR, MAINE New Open FBVEiT O, r.KOR. Mnnieer TOUR i WENbeME liiilt CP Sj-iS I p. I Mir. i?tfanadian jMrf ru i s e s New Yerk-Halifax - Quebec The PalutUI Twin-Screw S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" will malt 2 unusually attractive yachting cruiieg (no freisht) eSJrJSr AUGUST 5-19 siepplnir one ilny (rnch ny) nt Hitlir.ir Twe df)s ut Ourber Palllnir through the Out of Cnnne and .Vrrthumlirlanil Strnlts. the hrend St l.awiPiice, up the fSmrticnriy Ithfr nn.l tlieuce e-i te Quelier Slncnincenl TTrr"0e.th w'lU,r' co"' wher The chip has tpncie,,, promenade ilvcU and deck uamei, many rooms with bath. llneM cuisine, etc Orchestra for Danclnp;, The round trip occupies 12 day, r&tc $150 and up, or one vay te Quebec, 5 days, $80 and up. Se Vuisverts icqulrcil for there cruises Fer illustrated literature addrets FiURSJESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall Street, New Yerk, Furnesi Withy & Ce., Ltd., Bourse Bide., Phila., or any Tourist Agent Tours 9 Days $88.50 ;J Including All Expenies Lenger Tours is proportion Via Palatial StsameM with nil the attractions of n delightful yachting trip te a quaint foreign land. S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE Sailing! Wednesdays and Saturday! Coel in Summer AH Sports (Average Mimmer Temperaturu T7') Modern Hotels Ne Passports Sailing, Hathing, Cycling, Tennis, Hiding, Driving, Gelf, Fishing, Dancing, etc. Seiii-i for Special Summer Town Booklet FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall Street, Nw Yerk Furneaa. Wllbj Ce.. Ltd.. Ileurse Uld p,,. Or Any Tourist Agent ' HT. OEOBOE HOTEL. Bermu-R.neval.! and nlihed. .5. T.nnla. Oolf. Swimming - lkTklng. riuHNi UEfUMUDA UKJJ, jrw c, MenaKHKn i.AKft. MgLj ! V.I 1 ml POLAND. MB. POLAND SPRING Malne'a ttnrlvnled Re-ort. 18 Hele Oolf. Information and booklet nd Irese HI Iraa niewer is pens, ine.. Seuth Poland, Matuf. JHOtt KH JCAD LAKE. MB. SQUAW MT. INN UUUnKHUMB Modern, Restful, Quiet. Fleltlna;, ltlntf. Vm2s! Bathlna, Weeda Privets Camps. TlmMir Rnt A 07. DreenTllle. Jet.. Me. VIBOIMA MKACB. VA. POCAHONTAS Ocean front, reed tnhle: Uelf A caunt-y club. Mrs. Vlielnla viralnia -American BUM A. P. Willlaan, HOT SPRINOM. VA. . . THE HOMESTEAD. Virginia Het rmrlaten Imlc. ntinnsphere. aclf, tennU. herwrbaeli UIIITi: M'LI'll L'R SPRINH.S, W. VJC lhe (Ireenbrlcr White Sitli hur Mprtnsti 1'er Itrt nml Hpurt a - ' tKg ItQsHKAf. ONT.. CAW. e.K -( kWsv Uj iis.uii.1 iiiiWav n tlm us 'v.rft4L. rrfMa, I .a. -i. .. ii - a ..i. i. .1 .. i fct piik -i k;-iivru.TMTtTtn i reiaiumn n" e IfJ, tee win i nr mi ' - irei. veir. -r '...- .- t.wSJy,B I ffrAani ItelrsM. SaftfSAtfavtAtl nln Jlalas !..... Kua. miIuu s, (,., ut, Ri,tlM, tntafta H llllKMt DA . Hetel F R A S C A T I Btrmudm i Open all .'ui Ideal summer resort Ml water front. Hnlhlnu. oeatuur, flahlnsir tennis, Kelf, dmririn. 7af LEWIS II. DAVIDKOy, Ute.1 Tflt'RH t e Cape Cud end New Eacland Pelata wauy nerr ice All year I'.nund Concerts Afternoons and ErenlDtre Lv.'Iler H.N.R., Fulton St., 5.30 P.M. NEW BEDFORD MME-Te New Bedford and the Islands of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket. Steamers le,aV? weekdays only from Pier 40. N. R., feet of llomten St.. 6.00 P. WL NEW LONDON LINn-Lv. Weekdays only, Pier 0,N.R..HouBtenSt5,50P.M. All I Srhedules Daylight Saving Ttais Reduced rates en aatomebllcs waen ac companied by paasenger. Tickets nnd informs tien at all piers , .- ..iui,uicu i icaei unices. -JQMaQSXBDtfS Crdcr Gree and Gardiner, Me., iViMrfncrr afi' "" ""T .., i.uii.'i. Man. Wed.. TrK awf u.. An abt and Oilier Krnnc bc RUer lVnl I U rarrv yit; iean i s UP IO .lIMlrui lii tsW 'w'WDKi'' r t fW44 tUlB. i: uririnc. tin Reurd Trie. Kennebec Navigation C. 'ONtt-r'n Wlurf. Hosten Muln 4S1I 1 " ! - .sXL. f ERICSSON LINENS t.i nilVtllA.M && !. uu ii.,.i.uiinr. vj5 DAY BOAT r,rr Tueeduy. Thura4a I DUrtl nnd Suturd-iy nt 8 A. SSJ i NIGHT BOAT da")r .ut s r- i Sunday Steamer ,n l- B E "' J -wiuajr uuhct orevE ut U, f Send for rnniphlrt. " TIER 3 SO. DEUVWARE AVEXCE ',' HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINE I ' Pier ..'. North Rlirr. N. Y. U P. SI. 4tJ wile rdvi fut lufur - Peel. Vtrk. . HCMMM .jnmitM. WmSrSk U VM mJ IB'laTV T mccSBaBSt hosten te Bcethbiy A I If XJL i sOiUllvas AS r 83,llll j Aift srf ' izri m ui.jrtr U JriJl slTKi l IV M M1 i. ksTL H .. i ?w , ixss-Tjdmix 1V' l'i W5'.:l 77 Mi'f ' ' ji 31 ff'A f IVil 1i 1 m 1 7i t I I I' n u -'a K i.rd T-.1 j. . "i'A ifffjctiiv..V'J Jw,.i.Jv . J dal.?OTSj . w , i?,uifr-i 3 itf'hWMifat ' j .. :? , ''H.iA'i