Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 17, 1922, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 5, Image 5

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m c..
Wade, Ex-Kllgrapp, in Answer
te Suit, Accuses Wizard Pro Pre
Tern, and Mrs. Tyler
Atlanta, On.. July 17. Clmrfres
that Edward Yeung Clarke, Impcrlnl
WlMird pre tern., nml Mrs. nilrnbctli
Trier his former amer-lute In the prop prep
ration department, are fcntlierlni? their
own nest" te the extent of n great for
' tune; thnt the Knights of the Ku KIux
Klan have become mere tribute pnvcrs.
and thnt Clnrke lins either kept Colonel
.T Simmons. Imperial Wizard.
,in'mk or taken advantage of "his
drunken condition," arc set forth by
Leuis D. Wade, discharged Kllgranp.
5i nnswer te a suit for Injunction filed
P 1ii Klnn officers te prevent him from
tprrndlng propaganda among members
i the order cietrimenrni te me emccrs.
TVnrte says In his petitien:
"This defendant, as n loyal Klans
can in common with thousands of oth eth
Jr5, feel outraged thnt perMins se
notorious ni Clarke and Mr. Tyler
(lieiild be In nbnlute charge of the
Mutinies of an order In hoe rnnks
there nre se many upright and noble
nen whesu characters nre above re re
dreneh. "Defendant hnrges that Clarke and
Mrs. Tyler nre using the Klan for their
pergenal aggrandisement nnd, being In
control of Its funds, bnve become sud
denly enormously wealthy from ill got
ten gains collected from the ranks of
ICti KIux men. Clarke has gained com
plete control eveif the chief executive
officer (William .leseph Simmons), nnd
has either kept him drunk or hns taken
advantage of his flninken condition nnd
procured for hlmflilf the office of Im
perial Wizard pn tern., which allows
Mm te exercise unprcme control ever
the entire organization. "
According te the nnswer, Clarke new
In Imperial Wizard pre tern., Imperial
Kleagle and Imperial Klnllff. Bv vir
tue of these titles, the answer alleges,
Clnrke controls the selection of nil
officers of the Klnn.
"Any members of the Supreme Coun
cil who opposes Clarke's will Is lmme
dlatelv dismissed." the answer charges.
Dallas, Tex., .Tuly 17. The Ku KIux
Klan has been injected into the Bonn Benn
tnrlal race in Texas, and two candi
dates of the five entered for the Demo
cratic primaries hnve tnken n strong
?fwfti.vr'."jiffif m3iaiwi'ti'-ir'. . ' yjiirsxm
m3vmmMrw' S
stand en "this Issue. ' The Kln ekrlj
began te play n part In the race, largely
through the efforts of members of the
whlto-rebed order who are openly seek
ing te elect n ninn friendly te their
Charles A. Culberhen, who has served
In the I'nltcd States rtennte continu
ously since 18118, lias deneunn-d the
Man In vogerous terms, urging Its
speedy abandonment or nbolillen,
Ilnbcrt L. Henry, of Wace, shortly utter
beglnttliig his active campaign, an
nounced that he was, a member of the
Klnn and that he had permission te
make known the fact from the Atlanta
headquarters of the necret organization.
In most of his speeches slnru thnt time
he has been busy defending nnd up
holding the order, announcing himself
as the representative In the State.
Karl 11. Mayncld, of Meridian, State
Railroad Commissioner, Is loiiin.enly
reported te be the Klnn's chosen can
didate, although Mr, Mayfield fnils te
admit the enusc of the Klan as nn Issue
In his addresses. It has been declared
In Dnllai by m tald te be eflctats of
the Klnn that n list of Its indorsed
(nndldates for local office will be made
known prier te the Democratic prima
ries but no publication hns been made,
and it is net known whether the list, If
it does appear, will Include a recom
mendation In the senatorial race,
A mixture of ancient Issues marks
the race for the Demectatic nomination,
with Stntc's rights, the Federal Itcsenc
s.tstcin and prohibition deu.nnding most
of the (nndldates' attention. In addi
tion te Mr. Culberson nnd Mr. llenij,
these tanking the race urc Cullen V.
Themas, of Dallas; Clarence Cusly, of
Fert Werth, assistant secrctnry In the
Depnrtment of Agriculture under I'resl.
dent Wilsen during the World Wnr,
nnd .Tames K. Fergusen, of Temple,
who was ousted fren Mic office of Gov Gov
ereor of Texas In 1017.
w k - 'TMBwr.v,i
vj"rr. . r" Af'My; yvwtr, ji
W .' " ""' '""".'; ' ' ' ', '
Imt the srrewn-ups, tee. who rnjey the comic
nntlri, and predicaments of the well-known
linrffirmpt.. imtiitnHHr? nirv uli In tha
nlx.pnE( Cotnle Bectlen of the .Sunday Pun-
I 1 I.MKIhR ll.
are ordering freely from the Dittrich stocks of
super-fine merchant tailoring stocks.
They find exactly the fabrics they are accus
tomed te wearing, for dress, business and sport
wear and will pay
instead of $105 te $130, which was Dittrich's fair
and regular price.
1217-19 Chestnut Street
Miniim.r1.m,iiinnnun U;lluaX'"'""''yammmwrrr "
Atlantic is dependable gasoline because it is a
balanced gasoline, having the range te meet
every operating condition of speed, lead and
Fer quick-and-certain starting of the meter,
and for instant response en the get-away you
can depend en Atlantic! Its low initial "boiling
point" assures asy vaporization and sure-fire
And where power is needed for pick-up,
hill climbing, lead hauling there note the
stamina, the intense calorific power developed
behind a set of Atlantic driven pistons!
But Atlantic dependability doesn't step with
performance. It is the one gasoline that is
always dependable in supply. Fer no matter
when or where the tank runs low you can be sure
"there's an 'Atlantic Pump en the read
you are traveling"
in Your. Moter
Clearing Out Hundreds of
Frecks Women Need New
at End-of-the-Season Prices
Don't fail te profit by this it is an economy event without precedent and
without counterpart; it is a time for stocking up with all the lovely Frecks you
may need for summer, autumn and winter, for many of the loveliest models are
of fine silk crepes, which are always se desirable.
Canten Crepe, Crepe-Knit Sports Dresses of Velette,
and Drep-stitch Tricelettv Dresses ,Crepe de Chine, Serpentine Crepe
Average half price. Net all sizes in each
style. A variety of shades, including navy blue;
sonic in black.
Dotted Swiss, Ratine and
Gingham Dressev
Dark Voile nnd fine fl7 CA
Gingham Dresses at J'W
Chiefly small sizes in these. Other models
of Canten crepe, crepe de chine and Chamrny
knit, in sizes 3G te 40.
Canten Crepe and
Crepe Meteer Dresses
Tub Frecks of Dimity
and Tissue uinghnms
5a Strctwbrldgft & riethler Sftviml Fleer. Mnrkt Strt
The Clearance of Shoes
Includes Many Lines
at Half Fermer Prices
Desirable Summer Footwear for men, women nnd children.
Chiefly broken lines and styles te.bu discontinued all taken from
our icgulur stock and greatly reduced for early cleniance. A few
of the v.ilues ,
Women's Black and Tan Calf Pumps $2.7.r,.
Women's Smart Sports Oxfords new $,'.05
Women's Pumps and Oxfords, half price $,i.7r
Women's White, Cleth and Canvas Oxfords $4.45
Women's Patent Leather Sandals new $445
J. .. G rover's Sens Ce. Seft Shoes for tender feet $5.25
Women's Pumps, new li)ies from stock $0.90
Children's and Misses' Oxfords and Pumps $2.45
Children's and Misses' White Canvas Pumps $2.95
Children's and Misses' White Canvas Oxfords $2.25
Children's and Misses' Tan Pumps and Oxfords $2.75
Grewing Girls' Tan and White Pumps and Oxfords, $5.45
Men's liluck and Tan Shoes and Oxfords $2.75.
Men's Tan Calf Oxfords, (joed styles $4. tf
Men's Tan and Black Leather Oxfords $5.95
Men's Tan and Black Oxfords new $6.45 r
Beys' Tan and Gun-metal Calf Oxferd.i $4.95
Ar .n 1 rm bridle 4. Clothier KlCith RnO Klllrt Strati
Next Outdoor
Dance en
Thursday Evening
The next of our compli
mentary Summer Evening
Dances, at the Strawbridge &
Clothier Athletic Field, at
Sixty-third and Walnut Streets,
next Thursday evening. Our
customers are invited. Admis
sion 1y card, which may be
had at Main Desk, Filbert
Street. Moter entrance, Sixty
second and Locust Streets.
Dainty Muslin
Underwear at
Special Prices
Nainsoek Night Gowns
Sleeveless, square - necked,
daintily tucked, lace-trimmed
and ribbon-bedecked $2.75.
Nainsoek Combinations
Of corset cover with skirt
or drawers, trimmed gener
ously with embroidery and lace
Nainsoek Chemises
Step-ins that are se well
liked . tucked, decoratively
stitched and cmbreidery-etlged
Nainsoek Corset Cevers
Bodice - top style, lace
trimmed $1.50.
A Petticoat of satine, double
te the hip-line $3.50.
StrawbrMea & Cletht.r
Third Fleer, West
A Clese-out of
Little Girl
White Dresses
75c te $5.00
A Jumbled let of about two
hundred and fifty little Frecks,
at a reduction of mere than
one-third, despite the fact that
a pressine; or n tubbing will
make them like new.
Plain and fancy models of
voile, nainsoek and lawn, and
every size in the let, from 2
te 0 years.
Only two hundred and fifty,
and countless vacation trunks
waiting for values like these.
StrawtirldK & Clothier
Third Tloer, Went
Special Prices
en Beys' Blouses
Here in this complete Beys'
Stere you will find every sort
of wanted Sports Blouse at
much less than regular prices:
Striped percale, white ma
dras, tan pongee and plain
color cheviot Blouses 70c.
Blouses of fancy striped
dimity, all-white striped ma
dras $1.00.
Blouses of fancy woven weven weven
stripe madras in new designs,
unusually fine quality $1.50.
Mrawtirlds A Clethr
Second Fleer. Iat
lews FdDMem!
"' -V V
New! A Clearance of
all Our Straw Hats
Every Straw Hat in our entire great stock has new been
reduced te a clearance price. A timely opportunity te icplace
your early-season straw with a spick-span, brand-new' one at little
Stiff Straw Hats new $1.25,
$1.95, $2.85 and $3.50
With a small group of our finest Straw Hats, reduced te $3.85.
Panama Hats Half Price new
$2.00, $2.50, $4.00 and $5.00
This is an opportunity no man should allow te pass. We are
ready for the crowd of men who will choeho here te-morrow.
3$-y htnivv bride & Clothier Second l'loer, .Market Mret, Hmt
Smart Shirts Secured
at Price Concessions
And, therefore, passed along te you at decided savings
Excellent Shirts at 85c and $1.15. Shirts of woren weren
stripc madras $1.35. Shirts of woven-stripe madran,
tan and white cotton pongee, white mercerized oxford and
white madras with self stripes $1 .65. Silk Sh irts, white
and colored effects $4.35. Coel cheek nainsoek Pajam, ,
$1.75. 5-. Strawblldue & ClethUr rjt Stere. Klthlh Street
Corliss-Coen Seft Cellars
Six for 75c Te-morrow!
Three of the season's most popular styles te cheese from. A
make of cellar that needs no introduction te well-dressed men.
Yeu can well select a season's supply at this price 6 for 75c.
xr Slmwlirldge t. Clothier .Market Street Cnms AWe
Three Values in Socks
Black and colored Cotten Socks, with high spliced heels and
deuble soles 0 pairs for 70c.
Black and colored Silk Socks with cotton tops nnd tees; seconds
35c n pair; or 3 pairs for $1.00.
Mercerized Lisle Socks, b'ack and colors 35c a pair, or 3
pairs for $1.00. -r . Straw brldK. I'luiliiii Aisl 3, .MjrUi Siuei
W'J'J" "HS 1,' ',' ' ' '
Stamped Summer
Luncheon Sets
Nine - piece Sets of un
bleached muslin: centrepiece,
four doilies and four napkins;
the design is paitly tinted and
te be worked in French knot.-.
Alse Sets of a 36-inch square
and four napkins in three dif
ferent styles of lazy dai-y and
French knot designs; rasily
embroidered 50c.
Vanity Sets at 25c
Three pieces; unbleached or
Straw hrldKe riethler
Third Tloer Xlarkat Rtrt
Silk Bags at
a Fraction of
Their Real Value
$1.95 and $2.95
Meires, striped silks, failles,
brocades; Peuch Bags and
Flat Bags;, all geed, smart
styles, all with fine linings and
all nicely finished Bags that
would be your choice at the
regular prices, which in many
instances would be treble and
Straw bridge Clothier
.Market street Crena Aljle. and
Atalei 8 and 0, Centre
Coel, dainty, made en the
new easy lines, and showing
the newest Ideas in all the
little but important details
Dresses for morning wear any
where, but paiticularly satis
factory for veranda wear at the
3here or in the country.
Twe models, one developed
in figuied voile in lavender,
blue and gray effects, trimmed
with white organdie; the ether
of batiste, dot or block pat
terns, in brown, black, blue and
led. All sizes from 36 te 46.
Straw lirldKe A. Clothier
Third Fleer, Filbert Street. Wit
Men's Bathing
Suits One-third
Under Price
In the newly located Sport
ing Goods Stere in the Base
ment, West:
Men's California-style, one
piece Bathing Suits of pure
worsted, with border stripes;
sizes 3(5 te -10 $3.00. With
silk stripes $3.90.
Men's Life - Guard - style
Bathing Suits, white wool
shirt, fast-color blue flannel
pants, white-web belt with
nen-rustable buckle $3.75.
With extra-heavy white wool
shirt and blue talbet flannel
pants $5.95.
Lew-cut Sneakers for men,
women and children. Excellent
for bathing $1.00 a pair.
Rubber Bathing Caps,
Swimming Tubes, Water
Wings nnd ether ceneniences
for bathers, low in price.
Stmwbrldite i Clothier
l!ament. West
Children's Socks
3 Pairs for 50c
Just about half price for
these white mercerized cotton
Socks with fancy roll tops.
Net all sizes.
Ftrew bridge A Clothier
Alsl. Centre
Coaches, $25
A gteup of stylish-looking
Baby Coaches, made very
sturdily, with reversible gear
and heavy lubber tires. Light
in weight, easy running much
less than regular $25.
Strollers $9.00 te $21.00
A large assortment, much
under price $9.00 te $21.00.
Straw bridge A ciethle-
Uasement, FlltMrt Street
Grass Rugs
A lucent shipment, most of
them stenciled in the wanted
blue and green designs. The
smaller sizes (plenty of them)
mntch many of the larger
sizes nn added inducement.
Size 18x36 inches 35c
Si?e 27x54 inches 75c
Size 8x10 feet $4.50
Size 912 feet $5.00
Plenty of Runners
Lew in Price
Sue 2.39 feet $1.50
Size 2.3x10.0 $1.75
Size 2.3x12 feet $2.00
Strnw bridge S. Olutluer
Fleur 4 Vi I ilberl Str-et
Women's Knit
low neck, no sleeves; also
bodice vests; seconds 25c.
band top, low neck, no sleeves;
35c ench, or 3 for $1.
SUITS band top. low neck,
no sleeves; loose or tight
knee.-?; legular sizes, 50c;
extra sizes 60c.
VESTS in pink; ribbon
shoulder straps $1.95.
Ptran bride A Clothier
Alele 4, Centre and ALL 8,
.Market Street und Centre
New! Real Irish
Crochet Laces
60c te $3.00
Just airhed, our own im im im
poitalien of these elegant
Lnces, direct from Clenes, Ire
land, the home of the best
Irish Laces. Seeral patterns;
widths of an inch te 2'a
Miautir de A f lethler
Anle 12 Centre
New is the Time for Men te
Save One-third te One-half
en Desirable Clothing
-I'er in this great Clearance there are thousands
of Suits all taken directly from our regular stocks,
and all marked at reduced prices that are hurrying
them out daily.
Excellent assortments of styles, patterns and sizes
still en hand for men who want te make the wisest
possible Clethes investment:
Suits $15, $20, $27 and $38
Every Suit at a Substantial Price Reduction
Practically evuiy desirable sports and conservative style,
nnd every popular fabric is included in this wonderful clear
ance KtOUP.
Hundreds of Blue Serge Suits Included
With One Pair of Trousers With Twe Pairs of Trousers
$22.50, $29.50, $38.00 $20.00, $27.00, $33.00
An excellent opportunity te heciue one of these most popular of
nil .Summer Suits. Many styles nnd all sizes te cheese from.
A Special Purchase of
Palm Beach Suits, $13.50
-Hns just arrived. These nre the well-tnileied garments that met
men prefer because of their shape-retaining qualities and all-around
style smartness. These will go quickly.
Tteusers of White English Cricket Cleth (flnnnel)-new S7.75
y struwbrku. A Clethl.r H.cend Fler, IW
tL , iw
f i