MkJ-ua r.jjB.,riV frtfwM jjraf ?xr. mm vxzrjhm&i'r "v v : "A8 lV? p " - V Wt" 'yfffit. 'j w -A,v fffiwwfc; . 'WfraBWMSE i :m a. .i '.7 TTA ' Jf "-'.J VC 7C." ' & v rf 41 C N :$i'jfJ&W f "Wvr "wyh?i ?$. . 4f ' i. Izuentng public mft$zt " n &i PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, ' JULY :19, v1922 . . 6$ s" ''"fl nrX4' '.'; ' 1.-I.ZJ:' ?.,"xNftJ EBK&H "- - ?X'J '.'M -. , i. -$Y I S f FVTjVHHI i ?3CKNPMiifflHIHHJ. Uil HMMWPRnmK J - 'nmsMWFms j. ir(v ' ' . "V H- , ' ( - v , ? 4f !s XT' ' vyVS &1 -4 - . "v s.' W ". xfVi k ' ' i - ' ii ,'?& x ,s $v? flMH j4y LiBjBBBlrijtPrlfBffffBflTCBffBBBBBil MHR3KS3S5 f:v- - s "' ? , T5yHWJMHBBBI rfHP dPi JBBBBBBBBBBl,v.., v--1 L J 5 'eJif!BBMi Ls.r&. iip",rs" "- iffVVjjb jxs Jlpll w ISlt&iSrjiikXfi MfBBA VjS fi'?'S' I V B3 i i ' 1 BBJ'JbmTi i i !' n'wMii m -; jj .iLiLMiMWtBPJlMBBJBBfcjl I ' tjWI U I rcZBBBflKl VflL 1t,i; BBBBB v - as' ajBBJ l.WKt '. UB0Bfi lik j I vfnHB9vdr9ttlw'' T wr JjMfM CItIk j- s, llMilf4 N M SBlMfNiHE!5 ' V'-''' vB bBHs vSBR?Bm 'a A A ft t & ' .."VkM VVVh E Iff. 53 'fl, fen: 1 m m ' 1 4 .T its wv T RC &! Mi. CAISSON B FOR THE DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE GOES INTO THE WATER. The plunge was taken yesterday morning at the New lerk Shipbuilding Company's plant in Canfden. Tugs were chasing after the caisson when the photograph at the 1 left was made. Hundreds saw the launching BBJHHHBaBBflPn x ? Jfc&'1$ IV PHILADELPHIA CRICKET CLUB tennis champion ships. Jes. J. Brown (left) and Jes. Rowland fought hard in contests against Alex and Sidney Thayer. The Thayers wen HE'S BEEN ON THE JOB A LONG TIME. Alex McCullen was showing hew he earned the fair one-: from the water when they get out tee far at Atlantic City - ?t ,. ' Z-f ',',$??' ', ' ? 1- ..j-.... -v- ' 'ksiA. x a : c't!!SMRsvHflBnnaHffiMMHHH wffUKBEBPvHHiCTlTttw: SMShHBmsHK ! i- ,v.'v a'l .! yv'- MNBSw K'3MBC?'3.r,! .3!'.: "1' ;S3BgS' 3530! PARACHUTE JUMP FROM AIRPLANE. This remarkable picture was made ever Buffalo as Geerge Starr, of that city, made his leap at a height of 2000 feet MISS MARGARET KATES smashed bot tle of champagne en the caisson jw ' 4 s'JZy fvi"&'Z:Gi MRS. L E O N A SCHWARTZ, one of best women swimmers in Atlantic City KMyBKBHp'BBXVc rf f - -i' v; : $- s A .'' a . i . "5 ' ESSS 7i t iWPb.'"V.A..J; ivS; VA-"'.1 ". -i ,;. 1'T : t Svi'- WHERE SIX WERE KILLED IN WEST VIRGINIA MINE BATTLE. A view of the burning tinple of the Richland Minii,, Company, at Cliftonville, which was the center of warfare between striking miners and deputy sheriffs. Twe of the striking miners, handcuffed, arc under guard of a deputy sheriff j ' jjKBfkb v ' m BBH j m"t jB 14 fjjSMfiAb. BBbT'VbBBc'BBtB y!!xJJjBrl i w imhp , i i itat SPEEDING AROUND THE BOWL AT POINT BREEZE. The wheelmen are Clarence Carman, American (leading), and Vicenzo Mnddena, Italian. Eddie Reet is pacing Car man, while Maddona is paced by Johnny Schlce tx . nc -jr yx'1 VJBBB& kVmQSbbB' n BBBaHBBBy BBBBffiy"IBKmA8wfMB5bAi-BLf f' "t i I i 1 itiiil'l i ! .t Frj.fc.wi ''" lC2!aslV mTT aimSwLitVyfaESK' i f 'CwlJBvBB WBy BfBBBBBf BWrFBBJyBBlBMfeir""B BRJl-y ycy -r TiTitPt' V -, ''a? ' mwi-raR) vimhmbsku jcvivm " 'jvfvx -r4Uic,"viiau;'74i..wi.M.ii"K"vvj:, tfair i.dr r wRSRBPJSbwBJraBsBKa ftscr'BHU blb - ,..'l.sftisw.,'1 ;v.- "!. i'rrrK. t"s SSGSfeS i dBBBBHB ;;Bx'" "' '-Ba Li y 'vBBBJ BJBJi" VBJ LIEUT. WALTER HINTON plan te My i'lem New Yerk .e Brazil's Centennial Sl.000,000 PROPERTY LOSS WHEN DAMS BURST AND FLOOD MASSACHUSETTS TOWN. Twenty million gallons of water flooded the Williamsett section of Chicopee, Mass., early Monday morning as a result of the bursting of two dams. Photograph shows a wrecked house, the occupants of which had a narrow escape from death. They escaped by means of a plank laid from a second- lloer window te the house next deer WM. MacCARTER, of Norwood, Asst. Distric6 Attorney of Delawaie County - , bbbi. m' " .h BBBBJBA - BBBBBBBBJI 'BBhbB "i.i bbbbSbbbI ' ' JB' Bfl : BBBJjBBBfl - BBa "- ' ' s ' ' BBBBfiilMdBBBd " ::BAs'.-..i.l-'; " T t BBBBP ""-BBI "SWAMP" BABY AND MOTHER. Leah Silver's child found badly bitten by mosquitoes in swamp "THE SPIRIT OF CARNI VAL." Miss Marien Byrd in battle of flowers in Boardwalk carnival, Brighten, England ym r.rmmm'i """' IftiT ik r IFOi. RBBH P"'"BAB'BJBJBBBBflBJVBBBB EGYPTIAN PRINCE WOULD MARRY MABEL NOR- MAND. Prince Ibrahim, nephew of the Khedive of Egypt, is pictured here with the movie star, te whom, it is reported, he has proposed marriage l"". r- W& jj 0fst&yi "'i'rfi6wtf"y 4$&fbitf bBAwPVivlBJBffKBJBjBJBJBJBflnijRjHVE PICKING EM UP. Jeseph di Piani en duty at the bot tom of the slide at Thirty fourth and Spruce stieets" WORK IN YOUR SHIRT SLEEVES IF YOU WANT. This busy man is Attorney fieneral Daugheity. He's reading strike telegrams JULIA MEYERHOFF, r:i38 Irving street, Avell known in West Philadelphia as an entertainer tBBBBBBBffBBBk Jl, ' lMB$ BBWBBK JbBBs JtttSm ' ' " ) K BMrBBBMr . 'Ww - CAN YOU RECALL THIS'BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? ,0 '.-mrm' ', " - f iBfeV'lSwI lSl5:;''li " ' 'BBHMi: "'' ' BBBv 'iBBBBitl BBKt"" v'v'BBaI B& .... V" rjBfl BuBB&.' v sBJBBBBI h'bbbbbbk abbbbbbcbbbb hBBbVK . $3PEBBBBf - JKIbbbbbbSI wLBBBBBBfi Jwl ppBk " J Set. W 'bSF """"BSBBBBflB f- ''yv ','''' ' ,V"'BB ' HBBBffvJKS? A "" ' ilMBti BBBBBBf ttatf B&i'''''' IVBfl ins. v?i SADIE BARNETT, of Pas saic, N. J., was shot te death as she lay asleep, by love leve tnnd uncle, Isadora Harnett. He then killed himself MARGUERITA SYLVIA, the Caimcn of the great outdoor production of "Carmen," new in progress at Hollywood, Calif. IT MUST HAVE BEEN A GOOD ONE. King Gcerge of England laughs heartily as he chats with eld-time athletes CALIFORNIA'S BEST BET. Miss Truth Weed picked te represent that State in the women's Olym pic games at Paris ONE OF PHILADELPHIA'S OLD-TIME CHURCHES. It's the St. Jnnics (iespel Church and steed at the northeast corner of Seventh and Commerce streets. Send us your old Philadelphia photographs it PsVAhB 1 rv&"v'NKvAwBBBBBJ EW i-SBB ffikj'vHH bbBP JbI T9?' &iz9kim HHIIHKi ASH H, , , . 'tx x , twH H ( utu 1 1 iHKft (nHt BF " ( d.'A ISK QjOL w.J. )K - - : ;iranM mbbII VAK' j -' b Jk JbI' hK -r i9 &Bttfev &$!& FwHH !i7iiBBBS I BBBHBBBBSS3SysJHFJPiiyBW faj?J-5wfBBg j ' a , ... ,.. uj inwtwBBaajKga-Trar FRANK DONNELLY, who is charged with killing Patrolman James Lambert at Dennelly's home, .100 N. Sixth street &$&&il MARY SMITH HELEN SMITH Sisters en bands at Ocean City. They are Phila- delphians ? sure is furnished. The giVis' at the left aVS fflASS0 -I - . X I , .AVjriaSaalAtfeavL . fS. i