w '-T.-cwm rwc r-W'W? ? y 'f vr; .taY " r 's 7 'vw7a'v :7j. ' ViW 1 i i'.17 - k i' .. r M B Ir w ft m m LW tw I m 9 & iiffit '28 REAL ESTATE FOR SATF PENNSYLVANIA SIllllRHAN HOL'TII ARDUORK . r-e u.nn., . r "T-" ,,rT 7 Jt"- -. , it . ... "''-" ... , Ik i" KrJ-V r' ' """- -'" '""'""' "" "'"- SvjvfV iiT mvitis ft? "ri ""-'?. . OOP location, exceptionally fine let 22.1 ft front, house la rooms, 3 bath., cenwna- - ''Ttfk'i.. f?"frt 'v.rJn?he.ii- frnlf 2S.fien ,t M. Fren-tlfld. Wayne l'a ' STRATFORD JT. ."" ; , ..,.. . W Tet' nre loeklnir for n reiil rnuntrv henv dtrletlx modern home, mntnlnlne II r n ni na- iii.oen - u.- ti. .1 ... i. ...... k bath", with il Inrse lwlch'iniljer with mt-Anf tlnet And 1 trunk cleret rpctrlt nd Mucce nv r brlrk. hardwood flinri ei-r fireplace and ahewer bith ler full inrtlcu lar ae m a. jin rei .inuef .. -- HA1NK ONR of thOFC C"i hemea wlih In rir let Ki. WHiV-in;;-1 ahrubberv , r..'.", 'n" JXSX? bill IKU.'".- mill irr arden, etc be hitmen of aame kind, net n n an nl.l f.Mlnlil iahe.1 ' home. in reed ren- aitlen, atone, r im nu aninKi'. w""' fgt-wnter heni lath eictilut cir.ie 1 jf.'On Anplx Tr-.it Treaty i no JM. j WAYS' lv- Slrn- Colonial lieua- let l".in'l. H li!roenM 3 bum imraKi- a ;" J""'- ?.-"'l "-".'.?"- ,t.'"lhl,l1.:t!",,li,Ai eric., ju-i .r.iuv.... . .. - Seainut Ht.nire 137- .r-v-Tli 11 l.v leniuil li.inu .ilmnt new keTwTt'er heat electrlc'lM iaa TS" ft. 1 5,1 J M KllON're'U'l V V I'll I front J M HIUMilll.U' V " n UL-i ..- . .... nrt 1 . , IVYSniTIi ","'l!?o,,?ni;l"fV0n'..en! ,,"r:X, kn , T rhambT vn 1 J baths, larni 6ESf ute With room rnrche p.. vnd e.rctru bums- rer -' ir eld l ,vl an.l truil p.weiuii .'pt-mber 1 Applv in Sisnwv .rvNlc.wii Tin Tcn vr.w ni sil.MiW m Wxn-e-e il r eni themuuh.v inn'ern reni ter nriBe -;;... t.-i . .ivm II WK Al Till -. I i i -r-, - r...-r..-- i..-i.7T-,T,. in lse ee lIUleril'H en in " '"- rrrieillnmeliimn-. nv .ii.uk .iiiuiIIVN i in nev . , $3700" rvi'V up "'... f , ih i I Jii.: i II N',,rh inl I. I'll R n- ' -n i " enie hnnd i a . nei . tjflnn ii '" enie'll . noe ill im ' nh n II ur-- ' ne T..ri n I fi.renm ir I t nh 1 1 re w diatani .- in m Tmli ir . . rhnelp .ilk 'i het w i ii hit' ','".r' Ilirhi m mil run- rs "ntr " - i r i trie 'Willi' ml wil rape in b iiium iiium Iewa ii te ii'mit "ir he.- lui e I mi "imp'i lnue e n fr In-poi r -. j n Y'e hap fl-e oei . no . ! ' r- .f lunsil"wa Bnil cctti?i. n ulutKn. N J ABBOTT 'VllDi:P,I.'sBrs,V,"N ftP' i 1 1 le.l'un lav CIMIIIN CA.MliKV i.lu il . rhr fr 'il --ml h ilk h a 1 ' ri'ir n roil h'i 1 n 1 i lu MT-.Y jet I ih rt- I'M- lui.MMMinnn Cm Hi j- - u ith mm 1,11pm 'i l "im I from mi i i j'.-". iHin E-tii'" i - 7. a 11 i I I. N t 1 i ri v ' i" e. f r r i til lu. hrif ! w i'e nff ' i i.l !1 i. i ji .-jr.. e i PAIR VIE W t WILL ELL -mi a FalrM-v heTi" nj jeu can pa me a ii weii d piy rent. 12.1 e Jjl menihlv hjua ir- "elllnir for cne-haif of liul.dlnK cent dawn payment Cenenlniv amall a peaial raid e- a unena call will hrlnc "u f.li parllcuiara A.IUEL riiM4i I i'J- Leinnsa reiu halrtltd. Camden N". J rimilfn 3181 J Oren Sun daa and nlnga. 8021-21-T-l'i I'e'iat tut'nr md mnr. r. Titrea! rd .r r. r-r ,t h Wor- I ill .N 17 I'M I It MO fAlERMn N J 3", , r , l ,. T ,. III i 1 t .' Pi n 'v fie. in '" ' J1U el " I'l rM;:Y -'n '-'h n hi u IIHI-.RTO.N COLONIAL HOUSE Thl. a' fun n i li. I ri. fi h"ui lu renini in I r ,m J i-t eulalrl" the t in rii!. I n l .eri , ,nen'iri mni, h I-. ir 1 f r ill r h .in. lei r - 1. -. rv:TrP.- & -iiNl5u'i'IIE 1N"jT-T VHU RIlKIiruN N J I'r im heu lo-reoma and lath 7 rVnu'- walk te train ard trellev rp-ar i'mnir - jl hauit'u; !er.t tlen Add a Owner 1' u let 4 13 Il'.cr Il'.cr ten N J sew -ir.Rinv ii:-ihirf lll'NO.M.i i - in c len Ik , furri-h-l and paint' i llnfie ir.-.v lirni DuP.Il I NEWTON 1.-3 Wiunut at 1. nib in. 7S.17 . IK I'.WCITY OCEAN" CITY T.'n-rn rn f.rn rw 1iu iniiiHien nply ''liumn Hiine nr , FARM- ttr .IT ..T- . 7 . i "Geed Heme r arm with Stene Heuse! 4 At RE- NEAP. PHILADELPHIA EHht rewa heifer hene- l.M pe i ir ducka h k in'-ubi'jr sax .rsn- ht " Implement hav potato i .rn rrjp. n eluded .n , , i,i. 1 ac. 1 I. air til ase .iln . I eCMi .hi... ceiwr . I -run" brook w ii r. 1 ;ietjrf w .-d -h u d re," Pa rer farm ipple erl a rd 'mm none peu- rjr'h b 1 1 irn i--'i ir b ether n r 1 f '.. i-1 SI."" ik' . part tai.h l'a pj .'i I i'".'" I i'i' Iob 1. n Hiir-'i-ix r -Tl'ii' r I" VX'.M AGENCY M.'J I. la-ll 1 1 B : P . .1 QVInhla Pi Pl.NNil. WI PVRM- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE- VNp III INE-- OPPORTUNITY 0 LR 11.1 Oml VNN'I',1, 111 -INE--WeNDERFl L Ie vrinN Chane of 1 ft'me ti i-ee ire a 1-- rv br ck but d ns front nB en M,ln tre . lame m .nufifiurlnB boreuch il aqua-, fi' t fleer r' ' en rlrxt rl .or en whl. h . w n i ' runninB - m 1' and en' il tr ry ni i t equlpi "1 with . e rna'hln in I m i ca'ea Hi" ...nt'-ra d"l r" t'mk a e k X II nei t Bt l" !' II" "I a I f" - 1 r ,. rand an. I 'h r I rtex- i art'int i "jrn $7(1 n 'irnl - ri'hru Bee fur ' 11 ' J--pnn w Hi iinii 1. 11 f tar. ji -li 11 1 - eia 'i .' th bargain i or., la i.i P.EESI A I N HERMAN ;, E ' r JTnrr a n Pa 2 ACRES CHIi 1KN rvRM rlisht en the -'at- -oil pear i' ie h ' I ' nurrh anl a' -re xmn ti me of H rn Mil1, ird batti el.rtrlc 1 sn' h a' Urge inn ken hej-.' nearh i.n thla Ix i hi ra,n 2. A-llES P-ROOM Hei -E lm-1 'e 'le Un 10 he d all neee.,r ' uibulld'na In mi d - - n Ir sale Ir. luden I mm 'I hi" 1 b" -I mi all michner ind ml mrreln' peaa. alen peer hiabh i tux a -h -.ar-i'li PMVII P.Vft.M- AIll. MY -Pl.ci VI.TY N ' lett"rx nnW"rel l.ii-e i i l.l.iiN VIII' '. NFED K L 'eM w n I- i WEITL 'Iam'ATED 'd fi lie' i frit farn a . i nxiatlni: , f 31 a r ri i h a'.r Ce. hav n 111" Hi-'-'ir old .rn - Inn beat silllni. varietie" 11U' in . arm I p.t treex Ien 1 war-old "pi ' tr"e- . ai c.r m -Gelden 21" Slink, heuar Ien 1 "a"' I jiea. h ir n Ihl-i er'hirl n ih le.i conditie i x ith -i r. p it j a rt Thi' maka dux exi.k"i' I lac a '.m-n. n a . n terpriai The h iua. .( M'n- 1. n mi bath het water hi n ' kiir-ipf ' r 1 i ir, with man x room mi 1 I irn f' r m i. i t rm remtnaii x 'MiutlfUl v fr m la ''H'I i nji.'i fi i', 1 un .eiirr t- -ih-m llulnn eleK.. le laliead a. hni a e!nr a 'or -, etc I a ea iimiI ah'e Pir p.i u r-I applN 'IUKVT THE rVV ne I'n FORTY VCIIBS-M nlL-'inri c i" . chelreat farm ni aeillen alim an 1 t- . v i nunfoux.rgeIid'owVa e; ;,.;,,;, ,;, lnga spring and weiia, .' a.-r. . h k r , ;,. tn Norriaiewn anil main ni." no ini btr effeie.1 with 3 h'ra. a i .- In' ,h Ir-ESTltAI. eri'Iff.- c.e I Unix runion runien ens all r ,pa and inmpl'i- a. i mi im a able Wll'lx Wlrehatir Ce '.", .- ixth it. ' -at only .li"" thi li n it u lulu d b,i fri'm'Tu I.T ll'e m Ne 41" li.rl Pul'd ru7 flened turn, proper ,.If,UD Muiieed'-u In r AVTHM I RrcnWV uur.i a v. i u, unviiii 41 r -i .!-i M.iiiw-i"-. rv ""TOUT VIRES mIIiii. prepirtv in, in tike nndtrellfN te Norrlalewn al'le rioaleft phvslcuin hlk'h a. h el i' the deer 'i r. ..in brick dwelling liei-w m r hint . lirtruiti tic, stabli i"'u tr buiiaxx mrim nri class home at HI7V BROWN A ( I.OI I) CLAYTON t." BROWN 41 E MAIN si Niimtl- row V I'V 126 ACRES. $9500 OLD AGE FORCES SALE I Itei-.S IM I.l DKI) Veil leraiei1 d.ilry Hiid Ben. nil firm I1 thsn twenl thr. e nnea te cm 11 ,ii phi a f, acrea woedlol. iiihhh pnatltre l:i room tenu house Urge b.iru an I eutlildua . nmn by gravity (aa tHrma Applv reese i I.INDt- R.MAN U E C Alrj et Norriatenr. Pa go ACRES I.IIisdi.e Keetlen re it 7 r ii m dwelling g'""l farm l.un mid all njtiun lnga. ineailew exiel'ieil water fuillll.i. trice la.'iOH, nothing belter tu eui K u .iJku kt the prlie " BROWN 4 CLOUD Sui reeded bx CLAYTON L. BROWN 41 i: MAIN ST . NORRIPTOWN PA 22 ACRES, $4300 CROPJ AND TOOLS INCLL'DLD F.AHV TERMS An Ideal ere. man farm; geed anil near nl lags. 'easy driving distance le It It town geed brick hnusn new barn ami eutbuild ingsl exetllent water; variety fruit n bar aln. Indeed REESE It 1.INDERMAN. j C. Airy st . Nurrimnvvn Pa OBNTI.EMAN'.S COUNTRY REMDENCR 137 iirrrst 17 miles usphalt rnudx te Cm Hall. PhlladelphU, nvvner reaiiienc elei trie lights het water heit open flr paie beautiful lawn and shade large stub!.' and carrlage home, modern ceivbaru. is head tenant lieuaeS, all lie. , usury hullitinga, m.c adani reaua each aiue anu through iirm. x. 10. OHO. HARM. 20.-1 N. 10th St.. I'illludl- r ? ."! t Mlala. P.- .- L-ii- -liiV TTiTTTTZTi WtWIchtaX V. WSLUr. W.w REATi ESTATE FOR. SALE PENNSYLVANIA FARMS PRICE reduce,) for unit a il- x nllev Ferge" secflen, Ill ncrea en high j Improved Stnte ..- tit iiinim- lllll. put, lull im-.m'- i.,u.. - tiximi nam, nent two tenant tineyM, large i none -Imrn sprlnRheuec outbuilding. Mini- ncitlni npplt- nnd peach or hird nl, Impie- men'; and part ernpa, Mti.OOU .1 ALI'lt(.NEFIi:i.D W.ivne Pa. "l - lL.r'ir ..,.' , . r ' . Jim, ,'' ." house Imth iOci llnht. cii-. Pot - wiit"1 Pet - wiit"1 hat en (1 -minion ti-l'rrtlnmri t K nt ll mouth M ciln'. trntlps piiht. deer. 1.1 nillei flt Hull lnr- ten bnrn Mn() gnriiR erchi nl old hnde Inwti j; n i,i".i:i; a ".f.N .illl' (lin ne ii: t'N Knur Rrrn with little old stnn heu -h-lt.red b- cne of the bi.i.ii trne. tn ;hn i:nt, burn. iiirrxnt'T ahep fru t , m ! ai itinn JTnilil I M ri(eNi:rii:i.n wwni: pa h .tv vlnliiT ti Inn in . .. V.. I,.! I Il-IT' firn, fet p'TV W?" .SenM ,IVV.' ,", JI-'-"1 nrtaleiTru.'I'j.Ul.J 10 rilt:'t '. .. . .-, ... ?.,.,m t .m. , iw.iim .fihh..Qt an.-iii rmnltri krt... . ., .,-.,, .., . J!?Ultr Il0llaa irl- II 1..11 I l.'.UO cnh , WAHUKN .t CiiliNT.I.I, lt.1th.1re. I'n .. . i-fit;s en n.a. idnm read n-rnnm alen .lw, iin-r epn t(r e"., rn utleuid '"?...- .Ar- timbV.1 ZZ enir insert!" ""' viii:kn i-mvn.i. n...i. t, MAINH ''"""' -- -um-ne- hemV tV.re" r U" ""r,,CI '" c,"nn Mn iernn.1 1. timi .. moil 1 m-ni.mml. ...I.l ...11 Iiuilli ill.. 1 - . I,."" -"-' e.-p "Pr penmen co I in. M K COX e,,.ln. I-1-.n.l M- KI.AI. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE " V ;.';- O 111- Offil rrie.. dn r iir il iir re Hvh ia- V". '- ' r I" rl- ,. . , i iMy.-.n. ;w prep - l.AMJ X il 7T7 U i toil i: ,-., ,.-n. ,.,.....-. .. ... . - " ...ii in en. ii. i. ' n tne- I -. . ""'': r ' ' P-' -r ' M K.r-7 '.i Irh n RHAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT PKW-.M.l I s III IIRAN V E " l l t i ' i . t-i ll.'li N I i ' I u REAL ESTATE WANTED tt E ll.W 1. , i ri i I f i i r ipr'i' le ei iienn ir ir :i vnn i..i i.. P.II..SCK IN SI III'- REM. 'RVIi E a r Rr-i.LL N E i .r I "'n nti I T ik r i 11 tl ntati merl- u' .niiiranee 1NVK"-Tiill u I Im n n.-e'i'rn h t n ' h-inut ar I -r-ur lDth end lnih mu- liei a prult il.le return P 111.- I.i leer I TTP e HAVE 1 1 ien ' w nT'.mPfT; ii ii k.nla" nf W . rh'K. rrnnrrtv tan i- . arMhlnc r ht 1 leffmnti .".'il1? C, I r i rd MIS AN' EI.L lh ii rern""f"T e i ii rnert rime iner wi i pr 1RI-I I l JlO0 I Cl ,r- t , ., ,f, ) WT tn",uv "" .n I 1 ."" -ri le'!nT.- In ,t PhlinlelpM. or in iu-ii Phil id.-i- tii A Mre I l".'l i.'ilc" iff nriij.-,i i, i i u-ih. -ia pr i ' 'in or -iln it et r ir -1 r l ii- l.Vh i"ii i i' i.Tjn k. ii-. - i ' REllE.Vi'K en Mini. . T.-i i"t i" nth te ;.'.i i p iin i. it-. r of '. l! M.K i iff .. nter wi I- 1.1.- 1. U . i h. . ln -; ,n i-,ih .,r lilih .i I'n ' n'lt I' I l.'i I . dir - off. IKT-i: -ii 17ih vth a' -n l ; I ..la - ne atnut t P 13.' III . I-NTT -T 17:h L- 1 ni J- hi it in i r. ar P 11.'" 1 I. - I '" iwn iu r fref ' a. ii-i f n ten .' Ca .T i Radn 1011 S 13th at. I1VK hmr , r - pjiiii" h uir- ut In. eni' r J. Ilia ;.n il" , .' REAL ESTATE FOR RENT mj3 Hemes and Apartments for Rent V -n ' i - i - n .Mil i i ri 1'H. S " - 1Mb in I i I - -I'll -vl I. -r -5ix pi m bath Inel '"I I""'!' hi' ll'r I- Il IP f I i . - m HE -MITH -ie WEr .. : .'II I". MM KPT ST Exi e ' - op,,". h e f i 'n ' i r ir i I. i " 1 ' m. i. II W-1 1 .Vldi.r Hall. .-' i i rvi"l'UIE- i'. i - hnu h i te jit ri i ni hie i mi i eiu t im- . ".. I'hra Rea'i A. e- ru-ie'ii e 1711 .- m-em i llunlnf.i Prenerllea and Stere ONI.Y 1 d. -nh'e but dins at J.I 2 nw r- 1 U .- I'h a "te." ,e't In the nw '.-. 17th at, AP Ph n. I.e-ntard M u puil ni, PRA.NM'eKli v E I ir... ire a . i i ill -in" u in' dieteru h 717 wn nu Fartiirle- ,reheni.1 lliufaetllrlnB Iloera iIePERN" :' " fm r l.u .1 nc In N' E itfen centalnl-B 1.1 i.33 ft . Ilsht 4 si, .Linliir li fl .eiilni.' linn r I ml... ii.. I 1 ... .ter!.! im mi.! Amu I.i. .,,.... jrwn '. iv Lr e ,iie an 1 III hmend at ji',r,7-n AMI I-.'i vn - r I'c r r nt. r-n , 1 a-ifm nt r a I . i xtti tl- 4 a i . r, .' lars e r t. . .. i - 5 W C 'IINi.:. ' ti . " tilirrtl "i'i V, ,i 1 ,,,. -', m..r-lhree- I ri- no unii Minir. f.. ---...... ,1U or cti' ite t ii 1 I r' .pi.r. i; it x uns MARUNEY l-II. I.i iN' Handera Hide PI ("miR Pep. 1.1. NT r hulfllnB u.jd n.rt "'or a' Wan JjnM'.n , wii K A-I.LVII Rt2l 'ii-rinir1 mna. I .-1 I'.i NG -I i rn .."tfin- limit n.t pew" r. I -.xi-..i (-. . v-ixil I'I ;vt "UijiJinK I A-HMt 147 .N P'th at I si i eNH FI'.eR. 4'.'1 N 1'iTIt li.xHI I El T "llltP.!.I.;."1 N' 17TII , V ILL ER':- T ' uil Inn 3' (i ' 1' n,i anuar. I.e. mi. I i-;i'.n il, 7.17 Walnut Ht l.iT"Itll's ir-ll'ilw ii !''or f i e II rlT' I." Hllle'll III Ik- -I -U'e .'ll.l V I" V1 1 ' ip.V w m" ii in I tl ..r -n . i a . Minn p. is riiv-'.it .1 - un, a- ia 1 iherli-. meiitx In lar.'e IM'r In I pre) piling inllinilla (. ir iiti'a 1 '. VTT.- -r e.iat ad. uf Va . ie"7inrfcalf xiuii from Kread at iirasa .",! ft i en Watta t anu i.ie i' n I nmn at 'jnuxuil 1 cht all n n.enl'-reMM I HARRY T -Al'.N'l'l.n- 31 - UTII T KIJ.'-J- RIDISE A". E il(Ul3i) ""a It' meld e I aal.arenn a rv ' a-ai n e- nn-i.-a ir hi iv win. Iowa uruajH 1 tfeud I chl. er m d rn cnr-'nl-nee HARRY T -A I NIIKI'- 11 -O 1 aTH ST 212 21--T- ,-i',rv I i l "ixlan , rear, i'llItKI.1. Ill V 17TH at bed ft ni -Mr third fie.r xjit -h-::, r'.'y'rrr-i1 nTi JnVreT, S-iriuM T Hall S W cer 17th and ri.uxera in .n liTii. s-i r ---iitvi i.e erri' i:- - Vl I. i.dl I'I HiJ.i jn U I Je it in.; I E-lll VII .E off e. a " f l r j' I. il d J i e a' or a. r ' ir' d- r . I r n- Vl p F I ELLIOTT llll Ch.-.nur ' rrviri-M-iNV. .M.nminer.lWiri ., ,,. S lltn a Roem -I . .. j yih an I Ch. atnutatjre.tj i.i r r up nth l ( ul ertlieiiienta In lurn- txpe In rre.e,llnir...lumni . 1 h-T PI!!I.DKI.1'III . .-.TTiTrTTC'-iiiiMI-..- in ullng u rn, mi hath ' ......... ... ! .U, u 'lfi t ' r' leat ii i '. " " ' I IiiHit Jl" ril'e "rea r m "'" ""1 . ' t , r . .,11 JAI'lx I... ii.n I.U.' lle,urnert .N - r.JII lialUinnre ,w 41 7 I'llE-rNIT '1 al 'I 1- rma 3 l.n'ha ,uit.il -'f r nt bona g. n.H-mnt ('.Le M AMVN - -ON-- l.'la i I ,. a rbl a; Vi4 1 I l.-w "i; i ii -i i L-"t t n li'" " " ir . ." JOHN M 1 NHI'H'i S.D. , I m , ,. .en i.r m i m Iln rn r THE DOO DADS i i I HO Yk BA TO HAVE r..n.... .": ,.-.. -.: . , l..K 1 rnr..OW , lllll .llli'L Illlll 1VM1 II 1UK ll.llllXU lilt ... 111 ru i.- iii -ie." hiiuu-. i.n. r-m- .. '-' "' '"" ,",';,,; ' " : , ,, i iiriiu tern line ine aoilewei -out Mene th -if.. ii j iTmi h x.r- ii".,,- ," " ;- ,;'" ,Vrh .A'rNn t ! f,"m "f cer" f'aKes wUh niRl ''Win te pound it with the Mee mT,u.l,M,".h,nn"'r' -f'Jr: :,h- nx"i I" ' i -" M'"' ' -' """i'J . iMrtipV , , ii. which the handle was Titled. rnal e.t , 1 . in r I . , j 1 1 inv I i-l .n.r.TX,l-VT e rnnme nnd t...,n, l.nnvv that COl II COkeS W (TO IVI, ! ..,.1,1 In,l Wl ,. . , r4 . I - . -. .w- .- 'Iiml "llll- l,'Ill.l''ll .,1... ....... "...Il-n. ..Illfl . .f.... ....... .L.( .T.HU, 111 11 1 IS ., 4"a vln-1 i.nr M, riti,r ".n". ' el bab-hr-wat wt'.iric light. m(((li, f,n1 .emmeul. And cernnipiil i,w t10 Indians Bround U,eir corn In el-ling " J ir - 1 ". aviare f , , i return' I 1.' I e - rue .11. n.u , j , . , nrI1 jtl Illlll. ' ,10 n ,,Ce" -.,,,,,. k, .. '.'an.M e-a , ..x-EPTieNAi.-.n r & , '",'. .,. lrvw ,,,,.,. of , n, '", t'vv'hnrd "fork grinding the corn .' , - -"... u. ...I... .1... emul mother MltltlW W Olllll I tblu .. n.. 'I'll. ni...iwl..V...I. ......'...' I (IVIlil'ltl. Ill I I I.I. I'I .III, I J I IV fk I r IIT i.TIU'Vr- ii I . I IM " lit1 ------- tlll-1 (14.1a 4 III kl llllllllllll lll'l 1.1 lllll 11' Llinil TT 7 y ( & ) ji - iv-j ' Ivw -- iiSt i BeWiMM kl i &mtewi7i- V UW - - "? V 'nrxA-fvt-si I s--Q t k ,..,.) , . f,1- (X.. . . . EVENING PUBI5I0 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT "OKIlMAMrOWN lsV.42" '.!I:V SrnmVnth!0 lVwsAer . " "" , '," ' .j.. ,. tu-, Annly le ,, '"" , . .. . t . - !!. LOTi OAK l.ANL Twe liuui-n. 4 boUreomx. per month, uptf. J4ii te M.. .terlOpr r .rn becr . STOnnS .ipirt'tnents. fnrnlshxl hoe. '' M.'t". VnU N llreHil it 'W-eintnr 4S37 I'KNN'-YI.VAM - Mrill'RIIAN i rRlfiliMi:.VVAI.Kr.Y" I'.mdv new fur-' in.h .1 I. room bunKiilnw. tilcelv ritu-t'.' V' n.rl . r aL fer.1 l"a . ...i.. .......... n.t.lH.. rlt MW jr.iiF.Vr-yA-ii-0,U- in silVliUS In mlenv, tiiwl furnlahel VKUTi'X .ll'M Wilnut ft tunearil ie.i VJV '. - -'""" r'-- - -rr;i.T , mica r. !,' llvm:A---nl r- aeceni TO". lr"n",'-"l': re.,ulrcmenta of our .n im- nppllcania with with Lean I..1I1 of I room, 11111I bath for I.Hliinie 111 i ul ,ou heirtv ni-enemilnn .n Pheno riieatnut inn H"-. iti ivru fin .rr-.. . -...r.-.c -r-hVi.ri:.r7n-,-nrfe"r " inii'i'M en. in iiuiihi...... .". ;-.-, w 1,1. ,,l ,.,-..l r. rennw and bath W'lt On 01 (all in sun rairmuni m C K Olben ; FOR RENT FURNISHED W nPPullTl'NITY te r nt for 11 i." or , ' mer. e..;weinied urid cir-full ,,.,.. in thl. mrnilUi. -nburli theh .., ...,., ..,.1 .1,1.,'.,. ..nnlnlna 1.1 l.l r- !' leue la renmi ' . . , .. ... I ..In ,nm f fHI' I I mini . npien.n 1 npjn "1 ' ' ,r.7.i i .. .nl.,1 . nbn j,, ..r-w. J0. . ( - - rnAars I -i- ni:pm.Ml-.ST 0 of the lariea' bulldlnl , .,, i- -..nela-tena ara dealre rpiie- urn. for flrat. ecend and ipllt mertfi i n allv ,.r.tlen nf the,rlt or uurM. eni i t a ti iiut-ii u-t-rimf. Land Tllla D.cut -' "J -- -- rt.'N'D'? ri'ND IN ANY VMpl'NT- IMMEIilM-E 'ETTI.EMEN-r Wd'lt'l i","n l l"or I ST - lit MPshft l-i - S.J0111 'j i. ANT A.MOUNT9 iei tin imi ifi 'rnv' li .' ;-!li .JLLlJ -L I rf-XN WtLNBtKlitK & LU. J ! 17TH -T nCE20:fl ATPl.tCATt "-N's wanted, flrat and aecend incrtpaffe funi. MAGEE & R0DGERS 1100 Icut at I 'one Spruce 020-0207 TNI Y K'P. I III'-I M SECOND MTOS I MITE ND "M M.L AV.OL'NTS a i i ri c. Dcrn i.im rtL.L.C.11 Cx IAL.UL iriCt'ST ST I riCI ST.JT I RY IiIRIUE i! 1'T cnt flrat mert ai.'. me .' i than in per cent of ml 1 rl e i I In i" .n. r mnriBiic a I 'MtNETIIY 13." Chetnut t ri NIi- fiFllrM i.n 1 nd mnrtciice. n i rn,r.r I .in- i uui i mirK"K"- " 1 1 l.i nt n in tn I 'in- 1uver or own. ' i r M I l'"l ihimutat MAURICE LICHTMAN I-ERS'iN'M. SERVICE COTOVIAI. TRI'ST !"'n" SPRUCE H77. in !I.riN'l5"-i" I NTH'N' ri'NDS I r .bin .Ve fir- ;rl a ..:il merUaB. - i Ml-niltJ iiLLilll. " 't-VT't V ... GTN-The flretner. IC2 E Wamet lanTTda-"J- I lU'll PiMI ai"e ' I pri Jte fund" i for lai luhtful room modern mnxa., Ind arv . and '--I rntsa n-j." "' ; "' "i"'!""" c"Mi'l T Hall W c 11th f- Sinom .i.- ii nm,". son 438 LAND TITLE BLDO 1T f. JU PlH.el P ill'-" ,"."V,'V," -KI th a Mi-- 1 'II I1H I. I 1 " , I I h Ei i.' n. for mil'- i- mi nmejnt Tewr.i.en 1 J I Meri RUB 1 PI NIL- f -r i " an Mi lt nl .'1 ertrfiBi' ."w 3J"il i.ii n- Tle '.'3IU I "" 1"t N'li- Pell no. ill MOIITC. VC.r.P HI i, IIP- II S HTH 'T M'RCCE 4170 P1-NP4 for fir- n - i-- . reiiaen-ini- .l-irn.-a I"rd T I.e k fill Merrit lililB. Kl NI'.- for l.ul iib ! -. ",nl etenl intl." AI'lillNi iii 1 1-' "-'"" " Fl'M lt nl .'d Pi i.i and Del. Viti. T le"i 112- tilth Snr I'n 704 1 - ,- - . ,.. .. ,n AI are iinvrrii-i inrin- in im-r kit tirririlinB t niinnn-. ROOMS FOR RENT PVI.T rmi" "vVE . I JX N W cot I.iirBe ,'l loc te.ird ri Wi'.ld lO'jil I He VP V 1 - i ' 1 II l...u r .1. . i.intii ll-r-it p.."ril te i ii n. ii . it r- ir.I tille Miei i llh-T.Vff -r I" 1 em.meni e. i- m 4 v.rTnt reum ,.'l PoeMCI.EPER irrurate. pen peMIiib Keeb ,4 Vacant room, .. I nr VMljnKnu-Ce .2I N J-'JJl at ,Tr VEPN'nN" li -mule .111 1 1 111 ununl . itlnB heu. k.'pin. 1 .erra i neibr.---' renmnbb PnilarIJ I W -1'RCiT -T ",1 1 Twe wll-furn. fmu rrn for 1UM h-nP-" PhJrb;J-"iL'il'j 16TI1 N Hp HOTl.I. lll.liii.ii'iii "i ahepp'nn di-lrlet near stations b'auUful furn rm" ee--. spetie.a eai ), " no i'i" ri'TlNI-HED ainBl" 'r in Milt " roema in r.w nie'-in hmi uf xe inc 01 up'" ix ill il.l at m ti 1 ur J r.'im.il K nil""" en f,,rt .ble Mn . 1 B id e tl 11 lit k'ixt I dial'-I ,, , is , J ill i. Y ipi' lin- .1 ii I nl'JJ ift-r .1 P. M n'it i " V iioet n. 1 lath In an v lu-dM- pm if i hi rii i. 1 ter iiiiniti' i i!m. n I . ai 1 pt en il P 1)2.' ( . . ,. f 4IK Innir vlnr Iflt) I'er'.n Slncle 11111 J ) 'I 'I " It -' - - " ........!.. ,r. I deubl Mice, p-h h.tn '"" " f,..n hed. au-rmer r te. Walnut ..la. ; ..... v- 1-.T1 . r.i li fur imi hil.p.r ' .,!,, ,,t,r". 1 1 tl r. f. . nupl Pief vpi-ccr I'll 2 .r fjrn iem huh ' i;,',.,iiier ni. ' e-ii"- ui in. - phenn heu-ckeer ni. -' ' WI -1 PHILADELPHIA th" v ill i-i'iiahid front for gentl. l Ml ' ii 11 ,,',, . ,,- !" u'k i'.elme-lt lillK II Ti. r 1 1 - l- V t J 1 4. 31 'r""' 'lnl,' i ,,rl r. " ' I i-l'T ele, Il ,nrg Mln i-.Tii .- -'II N , x furn rm i n i i r L- fallllh u. ni'em. n ' r I'll iivr.iiiiitiinK , I'.tl u .. .1- ' " i A. hn'h rear ata'len r rn I n l n- . n Ph 'n ib - l'34J mm .irui --r-iit)iiE IKEVN ( ITi id" VN II V l" "'I xt - nple roema or iMi I 'l-x e-i-ir new. finest n a', ni u I n APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS ""i .ai 17TII -x.T I .... . ... . .. i i a'eix tn u-m in erv lr.ieet tart i'"-' h' m Ike heuxekeeplng nellXKeeping 13J S. 4th at an i 1, ,rhe!er V' v OW tl' r Phnrr l.emharl are ," HEi'.p.i-' fun i'i;;-1 w'.uid "i"''"1' ! x ";-V:-,:n-V.T .' n" '. h" , ;.-, avi.1 jaie--l-mTa-., I bi.ih . . i 1 T.u...r 'IKIW alnut at i i.m lie i 7-"i.xpi ie minuis te I l.M IO i ' ' ' '.V '" in. H l t'.ri.isii ;--,- .- LI -ITER. CI A-4 eenirnl ntv fjirnl'he'l ant -iTitTir. .." 1 '' .n riTiTh modern ,.imi". i. .m nijj3Hi i7i i .n rmi r -i-renm med hkpi; . nlH-irex Kcend fleer ' ...'rn -T V Till IS Mlieria .xpix . .1 ... , i,. , XX-:.,.. ...n.,.n.l .i.n I ' - 1' I." T' ,m- .''.'" furnish. -ler,, ., ,.,..,.. ,., an irfurnl.hei aumin- r i - matT lllllt llll I UNIX .i V,ll in I H 1 HIAVH K CO Vr t 4lth l IT' amn le I l.lllll ill) - VIIIMUNI, -I IIP r'"llia ni'i hi.ih n.l.e v R Uui nsteln. 111. ,1 Iti .1 E't t. True i'i in UI'I.VI.- ..1.11 'll'"l I -illMl l Oil' ,,, m I it' h n't' i ' bith - j,.l!-.l-. -I'.V-IIIIRI'. AI I N rK'l'ITY eir.vN' U u(urt ar I lirimmerrv Court apla li'glcat c lws in .xi'iinut i nj - i r. , i.im luni r 1 lienjamm It l' x (.rani m. V ai I .Xlrtll . IO. lllP'i ec "we Seme Herse! i HO: VsHV OUN.T ) TAVE THAT OLO J O' B0NE5 DOWN i THA TALOR5 AND - HIS LE"5 PRESSED? ME BA-i-& AT THA KNEES! x ' jJw cysamsm 3B '' "t'iikiti Mz -Jg&mA " . I LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA? .WEDfliSBJJAX, -, dui.r; lay-up APARTMENTS NKJV JKRSKY-SKAsnOHK CAPK MAY . CAl'K MAY' Kln npt , Uerich ne A rirosd riresd way, for Aug, tt jpt.l nil cong. V. Kldtr. OCKN CITY Ut'UA.N CI'IY Klncnt npnrtmcntg nt lt locntlen In OfHn Cll: nely built nnd ft.rnljhcd. Apply nry necnt or owner. S4J Mh t Ot'U.VN 1'ITY. 2(1 Centrnl nv. (1 mi. furn, npt.. .1 bot.reoin. week or month; rcnii. VKNTNOR 0 N AUSTIN. Ventner. N. J S rma.. bth! 2 Incle-cil perchea. ery iittrnctlve. ANp are niliertlse inenta In liirne type In precrillni: celinnna. APARTMENTS WANTED " " OV AUK 1NVIT15D tn Hat. your ncant or te.i.e.vit ,nt nprtmnta wlt.i tnc Hherwoed .jpnrunent AKencj. mil -nlnut at.; phone fliruie MIUO. II nnlle Imiiniill.l. 1.1 nil lh.. ""- .i r.i .rnall ninrtmcnt. S rnnma. bath .. -n-7.K,,r."'v:. ?. ',n...r:?..j?cn,l:":." . V . '"""-'"" uiu ui uiniicu. .Ill irtse sm t.rilarr llin..e AI'AHTMKVT wanted, 3 te 0 roema. furn ! or unfurn. Phene before R Walnut 1.147. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PtNR STS. . - . . AIlfPI.UTBI.Y nnEI'IlOOP lenJ(3 AJfD elenT TKnj. LKAgl.g THE DELMAR-MORRIS v chelten ne r.i:nnTnivx ra MtvfTIJh lu hiiuau MP. RTATtnJ Hetel or unfurn aulte-. heuaeV.eplne aptJ - n-i-s '- . -. .' - - H(l hi . fTi! riNIAl sphl'CB at HOTEL COLONIAL 11TH ST SUMMER RATES c PtTMxN MAKER Jr Mannner TH"ESV-ARTHMOR-E.' :,1 and Walnm Kurnlahed L- loema nnd bith. nnd 1 room I fnd luh. maid acrvlce ard linen Included. I linHA f am.,u llQrt iini'i'i iTwTii rT?iv Tin .,.i,. .. ii .i ' II" il. I. HA.Mll.TiiN. 1334 Wnlnut at (laat of UrniD A uulct i-enerntln hotel, - ""'"'I' fmlabed and well renducte.1 HIE HIKIIH'e '!). 3S(h nbeM- Chetnut Twe mil 3 room nnd tilth. American or l"unpennplan I'relen .Itmi 70'j Van Dam Illilir.. 1001 Market at. .!.' .1 llflEl.N' ST Insii'mnk. lnrffe room WOMEN At 7"2 Vnnd im llldir.. 1001 Mnr- and praf bath maid aerlc. ratea JU kt at. we will Inter lew women with ft i 1 1 - week It Phene Poplar 7331 , pleaaln pereenallty nnd tome ciecutlve nbll- (GENEVA APARTMENTS. 127 S. 10th On , lt . who wlah whele or pnrt time emplov emplev i or 2 roenm. with bath. Phene Sprue 33tS nent. apply in te 12 or 2 te 4: ou may be -,,. a tiATjTi'M'PriTn ir;:'" ." - "" "" WE 1! WE a Krent many most attractive iti.irtmenta lieih furnlhed and unfur-1 nl-h' 1 for rent ut lb preent time. Sher- wool Apart m nt Ai.ency. 13,14 walnut at. ROOMS WANTED MI.ST PHII.XDKM'lllA IJiH-M.'. wan'd W. Phi. a. 1 or furn or unfurn rn..m Ph. lefere .1 ltelment 7Sa7 BOARDING PENNSYI.VNI sflifRHAN err U ni home coekinir. lartie IIMnit room. r, h'. . ,,) n r' ph. i;tn iw; FURNISHED APARTMENTS 21,17 WAI.NET ST (Heth Allaill). 1 or ... .. ... . renm with bath, full aervlca FOR RENT FURNISHED WIT PIIIIADEI.PIIIA llf VI TIFl'L ln.IlOOM lNCl.OSEO-POnCH ivi: NEAR 52D AND CHESTER. ..;.......-... WAI.TER C RPDDINO 31 S 17T1I ST. NEW TFR'SEV .E.VHORE AVAI.ON HP vi II front, newly pap-red, clein com- I rianii, e u uroeni". auiy ui svieuii pi,nn. iirecnn ;;n w HELP WANTED FEMALE HKVD WORKERS Experienced vamp work , r en elK'-a .eady we-k and i.oerl jnv t0 reliable werk'ra pnstace paid from i P'Uhiin ini'Tiv isioe , rinii-iiiiic -".. ,.!. i. , i v v " .... . ....... . .. .- ...- . ......... .. .. . 1 Iliil'llrri;!:.- - i:xpri-nci'H iroenetera w int'u te tjK- weik horn" K Maurr .( .-0111 Ce nil WaMii- .ni. ipar 1-ith 111 1 (J. rm inTei p ne lloeKKEEl'Ell- Muat hixe cretery txperl encf n i ether need apply. Ct.ll at etKe 7I'I'i (l.i in in' 'wn ave .-ALE- PI list NS Th" Londen shoe. At- lint' I'll re tUlrei the aerileei of ther- euuhl v rl.nml anlex rer-inx In their cenn d. part men' App.s unr th Ma-l-1 1 reuzh lib nhelin. DREAMLAND ADVENTURES The Lest People By DADDY ,nit mi' Iinict (70 ranecini with It id W'iiui. thr lniUnn liny. In the lilnml nf .nttiilny. uit-rr tin ell thr l.eit I'rnplr, nhut in hy high uitlli nf rerl. 'J hr l.mt People flee, thinh nui thiux xiiiiM. hut one obi mjiiair tiiiimni iiml 'nr? them feml. 7 if 7 tdiiif hrrml iiml hutter, hut the l.eit Pi enli hmr no hieml nor hutter, CIIM'TKK III llii- Mill In Hie Weeds Tim Iiiiliiin crniuliiiii iiiinvv lir-lil nut tin- di-i "f ilrU'd cnrii ti .luni't. At tin. -nun- inn" "-Ik- jieintfd te tlie pic- . . . ...II. .. I.I..,. In.,... I. ...I tun' ni mc iiiniMiiiK Hiiuu iiui.'i iiiiii,i.ine(i. i drawn mi lh'' gieund. I.inet lindilid her head. Yea. it wn- . "" ' ,- ,.,... ... .,. fnl. ,.or -lie llll'l aahcu x ni-ii nuu men . T, l,.. tin- piiture mi the grnuiid. Hut new could -he till thu Riandma squaw --he t,,ii. i-ttunl , , , Se .Innrt tried tn draw a Picture of , , , ..U.'s. HTit M.e fm.nd . a imu . i,,,,,),,,. ,), ilmn dlliwillg 11 plettirc el ., ,llinm.,iv. Try as sin- would, she il I llinil.lllv. '.' "" " -" ('"iildn't make the coin unites leek like ,.,, . )(k(,(, juvt uu, w)mt tlie.v v i-n Utile niinreM miirked elT In l,. ,!, And Janet had tm ln - tK - i - s, , , trving t draw a pb Hire el (iii-iiiiniil Her attempt at that looked ,",....,... T, lw rl.'n,l lmnl. Iiiuit'- wit werlieil lianl. If slie fl llll I " .- wauled inrii Hike- she just imtl te Iliul some wn ie tell the grandma -nuaw what she w allied. If sin- couldn't draw iiiiii iill.e-. nor leriuiii'iii. i'iiiiiis sue iinilil draw the mill from which i the ii.iiiiiie.il lame. Janet thought this n I line idea, and at mice liegen drawing i .i mill And Imt diawmg was s deier thai it iinllj looked like a mill. Jack -.ml a,, at nine, and se did Wed Wing.! lint tin- dinwliig of the mill didn't 'in ie mean iiii.vihing te the giandma i S "" ' THS -v J I ST you NUTv 35aBfE&SiaaSt;: - Veizr! PARDONS ( AN INTELLErENT r WmS05A - C""-" 0OYASAYS (ANIMAL- WHV. HE1 -. 'SS2-. .A.U.ft'JiiMi ' - x. " '' ' - - - A ihJLWLK::' V...-.IM ... .. v s-.f".yiJM-x.v. ,.'l-.,Lvt!i..'.Vv.fa,i.'. ', .."" J2 -L HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESWOMAN We have poaltlem open in ft h!b-cU nr nr ganliatlen ter women of character and edu cation who wlah te net Intp bu ne 1 for themaelvca en a dlnnined. nnd remur,erte piraaani wtitk i"ii ',-' "7. .' .., fnr V. M.. Suite Sin. Wldener Illd. Ask for Mrs. Chafe, . SPMCITOPS for heapltal drl: " ly. '5 -"' Kent Indlea of Reed Ptnac ft, "2 d re re JVnnlv Iloem Sin, 1011 Cneatnutl . TKLKrilONB OPKHATINO AN nXCBl.T.KNT nPPOnWNrTT l"OP. YOUNO WOMnNlll-TtttLN NEUUhHAHY SAI-VHV TA1D W111L.K MJAItMNO. 113 PKR WEEK TO START THE TRAINING C'U'RSB IS SHORT AND THOROL'OH THE WORK IS cr.EAN AND ATTnAf. TIVi:. THE SUllllOCNDINOS PLEAS ANT. MEA1.S SERVED AT LOW COST. 81CIC JKNEFITrf APPLY TO MtSS PTI'.VENSON. THE HEM. TELEPHONE COMPANY. 11S31 ARCH STREET. WOMAN Summer tampilsn: muat N nble mi . ...ei.n n-ilni tflTi weeulv: Il w W n - ii wemnn preea cemptcnt. pe-ltlnn will lie permanent. Applv l'.i7. 1003 Market at., nt vlt for Jir .Aiorre'v. WC.MEN 1e h? an "ncreafl. . n, ' TOW. ... ....,.,..,7 ..-.,'....-,." .-- ' - , nc te exeeutie capiciu m uui un n..r.- nn,inn. nnunlfatlen women hae mere rrn0n1ie,lh'i''iH"' ,.1r ", ,rv Ir I the 'flrat two Jthi wVth ua '" nil at the lame lime au.ll; ie.l for ndnncement. If ever 23 jeara of m-n atl fn an Interview after 10 A. M .nanieaeeii w in jour 'i-.ri i'-"i"n ." thla atep mny lm the turning point In our 1 lf . all nnplleanta mut be i' i jeara old or or no apecial experience la neceaanrv yexu WOMAN, accurate ut nBUre, for irenernl work in accnuniina; aeparimi-ni uptown office Applv In own handwriting. KHInn line, i-tperlence and aalary dcalr.-u A ildr-aa M-41 P O. Hiv 3441 flenemL GIRLS wanted, ceed poatllena; 12u menthly: manv acanclea. etama. Aur. arid Sept.: write for Hat positions open. P 1421. I.edrer Office. HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT and naalatant office manaBer dealred for poaltlen In New Jeriey; knew I edije of atreet railway ncceuntlni; easentlal, permanent poltlen, moderate inlary udvlae reference. miallPcutlena and aalary expected M 112 LedBr Office. AIRRRAKE AND OTHER MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN SHEET-METAL WORKERS LINEMAN WANTED IOR PERMANENT POSITION'S PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1023 FILBERT SI (DOWNTOWN OFFICE) I 1802 E HAOART ST ' (FRONT AND YORK STS.) (UPTOWN OFFICE) 1 ARE YOU RIO ENOl'GH TO FILL AN irNECUTlVE POSITION? Call Thuradav or Friday i.t Iloem 12J1 Wldener llldn , 10 te 11 30 A M or 2 3ii te 4;10 P M HELT PRESSMAN fur leather work wanted: eui of town, can earn 133 per wxek nnd eer. A 721. Ledger Office Mliinvv. She shook her head ever It in a pulled fcert of wiiy. 'I'Kh!" mild Ited Wine, ns he looked nt her. ''""gli"" lie had reiiu-mbered MMiiethinB else. "Iiidinns didn't have mills te grind their corn in the long nge," he nld. 'The Indian', gieutid their corn bv linunding it with Mone. Se my grnnd fiither enec told me. TIii-ki I.'est Peo ple nie Indianx of te long nge." Sajlng this. Ited Wing took some of (lie dried corn from the di-h held out Jiy the gnilKlinetlier Kiuaw, nnd pre-tt-ndi'd te pound It with a Mone. At enec tue graniimeiner miueav under- . . . ' '! Oil " tlie tnl.I mwl l.l .1 . . r... . "" -.. ..im ion iiirm 10 .,. ...,.- .,. .. i .... mi.- runp ei im! weeds. j Here among the bushes was n large Mene hollowed out en top, Hcsiile this uiih another Mene into which was fitted n long handle. The grandmother tqiiaiv poured the grew tired. Tlieii she handed the , euridlng stone ever te Hed ff He pounded Meu.ly for a while, Z' then passed it en te Jack. Thumii ' Thump ! Thump ! Thump ! .Tuck pound-' j ,., , ((I sieaiuiy, ,nt nrst. tiunking it fun. lien lie, tee, grew tired, and passed t,0 j.euniliiijf stone te Janet. Thump ! 1 Thump ! Thiiiiij) ! Tliiuiu. ! Leng befeie , t10 corn Was all smashed into meal im,t grew tired, she passed the stone back te Hed lug. As for grandmother squnw, sliegnth ered up beechnuts; nnd acorns, anil threw their meats In with the corn. Jack and .Intil't tlieilpht this would mnkn x'Apv ,p1(.i..r f,eit el lleur. Aj lls t lit- pounded, red faces be- gnT, te appear sljly from belilnd bushes n( trO0rl , sharp Indian eves peeked oiirietiRly at ihem - (Hew .lark anil Janet meet tlie In- dlan Lest t'eeple will be told in te- morrow's iliapter.) linela; our liUalneaa la aiauie """."-"'."i. WWA and If ou will fellow our ,"ruclK"-h"?2 Plana ou will Ve aucceasfull epenlnga for a f-w heuanwl-ra 1 who 1 wish l !-''.. "ST''. J .,feVrnnl0nr,teU4 .-.," Wl,. r 'i' HELP WANTED MALE BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS MACHINISTS AND CAR REPAIRMEN WANTED JOHN OOLL k COMPANY Contractor! 1S21 Arch it. Aak for Mr. Jenei ROILERMAKERS MACHINISTS CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT FOR THOSE DESIRING SAME REST WAGER PLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE HOARD AND .TRANSPORTATION CALL EARLY AND ALL DAY SEE MR KELLY COMPANY'S REPRESENTATIVE 123 NORTH 1.1TH STREET BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS wanted for permnnent poaltlensi beat win) and time and a. half after fl heura. Apply 300 Shubert Rldg . 230 8. nread t. CARPENTERS, concrete forma; J5.B0 dy, til wek. long Jeb 71(1 Vine at. CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT FOR THOIPl DESIRINO SAME wlusB REST WAGES TLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE HOARD FREE TRANSPORTATION CALL EARLY AND ALL DAY SEE JfR KELLY COMPANY'S REPRESENTATIVE 123 NORTH MTIl'STREET CASb-MAKERS en steel furniture. Apply readv for erk. Kramer fateel Products Ce. 1734 N. Bth at. CLERK, home office, nre Insurance, com panj; high school graduate preferred; geed chancu for advancement. Apply In own handwriting. Pnstufncn Bex 1377 CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. EXPERIENCED. WANTED FOR SERVICE OUTSIDE PHILADEL PHIA REPLY. GIVING NAME. ADDRESS. AQE. LENOTH OF SERVICE AND COMPANY WORKED TOR. A 013, LEDGER OFFICE. DRATThMAN Exprlenccd designer en dies, Jlga and flkturea fnr small Interchangeable parts: steady work' state eip. and salary ex- rected M-lfi. P, O lle 3470 HONEST MEN If x'eu will live up te the principles of trulh. honesty and levalty nnd combine them with work, we have a future for you with a large International organization. Call nnd ecu Mr. Hera between 2 and 4 P. M., 1001 Colonial Trust Uldg. FARM LABORERS wanted. Company. Ilrldgeten. N. J. Seabrook HELPERS te naaemble steel cases Apply rcadv for work Krnmer Steel Products Ce 1734 N Sth at KNITTER MECHANIC, high claaa. Drlnten can form prelltable connectien: big oppor tunity for the unuaual man; state age, ex perience, salary desired; communications held In strlrt confidence M 101, ledger Office. LABORERS wnnted. Apply school build Ing. 03th and Lanadewne aye. LABORERS, toad coal In mines; 14.18 a day. H heura; fare paid; no trouble. 70S a. 2d at. . LABORERS wanted. Applv Thes. L FlanV gan. Lelper nnd Ruan ata . Frnnk f e rd LABORERS, white nnd colored, geed wages; long Jnh Tin Vina at MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPI1YMENT FOR THOSE DESIRINU HAJIE REST WAGES TLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE IIOAJID FREE TRANSPORTATION CALL EVRLY AND ALL DAY SEE MR KELLY COMPANY S REPRESENTATIVE 123 NORTH 1.1TH STREET ' ' T HELP WAWTBP MAtH MACHINISTS, iheet inetftl worker.-, boiler- makera, cr repairmen, wetden. PIPJ"" tera. Inapectera. a'atlnnary enclnearj, rre tren. b'nrkamltha. etectrlclatn. rlveteral I helper In nil branch-as .free beari: frej 1 fare: In town and out of luwn. Aak for for Mepnel 7IW Vine at. MACHnslSTB BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAn REPAIRMEN Skilled In nllretd work Steady employment Standard W-e Aulherlied by United SUtes Railroad Laber Beard Apply te CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY C. E. Chambers. Supt. Motive Power end equipment Jertey City. N. J. MACHINISTS , BOILERMAKERS PIPEFITTERS, ELECTRICIANS CAR REPAIRMEN nLACKBMmj!! ELECTRIC WELDERS EXPERIENCED HELPERS STATIONARY ENOINEKR3 PERMANENT POSITIONS APPLY ROOM fl. THIRD FLOOR B AND O PASSENOER STATION S4TII AND CHESTNUT STS. VAN," Wanted, first-class sheet metal man 'with experience en patterns for automo bile body parts and fenders; te the mnn w-ne can uuallfy a bright future Is assured Ad dress Mulllna Heay uorperauon. aniem. u. ifAN wanted, for drapery workroom, who thoreunhly underatanda cuttlne and maklns of fine fabrics. Auarcas oteenr & Fixier. Scrnnten, Pa MECHANICS WANTED Bv tbc D-lnwarn Lackawanna and Western Railroad Ce.: railway me chanic of all kinds for engine house back shops, repair sards: beat of vverkliut facilities and condi cendi condi teons: permanent position. Apply te 1302 Tlnance Bide. MEN ARE YOU SINCERE? De ou earnestly desire te better "Jeuraelf? If ae. we can offer xeu a life-long poaltlen with a geed future In a growing organiza tion. wlir character and ability ar mera Imrertant than experience. Applv after 10 A. M-. 7H2 Vnndam Hide. 1001 Market St. MEN wanted. 70e per heur: machinists, me chanics DOliermaaera. eircirii;muii. aeci' metal workers, engine carpenters B3c pr hour, weed and steel car repairers; 47c per hour helpers. Seaboard Air Line Railway shops. Raleigh. N. C. Apply J. C. Jehnsen. Roem 210. 1835 Chestnut St. MEN of business tratnlrg nnd successful canvasaers. gecd appearance, for a news paper propealtlon: permanent position nnd geed salary, muat reside In Philadelphia. 1' 1423. Islger Offlre MENI Have seu faith In jeureelf? We have the opportunity for you If ou nre In earnest. Call 70 'J Van Dam llldg., 1001 Market at. between 111 anq l.' or b te -i 1: ji MULES SPINNERS for dny work en Piatt mulea, 1 rencn aaieiu. xiiinr juniiinrau Worsted Mllla. Cliften Heights Pa OFFICE IlOY xanted. nge 111 jears, summer. Apply 712 Drexel Rldg. for POWER HAMMERMAN WANTED. EXPE lllr.rxCr.U vir. r r.ixi'r.ixe xin ji iiiiu RILcl HODY PARTS WITH PETTINOII.L OR YODER HAMMER: HIGHEST DAY RATE: CAN MAKE 1..10 PER HOUR ON PIECE WORK. ADDRESS MULLINS HO DY CORPORATION. SALEM. OHIO. REPAIRMAN wanted, for part-time work en office appliance, give lelepheni num ber .If 117 Ledger OWIce WANTED I FOR SERVICE ON GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY AT WAGES AUTHORIZED BT THE U. S. RAILWAY LABOR BOARD MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS SHEET METAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS CAR REPAIRERS ELECTRICIANS WELDERS TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED FOR PARTICULARS WRITE D. W. MORISON SUPERINTENDENT OF EMPLOYMENT OIIEAT NORTHERN RAILWAY ST. PAUL MINNESOTA By Arch Dale " - ' X HELP WANTED MAT, - SALE8 ENUINEKR, ai! te S3 ...V: 3 peraennlllyi cellem i,.2a"'TSai moderate aalary le etart. n ijiS1'!! Ofnie, - HAf.Va tv "ifUfl rt firtttaeillnM llai ... permanent connection vlth a1iu"fikly I nr nationally known and ftdvertiiinl,il fncturln corperatloni thla if ."? WaSI with an exceptional onnertim if. 1 .0NKI Red future for an ambltln, . "-.'na talli iiiiBinesa aiandlnn application. i.V, "' fldentlali atnte JducitlenT ,' tr''l and all nfm-MnllAt. a jj- n5t UtTMr P. O. Bex 8S4, Philadelphia: PkSMiK" SALESMAN Sterk aaleam.n .. .r Dujera pniy; amall laiua hlihe.. .'. duatrlal .havlnif monopoly en Mafi1'" mnaity! thla Jeb aheuld net the ?i.Jf. D,u7 iur u mnnina work! ma V". nlahed. Call mernlnta. M?.' cSm.'".., 410, 1418 S. Penii aeuare. v-lerc"nt. J SALESMEN A few geed men m .-TT ferred and common stock of a ,,",'i cern: larae plant ennina "I.??1" cemlnu In and mere capital It VL?"J purchase material; geed cemml.sSSW fiirnlahed! remnnnv nmm Mn fc..i."",0; li IndebtedneM. 'if you are ft TlVVVlff 3S?' ? tiSuWilV' noem - ' smSpj 8ALESMEN. with or without Ferd sell best acceaaery ever brnuihi r?r cVi tZ0T"- Tne Ferbes FliF.rV,'i"..,"M""' '' Ce.. B20 Prospect. N. W.. ci.wi.'S' "ji c'cJ? ii i n a. mmnta nt SAXOPHONE PLAYER fne n.i.. fermlnn te play 3 nlihta a week tku iP ten new practlclns; 1 nlaht a !? ' union. A. 014, Ledcer Office " SHOES Experlcnueil vamp llnln. Set 1 Apply Laird. Schebcr & Cft,22?,Sil Market ats. v ' "a U4 '1 STENOGRAPHER and clerk- yeutita7r-rUa . P.7XnrCgfflcely "et2S5r.BKt th SUPERINTENDENT for lame ae.miM1 m ,," hpelery mill te b started Jun eiSS-Wnl'y' i-niiaecipnia: noe cett I- wn,.. ".'" J Pldueen machines: must have a thnreii.v L clianlcnl nnd executive experlenca In Zi.rT.4 qualify; no --nxcrs" need apply; a ri.TJ'J ary le the right man. Address F 89. p. j WANTED D THE CHKSAPEAKR ixa ERS. AT THE RATESOF PAY EtaCv U l.ISHED BY THE UNITED STATES luit ' "N't ROAD LABOR HOARD: ". KAIL ' ftl EIIH AND PASSENGER CAR REPAIRER! (13 CENTTS PER HOUR FRKIOHT caiI :iqrt Cl bn. Kl-il-AllVKllH. T7n?nNS PKR '"""-"U'ERS I.VAU MEN WHO HAVE HAD SOME EXPERI "" ENCE IN MECHANICAL WORK: AMfl "I r YOUMJ MEN FOR HELPERS TO i JJl.. I PLACED UNDER INSTRUCTIONS wifiB80' T RE ADVANCED TO POSITIONS CAIlRYIVaSet?" HIOHER RATES OF PAY AS THEY MM Cen' COMB EFFICIENrr. ""- M en IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION'S. " ISSUED IJY THE UNITED STATES I luitj Bnd he ROAD LAHOR HOARD JULY 3 AND xm Kma PROVED BY THE PRESIDENT IN Hli """?,' PROCLAMATION OF JULY 11. NEW MB " ACCEITINO EMPLOYAIENT AI1R wiTuri .. THEIR RIGHTS AND ARE NOT Strut?. IW . .. RREAKERS, AND DAVE THE MORAL AjWatChl WELL AS LEGAL IUO.HT TO ENOAOE M rea UAIl.lUIAl) BLUVIUi;, A.NU WILL RAVI H.I11I pnoTKCTiex op KVEnv nniveu n. " (JOVERNMENT. ROTH STATE AND NA, sW-" ,6t TIONAL. M culm . Al'I'LT AT NEWPORT NEWS, VA. HICHMONvD. VA CLIFTON I'OHOE. PA. HINTON. W. VA 1 HUNTINGDON. W VA RUSSELL. KY. COVINGTON. KY. PERU. IND. FREE TRANSPORTATION WILL BE FCJ. NISIIED WHERE NECESSARY JOHN R. OOl'I.l) SUPT MOTIVE POWER RlCtl.M'i: V.V WANTED Machinists, bellermakers, blacksmlthi u relpers, car repair men and Inspee'irs; hliV ' est wages-, out West; open-shop condition i free beard and transportation; bring ttf. 1 gage. Apply early and all day, ljj j I 13th st. MR. aRUTS. ROOM 203. YOUNG .MEN A local Industrial concern hat openings for several eung men with a college education or Its equivalent, who are looking for a permanent itmnectlen, te enter our business with the view of training for poilUem of responsibility; In reply kindly stats age. education and salary desired. ADDRESS J 30. P. O. BOX 3484 . YOUNG MAN wanted Ji" no ...-al effice man during the construction ef a i factory building; must be a geed Xeneti I raphcr and have knowledge of bookkeeper, i G T ?inb '""'"en ier tne rignt man. p, 0. ...,v hiiib, winey iirnncn I'oaienice General GREENEWALD'S THREE verv desirable bualnexa eennectlssi for high-grade office, factory and perennl men who can cena'der Investment or a fn.nperatlve plan nf operation. DIRECTOR of SALES Elictrlcal apee'slty. FACTORY JIgr., expd ; dreaa goedx litis. SECT'Y (Steneg ). officer large corp. MECH. ENG., comeera paper mach. II. OFdCE .Mgr.. vyltTisalea exp. ASST. tn Emp. Mgt.. mnn nr woman. Sect'y (Stcneg.), prnfcsxiennl min (fertlili). RKPR. and Statlallcal men. mfg exp RKPR,, thoroughly expd. : dreaa goods Una RKPR. nnd Stcneg.. man or woman SALESMEN expd. In selling eertlee III Dun's or Rrndl.treetai nttrnrtlie effrp. Draftamen. bldga., plant const., geed watii ' APPiicntinnN nccepten rrem expd. nrtics si factory executives, A sreelallred service for trained workers only. NO OTHERS, Ne enrollment chnrgea. Ext. aame locality llntl 1ST. Questlonnnlre-Heoltlet gratis, 2.10 S. nth '1RAN-PORTATION WORK Traffic sijf ' elation wnuta reliable men te cualiry rar positions dlrectlnr demeatlc and foreign te' ' ping; J2.10 te J.100 monthly, exp unnM- Bury; common acneni eeucitinn eanrnii.i Onlv men of irnnd ehirneter need annlr.' If J willing nnd dexlreua nf making connettles i- iCe worth while write, without obligation, !Jt- . tm Ing present pea . age.. Phlle. P. O Bex -'. t .- SALESMEN Write fnr lint of lln and ' full particulnrx: earn 12.100 te lld.OW ' aJ cnrlv; big ilemind fnr mn- lnexprlnil I k or experienced: city of traveling. National : jjit Saleamen-a Tr. Aaxe . Dept. 277 fiileasn . MEN wanted. Govern, peatul clerka. carrnrjl .. write for Inatructlen particulars: IrnrnM. - " Fer application Auaust 1. P 1121 Ledfif , :e t Oelce . ,. sfTUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB ""' COOK wishes situatien: refs 2233W. " Thnmn.nn .1. Phnne Pnnlar 1047. Luu TVI-VTIUT'ia ai.l.l.nl .nil nnrae. em Sfl cimp.. te handle appointments ard all ' Pj0 flew details: refs. If dexlred. A 027. Led Offy Htt MOTHER'S HELPER, exp . F.nsllih, dMlfrl Btle; nneltlnn A ssil , unw. . imr. . ask. Mmw . mvxTr Ta VTIIII , , XLfaT.Bl llUWKlxl.l'.J'l.ll. Ii li, leung uin "."",.V B,. ears- corporation accounting exp.. fllr sitl poaltlen: can attend te all corporation i JJ i-,m,i matters efficiently; has character and in'w, .lk, In office management: can present fxcenwv " refs. from certified public accountant. WW P22, Ledger Office. 111 llOOKKEEPER available 2 or S evenlnfil Kin week: reasonable rates A 017. Led, eh M, BUSINESS MAN. thorough, active. perlence In wlinleanle finance and crteiu. desires position. A 02.1. Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT MANAGER Is new open for Interview regarding part or full time work. A 021. ledger Office . OARDENL-R SUPERINTENDENT expjtl griiwer nnd landscape man. r... A nnx ijil... nfrlre PRIVATE SBCHKTAIIY and nr,.'"D1rt,c. man. maaVled man. having IS I J"'). uca experience. iiiiirui,Kin -' ;,,. -mrs I fmnilnu" above duties, desire P"'" 1nn ,"". J i.in... ,u rann ... nn.l rewarded accni Ingly. mn furnish best of refetencs JJ ' rhuructcr nnd ul lllty. avallable Immedis""- A S'll lancer inure - ., UNIVERSITY of l-nnn senior. "Dj; il desires inrt-tlme pnslllen. aRM-iJeis, . evenings or heth. ! un i - -- - - AHTTvITS WILL YOU riK a postal te 't arn h or 'J "start a preniablebulne without c I tsl or experience; uin r "; ?",,?;,,,, rl silvering mirrors rennlshlnj tabtevvars. ,, Hectors brnsapiatlng; cnrnpl'l etKjn ,rnf flt and Instruction furnished, ""K,.m tlenal Laboratories Dept. Ut. 3" r live . New Yerk, m.t 'll ............ . ..... unisumen can. aei.ni.s ami ape' lain- "" .b !" KivVd tiniHlH ei'llliu" ' h" .",, Versenallr ' gnuge for rnril car write ur ''.'.nlnfif . for mil llU-r 1 luopealtloii i hi I ' ,,n.. Ing Cn . Roem MI.1 Viitnu ""J" ) d liihlu .ii empieymenCMHSSWjL1 l.-.1 . HARVEY. Iliia ""IV""'"";?!; n& 'f irsi-ciasa j-romeiii. -- i.uMnssan jj d cl.amberm7g. waltrfiMi. nune. ITM ! i d-yitiisi ti-ft;'- X ,( is. farfan -Z' rev kTAi MttOi serawi n( ib mc ller IIS Dl Btuicn e'kn HE I.err r sur Alxll 0 at v Cens "I Ii (ii rak Id i I cpt rwii ppl ou. mil fr Ukt lss El ren It' Ce illy els new er. at Ian C( our rati ieu bin HI il r IBSI- :ati( he :our ;u.il C Vel lone C Iho. iln 1st :en . - ajX t-