BWtfW. istKa IWSrSShB rv.'v ai 'W tW "LW rW; WSW "JjHf3r'aJV.f J'KtvS! rrvvv Si- THE WEATHER Fair tonight and Thursday; Utile change In temperature; moderate north nest and north winds. TKMrERATl'Rfe AT KACII HOUR Ts I lie luiui'l i I I a I 4 I r.'l . . t ' Wl 'W 1 a - ' -A fe I'll - uenmcj Imbue meager h"t i'-n sVytNVi.vJ,8if iUv .Wi- t T CLOSING STOCK PRICES ' k. I 1 ?:H74 I7B 77 7H 78 H2 K V' A 'it. '"i' VOL. VIII. NO. 2tJ3 PRICE TWO CENTygj Kntaretl n Hecend-Cljin Matltr at lh retnmce : t isfu Phlladelil, Pa. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY id, '1922 Published Dally Eept Sunday. Subjcrtptlen Pr(M 10 a War by Mall Copyright, 1922, by Public Milwr Company unasr me Act or March 3, SiVihCt" POLICE ON STAND 3K GINSBERG p mile qui; i. t r...J riixJ ' Drug reamer s neutu vuwu mh and He IS uauea une vvnu r. Would Net Reform I Jfreed prisoner called A CONSORT OF THIEVES W. R. Nichelson, Jr., Who Made ' Charges That Started In quiry, Fails te Appear STEELE CALLED TO STAND Refuses te Indorse Statement of Secretary of Law En forcement League "hv.le" Ginsberg's record, from the time a gill complained eight years age that lie tmil forced her te smoke opium gml robbed licr of lier jewelry until lie wns sentenced te three years In. prison as n drug peddler and user. vn produced in court today In .ledge QulR ley's Investigation of the parole he had granted the prisoner. The record of the court". ns well as the vvnnl-uf-nietith testimony of the chief of the vice squad and of detec tive and police officers skilled In nil ' the dork ways of (he tenderloin, were i produced te show that "Izzle" was net Midi a mail as would he likely te ,"ic- I form" afler servlns only fourteen mmillis of n Ihrcc-ycnr sentence. Willie tlie wflnes-ps weie calling en their knowledge of crime anil criminal te damn "Irle." they paid their re (poets te tlie charnclcr of his brother (leergc, at whose Instance, it l said, "h'le's" p.irole was secured. luipilry In Common Pleas Court Tlie Inquiry Inte tlie Ginsberg pa role, an extraordinary court proceed ing conducted by .ludge (Julgley as tlie mna who had sentenced Ginsberg and Afterward paroled him nt the request of former Judge Patterson, was lield in Common Pleas Court Ne. 1 . Roem 11. Fermer Judge Patterson, who took upon himself the responsibility for the fiinsbcrg parole, because he had urged .Twice tjuigley te grant it, was present and leek an active purl in Ihe proceed ings. Jeseph II. Tniilane. feimer principal avsistnul District Alternc,. appeared as the amicus curiae, or "friend of tlie court," te conduct tlie inquiry, and pursued Ids questions se relentlessly thai Jehn R. K. Scott, who, with Kpiiraim Lipschut' appeared for Gins Wig, reminded him that he was "no longer District Attorney mid oughtn't in ne'inil the wilncsse. . The primary purpose of the licirlng, a Judge Qulgley explained at lis for- ninl epenliiK yesterday. Is te arrive at Ihe truth or falsity of insinuations thai money had changed hands or Unit lltical influence had been it-ii In eh- mining tlie parole W. It. Nichelson, Jr.. Abscnl Tlicrefnie a number of witnesses lmi lieen subpoenaed who had been quoted In Ihe newspapers ns condemning the gianting of tlie pandi and ihaiging "gtiifl" or "inllucuic." ' The lirt ami most Inipertaul of ihe.e was William It. .Nichelson. Jr.. secre tary of l lie Law l,nl'eiiement League. Up wns net piesent, as lie is away en ,i tai'.uleii trip te tlie Great l.uke... His slntrineul, iredltcd le tlie i..iw l.n fiiiiemeui l.ingiie, was (lie , subject of iiiaay questions put te nlhcr wluiessc.. Nil eny was willing le Mieiilder ie Si'illlliility for the sl.iteuieut of til le.igue. The statement altrihiiled In Mi. Milielsnii branded Ihe Glnsbeig parole as "the lowest affair I ever heaid of." lie was quoted further as saying "why icrtaiii eHirhls nnd former ineinbeis of nur .iudlcinry slmuld he se much in li'ri'sled In elitaillillg Ihe I dense of such a nnlei ions criminal casts n c'eud of sisiclen ever llie case." Mr. Nliholsen also was quoted as asking: "Wluil 1 1 nth is there iq ie pmts t luii Ginsberg and his neeiatcs r.ilseil iri.tlllll le pay for his pnreleV Suielj there must be some lire wlieie ineie is se mm h smeKe. .Mr. N'lclio'.seii then deiiiauiled I hat Mayer Moere make a thorough invesll invesll gallen. Nichelson, Si, the First Witness The first witness called was William It. Nichelson, piesiileul of the l.aiiil Title ami Trust Company. The wll lii'ss teslilled he was the f.illier of Wil liam It. Nichelson. Jr Tiie witness said his son had J;one nil the liri'iH hakes, and he did uel kim. jiiiw le Incite him. Mr. Nichoi.-eii ,iul !' Knew nothing abeiil the .uilcies in j ( enlliiunl en I'licr Six, I'uliiiiin Twu ALLIGATOR IN BR00KLAWN CREEK SCARES BATHERS, Don't Like Idea of Reptile Nibbling' at Their Tees . Ilaidh any one dines go bathing new i a His Timber Orel; al Itienkhiwn, just eulh of Gloucester, and lislteriuen set "t with an ex inerdinary sell'-cou-cleiiMiessj. I The leusuu Is that a tluee-foel al al "Siiler has chosen te muke his lalr in the creek, and mere than once, I Withers have reported, this reptile has I 'fkea playful nibbles at their tees. I rlMiermen report tliat the alligator bites J" their lines, scrapes tlie ball from the hook wllli one of Us feel and then I I" etly devours it, I Hew came llie alligator te llig Tim- , ,, r ' I'cek Is n mystery. Hume suppose Hut he Is ail escaped pel; ethers seem le believe thai he Is a voyageur finui "iiee tin. Ninth Jersey streams which, ....i.i i-n.ii., in mil 01 unigaieis Im.,1 wrlllnr puipfru TINn n.n.r.. IsjWIUTINQ Wbltlns Fcptr Company, Adv, S PRINCIPALS IN -ffffffffffffffffB, . mmuwW' -"iV y JK J "SfB M yKgV .SbSI"!!!!!!!!!' . Kfe ? i r'9i BEGS FOR HUSBAND ; Sl ' j I Mrs. Phillips Leses Her, Cem-1 'j& j Mf 'KB&i "B 'WKI pesure When Taken , flHl' U ':-S vllHHII mwm as Angeles, July 1 St. Mrs. "lara Phillips, "(he enve woman,'- went' te' pieces yesteiday after her arraignment en the charge of murder, save wnv te hysteria, cried like n little girl nfrald of llie dark, and called cenllnuniiy for her husband. It was nfier she had been smuggled back into the jail, after sh" hail been t taken i court and District Attorney I Themas Woelwlne had rend the. Indictment charging her with "will-' fully, unlawfully, felonieuslv ami with, malice aforethought." beating Mrs.1 Alberta Mendews te death with a ten cent hammer. ; Sheriff Tracger and ethers fought te take her through dense crqwds which (lie police could net manage. She smiled for them, li,.; (he smile was, absent when she entered court. There was n strained leuk en her face, terror in her I'fc. Outside tlie crowds were muttering, women were lepentiug. "They ought te hang her." "I hope they hnng her." "She deserves Imaging", and "She must be Insane; no sane woman would de such u terrible thliiR in the tirst place ; I no sane woman would nth as who does afterward." Rut Dr. I.mils Weber, alienist, em- ' plejeil by the Slate te examine lhe woman's mental condition, reported that be. did net think she is at all in-' sane. The report was te he amplified later in a formal willten commuulcalien go ing into tlie technicalities of the ac cused weuuiu's tneiilalfty and her iireb- able state of mind at the liu.e she is al- In fit 1 1 lit tmi'ii liniilun Allti.t.t.i MimilniKu " imh' ihiiuii 4tiuti tit .iniiuint.-i te death with a hammer. i Al I i von,., limn ,..,lnll...,u ..f M-a I Alberta Meadows were attending the; last services of tlie church ever her imly In tlie undertaking rooms and there were muttcriui; crowds eutcidi the plaie crowds almost as hie ns these nhuut tin- jail and the Hall of Records and Court Heuse. Tlje niliiister had his theme the pe-(damage done by lies, (lie gossip that ! linked tin- names of Mrs. Meadows ami Mr. Phillips, tlie wagging tenghe that had taken 'tlie life of 'in innocent gill and which uJglit crush out the life of Ihe inurderKs. And llie crowd gave voice In these senliineuis as tlie silver gray casket was home out te the hearse: "1 hope they hang her": "Such a cold-bleodcil murder"; "You'd think she'd show some mercy when the peer girl was down and beggipg" ; "And she sinllcs"; "She lest her head, and I un derstand ii isn't I In first lime"; "She ought te hung." A. F. OF L ASKS ALL LABOR TO SUPPORT RAIL STRIKERS Advises Shepmen in Walkout te Be ' Law-Abiding i Washington. Julv Ml i II-, A P.I 1 An appeal was issued today by the Kxccuiivi' Council of tlie American I Fedi ration of Laber "In all workers ivcryvvh in suppnit the lailiead workers in i bid r efTmi te scenic a just seiilenieni of llie lailiead shops 1 l miles dispute." j Tlie appeal. Issued ever the -iKiitilurp. 1 n all liiembeis of the council, including Samuel Hampers, Fcdc ration president, j has hiM'ii forwarded te every labor or ganization in the I'niled States. te every labor publication and te all or er ganieis of the Fcdetatien, Oigauufd labor Is asked speclticnlly in llie npucdl hi icfralu from' doing any weil. feimeily done by men new oil strike, while the workers en sn-ike lire iiicd in conduct themselves in a law abiding manner. GRANDMOTHER'S BEST MAN Acts at Wedding and His Fiancee Is Maid of Hener New Vel I.. July III. - Humid J. Kail, of Newark, served as hesi uian when Ids giaudmelher. Mrs, Margaret Glutterhiicl.. sixty -eight, was married lasl Wednesday te Peter Vim Dyke, seventy -eight, of Nevvaik. Mr. Ihlil is himself engaged le be married. His lint , Mj-S Mary Flunigau. iicicd as maid of honor. Mrs. Gliittcibtick's mum nee was a surprise in relatives, most of whom heard of llie marriage only yesterday. STILL GOING; SO WAS PETER Sleuths Find Heme Distillery In Full Blast as Owner Flees Peliie of tlie llelgritde and Cleat lie'd streets i-lalleu seized two stills, one Inn id of mash nnd n gallon of liquor lu ii laid uiade m II o'clock this uiorii uierii ing upon tlie home of Peter Poywich Peywich alska, 'JTiMt Livingston streel. llie elliccis entered the house mid i found one el the stills going in the kitchen, mid Peter and Ills wife .Mary also going, but in three were halted arrest, the unci, yiilil. All nnd placed under i l,"' ri Ah, LOS ANGELES "HAMMER" MURDER 1 ut vwmmr- On the left at the widow, who was b Ut( Clara Phillips, who Is accused of the murder. Insert at left. W. I. Phillips, husband of accused woman, and at right Mrs, Peggy CufTee. an ee witness of the crime, who says her parents reside near Philadelphia AGED SISTERS FIGHTiMITTEN PLAN USED FOR THEIR 20 CATSi IN BUFFALO STRIKE Gloucester Women Carried te1 Almshouse Kicking and Screaming RECLUSES FOR 15 YEARS This morning health nutlniillics de scended upon the shabby little beuse In Powell street. Gloucester, where for mere than fifteen years Isabella and Mary Hartwell. spinster sisters nearly eighty, mid lived with their mere than twenty cats. Compassionately hut very firmly tlie sisters were in, !::. tliey must lie -... ,,-.. ...... . taken te the almshouse at Illiickwoeii . I I IK'M Willi li lie Ill'tlCI' tO' IIICIU IUCI On they get used te il they WOUIU see hew much belter II was in ee wuvn ther" was plenty of air and feed than s ,11 up in a three-room frame house with se many cnls. There would be ether old ladles le talk te, geed doc tors, turkey en Christmas, be cream mi the Fourth of July. Prefer Heme and Cats "Thank you." said Isabella liaught- Hv. out wc prcier m ui. m-i.-. ' tint Mnrv was Interested. She asked i.ii..iiiiiis. niirtlciilnrly about the ether old ladles and the ice cieam en Inde pendence nay. "Aim way. the officers. "Very well, nllied despair. llie pietcst." ou must ionic said It's llie law sic. 1 said Isabella with dig "lint you have heard The women W I'll1 te'd Ihey needn't Kver.v thing would Ilium ,1,'i'n. i - , . , i i-i, led. fin- I hem. I liey assented . ... .1.1(11., , III ,' 1. I 1 1 1 without Interest and llu'ii began call ing in their cats "Come. Waller. Lilly. Antheny. Ileleise. Tabby, Jeshua, Peteikin t llie sound of their voices nils ami U s of all ages and breeds begun In lump out of the house. "Held en." cried an alaiineil elhier. "Veu ain't Relng le take them calsV Yeu inu'i de it." "Then." said Isabella, slumping her feel, "we win net go. I lefilse te move an Inch." Forced Inte Ambulaiue M'ler an Ineffectual effort al per vii.'islnn the officers seized llie sisteis mid I forced them tevvaid the auibulance ' The old women fought and screamed. ami begged rescue trein the uewil of I neighbors thai had gi'theied in Hie 'street te see the old ladies move te ! the poerhoiise, The ambulance moved efT mid when It wus lmlf way down the read Man and Isabella ciuild be , heard still i ailing le their cats. I Vlie the women wete beleie they came te Gloucester no one knows, hut a legend siivs they belonged te a very geed family. Tlie neighbors say they 1 had net been outside of their little house for mere than seven yenis Occasion- 'ally someone in Philadelphia sent lliein i money, but most of this was pent en feed for the cats. 1 NOW HE'S JUSTLY FAMOUS Well, It's a Fish Story, All About a 1 Sciaeneld But Read It When neighbors encounter Jehn Den- llllllC, lit million Mill. IIK'im ' llllllin, ,,. iii ilie town the.v gieel him in terms, I ..r ,1...... ,.,,stiMCl ninl sinillll hevs vvhlslu" le each ether as he passes. Fer Mr Deniiliue's nan.c is writ leu among tlie justly gicaV , Te measure properly Mr. Meuuhue s 'greatness It must be explained thai re- iceiitly he went fishing at Fertesene, Del., and landed the largest croaker ever found in these or any ether watcis. Net without a gtcat struggle, however. It took the help of live men for Mr. Donahue te land Ihe lish. and lu Mm end 'the scmeneiii nan in ne spiuce. i ne ernnker was as long as a man arm i and weighed us much ns a seven-year, old child. What is le Mie point, however. Is Mint at tlie liisl curl of his neighbors' "lips Mr. Donahue dove into llie luiiigar h and produced llie monster, silencing the. I skeptics thereby forever. It in new en exhibition en Cemiiiin-1 ulen Uew of Upper Darby-Borough. i -W 'L i$LJif?U ... vA . S tjH Is .Mrs. Atbertu .Meadows, (weiiti-ear-eld j Philadelphia Rail Men Man Cars and Fraternize With Mal- contents CAMP IN CAR BARNS II y ii Staff CtirirKitrtmlitil ISunnle, X. V.. July IS. Tlie Milieu management is coping with P.ulTale's sireet car strike in a manner unique in 1 1 iiii-it history. Fer the first time trolley labor up heavals, which In the past ha operators and operatives alike many millions, ate being fought with con cen con sideiatien and courtesy, "Vacatienists riem Pliilad'dpbia and mere than Mill Mitii'ii-linlued sueei lailway men, nil volunteers, already have arrived lieie le take stijkcis' jeli.v. They aie finternlrJiis with the sirik crs In some insiaiiies tliev tell tliem: "Wjj, are net here le s(eal veur fobs away from you. We are lieie te held your jobs for you until you can succeed In bicakliig away fiem leaders who prevent you from rcieiving exeelleut wages and squme ticntincni.' "We fi run Philadelphia knew tin? Mitten plan works for the wcllnie of all concerned, "Yeu men aie uel even asking for mere money. Yeu me throwing awav ?iri.()(ll) a day that your families need because a liandl'ul of men aie deter- mined te gel this company, ler which we have winked In Philadelphia, le siK an agreement en the will mean recognition oiled line Mini f a union. Ii ' will also mean that a few men ull thrive en your placing your interests In their unstable hands," Herbert G. Tllllcy. piesiileul of the Inleriiatlenal Railway Company, which under Milieu management epciates the Hlllfille traction system mi a peiceiituge ha' is. sd today that William C. Ma Ma hen. of Del i nil, piesiileul of the Amal gamated Association of Stieet Railway Kuipieyiw, ipiil frankly admitted le him llliil Mie still,,. xu,s uiijuslllied. "Why don't you control these men then, mid make iheiu icliiiu te work," Mr. Titlley asked Malum. "It can't be done." the hitler had replied. "Fer these lenders heie at Ilulfiile Imve jumped ever the traces and are out of hand," Many of the sttlkeis admit that thev arc agulnst the strike, which involves '-'Mill men. and thai they wnuld I ct urn l guiiiiv te wen; ii nicy weie net dnnii- i Tills was icainee just as t lit i oieucr anted by fear of the strike leadei s jnu i w n ready te give a Verdict of suicide, personal venuennce ngnlnst ihuin. Kvery Identifying uiarkhml been re- Tliele has been miiiie violence. Cars ' moved fiem llie body. The only pos have been sinned, briv-ks hurled inu'i I lblr clue that llie peliie imve m work boulders and obstructions placed mi ihe 'oil is il straw lull found near the body, lulls in the last tweniv -four hones ! containing the address nf "F.iglnh nnd Mayer Schwab at tirst il leurs. ilecl liei t'nilliiiifil mi 1'iwt ine. t'eliieei I'mr DENBY NEAfTdeATH Secretary , Escapes When Plane Is Wrecked at China's Great Wall Pelting. July III. (Hy A. P. (-Secretary Deuby. of the I'nltcd Suites Navy Depnitnient narrowly escaped death here Mils afternoon in un nil plutic accident. He was Hying at a height of lOlltl feel OVCI' the 1 1 rent wall when the engine of the plane broke down. The machine was demolished in lauding, hut Mr. Denby was uninjured, GRIEVING FOR PATROLMAN, GIRL DIES FROM POISON Bluecoat Shet Dead In Making an Arrest Hese Gallagher, said te have been a friend of James l.uinhcit. (he initielmiin killed Sunday night when lie ntieuiiiled te arrest Irauk Dennelly at Tenth and Callewliill streets, died this ineinlteg in llie l!iihcmiimi Hospital. The girl swallowed poison yesteiday Hi Ninth nnd Locust stieels, ' She (old physleluns Mint she Iiad been grieving ever l.nnilieit'.s ilenlh. She lived at 'M'M North Eleventh street. 'u- feSitz.' MAN IS KILLED IN WALL GAVE-IN Anether Is Buried by Dirt and Rocks at Bread Street and J Allegheny Avenue ACCIDENT OCCURS ON OLD CONVENTION HALL SITE Workman in Hospital Is Badly Crushed and May Die One workman was killed and another seriously Injured al 1 1 I'Jft o'clock this morning when the wall of a basement they were digging for a building en the site of the old Convention Hull. Rreail street and Allegheny avenue, collapsed. The dead man. who was sfnetliered. was Jeseph Scoprlge. slsty-three, of ."i!2 Rising Sun avenue. August Merde, HS.VJ North Sixth street. Is In the Samaritan Hespltnl with internal injuries, which may prove fatal. , , ,,, Scoprl.e ninl Merde were digging with several ether workmen fifteen feet be low the street level en the north side of the building site. The wall which It had net been considered necessary l brace because it contained w much rock, fell without wnrning. burying Sc'oprige under tens of earth and stone and Imprisoning Met de. Other workmen worked trantieally te Meide and uncover Scoprige. Tlie injured mini was leleased first and lushed te tlie hospital. He was un conscious. It was several minutes be fore the body of Scoprige was uncev- Tlie opeinlien was being done by the I Howden" Construction Company, llt"" i Chestnut street. Hush 11. Gibsen. Ker-t,-rirs( stieet ami Maple ncnuc. su perintendent in cliaige of Ihe weik. I told tlie police that it had net been con- I sidereil nccessmv te lirace ine wnu. ADVENTURE FADES; GIRL IS STRANDED I Ellen McKay, Missing Frem Ocean j City. Lured by Bright Lights The bright dreams of gny city life I ,i.... i., ....,.. Li-.nnii.iiiiir.nul mill erniiKiii incu.. -.-.i-... ..v.... ..... F.lleu McKav. of Ocean City, te Phila delphia ended in n hopeless wieck last night when she gave up the light and appealed te the City Detective Bureau for help. , The girl walked into the Bureau shortly after midnight with the plea flint she had lest all her money en her way te the train as she wus returning te iier home ltj Ocean City. Detective Mower get In touch with the Ocean City polite, mid was told by i hem (hat the girl had been missing since July !l. Her mother. Mfs. P, T. IIiiien. said shr would come ter llie girl lednv or send her grandmother. Mr. J. I.. Ful ler, te bring her home. ROBBERS IN AUTO FOILED BY SHOTS Bullets Hit Machine Policeman Believes Fugitive Was Wounded The neighborhood of Fert v -sixth and Walnut stieets was aroused at " o'clock this morning when a natrol natrel man, tiring Ids icvelver as be inn. tried te hair two lubbers in an aule. Glnss spattered ever the street as a bull"' slintlcicd the windshield of the speeding car. Sevcinl ether shots lired at close range struck the machine, and police believe die of tlie highwaymen was wounded. A "hunch" nf Patrolman Miller, of the Fifty -fifth and Pine streets station, led In (lie Iriislralieu of II Cpbber.V . Miller became suspicious when lie saw an automobile step iii trout of -liitu Walnut stieet as lie was patielllng his beat. MURDER CLUE HALTS VERDICT OF SUICIDE Motorists Tell of Struggle Where Bedy of Man Was Found A mill tier mvstery has developed fol lowing the finding of the body of a man along ihe Stale lead near Mlllville. X. J., Monday, who was lirsi thought te have been a suicide. Information given te 1'nwrnitnr Wind, of Cumberland County, toil;)' was le llie clTei I that a party of motorists saw it leirilic snuggle In the read at llie point neur where the limlv wus found, ami iiad taken one mail. unconscious, te u nespiin I'ilbeit stieels. Philadelphia." The. name of tlie makers nl the hut had been mill nut. which has led, In the belief thai the man - a l'liihiildphiau. The suicide theerv was incepted al lilsl because of the finding of n ie. velver at llie side nf the body, ami a bullet wound in the right temple WILL OF ARTHUR DORRANCE BENEFITS 3 GENERATIONS $2,000,000 Estate in Trust Until Great-Grandchildren Are of Age Details nt tin will of Ailhur 'I Dorrum e. feiindei of i In- rniuphcH's Soup Ceinpanv. of Cimiltii. wen uimli public today. It ilispes, s of an c.iuti of mere llme N'MIINI IHIII it,. I. Tjiiiii :.. i... ,..i. ... .,.. i.i. ' win, i,,i, 'w in iiiniim nil llie lilVeilllll I 'mi n I ry Club, the Derrmice lluuse nl Hiverten and its tiulliar,v prepeny are left le his only daughter, Mrs, Theresa Derrmice Greves. The principal, how ever, ami accrued interest is te be as signed among Mrs. tiievcs' three chll i(ren, from lliiee le feliiiccn vcais of age, vvliii will derive the inleiist, until i the majority of gtaiiilcllildieil, yet tin born, muuiig whom the ptimipal will' be distributed, Abllllt S227(l is lift in bequests I,,' demestic1'. imi vu i j vv.a.-vi .v i m;ii ai reviiiiui.i- Th eltiflllKil riilumiiM eC I Ik. I'ahtic l.i-Uxer Hit iemt at the teal bargain 10 b round In Ud,Ct en pat .'J. Adv. S V. h'i't -",''" Runaway Wife's Remance Broken, She Takes Poison .Forgiven, Philadelphia Weman Lies in Wil mington Hospital After Writing "Forgive Me, Tem, I Could Net Help Myself" Mrs. Themas Kverlnglinm. twenty three years old. Is critically III in n 'Wilmington hospital, expected le die, lis the result of a shattered iiuiiancc, Inte which the "eternal triangle" en tered. ' I'litll an curl hour this morning her husband and two mnll children, who hurried le lit r bedside from I heir home at I7I1 Market ulrccl. this city, snt slleiitlj alongside the dying woman llntening te her ideas for fergleness. Kvergliam Interrupted Ids long vigil long enough le make a hurried trip te Ills home, nAler premising his wife that he would return ns senn s possible. He left his two children. Ralph, reitr year old. and Alfred, two. witli their mother. Th Kveringliains were married seven yen is age in a Minnesota village. They had been childhood pln.unates and swcetheaits. Six months age Tveringliain lest hist position In liN home town anil brought his pietly young wife and children te this city, llecause of l educed circum stances the.v were forced le make tlie trip in Kvcrluyhiim's small moteitruik. I'pnn their in rival lie enteicd ihe ex pi ess husine.'s, Kven the meager earnings fiem tlie operation of the motertruck failed te dim the happiness of tlie couple. Hut after a sheit lime thej found il im pair iicnl le live in coiuferi without an added ii'veiiue. Kvei'iiigliiiin and his wife tool. In a lie.irdei'. . "P,lg Charlie" .i he w:i. known, was the l.eclilmhr out of the West. In an swer te an advertisement h, Kvci liignain he nppciii ed one morning nbeni two mouths nge ninl iinmiiiiiiit Ij nude Iiii.i - LAST-MINUTE NEWS LATEST RACING RESULTS EMPIRE CITY First Scnrciew, 7-5, 3-5. 1-3. wen; x-Susi-ann, 10-1, 4-1, 8-5, second; Noen Glide, 20-1, 8-1. 4-1, third. Time, 1.02 3-5. Betty Weed, Bijou, Clevaly, Heirloom. Yankee Traveler, Noenhour. Ghost, xSyndicnte, Eris, Gray Bnnet also ran. xCeupled. VIENNA MOB PROTESTS AGAINST RISING PRICES VIENNA, July 10. A Targe number of men nnd wpiuen from the industrial district invaded the city today nnd made a demon stration before the Parliament buildings ns n pretest ngnlnst the Government's failure te check the continuously rising prices. The movement wns the result of a secret meeting of women held Friday night. BOOSI IN 1AX RATE SEEN BY GAFFNEY Warns Appropriations te City Departments Must Be i Curtailed. I HALL IN MANY TILTS An iii.-H'i n llie tn mie ter lP'.'L' was pieilli'ieil iiidny by Chalimau ilall- liev, el ( 'illlln il 's. Finance CnUllllillec, iiules- .iddittnmil iipprnpi intlens in i ilepni t Itl'-ll I Weie -tupped llllllliillat e! . II muled ibis waiiuug at a iii- ! - iiig nl ihe i'lnaine Cnuimiltce and ie iiiimled lueiubeis thai although the city new lui'l a ib'licil of SI .'J.'O.llliil thete weie aihliiiemi1 ileum nils fiem various departments aggregating S'Js7,(iiiii. The meellllg wus luarkeil by uilllieieiis lilts betwein Ceunclluiau Hall and i heads of villains department who made reiilet fel lunie n.eiiey . The mil. ilepni tmeiil which mei wuli i.lipimal n the Gaffnev -Hall i. union. i I t Ii ill we- (hut nf the City Cnuilnllei lladley Gels Sllr, Ciiv Cniiiinller Dudley appealed pel - jseually and iiskeil for SlPJ." te employ I men te rii laify lecerds. i "Yeu'ii. the only ilepni iiuent whuh lives within its appiiipiiulluu." said Hall Mr Gaflnev nodded npprev Irigly . The n'nue! was gianled. "hit f insenii. Itureaii of Smvey. asked fei s."(i:i fei adiliiienal luintiug ! I II 1 1 ill ilue le ihe iiiciease ill building 'iiiisiiiiciieu Till wa- gtauieil. A luiuist tei Sll.'Illil n puichiise auiouio auieuio auiouie liiles lei Miiveyiu was lefiisfd. Mr. Hall -aid the city was imi u-iug 'the i.u it Iiad unw pinperly. He as- 'seued that Assistant Diiectnr Wugiui, I Depiiitmeui of Public Wmh, hail a car whiili siniiil idle all day. Hall said that ibe iaiiii cms wnuld net have been nieile I if inei e eioiiemli: lueai-uU'.s I ml hei Ij 0 act n eil. Il was ai this point thai Mi Uafl'iiev sounded llie warning legnrdlug the i.i'x rate lie -aid: "I waul te say te veu 'gentlemen thai yeu'ie new one and a iiumicr million behind, and il ymt inn Millie the pin ii I'nr iiddllinuni appm- iniiiiinns ..en ii nil,, uie peoeie Willi nil increased la inle ler llC'J." He uigeij mere stint ei euiiuiy m nil city ilcpnri inenis. TELL McELMOYLEJO MOVE Presbytery Orders Marrying Parson te Leave Elkton Manse Wilmington, Del., .July III, .pi,,. New Castle Ptesbyierv has ordered the Itev. Jehn McKlmey Ie. tlie marrvliig paisen, in vacate within Milriv dnvw llie manse of the Flklen Iiliri'h of who li lie feimerly was pastor. " ' --' i ,Tir CITY'S 1IK8T JtlOUKK 1'K a Heti, Kiberen ArirequQU.l?tdv ALATNTIC 1I.U..I 11n I ntu u.,l ,v..l, In the modest hum". H suld Ills name was Charvs 'Upoiiipsen j and hail been a policeman in lilcage. Kvcrlngliam ami lie pint I te eper- nfe an express Iiusnes. .Meanwimei Mr l.'..., li I'MUVIIIlllg ti,r,ln line lilillfllel' COIIlflirlable. Several weeks age Hverlnghnm bis-ame , suspicious. He silspicled that ' I'R j Churlle" was becoming loe tanuimi. Last Tuesday ne retui ncil te Ills home after an unusually busy day. He found the Iweliltle clilldien pleying en the parlor fleer. On tlu table be found a note written by hl !.. in ii ui inld him that she liail found her true mate In "Hlg Churlle, ! and thai I hey were going aw a v. I "Please forgive me. Tem,' she wrote. "I cannot help myself' Then she learned that "i'.lg Char was but temporary, and when they .ir rived in Haltimere. he told her lie, already had a wife In the West, i It would in; best, lie s,(d. they ( lerget one another. I .Mrs. r.veriiighnm left "Hlg Chnrlle j at the station and hurried home. Kill I when she pleaded with her husband f'i j forgiveness it was net le lie iiad. "Ge away." shouted Kvcriughnm, ' "you love Charlie, Veu told me se in ' your letter." ' liven tearful pleas from Ihe young wife failed te gain a word of sympathy from her husband and she went away, leaving the two eliildmi behind. .Mrs. Kveriiigliam leek refuge villi an aunt in Wilmington, and tried te for get tlie past. Finally the struggle lieeame unbear able and Mrs. Kverlngham decided le end .her life. She loe), poison. "I'll give tier another chain e." Kverlngliiini svild this morning. "I suppose Thompson took mhautace of ni'y frequent absences and we.inecl her away from inc. I'm willing te lerglve ami begin mer agiiln." SLUR ON KNICKERS STARTS FIST FIGHT Youth in Gelf Togs at 16th and i - Chestnut Sends Critic te Hospital THEN GOES TO JAIL Harry MiCinili. '.".'Oil Walnut .lieel. is a man nf actum He pi n vel It tmlav . ami h tn ih' dcli'.'ht ,,f seveial hiindied ium-lieell-lliilll- prnuieiuiilers III SiMcelllll Mid Cliestliui street I Ippnitunity In nnve hi ,i,,vM'. Wlls g.veu Milii.ttli when he III I IV eil al llie iiniiil naiueil aliiieil in a golf sail Willi klliiker .The attire did uel -eeiii in meei the nppieval nf Dnllnn Mi'Kelliit. I'.ighiei'irh and Mniei slicels, and mmlher yeiilh wiih Iiim. nnd lliey sa'il n, "Where's the i;of sinks':" nkei nnc nf the youths, af'ei expressing Ins evs no the l.lii, kei s. "What de vim wnul In knew ler':" H'plli-ll .Mi-I'l-illh ' Oil. well, that - nip tnhilege,' sai.l McKellltl. Ill her winds fellow isi me ipiii M., in be iielnl. Seveial person- IiIiiimI iu with gieal inleiest Then lists tlevv . e-t of :ln ii;, seemed le belong le Mcliralli Manv in theiiewd who s.iv, the s,nn cln-cuil as he hanceil awav at his eppniieut MiKilllll n-iPlveil lig!ilaiel lefls in i lie jaw, il ii-, tin nl,- ami lie k, and it Ti ii ilia Mie i niini ,.. Insl- tnr he tell li.ud.waiil as a bitf M.. -I . ve nail, liiiau al I hi d ninl aileii "lime !" Mi Ixellili was mLni in the 1 1 ti h 1 1 - maim .. i,.paii.. wlib-li m- i llldeil a lillli k I'll, and lir.ed ee. ing-. MiGrath was ai-'eied and taken m I uy Hall. A ter ih,. ether veuili. li is ,mc, I lui l lie will mine itieiiuil and gn,. lu ll, inie. s,, Mini a ilelalleil i the light mighi be fort I ulii,'. CRISIS LOOMS IN ROME Parliamentary Glelltt Situation te Return Causes Heme, Julv IP. -A ministerial , ,.,js Is considered lu pnili.iuieuiai v iines ns Inevitable It is learned that feimer Piemiet Gleliltl, who has been spending a short . Minimi ie l II ami lielgiuui luiiiiug Iii It living In the pai'limueiilai.v -il.inUuu. Is II'. acute MISHAP DELAYS TRAIN Sen till hilliilifil iiliiuiuieis ftem Ailmii'ci ily nrilvcd nearly a half hour hue Mils niuriilng Lectin e i it,,. Mt i"h " - ' viHin mi, uu nil HIP I O 1'IOf'i ''"W'1"1"111 !iXK'ihh Tlu "tIl im. I currcU about hulf xj te lslill8detpblav ing et n cenuectin',' red en tlie 7 o'clock- nil HARDING S PLi TO OPEN MINE! Executives of Eight Coal-Pre-' ducing States Pledge Presi dent Hearty Ce-operation READY TO AID GOVERNMENT IF EMERGENCY ARISES Operators Requested te Resume I Werk and Premised Ample ) Protection LODGE APPEALS TO PEOPLE Lewis, Undisturbed, Declares Uijien Miners Will Net Re turn te Werk i Hu Aiiectatrrl ;! Washington. jh ;. -Hep'les from Governors of i-enl-preducing StntP, vviie were called en yestenlnv by PrP ideiit Harding te co-operate vvilh th Federal Government lu protecting milieu nt which npciutlnus a re. resumed, began Unlay te pour into Mm While Heme. Most of the Governors said that they would support the Federal policy If airy emergency should arise ninl outlined their plan for doing s. Texts of icplles received' from Got Get Got rnets follew: Governer Merrow Kentucky : "Re plying te ymtr telegram I will isuelo isuele tilglil t'l'iiesihiv i iu the fnrm of n proc- ; lumntlnn a reipiesi te all mine operators in open men mines nuil te nil miner) in return te their employ metii or te seek employment when Mie mines are open, and am giving lull assurance te nil per sons (ciin erne, I Mint every power of the Stnle will be used whenever and wher ever necessary In maintain law and or der, mid te pinlect every citizen in the iiiiebstiucted exercise of this consti tutional rights. Your poltien as an nounced Is umpiPstieunhly cerreet nnd should lie unhesitatingly pursued. I will -sitppeit and mainliiln it." Governer Mel'ray. of Indiana: "Telegram just received. Indiana mint: operator' have been invited le resume mining operations. Ample pint eel ion will lie given le pretict life and piepcrty ." Hardvvlili Issues Proclamation , .1 Governer Ilnitfvv iet. nf Cwii-einr "T 1 hiiive yetn--stidesiTftlt-TH''4tli;:affrTntiHji, li have carefully noted its. contents ana " agree ncarllly with you. This merninv I issued 11 pmi'lumntinn callinir en nil 1 law -aliiiling citizens 1,, obey- the jaws I and in preserve pence and elder. 'have sent 11 strong military force te Wnycniss, Uu,. in iiic distuibaiic Mlicre ami In pie-erve order. I Imve notified all peace mid police officer , of this State 10 preserve order nnd te keep down disturbances and Imve piem- ied them military aid whenever necei- sary. I lieljeve tin- Vatienal Guard of Ginrgia will lie adeiiiiite for that pur- , piise. Protection of persons nnd prep-x, city is the put'iimnum duly of llie Ger- ci mucin ami Hie Male government of ergla siniiil siiimrely wllli you and will co-epeiale fully with tlie Federal iilheriiies te 111:1 i 111 a in ami tiicservft irder 'imi may cnunl mi full, pre nipt and wlmle-liearieil cn-uperatiun from llie." Governer Kendall, levvn "As Chief Fxecijllve of Iowa. I pledge every re source nf the Stale in the support 0f the pt'iiginm you huve inaugurated for the ri lief of llie coal situation " Governer Slieup. Coletado- "As Gov Gov ereor of Coletailo. I will iii-operate with Piesiileul Harding mid tlie Federal .iillherilies In llie fullest e.xtent. "' Gnvcrnur Meclicni. New Mexico "All tool mine- .ne npermiug and produc tion is siitln lent ler nil present needs.'' Governer Hint. Washington "I beg '0 advise veu ibi-re is uu tumble In ibis Slate, ami I have faith In the npeiatei's and miners thai tin condition pus ipiimiug a demand for Federal In lerfeienie will iiiIm." (ioverner Ilvde. of .Missouri, infeinied ilie Piesiileul lie would lake immediate steps m begin production el coal iu 111 State. 'I'be siiuaileii lu Illinois was ri'it dci cd urn 1 1 tain lii'iau-c et the absence uf Geveruiii Small fiuni the Stale. Uitige Appeals te People Coincident wiih the niiival of the icplic. fnuii ihe (iiivci ii'ii-s, Senater Ledge, nf Masai liiiMits. lu a formal taiemcni. urgul "all patriotic Ameri- an tn sustain the l'i I'-lilcni'' in Ills pingiuni fur dealing Willi the cesl strike. "Picsideiii Hauling asked, as Presi dent liuuscvctt asked in 1!KU, Mie mine uwiicrs ami the miners tn aibiltate their ditlcieiices," said Senater Ledge. "A majority ni the mine uwueis consented, Tlie millet letilseil. The Ptesident linn new teiiie-ied Hint the mines be opened nnd prepuses that nil whu are willing te Wulk be plulei-tetl le the tlllcs extent, it iii'uiiu bv all llie fin res uf tlie Slates and Natien li seem the plain est and uiu-L ab-elule tint u ull pa pa tiietlc AiueilcaiiN te sustain the PrcsU dent . 'Wllllitlil leseivatinll of piirpeM ( niitliiiit-il 1111 fitter li ('iiliimn Os SUSPEND PATROLMAN ' AS A BOOTLEGGER Still Found When Martin Kennedy's Heme Was Searched I'alieliumi Mm uu Kennedy, of ths Twentieth mid Federal streets Ma Ma tieii, was u.sit nded iiidny 011 cliarges of buetleggiiig. Ills case probably wtll I go le tlie Federal autheiilies, 1 Lieiiteumil Gallaglier, commendlnc the distill t. vvm, nutlfirdr through an, I nneiiy moils letter Mint Kennedy was 1 nulling :i still at his home, 1111 Seuth 1 Twenty fourth street, and was selling whisky te Ins iicipialuimici', Tlie lieu tenant mul two deiectltek visited ths Kciiucdv home ami found net merely the still but fifteen gallons of moon shine. Kennedy was feimerly n rnlenukfeptf 111 Twenty -tirst mid Federul street. ' " 1 Am: ion 1.00KIN11 kir iiKi.rr I'MU hun tlm vrrv Prer uu vtntr Iifrt, ttalLS under tfUutlen 00 ts 2.I,r ' - V r -vv.limj .& Sk 'j- m M n 4 "ii -it OT j.';.Ui sy viyct