fflWPwBJPJWHlPlJffWJBBI iMS .w wm&vm iwmmi F3" W V, ''iwWi !,V?H1HW " j jf 12: nn siAnrnu siiiittai3 THE GUMPS-Oh, What a Wife Is Minnie 0VE W7LZ, JVF? D WW w .--w-r,.f 4 ,'ri "iT F , ' By JOHN HUNTER DTIIbt ,a IVIIII 174 ill eu-r " ' u. n.Miiirtf On in tharti6 mM '.1T..t.inikn.!.em. u i flood m- ?"".".. inrffrli("fl "" reeWfta carr 0 SL.KS rem hia latner. a ercm inunu ftS;r tow mf. mS.Mjrjri VCfi BRENT Audrey' mother, aim .r..- rt jnjnircnuiic .' w..w -" K Vi 1. the rf forced u 0 i T1 Pi Hi. 1 ..line, who hat returned 10 Len. K attr manv lar 0 diplomatic erviCf Srced. ..... ... jnvr gill or toerwiu tciJie e " rffi irfrtt. irKfc "" Jdrw live. WirilAHD pnKSlOWnifhtw of Cen- Sri?"!. M'iewiM te me.ri her. i!t hrvbIUH a liaht'hearttd but sincere SKi&fl comedy far. tode J In low utllA gyKuH, but K..1Q l rlexd'i; 10 Audrey. 1, 1 it i .; wii Hi rM TJl as.j t 1 iyi.' tl lM, er '.. a , iBSOfiL'TELY, Jimmy. Yeu will A remember when we were nt Ling- leljl spoke te Mrs. Fnrqiilmrsen? She iM me about It. It's right enough. Ltciiise tie would remember the facts Err well. It seems that Lord Conning. Kgn mnrrlcd MrB. Hrent, nnd they had 1 diughter. There wan f-eme ireimie iiterce and the rpRt of it. Mrs. Urent rts'te hlnme. Of ceiirfie, Connington m given the custody of Audrey. Ifc 'u In n towering rnge or something .Injured pride nnd nil thnt kind of ret. Hrefu.wl Audrey, nnd her mother loelt la away. I suppose, new, nfter nil lies years, he wnnta her back. Thnt, a ceurJC, is just my theory, but it plains everything; Conningten'H np piffnt friendliness with Mrs. Drcnt, tcanj 1'rcslew'n chasing of Audrey, nnd 1 rest. As I nnve nlrendy said, I in ure Audrey Knows netinns of it.' "I see." Hnrkncss spoke very Kletly. But in his heart drummed 0 old despair. "And de you think Cen- itoften will have her back?" 1 Mieve he has the reputation et Letting ereryfliins he Rets his mind en." Ehurrnl I.ei- "Anyhow. I should ? fcsjlne Mrs. Brent would surrender her. ' fnMtever flic nilgni niivr iienr, miu is k woman for wnetn 1 nnve greni on en on idrntien nnd respect, mainly, I think, because I realize that she loves her 1 v,- ,ln.iit mil t nnil tinu fnlreil r Bd endured all the stigma of the Eres "! J 1...1 .. ...,!. U1. ..IH ..,ln,.cn.l m AU'irc.v n r.uvv. Hill" i,i,m ini.iii', rtit It would mean te Audrey te be tie ilimglHT of Lord Connington, and ike will net stand in her way." "Yes." Hnrkncss seemed lest in tkeuilit. He laughed hhertly nnd liraly. Of course, tins niters every tttaT." I I)!' did net nnswer him, nnd he eentinufd: "ConniiiKten is one of Eng- Bind's grent men. Audrey will be pre Cnted at Court, nnd " He hesitated. 'im Kind jeu told me. I.eis. I might Un made n feel of myself If I hmln't Blown. Of course. I must forget Audrey nltncetlier new. 'for'. r,J us it. ferv' 'St. 'It.. nltegethcr nnd go buldhcnded for serious parts. I think thercjs something mere satisfying In portraying real live dmr nctcrs than bouncing en te n Btnge, followed by n crowd of girls, nnd sing ing light drivel, don't you?" "tf nnn l.m ll.- ........ . l I. l im; iiu.-. uiv iviuiicraiuuiii jer 11, I suppo'e there Is," ndmlttcd Hark jiewj. "Are you sure you won't regret "I knew I shan't," nmwered Leis bravely. "If only it comes oft I shall feel that my life is full. I shall have something te work for and strive for. I nhnll study It always, nnd endeavor te rise higher nnd higher. Yeu knew, Jimmy, In nil seriousness, nnd without posing, I heuld love my nrt If I were a real uctres.). "I believe you would, Leis," said ITarkness quietly. He wnt beginning te realize hew ilccpi a woman Leis was. Hu knew she had faced n tragedy In her life, just as he was facing one in his. She loved him just nu much ns he loved Audrey. But she was rling from the ruins of her hopes te greater heights than ever she would have attained had these hopes been realized. He knew that if he had married Leis she might hnve left the stage, and he nnd she would hnve wandered en through life carelessly, migrating te Mente Carle nt the right time, attending race-meetings with the utmost regularity, playing, dnwdlini: en the edci of llfe. with n winding path of usclessness stretching eemnu inem. mere would prehalilv never hnve been children. They would have beet? n nuisance. But new Leis was dedicating herself te work. If the were successful in her project, she would be contributing her mite toward the scheme of things; for n great actress must always de her part in ine nenenttng of Humanity. He studied her. Except for the gravity of her eyes, she looked the same Leis he had always known, and hn wondered at It. In a dull, vague way. He could net reconcile the smartness of her dress, the vividness of Imr rnler scheme, with her words. She looked fragile, a creature te be ki.s'ed and held. He could have broken her with one hand. And yet she was stronger than he! He felt his own hopelessness. He thought of his father, of Audrey, of a hundred mad thing he had done in ills life, of n hundred chances squandered ; and Instead of remorse, he was filled witli n dreadful hittcrness against life, nlmest against Lel', that she should have set him se geed 011 example. Why couldn't he go te hell his own way? He steed up. "De you mind if I take you home new. Leis?" Net a bit. Jimmy." She saw that ry la 11. ttTu iSS n4 A Lell Ine!ted at him. "I should iraag- "". In I nril I until, ifffnli linM kfinn iitiAiivli W the world te wish his daughter might wrrr a man. aleve all tli'iigs. she Mid. "He (-trilies me. from what I lire rend of him, ns n man who has Ken through the illusion of title nnd Wiitien. 'The rank is but the guinen's e4 nump mut be nu acknowledged truth with him." Hnrkncs' laughed ncnlu. "I believe Burns added leniethlns te the effect that It en the man who whs the geld. 1 nn nee the Inuner of that 11s applied tome. I should like te hear mv fnther's ecmracnts en the matter. They would le worth record inc. IMi H.oek her Head howl "J mm mJe ten all jeurself a snort?" "I?'1 Hnrkneis was obviously star tled. "Well I don't knew. Itry te par tne enmc. A suuuen realization of I.els s mean- r. ni 11 Ibt came te him. He added quietly : mere is a miser game te play? "There Is, Jimmy." Hnrkncss had ttver hnncitPil I.dIk could lip ke serious. "And it isn't played en nice-trucks nnd in club-room'. I crant veu that the tun who nlnvs the smaller irnmn nrnn- wly usually plays the higher one straight is well. Hut 1110 of you who piny tie smaller game forget that the bigirer we is (telng en all around you. The Kame of living. Jimmy net merelv drlft drlft i&en; nf doing something. I've get methln lfe te tell you. It's about Byelf." Harkncs reused himself. "I'm Pnlnir In rhuit tnv Inli n tlin flreidlnn and leae musical remeily al al eg'ther." Why. wlint's urnni? T nlul" IhIm ld the meaning in Haikni-ss' nuestleu, m lauslied quietly. "It's nil rinlif II,, i,.,.. I'.., ...,l lt . P", ., .illll... J I., 1111, KIDtlll? inv linnil In hni.niwn ltn.,niiL I'.WU. I h'elleve I'm game, you knew." hui ni wiuinsicnily. "My truiu wrdN of overwork last week, se I'm "lag the Jeb imself, n veu sec. I'm Win? Inte straight comedy." iiaane's ,nd ii,,i f,llv m,vthlug. ..u, 1 rrierenic in m ,, ....... 1.... he had his own battle te fight. They went out tejetlier into the night. Leve Knows Ne Prlile Constance Brent went back te Knock holt filled with conflicting emotions. During the journey Lord Conning Conning ten's last words rung again nnd again in her ears, nnd tlicy were tocsin te half-forgotten thoughts nnd wishes children of the dead past. Dreams she had dreamed when tin world was fair and all her life was sunshine lived again in her Imagination. Her lips, whicli hail known no man's kl's for what seemed an eternity were warm with n dc"lre she could net analyze. She tried te think of Connington's coldness, his steely logic, his suave mockery. But she failed. She felt that when she sold geed-by te him they had been very near te one another for a moment the veil hnd slipped from be fore him and nhewn the man who walked behind it. An all hut Incredible hope filled her heart. She tried te still it nnd failed. A hackney meter carried her te the cottage, and she found Audrey in the jurden. After gieeting her Audrey said "Mamma, I went te see Mr. limit - Hess, nnd I want te knew If I may go again. Veu won't mind, will you?" "Why de you want t" pay this second visit?" nsked Constance. "I want te explain one or two things " Audrey was obviously ir.-rveus. "And I want te ask him 1111 Imper tant question." She liiiu.lid. and looked away. "De yen mind If I don't tell jeu ubeut it until alter 1 have seen him?" Constance considered. Her instinct wus te tell Audrey net te 20 hut something warned her that if she did se Audrey would refuse te be cecrPed Tteftt& TU Otf tfir. LinkJ ?UmtNf 0.ti TtiAva. m uir.ew X MAfitTT Vtfcte K UMV'LIM MKCJCtlON Sivir vtk i?ikir" I Htt- VI J SkveftiAMuV-JS ' rij ': 'TS.r ' .T'-"-,"vv rvt inr. ljiv mri'M'te v t ' 1"WV WOO .TOR ?NHMt.nT. &&i Y"& 1VIE MO'RE SBt Of TMAT KNt OP k V.0rAfM .THE BtTlc.R. 1 LIKE MV NFt- VK. MAM WKME' OUR UTT-C QV)eVU,-ft M FFt1tc.nct BXT MXrA'S AV4 0CUt VOV4GmE "TMY OUT) THVtTtt- 7 WELL- VS COMGTD TL OLb B1RX- ME -uixc VRe.'?'. nA- u. 6rtT ai uav RCXN TD HO? WTO TWE GRUVfc- TMEH n?AP- JUT L0CrCES H1MEL K TME V0RVH0UE Nt THREW THE HT.W OVT Tt TReVNOM- 7f v 0MER OV6WX Tt EE WOTME.V LINCOLN TO COME AI.0M6 AVt Ww . .... .t.. z r-r.T' i-r - im'St nm e aus- ANOTHER. EMAWC?AT01B.- VAt'D et TVIc MOT ?0PV)LNR. MtiM TXE- C6WMri EVEVS SAW- TUEfeE B e fl tvri fc.vfc.rM "euiuPHiO in E VI09LT ON HIS fcmTNtAV- -, -- s i IdW iJii- r mzszlm r wXfW v & -. f L v t 'Y mmmF . WiPAllii f Ju-r-sK: v. S ft - -. i- Zi. a- -i 1 111 m u , ,1m iiii . 1 . 1 .cr'r- vj vmmLj. . teW Mpyic, mTj SOMEBODY'S STENOG Lights Out! Reilterc1 V S. Talent Oftlcs HEE-HEE- OH BOSS HE.B - HERES A GOOb OWE'. 1 J0ST RE.AO A PIPPIAJ : E Hfc ' -7, 1 HEE s-W- (ifeM?), i-r. S5 '?. I" RD VAS PITCHED FOR WfrB 'ir HE6-HEE-HEE' AUb , Hee) TRVI' TO TRAIA t f ''ll T dUt)6E SAID - . , FLlCER TO CLIMB OVER VI ' H& - THE -JUD6E V", "RUCK -AAID -HEE HEE--JI I m SrUt'r ." THAT S ALL . . -tv Tub . Inline: - I ' " w 1. - . . . - . .1. . sr--r A Bll HEE r-H i- A TRUCK -AAID -HEE HEE -J HE SAID IO 1 "it uuvttfc.- i li.r-e TLA hPAP1 ' UUWO&, -"'. "'" I DIDAIT HEAR sT7 HIS HORM ! ,vlfeM- HA-HA c(K' W $ S 7" 11 n RI6HT, TOU'LL CiEl TDUr? HEARING TOMORROW a 1 10. SO P V n V- ry: ir a 1 viPLL-fin nn I VJHATS THE Pe 1 uiif. i-Jc PiAiF-r AT HI& HEARIA16 1 Tf. -I iHO-OO 605H """ AA1D TDURUrJ THl6 BU5IAJES5J A JSL A A Ckii StT.W. LrA. C The Yeung Lady Acress the Way Pi She would go. In spite 01 every thing. PKTEY HtR Wppl'.etlfl "All right, dear. Veu may go when rlCdl MllSVVeeh-ena you line. Audrey went two days luter, after writing Unfitness and asking him te make an appointment with her, and she found him in the great, untidy room where first he had received her. Sh. thought he looked slightly worn, and net in his usual geed health. lie in vited her te sit in une of the big ehiiirs by the lire-place, and he s.n down opposite her. "I have come te apologize," Aud rey's mnuiier wus awkward, she wa trembling, ami she hoped he had net noticed it. "Why?" Hnrkncss' eyes did nut leave her face for a moment. I lie last lime I saw jeu F was vtr title remedy truck heiun V.. Li , 1 1 Ti . 1 .'". llu' ll"'t """' N1,v J"'" I wns ttUeln 1 1.1 " i . ' rPl " ,,,i" 1 fti""li nil.. MiM all KI.i.N f heath 1., pui'-iiiid-whiie "Irl was cetistniith 1 ti,i,,n. ,.i,i,.i 1 r,,,.-., Illln1 ll M In........... !. . . i.. 1. .fin .... 11 mi.- niu,, UIIOII lli" "it,'.. ,1.' "". . I earned the tinili. Tlnit Is nil I t fTO1 v ""' v, i2, n "'"'"'S.ilen't knew what you must .,,,. thought 'W hlehv 1 .'"'. he lWl"V of '" ' ,l"'t 1"""' what I liiiv ly Ii'is ILL se'n" 1,in ,,7v " I thought of my,elf since I knew. But ").. i ills some serious, n nmi 1 .1 ... . , . ... "Mtlf. niements ,1 1 -1.. " ..V.... 11 ""."",' ' i" iuiBne me. ieu will, Mir n.. 1,, , ' , ' "fMiij' 11 lilll.i . ) aj Its the cleverest tiling that's y.wT.1 ev','r VK'rc' ""' u r,,al llf' IA .1 tl're"K1' humorous spectacles, tttnV.n0, nw'S'"M',y touch of lmthes te Inte relief the comedy of it. I've Van T Stein.'' """ "' tl,e Hl,ew ''U'tln,.. ,1. ' . . . .1 ' " 'HI1 ;"'ig j en cn,- Idea, I.els? You're mice in n iien-mu-icnl I,"!"';. Jliniiiy. Di-eHilful thing. !( In,,, '". ineii te tell my !r'.1 ' nin nn 1n.n1., :..i rt'thM. iBVM ,m' " ,,,ni",p ' Inl in i"? ,.,r.,nnV ,f ' "," ""' rJ It I shall iiliaiiden light stull went you.' Ilarkness looked Inte the fireplace. "There is nothing te forgive." UN voice was very strained. ."Because jeu were mistaken In your facts it dues net ulter the truth of jour leiidemnatlun. 1 deserve everything you said." "Yeu de net," Audrey said gent!. 'Se ou icnlly feighe ine?" "H11W could I help but tel'fi'lM' jeu?" Tin qui tien bieunht 11 llu'sh te Audrey's cheeks, anil her Incnh came Ulster. She 1 111 out licr lian.l. CONTINl'KI) MONDAY (.ouvrielil, l'Jlt, In the A'cClmc ., taajinptr suvthrnf Uncommon Sense : Responsibility By JOHN HLAUr; I'l.l, known te this uHicr u NefUi?,ir,"i,"f " ""'i''"cd talent of epiismi.ie Iniliistry. The young lady ncreps the way says the girls of the gr.'iduntlug class were mere than usually gifted this j car, platinum wrist watches predominating. PRACTICAL GOLF l'.iO. '. By FOSTA1NE FOX fei. ycars Jokes had been slicikg out of bounds ok this hole. u.n... - ,w Yoer 5AME Oi.0 SPeT & ZQt . 5 'vTi&4. ettrtuu one. eat na B006HT the. land ?j3 ?0i0 wl 7 - ------ 11 pk,".--ri r t "K HAD A BIG SI6M POT OP AT THE RIGHT SPOT.. i!ffifr: ls'W' rT. i .Amk' A . MiJ trvr-vj riiid ... w 'l" AND NOW VeO OUGHT Te .SEE HIM SHOOT IT- ?! siv u nn 'imKK ' 5S U s . .v. SCHOOL DAYS mk II JM -VA5M WAV B0V5 HAVE AW ATI ,rrs 9 HI 'ill I J. 7f cCZS8, Ui AM&W -- - - M f mm Mwm & -Sic) SW ijj 1 . t : OMED .M K-'a ttr ! Mz& (in. l lAcvil ID-mK) i . ir . r 7i I 'W I V Si mm 3 jsaj iRvr i ,1U,V VN AJII 1 u San v - Thev OERTAtuiv A-rac TT,. I BE TT11.ST -r "-intet -n.. . .' It. i '5M " ,? V, efams f -.. Avr 'aim mt 5ELP 5 GASOLINE ALLEY A Charmed Life spff WA i I f NL& in m 7 r;j&F 0mM?mt "cZr0 r fwf -kwi ?C J51 c - ,-, riVJV MELOUM RY iVpOEs make ene: L FEEL STK0U6 I ' j iA wRf ZZrSl 'm WW y9B& m$ X K.K! gy Vg 3 5- siicecbbful and lie wen- I A I. , - 11 1101 I III,,- Oti.r;' , tit K...1 .1 "i10 """"' !'''ss him en NWil that he is truvcliPB. It1 1 . "la.n',K'' te earn eneugli tomferini .'" ve" ,,ml ,0 ''"the him uut tlmt Is as fi,r s ,e gets. Iff v'h" "inricil in the same bi.sl- iHw,"?""'11"' M,,me 'll"" i-e making j1" ter tlipiiiMheH. totimef them ,,, already Indepenil- :4"MSire,nVB vcry b,K ,,n" lm- Ahy ,y,?,inB, f1-!"1"1 '""I" " thPin ". e .I','1. " ,IK 'W 'H " . !,ie uiniiep .!,i. i. , , iiiiiw ... '. iiu nil. ueriu. Ill, .V ""' ''e Miluethliii! tin, n,n,.,. Mn7".V iT...J"r -'r!d r:. Jft bin .but whatever It Is hen,? , s" r"Ml hr l,ls ,irtt te .Thti ii u l"Hl,"H '" "'.Kilt. I.ngaged le a er;. elu'rn.liig girl, he .itnuiil the wyildin:, ter luce jenrs hecause he didn't w.'iit le be "lialidlcapiied" with 11 wile. Presently the gul verj wisely get tired of waiting unil murriul another mail. WHKX this youth was effeied a reallj important opperiuulty he dcclliied It liecniise It InviiKed travel In a pint of ,ht country he did net like. Ills jeui-ieys would have talici him tee far away from his favorite ge.f duh. Offered the temporary charge of an other's man's nffnlrs, lie lefusetl 1' cause it would be tee grcai 11 ie ie speiiNlbilitj. lie has dodged rpsiensblllt,v always, being tee self-centeied 1,1 luinlen him self with olillgatiens. lie will always make 1 fair living because there Is demand for his talent. "Dl'T lie will itlwajs he 11 fnl'ilie just -' tin bume -mid lice.iiise he Is tee much of, a coward ,0 accept resiion resiien silblllty. Cemright, lf$t .a :: 'gi t;, 'Si nfLoe. SKEEtl A Hfi. There's a benns ' JS SITTING "IN THE Wl f ROAD AHEAD I 1 V OF OS! r-'if. E -s S'' Cef, THe LITTLE Rascal hated Te iMOVG I HOPt 1 Pdnt Get hcm! Ne, THEee me is rkjut beside" the Read. I'll saw 1 He's LucfcS W '" &"' J .-, t ' s is. lis. ' Vm -.V?-3y I v s.. S, ( ' X7, e9T r WELL, IV HV SHOULPNT liiJ l,r- rs ...y-.7 llC i'JSSS'3a' nc Dtr -w-rs" : r"' W CAwei FOUIC IM At-L TH JM - ?H-r. vd "S7 Yv 1 y 1 ni 1 s t J -.T 7rjT vhV 7 -xCT : iTi II L VVrt" -' "- J JLX.. IT L7 - e- A.V KW .i ? O fix im-itf 'r-i I u ft -. By Hay ward A aa.n.; By DWIG By C. A. Voight 4 dW y - " ( Fer THE.t(, l " .f ! A ' ?s' n '"H none '"iiuva mm wuj uc. m .Ci 1 4 Vf ' .'Vj-iy,.' 4-.