IA1L2 ii'jB 3raMsresg? W3 ' EST"."' n hi. t ;t V,t,', Mmm mmm. nVWiUS.fft ' ! Ji MWWA mimrj. III if: 1 mm fe&, MHS m vim i . nr Kill mm M '. , i (?J? ' , - A -1 " i " f VEjteG PVBUO .im FORECAST IN RUSSIA Ex-Govmer Goedrich Will President Conditions Are Improving Center of Strike Shifts te Fields Cenllmird from Vntr On mlttn) te President Ilnntlng, but were frAnkly nuxttpd by bis nnnminceil In tention te (ihL- xniii'tlen uf tbe Kedernl Government te take ever nml operate" ic nun the milieu control. In Mli'lilgnn tnnler State KinihiB. Mich., .filly 'JO. (Hy A. P.) (Invorner Alct J. Grecslieek. In n telegram prepnretl for transmittal te l'reMtlent f InritliiK today n!ted the Kitnetlen of the rYileral Government for ADlIM CIIDDI MC III ClfJUT ft l,,nl1 f" ,Blr "vrT nMl1 Iernte Mielil UHAIN eUKrLUb IN blun I -Bl, C(,.,i mtwn Mdcr Stntc control. The imnnf inked whether the Fed ernl Government would Jein with the Mtnte In Hiking ever nml directing re re tnmntlen of operntluiiM In the mine. Tlie Governer ilwlflen te neck ten- LSTRI TEST OFSTRENGTH Train Service Curtailed, Disor ders Occur as Efferts Toward Settlement Fall C. AND 0. CLERKS WALK OUT If II r ii e. nt. Will IIIJI AM IlLnfllllJllLU wn Imams when hub til dlt." PhUUp. I nnn e. ?"??.' of. h U parole, or the.rttn.-XB fly titsHnlrtl Trn Chicago. July It). With Immediate prespectn for pence In the rsllwnv strike cone, striker nml rnl'rendx tedny Ket- iien ie ii tei or utrentii. The tnt- Tlr CLINTON W. GIUJKItT Stn rnrrrMnitrnl Krenlnc I'nhlle tdgrr . CofirteM. .ill, bu Piib'lr .rrfjff rampnnv Wadilnrtnn. .l.ilr "It t'.x .Coverner , ernl .fun,,,h nt tn,tinn. ), i,m ,-..) .i r iip.1 ' renehed nfter n dny mvl night spent , Knllreml l.nber Ilenrd thnt the beard i ., ... , i l nn'necenxfnl efforte te ering nneut un no lenuer enRiiged in pence negetlt- ' once mere from Ktiedln. Mill confer here ngrpcmNlt between the mlnern nml I Heiin left the ultimtlen open te direct i with lreldent llnrdlng, Hecretnry loperntern In the Snglnew con I dUtrlct. , negotlntlen between Ntrlke lendern nnd Hug hen nnd Hecretnrr Hoever. It 111" followed defent of two proposals lie i rnllrenil chiefs, or attempts from ether I understood thnt he found condition npprevnl of hl tiropenl wuh ment of Chnlrmnn Heeper, of the ' iirrr,1 I in minera iitnl iiepmrnrH. . i.niipiii U....., ...V !... ......-,........ V. ....( the tim wax tht Miehlgnn miner: l nlen euielnls rcmnined firm In their demand thnt full nenlerlty rights be re in RnMla greatly Improved flnee lit" I be allowed te ndJuM their differences lrt visit. He is still. It N nld. stereil te the .'tOO.lHH) shepmen new en strike, that belwt the rock en which of nnd return te work Independent of their l . .ti .. -. .i... .i e .i. iiawemi nmiiniienf. which was reiuseti IIIVT .I'flilllJll IIIIll III. irVllkllllt'OI "' .' . . I . .... .... ,. I I 1 ' m . a. .. 7 . ,. ... ,. ,, ey .KMiii i. i.ewit. iniernnueniu nenu pence eiterrn were ureKrn. Mali neails (present rulers of ItiMxIn Is inevitable, ;f tie me workers. The second was'wern ennally firm in their Insistence. but he Is net disposed te nrgc It nt this i the refusal of the miners themselves te that seniority rights of men new nt tune. mrew me weigni 01 ineir nmer-.nineni . worn ne recenireu. niere wns no The most rctnnrkable chnnge in llus- ; into nts pien ter separate peace in sin within the last few months I the Mirhlgnn. ... I improvement et eusines ceiiuiiiuii-. " -,.. -..... - i m ,i..v.-..ft.. The newspnpers from Moscow nre the. Hen nnd conferences nt Saglnnw yes IV.... i.i. .. .',,, i,n. i,nttii..tiH ece- terdn.v showed. Iih deelnris , thnt . " i n neither the workers nor employer hnve mtieti. siune nnrilmw imvnvp i,in uiuii.aii.. .... i. .i .i .i.. .i :.-";.'..""! .i.-"...'.- ."... . ."" A short tlm fe they oensltlcu 01 ,"- "" r.i '" "- "- -; "-1" nun ie me reni sminiien, nut me mnjer indication from either Mde of a weak I'lilm: of the determination te carry the point at Issue. Itepnrts today indicated n xrndttnl ex tension of the curtnllment of trnnsper Jewell Sayn'R. R.fs Will YieUl Within 2 Weeks Chltttte, Julr 20. (tit A. I'.) II. M. Jewell, president of the lx federated shop crnftn, predicted to te dnr thnt the rnllrendn will capitu late nnd nettle the strike wllhlh two weeks. The strike l-beeemlng mere effective dally, be nnld, "and the rends will yield ns seen ns we bring them te their knees." The inllrend executives' state ments en the seniority question were characterised by Mr. Jewell ns enmeuflnge designed te cover up the renl l.-mic n nntlennl adjustment beard. ruin ul i uiili HAMMER CASE If Overruled, Plea of 'Net Guilty' Will Be Entered for Mrs. Phillips, Lawyers Amert V M'MUUEN LE ADS N NEBRASKA RACE Has Margin of 317 Vetes Over Opponent for O. 0. P. Guber natorial Nomination ttv Aettalt Prl Onwha, Neb.. July 20. One of the four prinripnl races In the Nebrnskn n-lmiKi. MlAAttnr. fkf frti TlAnnhllenn four nnees with no advertising, rnc ""' u- -" -(.-"-v iki- m ..in., pari nccnuse 01 incK 01 repairs in equip- '" -" --"- " latest papers te arrive had eight pages S,.n.,,,,1 ur'' ."- u m,0)ve'n ' "' le mmU ln "" "4" trnln" ll"V(, been ' gubernatorial nomination wns in doubt 'and printed n page and a half of ml-)-, -"'" -'-e '-1 " "-vn...-,- ... k..B eanceieu or are nueut ie oe canceieii, , fflrl.v tedny nfter returns from liui .rertisln?. Once It wns the theory of , "'V."-!' .. .... .. .'-!-- '"'Ports from rnllrenil renters in ,i, M,n,- mm m.i.ln-.i lm.1 been thevet Government that there! ' ' neurves. ne sum. inni me ninie i ti,0 West. The Southwestern I lies np- . . V , a V . i n should be no advertls ne. which was "--'- ''"" "" "l,(,rnt" " mlne--th ; parcnt'y have been heaviest lilt, reports . tabulated by The Asseclnted Press. SerlnBlv forbidden lilt new ,iat chief prediiclnc ones nt lenst and that beliiR , Mr ,H I)pll f ,v A(lnm McMullen, of Ucntrice. wns f,lS? ha bee., of"; aba de" ,.?1 m ' '"'""f- f off"7 'f "E"", ' "" lren ",,,l "teel Industries, that coat lpnilig Charles II. Randall, of Ran- liien un uun i" ..r "'"' ' - and able te de M without rNklllg out- ' -i,-i-.- In unrts nf esf Vlrclnln urn i . . . ., r .11- JlV'lZlXyZTM, ,'vv .from their orai,.,atien. would , ! ou ce'al cars nnd hat n pert en l,W',,, bf ' ,e ""w mnrR.n of .117 nAnpTS. flllr,PT Oklier llUIIKS 1 .mir,:. n l.,l ... A.,,nt. ... ,..,,H1. .... ... ... .: . . .... Mnl.,..l nn Irt. ..lii.nl Inuf Mirth, in retregrnd. i wns Intimated 'hat, If necessary FaJse-Tceth Market Gene niiHmrln te proceed with his plan Is ,, , , , ., .. f .,.: accenled. the entire resources of the There is also the iiilvenMng of .... .,,, iiU(i jni t(i Nn0Ill ,. , ,f Tate en erprlses. One nirleus bit of I 110CMrv ,,, ,)0 tlireivn Inte the anverttsin&. mat ier ini- i-cm. ""M,0rk of producing .eai. in event the you might call, in the lnnguaite f Hie Mriklng nilners declined te return te, automobile trade, used fills- teeth. " ' work. disappeared from the late-t sues of 1 the press at hand. Rinln eeing cut nttshurgh. Ta.. Jul 20. my A.I off front the test of the world, new fulsc p, 1 Workmen will be lowered today teeth could net be bad. Se there w.i- into Mime of the pits In the Pittsburgh traffic in secend-bnnd fal'e teetli. the bituminous coal districts te clean up formerly well-to-de. ceing Impoverished I the entries nml te prepare fnr the mln by the 'resolution, selling a their met ers who. operators .h,j . were expected pre. ions ponsessden their nriiticicl tcth te answer the cull for work under the te the new bourgeoisie v. men is arising pi;m propeen d.v i-resineui iinreing. nut nf flip iirelptni'l:in mess. Klthci' Russia hns found a way te ihiike teeth or teeth are arriving from Germany. Anyway, the market for used faKe teeth seems te be gene. Twe fneters liavt- contributed te the ViilIhau. iii1ii nftm.!.l ill the IKMVH. w,.r.... - .-v. , - .. ,. ,... papers one of which is the prospective Plans inr rrsuiiiinien unving neen unneti geed harvest. It is understood that wlille arbitration negotiations were In Mr. Goedrich found tliat Kiissin weuiii r. ... ... ....-....,..1.. . .,r .... -. Leaders of the I'nlted Mine Workers professed no nlnrm. snyin; tlielr men liad been ordered te stay nwa) from the mines nnd that the strike was still ln progress. Twe mines nre nlrendy prepared for nperntten, operators said, carefully laid this rear nreducc 11 surplus of grain The ether is thnt the removal of com cem jminlhtic restrictions from the operation of Mnnll business hns stimulated pri vate enterprise. There Is a rush te try commercial opportunities. These at tempts nre perhaps speculative, some thing like the boom in industry here when the wartime restrictions were re moved nfter the armistice. But tlire It Is. nt least for the moment. Communistic Rigers Abandoned The Soviet Government's capitalistic practice of advertising its wares is just one of the man Indications thnt the Tlgers of the enrly communistic da have been abandoned. By one modtn medtn modtn catlen after another communism has been giving away te capitalism until new it Is believed thnt the ultlmntc aevernment of lti.sla will be n Soviet .K. .. . .1 IFIIIIIIIUIIll I' III -' llllllt, I 111 IIIU1lllt,l - Democracy winch is net communistic. ,,, jn th). Morgnntewn district's were selected tins ntternoen for enrly opening, and t lie prediction wns heard that before the middle nf next week this number will he largely Increased. Determination te resume work was token nt a meeting of the Pittsburgh Ceal Opeiaters' Association earlier in the day when It wns announced that the members of thnt organization will put Inte effect the wnge tcnle of 1!M7. Member companies of this association employ the mnjerlty of the -10.00(1 union miners ln the district who have been en strike since April 1. The ether asso ciation Is made up of fifteen companies whose mines work what is known ns the Freeport thick vein. They tire scheduled te meet tomorrow nt neon nnd nctlen Mmilnr te thnt of the I'roouc I'reouc I'roeuc ers' Association was expected. Morgnntewn. V. Vn.. Julv 20. Cenl operators, representing the majority of of the fruit crop cudnnr.crcd by lack of transportation. The strike call for the ,'1000 Chesit penke and Ohie clerks went into effect . today. Kstlmntes of the number of clerks who walked out vnry. Five hundred quit work nt Richmond, Vn. Hnilrend officials stated that only seventy-live of the 1150 ln the union at Cincinnati went out there. Reports of violence fell off somewhat, but troops were culled nut ln two mere States, nnd isolated shootings and whip pings continued. At Kansas Cltv. a general chairman of the Maintenance of Wnv Men s Democratic gubernnterlnl nomination. Fnlen. in n telegram te President B. F. The vote stoed: Bryan, 23.470; But Grnble, said thnt members nf thnt union ler, 23.0.".1. ln the Southwest would strike or their own accord un'css a speedy settlement wns reached. A cenfeienie between union bends and read officials In Chicago wns expected te nvert n walkout of ",,100 clerks en the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. Negotiations between officials of the Internntiennl nnd Great Northern Rnll Rnll eonil and representatives of the Clerks' Union at San Antonie, Tex., came te nothing nnd a walkout was predicted bv ('. Kuhenbncker, chairman of the section, nnd I will leek into these, clerks. Continued disturbances nt Pittsburgh and Holsingten. Knm., caued Gov Gov ereor Allen te issue nutherlty for mo bilization of the Nntlennl Guard, ln North Ciirellnn, Governer Morrison au thorized sending Stntc troops te Aber deen nml Recky Mount. 'r. nfter the two men hnd see-sawed It. the lend. The late lend gelned by McMullen came largely from his home and surrounding counties. The vote stoed: McMullen, -t.l.RTfi: Randall, 4.1,058. Twe ether candidates. Albert II, Byrnni nnd Geerge W. Sterling, were trailing n peer third nnd fourth resnectively. Returns from lflSS precincts, tnbu Inted enrly tedny. gnve Charles W. Brynn, of Lincoln, brother of William Jennings Brynn. 11 co.nfertnblc lead ever Dan It. Mutler. of umnl.n, rer 'Baby's Cries Reveal I Death of Its Parents I Oentlnn-d from Tsie On-, enrller in the dny will be investigated by Corener Schneider. "There nre seme ether things that I hnve heard from motorists ln that snld the Corener Corener Schneider. Sheriff Gray, to gether willi the District -Attorney nnd several ether Lycenlng County officials will search through the weeds where the bodies were found In the hope of Ii ml I ne the weanen which was used or I any ether clue which will threw light I ! li a lni'nlntl Newport News. Vn.. July 20. (By! t ,1, ' nr ',..m,.1i ., n small two- i ll ,(I('r employed here and at pnNsenger coupe, wns n suitcase and n Norfolk bv the ( hesapeake and Ohie ' .ntcnl,i.. Among ether things there wr.s Rnllwa met in what was described as n(nii lu tI,0sC a camera. Several of a stormy secret ses.,,,11 here tetlu te Ul(, , hni, b,.P11 CXp0sed. iliscu- a proposal that the relinquish 1 corenor Schneider said that he would their brotlierheo.l clia.ter and continue. jllV0 these developed tei'.n in the hope work. 'I hey were Mill in session nt the 1 tliat t,Py nlnv provide a new lead te iiuur ti nil nit: iuuul n ri'iif wii ' unrlr nn MAN SAYS HE WED ACCUSED B sjeclnlfi Print I-os Angeles. July 20. Filing of ft demurrer te the Indictment chnrglng her with the murder of Mrs Albertrt Mendews wns a prospect nt the plendlng brre today of Mrs. Clara Phillip, ne (used nf Itentlmr the vnuiiir widow te denth with n hammer. Her attorneys snld they expected te file n demurrer, but did net disclose lis probnble basis. They added that If the demurrer wns overruled the men of "net guilty" would be entered. Kxnrctatleits were that In- snnlty would form the hnsls of the defense, her counsel hinting nt the customary double defense In en.es where lnnnlty enr n conviction of murder "she did net de It. nnd It h did, she The District Attorney's office Indi cated every effort would be made te have Mrs. Phillips brought te trial ns quickly ns poislble, within two months If the court would ngree. The defense, however, frankly atntcd such a move would be vigorously op posed, ns considerable time wns desired te prcpnre for the trfnl. Next te the eye-witness story of Mrs. Peggy Caff cc. who ald bIic accom panied Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Meadows en the automobile rldu which ended in Mrs. Mendews' death, the Htnte is snld te regard ns of most importance, se fnr In their search for evidence, n stntc ment ef'n saleswoman who sold a ham mer te a wen.un iimvcrlnK the descrip tion of Mrs. Phillips. According Ie this clerk, the woman weighed the hammer carefully in her hnnd and then nsked : "De you think It Is heavy enough te kill a mnn wilhV" And the clerk, thinking the cus tomer wns joking, smiled nnd replied : "Yes. If you bit him hard enough." And the sale was mndc. Thnt Mrs. Phillips Is bis missing bride, Is the firm belief of Jee McGulrc, n enrpenter, new living nt Tulsn, Okln. Descriptions of Mrs. Phillips rnrrled In prcs dispatches, McGulrc snld Inst night, fit the wemnn who deserted him four days after their marriage In Can Can eon City. Cel., en April 20. 1021. McOuIre raid his conviction wns fnrthn.t n th fttCt that Mrs, t. ""-----" -. - . . - . ..... Phillips tv tn ennme ei mcuuycr u.lim ahn u- nr rested ' nt Tllcfetl, Arls. He regarded reports thnt the nnme Hudsen nppenred ns n laundry mnrk en the woman's garments ns fur ther substantiation, as lid snld the woman be married gave her mnldcn nnmc ns Mnry C. Hudsen, Offlclnla here, nfter n careful check of Mrs. Phillips' previous life, snld they believed McGulrc wns mistaken. Her attorneys today divulged that she nnd her husband had been divorced In 1010, only te be remarried 'shortly afterward. V, Paroled Drug User Sought by Police rentlniifit from Tnt One He had put up the $2000,' nnd he new put up .$(100 mere. On June the Grnnd Jury Indicted ' him. Then his ense wns. called in the United Slntes District Court. He didn't answer. Ills ball wns ordered sued out, nnd n fugi tive wnrrnnt issued for his arrest. He hnsn't been seen since. Lieutenant "Chnrley" Lee, of the vice snundi, says his men were net aware of "Nick's" parole. They weren't even nwnre thnt he had been sent te prison. Assistant District Attorney Mnurer. wh'pifoieeuted "Meg;" wis nppreved hln release en piJ? Mr. Mm 1 1 km- .!,... ...'"rule,' should hate Informed ih! . aL matter. We. didn't hnew ,T'V wns lu contemplation." ,uch ttl K. M. Hnclsncy, chief ntnt J fleer, wns Just ni vehement f& office wn never notified nf .'.. 1 be said. ."I had'ni lffi.hf.J? iltewa granted, lie should hi "' us monthly. We didn't eve v?1 wns out of Jnll." ltvcnie Judge Doesn't RWaJ Cl teleplmne'from'hirhenr'111 tyeunty, wns perfecilv wlllln i. het .11,1 nnl r..l'- :V",n 0 "r "" """ me. enss cm "A grcnt many cases t-ame 1.. with the request for a parel 'i.fJ Judire. ."Heme T .,..". iT . "IsT refused. 1 de neiKZW clearly. Perhups Mr. Dnly cehM . eome laht en it." J mi Mr. Daly Is spending th A,tJl summer home nt Ocenn Cr JI r.iprn nn rAti urn ... " rev trc. he refused te cemmnt' a.? relation In the Kill. .-.. Cnt -i reiuse ie comment," M tUt V temey, "en this or any cnsM?,h A 1 inn connected." "'"stt The certificate from the Ra. .? Correction nh.vslelnn .. ;?'( Hi Mr. Dnly. nctlng In his prlTii,SSSJ nt. the City Solicitor's efflee, IM. the sjstem.' -Vr- That is te say, the basis of represen tatien Is te be net geographical but by groups. Representatives will be chosen net by districts, ns they are in 117 mines ere in sympathy with Presi dent Harding's plan te reopen mines, C D. Junkins, secretary of the Mnneuga- hela Ceal Association, wired the Nu- RAILROAD EMPLOYE TARRED AND FEATHERED Mere Disorders Reported In Number of Strike Centers Lakeland, Fla.. July 20. (By A. P. I R. J. Sander, employed nt the Atlantic Const Line Rnilretul shops here, was taken from nn automobile in front nf liis home yesterday by twelve nbeut 3:.'10 P. M.. nnd at thnt time the men. given n confine of tnr awl fenthers . child wns sented in the car. but showed Lenine's illness is net se grave that he President ns te the operation of the and warned net te return te work nt tlie.ne signs of distress. He supposed, he will net be back ln charge In n few m(nes te start active preparations te shop. Sanders sold Inst night he snld, thnt the owner of the enr was enths. produce cenl. it was stated here. would comply with the warning. ' fishing. this country, but by trade or unions , .:, ExeetitUp Vesterdn . or factories. jeim meeting -if the organization In this sense It Is believed that the ni ,he scerfi,rrn West Virginia Ceal Soviet Government will survive and as Operators' Association will be held in Its present lenders nre it strongest puinmmt S.iturduy Definite plans nre men, they will probably continue in PXp,.rt(.,i te be worked out te conform cower when the communistic features of wjt, (,,, President's suggestions. the experiment have been abandoned Morgnntewn operators await only the Ihe latest new h irem uussia is mat , nr0mlsed definite nstructiens from the The Investigators will also interview F.ugenc Noen, Rnlph Bedlnc nnd n mnn named Snlrs, all of Bedine, who nc nc lempniilcd Gray te the creek and helpeJ in taking out the two bodies. Lieutenant Fincher, of the Wlllinms pnrt police, told the nutherltles tedny thnt he hnd driven pnst the place where the car wns parked yesterday and he, tee, noted the child sitting in the ma chine. Lieutenant Fincher said that he passed the place en the return trip, JLt ffl Mid-Summer ranee Sale of Pianos Uprights : Grands : Players and Reproducing Pianos IAVING, a surplus of the well-known Matchless Cunningham pianos in stock. together with several hundred slightly used, rebuilt and demonstrating pianos, including uprights, grands, players and reproducing pianos, which we are deter mined te move during July, we have se reduced the prices that your dollar will purchase meTc than at any previous time in our history. In this mid-summer sale will be found geed upright pianos as low as seventy (70) dollars, some grands of well-known makes at low as two hundred twenty-five (225) dollars, and players in first-class playable condition commencing at one hundred sixty-five (16S) dollars. Any instrument in this sale can be purchased en our easy payment plan without interest or extras. It Pays te Think It IAJSIO CO- llth & Chestnut Sts. OPEN EVENINGS Factories : 50th & Parkside Avenue Pays te Think Lovable Eyes. Introducing-; "Hootch Rhythm," from "Make It Snappy." Medley Fox-Tret Sweet Indiana Hen. Fox-Tret. The Columbians. A-3621 10-inch 75c I Lere Her She Lere Me. Frem "Make It Snappy." Fox-Tret You're Like a Ray el Seashine. Frem "Letty Pepper." Mod Med ley Fox-Tret Ray Miller and Hi Orchestra. A-3629 10-lach 75c Kicky-Koe, Kiclcy-Kee. Tret Bamboo Bey. Fox-Tret Eddie Elkins' Orchestra. A-3831 10-Inch 75c Parade of the WeeeWs Soldier. Frem "Chauva Souris." Fox Fex Fox Tret Twm la the Menth of May. Frem "Chauve Senris." Fox Fex Fox Tret Ray Miller and Hit Orchestra. A-3628 10-Inch 75c Swaaee BlneBirdL, Fox-Tret Ne Use Crying. Fox-Tret California Ramblers. A-3633 10-inch 75e These Longini; for Yeu Bloc. Fox-Tret Frank Weetphal and His Rainbe Orchestra. Pick Me Up and Lay Ms Dorwn. Fox-Tret The Happy Six. A-3627 10-inch 75c Gypay Lere Senj. Frem "The Fortune Teller." Medley Waltz. Victer Herbert Walts Gem. Medley Waltz. Prince's Danes Orchestra. A-3636 10-inch 78c Yeu Won't Be Serry. Fox-Tret Mena-Ln. Fox-Tret Accordion Soles. Guide Deiro. A-3820 10-inch 75c SONG HITS I Lere Her She Leres Me. Frem "Make It Snappy." I'm Henffry for Beautiful Girl. Frem "Make It Snappy." Eddie Canter, Comedian. A-3624 10-lnch 78c Who'll Take My Place? Fickle Flo from "Kokomo." Marien Harris, Comedienne. A-3630 10-lnch 78c Here Comee Dinah, Belle of the Ball. O-OO Erneet. Tener and Barl Barl Barl tene Duets. Furman and Nash. A-3032 1 Cinch 78c I My Yidditha Mammy. Tener Sole. Irving Kaufman. Tbe Sheik of Arenne B. Tener Sole. FrenA; Crumit. A-3625 10-inch 75c Mammy, I'm Thinking of Yen. Take It 'Caiue It' All Yoert. Edith Wilsen, Comedienne, and Johnny Dunn's Original Jaza Hounds. A-3634 10-lnch 75c VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL KUt Me Again. Intro. Wnltn from "Mile. Modiste." Ha waiian guitar, Hawaiian banjo and ukulele trio. Jait A-Wearyin' for Yen. Intro. "I Leve Yeu Truly." Louise, Ferera and Greenns. A-3623 10-lnch 75c Bine Ledge March. Englewood Cemmaadery March. Prince's Band. A-3501 10-inch 75c Skeeter and the June Bag. Bari tone Sole. Harry C. Browne. Dar'a a Leck en de Chicken Coop Doer. Baritone Sole and Male Quartet Harry C. Browne and the Harmertizers, A-3622 10-inch 75c The Lew Backed Car. The Foggy Dew. Tener Soles. Edwin Dale. A-3618 10-inch 75 SYMPHONY Bine Danube Waltz. Strauss. Seprano Sole. Resa Pensclle. 49988 12-inch Symphony $1.50 Would Ged I Were the Tender Apple Blouem. Violoncello Sole. Pable Casals. 80159 10-inch Symphony $1.00 Believe Me If All Thete Endear- ing Yeung Charmi. When Yen and I Were Yeung, Maggie. Baritone Soles. Oscar Seagle. A-3819 10-inch Symphony $1.00 Irish Lere Seng. Lang, My Laddie. Thayer. Contralto Soles. Cyrena Van Gorden. A-S617 10-inch Symphony $1.00 Gypsy Serenade. Valdez. Chacene. Durand-Brown. Violin Soles. Eddy Brown. A-3618 10-inch Symphony $1.00 Here's a pippin of a fox-trot! IT'S "Lovable Eyes" played with the snap and sparkle and fasci nating double rhythm that the Columbians put into it Such a banjo-twanging, snare drum -tapping, saxophone -spotted medley of syncopated harmony would make a marble statue fox-trot off its pedestal. They'll say, "Please play it again !" All right but first turn the record ever. "Sweet Indiana Heme" is en the ether side. Ge through this month's entire Columbia list. You'll find another and another masterpiece each different each an encore number of an all-star program. The new process Columbia Records give you the season's most popular dance music, played by the masters of infectious crash-and-clatter harmony. On Columbia Records you get every note of the music without blemish: There's no scratchy no scrape or ether surface sound just smooth-as-velvet, unmarred melody that makes you realize hew differ ent, and hew superior, Columbia Records are. Tear out this month's list of new Columbia Records. Take it te any Columbia dealer. He will be glad te play all the selections you wish te hear. Columbia Symphony Records Artists with superb voices have sung them. Great orchestras have played them. Virtuosos of the violin, 'cello, harp, pianoforte have given of their genius. Columbia recording has caught all their majesty. Columbia methods of record making give you perfect rendition. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPH ONE COMPANY N Yerk' .VeW .HsWWWWm tW H tVeV s sWWW sH sW I Ww V li Bv I B Ww Lmfl n.B tmH LbH I W sBI I mBBlBml sf M W sWW bbbH BH sw J BF TamhBB BBmV"aBmBmBml r. MMfcaJiMMiMBJBJBMMgl-lj '' J -, i si; liniW"" ' iiim ' ' "" i i i i iea a S b-I-Bb mt I aBmVsHsBsBmSBmBmwLv Jil'" VcCC " S BBEj7 T"S JO-NIGHT take home a real family treat Push '. M HJPHOO -"Ha. 1 thft ch,rt' btck Mev, the Prcl s"'ip- Fut ea m WWWWWWja j389t bV1 TVNjI me et tbM 8ParkUnS Columbia dance hits, ,( M BmBmraJBmBmBmBmBnea RHL fck .T lf Bmi RjH lljtfF MyJnVyfJ'V mLeMe Em Meflsy Fea-Tret H B iKsssgjjsFM smsswss aw sBS Bm.aH BBbHsM BmBmff aaa. sBmi BmV BMsv BmBmBmBmBmBmBmi Wi(tfKmmsmsssmmmmasK NOW ON SALE- 1 L JM MlM B sJfinsTs DANCE RECORDS Coe-Coo. AX Jolsen, Comedian. li H L IV VHQh sVBHLJhmrBBmKBf Lovable Eyes. Introducing; StnmUing. Tener Sole. I IMI tf3HSl BmBWBW ' W ttitu.- .nimir neninenrinnenenenH nenemaena-4iaenenenenenenenennsv aeMaenensine annnanar A-3626 10-inch 75c laBHfWnKBulPBftVMLrt trnVaVSn I SWA vwSMmdr BW J5K&& AttaBaby. InBaJsavrE ift TKL WmtwKaKSSk Cew Bells. laHaaaWVXeMBBmBmHSra Nera Bayes, Comedienne. I BK;AjKBVRM"2af m A-3633 10-inch 75c I y jKAB!:BBBBMfl& if 4B$a''Jj ASk. ! . - ' 2ai mmmvimm LPfe' wv t ,., . , I. V -! 'M.: W 'f ' ."-.! MS.- ( i ' S Lr.t r tyuij .ivy n.' ; ,- , .7 Vi.lJr"fl x"5 "J- J1 "t-- -e-i mmmmsfm : fqH