mwmifei-M RIESmSWOTS t&'SZ 'y'' ' " . w,i:mAX1u A v PUBLIC , i i - r. rmi "- Making Philadelphia Mean YOU What History has done slowly with the Liberty Bell you can de quickly with your product make it synonymous in people's minds with Philadelphia Ne city in the United States has its name repeated as many times a month as Philadelphia, yet why does part of the public consider it "the Cradle of Liberty" instead of "the Workshop of the World"? Here is opportunity. With each men tion of the city a product or an industry should immediately come te mind. The Curtis Publications alone carry the name of Philadelphia practically two hundred million times a year into every city, town, village and hamlet of North America. Unless you are a national advertiser, hew many people outside of your line or trade think of your product in connection with Philadelphia? On the ether hand, hew many fail te think of "Kodak" in connection with Rochester? Or of Victer Talk ing Machines and Campbell Soups in connection with Camden? There is enthusiasm and individual initiative. Lesser-known cities, but better known products. Let's keep Philadelphia historically "the Cradle of Liberty" and make it mean commercially mere and mere "the Workshop of the World." Make it mean you! THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA The Saturday Evening Pest The Ladies ' Heme Journal The Country Gentleman i s fWMltH i BnKfKKKKntBRKKKKKMKKKMKEKHKKB