r i Ift. rr a-' fcw R'M BBBBBBBBBBfWrpWfmffiHIWy'aP' vvrPrjtv'' fcjJ: ', : v;ucmnn is BNesa - HB 'iij; (hv1 'fjij'tjv vy mwwwwwww-. I " ;r'.A ;i . HMWUU itt &PW3t'5?sW'a;: w mmmmmBmm?9m: I KHEill,'; '!HUr.W4 Lfc a B-Bl-Bl-BHi-Bl-BWv,S?fJB- ?mii,r. S2EI MRS. CLARA PHILLIPS pleaded net guilty when charged with killing Mrs. Alberta Meadows with a hammer, near Les Angeles Sa iwwmwww wwwW ir f xi &r4iwW l wWWf ' Iv $ I $ ,w!-wwwwWf " "'iBfc. ?' ! '5tyX' ENGLAND GIVING JAPAN POINTERS ON BUILDING FIGHTING PLANES. Crown Prince of Japan (right), with Colonel Sempvill, head of the British Air Mission te Japan F. W. KING, whose archery this year hai caused favorable comment by followers of that epert CArT. ARTHUR J. HEPBURN, new with American squadron in Turkish waters WIFE of the Minister from Ecuador. She is Senera Denn Irene Hcrnales de Elizalde j . w t;j 3-. A if.. - ' ' ' rr-- J . Si As-J -?' i' ..:.'. Alil.VA ".'"7'.J --k.v v.. -.am A NEW STUDY of Mrs. Alberta Meadows, victim of the California "hammer" murder. The photograph was made a few weeks age OLES IS BACK AT HIS FRUIT STAND. Geerge L. Oles, who recently resigned as Mayer of Youngs town, Ohie PENN STUDENT does lifeguard work. As seen, as his studies were ever William H. Groetzinger went te Ocean City, where he is busy protecting bathers SHERIFF H. R. DUVALL, of Breeke County, - West Virginia, killed in the West Virginia mine war r?&&mjr&s t JrM ":r DURING A LULL IN THE FIGHTING. Civilians and Free State soldiers, one of whom has been wounded in Dublin. The Red Cress effkeru is ready for a hurry-up call WWIH '"" ''I1 l 11 1 1 1 1 1 IHMMM a wEaSBCTKMBfcSwWWBBBBI ny aan m . i w www w . mm m nww' BVBVBVBVBVHBh9BbBKMBVBVB fcl ww ill 11 r I l-ii iiiii i i - ll i m?M S7,?j i,?itZt &i JUST BEFORE HIS WONDERFUL TRIUMP1B Waiter, ai. uoever, world's 'cnamplen scullt under" an umbrella, , along the Thames' i neiuey. GLORIA SWANSON in Les Angeles Court. She aided mother, Mrs. P. Burns, who lest fight te prevent setting aside husband's will. Left te right, Mrs. Burns, Jeseph Scott, attorney, and Gleria A PLENTY OF TREES IN HEART OF CITY. The photog phetog photeg lapher pointed his camera out of a City Hall window, getting the plaza, band concert pavilion,' the Central Y. M. C. A., Philepatrian Club and U. G. I. Building in the range MISS FLORENCE E.WARD, in charge of Department of Agriculture's co - operation with agricultural schools EDWARD HYDE. New Chief of Police of Camden. He has been for many years a member of Camden force M '4'.-' "ji . 'A- . . y.O'" ' , 'it'' ? '; ' ! i Mil J. w. "" vve.i-j -.y , '. ' 'v. p ' , i ' ' fcMMMWyMIM MM.I M Ml l II III m MMMliai'HI ' wVW'WWm'W WiJ W ff.'QtMt !?:!,UiiW mOfLW' n. v - ,'isxmm fw$'h,'it&. ?K i.iA3i E&.iA!.. Ai F' i-T.TTX W - , ?& SHOVELING SNOW in a Chicago cold-stera plant. It's two below zero. That didn't' mate the slightest difference te Helen Cennaugh . . m ' ' t'fA WILLIAM McDERMOTT, commander of Grant Pest, G. MEREDITH HANNA talks of increased cost of divorce' A. R., which meets at Sixteenth actions in Editorial Page and Arch streets interview ONE OF THE BATTLERS falling into Christiana Creek. This nil happened during a tilting contest by members of the Delaware Canoe Club wMwMwMwMwK ''mltw 'IBMWV,' VHR '! iWiB ';. .w,; VsfS ;,? wMV IwL'iflM ' i -IBjJI ulwMwMwK -wMwi i.M (, wk1i n wMwMKkj HsBBvBvBmmb llil I BBv5Bi 'BwBwBwBwBwBHKflf' BlflBBBBBBn! I HI BBBBh ;'-rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw BHwBMvll illl I "-.TO " Hf ,,;' BHwMwMwMi ill I iBBMwl ' ' ''m'-'V ftu HBBbBbBBI IIbbUV iBBBh "' BtT"v BBfi ' wBwM! illmiBMl ' '" ''" 'BMf-V'''i BBBBBBBBBBH tlmmWtsBBBBBl , . BBB--''' BBw -,-'''''' BBBBBBBBBBB' tl vmMBBBBBBi Vi BBv ' : ' BV'Hv'A BmttBBBBBBBBB (A Sbbb1 I '-., WW " ' ',WM ', ' BHBBBBBBBBV wBBBBBl ' BW . ' aw -; - BBBBBBBBBBBB. T3BBBBBBH BB!- BW"' BMrTww ' VMwBnlAi Vabbbb pBfU CvffAHBKV'vl i fc' " 'U'Vf '""mmmmPjlTl-'ll VbbI H "&i- X ' BMmmmmV iSLWMWu wmm m " bW 'f'-M- WM BBBfcSBBBBBBBk BBk'vxf'' II "P BjH ''ifr mi, 'I ' THE END OF A 75-YAnTV,TASW. HeltJ leading the field in the Sherwood Recreatlii Center event WMWmWlKwWWmMW 'BBBBBBBBw 4mvS iS9IHBl BBBr ' .''flBBBBBB' 'kJBwl BBa-.,3L' ' aBaBH BBBr 0.KiBBB BBBL 'BBBBBBBl B--w-l BMwr,'?!P8Jl BMr3L?Bi F. McCLEOD, Columbia GEORGE PETERS, of the Gulph Country Club, Washington Mills Country Club They are participating in the open-golf championship of Phila delphia, at the Merien Gelf Club CAN YOU' RECA'LX THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? immijfwWwwmi- lviT tr"' ft' t' t t 't P Wf S ' ' M!9i WyTLf'i&KMrRXVlCF'"'"'' "' ? ' !,' WAW&Wf"j!Z!!lWmhWMmWtWmWw )i&Z!'WAmmWkmkV -mmmmmm!?? NINA PAYNE, American dancer, SOCIETY ENJOYS CAPE and her striped creation, which MAY. Miss Nancy Little startled Paris IN CHARGE French Embassy. Count MRS. ELMER i MELICK, field secrga has just ceme out of the Charles de Chambrun tary -Republican StwJJ ocean Committee, en vwi' '.''. V ' 5'"4 WWP,y.uiji , e., . . r ' - ; 'V':v'A :- AKfSBrr: rnrw ' .. J--.aa' ? ; -- -j -- ,l s& A : T' Aiv L irww;y ''wr.' !-riwi-'""-'j wBBBBBBI lBBwMh-ZwBBBi' livir;,!! 7- ?;r i i r rmwn 1 t " 1 1 r r' 1C''!!ff;Ni HKSJT ''Y'VniMKH&kBrTfl.T Lw.Ai U. 1 l"?rr-f - vSECKiI2:: . ?5jUI"v r7? r-Jl .tf.l-'i iWkK-'Sl-A v t.wmmiM bY-wK S.'J'J, tf .'-iksT- i Pip III ,M i .I a, 1 I i y Ml THEY HAD A WONDERFUL TIME. The kiddies who traveled from Tiega te Atlantic City were "behind the bars" for a little while en one of the amuse Mcnt piers, The Tiega Business Mcn'a Association saw that all, the youngster had a bjg tim MISS ELIZABETH THAYER, ready for tennis at the Merien Cricket -Club - .'. "--.ClSf YOU MAY HAVE WATCHED THE WORKMEN. Photo graph of the building of the Court of Hener for the Peace Jubilee m loUe was made by Clyde u.ueLand, who is the contributor, Send -usyeui;. pld-PMladelphla jpbotegrapbj ,' . JOHN THOMAS GATLEY, of 310 Erie street, winner of a .Camden baby snow .prize MARINES AT THE PHILAnwr nm . ., . , ..,- J.tk s preparations are ma.ln fnVTiTi i"n 1,,AV x AKU ney are ariuiiw - preparations are made for their departure te Brazil, where they will rcpresjilj ,u, a, uulng the cenilng national celebration ll msj: - v - ' s. i ' k ': 'se " .. -. .Ti.n ,K ? . JBkJM4 TAf" & ?J t "1-.5 7iadfew