& i TWifWi'w. iwhiiJ' h , II UUfDlTIf Tli . r ' ' . . ' f Nancy Wynne Tells of Swimming PoelsShe Hears e) Various Plans for This Season, and. the fainter. The Passing eOld Sites - ABOUT the only tiling delnt; nreunil tliift nnrt of the country these tlnjra geif. tennis and nwlinmlnj. And the nwlmmlnc peel nrc tin Rrcntect gntli wln P'nfw ter t1"' ftnv-iit-liemes te find. Yen knew there' the joel nt the Een' plnce. bnck of lten Mnwr. anil there'H the neel near Brffjinl. which "a, n n.tnrrv nrhln;1lv, Then. tee. JhMe'H the Horntle LIeviIh' peel, nnd there's n beauty nt the Pill.vn ttmntry rinb of which I spoke the ether day, rtnd out In diMmit Hill there's the peel nt the Academy. The Frnzcr Hnrrlnens have a peel en their place, nnd the younger boy imd jclrls upend n let of time there Jn the.enrly ummer. And there' n beau t fill Poe' nt t,lc Woedwnrd plnce, where n let of the ynnifi peeMe de their wlmmlnff. , X.rn!,m. r the Picture I f that neel In Mells Tlinver'n movie, "The Talk of the Town," two yenrs PRO. I Just tl.lnk what clianitc there linvc been unions Mie nrtern nnd netriwH In 'that picture! There wnH I'ellv Thnyer, (for Instance, ns the "vnmi" making Move te Unviril Hewie, nnd Itnynrd 'making love te her nnd every one else I In the picture. And new they are both married; Pelly te Heffman Delnn nnd 'Bayard te Christine Cndwahider. And ' the Hewies nre net even living here In the Knst. but are established n Chicago. Jack Petter, who wnH the here of the tele, Is living Irf w Yerk most of the time, nnd Pecgy Thnyer well, every body Is engine her t some one, whether she wants It or net. Peggy Is no popular thnt the gossips J usually have her engaged te n different person each time one hear the rumor. I hnve n Iden, however, that small nnd. at tractive person will announce her Inten tion", when he Is poed nnd ready, and no nineunt of talk riiul mgirostleiis will hurry her at ull. Churlette Brown, who was in thnt movie. I, new Mrs. est Frazlcr. 3d, and ever se many ethers hnve married or gene te ether cities te live. TO 00 back te the doings round and nbetit Philadelphia, there's quite a little gathering of people, golf plnj; tw and otherwise, out at the Merlen golf course every Sunday. They serve buffet luncheon there, nnd it's really delightful. Yeu take your tray en the perch or wherever you wish te sit, nnd you enn watch same of the enthusiasts as you eat and sip your Iced ten. or veu can stnrt off en the course yeuri-elf In the morning nnd come In nreund 1 o'clock te be fortified with a delicious ' cold lunch nnd energized nnd enter tained by conversation nnd discussion with your friend". IIIKAIt thnt Florence Jehnsen will give a dinner tonight for Knthnrlne Maekny at her parents villa in South ampton. Yeu knew, the Edward Hlne Johnsons whose town house is 2211 Wnlnut strejt. ke te Southampton each summer, and Florence, who, te my thinking. l one of the most stunning looking of the Philadelphia girls. Is In great demand for the various parties there. Hlie 1m ii rnudn of the Enrle girls and lint an abundance of the family geed leeks. She Is tall und vtlllew, anil 1ms a wealth of red geld hair, which she hiiK iirrnnccd in an extraordinarily neat way. und she wears the most stun ning frocks. Odd shn.les 'of blue und orchid color end geld brown, which nre wonderful with her hair nnd fair coin- pleiii n, Kllillf Katharine Mncknv Is te be married in I (teiitcuil er te Kenneth O'Brien, of New Yerk. She in the daughter of Clarence Mnckay, of New Yerk, nnd is ex tremely popular. Kiithui'ltic is net beautiful, but -he has a great ileal of personality nnd charm. "RTAXY of the old residences are being 111 tern down en Walnut street, nnd It mnke one quite snd te witness their pnnhig. As I came through Juniper street ricently te Wnlnut, 1 noticed the house of the late Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Hart has been leveled almost te the ground. Yeu remember thnt wide fronted brick house at the corner of Juniper nnd Wnlnut streets, en the northeast corner it wns, whleh was Uied by the Emergency Aid for a seniicrs club, alter the Harts had moved from there. That house, like the old Llpplneett house, formerly nt Ilrend nnd Wnlnut streets, and the Dundas house, und earlier Mill, the (Sillesple home en Wal nut below the Limilncetts. wns often the scene of much entertaining. In the days when it Was the thing te walk en Wnlnut street after church en Sun any, hew familiar these homes were. And there wns also the Charles Wheel m, Cochran und Xewhnlls, below Thirteenth street, mid the Snunders Lewis hnuse at the corner of Cnmne and Walnut streets. It'n true the Hurts still live in their beautiful old home at Twelfth and Wnlnut streets, nil Mrs. Arthur Meigs has her house opposite the site of the Hart property, nut gradually trade Is pushing resi dences out and mere nnd mere land marks are going from us. the latest house te be razed is the Fillers m Sixteenth and Wal nut stieets. It was that handsome old, orewnstone mansion with the wide Mene Mens, und stone balustrades te the windows. I de net knew whether an apartment house or business place lll be erected there, but I knew the Marts home is te be u business eillce building. Mrs. Harry Hint died about five years age and her seu and daughter, Jr. Uiiirles Hart and Miss Mary Unit, live out In Chestnut Hill, though Dr. "art still maintains the old fumlly Pace at Ambler. His father, the late air. Harry Hart, was for u long time captain of the First City Troop. JT SEEMS te be the thing new te go te Paris for your sub-deb venr. I "Me that Anna Harris, the Krnzier Jlnrrlses diunthter. and Edith Roberts, thet.eerges W. K. Hebertses youngest 'laughter, and Kntlierlne Hedgers are Jl geliiR ever te Mile. Moes' school for the eeinluB Jr,.. Yen remember At ena Kenth was In Pm-in ..t ,,,.iin.i .. mrs nge, and Cernellu Hnnkln went vln r',1'"1 K'he"l( le- lnt year amiiy Bartow and (ieerglnnnn Harris have been there. They will be home rn.ll .'"" ,"'"'' " na their fte debuts In the fall. sep- mere was some talk that Kathp:' "'"i "no is lJOl'Oinr ItmlK InM younger sHter ami n daughter of L.h. "iiiiiiin ueniier, would come out this ,"' bl't hhi lias ilecltleil te take In v..yenr "b,en MUe. Moen school Is VIL N,"u,"-. Sl,(' ",l:,'!' '''' tleaseii Kms and they spcml pnrt of the hen wn In various pt.,H. t en t. 0,.,Ici. II,.? l'eur ,Se'M" el'fel here, moves about, rppiu H home time hi Hp.iln nnd ' anil the girls are taken te the galleries nnd te ce the geed pluys mid .1,1 "i1?, 01"'raH U'H hert of cdueu. "en without u great deal of studv, and 11 'very Interesting. Mile. Moes used te he with .Miss Fer ns, whohe sclmel in PnrlH ,wns fum 0JU AinerUnn girls, and It is only wnce th w,., blu h(lH htm-tpd thin ex- DON'T tlinun they begin curly henrdlng, men creuturesf if you've !Wr tried te kIve v blid'a AV I ; .i . "."v, mr - """ r 8 or brother's or father's old suits, one nt Iiuh ,&' ,-. rrr or nn odd cant or overcoat, you'll knew Just whnt I mean. "OK, don't give thnt nwny, I , could wear It around home. Why It's, net tee old. Well, anyway, DavK, who Is four, wns present the ether day when Auntie wns helping mother te, pack for ramp. Suddenly nuntle pounced Inte nn old trunk nnd drew forth a most dllnpldnted smnll cent. "Fer Boedness' sake threw Ithnt out," said she le mother. But ns metherturned' te sec whnt It was : n smnll Voice nlped'up nhd said: "Why, Auntie, don't frew that out, that' my flshln' coat." NANCY WYNNE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES , Miss Mary Badclyrre Furness, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. nadciyffe Furness, of Onen Hperth. Jenklntewn. will make her. debut at n tea te be given by her parents en Friday, octener 13, An autumn wedding; cf Interest will tin that of MIS Muriel Owendelln Wat- klris, daughter of Mr. Benjamin Frank lin Watk"ns. of 324 Seuth Seventh street, nnd Mr. (leerire W. II. weed son of Mrs. Alonxe Llpplneett Weed, of me weed box. uncstnut inn, wnicn win take nlace the early Dart of October. Mra. Weed and'her family are spending the summer In the Catskllls, Mr. and Mrs. Qoerge"D. -Wldener, et Whltemarsh, who nre occupying their villa, Mlrnmnr, at Newport, will enter, tain at dinner this evenng. Mrs. A. J. Drrttel Blddle, of the Itlt Itlt tenheuse, entertained at luncheon yes terdny In the roc garden nt Del Del Del rnontce's, New Yerk, In honor of her daughter, Mrs. Blddle Duke, who Is sailing for Europe today. Mr. nnd Mrs. Petpr Williamson Itob Iteb crts, of Bella Vlstn, Vlllanevn, enter tained at dinner last evening at South Seuth side, thslr villa nt Newport,1 which they nre new occupying for the summer. There were twenty-four guests. Among these from this city who have taken boxes for the sixth annunl tennis tournament nt the Casine, Newport, which will begin nn August 14. are Mr, nnd Mrs. Oeergi D. Wldener, Mrs. Peter Willlamren Reb-rts, Mr. Clarence W., Delan, Mr. and Mrs. Ktterc Romane Kentnna and Dr. nnd Mrs. Alexnnder Hamilton Rice, of this city and New Yerk. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrrv O. Thayer, of Mnjiv Corners. Haverford. are sailing for Eurepe today en the Homeric. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ocorge H. Karle, 3d. of Haverford. have arrived at th Carl Carl eon, Beverly Farms, Mass., for the pole tournament there. Mrs. William Dlssten, of this city and New Yerk, will poll for Europ today, where she will spend several months. Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph A. Janncy, Jr., nnd ihelr daughter;;. Miss Metft Janney nnd Miss Alice Janney, of Chestnut Hill, nre spending some tlmn nt the drcyleck Hetel, Wlll'amscewn, Mas?. Dr. Jeseph Lldy. of Roe Hill Heuse, Penllyn, Is sailing for Eurepe today en the Hermerlc. Majer W. Plunkett Stewart, of Haver, ford, will entertain at dinner this eve ning. Mrs. Stewart, who has opened their villa nt Narrarnnsett Plr, will be joined by Majer Stewart later in the season. Mr. nnd Mrs. Powell F.vans, of Errol Errel Errol ten, Deven, will leave the end of thli month for Dlxvllle Notch. In the White Mountains. New Hampshire, for a Btay of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Wn'rden, Jr., of Gelf Heusn , read. Haverford. who nre spending thelr wddlng trip abroad, arrived In Londen this week and nre at the Berkeley Hetel for n few dnvn. MrB l.Wnr!e" wn, V"8 Dorethy Kly. rtnuh'er of Mr. and Mrs William Sew. neia i;iy, or uncstnut HUI. berere her mnrrlnnre en June 21. Mr. nnd Mrs. Warden will return te thin country the end of August, ami will snenil two weeln In the Adirondack, before going te Haverford. Mr. and Mrs. Charlerrinsrrie Tower, of this city nnd Xew Yerk. vh0 are occupying the Hemestcnd, their country Plnce at Wntcrvllle, N. V have as their nuestn for thi aummer their sen-In-lnw and dnutfhter, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Abbett Ilc-bertsen, of Berkeley, Cnllf. Mr. Clement Buckley N'ewheld. of CresBWlck Heuse, .Tnnklntewn, who with his family Is occupying hla Hummer home, Devllitene, Bnr Harber, will entertain at dinner this evening In honor of his de.URhter, M'ea Anna S Newbold. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Struthers Ellis and Miss Clntra Kills, of Fex Hill Knrm, Bryn Mawr, will sail for Europe teJav wher- they will remain until the end of August. Miss .TeB da Cesta, dnuichter of Mr. Charles P. da Cestn, of Ashwood, Villa nova, hns returned te her home from the Bryn Mawr Hespltnl, where she was operated en for appendicitis. Her a'.ster, Mlhs lsabelle da Casta, will make her debut thlR autumn. Mr. nnd Mrs Nicholas Blddle. of Springhead, Xehle. and Mr, nnd Mrs. Snowden .Samuel, of 2022 Locust street, will spend the week-end In Northern Pennsylvania, en a flshlna; trip. Mrs. Stacv B. I.teyd nnd her dauch ter, MIb Ellen Deuiclan l.leyd, of Wve Heuse, Ardmore. will leave for North east Harber, Me., the beKlnnlnR of August, where thev will spend the re mainder of the summer. Miss Augusta W. Harrison nnd Mlsn Ellen W. Harrlcen. dnughters of Mr. "id Mrs. Charles C Harr'aen. Jr., of Chuckswoed, Vlllanevn, will leave en August 1 for Cnteera Park, In the Cats kills, te spend two weeks ns the guestn of their grandmother, Mrs. Iul H. l.emolne. Later In th month they will Jein their mother at Yerk Harber, Me., wherd they will remain until after I.nber Day. Miss Ellen Harrlaen, who will be a debutante, of the autumn, will he the guest of honor nt a ball en December 1. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur V. Morten hnve returned from their wedding trip at Northeast Harber, Me., nnd are nt home, at Llanwadyn, Deven. Mrs. Morten, before her warrlng3 en .June 24, wns Miss Esther Lloyd. Mrs. Morten'H brother, Mr. Mulcelm Lloyd, Ih spending the summer nt Jacksen's Hele, Wyoming, en the ranch of Mr. Maxwell Struthcra Burt. , Mrs. Henry Laussat Geyelln nnd her daughter, Miss R. Antoinette Qevelln, of Hardwlcke, Vlllanevn, will leave today for Narraganaett Pier, where they will spend ten days ns the guests of Mrs. Oeyelln's daughter, Mrs. William B. Churchman, of Chestnut Hill. Mrs. J. Andrews Harrl) nnd her daughter, Mlhs Geerglnnnn V. Harris, of West Chestnut imuue, Chestnut Hill, who nre traveling In Europe, are at present in England. They will return te this ceuntrv In Heptember. MIhh Harris will mnke her debut at a tea, te be given by her parents en October 4. Miss Helen L, Scwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jlebert Sewell, of Ard ruree, Rydal, will leave early next month for Cape May, where hhe will spend a fortnight us the guest of Miss Lvsbeth K. Revd. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. D Knickerbocker Boyd. The marriage of Mies Sewell and Mr. Henry Brlnten Coxe, Jr., will tnke plnce en September 9. Miss Mnry Olcndlnnlng, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs Itebert E. niendlnnlntr, of the Squirrels, Chestnut JIIII, is upending a few days In Atlnntlc City, where she Is visiting Mrs. Perclvnl (llcndlnnlng. She will later go te Kennebunkport, Me., whero she will spend several weeks, Mr. nnd Mrs. Itebert T. Blcknell nnd their daughter. MIbr Frances T. Blck nell, of 301 Highland avenue. Chestnut Hill, will spend August In Jamestown, It. I, Mis9 Blcknell will mnke her debut t n tea which her parents will give en October 28, Miss ilc flened'rt diug'itpr of Mr ind Mrs Uebert Uussell Benedict, of the Cerner, Deven, who recently tulled rer i'urepa wnn bith. uemnem nun .uirn ' Kn-Hly UelaneW. of New Yerk, are at present metering through England. They - jmt. -lc vffi!,,7x?!RBirxj i iemiatmmFmM rw-w:;,,: " ' .- . it rmKimmM!faKssmMMkmwT -mk. n sm'yi - mmi .smmmMmm$MmmMMm ., MEESSKiMBs! mWIBKM v'mmjP WIMKMKm'? "f-JM HrV Mls5 Cernelia.. 3. RxTii2ir, (flHflHHFi jEWVjH 'H ;' v'; ' iiHHHHHlS9SeraE-'' &''?'"; ,'';,:' ''t'ttiB i Mis Caarelin'a. will Inter go te France, and will re turn te this country In the fall. Mr. Merris Hi Merrltt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamca S. Mcrrltt, of Old Yerk read, Ablngten, will return home en Monday, after an extensive trip through the West, having visited Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, and Estcs Purk, Col Col orado. Mr and Mrs.' Frederic V. Wetherlll, of Ardmore, are unending a few dnvn at .the Traymore Hetel, Atlantic City, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Charles Heuse, of Oak Knell, Pasadena, Calif., hava recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Minnie Druce Roberteon.- te Mr. Ij. Hewell Davis, son et Mrs. Lemuel H. Davis, of St. Mur tins, Chestnut Hill. Mr, and Mrs. Edward N. Story, of Dunreven, Overbroek, will sail tee Eu ; epe 'en July 29 en the Mnlestlc. They will travel In England, France and Switzerland, und will return te this country In September. Mr, and Mrs. Lucullus Mlchcll have moved te tnelr new Heme en Chester nvcnue, Ridley Park. Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Miller, of Drexel Hill, are spending the summer at Ocean City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin D. Shaw, of Folcroft, Pa., hnve returned from Niagara Falls, and nre spending a few days In Ocsnn City. Mr, Jehn Brown, of Aldan, Pa,, has returned home after a visit in Strouds- burg, Pa. Miss Ruth Bersch, of Haddenfleld, N. J., entertained last evening. Th. guets were: Miss Murle de.Luca, Miss Emily Jehnsen. Miss Marv Breltlnger, Mlsr Mlnrrva Dorfman and Mr. Helen A. Hackney, all of this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jatnes M. Armstrong, of 4511 Klngsesslng avenue, nnneunce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Elisa beth Deah Armstrong, te Mr. Milten Wallace Pettlbene, of Detroit. Mich.. In Paris. France, Tuesdny, July 18, Mr. Pett bone was of the class of '16, Mas sachusetts Institute et Technology, nnd served In the. late wur In France In the air service. Miss Armstrong was a mem ber of the class of '18 at Wellesley Col lege. Mrs. W. F. Mcrhall and Miss Shirley I. McPhall, of R-'dlcy Park, are passen gers en the steamship Haverford, sail ing from Philadelphia today. West Philadelphians at Seashore; Others Travel Mrs. S. C. HeelllCh nnd her family, of 124 North Fiftieth street, are occupy ing their cottage at Ocean City for the remainder of the summer. Mr. J. Harry Mull, of 3913 Walnut street, has been spending two weeks down the Delaware Buy en his new yacht, the Cede. Mr. Mull Is ene of the prominent members of the Philadel phia Yncht Club. Mrs. Wlnfleld Scott Allen, of 6342 Drexel rcd, accompanied by her grand daughter, Mtfcs Gwendelyn Miller, daughter of Mrs. William Van Dyke Smith, of Overbroek, hnve geno te Cali fornia, where they will sail for an Oriental cruise. MIbs Laura Russell, of 233 North Fifty-third street, Is spending- a foit feit night at Perklemen ten ace, Gnrretferd, Pa. Mr. and Mra Leuis J. Heberts hnve returned from their wedding trip and are nt home nt 1C27 North Sixth street. Mrs. Heberts will be" lemembered us Miss Pauline Shlndler, of 6001 Spring field avenue, befeic her marriage en June 18. 'Mrs. C. F. Carrell, of the Ncrmuudle. has sailed for Europe, where she will r.pend two months traveling through France. Italy nnd Austria. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Carrell, who spent several days In New Yeilc, will spend the sum mer with Mrs. M. E. McMlchnn at her cottuge In Vcntner. Mrs. Geerge Pilling, accompanied by twe1 of her children, of 4042 Chestnut street, Is spending eoiue tlme In the mountains. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rebert Lee Plumb huve returned from their wedding trip und nre nt home nt 4204 Parkslde avenue. Mrs. 1'lumb will be remembered as Miss Dorethy Linn Ferster, of 4236 Chestnut street, before her marringe en June 15, rm.A mnl.lnin nt M1ri Mnhpl M. nroemfteld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Broemnefd of 10 J9 Seuth Fifty- first street, and Mr. A. Douglas Irvine, iiiii ,,,. ..nw w ...-.- . of 5048 Haverford avenue, will take nlace today at 2:30 o'clock In Calvary EplBCepul Church, Kerty-flrat and'llrewn streets. Summer Plans and Doings of Felk Along the Reading Mr. nnd Mra. Jehn Lord Ilutler, of Wyneete, ure spending the summer at Ocen,n City. Friends of Miss Kugenle llerdu will be glad te hear that she has recovered from her recent apcntlen and hns re turned te her home In Jenklntewn. Mr. nnd Mrs. llanjamin W. Greer. Jr., and their daughters, Miss Elizabeth Ureer and Miss Jesephine Greer, of Lennex read, Jenklntewn, will sail for Europe en Saturday, July 20, en the Majestic. They expect te return late In September. nr i m w i i 7 - i North Philadelphia Girl l Enaaued: Many at Seashore Mrs lte Illttiin. of Jl"3 North Tttentj-flr.it atreet. announce the be. i irnlhnl .r I,,,- rlnnirhl..r M!au l.lll III,. I ......., "."-", ""- - "-i Mr. 8. Ncubauer, of 1426 Diamond mpwiWfAfi v t ' k iHwJiJwjM'Ht 'W Vir h i . n I I "V '.-' 5ftfr ,' O4SIK0rX.. "-:,". . 7heiaiy KLIM-CHCCH ATTRACTIVE GIRLS WHO WILL WED THIS FALL ilias Seivell'8 marriage te Mr. Henry Brinlen Coxe, Jr., will take place en Saturday, September 9. On October 7 Mis Barclay will ivcd Mr. Muscoe Garnctt and Miss Rankin xvill become the bride of Mr. Alfred Reeves Hunter. Miss Rcath will marry Mr. Harry R. Ncilaen en October 18 street, and M ss Tracy Geedman ere tpendlng the summer at Hebren Heights. Mrs. M. Lang, of the Hetel Lerraine, Is at Atlantic City for the summer. Mrs. Mee Gels, of 1901 Erle avenue, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Murry Gugen helm at their summer home at West End, N. J. Mrs. Alexander H llary, or 1517 North Seventeenth street. Is spending the re mainder of the summer at Asbuiy Park. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G. Rice, of the Hetel Majestic, nre spending n month at the Birches, Rangelcy Lnkes, Me. MIfs Anna B. Leftus, of 1824 North Fifteenth street, Is spending a fortnight In Atlantic City. Friends of Miss Betty McSerley. of 2232 Mnbter street, will be glad te hear she Is recuperating from a recent Ill ness. Chelsea and Other Points Lure Seuth Philadelphians Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeseph Tlnney, formerly of 2114 Seuth Sixteenth street, nre spend ing the season In Chelsea. Miss Conevl-ie V. Ga'.en, of 2413 PHOTOPLAYS Photoplay Guide Week of July 24 te July 29. COMMNV r APni f C BSD A THOMPSON ST J. ArtJLLAJ iatini:b nit-T M. Alma HuUns In rind the. Weman T. -Alma Rubens In Vlnd the Wenvin W. Tires. II. Ince's Hall the Wem.w T. Swm Owen and Matt .Muerc Hark Puy V. Seena Owen and Matt Moere, Rack Pr S. l'ela Nesri In The Red Peacock ASTOR tCn G1RAJID AVB. MATINEE DAILT M. Ethel Clnjten in The Memun R'neath T Ethel ClwMen In Tlie Weman llenrath W. Charles nay In H. S. V. I T. Charles Ilay In B. S. V. P. ., P. Will Honors In One (llorleuM liny S. Will HecerB In unr (llurleim IJ.iy BALTIMORE & S-SftVXZ M. Mary M. Mlnter In The Heart SwrlnlUt T. Mnry M. Mlnter In The Henri SlHflglliU W. I.llii I.en In Ih Matrimony a failure? T I.lla Ie In In Mutrlmant u lullure'f -Unto llnmntnn In Slllr Hunt -Hepe Hampton In Star Uu"! BLUEBIRD Breed Susquehanna Centlminui 2 unlit 11 M. William R. Hart In Tnf n en T Wllllan. 8 IlHrf In Trmelln" On W. 1,11a I.cb In I Matrimony n F" "ire? T. Mia l.ee In I Matrimony u FellnreT l Mia le In la Matrimony jiliilliin'T S. Mary Mllea Mlpter In llfr X Inning Way COLONIAL SVtTp! m"- M. fnnntance TiilmnclRe. Pelly of the Felllea n. r. ,-n ITnlmailu. IaIIv nf ltl llllllM W. Contanre Talmadse, Pelly of the Fplllfn T, Jack Helt In North of the Kle (ir.inde P. Jeck Unit in enn et ine me itnumn 3 Jack Helt In North.ef tlieHleJirttnue FAIRMOUNT ri, M Shirley Masen In Mltle JIUh nllf .... ..,,i ,,.j .....-.-. ... --.-'- .-- ... T. Pauline Btarke In lie W ' ! WAnlta Bw.rt In Th. -In, W Me Fear .J. - wa ce ww X5.M ,,,. t'S"iiii?St a,' Tem Mix in Up nnd ttelna- GREAT NORTHERN -WWSra M Constance Talmadue, Pell) of the Follies p. Constance Talmadw. Pelly ef Ih Felllf h W.-vCenstnnce Talmadce, Pelly of the lellies X Owen Moere In Krnertiil Missing p'0en Mnore In Renertrd Mllnit a een Mnore In Reported Missing U4DCDIA1 00T & WALNUT ST8. llVlrtrlML. Mts, J -no. Ee. 7 4 0. M. Charles flay In It. H. V. P. T Charles Ilay In K. H. A . P. W. Charles Hay In B. H. V. P. T Wesley Ilarry In PrnriMl t W.RI.V Hurry In Penrod s 'Wi ey Harry In l'enrel 'i inrDTV UHOAD A COI.tl.MtllA AV. LIDIiU I MATINKB DAII.T M Clura K. Yeung, The Worldly Mmlennn T. Clara K. Yeung. The Worldly Mmlenna W. Klnlne Hammersteln, Keikless Imith T. Charles llluck) Jenes In Keiisli hhed p, viola nana In Keelng's llrllelng H. Owen Moero In Heiwrtfd .Missing rDICMT Woodland Ae. at 02d St, M, Alma Ituuena In Find the Weni'in T Almi Hubens In Find the teni'in i W Heen i Owen & Matt Mente In Hark Puy ,T. Hecna cn Matt Meer,, in Hark Pu p Jack Helt In North of the It'e lrunili '? I"rk 'i-elt '" Xerth Bt tlltUjii!!'e- ' UN r-rDyVl. . .WW. M'ZjSm, ii?t i ,"ve?II ,ef:ihe hi., tirnmi'i"' T: J.".c,t "J '.'. "I ",',..". Vr Vi? "nnile w ai'hii ituiM ns n rmu tlie ii'n I.- Anil l KK'U.irt 111 Tia lulls lilp IV. ir V.-Llencl liurrvmnrn In Jim llm IVnnittn B. Nerma Talmadge, Tbe Wonderful Thing BBffP . . - r 1 . Treivrrt.HtQg.t. . " ' j.WsWx.'JS,ir:iM 'JOS WJfL'r'' ?W i V"h: K-'. - ' In 1 ' nit i ' ' ji ,i ' 'WAWISmf'X, Vhote 2y vakiitv fab 'VmJ&Wi MJL93 Seuth Seventeenth street, 13 spending a lertnignt in cneiscn. Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Halpln nnd their fumlly, of 2335 Seuth Lambert street, will open their cottuge In Vcntner for the month of August. Miss Marcarct Glenson nf Ardmore. Is the puest of Miss Reginn Ga'lugher, of 1640 Rltner street, at her summer cot tuge in Chelsea. Mrs. B. Brown, of 2417 Seuth Cnr Cnr llsle street, has returned home after spending bome tlme In Atlantic City. Mr, ana Mrs. Wllllnm Torrerd anu , their fumlly, of 2440 Seuth Sixteenth street, arc tpendlng the scusen at their cottage, 302.1 Fu.rmeunt avenue, Chel sea. Mountains and Seashore luuuuiuiiia u eiusiuie Pnruilnr With (Znrtnnnlntimnr repuiar V tin IrermaniOWnerS I Mrs. P. Jacksen and her sons, of West Upsal street, are occupying their cottage en Pacific avenue, Atlantic City, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Leuis Scott Deltz. of ! C63G McC'allum street, nre entertaining their niece, Miss Catherine Unten, at i rnoTer-LAYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. PAI l rilANKKORI) AVK. AND I r aiivi Nenms strkp.t j M. -Kobe-t IMeoen in An Mght T. Hubert i;lesen In n Night . Marlen Uuvles In Ileiiuly's Werth , V. Ueltv Cempren In The tlrcen Temptation S. Ail-Star Cust In The (ieldrn Flume DPL,IX MARKET ST. BELOW 17th rcvjcii i 10 A M t0 u P M M. (Imeth IIukIics in Iien't Write Letters T. Oureth Iluithes In Iien't Write LrWrrt W Oareth Hughes In Han't Write Letters T. Hareth Hutches In Don't Write letters P (lireth HUKh.-u In Den'l Wrlte Lettrrs S. Constance lllnney In The Slernnulkrr DIAT TO OERMANTOW.V AVENTJB IMrtLjl- AT TUU'EHOCKES ST JL 1.11a Lee ln Is Matrimony n Failure' V Llla Lev In Is Matrimony a Failure? W Richard llarthlpmess. The Heenth lint T. Richard tinrthelmeas. The Heenlh Huj F. Pauline Starke In Halmtlnn Nell S. William ltustcll ln .Strength of the Pines SHERWOOD M&T.WK'&i 30 M. Anlln Stewart In Seitlnir the Wind T. Anln Stenart In Senlng; the Wind W Hert LWcIl In Atlas lanlytlngrra T. lleit Lytell In Alias I.kiIj fingers P. Jack Helt ln North of the Rln lirnnde S. Juck Helt In North of the Kle (irunde 333 MARKETsIRxIiE.TeTt,!,E5Apn M. Ven Strehelm In Foolish Whes T Ven Strehelm in Foellih Whes W Ven Strehelm In Foolish Whes T. Tem Mix In l'i un,l tiding F. Tem Mix In I't und doing S Tem Mix In I'p und doing ARDMORE "gaSffiK" M, Hpeclal Cast In Ceneelt T. Special Cast In Conceit W - Mtar Cast In Angel of Crooked Street T. Florence Vldnr In Weman. Wnke I'n V Florence VMer In Weman. Wake Vu S.--Mae Murray In Pearetk Alle PDArvTT 0-2 aiRARD avb. VJs"!" Ma'.lnees Men . W.1 . flat. M, Rosemary Theby In The 1jH Trail T Rosemary Tlu'by In The Last Trail W. Pearl White In 1lii llreidwm Peacock T, Deris May In Film and Ret'irn V Pela Ner In The lel's Pawn S Puullpe Frederick, Twe Kinds of Women AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANT0WN "atS"- M- Mary Miles Mlnter in Tlllle T.- Mary Miles Mlnter In Tlllle W. Mary Miles Mlnter In Tlllle T. Jack Helt In The (Irlm Ceinrdhin P. Juris Helt In The llrlm Comedian S. Jack Helt In The flrlm Cemrdlun PAPkf KIDOE AVE. i DAirillN ST. I -Nrvrv ,,,, ,. ,.,, ,, a a u .M,- Sinclel Production, The tlnlriu V SlH-clul Pieilui turn, The lieleiu W -Hprclal Pieluetlun The (ieliiu T. Audrey Muiuun In lltrd.rss .Mellis F Audrey Munstiii In llrrdlrss Moths B, Eugen e'llrlen, The Prophet's Paradise STUDIOS their summer home In Asbury Park before lenvlng for Maine, where they will spend home time. Miss Baten will accompany Mr. und Mrs. Dell!!. Miss Vlda K. McClure, of West Staf Staf eord street, is spending the summer at Silver Luke Camp. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Geerge E. Casey, of 317 West Legan street, are occupying their cctage at Stone Harber, N, J for the sumnyjr. " Mr. Ashbrldrre Sharplcs.s. who sailed from New Yerk three weeks age for a four months' trip abroad, Is new at Ant werp, Belgium. Moorestown Man Engaged; Many Persons Visit Mrs. J. L. Day, of Lnnsdewne, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Caielyn Day, te Mr. Charles R. Chlckcring, of Chestnut street, Moorestown. Miss Miriam Rogers, of Wst Main street. Is spending the summer at Ccburg, Cnnada. Mlsn Mary Lefferts, of Belvldere, N. J., han been vlsltlnc her sister. Miss Mamie Lefferts, at the home of Mrs. . Isaiah N. L'.nten, en East Central ! avenue. Events in Norristown Parties; An Engagement , Mlss Is"hei wniker. r.r East jncehy ! ntren, entertained recently at a ehll-i d,r,en'.H ,'.,art' ln farewell te Miss June I Klrkbrlde and MIhs Kathryn Klrkbrlde. I wne. witn tnelr mother, Mrs. II c. Klrkbrlde, will leave shortly for St Leuis. Me. te spend the lemnlnder of the summer. There were twelve guests. .ur. l t.innH Hnp n nr i'a'ii l.aa ' haa announced the engagement of his' daughter, Miss Edna Mary Engle, anil rnoTeri,Ava Subject te Change BELMONT 3.2.?n "?yi? market " .., .v IO i4 4f leers lifers fleers ltlprev 1 JJtU. iV.i """ ""' CEDAR - - ; aujiucre fc0T" ,,CPA AVIINL-M -v re , ; j. f All IWL'I llA Mneb.t t.t .... v-v-rL-ikJC-VJiVi r-ir? jl 7l-0Uth " IIIMRO rne.NT ST. rfir,.,; . .v - n ,?b J"nc en J-'rankferd "17 1 FADFR 419T A !.;,,.' ". -Jnck "eI,Nrlh hi th. iti.',' Hrlj'nljj raiiBc Idels NIXON AND MAtlKKT PT. M ' -:!! '"'l in Th'r. F,Vre iWSS" I P liil.i Danu n Seelnr's iiii..i... B VleU nn.nu In A" JlrllnlK 69TH STrThCntrV.. ."1." Terminal - 3" i and n n i STRAND u"n"nievn A .a v.n... M Jnrlt Helt Nurlh of l'ie Illu (,r.uul,. T. Jack Helt, North of I he 0 ! H IS W .laclt Helt. North or the III" I fi it 1 T Juck Helt. North of the It (.ru! Ir V. .luck Helt, North of e Hlu funde S.-Jack Helt. North et he K u t Knde .in5uw f aLBs f "zAf" p A sIHL TMaUi "aV aaaar UsTaaB m. BlBB KVM9AHV W M ljkT-,TiaaVsF m fiS f T-i IV. t. f-. Virf KB6. !!!" Kit, u . ' ..: -:!-" .,. . .ill,,, mm K. T--"ar r-ickferd It f.-lVcCkk & ,1? ,;''" 'HI- VJnn, P --l i tUV V. Hen I 'J.11. "..'" n w-SJ?v S Marl, ..rei?. IS.'naSyV.l'UY,? . W f v. (lr hVilh's V?. n",n ' NIXON'S AMBASSADOR!0'- ,X!2 RT"""? H h rnnS SS: ., i'UKiiii tiriium in st V2D r.-(lrerKe Aril-. In The Itu llm.- " 'cmWue h ""'"'' lecu "iV'Wi'i10 YY'VY' !:!"" ' ' rn i WB "'", r,,1,,BC "f ('""""'rce H.-lMulIne "-"'crhkCiler, f c-lii!!?Ktln ' "'u " " "' "- idrlnl, i nuihi' ai isn in inn iiiiiik,. it... nipn ii7 rvuiv n i iin , - -, . i wbHwW Ikim 6U White, fcnil MriL Jehn Whl stta fftfl'Vi' V$1 - . . ( '. .r - (V i. numer ex jar. and Mr ,Jehn White, of 607 Swede ntreef. will be married te Mr. J. R Ralsner, of Norrlstewn, In the Calvary Baptist unurcn, en August u. Many Philadelphians Are Visiting Atlantic City Mr. nnd Mrs. Geerge Wetherlll Han sel!, of Lancaster avenue, Haverford, are spending a few days In Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. K. James and Miss Ji. M. Iteese, of Sharen Hill, are among the arrivals nt the Hetel Trnymere, Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Kaiser, of 5512 Osage avenue, were guests nt the Hetel Klberen durlnrj the last week, Mr. and Mrs. Lester I. D'.ngec, of this cty, nre at the Hetel Traymere for some time. W?M- fufirhetA.s Just the Corset te Make Yeu Loek Your Best FOR DRESS OR FOR SPORT PRICES MODERATE The Corset Shep 121 S. Thirteenth St. Around tbe Cerner en Santetn St. Every fitting receives the personal attention of Miss Pauline Campbell KIIL'CATIONAI, Beth Sexes College of Liberal Arts and Sciences The Bacheler Degrees Standard Curriculum based en best academic experience. Embraces the six great fields of learn ing, English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Pure Science, History and Secial Sciences and Philosophy. Write for Information and Bulletin COURSES OFFERED Bacheler of Arts Chemistry Degree of B. S. 'in Chemistry Technical Course (evening) Civil Engineering (evening) Construction Mechanical Design Surveying Architectural Drawing Plan Reading & Estimating College Course for Teachers Economics Medical Preparatory (two-year course) TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Bread Street Belew Berks, Philadelphia, Pa. WWW H ft 1 ! f k j Mever Beth Company the larccst commercial art or ganizatien in the field, offers you a different training. If you like te draw, develop your talent. Study this practical course taught by this widely known institution, with tweiity-twe years' success which each year sells te advertisers ever ten thousand commer cial drawings. Who else could give you se wide en experience? Commercial art is a highly paid, intensely interesting profession, equally open te men and women. Heme study Instruction (let facts before you enroll In sny nclienl V rite for our II lujtrated book. "YOL'R OPPORTUNITY." ter uae-hulf the ceit of moilieR four cent! in stamps. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE 1214 Walnut Strsst, Dspt. 41 MEYER BOTH COLLEGE eJ Commercial Art X II9C Sthmi of Butincts Administration Yeu muHt learn IiuwIiiehh fundi metitnlM ttthtr thr uuh hiiic Maul "fhth of iirlit ur .it nrhoel IV hm "hoel reurhOH ui tnt ne t-Har cttcnl huHlniHH training' l),l Sfhenl Onpnw Sint. .1 MkIiI MIieuI Opens ri. IH Write for SHth Year Uoek Pine !. et of lira id BANKS mrrnnrsxnm S31JTXZj9j3 D.r Scheel COLLEGE Niht Sche1 Fer a Geed Start en the wnj te nn honorable business career, and financial independence. IS00 Miilnut si I'liiliidrlnhli STt'IJY STKNI)OHI'IIV NtMV We leuch UreKV, the eji,, speedi sistrm ae l'ltmiin I ar k-mduutes nre ,,i tenstnnt demand ''nuse we tin nrnctlcal office trnlnlnK. .Special summer ilnsses 1 L S ted STRAYKR'5 T1"- ,tr1 "I'll" -'h. rtiKllieu uiiiirju'il, Kiitt-r in 1) f njin, I Radie, Chambers Ins" e ' tanmcr Hulci, I'h. Lec, 18-j-J, XtMtTiircli (. -J--tIM vWM?llMi Mr1. a'ncTMr M.l.VeifrJ dniiahler. Mian Helen dlaie.M nnuirl rntemnn nre en a I twd' meter trip through Maryland an4,l syivanin, , vji- Ml. Rllcaheth McCermlck MrJ Ing some time In Bristel, VVl guest of Miss Margaret MltchH,& Mrs, M. Wlrth, who has btmn'A her daughter, Mrs, .a urea uav returned te ncr nema in ianca Protestant Ed.5 n a- a -VS upen-ir eeme :vwn 'W4 ..i? UNDKn THE DIRECTION- . XtJv ' iiisiinp mitNnr-ANDEf ' Jt& . . ; .-..(. &YA tin thn Hnrifwnv nr. -Ann ti"tii trm . .. , , M Sunday Aiternoen, juiya -:i AT 4130 O'UIAMJK fil ritiw-nci, xcv. vreuije vv , UuAnnL4n . nm m ' SlMAfm HU t'ZTM.- 1 Lamb, Recter of Church of the Advent, Hatboro BKi.mietw NOTirr.1 Friend T1IF. OLD 0.CAKKR MKETINO nOCHC, Merlen, Pa., ml Montgomery pike, eitab lliihrd In inR2, Is open Ter werhlp avsir Klrst-dav (Sunday) morning at It o'clock The public In cenllnlly Invited te attend. In thin old heune William I'cnn weriblped when In America. 1'rrnbyterlan ARCH NTRRKT C'Ht'RCII, 18th and Ath Cla'renee Hdward Macartney. MlnlitW. lu:4.1 A. M. and 8 I. M. Ilev. J. II. Ban. dall will preach. 7:30 I' M. Oman rpcl tnl. HKTIII.MIKM PKKMIlThRIAN CIIUBCI1 Ilrend nnd Diamond Bin. y- IIpv. AVII.MAM I.. MiCOIlMtCK. Paater. nnv. ha.mui:l it ct'itav. Asitant. 10:110 hnlibaili Scheel 11:01) "The 01)Jectlc of 'Worship, 7:45 "HenisM of the Heart." ALL SHATS nWB AT AM. SKRVICKB. ITnllarian 17NITARIAN CHL'Rt'II OF (1KRMANTOWN Orern st and West Chelten avenue. Sunday. July 23. 11)2;;. Union Hummer hVrvIce at 11 A. M Hrv. W A. Vrooman, of Wilmington, Del . will preach. Bub Ject. "The Place of Unltnrlanlsm In American Life." All are (enlUlly Invited. F.IH;t'ATIONAL Beth Hexes Psychology Secial Workers course) (two - year I'leaxe eenil me Bulletin of cenn marked X. Name Street City Slate ' K. L. 7.22-22 , $5 a Menth r"nt Sch0l " I ""1" Da, Tuition 110 a onermana. iTPewritinv. UoekKreplns;, Ssx retarlat anil Business AdmlnlstraUoe t (perlalli- tralnnl teachers Hummer ratMV l-ALMHK HI'SIVKSS HrilfiOL. la W.lOtli wT CIIKMISTRY AM) PHARMACY COUKKKM j n.MagjjLhh.jDHleJLe efJPh.gny. C,ufi YeiMTg Men and Reyg CHESTNfT HILL ACADEMY A day nnd tienrdlnt; snoel for bera. Prepiratlen for college. Special rata for the-any boarders Onpns Pnt 2(lth i. PATTKnON', Henilmaster PKNNINfiTON, N. J. PENNINGTON SCHOOL for YOUNG MEN AND BOYS TennlnBten Scheel prepares yeuns; men for college, technical .schools and Dual--ness Junier rhoel for boys; 84th year modern equipment; Kymnnslum ; swim mini,' peel ; hlfih moral standards ; lnB, utlennl faculty : between New Yerk I Philadelphia Wrlte for "The Pennl ten Idea." Francis Harvey Green, A. V Lltt. D.. Hendmaster, Bex 90, Pennine I ten, N. J ESTABLISHED 1838 leinm lenirii nnd Clrls MOUNT DE SALES Academy of the Visitation Conducted t thi Sisters of the Vlslta. Men nt CatensWIlH, 11.1 Ie miles from llultlmere Write Directress for catalerus. Affiliated with the Catholic University of America The Gorden-Roney Scheel Ter (ilrl 1112 home Street fieneral and Cellene Treiiaraterr Ceuraaa. Hoef Onrrlen nnd irMn ills.H RUNET PrtST Where Shall I Send My Child te Scheel? That question ran bn an hcr. (I iiuirkly nnd Natlafae Natlafae teril l eeiiHultlnK the; Kdu rmliin.il Ilurt'iiu en ground Heur nt Public I.edKer Oillce, ItidHpi ntlenct Square Ilere .miii iti.t) uhtutii I'oinpleto unci iill.tlil Infoiiniitlen of any bemdiiiK hchoel for bnya or Klrls, military ucnilemy, IjubI ness celli kh, Hpei'lnl Kchoela fei rctnrded rhlldren, con servatory of mtiHlc, college or university uur Intimate kuewledKi) of tin itdvuntagra of llm viirlnuH itiHtltutlena will en.ible ion te tiuike a wlaa choice ThlH neivlru lv free iiml uvnlli ulilu 1 1 evei) eiiu every when- . f 'jzs&ta? Fub'ic'-Lcujer Buihiwf CHESTNUT at SIXTH Wulnut 3000 Main m l i a B Jl ft V. I ' & . m V w- ) ' f 4 .xfti 'W-v f v. kk , . ikiSmdA . T. EkJtrt r.trh i'ti JL&hte. J WlOr.. . ,.!.'..J JdMW&MK tjll Xi.rixau Mr"