wmmwrlm fW Jj'iv iA7XVtw: emm lMMr$M$ Lfiiyil -. WOKASffl&yjffi v7jV jrit 1 T M& ' H-iMHIlJAI Ayevi Vrarf- BijrtYn mr ' H- Mr.nORMICK WILL IMVIODISTE, SAYS REPORT Hifreis te Open Shep in New Yerk With Expert, Is Rumer Chicago, -Tilly I". Murlrl Mi Ter- mlcki liPrMS ,0 ttt0 fert,mcs nn,l rranihtauglitrr of Jehn I. Horkefellcr, Jus formed n iiiirtiierxlilp with Mine. MurEiierltP. n mnilNIi'. nmeiiR wliesc The venture is reported te be the re mit of their common ntiinirauen rer i SfHntle designing, which lind its lnccp- MURIEL ifA mnnv Mnpinuv nrniiiitinnr Seenle of CMrnge, "luvenllnu te friends Zte of I lie two women. They plan, it i. said, te open n tlrcsxinnkliiK nnd mil- Hi Sure Death te Reaches moths, bed bugs, flies, fleas and mosquitoes; also tha'r return pre vented by spraying with "PREVENTOL". Clean Bath Tubs, Tiles, Metal Fittings and Garbage Pails, Parifxtg aia Sick Reems, Cellars; poorly ventilated Apartments. A wonder spray necessary as soap harmless as water. Buy it at drug, grocery and department stores. Special combtnadea package, pint can aed tprajw, $1.00, QBBtCtn90c3 Pint Caa 50c Alt Cans are full standard measure Hajne Uxmieal Corporation, Richmond, Virginia w rpHE best part of a vaca- 1 tien is often the news from home which you read regularly in your favorite newspaper. Whether you go te the mountains, country or sea shore, te a well-known Bummer resort or some quite out-of-the-way place, you can arrange te have the Evening Public Ledger mailed te you every day. With its un excelled news and enter taining features, it will add great pleasure at small cost te your sum mer's outing. Telephone or send in your summer subscription new, for one, two or three months, the period you will be away, and receive your favorite newspaper reg ularly with your dally mall. Summer Subscription Rates 1 me. 2 man, !l me. Public Ledger (Mera'f) 60c $1.20 $1.80 Public Ledier(ETeniaf) 50c 1.09 1.S0 Public Ledger (Sunday) 50c 1.00 1.50 Summer subscriptions nmjr be entered by the week rerwnrrt jour Summer Subscription tth rsmlttanre te Circulation Depart ment Publle L!uer Company, Independ ence Square, Philadelphia. SUMMF.lt RKSOKTS ATLANTIC Cm-. N. J. AMERICAN PLAN m's $3 te $6 Daily $15 te $35 Weekly European Plen. $1.50 Ue Per Dav I CYINCTON mmmnvm iAHMCirr TOO Elut?l MUUtKAlC-KATC rteTn fine Arkansas Ayes ble:1 ffrr beach, jlllen Dellar Her and Rending Station. Orchestra, Dancing Twice Daily Runnlnir water tn recms. Private baths. ynexcel ed tsble. sea feeds nnd cut tablet fresh dally, rrg;e perches, electric llchts. Bath homes for surf bathers en premises 5)'h "itranee te beach. Oarage Hoelilet. Phenes 8280 & fMl-W. W. M. UAbLETT NETHERLANDS fcw lurk me,, iu yaiiu liu uu(uttrt.. jnrloeimva lawn and oemo. liaat lueausV pular tuicea betal. Capaelty 0O. lkla r. Frtvuta baths, het and cold runnta "r b roemai aleotrle Uauta. Tabl abundantly supplied with ttia baat marks! anerds. Musle and dsr.ca fleer. Ballilnj pnvllegts from hotel. JV.BO up dally. I1T.M tP wklr. Aresr. plan. Bait. H. 8. fcwasnay. "A Battar MedarsU Rate Hetel - NELLSB0RQ KENTUCKY AVBNUE NEAR HEACH vmtt beitit; open lurreandtnn; csntr e( all sttrae- g?? P" Knnnlnr water In rema! crlrata baths. "wpm Knnninr water In roema; Brirata baths. i bathing priflltzes from hotel. Elactrieltr tluougb tlueugb V Ktevaur la ttrett Tbl, nneietllxl. II JO us sit; El taran, ran ft tij mr,f1' Plan. Muile. Danoog. wsw OwaaraMp Mananat-RALn MCCKLanT gRApATUraTaC NEW OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT Mrslnla Ave. near beach. Cap. 600. Prlvats t'V.h running watsri 14 per day up; special yltly. bklt. Aute at stations. O. D. Painter. GREEN GABLES HOUSE Be. Illinois Ae. epp. Trayiner and MrlBhten Hotels. Ocean view, i:tclu . renneil environment, Prlv bnths. Hun. r 'n,," rooms. i:xcllent Cuisine. .I'll ! 1. ZANl.. i"iep, HOTEL CARLTON Chl,.a m,. ft Hnih Itnemn en null" ;",!" lih Kvrry mum het uml ruhl tuniiliiK nler. Mnr) i,iih. Owner, maimt s-J5'anll I'henn Atlntitln ( ITKi W GALEN HALL ATJ.ANTIO CITT. N. J. twaya rtecwnAshl anil Hntlnmetarr -- T- WVTWTITT, M-n"i-ei- eWILrTvNIRB R ..V "V "'"f Aiiuriinn " 'i-i Saw V71itVerunn,n nter nnd pilvnm bath Willow Greve 28 North anti at' i. fl. .., , Uleetrlflty Amei, nn. Sin. ..'J.7,5?, "Mk- "?'."' roeUlne.' rtun- HOTEL STERLING tUl1Z ?,"' Uach'.Me(1' "" All out ! rms. natblng irnm hotel. Amsr. plan tvitLLhR COTTAGE y "-"( VV- a -M tf "w" Hetel kaptam TRACY V,2 Se. Tennessee Ave. near lira h.-ivk.1!"""'1, P '" ,s r,n " Am pi. rs I.KHUI formerly of MTSI.nOHn HAI.li 'lRunI0-u ,.,lnISt Cor- Arl- Atlunile av'a. tn r,'. a.Ur r'v baths. Ums. IJ.6U ual I.'i'nv. te jr.-nehprs. fnclnKjteaclliig !. Hetel BoSCehpl ""luutK av. ur. uea rate. Ita ....''"" balhlllgi ws.au Centinnnrnl Alweys "open, always vuuiuiClilul readys term moderate. i. ,.. W'Hr nr phone. HEALY'S c'n end Kentucky" ae kg. .... niinnlim water In rooms. "0un jMv .jine. weeltly. JTth Masen. ..tTlNOlS - P(-EN' CITV. N.4. J On the Strand, Deems "sn suite. wrv, - rrivata patn. Kunnin water "lry, rpem. .it .A. J. MICHKNKH. Pren. jA 3$f Hen when theyWpenrcd In Iho French piny "I.c IWnnt" here last April. The piny, tliesen by MIkh MrCermlck for her nemUprofelennl utiiRe debut, vnn ntlcnded by lemlein of finhlen In Chicago, nnd the prnlxe lnvlnhed en her nctlnc wnn ns entlniKlimtlc ns thnt given te her continue The costume, designed by Mine. Marguerite, cemented the friendship between the two. Miq Mo Me Mo f'ermlek hns hern In New Yerk for ncv crnl diiys, the guest of Mine. Mar guerite. Dies Dressing for Church While drcslnj? for church jenterdny morning In his room at 01(1 Mercy street, resale Tnlkeff, seventy ycnrH old tnll tlnn.1 tin tnu Inlfitn . .1... r.t. v i.iiiik it.- nun itinuil lil II1U .UCU1 edlst Hospital, where physicians nald edist Hospital, where physicians nald death had been caused by, heart failure. HUMMF.lt RESORTS Wll.nW(IOI), X. J. HOTEL DAYTON Wildwood's meet rnedarn haul, ISO.OM en Iraprore Iraprere Mats this jraar. Pateess due le raUins snd ssrrlea, Oapaalty aM. Baafclat. F. W. yeMeiray. rrsa D ORSEY Cat- 20- Amer. plan. . Bpee. week and up. Private baths. Ownership management. J. B WHlTttKBI.t. Heacnfrent. Cup. let). Hunnlne water. I'rlvate baths. All outside rooms. W. 11. OliRSTEL. WILDWOOD MANOR Wlldwoed, N. J. Cap. 00. Ocean front. Amer. Plan. Bunnlng water. Private bathi Eloretor. Orehettra. anHng. Tennis. Qelf-ALrX McMURRAY 4 SON ARLINGTON Near Beach. Cap. 200. Running; water. rlT. baths. Oolf privileges. Med. rates Bklt. THF WYNPOTF Something new. Wild- inc. wiluil W00(1 AVB ntftr nor(,. tviltj. Write. MH3. J. J. TATB. RRFAKFRK n the Boardwalk. Uet and DKCAtVE.ia mxa running waur. Prl. baths. Oar. Tiklt. Gee. K. Smnamen. Owner. WASHINRTON New management Cee. Hft3ninUlUi1trt nrie perches. Fuji Kiin view. Ooed table. E. J. ainnamen. Mgr. wir.nwoen crkst. n. j. MT. VERNON Excellent UblV Bklt. B. Johnsten. Owner. OCEAN CREST nVg wSJT Med, rates. Ownership Me n't1!, O. T. KINO. I.ON(ll'OIlT. N. J. HOTEL ABERDEEN "Siwr.r, roast. Directly en the ocean front. 20 min utes by trolley from Atlantic City. Ideal family hotel. Single rooms. 120 weak aaa BPS de'ible rooms. 188 weak and up. Amer. Sinn Vew bathing heach. Jehn C Pouter. e.rn MAY. X. 3. HOTEL LAFAYETTE CAPE MAY, N. J. ON THE COOT. IIKAril ritONT Modernized and Under New OwneriAlp Management Reems slnKle nnd en suite with het and cold running water and private baths. Cuisine nnd Serlce of the Best EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA Dancing Afternoon and Krcnlne drill Open All Hours Shere Dinners nnd Hen Feed DAVIS & TAYLOR THE WILLARD nlSStmn.A Large cool furnished roems: half block from th Beach. Terms reanenable. l.w.rv Inn 1& Ilughea at. Under new BWCTiy inn mRnagement. Amer. plan. Reas. rates nr. beach. It. O. Bennett, prep. Hetel Virmnia Jacksen at. near beach. neiei Virginia $3 up ilajr Electrl0 llghf, private bstns. J. J. stocker, frep. ASRURY PARK. N. J. HOTELjCK i VOTED IYIR ITS HI6H' ftTAMDARD OF EXCElLBNfE MORGAN & PARSONS. fsKISTOL 8iSeh JL DIRECTLY ON OCEAN TH0NT ASBURY PARK N.J. 'Km PLAZA HOTEL ARDURY PARK. N. J. Only European Hetel en the Ocean front. Headauarters for auto tourists. Hbere dlar nr a specialty. CORNISH ARMS aih Ave. A Klngsley 31. UUnniail in.ma o-erleoWn Ocan Running water tn rooms. Bxreptlenal table. Slclal rates for June nnd July. OKO. II. fllllMMI, Owner nnd Manager Ocean Hetel Running water; eletater, whits eerv. Rate 135 up. KWULA, ft CRAWFORD. Tel. 2380 Owners A Managers I ORAING Ne- 8 eean Pathway, nil lAJKfAll ocean Vew. Table a featura, Rhene: Astrury 21.W. Hniel Thedford Overlooking Ocean. Run. neiei incuieiu wnter n n renmi)i Prlv Mhs Hltlt Harry DumeM Own A Prep. QigpD ion Third Avenue, Running waer. Half block from ocean. Herace L. Prance CTini lMfl n Bunset Ave.,Asbury Park. 3 I IKUnu Ni j, uieclc te beach, run. hej snd cold water, prlvata baths. I!. It. HKST AbllURY I'AKK INFORMATION TltrltK.TJ Adliess City Information Ilureuu. 00 Beard. v. sin for anything you wish te knew. (If KAN tlROVK. .V. J. , Ocean Greve Hetel .te Mnln Ar. 0erIneKtng ocean. Amer. & Kurepcan plen, Hiene Asbury 203T. A. M. nnd I.. M. (Irlggs GRAND ATLANTIC Rrarh nnd Main Aves., Ocean Grave. N, J. Het and cold run. water In rms. Curep. piss wlrti cafsterln sentlng 200 ailche.li quality: ervlv. Tal. HT. M.J. WOOimiNQ, MAJESTIC HOTEL Ulrretly en tlie lle.irh KleHter eerMce, running wnter In rnnnn t'nder new mnnngement. WM T HAVi:H9 HOTEL WHITFIELD Fireproof. Overlooking ecean: central te aS atnus l Imprnv. rhae. M. Herman Ardmore-Summerfield fl.R Ocean 1'athv.ay. Runnlnir water newly Installed. Ocenn view. Tel. 2784 K. U Shaw, BREAKERS SURF AVE. At the ecesn Tel.Asli.Park SRBl.I.V.Mentfert. rnrnNiAi. ";" A,r: fnwec.l,..!: med. Am Si Kin op. plai. I THF OIIFPN Ocenn urme, N. J. Itir. ViJC.L,ll Ocean Pathway. Dlrectl eiircsn front L J. Rt'SSKLL. nPPAN HfiflSF 1-lM.ilnav..Onaiitlre ULtrtH nUUOE. j.t.ei,,,, f,irny hotel Tel !)'J3 W Cap 150 K. Duncan y.ellv A GOOD I'l.ACF, 10 HOARD" I.A VASSMI i.'Ol'SK Oce.in Grere. N. J. na. i.t1. a. a aae ff nnf mm s Am mi'tri iinite iniiu i;iiiie i N.ui f'enlennial Amer. Plan. Cap, I0O, ew v.enienBiai Near DMl(:n .,, Au),. terluin. Tlpl-. Writ for Inf. I. M. Wvllte. .Ocean Frent Hew Directly en th ea. UR8. V. MXLLOa i-J HUMMER HKSOBTH HPBINO fcAKK nEACH. N, i, 'fKe'Warreti On the Orrnn. Hprlns; Lnhe, N..I. Hiirrniindrf hr (irern Lawns nml )nlfn nt Hie Y'Air of the Ken. C jk-AtAbNIFIcehfTHOTEt; 1 SPLENDID COIF. TWO 10 HOlECOURMfl tVACH CafcirAWtaWC Man THE ALLAIRE SPBIKO LAKE BEACH. N. 1. Dtractlv nr the Ocean front. M. C. HOIOOCi nrni haven, n. a. THE ENGLESIDE ffi Private baths with re a and fresh watari fits tsnnla ceurts: booklet. R. P. ENOLK. Mar Alse the Covington. West Philadelphia. 6 Mtl.KH AT SEA HOTEL BALDWIN '":"" New open. Every room overlooking the ecenn. Special rates for families. RRRAKF.RS Haven of Rest. Deatlng. UKEatVlnO P-hnf( n,thlnr, Tennta K. Beach Haven Children's Faradts. Table unexcelled. Rates. DoekleL MONMOUTH REACH. N. J. MONMOUTH REACH INN.. Monmouth Beach. Leng Branch, N. J. Thoroughly modern; elevators, bathing peel, tennis and golf, music, dancing. Mrs. Jeseph Rosenberg HEAB1DE t-AKK. N. t. The Manhasset Plrertly en the ocean front. Cnpsclty SB. Ileeklet. H. KOSH TURNER. llwner.Prp. The Gladwyn VX?Z AS. I1EI.MAR, N. J. MFI ROSF INN Directly en ocean. Newly mr,LIUOC inn rMlevnt,,i Hungarian cuisine. Kosher. Jtuslc. Dancing. Ilathlns free. Bpeciat rates e.ui iht wkk up, uur meals the best en the roast. , LAKE HOPATCONO. IANDINO. N. J. MONT1CELI.O HOTEL ON MAIN HOAD Oarsse. Tel. Hopstcenc 223 Landing. N. 1. MT. POCONO. TA. rt4P FLVIN mt. voeono. pa. uj lite HL.VUN MlItd (u,,,, jm eaaaen. Runnln water. . Private) ttfia Knewar en each fleer, booklet. . a. j. Burrrait. . HAWTHORNE INN "xpoceno. Non-Heuaekeeplng oetUgaa te rant In M retlen with Inn. Booklet. I.. M. DBNCILHn.. PAIRVIEW 1NM, Ml. Poeeno..la. .ASM tourist bdqn.t geed Uble: pleasant anr reundlngat radio. Bklt O. L. Megargel, Thet rinirmnnl Elegant location ins vieurmeni i.n. tm,nui Larse lawna. Homelike. Ejeel. lent tab!. C. U SMITH. Pecene Mt Heuse ' . lm&ST. ments. four years. Ownership manasement. Ilklt. THE ONTWOOD n r-. Me,i.rn mbuninuuii Elea-ant location. Fine tllmste. Booklet. K. L. E. V. ARTMAN. BTRODPSnCBO. PA. HIGHLAND INN 5-EJ and prlvata bathe. Outdoor aperta: goe4 reads. Oarage; own garden and dairy. Vod Ved erate ratea. Wrlte for eklt Wm. P. ItertM. kast sTRernsnrRQ. pa. MAUHnAI.L l'AI.IA IIOUaK tble supplied from our own farm. Beautiful eenery en Buehklll Pike. Nerman Heffman. alalr Rrnm Heuse Tat)ie supplied from 0W9 U0JC VlTOVO farm nemelllte. All aranaa ments. Med, rates. Dklt. Mra. B. U Wrekeft. finnriea rnllaeei and Lndse: home com. ennrue cenage fertl. Mea, joeunen. oeo feed. Booklet. MRU. J. L. B18BINO. The Maplehurst Inn, E. Btreurlsburg. Pa. Ace 200. Spacious verandaa, shay lawn) farm: yarage MR. and MRS. W. M. RITRNKTT. DELAWARE WATER GAP. TA. If 1TTATINNY The Mountain Paradise. IKllinillliii Dolawn.re Wnter Onp. Pa. I.endlnjr hotel. Capacity r.ne. Open te Decem ber. Kery medru uppelntinciit High, cool lncatlnn; mnanlllcit acenerv Oolf, Tennis, Saddle Horses, Bathing. Fishing, Water .Sports. Dally concerts and dances Amer Ican plan, alie a la carte grill. Excellent table: own farms and dairy. Write for booklet, alto maps and SPECIAL 11)'.".! RATCS. for SEASON. rAMIHHH and TOUPttTB. JOHN FIIRDV COPE. KARAMAC KAMPV-rfca. tree beats, tennla. hikes, dancing, entertain, ments. Ueud hlnaa te eat. Ratea llfl te 110. WHte for booklet, r- ITB1NPT, DtraetM. The Glenwood Delaware Water Gap, Pa. inc uicunuuu CHPacIty 4nn earnBe. ball- room, orchestra. Oolf. tennis, all amuse. ments. Fer bklt qildress HILT BROS.. Iters. IIHXCREMT Mew. modern, centrally lecated: bathlnrt running water. Mndsrati rates. Booklet. T. C. HOWARD. Pnrreet Heima Centrally located. Prlv. rerrcai nutec baths: excellent table earvlce. Beating, fishing. A. L. MARSH. R1lV1IA CaP. ISO. Hun. water, Danatng. ecucvup Nw n ftnagm.ti Kt)V narks. NORTH WATER OAP. PA. Cataract Houeertn w5r "' waicuabt nwiMjig, cooking, modern, all Indoor and outdoor sports, garage, ratal reasonable. Booklet. A. E. Wlnegard Baa Enjoy Your Vacation nt rAtLS VIEW COTTAGE. N. WATER OAP. Idenl Location. Airy Reems. Ftfcllcnt Table. Wn,WNKE-ON.THE.Df:LAWARK. PA. Jie Ideal Country Hetel of America SHAWNCe ONOELAWARE.PA. HOfte Or THt ZHUUNtl COUNTRY CUM. NOW OPEN. FIRE PROOF. BUCK WOOD INN COMPANY. ft ft.S. WORTHINOTON.PMaidait. RUSHKIIX. PA. RIVERSIDE Ou the Ueljuara Kesher: med.: all sports. large farm: excellent cuisine: dancing: garas. booklet. Kutay llres. Ihe Laurclten r,,n' ""n .. . cool, comfer.. hetnellka. Aee0,mn.rd te Bushhtll Fnlls.bk.M.F.MeCall TOBVIIANNA. PA. Clllcheater Use. W(lf) ft. elevation. Tew hanna.Ps Mra rhtrhester IIS ll iUUUS TailRy if.- m.. 4n V..-.I. tt v n i. . .1. -.--. . ' IH1 1IVI t)V . 1 11 ri" . is 1 1, l I 1 .11, MIT, I"""" " ' " ll'liiaiir..a. ..-.. " 4 .galgaw 'ttaVgaa. J jtfjstaaMaDaaiaMaaBalBMlMCaaaa Newbrk-HalifaxrQuebec bvSEPMf. Av cent .Iflrln Ne 34 aJ-NEW Y0RrT--ili&-- BtTMMEB BKSOBTW MOOHEnEAD LAKE. ME. Moosehead Lake, Maine Mount Kinee Heuse and Cottages New Open Definite policy te establish exclusive patron age. Reduced rates July and August TWO DESIRABLE COTTAGES AVAILABLE Gelf, tennis, fishing, beating, horseback riding, baseball, moving pictures, dancing, radio-phone. Breker's office. Tlirengh l'ullman New rk te Klnae or ttilladelphle te Portland, change for Kinee. Booklet and rates en request. I. W. ORKENE. Manager Kinee, Maine MOUNTAIN HOME. PA. IU A Willi. INN Muaerii. Iiemcilae, ge4 nniw' .... ceaning: cool ana.oenv tertahla. Ressenshln. h. r. MtitTii. CAN ADENSIS. PA. I he Meuntamiide 0nnv'cJe'rnf.,,2?a: aft rntaenwnif. hoekibt. wm, ieng. wr Clccim VUla SrwgA?U!g flS CKESCO. PA. Ttm flM Inn A refined ramlty hetel: etmr ineUlO inn vnitnty lecededi well-eu-piled tsble: ratea en application. M. L.aupt MAPLE LAWN Health, raat and plea Booklet. Reesnnsble rat's, r. FOKI.KKN. WKRNF.RSVILT.K. PA, The Highland Delightfully Situated ea ine nigniana Seu(h MeunUln Ovjlrloeklnr; the famous Lebanon Valley. Rates moderate. Write fcr booklet. High. land Hetel Company. 3. HOWARD FRIES, president. Hillside Reautlful Views. Terms moderate Modern Kara pre. Kntli. Oerhnrt. SCHWKNKV1LLK. PA. PERKIOMEN INN Med. Imp., Ideal loe. Beat., bath., fish., tennis, dancing. Special Sunday chicken dinner. Fer booklet write Wetta C. linger. Prep.. Behwenkvllle. p. LAANNA. TA. The Lancaster l0y- comfortable, rest- auu xaudsiKi jul I(J locen0, Fa,, rate. Information. Rauahan A Utt, Preps LAANNA. PIKBCO. RKKCITNTJT COTTAGIe. in th U's,: borne coeking: ratea 114 nar 14 dw wk. Oeo R. Parenns, Laanna, Plka Ce. ra. TANNERSVILLE, PA. POCONO HOTEL n Mr- J04 a vww.iw w-mRm ratea. Run, water. Oar. Teurlat Caterera. B. F. Lew. SWARTHMORK, TA. UAQVADn eingle rooms or an - T1 swarthmore lit, TALLRT FORGE. PA. WASUIMUTON INN Chicken and Warns Dinners DANIEL J. VOORUKKB. Pre. CO0PKRSTOWN. N. T. Leatheriteckinp Corporation announce that en OTSEGO LAKE. COOPERSTOWN. NEW YORK Is New Open Fer the Season Under the Personal Manngement of MR. DAVID B. PLUMER BOWDOIN PLUMER. Asseclute Manager New Yerk Ofllfe "THE SPUR," 425 FIFTH AVENUE Telephone Vnnderbllt 374 BRIARCLIFF MANOR. N. Y. 7ilS Seciabuitt or Club Lirt WUUUv CONVtNltNCC Of AtlOTCU BRIARCLIFF MANOR. N.Y NEW YORK OFFICE! 342 MADISON AVf. UPPER SARANAC. N. Y. SARANAC INN Gelf, 18 Heles, Superb Cuisine. Fishing. Beating. Dancing. Upper Surnnac. N. Y, WATKTNS GLEN THE GLKN Hi'UINGS Watklna Glen. N. V. Fer Intelligent Baal LAKE GEORGE. N. Y. Hetel Marien erTtU.a Grcer?,N."a oreryortM i jfiteiMfv fasen A pUceyter rcird cultured duesU JOStPM w.MABVtL ADmeNDAfK MOUNTAINII, N. T. cer saw ADIRONDACK booklet and lufar. uachMi adores Uce. W. Ryan. s'r. Platta. eurg. N. Y. Ifer MONl-BKAL-UUiCBliO Total tklt. addrce Toerlita Ilveuu of Mentr. tOM New Blrka Bid-.. Mantresl. Paced. AMAOAN8F.TT. LONG ISIJIND. N. X. INDIAN WELLS INN AMAGANSETT, LONG ISLAND, N. T. Beautifully situated en Leng Island. All eats eoer sports. Dancing. Ownsrshlp manafm'u GREENWICH. CONN. rEly Court Heteln Greenwich, Connecticut On a high rldse oer!eoklns I.enB Island Sound Hath with eMty ileubl room. Milk from our nwn Alderncv herd euo eue tables from our garden. Tennis courts. I'ln grounds for c'.illdren .Motorcars meet all trains, 12 Wonderful Vacation Days of Combined Rest and Recreation The Palatial Twin-Screw S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" . Will make 3 unusually attractive yachting cruiiei (Ne freight) STe'ST JULY 22 and Aug. 5-19 -.-.....t, Wf,w ww Vvwe. .ry mi, ..... wu uays at vuCucl- Sailing threiiKh the Gut of Cunse and Xorthumberlnnd Straits,, the bread jsceneiy, smooth water, roel weather. iln.il.n .....I .lr...l. ........... ......... . . ...... iiuuu iitine linn iick-rt, kuuium, lliuuy I uunis Oi'L'hcslrn for DuiminL'. The round trip occupies 12 days, rate $150 nnd up or ene way te Quebec, 5 day, $80 and up pasiperts required for theie cruiiei. Fer illustrated literature address FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Whitehall Street, New Yerk) Furneis, Withy & Ce., Ltd., Bourse Bldg., rniia., or any leurut Agent. w WltMMKB BEftOBTW MnnwEHEAt) I.AKE. MB. NEW LONDON. CONJe. TITK OR1SWOLD. JVThllN POINT. NEW LONDON. ftlNN. NOW OPEN. , BEACH IIU'FK. MASS. "On the Elce of the Ocean" AND COTTAGES BEACH BLUFF. MASS. Hetel Preston caters te a discriminating pntronaKe who nppreclate the comforts of a woll-appelnted home combined wlt'i the equip ment of a modern hotel, This combination nnd Its euperb location make Hetel Preston ths "Ideal Resort Hetel." Management of J. A. HIIERRARD, Proprietor Winter Resort Hamilton Hetel, Bermuda BOSTON. MABB. vHOTELPURTTAN V conxtermagft v DesMtl The Dlsttncrhnet " Bosten Hnuna One of tha ajaet henMOM hMaJs In thn werlrf. L. toilllle, 3frfforCnirrJeoHawiBj M(r. tJeJda te ntotertc rxaaeav WHEN IN BOSTON BTOP AT HOTEL VENDOME Commonwealth Avenue at Darthmeuth 8L POPLTNEY. VT. The Colonial Inn ,n anen Mu- BO-acre preunds. Shads, sports, geed table: near R. R. and trolley; 100 guests. Send for beautifully Illus trated boeklet: modern Imprevements: 114.00 te 180.00. Rex L. C. L. LEONARD. Mgr. BAR nARROR. ME. The Malvern and Cottages BAR HARBOR, MAINE New Open F.RNF.STQ. GROn. Manager TOURS LINE.I arwLjl.AJ m nai te BOITON Caa Ced iM Raw laaUM tHUM Daily Carvka 0 Vaar ImM OrohestraCeooerte-CoolComfortabla atataroema. Laave dally Pier 14 N. R. Fulton St., 5J0 P. M. Daylight Time. NEW BEDFORD UNB-Te New Bedford and the Islands of Martha Vine-Yard and Nantucket. Lv. dally aeept Sunday from Pier 40 N. R. Foel ofHeutton St., 8.00P.M. Daylight Time NEW LONDON UN E-Lv. dally ea. eept Sunday Pier 40 N.R. Housten St. 3 JO P. M. Daylight Time. INFORMATION and ticket e at pier and ConselldateilTtcket Offices. Phene nrsui uw.. BOSTON TO Boothbay BATH Harber and ths Islands Passencer nud Freight Mrrlce Lv. nosten. Moe., Wed., Frl. and Silt.. P. M. We curry your cer te .Maine al lna enat than Cedar Greve and Gardiner, Me., and Other Kenne bec River Points drltlntr. S10 Round Trip. Kennebec Navigation Ce. Fester's Wharf. Bosten Main 481S e - ill Si ERICSSON LINE FOR BALTIMORE RAY RflAT ccry Ttiesdu. Thursday NIGHT BOAT (Lilly at A Sllturd ' 3 M. M. Stmdav Steamer te L " II K "' " Send for Piinipl.Ict. TIER S Ml. DKLAWMIi: AVF.Nll CALIFORNIA TOUR IavlnR SeptemVfr Hi Aute all th waj no cninnlnr. tjrr het Ms. IT.'id round trln. return rnll Jmlern-Ic!it Wejt bound cr- thlriR 1nclU'll AdilrefH IVM. KlaAI'CK. 1-M pray t.. nnffrtlq. N V. HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINE Mrtgnifi- The ship has srrncii f.t. 1. , I . iruiciiiim nremi'- Willi DUlll, iinent cuibine, etc. fWiMaaa IP. iN J HUMMER BBBT MA1NH MA IMP ALL-TKAJi VACATION LAND tVlAlPlE. p r noeKiat en Fishing. Camp. mLBasertff .te., wrlta BTATB Or MAINS POBLICITT BUREAU. Ill Longfellow .. Portland, Ma. SOUTH IIAHPSWf.LL. ME. MERRICONEAG HOUSE l .. ft.-,. c.l An Orerloeklna Caeee Bay and Islands. BoekM B. I KKHBW A BON. Prep. MOOWEIIEAD LAKE, SIE. SQUAW MT. INN MOOHEIIEAD I.AKK. ME. Mndsrn. Restful. Quiet. Fishing. TennlB, Bathing. Weeds. Private Camps, Booklet Bn A 07. Greenville. Jet.. Me. POLAND, ME. POLAND SPRING Maine's Unrivaled Resort IS Het Oolf. Fe Kiforreatlon and booklet address Hiram leker Sens. Inc., Seuth Poland, Maine. TOURS Nevel ii " zimiw? ir Hv JUsV PUBLICLEDGER MORNING EVENING SUNDAY Summer Resort Directory WkmWmimWSM1 mmmWXT9F'ffm9lmmm I mUWtmW-!JLM-&m9mA9JL9m)mwlmmmm ' Ba.HaflnEw'fKQaH ' iElif 1 r-XfiaEcLjCiSP B I Coast Resorts : Woodland Retreats Summer Aute Tours; Lake, River and Farm; New England Sheres; the Maine Weeds; Pecene, Blue Ridge, Adirondack, Catskill and ether mountains; Hotels of our National Capital; Mineral Spring Resorts, Eastern Canada and Niagara Falls; Pacific Northwest; Railway Announcements, Travel Bureaus, Real Estate Opportunities, Restaurants, etc. Distributed by Mail Only Te any address en receipt of 10c te cover postage charges. The PUBLIC LEDGER CO. Independence Square Philadelphia PUBLIC LEDGER TRAVEL AND RESORT BUREAU Will help you plan your vacation, including making reservations, if you desire it. Call, if convenient, otherwise write or phone Walnut auuu or main leui. ii mwsi HttMMElf BF.SORTB NEW ENOTND IREWENOLANBl New rnaland Iho Vacation Lnnil Macnlflcent Scenery. Dellgntful Climate. Ooetl Rend. Accom modations t Brest Reserts: mod ern City Hotels or Wayside Inns. Send for free Illustrated read map In colors, published by New F.ngland Hetel Association, comprising 200 hotels nnd resorts. ... tlH.k-11 U..I.H 1 A Draper Hetel. Northampton, Mass VrfM en i iviw0ii y TOVH . TOURS , Mm w .s - .bbbl ..gsa. mmm . .gv gt VI v. m r ncnaiaurLs. v InciudingDensmruiuceanveyAse 1 Tours Include All Expenses 8Dayss83M-9Days$88S0 and Upward Lenger Tour in Proportion Teura Include Transportation, Meals and Berth en Steamer. Hetel. Carriage Rides te HIstorle Telnts. Visits te Bor Ber muda' Marvelous Costal Caxcs. Sea Gardens. Ceral Reaches ami many ether qunlnt and Interesting place. Via Palatial Steamers with all the nttrnctieRS of a delightful yachting trip te a quaint foreign land. S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" Sailing Wednesday and Saturday Coel in Summer All Sports (Averane Summer Temrernture 77') Modern Hotels Ne Passports Sailing, Bathing, Cycling, Tennis, Riding, Driving, Gelf, Fishing, Dancing, etc. ITU out and Mali coupon for FRI7K IloeUlet This advertisement authorized by Iflfi DH.rc.MUi-.L GOVERNMENT rSaaa 2$t&ji. IsKiIMA M.AJCM. VA. POCAHONTAS Vlraias -Vii .--- ff.nf. t.nlA tabtsi American.., A. B. WIIM ntf s rennlry plub. ure, HOT SPRINGS. VA. w-itar HituviiMrtfi vumi. tta Tnrlc. LlninanliVr,' relf, tennla. haras niiiTy anrrripii n'pitrNhH. w The Ureenbrfrr bll rmlpliur Hprlaw.-C.A LAKE BOWBKAU. ONT.. CAM. -1 saMAie tr. liaonlneeaieAaiie, plne-eeentf d,slMp-lvln alref lit VnlHKKal h t. . a. .IU...L.kal n a .a. '.' ". f. v'?" i..',:. Tc:ir s."i." feth lurre-r pine-cniru,HiPVM-nTin .ireiHUHu.. iflftiaknkaljxa you will fln feed. relf. ma fltJr- - JAVal " cmmrriciirriinefvir' Mmttdatlrn In J Booklet. HOMI MulaeM P. e.. UM HOtWi HF.RMUDA Hetel F R A S C A T I Btrmudm Open nil year. IdeM summer resort en wnter front. Bathing. Ittalln. fishing, tennis, KOlf, dnnclnir. .-..-.. itliWlN ll, iJAVlltmrnt asyr, acatien dtiH - m Idwcinein "NATURli . - fAIRVLANtr' m teS vT.eT O andMQllVvN TKl COUPOIV rUBNtU BWMUOH-UNf. ,-M Whitehall VL firrJend te NfwYerK.I1.1t ' I Ititimm L Street. C!ty. FR.EE cebu of veur Da Luxe Illustrated jummtrTeuv oeoKiet J raA)aalJai4aaaMQ 104 Pages CeKers in Celers (Siscs 9Vixl3V2 inches) Well illustrated, comprehensive volume. Cevers every worth while resort in the United States and Eastern Canada. Accu rate and verified information. Announcements of all leading hotels, cottages, bearding houses, etc., with descriptive features, rates, travel informa tion, automobile reads, maps, etc. A wonderful help in select ing a suitable place for your vacation or short-time outing. Treats of laraeMev ret ' m n$ "4 M .j 1 1 k m SI I . VI I nv ,isi m ttn s T ianwaiaani V H' m.. hMi$'iL ) "lift . rU