SHBwIBBIHHHVIBiI9rCtwVw? aHB A. 1 . MfK . ' ' y T &$p K i?Vi SFKUM' IHTSW if: &? Ki" . fev V M v li ffii B. F tft . a-v v , 1 ER" C icueriutg fwbltc meager PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY' 13 1922 bSbIbybybV.. 'BhBBBBWPMIvtBBW ,bH". - ' vbV "e 49r H; frhf-f jbIbtbt ffvsJi BBBBBB. BSSWF'wbB HGm mi reBBBBV&&W ABBB BWWwlBwB.'3 JWBBBj 'r.a.v ... .yn'vv v BBBBBBBW- ' bbb9bw BBBBBBBBBbPBBBV? -...' BBBBBBBBBBBbSBBb v ' s eBBBBBBBBBBBBKT, ' bHVPIb VBTBTBTBwklPlv a Tibtbtbtbtbtbtbtr f ' ' HM& bj&K&dElik BBKlsSBBT , '. f'A A.. X.K. W J" s.1- jf a '. -j v tA, . .s ' . f i , ?t' -jf VS ! " j. US ' :I1h ' ;.' "t'71 :'; ;- ''-;;- M i ? JOHN MULLIGAN, butler, tried MR. LKWIS BRINTON who hurried te the hospital after THE BRINTONS SUMMER HOME. It is at Roscment and is the property of Eckley B. Cexc. PATROLMAN ISAAC SMITH (left), Cadsyi Sakmai, te overpower chef, who stabbed Mr?. Brinten hnd been attacked by the Japanese The police found the heuse en Arc, and were forced te se through the smeke te the third fleer ' chef, and Patrolman Hatch. Hatch wag overcome by him with the ice pick before takinp their prisoner smeke when he tried te reach the Japancse mh - ,-. irn ,-kl l It - 1 t it t .. 11 -. f i 4 'M ml. -11. .1. l1 ' At .1. -- J.I. uuJiU f. 1 !. A. 1tfu- ntl.u 1..1 At- . Tm m.A. a4taAKlluJl. f I . . A1KS. Liwih ki4 iim is in tnc uryn iiawr nespuai. lausyi .nKmni, -irs. rinten s Japanese cnei, is in custeay cnargca wun staDDing nor. i no auacK was ine nuiBruin 01 a uispuie evcrinn wearing 01 a wniie coat. iura. unnmn nsicu ,no euvanvuvw wiai inu mui in me Kitchen. 'Mi niuvu Llltlt LllU uiuivi no nu wtiiiu iui u iuai, kjun,niai nvi iiiu iv mu jmhivvh iiuiiiu cuui vnv dvhuuih(, SERGEANT WILMER TJ rtwe ' ENT, who found the chef en thi mu iiuur mwiK. ,MSSKsMv.: Li5?-:7rS?3 feiij. '-n -- .. ":i ' ' ' ":& V. . - vs W Ki.'i" - ' . .WjCflN - ,',-. JT ' ' a Ik. f - VNWK? tIs. 1 BPiPWjils' iww'! si ' s - )r: ra . 3 -- ; If i - H - '$S yk i" 'J A. . - a.' B TAB BBBlKfttKtBBflBBBBf 'HBmBwHbwBwBwB ' $ BBv ' BVBw " '' BVBw BVBB --,.--i'i a9bbTbTbTbV ' I'RKh STATi: RIFLEMEN u-rd a hole in the LENA FAGEN. of the wall of an unoccupied buildinp in reutiiiK McKmley Scheel, cham fnipcrs. The buildmf? was damaged bj gunfire pien of gh-l hopscetchers JOE SIMPSON in action. He finished second. Jee represented Girard school I. GOLDBERG, Lcidy playground. Best up town boy hopscetchor They took part in the junior elimination finals of Philadelphia hop scotch championship at McKinley school playground ONE OF OCEAN CITY'S LIFE GUARDS. Douglas Crate, a Lafayette Collcge student, is n speedy swimmer. He's Ne. 18 MRS. W E. BOUAST. of Carlinville. 111., only turf driver of her sex in the United States BbPSI BB bwbwbwbV ' i x. H BBBB v . "ii $SKr . ( JCJMBBBB8Bg!wTi(5J?3PEMWy D" ' jWMBMBW&iBBMMWBnMBMBlM----,,J VLrn?9B3B333BVBVBVlBBlCC,99f flBli i ?8Sli f Pyfcy'VBiiryfcyBBKBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBB BiesVBt ''" ' iif3? VlaBaBaBaBaBV BaBv jFsbVbW .BmBWBmS liBci- tPi ' 'TF jMriBBBTvf 'Km&f' 'fiK' 9BeBfHHF ""' wHv fll T - t . ''"', 3vSW:;fflPWWBBS3--H rfy?-vv '9KwrirBBBKP4'J5k7"LVr -XiA,S.' i '1 ' ",,"'-I ""l " " ' ' " ' fcWMP ' I in 1 h ! I ! i 1 J TONY DUKE at Seuth. impten, L. ., uhere his mother, Mrs. C. B. Duke,ii spending summer BBBB'AA? BBBBBBBBBBBh-, v i ' JiBBBBBBM il) BaBaflBaBaBW BBBBiPllBBBBm''j Bb.JHB ARTHUR E. RENDLE talks of public golf courses in Editorial Page interview CHICAGO POLICE AND ROBBERS IN STREET BATTLE. One of the bandits was killed and a policeman badly injured. The car in which the robbers were riding went through the fence after the chauffeur had been shot GET ON THE RIGHT SIDE AND STAY THERE. But the right side of Londen sidewalks is the left side. A crusade is en te regulate pedestrians HOW ANITA TOOK THE SLIDE. "Gracefully" is right. ' Miss Anita Stewart, SIR RICHARD SQUIRES film star, attended a Chinese fete given by society women at Bay Shere, Leng Island is going te England for vacation. He is Primi Minister of Newfoundland DR. FRANCIS X. DERCUM. of Philadelphia, aboard the. Olym pic, en his way te Europe MISS ESTHER ROWLAND was knitting as she watched an in teresting tennis match at Menen CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? W-4. S& sSiJ'Z; ? t1 js. JfcsSiaSi'Z; 13 m MbbbV - BBK Qx i ' i.::., c atsti-? ffiz& iiif-IA. r-rym Z?f&H ji.. ' i. . ( ti , vtw. i v..''"' "ftftz w' , . z 5"v,M4 ' "''' ""' BVBV9BBS4wn''Mk,v'r9SnBBWI BKBrBaBaBvBBBMBVBwBaBaBVJBBBaBVBacX BksVbVbBhsVJbWbVbVbVbVQbVBbT kJbbIbIbVbVbVbVbVbVbVk I r 'JpSt?f JBBlMUcBRHL 3frjf3 hBWbVbCA wv"Bi B . I saBBBBBBaW bbybybybvbybybwbbybw JBBTBTBBBmBTBTBTBTBTBTBTB '"' BHBHBHBHBHBHBHBBBHBHBHBfafL ' BPSmHH ii BTBTbWSbTBTBTBTBiBTBTBTBTbI; ''"' BBBwBnbvL 'uP'j?' f WaV i SLiJ MISS ELIZABETH SANDS, GERALD DEMPSEY finds timi of New Yerk, is passing the for pole as he summers at Mr- summer at Newport ragansctt Pier LILLIAN ERBE is one of the Philadelphia swimmers who en joy a dip nt Plcnsant Hill Park SPEEDING AFTER THE BALL. The Bryn Mawr pole four journeyed te Rumson, N. J., te meet the Rumson Country Club pole team HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? An English bather wearing a novel suit at Brighten Beach IbBeBBbBbBWBb ' et--"-" ABYBYBH flBBBBBBS''V Win SB?BBBBWm.BBBbV wKf VBPwBBBvF '? H THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TENTH STREET AND GIRARD AVENUE, us it looked in 1890. The photograph was contributed by Mrs. Themas H. Sicber, 1010 Girard avunue. Send your old-time .Philadelphia views te the Memng Public Lldgeb RAYMOND W. PUTNAM, of Massachusetts, was bcntenccd te bpund two nights in a herse's iBtall, for cruelty THE SESQUI-CENTENNIAL DIRECTORS IN SESSION. The camera clicked aa Jules Mastbauin (standing) nominated Edward Bek for president. At Mr. Mastbaum'6 right is Judge Bonniwell; back of speaker, Councilman Hall BPWbB BB BBbUMMMbBBBBB) 7 BtaBtVijSSSiSiS?SBBgBBBWBMBlBBBBw BB JBBBBBBBBBEHtf!BMBrslffiUyiBmBBfBBBBBBH WL.y!AfaMWEBBHgfiiSaMBB P-'laBHBBBBBBv9'CuSSBH9BBBBBBWI l ;.3k 'Mv.w.tBBV3BvKKM?fl7JBKsKBBBB . " I i l'fflHBiV4BGFH,iBKBVBVBVBVBM " "" "" "" """" "" " " " " m i ('- ! "''' " rs.SBBKSBBMMC SBBtl,;iVBBBBBBBBBM r. i"iiii wv r? r 'BrBB i eBBBBBBBTuvii! ' KBbBvBwBuKBBVJu B. r eB3BBf vBBBvBl9XHniaBiwrBVjBaiBVBV V RbVwBbBCQbMkjbV ' ' ''VbVwBhvI m4Mmm. flA BBBKBBxlSkMk7kr7S rBBB J J-jvBBMqBBETiB iMiiii-. .m -. SBnBBBVBrv Itv L BW tBBBE.l5HiBfl .BBbBBI IMIHBB ,t- v 4 BBJBpBjP nsjs?-' BBBBBT jBHrSHBrPC ijfv'vv "aBBfcwii"'''''?''''- 1 ABBBBBK BVVhBIbIbwB VV. . H BB AWBWBWjHI J?Oe b1KBN. ., M& C ,mk JB RAYMOND C. NEWL1N, held in $20,000 bail for court, in Ceatcsvillc National Bank embezzlement REHEARSING FOR THE FIRST CONCERT. Victer Kelar dijJ his men at the Lemen Hill pavilion, as they went evcrHha-'Pr ""v, which waa prescntcdJast evcnlni , te it U .?.-. (ST 3m k 4- , fc 1 S -fl .-A-l vr, fM ,'yV. -h. i-? f t. . f !!'J'IJ'- ,v i j nr,..w