Vfffiw.w;- I "fkSWT' '- -Ki5(Hi Mi ft? &M HIBMI?ft t rsrf.ft.'t "WrtRBMBWHsBi sSF MflaWuW t r - c -, . -mfirm ip ?wgisiiii r: t . " l , i-:. 'yirii ' ' i --"jr' - - , "'" i "-v - mi $F ' VT If ii. B i'i V EVKKING PyJBLIC LEDgERr-PHILADELPHIAr MONDAY, JULY 4, 1922 JtMr-O' r2&ik s? &a2?aBaiiraTOv lT i Tir m i t r i ! iyim What makes leadership in ma m rm - -mr m .. a -1? The judgment of ever 2,000,000 women or of a few men? ' I tui wuincu have saed it emphanfeauy, again and again and again? We are another kmd of woman. Wjairartarariwlrfad rS niiwln a magazine that modem spirit advertisements and the magi'fflMB die soap anuV and 'cold creams that get her, are tbevenes that her modern lngii agr. and meet hex modern ncedfc vhBxuBV3sehf9 unprecrdra rtcdiyy one woman's maga zine has grown from fifth te fbuzth te first place. De advertising men hear the voice? Yes and no Who can say hew mnch of pnaent day advertising naSsses fire hecaxne of its unwillingness te recognize what it is -fhatwemen think about and care about and readaheanT In the meantime die present-day woman gees aheut herhnsinesBandhnys her soap and segar and oeM cream for modem honest'teoodness reasons. She heys her msgazmes for honest"tegoodness reasons. And the tnkrnjriu 'Review DeneveB esat tts unciitering growth is te be attributed Id its timfci standing of these same women. PicterM Review pealei their language Speaks and thinks about me things they speak and think about And wenn n tense vU Jucuiauen nguzes speaK uiHiiiwiainnwy wer 2XX,000 women accord first rank te Hcterial Keview. Prefer it te all ethers. Give it their confluence ana leek te it for the information and inspiration eSey really want Can advertisers seefijEtig te mnuence ucieBe iwnna women deny the leadership they have accorded! The impressive fe(Sts and figures Pictorial Review's Grewm te Leadcunlp acmevtrig tfaerp M cstf ever attained by an American monthly magazine rciraau February, 1912 600,000 5th among' wemfJiVinagazines Febmary1918 1386,261 . 2nd among women V magazines Eebreary,1922 1,927,05 1st among lvemen'B magazines March, 1922 2,013,859 . 1st among women magazines April, 1922 2,065,612 . 1st among women magazines HCTTORIAL REVIEW First among Wemen9 s Magazines h - I 1 1 71 11 w hi . t j - ?.iy 'V'ftrfcffc, &".-& s Mgat j. ir i$r "' f $A- ,) , fUs si. i'i",iH?. .:? v'i s'iiijuii .aaaBBBBBV ,.', ,