m- i . i i i i ' 1 i i i i i I trtiArriii?i!'; WEAT(dR!!Xi WANAMAKER'S 'Organ plays at 9, 11 and 4:50. Mtledr "'' GhlniM At Noen WANAMAKER'S Stere Opens at 9 Daylight-Saving Time WANAMAKER'S Stere Closed at 5 Daylight-Saving Time irutc; uii itifu jm ntldMflMI f1lxlll t THE SUMfflE SONS HAVE RIPENED OPPORTUNITY IT'S II ME TO CML AT WAMAMMERU I fHH What Are the True Marks of a Geed Friend ? Te cheer you in well-doing, Te warn you in danger, Te give you courage te de better, Te assist you with useful information, Te point out te you your mistakes, Te tell you of their own experiences. What a happy world this would be if we were all eager te help each ether en! , Signed July 17, ion ) 3 200 Special Silk Dresses for Yeung Women at $16.50 Just out of their boxes and se pretty and cool looking that you will want te put them en immediately ! And the chances are that is exactly -what most young women will de, for being of the popular straight-belted styles, these dresses should fit with little or no altera tions. " There are smart sports dresses of striped wash silk, some combined with white crepe ,de chine. There are many navy blue and ether darker colored printed crepes de chine for morning or afternoon. One or two models have the new side draperies. And there are plenty of lighter colored printed crepes de chine and also all-white ones, charmingly made, for afternoons or evenings. In certain cases we have the same styles in our regular stock at much higher prices. Sizes 14 te 20, but net in every model. (Second Fleer) What a Field of Cotten Remnants in This Mid -Summer Sale! Just as fast as one remnant vanishes two prettier, mere mitable pieces seem te spring up the longer one hunts, the mere exciting and worth while it seems! Thousands of yards of every sort of fresh cotton fab rics are included in this vast assortment ginghams, voiles, ratines, percales, Swisses, batistes, dress linens and silk-and-cotton materials. What woman could go away disappointed when in this sale are the very fabrics, perhaps, which have hitherto been tee expensive new marked a third or a half less! The lij-yard pieces will be made into children's frocks, blouses, or used as trimmings; the ether lengths will be fashioned into dresses bought for "next te nothing!" Twe things te remember prices are a third te a half less, and COME EARLY! (I lrt Meer) Fifty Different Types of Women Wear Letitia Corsets te their utmost comfeit and faction, 'here are at the least that many 'listiuut models in Letitias. ami ithey provide for an even gienter variation of figuie. Many women already knew tl'at they are made by the French ceisetiere who makes the famous Parisienne Cobet; and devn,ii the yeiy simple-it model for ,iieininR or speits wear, they preMdc corset i.effectien at a nuKleinte price. T')e vaiied letitia models rtU!e f i em $i!,50 te M2.50. - (Th:ril I liinrli Qjfemfc. Silk Petticoats Frem Japan Seme of the prettiest yet ic ceived and benuti fully hand embroidered. One .style is i habutai with scallops and flower design, at &G.75; another is the same silk with scallope and dots at $9.75; a third is a natural pongee with sprays of solidly worked loses, pi ice $12, and n feuith is el that stieng, heavy silk crepe which the Japanese call Kabe, price $20. All, except, of course, the pongee, are pure white. (Third Heur) A Quaint French Dinner Set An odd "all-ever" pattern of red, green and blue flowers en an Ivery body reminds us of the chinawarc which our ancestors brought from the old countries. The shapes arc fanciful, especially these of the cream pitcher and sugar bowl. Full dinner net, 100 tilrct, (180. r2-ptrc let, 43.RO r 32-plrce breakfaftt ntt. $10.75 (Fourth Fleer) A Neat Bathing Slipper I,s Made of Rubber It is the best rubber bathing slipper that we have ever found, and women are delighted with it. It is shaped te the feet, is com fortable te wear and it comes in black, blue, green, rose, red and orange, at $1.50 a pair. Sizes 3 te 7. Other bathing shoes in black or white canvas, for women, girls or children, 75c a pair. In black sateen and satin, both slippers and shoes $1.25 te $4.50. (Main Fleer) New Prices for New Ribbons A beautiful quality of gros gres grain ribbon with plcet edges, In three widths, inch, 1 inch and l',i inches. Fully 40 colors are included in this new let. The new prices arc 30c te 55c a yard. (Mnln Fleer) White Silk Overbleuses With Hand Embroidery are precisely what many women arc wearing with white silk "skirts at various fashionable sea shore resorts. The embroidery and eyelet work are the only trimming, with the exception of some nar row lace edging en one or two models. They are all hip length with short sleeves and narrow straD belts. $15 and $18.85 are the prices. (Third Fleer) White Kid Belts Ge With Everything With linen, gingham, ratine and dimity frocks, with sports skirts and sweaters; se it is no wonder women aie buying se many of them. One of the newest fashions is the fringed white kid belt with narrow fringe en both edges. It is $1.75. And at the same price is a new braided white kid belt with long fringed tassels. But the variety is almost end less, from the narrow tubular affair te the one with many per forations; another of satin and kid with celluloid slide3, and se en. Frem 50c te $3.25 arc the prices. (Mnln Fleer) Frecks of Printed Silk for Women, $20 te $27.50 Meaning the always-liked daik foulards and the lighter, ex tremely dainty printed crepes de chine, made up sometimes in conservative and dignified styles and sometimes in styles mere striking for instance, the gieen-and-white crepe with bread Queen Anne neck frill and scal lops round the feet. But they are all very practical and very charming, and the prices aie astonishingly small, $20 te $27.50. (Flrit Fleer) Grewing Girls Need Oxfords of a Certain Kind It w as because of our lenpr ex perience in fitting the right kind of shoes en schoolgirls that we lealized this se strongly that we had some oxfords made especially for girls whose feet aie chang ing in shape and size. The leather of these oxfords is tan Russia calf made en a htraight last with bread tee, straight tip, perforated and with a low, bread heel. $0. Anether geed oxford for grow ing girts is a blucher-cut tnn Russia calf, slightly mere pointed tee, straight tip and an inch and a quarter bread heel. Alse $6, Still a third is a tan Russia or black calf brogue oxford with perforations, wing tip and bread heel, $6.75. Sizes in all arc 22 te 7. (First Fleer) A Hat for the Picnic $1 It is made of felt, and conies in all the sports colors, including white. Besides being comfortable, it is cheap enough net te warrant worry exactly the thing for the two weeks' vacation and many holidays following. (Main Fleer) Printed Crepes de Chine Are Arriving All the Time The reason is that se many, many women are buying these cool, pretty silks for dresses that they make up themselves or have made by the little seamr stress at home. Being a figured silk, they re quire almost no trimming and, therefore, nre very easy te make, and they arc just as fashionable as they can be. The newest patterns are very tiny en white grounds, well cov ered. In beige, rose, orchid, green or black, 40 inches wide, $3.25 a yard. (Flrit Fleer) Middies and Bleemers for Small Campers Such sturdy, well-made garments will be taken either te camp or te the seashore, and will stand the hardest romping. Middy blouses in all white with or without braid, or white with dark cellars, in 8 te 16 year sizes, are $1.25 te $1.75. Many have short sleeves. Middy and bloomer sets in dark blue, khaki and white come in 8 te 16 year sizes. The white sets are $5 ; s'ets in khaki or blue are $6.85. (Third Fleer) The Family's Proudest Heirloom Is THE GRAND PIANO STILL its golden-voiced chords seem te sing of the far-away days of grandmother's girlhood. What romance, what memories are entwined with the life of that faithful instrument ! Three times the tender-aged girls of a proud old family the daughters and their daughters have first learned te run the scales en its still glossy keyboard. A Grand Piane that has been mere than an enter tainment in the life of the family it has been an in fluence and a guide. Unconsciously ideals and dreams were woven from the deep, rich melody that flowed from the heart of the piano. Most likely its vibrant strings first sang carols of praise and devotion as all in the household gathered round it for the evening prayer; then, hew plaintively it echoed the songs of sentiment and love "I Dreamt That I Dwelt in Marble Halls" or "After the Ball." Even today the old piano seems te rock and sway with new life as it bursts forth with some happy, reckless dance air. Se it is with all geed pianos, they are the natural heirlooms that pass from generation te generation and carry with them the pride of ancestry and the inborn love of home. What a glorious company of Grand Pianos is at Wanamaker's! Pianos produced by the makers who created the heirlooms of today. Every one has sprung from the famous old instruments of the past, they are children of a proud lineage and destined te be the heirlooms of tomorrow. Te name them ever is te name the best in music today as before C bickering Schemacker Haines Brothers-Emersen Any day any of these pianos is at your disposal te see and te hear. An expert will be glad te plav them for you and net consider you at all obligated te even think of buying. (Seiiiiul Fleer) An Exquisite French Talcum Powder is made by Claiie, the famous French peifumcr. It comes in rmnintly .shaped glass container.,, and carries with it the indefinable ehiuiii which belongs te all thingh Parisian. Jelrtle lie I'urU tultiim pmulcr, l. tl it tiilriim iienilrr, l. . lolette Ur I'urU toilet unter, 1 (Mnln Petticoats and Nightgowns Petticoats from the Philip pines kinds which arc always liked and always wanted the piques and sturdy cottons with embroidered scallops and double panels, $2.50. Flanncllet nightgowns for women who are taking their holiday in cold places. White and low necked, $1.25 and $1.G5. (Third Fleer) Fer These Who Ge. A-galloping are smait little velvet jockey caps, which have a comfortable "stick en" quality. Trimmed with a jaunty ribbon bow and nicely lined. In black, blue, brown, green. The price is $6. (Mnln Fleer) Lindeman Marshall & Wendell lirambach and the Celebrated Knabc Idlclle clr I'nrlm prrfiinift in u tic. ilRiitfui Rift itex, ca.ne. 1 ii ii iifrfmne. 4.(K). "V ii u tellrt Hiitar, IS, .. 1 luer) .Beints About Cuff Pins Alse cellar pins, lingerie clabpi and the useful nnrrew safety pins, which come six en a card they are all indispensable, especially during the vacation months, when every one dens sweater nnd skirt. There are scpnratc bar pins, tee, and cuff pins which can be turned into cellar pins any moment. The prices range from 25c for sets of lingerie or cuff pins and the cards of safety pins te $1 for enameled sets including a bar pin with two cuff pins te match. (Mnln Fleer) Vacation Reading Seme of the best and most worth-while books which people are laying in for the Summer are: "Gentle Julia," by Beeth Tark Tark ingten, $1.75. "The Heuse of Mehun," by Geerge Gibbs, $2. "The Flaming Jewel," by Rob Reb ert W. Chambers, $1.75. "The Vanishing Point," by Coningsby Dawsen, $2. "Mr. Prehack," by Arneld Ben nett, $1.75. "The Love Story of Aliette Brunten," by Gilbert Frankau, $2. "The Covered Wagen," by Emersen Heugh, $2. "Adrienne Tener," by Anne Douglas Sedgwick, $2. (Main Fleer) Candlewick Spreads for Four-Pest Beds Of course, they are used effectively en beds of all styles, but en a four-pester they are particularly appropriate. Of unbleached musl'n, quaintly tufted with candlewick in various patterns. Can be had in sets also. Spreads tufted with white candlewick, $9 in the single and $10 in the double bed size. Spreads in single-bed size, tufted with coleied candlewick, $12, and in double-bed size, $13.30. Bedspread sets tufted in white candlewick, $14 in the single-bed and $15 in the double-bed size. Bedspread sets tufted in col ored candlewick, $15 in the single and $17 in the double-bed size. All bolster pieces are de tached. Spreads are extra long for four-pester beds. (Sixth Fleer) Umbrellas for Men and Women at $3 An unusual price for full-sized umbrellas of union taffeta (silk waip with cotton filling) and eight-rib paragon frames. These for women show a variety in handles, some being of bakelite. (Main Fleer) Vacation Time and Men Must Swim te Be Happy,. Which calls te mind two bathing suits that have wen a warm place in the hearts of unnumbered men. One is a one-piece affair made te leek like a two-piece suit. The tights are woven right en the jersey, but the jersey hangs in a skirt effect en the outside. It can be had in several colors, most always neatly striped. Priced $5 and SG.eO. Then the legular two-piece weisted suits, ns popular new as always, aie $5 and $6.50. While lelline; en the beach most ( Main When Feet Are Tired and Smarting n if all en fire, that is the tune that Wanamaker feet pewdei proes the Kic"te-t been te lmv people e ery whole Seething and lelievini: and well weith using all of the time A nuartor-peund pnekage costs only 15 cent. (Miiln I luer) The Best Wilten Rugs Are Among These in the July Clearaway Rugs that are almost ironclad in their earing quality, at the same time odd in pattern and rich in coloring. In a word, Wilten rugs the kind that have covered the floors of the proudest rooms for generations. Twe exceptional values are: 9x12 ft. Wilten, $95; 8.3x10.6 ft. Wilten, $67.50 and $92.50. Among the Summer rugs at attractive prices are: Heavy Meurzarks Rush ftUgs 0x12 ft., ?29 f)xi2 ft., $23.50, $26.50, $42 e.xcu ii., .t,.s-s.eu 6x9 ft., $15 LUf . .J h.tiV.S tftSlr k"" ' Kt-' Furniture Crowding In. The Wanamaker Furniture $tore occupies what is believed te be the largest space devoted te furniture, by any retail store in the world. But there aren't many square yards te spare, especially in view of the daily precession of new goods coming in. Only a Wanamaker stock could fill such a fine acreage. Ne ether stock that we knew of could fill mere than a third of it. It would be a pity if we were te feel vainglorious about this. We have very clear and happy recollections of the time when our Furniture Stere and furniture stock were ever se much smaller; but we recollect also that while we believed we were doing splendidly, there was then something about the whole business that por tended vastly greater things ahead. In the meantime these have come te pass, but in the meantime, also, our visions have expanded and we are still growing and, what is mere important, still learning in that best of schools, the school of practical experience. One of the things we learned long age is that there is no particular distinction in having the greatest furni ture business in the world unless it has been built up en a foundation of real advantage te all the people. We don't want our furniture business or any ether branch of the Wanamaker Stere service te grew by a hair's-breadth beyond the measure of its helpfulness te the public. They will be much interested by the stock of furni ture new en our floors, because it is just such a stock as they would expect te find in a store that has grown like a sound oak tree and strengthened with the years. A Brogue That Only Master Sh,Qm Makers Could Turn Out A glance tells the whole story, and men by the scer have called it the most conventional, most solid, most prae- tical brogue they have come across in a city-wide search. And being a brogue, it must be fashionable. v In a word, it is of Scotch grain calf, as geed as any leather could be. with solid white oak soles and rope stitched' at the seams. Naturally it is tan. but a different tan, being extremely1 dark. The price is $12.50. ft Mnln 1 luer) men need sweatei usually the pull-e". tv tpe with the V "neck. In white or ether ylnin colors the pi ice is $8. I lour) White Silk 1 landkcrchiefs for Men Xi'W amaK of ecclli'iit quality with one-feuith, one-half and one inch hems. Puces aie 7.V, $. SI,::.", and .-.'JJ apiece. I Mnln I lour) G.0 ft.. (Tnth Fleer) TifTpn HB k A : iiiaik V WEfr&m ..... . ll ii Baskets Baskets Baskets Tables are heaped with them baskets of all kinds and just because there are se many in all and se few of each type the prices have been shorn. If ever n imusckccpc" npeds a basket, heie i the kind of opportunity that glows golden. Maiket baskets, sewing basKcts, sweet grass baskets, letter baskets. All odd, all diffeicnt looking. And there's a basket at almost any price. Market baskets, 70c, 75c, 85c. !)0c. S1.13 and Sl.r.0. Sewinjj hnrkets are 2.'ic nnd .-)0c. Sweet Rrass b.iskctb are 50c. Letter baskets. 25c. ( I en r t ll I luer) S15 nnd 17.Kn m I vt I. t 't i 8. v.. 4) s J" k , vv 1 i X J - V i n v e.. . v. r. i -, "''if ttV i M y'fJ'rC ..vfye.gyj ?&