wmwm$wW 3S3S8V ,4j, E ;.m e SARAH D. LOWRIE'S SATURDAY EVENING TALK Calling Jealousy by Its Own Ugly Name s t The Average Man Prefers Je Spend , His Vacation Away' Frem Every Om . 1 . .Ttfc. ,i"Jlt .K - '.' Juw." H iu rL lin. e r i a.- W. itti tit I ; I' J'k .ir ti'VC J. WAS (lining last night in a room In which (he most conspicuous object wns n very nnclcnt enrved wooden ltutldhu. It, was nut very large In fnct, nlmet nil the objects of tirt In the room were larger than It was, but It deuilnntnl them, becaue there win tbent It tin nlr of spiritual repose thnt the ether einnmetitiil objects larked. We spoke of the elimination fiem nil the lines of the figure of unrest. There was, en the ether hntid, nothing sleepy nbeut the grave, contemplative face, or reposeful hands, m the quiet folds 'of the dress. Whatever deep thought wrapped the figure. It had no hint of fixity nbeut it. It represented u ante of mind, we concluded, at once serene and calmly aware of ming phenemenn. One of the diner confessed that at the early age of eight he bud icmeved Mich allot her image from the exhibit closet of the infant Sunday school room of his father's clilireh. and in the hid den recesies of his nursery closet bad Itewed down and worshiped it. partl from curiosity te pe what deem would fellow. partlj because hi imagtnntieu had been haled te his father's study. of the worship of Idels bj a tee vivid Hlble lessen en the Second Command- i ment. He wns discovered by some abrupt adult in nn unmistakable nttltude of supplication before the Buddha, and had been hailed te his father's study, a summons that Inevitably meant one thing, namely, a whipping te illustrate a moral lecttue. On this occasion the moral lecture had for its theme the fnct that (ied, being a jealous Ged. would brook no rival. And there had been a clear line of demarcation about the personality of ether gods, which for putpnscs nf Milium discrimination, were, massed under the one fateful word Idel". Flit many jcur then all bis 1 urs, find even new iiinl life, the teller of the experience confessed that Idels meant Images of weed or stone dust as when ever the word jealous came up in his contacts with tils fellow men. even though he knew It te be the word for a hateful trait, he iuiiiieduitelj thought of Ged as associated with it I thought as be told that steiy hew Irreparable is. the wrong grown ups ac complish, with the er best of Inten tions, bv net gauging the effei t of their tejcbings en veiing nnd impressionable and drastically logical minds. Life hnd proved te thut man one thing nbeut jealousy. 1 . that It was ,t hateful and luiimful weakness Hint either had te be rimiiuerfil ur it would conquer him lint his e:irly impression of Ged was that lie was n jealous Being. It was net explained te him. nor i It still te most ihililieu. thut. what ever that word jealous in the Second Commandment tned for te the minds of the men and women te whom the commandment was given, it wa per In Inly net the svuen.vm of n magnified se'f-ieve that il stunds for tudiiv. W'eids are net like mountains they ehisnge ! A thousand jeiir later. een te the Ilebiews, I be Werd J id net convey the meaning it nine had; for our Lord never used it te describe (Jul. He hi id that one must be stiule-heui ted ami single-minded in the worship of Ged, because, as all His heiuers well knew, it was inipessihle te serve two masteis He s.ild as regards human love th.u its greatness insisted in giving. int lu getting. Hut in none 'of UN tllustrat uuis nf Ged love did He suggest ),, m mean nuivnd.iji bj the word jealous) . Li mli ami tKiKINti li.ii k at tli.it uiomeiiteiis d unfortunate interview of the father wuh ins little son en the sub ject of idols mil of Ged. one wendeis why he could net have made the child feel tlut all the heart and mind and bmh whs te be lifted up in an ntl'i-ting of worship te that Highest of ."-pints. iHtber than steeping te deifv -he hief sin of the nuiser) jealous) ns a Ged tiait Fer je,ileus.i 's idt.iiii'v n sin uf the niir-'iv and one net eutgmwn Puffs of ll kite Organdy Vary This Brown Swiss nm. i.tiwi: The .-Miis.. itipi'lilii i fit t ei liming the Swiss meniiri hy , fm although the many new ja.. u,.u. mils - such as ilu Keilier nitleiis have dislint led the ,-.t tint Ien slightly fiem mure enservalivr eiiuiuii'i I . i b 1 1 s. ih mil Swiss rub i meie and limit- (be In-nit of the ptattiiul weiii.ni I 'ur Miiuiiiei nun mugs in en her city or cuiintiy theie Is rcitiilulv nut Ii lug quite se sane ami safr te tins trailltlen.il inatcii.il in our uf the ihnl. Celers. Th.s suiuiurr brown fellows up iti iti Vlcten'es lu ether die, pievlnic by asserting it sway in the lir'd, and to day we show one et these mw brown Swiss fiecks dotted in inn Ker the Swls ll et k tbrre senus tu be nothing mine charming than ih.' Jltlffcd slant sleeve of (lisp white ei -gaudy and heie wc have this sleeve in n double puff form i'linheimeic, tin jiUfTsi aic iiscrleil a gain en ll.c skirt il th form of side panels and the bash- 'ia'eftBe same material. I liv ( OKI I theie. It lurk reuiid the coiner te bumper and belittle our thoughts and our affections nnd our impulses all our live. It is easll the most uulekly retributive weakness that we arc liable te. Jt net only makes us menu, but It makes ti meanly unhupp.v I knew of no cure for it eicpt te call it bv its tin me. If niic inn nv lnutulh te one self: "Tills is net line that I fee', nor righteous Indignation, nor wounded sensibility; this is jealous).' then elih one has get the snake under one's heel that Is poisoning nil happiness BUT meie than likclv tue wound that we feel Is killing us at the bund of a friend we call b) un ether name than bv in teal one. self-love We suiter torments li'mittse whnt we cull our rights nre being neglected; we piece together fragments of cencs, bits of conversatiens: we trans'iite what we de net knew by what we imagine; we 't forth all our deslies and cenipiue them with all the meager fulfillments; we call indlgu.ilieu. grieved feelings wounded piidc. mural pleadings te our aid: we fall te repreailiing and te vln d!ctie reprisals, and all the time what is the nutter with us. is what was th" matter with us In the uurerj we are Just plain jealous Ne one sick of that fever uin see Hjc iiutli or trust himself re act with lander or justiie. It has te be get rid of like au.v ether disease. One docs nor ere oneself bv loving Icsm, but b.v loving mere. A henrt practical in loving Ged single-heat tedlv, single-mitidcdlj gains the poise and selfishness) te love Ins ft'llewnian stltlesv, tee. A sitciess. fill lever Is the one who has raised i Ills power of lev.ng te the toil notch ' What comes back te hlin in the vvav et love all te the geed, but fnl his -mil and mind what mints i the loving. We jend missienulies te the Olietlt and te Africa t convert the wotship wetship ers of ' gin ven images'' te a mere spiritual VMM ship of the Unseen and Internal, and we ti.v eiusehes net te fall into tlie Idelati.v et our Lenl's du, when all the Iteuian Kmplre wor shiped power, bill the best of us -nine-limes runlet, about III bis own person his chief little god. te whom he efleis the dailv tubule of self-love, or sef. pit), or elf-nggratidUeincnt. .leal uiisv Is the sign ami token of that nlel.itrj. It is the unmistakable f i nit nf that put iiciilar sin One does net al lit r jealous) from the worship of toil, nor (rum loving one's fellow men as one's s,.lf It i, the lesiilt nf breaking a ceiiimauiliiieiii. ami it makes Its own plan- of condign punishment, where its victims suflci tenueiit. Nt) llNK an pride Himself upon neing .lllllllllie te it. ter It Is e.si pos. slide te '"think of .veurself mine lughlv than veii ought te think." and suffer when ethers de net agree with jeu. I semetitnis think. Iiewevei. that there I are mere jealous parents in the vveild I than iealeiis levers, or jealous friends, ' ei jejlrnis politicians. Fathers ale often jealous of their ibtldiMi and Insist en then ihlldien's affeiilnu without having given any thing mil te deserve it. Ilecause. of ceuise, afiei bringing a ihild into l he wm'il te siippnit ami idiirate It ac ac leidlug ! I lie standards nf .muii i lass is something Mm ewe that ihlld. nut something fei which tin.- hlld nu von. Te iinssi the hild's devoted love must leijiuie s.itiiething gieuter en .veiir part than n debt well paid. And fnthi'ls. i ne apt te be jealous nf their wives' devotion te the ihil-dren- though tliev tall It bv nnv iiaine hut jeuleus) and mothers inn lie very jen'eus , their telatien as mothers-in-law, though they i all it lov ing anxiety" nnd net jenleusv. TIIKItK is nothing i ati'isepiii te tlmr hurt 'is lulling it iv us nlaiii common, enlinaiv gulden name, and treating it as something te he gut rid nf en the spot Our Leid pointed in the ..nlv sure means: Ills fulleweis ,nll it "dying untn self " Jle speaks of , as e'sU. line s life in order te gain it. .S.4M I) I (tWI IK. Bead Your Character Hy Ihijlv Phillips Hew te Treat .Mixed I'mlllcs As it is uui t ub-irve uiii.il, IT ijiei-Min uas a iiimnve or a nvi-x I'l' me. it is al-e easi tu ebseive wherl he has a pielile that Is ., in Mine uf these two. I'ur piaciiral puims,, th, ie aie two sin h i ombiiintietis One is (he pePs, fhe ll j)f,n of whose face is mnvex and n,(. h.vvu pint lem'ave; thai is u person mth a forehead whuh slants baikvv.ini a bit nnd a niu whiih piejwts Iteiiiuubi i that it is the forehead w1': h icm-.iIs thought and the Idu t Jit r tevi.iN de- Uien Tient this man like a nuivex se far as eiitlitiin,- vem ptopesitiou m bun is i nticei tied but like ii lencnve when pi rising him for a dicisluii. He lepreseills nieb.lblv the most (tllclelH npe nf bii-iii-ss man qui' k et thniight and slew ,(f lu iiuii missing nn nuk-.. Hilt When ten fnul e ulher llll- rurc, tl.i i uui nve upper niul i. !"We. i'l,. pnilllplll fe.ltllles ut tlhll'h an- a pieti udliig I'eieheud .uui ,i i inn whnii slants b,i k mui -Jmul mlUxe ,t lemplete vaiiniieii in )uiii uitii. !' pntii'tii. i.in'liil 'and denbd in working up tn the i liiuax nt vmir ap peal, lie ..nefnl thai tins elitnav i. one nf siigjpslien i.ilhei than atipi il te Masen, and I hi II piesS , ,i quo k lie sell I'.il tllis IVpe ut Illll II s ,,irt "if tlieughi but iiiiel, of in 'ion. i- a en M ntinieiital Mian aveiiiL-e and i- pewe, fullv luuved hv vveI-p!aiuii. suggestion Monday I'l .ntii.il Mud) of Menials. Can Yeu Tell? K. J im,l A W. liedmtr By h We See s,trs The explanation of this !, I ,. mupled with the desrriptiun of the five senses seeing, Inuring, filling, tasting uml touching- and their method of reiord reierd Ing impirssieus I'm h of iliet -.eii-es has Its own spei lal set of liei n. thieugli vvhlill the st'lisatiuiis ineived Hie ein -illliuicateil tn that pill tli I ai pint uf tin hi Hill wined guvellis and luuk iftet ach nf these -I'll-n 'I lie eve has Its nerves uf Vision the Iiem , nrl,.s ,,f smell, ihe elll. Ileives of healing, the mouth nerves of inie, and the body as a whole, neives nf loin u Kaeh of these sets of mtvcs has thn ability lu receive sencatlens or Impies sleiis only in Its pinlkulnr field, with slightly impei flint cxii'iitiens. These senses aie capable of development e lliilt tliev become mete anile and efli I'ieiil in their own pin ti ular field and wil U'speud aiiteuintlciilly when Ul l.llstll When sniiie one hits veu lu the tue the nerves of vision nie disunited ami perform their futiciieii . n about the same vvav as ilicy de when light strikes llietii. Tliev theiefeie preduie upon the tn ti I ii tie sensation or light in ether words, you raiimit ,111c i the mrves l';ht wiihuui iiiedurliig ur M'Usatieu uf light and this will eicur whether Ihese nerves are distuibcd In a stieng light or in complete darkness. Monday Vben Wu Cotten First Orewnf In If arm W eatlier the Hard Working Business Persen Must lie Careful te Select the Bight Feed MKS, ( eplitiuht. 191 M. A. h. ii jtiii i 1 1 tit .luly ami "tarly August are nentlis for the highly nervous business people lu kiep ph) s( nil) 111. unless the) lake leal geed cure uf themselvi s. The less of appetite ami ficiucirflv being tee tired te rat miiiii bung nn a hint uf in t no i Ills, that mi- es uue is eaiefiil at this time, a serious breakdown looms big, carl) In the fal ! A series menus for evening meal f,. ,hH lln urns in son : Ne. I Oietige Souffle Chilled Tomate Garden Onion linked ('lib ken t'usiaid I '.iked l'etatu I'leaiiKsl Coin Salad Stewed rrmi Ne. -' Chilled tir.ipe .lime Supreme Chilled Ctifiimbi'is Itinll slies hlil.eii .1 la King I'elled itii e Snap Iteatts Lettuce .Melen Tea Ne. 3 Chilli d Kire Soup Itumaiiiaii Oiiielet with Tu:isd Cie( r.nl.ed Maiaieiii linked Tmirilncs Cob slaw Apple Sp.mge s-pniige Cake Tea Giaiigc .Seuftle Ite.im mil the Julie of etauge and add one large ttiii'hull iitji uf (old imffr. Oik miiioeii of hmmi jiikc, t Our tilhltifiiiun uf in fun, Yull; of one me. Whip up well, then fnld Inte this miMiiie tin- stifih beaten white nf une, g . divide in tu two thin glass,, adding a t.ihlesiuiii of i hupped- lee tu each gills Serve ii f cold linked Chidicn CiisUnd Sieiiiu a small fr.ving chlikni until tendei . Cm uin half the i hicken in tinv dice m put through the feed iheppei. I'se the hones ami skm for making broth. I New pirn in siiinll saucepan I Out i ti of t hit Ki n ttn I Oil! 111)1 of null. 7 ii e ii hull (i'i, 1 oil. of Olll i ijii. I tint ttiniietjH of ttilt, ' Out -half Ifii'pniin of i,i', I'ttit h et lliimr. Heat will te b'eiid ami bung slevvlv in builliig point New add Oin It in i,nn of iiniitil emtiiij 7 n e ( ii iOn ii of finthi nitiuttl ptn tit il 7 A i m pint 'I In, I., n, 1 Turn in s'n.ill baking di-h, spiralling the top snioethh. spUnkle with bread numbs I mill with giated i lieese , hake in u.nileiaie even for twentv-live minute. I'm the i teamed corn seiape the (ein 1 1 mil the eat. Using a com sciapei I'laie i.itn lu .small auiepan ami add Ihltt Itllilt si'i'OM of tlltlltl. 'lilt, hlhlC -pi, 1,111 el luilttl. Oik hull Iihiioei, of iilll. I lilt -IJIUII It , ItMHHIll tif i Oin inn, lult, t hi, ii mil lint. l,f)il,i i Heal -'iivv K imtll s, aiding Jfiit. ICuin.itii.iii tliuelct Mllin IWil ullllills title I'l.lle tlllee iablesn,eiis ,, hiitter in i-klllei 1 add l In- unions leek slmtit i mil -etl. trk Ing i ,ue iii ii nn tuns de Hi 1 1 blown , then nn ii en d.-h. Sip.iiuti fuui hjjs and mid two table spoons et mid water te the Milks e! I In egg mid I" il well, tin ii whip till whiles of the iggs stnf f, u t,(. ,eparei velk nf eggs and tiiiu lu sklllil niti- niiniig lime inblespmins ut smul In; het belt' I s,n,i, evel the elliulls and hllkt III I lel.lte evell lur lltleen min utes s,.,te Hid, thlij, tolllllte sain,. III w hu ll ,lle On' hull ' up et iiniitil ihieir. Oin It iMiium ill Iii, ill, miiuiil onion I ii a i nut nlut v iieiiii fuit . Tin ii i. n hoi il h K ii iii -Ii with pais l V Jllll M'l ll' Things Y liings You'll Leve te Make I se It as a Siurf or I'.niel lt.nl. Theie is n new way of iisiiij; jour spun siaif as a (iireiaiivr punrl tin ihe luick nf yffur suit If the snnf is a long, nariew one. begin vvilh Ihefiingi'd i nils and join the ends together, lruving sutUelmi opening lliiungli wbiib veu i i a n readily slip yeui head, If u wide scurf, begin mie-ililid of the way down and baste a line which, when hem if l stitched and cut thieugb. will penult jour head te pass llireiigli ensilj. ()M wanner dnjs slip the scarf ever jnur bend and allow It e fall down jour back as a panel lilmiiiiuz for jour suit. On (oeler dnvs slip it ever your TATli .liil AuK't nr LltillillillillillillilliHPCMHBIK Vw' y .... ffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaVtfljiaaaaaaaHaBflaaaaK-v Vhrnuri-,, ..... t IJ heail. tue ii threw the end aietind eur'..rAn Viinv tvini nnnnirh vnti'ii Afi neck lnscarf fashloe. FLORA. r- .MatTWT s . ,. -n -m t; , ;'' m-?': ti.m, ismMgmmM-irmim,' r '(,' " HissJirssS tvWV-'KSM'WyJjiB'F.w-!, y 'aaife-s Midsummer uKSa8Bmk!'K hats .' ;M. MHl'll l HlliHl'l are larae XVl;'0,n, n, BdHHB;;'l with drooping fit iaiaMaiaiaaaiaiaiaBSbHiaaaaaaBwBBBlriHL''V'- , Iff alBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBHlBBBBMiiBBHBflBBBBBBK VAbBHB " ill "JBMJITIBW ill llW" i W 1 , IMRfljflBaiBHl.'Liarilr ur .v A straw braid - mrmimK:wvz;?sm-m : ; t:-: :'in i VtJNBti'&WW"! in black .jlaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaalgaaaKHfel'y'':,-.' ? .r. . .,tf!II "' AalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaVli:' .. ; .,r istfYrtin laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVKlUPlW '' LfOC VJJ (-M' n ''tlXmEwmffi "" and velvet, SvWsSHKm'l1 - sty a mushroom I ! V gfe&gj shape, and I zz "T.p. "chevalier." i. -n ' i . I Please Tell Me What I Where te Write lJiar Cyntlila want te lav a fiw words te "lilendle" The piisimiul ilepaitinunt at Cniiifi IiX should lie nlile . te supply the home mldui-s el .i'l men ' (INcliiiiied then. Tbe same depait- i ment -.u Drp.il tint lit. W'libliinyten, .should he uhle te fiunisli the addrtss "f all tutu in the sell he In wrltlni? fei this infcHiialleii. when pesMlilu kivu Hie orgaiilzatleti te wlilth the heldltr 01 ellker was attntliid I ain sine tills soldier will iippiiLinte beiilliut finm you again Ul.nl te note join luteiest In soldiers .- r:-Al!MV UKl''U'i:it. Her Heart Is Broken , He.n Cvnthla I am 'ii jeucg lady twenty-two seals old 1 liitle hern nelliK I with a boy for two inr- AVc weir the best pals In the wuihl te one anether1 until Cvnthla, lie lit eUi- my heart Cyntlila. call one ever fei gut a person j en levu'.' Is them sin Ii :i thing as nitii ililug tal telepjth. ' If one would go far avvnv would s-ln fei get ' I have tiled s mud te liei erne Intel -ested In 'emethitiK. hut 1 just ciii't. Cvnthla whv de these we pl.n.e ve high en .1 pnl stjl always tunililn nlf ' . iiitei:i-:x tev .M deal tin make a tn,. take in plating anv lint- en a pultstal Yeu rxp.it a percen tluieby te live up le tour id ais lei him. an dnei that per sons own lilt-ais1 1'iiJiaps nil Imbue people with iiuulitles they ncvei bavu had It's net fair te them nor te your- stlf. e.tlur Uiiupt Miuitelf In doing some kind dei ils fei elhiis and J ou will seen feel better In Faver of "Lene Wolf's" Plan lieat 1'iinhu 1 ul 1 and wa. bem delphia. vet I uui am uneiitren eaii and r.uu-d in I'hllu as much a i-ti align in mv own i it- i.s a count i. v .lane would be If had Just come te the i Its. I hav. ,i nice home, wlieie I could eut.Mt.iiu inj ?rittulh but don't wim te Iiinl anv in my' liking Win king t.eiv dav In a big place with lets of girl." and inui pit If one for a ft It ml Ml in Lu J.17.7.V utiifii and tuich dancing that I de net calf fei I am falrlv irend lenking an I can liunl a tenvi rs.itlen vvltli any one. M't 1 I lllllet llleet glrlH Willi like (pile! nun' I lult In go mil sw limning inning and hiinlhft anil till ouldeoi sieitt but can't gi-t a g'll 'vhe would l,ii, up dam i balls fei outdoor life 1 hive ntvei sent a weid te ynui lelunin but lead it evirv niglit and Hi uk ih v much nf it It vveild be we'ldtiful tn i.triv Dill Me lone Wolf p. Mi What he savs s eliiv tee IIU- We W.MIld like lu i i.i tiieiiJn wbe have limit in nv uau llew tin oil de ' l.iiNKSU.Mi: A Letter Frem liein I'viitlilit- May New Jersey 1 say a weid tu U III e Tin Ilk Null ll'inah tot you, I'lythle' 1 tlnd self vviehi'iK 1 ii.'irut shake hands inv a v I c veu I lu.i go Willi a ti'Wd of yeiiiiH gill' n.'i ftlluws plain Amel It.uii et the tiu one mi". eviv day I li.ivi gene llli the sum Muwd, Willi few tluiuges suue tlie sjxtll gl.llle, mid I L.lli tiuth fullv s.iv that no boy in thai . inwd 11.11 eV I Utteltllteil t I kiss ,t ut anv till gll ill OUI imwd, llllll 1 Will be .. s. niei ill high si hoel this fall I 'hl,k that is a leciid te be piuud of the boys don't ililnk. the Mils dell I smoke lively gill 1ms liubbtd hail and ms- luiige and pewdei m medi ration Wit go mound tu all the daiuis at all tin lOiutrv i lubs itiLUlid heir W u go in nil- and uin hupeiencd 'I here liai trVKi b in anj uusbebav mi of anv sort inn paunts knew w go and thev mist IS a)SilUttl TllllO I" liivel nm talk tot nn lundui-t ei.isi'ves pi opt i iy Ui Kll VIM have Olll tun we i ullie lilMlle Wt tin all faiilv ijoeil i I.i I ii- and llke tiitinn .Maybe w- aiu iM.ptlens but t -.i ems le me ll at all l It in I. ilk s buin the IllllllulrllitV nf the Vnllllg )i uple of i eila . is temmy lut W'ei.i i . K, Imi i i-t imagine weir nor Hew about it, ( 'It tine de WW OKI et ' li;N I'l.AI'I'KIt Leves East and West Cyntlila- I Ii ive wintm te nm and nm taking tin piivileye te again Would veu phase punt ".amis 1 1 It ' ' I) a Ik feu de tu Uuu te Have Just lluish'd ii.ulin jour ! tier mil would Him i" i II v hi u.jt jeu nuld tlie truth about Hie fliMnuns nf cdiil se. theie ate .tlwn s exttptlius 1 inies.s veu have nei had tin 'lionei" te nieet anv of eui 'higlii r i lass" ei veud hiiMi taUeii the III t-t H.iiii li.uk It has nlw.ij s been mj umblir,n te go out West, which I ituess Is iiatui.il as I love ildlng ami tbe uuuIqeih and h.ive heaid se iiiuili about jinn teimtry Treni a lelatlve who fins bten there latelj It must be "fied'H teuntiy" all rlj-lu and the people are sociable und teal out theie IIiimi jeu heaid Ibat old senK, "Out Wlieie the West Hifliur Tlmt'n ih.it' I'm an KuMuner but will beep1 I. ....Inn Iii irel Hilt lliMii frt If ...... i.et'a-hear tram-you egaln and, by the te De n- rVVTHI V tlllll.l J.fttns te CinlMa' column ,' Hifirni tin out. vnt e (a P"l'r. "''''.' mui niiiti tu eiii(I mth the "'"! name mil nMr.is Tfic npme ' '5i. '.' piilillaiii il llif tertlrr de" "el " if. t esieiinf Irltirj dint Iitlirs urllljn mi tielt inits el the uniiir u'lll "" " uimuritif. U'litttn uie til'i iereiial iwsiitu Hint ran I" ultm fftr leluinu lull iuiaB leiilv lime, ut ptriimil Itllert tnr imlu lllltlril II lieu obsellttll lltcfl- way, you, your what patt ate Cynthia, enie cnliiiuii. veu fiem'.' Thank meie. Success te MISS LEDGIE." Stands Up for Flappers r.var Cynthia Kindly allow me te say) a rcw win Us te Satacen. I mid I must give vent te mv fiellngH. .N'lr.inn, de you Lelicvu that you knew enough of ItuppelH l-ratiHIy. I don't. I inelf in, 1 knew a geed inniiv tlnpj.fis. tee Nene of im tuiieke e. drink. Nene' or our frlenda censldei un ulsnr and nie.si in us nave never men Kissed, we ale waltlliu for Air. ltlulil. Still we are! M.i..i.i- The flapper ba.s ceute tu stay, he jeu slieuld knew her bettir l.'ach llapuer has an Individuality all liei own Ged lia.s given it tu her and that la why sheit sun is ami iieiuitil n.iii cannot Hide It. Wliat Is Wlulltr With bnlibeil luilf unit sheit aKins ' They m Imtler than1 land bedite.s Thev am htaltliler audi much meie .atimthe I hope te hear.'" ""- K,,,M """ "us ntisneii witti my veu seen -ay veu havti ihainrid our Piipearnnce save for the fait thnt I opinion nf the Unppei looked pale. This did net fit in with The ntliir glil In tit a respectable and I my plans at all. and deliberately I ilHilni't Up. Maybe li,. l the girl forlieiiEed mv cheeks tn w..n,i ,:,t jeu, put mavbe she Isn I. Still trv te liaiu mutt annul nappe! h A I'f.Al'l'Ktt. A Strange Signature iJeiir I'yiitliia line is mv treuble: I am veiy popular among both texes, es peelallv the oppesllu ne Their Is Olie bev who thinks a let of me. but Is ter illiy Jealeun Wliiiievtr h sees me ulkinis wlih another bev he will get mad with jealeusv and will call i.ie uvv.iy- Hew can I lei him knew l like blm as well us any of the ethers and that he is net in ne juueus or me einer neys: 1 a n III t r ii f. Hews" Am 1 loe young le go with I am censldei td a well-built and good geed 'nuking glil but de net have bobbed hair, like most glils de .lj jealous friend savs he lilies long hair I in veu have le flirt and wnn low heel shoes und have bobbed hair te be a tl.'lppel ' Anether neulile Is there Is a ceitaln Hum neailv twice mv age who loves me It is what I call n true Ien What can I de te feigi i him ' Is ii piepir fei me te leCeive pi menu fiem bevs'1 '1 he one leasen I don't tam te much fei bejs Is thev think you should klsij Hum ulwuvs 'Hie man nietitlenid abeve I. .1 1 r i t .... ,.. .,. .. in llliilil'ii mui ' Mum. I , in uin itiuiiK ie love him as I dn but l can't go reu a nay WHiiuiii tit-mi; mm t'lvase icn me what te de I.N.NUCKNL'U What you need meir than anything Is a geed Helding I'Mtlmi ytars e'd ' And lu levr with a martini man I And ill levu with a boy and in love with love' Uiittet take up some healthy out-ef-duois e.wicise nnd read geed boeka, .Ne veu slieulil net retrlVe pleSlllls fium bevs unless II Is i.inilj or tleweis ei llueliS. Scolds "Sparrow" Dear I'vnllna 'Spat low,' 1 think must be one of the "ial.e-eutt.ib teuiid en the nirtli ted.iv I will give mv lm- piesh mist attei leading his let'ns I will mllitsh mvstlf lu ".Spai row" him-' i-elf lietit-cfurtli I, elter Ne t Vim have never been out vv.th a leal gill befeu A tun Idea of "The Ibnl el a I'm f. it liiy" Is a Mss nt kisste limn a Mule Mapper who has no nspti ler lin self et fei hit i uin). union If von went uieuud Willi a iiewd eX ein gils nine veu wouldn't in. u vl at the reiusal of a kiss. I'm no uld maid. llhn iu tint teniiarj, I am i kissed b.v "nine ,n a iiie'ilhei of tint llappei Mini, I l don't use rouge fui the snupii i.asiiu that 1 don't need' it I pewdn mv no-e le keep the shine! elf I don't wear higli-heekd sllppcn, bnaii-e tluv aien f In stile i am a' nn nn anu utvtt oeiioeu nair weal hlmi I si ills i net te mv Knees) bn'nusH I like them I den t teiiuke litcause I think It is h.iltful i K tu d.nices ,tlieii lliiee luniie efien tout) times iv week. Hut I ke witli i mi fellows, vvhestt Ideas nm far fiem veuis when It ceiubu te the i;ei il melH IiIch Letter Ne ': Alas, it wasn't n real Kid jeu went out with after all, He she Hissed veu, did she'' Veur power uf pt rsiuislen miibl be Invincible, My opinion Is that she, was nmrely leading j mi en, milking mi mere desirous than ever Am jeu ti.vlm; le kid us, ".Sp.tr ".Sp.tr lew"? Veu inent tlied of flappers nt all Veu were Just disgruntled for a ihangn. I'll bit jeu have a date with en for tenlisbt ei some night seen. Am 1 light, sir.' Dear Cyntlila, 1 knew Mils Is nn awful long letter, but. you'll print part eC It at least -OLDJMAID, :.wi ? Wi 2XtJi. . wtv. ('. vv Ai The Wife Cheater By HAZEL DEYO BATCHELOB Jean Stock-bridge marries Xerman H'afyiic in npife of many tcatninas from her frivntlt. Nerman i$ Ihe kind of a man who hat never kneicn what it uas Je care for our woman mere than a tip iccck$ at a time, and he and Jean have been married only a thert time tchen Nerman become) infatuated with Alice. Wilten, a mu tual friend. Jean tiupects the truth, but is net tttrc until Margaret Hunter tell her of it. CHAPTER XVII A Sudden Idea MAIUURKT ami 1 talked for ever nn hour in the privnev of her bed room, mill tvlian 11 ivnu ntl nver T felt I,:,, . . . . .. as u uie lemiKints et my princ uau Decn stripped from ine. It hurt me te think that another person, even n woman I could tiust ns I felt 1 could trust Margaret, should knew (lie true stntc of my feelings. I i think I might have felt better if I had I maintained a proud aloof silence, never hinting te any one I bat T was susnl- 'cleus ami n fro Id. Hut It was tee late new. 1 had broken down, nnd Maria- I ret, with her clear-eyed honesty, had jpenetinted le tindery heart of the sit uatien, v Her Inst welds of advice te me were: "Held nn, nnd never let him suspect that you me jealous. If jgu call de that, you'll wve the hltuatien, and don't worry about my saying anything. I I won't even talk it ever with Jim." J felt thnt 1 could trust Murguret n...1 l. l.l.t 1...L .!... 1 unpen, ein en uic way dome I could nn( L'nnn nnit kiinlminB tlm ut,u had uted out of my mind; "Yeu haven't the weapons that Alice Wilsen has." Tlie weids'iirllated me, ultlieugh I felt the justke of them. Margaret had spoken only the tiuth, nnd I wan nwarc i of that fact, but just the name It in fuilatcd tnu te think thut Mtirgerctwas ie fure I couldn't tiglit Allce with her own weapons. 1 thought and bioeded nbeut this fact Ihe rcNt of the morning and during lunch, and the mere 1 thought the mere i (.'solved 1 was te force Margaret te re tiuct these words as well as her opinion of me. I wanted te prove te her that I wan very different from whnt she Im agined, nut Hew- was I te da it? That was the iUestien. Mv flllVK llllll lrOwn In mean w.ll,tt. meie tlinn n long wait for NnnnanV re turn encli rvenlnf nml nfi.,,- l,.nr.l. 1 te judge themYSinuul myself tee lestless te settle down am a Haulier mv- ... n.i... t ...... . , . . m Vin hi- l-'.. .? I f D'U Ty ,ll"Rl' kept wandei Ing from the "inifu iage. i tools up home hewing, "in inui merely cunnieu ine te mere dennlv en mv nrr,l.l.n.. breed . :":'.""."' i"""'t"is. en my nreb ems. Oulie suddenly I decided te go Inte the city and the moment the idea seized me I was feverish and eager te be oft. I (hose a cool gray linen milt and a little flower toque, and I forced invsclf In dre.s carefully nnd deliberately. When I wns lendy 1 looked nt myself ' i ". a .. it.. ...". M """ I i even um'u ii up suck te outline mv i ups caietuny. n Hung I rarely did tin- less I was going te u dance in the eve ning. The icsiilt was gratifying; it made me fairlv indianl. I telephoned for a taxi and made the lene-ihlity tinin into the city. Hut when 1 anind I was confieiiud with the fact that 1 had made no definite IllltllU Of lllllyil II, A.... .. '. . " ,,,,,i V ,,'ii, n ," V" . H r, V1 i1 ' 'Si " '',' " "" '" I Mt ' disliiclim d ler Mini 11 talk and the sftaln t answering questions. J was- restless 1 uuu iieiveus, mm even the idea of run. ning in en inutlier did net appeal te me lu that fiame of mind. As I walked slowly through ihP lwr. lying crowds tb.it Ihienged the station an ideu flashed suddenly into mv mind It brought the color te mv face in a wave of scarlet and ihy lienit began te hummer nt the thought of doing kikIi a thing, but I could net get uway fiem it It ebsessnl me. The mure (h,mx, about ii the. meie definite the plan took shape in my mind, uml after all jt (eulil de no haiiu. Ii might (.ipn j u givin eeui ei goon, uuu it It dhl ceed at all it would ,,.w. ... , .'.. ." ' any ' ici and all the iI.m '.'"- ."'IV . , j,, ! , . - - - . - .,,- 1 '' " s,(l1 '" '" affairs that my weapons . .. .... i :.. ..... , . "' "- ,u in- "-! - - smra n iiuj inner weuiiius luini'd awav Willi ihe bleu, 1 htii lied le ii telephone booth uml i ailed up a number. .Manila) Aliserj WHAT'S WHAT By Helen Decie Quite often a man does the wrong ' tblng out of an ex(esshe deslie te de I Keneicus iictlun. Tbtiu, be may effei a nffnil i woman wnum r.e Knows but nuht v by Insisting ou pajlng lm fare ns though be weie her esierl when. (iult bv incident, tnej happen te enter u stnul c.u together llnstitmants offer mnnv ennm tunitleu for making secia.1 blumleis of this type. Fer Instance, if a girl lias ulrendv or er deied her luntheen and a man who Is niltlier a lelatlve nor an Intlmate friend cornea In later and happens te alt at the I Btiuiu iuiiie. ii noeuiti uui ener te pay the Klrl'H check. There ure some glils, of cum be, wbe leek upon all male ac quaintances as "meal tickets," and these common grafters de net object te a man's paying for them Indeed .'hey le.'cnt It If he doesn't. But a nlc girl an Independent girl deea net allow cas ual acquaintances te pay for her'lunch-eens., I i 1' Even Letters Frem Heme Break latien and He Bcally Likes II .!.! . ..!..- - 1'XB SO hard for a woman te under- stand a man's viewpoint about going away. A man's idea of a holiday is tb become a hermit for a while. He deesnl even want te hear from home while he's away. He Just wants te disappear. If bis wife Is game te go with him, that will be fine; they can go off Inte the weeds or the country all b.v them selves nnd net see anybody for the whole two weeks or month or what ever their vacation is. ' He doesn't even want a cook te break in upon their solitude. His wife car understand that, al though she often feels that she could endure the presence of tbe cook. She can understand it nnd sometimes enjoy it, for the space of their vaca tion. But the funny thing nbeut the aver age man Is that be can be perfectly content even If she doesn't go with blm. $et that he's tired of her, net that he wouldn't like te have her with him, but just thnt he's willing, for the length of his vacation, te be entirely and completely shut off from all home ties. Iietters from home somehow bind him and break the spell of his adventure. And there you have it he still loves adventure. IF HE must meet people, just as he would at home, he Isn't adventuring, he's just visiting. If he hears from home, Is kept in touch with nil the concerns of the fam ily, the business or the city, then he Isn't n free, wild Indian faring forth te meet romance and experience. He's just n fnmily man, or a busi ness man away en a vacation. That isn't xvhnt he wants. He wants te forget, for the time, that he has n, family or a business or Through a Weman's Eyes By JEAN NEWTON "Sauce for the Geese" One of my render friends put up te me what might be termed the prob lem of ultra-modern. It is about the woman "slay-out" ! "retir evenings a week,'" writes this particular wife, "my husband stays down town te de extm work. Am I te be expected then te ttny nt home and twiddle my thumbs? "I de net feel uggrleved at net hav-1 Ing my 'husband te go out with me because I knew that he is working for advancement and for our benefit. But I de feel thnt it is my right te take my pleasures without him und te get any Innocent amusement that comes my way. "Naturally my women friends have their liusbunds. But there is u small circle of unattached people, the men well known te ray husband, with whom I have the opportunity te have lnnny geed ijnfes. I entertain them when my husband is at home, he knows It is nil perfectly proper and has no objection te them. But he returns from his work at about IH o'clock, nnd he thinks J should be at home then, "Of Course this is unreasonable. Ver even if we nre only playing biidgc.ene can't get home by 10 o'clock. And my husband admits that it is Hellish -that he simply wants my company when be gets home, it seems only yesterday mat tneh. N ln ti.e llule nanel t the bottom. great pieulcin was woman s complaint inui per misuaiiu wcni our uiguis iinu lett her Willi the children ! And are these net parallel cases? l'ne wiie ceuiu net leave tlie children her weik te go out with her hus- band, se he went alone, lie went with men, it was all perfectly innocent but what tragedy it spelled for the woman und for the home! And what is sauce for the geese Is saute for tlie gander except that I am old-fashioned enough te feel that selfishness and un fairness nnd neglect nre even meie rcpicbensihle eti the part of ii woman. If either nitisl spend lime etdinnrllv given te rest nnd recreation with work, it seems te me that it is tlie place of the ether te assist in that work if possi ble, and certainly te comfort in every possible wuy thut one who miiht bear this extra buiden for (heir common benefit. it is a (heeiless prospect for a man te werli nightly und t bell go Hied te an empty noise, aim line thcie Is Dear Miilam I am a young ladj nine no leusen Why his Wife should net teen ear nf aire, r would like te utilize fhe benis when be Is at work with ether inteiests or innocent pleas- tire, It is net selfish en his pait te ex- pect liei td be there te greet and coin- fort blm when he (omen home Adventures With a Purse 1S7HAT daughter of Eve could pass by III! allllllllg PNC of hOfl. dell- eiltelv i elnii il iiiiili'ftllllnr without iiuiisiiii: le linger und price tliein? And what tine lever of bnigalns imild icsirt a sill: "Tcddv" of the finest cf crene , ,u . " "" ",l" " """). "emstuened .1. ..1.1.... ...!.l. .I..I..... l ,'. . ' . !W !'"!' . "V " . "''"'sntcfilng below. witn ll ei niStitchlll StUIPS of the silk nvee i lie siieiilder, n jiule orchid whiih iniilil suageii cool, gieen forest places,' and a pale niuiigc whiih seems te' liave i aught the tone of a fleeting sun- i set, particulurl.i when tbee .mi.,.. "'I'i.ilill j" t, . ,. u,,n,l.,ll 1.... I . ... lumja ...' 1..IUI. !! llt'll MI X i t'aeh'i p""' A walking and talking dell, almost as laige us (he small person herself for whom jeu would want te bm- ii i drested in letnpcts inudu of tan. pluk in nun- t-iit-i'iteivii ttiiijtuain.s. a ciiii tied under a diinuled chin, with sheer 1.1 I..s.....ll..inl a . . " "MT. nuimnimiirumii'i VNUlll 10 lllant H 1 I s. , upon.' The dell Is SL'.IIS and vviil be a spiendii phijiuut '" for that small ' duugliter ei sister Fer DnmiR of ktinni. ...n...... ... . Etlller or ub.n W-ilnuisoae or si.n5 'iJei ' ImIvvkd 111 hour of 0 nod 5 J6e IP SALADA" TEA Se simply and cheaniv txAt tA vet the most refreshing beverage known? XE ..CO.. WHOLKJATE .AOTH.T HO UTH KBpNT 7x KBKT, WW" XELEPUeKlS'.fi.'SlVS.S-iWf the Spell of His Complete l$ te Be Cut Off Without Them j . - - . (S,, anything at nil thnt would bring r.' spenslbillty upon him. .1 d In fnct. he doesn't even tlk ." knowledge .thnt he is en a vacntkw from his everyday cares and mode or whatever has breuijht him te' hil "hermitage," he -wants .te sten bm himself entirely and stnrt being ih! vagabond whose mode ef living he hi! IT IS just a part of his little bej.J heed curried ever info his inanlien 1 and of course thnt is almost Inipesiibk fer-hls'wlfe te understand. Still, isn t tlie average wife's dealn te go te a very dressy place en hn vacation, which is just as hard fn-i,' husband te understand nnd enjoy an hj' j turui rai in liir iii-i,.k noiu-ever Ifen, childhood, tee? ,' Mttle girls love te dresa up, jmt UJ nine uujn lint: tu iiuy inuiail, . Little girls love te think nbeut n.i Ing te "grand" places where tKrf "''I'- t....i ..aub.ive mi .iiaiijr umef M their dells de, and exchange hripildlT tasntemiMe conversation with eiht, I.AA.ttlf.lll.- l.At.JA,l IIIa.1I... II ' W' Thev' never1 dn nelle Inte ilt.t 1 'I of "dressing up," and swishing about before strangers, clad in lovely rewbl That's .their idea of getting sway from home nnd evervdnv life rn. 1...- tiry and the fulfillment of thete leu ..ma ..,,. nn.l Jh.m . ugti int:t.t;iiu UICUUI9. A X-TS I- '. t .1 . nnw wi in many neincs mere lg IB . endless argument In summer about J "Why you wnnt te go te a place whew I you nnve re Keep urcsseu up all the time?" nnd "Why you wnnt te nn ni there nnd de nil. the work for, yeutsell mid get se dirty?" Kach expects tlie ether te be grows ui by this time. But both cling te these Ideals of their childhood and long te live up te then jusi ter inai. snort time allotted te tata te ue just as tiiey picase. THE HOME IN GOOD TASTE By Hareld Donaldsen Ebcriein The Stuart Dresser The Stuart dresser was one of tbi pieces of furniture that served IusImJ of the modern sideboard. Sometimes, ti shown tn the cut, the lower cart wu Inclesed und contained (iipbcnuis with drawers above them. At ether time the lower part wuh open mid supported en four or mere legs, like a le'i!: table. with drawers. The top part, which wai set back somewhat mere than the lower pari, uuu ii sunn uucs. aim nine or iear, narrow, open shelves, just wide enetixvl te support tlie rows of plntcs and pltJ tcr.s that were steed upright upon them. The oak dresser Illustrated In the cut was made about 10(10 and Is fire feet long and neatly seven feet from the fleer te tue top. Hie only carving upon , AU the ,cst 0f the decoration censiits i of nieces of melding nnd turned erna. . Inents Kue,i . This kind of simple alu inexpensive decoration was very elinrncterlstlc of the period. Sometimes the melded anil turned decoration was stained or painted black, The drop (hawer-pulls and the key plates are of biass. A piece nf this sort Is capacious and very serviceable fee dining-room ute. The Weman's Exchange Te "Madame Y. F." Thank jeu very much for veur klad Infnimatien. but as Miss !'. S, sent ne addres I wus unable te forward jour .suggestion te her. If any similar letter! ate received I will see that they get jour auvlce. Wants te Ge Camping ; Te the Editor of Weman; Ms' i camping this summer. Will veu kindly I ,el1 ",e where t can apply fur I mns for glils? Kates must . bj ! a ,,!'.' , ,, .. , jetvim i i casen-I IOUS. i Tlie i.nKiance Vacation camp, . Gltfiislde, Is the only camp for Jevvlsa I werltlnc iilrls of your kkc. The beard I Is IS a week. On a Palm Beach Suit Te the Kdllnr ,,f Wm nil'.. Pnar I Dear Madam Kindly advlsn me wht v'll renew a fnded spot en n Palm Ileach trouser leu; caused by bard ruublnl witb a wet ratr of a. dirt stain It appears us though I tubbed away Ihe nrlirlnal nuler I.i bruvvn with S fcreenlHh tint In tlie simllitht), leavjnl an unlghtly "bnUl" spot A II. There Is no way of rtsteiliiR the let color te this place unless the wliql suit Is vciv soiled and jeu (an niaW It all one color bv clennlnH the vvliela thing. Hut as thut would be semethlnf ' lt tin limlb, I r. lln. '- " ..,.... ........f., jx... .,.." - r, ., l touch up the place w lib crajen until jeu nail neuir j"" Is less noticeable Jehn S. Tretver's Sens w -- . 8 ,r",,,"tew,, A- ul"l fhpltrn ' PATRRRRS 7 em m aMAVaMa p : RESTAURANT . Me are tsteiuliiiK our dull' unit hiinilm U-llici-t tu, MIKTH rilll.A., I.IHIAN uml (i.ii i..m; 8 8 Fancy Cahet fee Cream MgMgiMi T1TII 11 III III I h (A) L--i I isiflil I LZJ I w v . , lVV- t "V, tS.Y.. i.-v.,