Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 18, 1922, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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Li''.' . '"M
fcgntl) T i i III 1 I If '
,rt f
Sectional Battles Attract Attention in Twilight Baseball scneauie
' ' ' I i ...I -till I .... -.Ill menl Tvlnlll1(r
Cermantewh' and Stenton Field
Club Clash for Suburban
Baseball Honors
Tlilf Is n bis day for Independent
fcgwbnll (enmi. nnrt inmiy sectleiml
rhninpleii'.lilp t-trlfcs nre listed en tlje
rftlendnr nf tenlglit'H games. The con cen con
tlnuntlen of one of the liipsr-st scrleti
tit fnnrllencd In the nntlennl pastime
takes plare at SheU.Hne Park, flread
nil Hisler streets, where the Seuth
Phllly Hebrews and the Seuth T'hila
Jieek tip In their second game.
If confidence counts for anything,
then the Sphas should win. They assert
with authority that they have the bet
team, and only attribute their recent
reverse by theSpnes te the fact that the
Bleler street boys were lucky.
f'hil Kellehcr was the pitcher for the
Bpncs In (he opening game, score 5 te 0,
ami he has again been. nominated ter
mound duty. Manager Eddie Gottlieb,
of the tipluiH. will use cither I'linm
bars. Kreppi or Miller. A capacity
rretvil will witness the frn.
Anether Big Series
Up in Otcminntewn another sectional
dffnlr' lll be provided the fans that
premises te make history. Dnve Dennis'
team and Stenton Field Club clash
Jn the first of a series for the suburban
title. The Orrrm easily polished off
Bclticld last neck, but the job with Or Or
maiitewn IIJ be quite different.
"Ur." Powell will take te the hill
hlmelf and. with Kddie (tcrncr having
rrcorered liis pitching stride and Inking
Ms resular turn en the hill, a pitching
duel Is the prediction nt Chelten ave
nue and Magnelia street for tonight.
Marshall Vi. Smith, nftfr being beaten
by the Netth Phils lnt night, returns
home te Tenth and Butler streets and
meets Spring Clty-Tlo.icrsfenl. This
rombinatien of Montgomery County
League players Is one of the best Feinl Feinl
pre clubs nnd expects te get back at the
store bers for n recent reverse.
The Nathit.v Catholic Hub has an
important engagement nt Belgrade and
Ontario streets, where Phil IIsggert
Intend te stage a nine-art affair enti
tled "rtcvenge." It will be recalled
thnt some lime nse the local baseball
werld was iipcet w.hen Kensington Con
gregational hnnrleil Xntivit. a III!-."
walloping. Nativity expects te run up
the fame store tonight.
American Chain Here
American Chain, of Yerk, regarded
by man; as the lieM independent base
ball learn In the State, is back nflcr
finite an nbsenc: nnd meets Britlesburg
at Richmond and Orthodox Ptreels.
The uptewncrs continue te pile up
victories and have no choice in whom
they defeat, numbering all the leading
State teams among their ietlm.
Brideburg has the bet record nf any
flub hereabouts, opponents played con cen
lldered.and possesses the three lending
hurlers en any team in Cost'elle. Stlely
and Kepner. ,
The Flelsher Ynrners bate regained
their stride nnd meet Chester nt
Twenty-elxth nnd Reed streets. The
ynrncr numb-red nmeng I heir Io Ie Io
terles Inst week Mridcsburg. Richmond
(limits and en Sunday beat l.nnsdnle
in eighteen Innings. Bris Lord will
pitch his star. "Reds" Mngulrc. while
Lefty Xelun will depend en Bill Mc
Kenty. liiu Benner, of Shnnnhan, nnd who
bas just tnken charge again, mnkes
his 1022 debut en the home let. and
the man who put Shunahau en the
baseball map will leccive a reusing
welcome, as eerj one is glad te see
Mm hack. The visiting attraction will
he th" North Phillies, a tenm thnt
alrrndv lins played Shanahnn
.rer,il I.
rliivc gnme..
the opposing
The pitching -clo'ilens of
; ; i
teams nre rl unnamed.
Win by Score of 14 te 3 Same
Teams Play Again Tonight
The ftoedfcllows baseball team re
turned te the diamond last night, and
in the opening gnme scored n one-sided
victory ever Hatch Moter, score 14 te 'A.
Tbe game was played at Terty-sevcnth
nnd Spruce streets.
The tame team's clash again this eve
ning at Fifty-eighth and Walnut
Mrcctx, where the (tondfe'lewd new'
hac a home field and Malinger Bill
I.nmbnrdl expects te hand the Hatch
huvs n nut her -ethnck,
Pitcher McVey was the star of last
nlzllt's Oll"llL'('MliMll . in Hint he hrepzeil
n:cntceii batMiieu. The whole (ined- !
felleu line-up looked geed nnd poled out
total of twenty-one bits nt the ex
pense nf Trey. Hutch's star htirler.
Clark nnd Keller led the winners in
hitting, each getting four safeties.
Lit Brethers Baseball Nine
Wins I
Four Gaines In Week
reur games in the last ween, a
turned in the "wen" column. Is the
record of Barney SlnughtPr's Lit
Urethers baseball team, which Is new
hetting the best form of the .ensen.
lhee victories, with two the
, I
PreUeus, make fix in succession for the
ftere heys, and the fans in the neigh
borhood nf Flftv.fnurll, nnrt I'linii n,i,l
j Jet hnve hopes of seeing the city cliam-
1'iuiiwnp ueat in that direction.
The store boys nrn at home tonight
with StenrhurM. another Wct Phllly
entry thnt nlready has t-eered u victerv
ever Slaughter's club. The gnme should
be a close one, nnd a hnrd-feught con
test is te be expected.
Cottagers Will See Famous Hilldale
Team In Action
Bateball fans in the ninimer colon
at Pitman, X. .1.. are en cilce for the
It B ?i"m' l"-"vdd :ib u apeclul attrnctlen
Dy Manager Bell Finery for tonight.
the Hilldale tram, fulered chum
Plcns, will play thn first of two guinea
arranged te be decided en the dlumend
at Pitman
Kd Behlen will ue Phil CeckVcll,
alb pllehlng ace. en the hill, and jutlg
ng hy the iiinnner in which the cot cet
tageif. liae hern phtjlng of late. Bid
'en Mh.iinpliiuM will have te he nt their
''"t. as I'ltumii has ,, surprise In Mete
lur Hi npputiciits.
Jackie Mesley Wins at Chester
(l.te.'""; "''.'. S, '"I0 Mnslet. iif I'llllC
IlVri i. f'!"811' n ''IkIiI iiiuml ilrsw nllli
inJi, ,.'.',' '., "r '""ler. III tli llnal iif tlii
li?... """"" l'ntetH hnre. In the ether
lirit'iiV"1"" ,"'k PemiiMev l(iie(.Udl imt
ilui IUI" I" "i whe-iiI rmni'l I'harlle
t)iiiJ"u''V.u.An)y Martell buttled n. a driuv,
r.it. "',' ?' Julmny Downey. anl Iiarby
thlrR,r, ,h.n?''klM out Danny Miller In tb
... .vui.U.
Today's ItidcpcndcntXiamcs
And Results of Yesterday
Wllawoed nt rurltsn. Sffend nnd t?ler-
lleld atrftta,
flprlfri Cttjr-Rorrraferil nt Marshall K.
Hmltll. TMllh anil ttnlUr !(.
Mlnnewa at Netaicme, I and Wnanie
l.lnreln fllant nt rtlham Hllk Het, Clien
and Pharpnnck streets, ,
Kenplnttnn at rex Moter, Seventh slrfel
and (Irani avenue,
, Kertr-lhth Wart at M. Cnlumtm. Sten
ten rark, Trrrntr-Mth street and Allettitnr
HUldale at Pltmtn, N. J.
Htrnten field :lub at Cltrmairtemij. .
Amerlran Chain et BrMesburg, Richmond
and Orthodox street. ,. . ....
Seuth rhllljr Hebrews at Seuth Thlllles,
Bread and lllaler etreets. ., , . ,.
North Phllllea at tfhanahan, Jertr-ellhth
nnd nrewn etreels. .. . ..
Stenehnrst at I,lt Brethem,' rtftyteurth
street and Elmwood avenae.. . . ,.
Cher at Flelther, TwentysUth nnd
Reed street. ., ,
Wt 8imi at Hern 41 Hnrdart'. Fortx Fertx
ninth and Herace stret,. . .. .. ..
Kensfncten f'nnirreiratlenMl nt atltltr.
nelaradf nnd Ontario street... . .
Philadelphia Terminal at Wllntlnxten,
lfateh at Ooedtellow, 1ftr-elghth and
Hnlntit slrtets. .. .
. Mamella Stars at Franfcferd lellnw
Jaeket. Frnnkferd avnu nnd Prntt street.
Phllfldelphln and Iteadint l,ene Auitltnr
Freltht Treffle vs. Chestnnt Street. Seventh
street and Taber read.
P. R. T. Ieane, ctlen A Oennnntewn
nt Richmond and Orthodox street! . eeetlen
R, Woodland at Calletthlll. lxtrithlrd and
Ualnnt street. , . . .
Tulip Sperting-tlulj at Oreenwoen flmin
a nl unniwma iimrn
1 Ann streets., , ....
Ifard Leasiie Fert M f .
stlen, ItlB P. M.; Air-
ran. i.ca-ien. tuhp nna Am
-niisaeipnia V7 v
flln ftAaktfln Htl
eraft Farterr vs. V. . H. Rudger, A P. M
i.enrue island Navy Tim, ,.
Gtrarri Field tleb at Westen B..C. Fifty
fourth atrert and tVarrlnirten avnne.
Western Electric and Kej stone Telephone,
Frnnkferd Junction,
Stnnrhurst, St Shanahan, I.
Hildale. 6: Norrlttewn Pre. 0 (10 in
nines), Flelsher, 3i lanvtsle. 2,
Netaserae, 0 MUmewn, A,
Kenslncten A, A., fti Fex Moter, 1.
nrejer' lee Cream, Hi Philadelphia 4.
S.. 7.
Thlrlr-nlnth Ward Juniors, 7i Quaker C.
C. a.
nnc'inetl, 0 Amber, 4.
Menlne. at Cochlan. 0.
Roxberouch, ISi fllenmere, 4.
Ppnhs, I8i I. A J. Oobsen. 12.
Ntrnten, ItWllmlnxten, fl. ...
North Phils, lOi Marshall V;. Smith, S.
rhllndrlphJa Terminal. l Nnihvltle
' Goed'relion, I4 Hatch Moter, 3.
St. narnnnas, at .Monotype, a,
Nathlt Traveler.- At ,
U. I.. I.
Kenslnaien C'onsreRatlenal, 4i Pelham
Silk Sey
Colonial Ice
;i itninrnn inninani
Dt lerk rtafe nnd
I.wk t empanr,
Tulip Siwrtin C!uh. a i Ontario Tres, 3.
Urewn Junier, !Ji Orlnnnn A. '.. 8,
Smilh PhllllH. 0 Amrrlenn C hnln. O,
Komeek A. C. Ul Itrenn & Hnllcr. R.
I Champien Enjoying Outdoor
i Werk for Title Match
With Tendler
Budd IjiUe, X. J July 18. Uealix
ing the importance of outdoor training.
Benny Leenard, lightweight champion
of the world, is training like a bcuver
here for the defense of his title from the
terrific assaults of Ijew Tendler in .Ter
sey CUynext Thursday night a week.
Leenard, heretofore, has done little
training In the open, feeling cenfiden:
that the work he could get in the New
Yerk gjmnnsiunm would be plenty, bu:
fur hU scrap with Tendler the cham
pion needs mere than ordinary prepara
tions. The camp en Budd Lake is the remit
of careful .consideration by Manager
Billy Gibsen nnd the Htlehnldcr. and
new Benny realizes what he has missed
in the pnst.
But. for Tendler the champion is going
te be in wonderful condition. His day's
work is from morning until late after
noon. Running along the reads ami
through the weeds here has done won
ders with the champion. A long swim
ccry day and his beinp, shadow box
ing, bag punching ami ether exercises in
thn nflprnVnn linen hi,iiihf 4I... 'Mnn
.:....",."."", "..', ."'" "' 'I?'"-
cmnnpieii h weignt down mere rapid
nnd with less si rain than nnv of hi
iiecent training mnncmers.
At the end of the dav Benny, in his
hnthlng togs, drops hi birch-bark cann cann
inte the lake and paddles around until
time for dinner, which is cooked te per
fection by Packey Sehwartr.. the chef
Benny imported from the West.
I Leenard has erected n dandy training
camp nere. tie is matting nig headquar
ters at the Ferest Heii6e Annex and
boxes In a ring which is pitched only
fifteen yards away from Budd Lake and
is completely surrounded by maple nnd
apple trees.
This town is situated six miles from
Xeteeng. the population of which is
about 0000. Benny is tickled te death
with his 'home here nnd has dejinred '
that hereafter this place will he hlJ
i ,nH. fn ..... i .,... r..l.i
lli'Ull(iiurif i lur t'i-r,t iiiiiiii iiiiiL iifciii.
Scraps About Scrappers
Knrl Krene, thi CallferulB lkhtnelcht.
lhe hs wen nil of lili mnirhrs In Phllnill.
th!a. In eprn te nmet any loner ht weight
hi the. country eutld of Itenny Lreniril ancl
I' T'ndltr. iayn hli handler, Ham .
lach "lievrever." hn ceptlnu. ,lfn"
mil nut bar Tendler r.!t months from new.
Jack Perry, rittiburith welturwelKht it
te elh with P.ie Shade of Callfernli. In
a tvelva-reuml eet-te at Bosten tonight.
Rdille Df meter rlalms he was eutivelhd
. ! tn nnundii In liln hnt 'tlti Tnmim
O'ToeU, of Went Philadelphia, a.t Mnratr
laat weeK. iiBrnpej aive ?neven n. nipping
whera h w-aa gten the tmt. But O'Toeln
went r.Udf en better hv dlplnln tie
dlfterant ellpplnge Dempaev Is te mael .!e
JJrC'abe, nt L.tncarter th flrat weeU in Au
Run. ' llennr raaanl. former anirfteur flyweiaht
i champion, has aceted four cnnerutlve )no-U.
0Ul rl ikjk-3. ,ii'i .Yiuricn bi iii .niiunni
tnmorrew nluht In th seml-flnal te th
Treaton Brown-Johnny Gardner bout, Pra
lima. Kid Happv . Battling Penrose, Kllv
near v Chnrley IwIh and Phil UeUn a.
Bebby White,
IMn rirtln, profeaalenally, hna been bnj.
lng at
l,uw cup. tin naa aeieaiea young
fiherleek. Tat Dnny and necky xrd alnce
graduating from amateur competition.
Artie Merann has been paired off with
Whiter Hurke at Trenten en July Bl,
Hammy Hewitt li te appear en the. imn
Martin Judge, Mannsunk fenlhrwelght
pniv liiiir lmnelivl b tee Kenned. I In
training for seernl nnuh's h" ln In lew.
f..t Mlll.e lisht hrtit''u efclit. MmiMn't'
pie mi Tiitrhe wtlh Tuniii" l.nuBhrnn d
Hlene or llm llnllntid "Might as will In
rludn Hair:1 Oreb, 1""" he nn
Cm nn
(nr I. klated te lnx In Atlantl.'
Jub 31. II" la te ni'ct ,lerr
.llinmv Jnrdnn la the pHde of the Twen
tleth Ward," writes ftinrlea IlMrtxell.
Jimmy la In atrk'l training and la In shap
te Hike en nny nf the 133-pounders In tills
lcmlty i
There nre lettrra In thn Sports llennrlmnit
of the lltr.MNi Pi nttf I,gintR for Thli '
Kanaai. J;e e'lwnnell and Charley Oaggcrt
Harris Quits as Minneapolis Coach
Mlnneatiella. Minn., .lull lh - Hie llarrl".
...i.K j, finiit.-iii i.mili iii ine I ntverallA
, of Mlniieaeta for l(een iar nrebabli I
will nni return te the inaelilng elaft, lt.be
leini" l"nii leilai 111" rime w"l he taken
I In T. .NelBin Meluilf fei nwi hi-nl i inch bI
iihrl'ii I'nleae who tutored the iridium
'machine whlih venM n klerj n ei Ohie
Btate last ran
Northwest Pres Want Games
The Nerthweat Profeaalennla haa July 52,
53, LH and 30 open away from home. The
team would like ale te book tmUght igBiji.a.
J. ireuer. minagtr, 2035 Nertii Amtrlcan
treat. UH phune Columbia 0890,
Rugged Lancastrian Vouches for
Challenger's Punching Abil
ity at Delance Quarters
DeJance. V, J.-, July- 18, Lew
Tendler's training staff waa nugmented
yesterday hy the nrrlvnl of Tim Dreney,
the "fighting Irishman" from Tineas
tcr. who arrived shortly after neon te
spend the neirt nine days working with
the Philadelphia challenger In the lat
ter's preparation for his world's cham
pionship fight with Benny Leenard In
.Terser City July 27.
"I knew hew hard this baby can hit.
said Dreney as he drew en the sixteen
ounce gloves te begin his flrat day's
drilling. "I fought him three times and
let inn loll von T stnnnerl everything.
Net a one get by and nnr en living
under the belief that Tendler can't hit
can surely get n testimonial that he can
from me.
"I also boxed Henny Leenard In
Philadelphia last fall and of the two
I'd rather box Leenard five times than
Tendler once for the reason that Lew
la absolutely a 'killer.' There's no get
ting nwnv from his damaging left and
his stinging right. Only a fellow with
steel rih. nnd an Iren inw can take
them. I. fortunately, have been bles-sed
Willi n strong body, 'the punches lie
landed en me In our tight hurt" se
verely, and I enme here prepared te be
hurt plenty, but If It helpn Lew in the
world; s championship I will burcly con
sider my work well done,"
Stenn, Artlett and Batteaux Have
Proved Winning Hurlert
The Hoxherough B. C has one of the
best ball clubs in the northern section
of the city. With hn'f of the season
completed, it has turned in a record
of twenty-two games wen and three
lett. The trio of reverses wrrc all of
one-run margin.
Seme of their victeric were ever the
following nines: St. Michael. Public
Ledger. Fourth Battalion Firemen,
rtnldwlu Locomotive, Pelham, Philadel
phia Llectric. Spring MM. V. M. II. A..
, Yerk Safe and Leck Company. (
Stenn nnd Artlett have assumed the
Vitelline burden nnd have accounted for
Daniel Afebster's Hat
INE of Daniel Webster's
famous retorts was te a
young man when their
hat's get mixed.
"Why, Mr. Webster," said he,
bur heads are
"On the outside, perhaps," re
plied Webster.
If there had been 10,000,000
automobiles in Webster's day this
might have hit off the feeling
about tires as well. '
Te understand the tire situation
today, go back te 1918, 1919 and
1920,when tire makers were jump
ing te catch up with the demand
In 192 1 they mere than caught up.
And in 1922, every car-owner
knows where he can get plenty of
tires with plenty of big discounts.
Plenty of bargains with ingenious
A vast quantity of merchandise
he knows little or nothing about.
The quantity problem is history
It is all this quantity of tires
and their wide variance in value
that is making most car-owners
determined te get quality.
Hundreds of thousands of car-
Current prices en United States
Passenger Car Tires and
Tubes are net subject te
Federal Excise Tax, the tax
having been included
United Statas Tires
era Geed Tires
the majority of the team's victories.
Each turned in n perfect game. Artlett
did net allow a hit or run In the Spring
Mill fray, and Stenn duplicated this
feat against the Yerk Safe aggregation.
Ten of the two pitchers' victories have
HP1 Ilrginta there's no ether I
VH Jk tebaa1) like it'
bbbV aaav
Lisr.rTT i lfri ToscteCo.
owners rode en Royal Cords last
The unobserving man might
say that this was reaching the limit
of the' quality idea.
Yet, in January, February,
March, April and May, 1922, the
sales of U. S. Royal Cords through
dealers mere than doubled ever
the same period of 1921. A new
high record for Royal Cords.
Spontaneous buying through
just the same
A picture of the public
voluntarily making U. S.
Royal Cords the measure
of all automobile tires.
Yeu have, perhaps,
everncara some
ether tire being
sold for "as geed
as a Royal."
At a time like
this remem
ber what
v a n l e i
1 ',4jt
. a.
V V''J
'WjtfajK. j
" IV
n;l jii
V,1' ."
ictv J,.ra-."-?Ka'R!i . ...c'
.. -! J- A. .
been via the eiiiitetii route. jiiiiciuix.
n jeungstcr, ba turned In the remain
ing wlna for the team. lie does net
pitch nH often as the two regulars, but
has shown much premise In his hurling
te date.
BS" I 7
An hiiterlcdutlbtt'i tin
the planters, !latevanrf
Tremawe, ever the mer
its of : e tots nf Virginia
Cultivated and im
proved for ever 300
years, Virginiaobacce
has no- equal for
Virginia Cigarette
...' iLvJ..1
J I 'V,2. tv
"I '
U. S. Royal Card
United States C) Rubber
viijy .
i,(;i ;,('( 5
The hill bevs will meet Kiauucr-
Welden, of .Tcnklntewn, en August J.
Manager Wnlinsley is busy booking
rlntcH with the first class nines, nnd
would like te hear from the same. Call
Uoxberough 310 ,T.
r :n vi
try-;." i .
v i -:.
::.. 'I v.
.1' !,')
i-iS .
fW; '
,Vi, Vl
& h&
- . .
I, ,
Bread Street
$400.00 Four-Piece Bedroom
As Illustrated
Lai'Kc dresser, men's chifTorebo with fiidc compartment te hnnjf ,
clothing. luill-lpiigtn nntty tircsser nnti dew-ciui ecti in ncauiuui
American walnut.
$300.t)0 Three-Piece Living-Roem
CiiPtem-niade davcnpeit, fireside arm chair and davenport heiKiit
aim chair. Loe-e spring cushions, beautiful veleur or tapestry
$350.00 Tcn-Piccc Dining-Roem (j1 (QQ gA
' (JG-inch bufTet with G lcp;s, inclesed serving cabinet, china case,
oblent; citentien tablr, five side chair1; and one arm chair.
Upholstered in Renuinc blue leather.
$40.00 Enameled Bed Outfits
Consist iiik of a beautiful massive bed, a pictured finished in
white or iverv. Rtrenjr iron framn, springs nnd a j-oft-tep mattress.
SI 5 Enameled
Beds .it
1000 S.r Pure Fluffy White
Geese Feather
I'illews at
ilnrk li I li ini ;; 1 pi" n
mnmifactuier n the I S, con cen
taininir white goe-,c featiiei- itn
a small prniUnRP of white lien
feathers ilcKiilatu n size.
. fnnri
Upholstery Specials
$22.98 S-Oz. Tan Striped
Perch Awnings, Each
$1.48 Scrim
Curtains. 1'nir.
Kxtrn tpiality, lace edge, hem-
stitched border.
,aids long,
uiie only
500 $1.75 Cretonne
l f)(rpri niriei' (Mi-iii- "e
Seats. Eavli
ij IT ,
hildi.i'aiii.l.lJil'JJ ij
'" m.i,Zl
Beautiful patterns, lecl- crleis, r4
iillent nualit., laire M7.e, (it most any
wicker chair. Reversible and tufted with
h buttons and a 2-inch bnvimr Ul.u (iii,i
Hum anii pnone orders lilled.
f ,, , -',. ,,.
CLOSES AT 5 P. Jf.' ?1
Sale of
& Beddin;
51(i..")0 SinKlc
Beds With (T0 AST
Very strongly constructed beds,
3 feet ide: made with double link
.springs. Beds ate fitted with
eastcis and designed in most at
tractive pattern. Mattrcsse.; te
fit, ,?7.60 and ?S.!te.
$25 Enameled
Beds at
,$nr Metal
Beds at. . ,
All high-grade metal beds, fin
isbed in whitn enan nl, iery,
American walnut ur mahogany,
biid's-rye mnple. eme have canV,
pierced mt'tal efTrct panels; all
mts in the lut, but possibly only
two t.lf of a sir. Dezciu of
" Fifth l''loer
and Khaki
14.6 & 15 ft.
Male roniplete with all ropes
and galvanized frames and fix
tures tend, in hang. Bound
with while braid. Bring your
own mcnsuiemciiK Made te
match window awnings.
48c II. S. Army
Khaki at. Yard..
Kxtra fine quality khaki duck,
made especially for the U. S,
Government. Mineral dyed, elo.so ele.so elo.se
ly we en of the highest grade
l.'.l I r"l,UML)TQ
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