SfttfKiBKJ ;vSiViiii'iiywfl Jiiii " r'- 'Ji.Vj. iv" .Kill v'' mSUrUAUliHItK BLOT SINGER'S HOPE David Yakevlavitch Skvinsky Finds Malady Bars Girl's U. S. Entry at Gloucester LONG FIGHT TO QUIT RUSSIA niter n FtrtiKRli' Mint InMeil yrnri, inVrn Flnitcr. wen iN wny ' H"-- ?fa nnl nrr'Ve.1 in Phllii.lelphln en the Jam"l.l Hnvrrfer.1 only te flml (..it he may W te re Imck win bwip .lit net I"1 pcrmittPil te Innil. The Blrl ll beliig licl'l nt the (llmi ,t0r ImnilRrntlmi Stntlen tiwrniw medical oxnmlneM tlirre Hny clie Ims dangerous nml contagious diueiiKe of Sk'vlnky lmil drenms of continuing fermerlv tmeepiiful career In Amer ica nnd 'endured ninny linrriihlns In his effort te rench the United States. Be brniiRlit IiIh ilnugliter with hlili ns in nroetiiiuinlst. Officials nt the immigration station the will net be permitted te Innd tni nrebnblv will be returned te Kits lis In tlint ense it is likely Hint her father, who wns nllewed te innd, will return with her. SkvInMtv is no mediocre, epern siiiKcr, II Ih evidenced by his record here when he visited America en one former oecn eecn oecn lien. In his tour thirteen yenrs nge he snng In Ibis city under the direction of Oscnr llainincrf teili, nnd Inter In the old Mniilinttan Opern IIdiim; In New Yerk City. CHILD, 4. DIES FIVE WEEKS AFTER SUFFERING BURNS Complications Set In After Girl Ap parently Had Recovered Three weeks nge tedny little (ier trudi Snmberki, feur-,cnr-ld daughter of Mirhnel, nnd Annie Sznm Sznm beHfi, returned te 'her hofne nt 1110 Wt 'ilrnrd nvenue. nppnrently re corded from the bnriin Kbe luul received two weeks before, when playing with matchei1. And the mother, who hml prayed in cessantly for the child's recovery, wns overjoyed . But today (Jertrude died. Her frnil constitution wns unnblc te withstnnd the complications Hint set in several dnys age. June 1!5 the child was pleying with matches in the kitchen of her home when her dress caught fire. She wns taken te the Children's Hospital, where for many dnys physicians despaired of her life. Then finally she nppe.ired te rewer, nnd nfter urgent plcudlng wus allowed te return home. A few dnys age the became 111. 125 BOYS OFF FOR OUTING Youngsters te Spend Ten Days at University Camp A riotously hnppy contingent of 12.1 email bejs left this morning for be.ui tlful lVrkiemen Vnlley, where for ten days tli?v will be the guests of the University Settlement Cnmp, nenr Green i.nne. They will live outdoors and Fleep In teiiis uml for the ten days of tiielr vncntlen de nil the things In the weeds nnd en the water Hint nor mal bevs delight In. There will be sport"! in plenty, nnd nil the fend that appetites ninde by outdoor piny de Band. Dunn Howe, n Y. M. C. A. (eeictnry It the 1'nlversity. is In charge of the camp, which is conducted by the I'ni TerIty Settlement Heu-e. THREE HURT IN CRASH Aute Driver Flees After Hitting Truck en White Herse Pike Three I'liilndelphinns were injured early tedny en the White Hoine pike hen nn nutn smashed Inte their truck. They nre Leuis Wolf, thirty-live, 8229 Arlington street, possible frnc frnc ture of thn skull; Merris Wolf, thirty two, his brother, same nddres, possible Internal Injuries; Hen Cehen, thirty two, ItSliil Rlrnrd nvenue, leg cut, bruises nnd hhoek. According te tint injured men they were en their wny te this city whgn the automobile cut out from behind ether mnehines te pitas' u car nnd crashed into their tiuik. The clrlier fped nwnj. State troopers nre in this city in hopes of locating the cnr. Seek Missing Orphan Police lme been iNei te penreh for Hairy Miles, twelve jcnrs old, an or phan, who disappeared jestenlny. He escaped from the llnptWt Orphnnnge nt Flfty-el.'hth nnd Themas streets. THE NKW rBKMIF.lt OF JAPAN Ha attitude inward external nffnlra anil rrtlculnrly in relation te America Is cil. timed t l-nrmr AmbaBaader Helnnd js Jlerrlj. from an Intimate ncqualmnncH with Jr?i0, ?ulll't.''pr'''r?. In th6 Malne Sec Sec tlen of the Sunday I'tnue Lkhekr. ".Make It a Habit." Wit. SINGERDAUGHTER BARRED tj. S. 'mmmWwp r v '-m. mmmm HiBiPiHI ?". f "'i t'lmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWKKmWaVLXmm j -" l li -.MmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmxMmmmmn I m ' 'tc:",x: :,ArV- mm I W ' y' '':Wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm9BX'mmmm '&'', '' ' -' 'KV'ZmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmWEmmm i R'&.s S vf t mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiSmmf9aKm mM mW mmmmmam ' Y i '' ' SMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmfMMmMmBm WWk MMmWi POLICE SEARCH FQR GlrlL; 16, MISSING THREE WEEKS Werry Over Disappearance Causes Serious Illness of Mether Werry ever the dlsnppeurnnce of her slxteen-yenr-eld daughter n.ore than three weeks nge has caused the serious Illness of Mrs. Mary Kvches, 1027 Mount Vernen street, and the family today appealed te tha police te help find her. The girl, Ruth, left home en June 24, nnd her purents have net heard from her since. She left no hint of why she left or where she Intended te go. Meanwhile the mother looked for her re turn without usklng the aid of the police. The anxiety iinnuy cniiseti n DrenK DrenK dewn In her healHi, and her condition new lx regnreeti ns rriiimi. MAIMED BY CARTRIDGE Hammonton Child Leses ringers When Stray Ammunition Explodes V.1f fniiiirntn ftl T I Pfl rnM cnti nt lllllin S tllV iv . -. j -w... w.. .-..hi ui Michael lmpernte, of Hninmonten, N. J., lest n thumb nnd three fingers of 1119 lull mum ,v. ........ ...ftv. ...- tin, n companion hml picked up en hltc ller.se plKe cxpieucu yesienia.v. Tin, niitti ntti'mnleil In bamnipr tlin cartridge with n Bti.iill rock. Jehn De- u....l full intj rtlil tltu rillitlinnlnti was struck in the face by Hying bits of the. rncK wnen tne concussion cuuveu it te splinter. inn Mtvliisliy (left), accompanist for lier father, David Yahevlavltcli Slulnshy, noted Itiisslan opera singer, Is ilcrlnreil by medlral examiners te liave a dangerous disease of the eyes, nnd will probably he sent liacjc te Itussla. She was snapped In detention at the Gloucester Immigration station ns she greeted n friend, who Is nn American citizen SUSPECTS IN LIQUOR THEFT CAPTURED AT W1LDW00D A. Morrewltz and W. J. Thompson, of Phlla., Wanted In Bethlehem Ahruhnm Morrewltz, . lilMO Seuth Fourth street, nnd Walter J. Thomp son, 501) Seuth Fifth stiect, were nr rested today in Wlldwoed, X. J., ns suspects In the theft of $13,000 worth of whNky lu Bethlehem frmr months nge. They were living In a hotel under assumed names nnd weru leglstcred ns from 1'ntersen. According te City Detective Jacob II. Gomborow, these two men were directly rcsponslble for the theft of thirteen bar rels of whMtv f i out Jeseph Mernn, 2.TJ Seuth Third street, Uothlelietn, en Mnrcli 10 Inst. Detectives Oombemw and Geld, who investigated the cast.' here, nrrcsteil .Mrs. Mary liagcn, liislith street near I'lne. and J. T. Hradley, keener of u saloon nt Klchth nnd Lem bard streets. The Grand Jury nets upon their cases tedny. Merrow lt7. nnd Thompson were tin plicated In the robbery, the detectives state, through n confession of Chuilcs Musters, l!0.i erth Cleveland nvenue, driver of thn truck which hauled the liquor out of Hcthlchem. The police hnve been looking ter tliem for the Inst four months. Sergeant Redney slhnvcr, State trooper stationed lit XorrKtewn, nnd Detective Gomborow proceeded tedny te Wildwood te .get the alleged llipier thieves, Morrewltz H notorious here ns a petty thief, recently serving a tern for pilfering clothes. iucky IstrikeJ Caster Read Weman Left $20,834 Wills probated today were these of Mnggic R. Hurt, Caster read, who left S20.SMi James A. Hughes, 0120!) Spruce street, who left .$(l2ri0. An in ventory wns filed in the persennl estnte of Mni-y K. Stehrer. of 43,004.28. Sales or Office Manager A Philadelphi'nn for the laat five years located in New Yerk, is anxious te return te his native city. Has had but two positions in nineteen years. The laat five, as general sales manager for a paint specialty house and the previous fourteen as nn executive with a prominent Philadelphia drug man ufacturer. Will start nt a reason able salary. We would be glad te supply further information. HERBERT M. MORRIS ADVERTISING ACENCY North American Bulldlnf WE WANT A Right-Hand Man A man who enjoys the confidence of his community who hns ambi tion nnd grit enough te step out of n rut nnd go after the rich prizes of life. That man has tha opportunity of asseclalnB himself with n preup of engineers and rntilt.atlfllfl wlln nrA fltwntnnlnir 1 eernl hlRhlv profltnble Industries, , one of which Is leeWed In riilla dclphln. Ne Investment Is re quired. Tour lettpr will be opened by n responsible executive. There for you may writn In confidence. A 008, Li;i)GEIt OFFICK Cigarette It's toasted. This one extra process gives a rare and delightful quality Impossible te duplicate. ..... ' Guaranteed bv ' itJfyizviccbtAfr&acetr!. ssattt m LU.I iT.Mil sr.nii.inj STANDARD EIGHT The Car With Airplane Lubrication Over 500 miles te a single quart of oil Get a demonstration EASTERN MOTORS CORPORATION Distributors Itrnnrt St.vnt Wallace, rhlln, The Standard Moter Car Ce. Pittsburgh, Pa, Sales and Advertising Executive desires te talk with Philadelphia concern that 1-m a permanent connection with real future te offer him en hneU of hl ireel turrit. Aite 2: married, college education with leunl trnlnlnc: war r'cerd! nuc'ipiaful and cremprehenl experience an .alesmaii, sales promotion mnnaner. adiertlilnn minnKer, dletrlct maniiRcr. Tic Is Interested primarily In opportunity and net In salary. If you are looking for audi n mnn aiidreee a Hin. i.kikikr nrricR HOI Sometimes the "best" in photo - en gravings also means the quickest. When that's the case it's most satisfactory te send the work te us. The Chetnutjtreet ENCR4riNGCa!!: E.C0R.IIT-2CHETNUTt Ll! 1 lllll ROAMER In Reamer alone this new Continental 12XD meter a marvel of power, speed and silence with no vibra tion point. America's star performer under all condi tions. Continental-s Newest Triumph 12XD MOTOR A masterpiece of design pistons of Lynite Aluminum; Alley metal connecting reds. And an average of IS miles te the gallon. See it drive it test it new. BARLEY MOTOR CAR CO. Kalamazoo, Mich. PHILADELPHIA ROAMER CO. 842 NORTH BROAD ST. (Poplar 2340) 1 -JerUrl ar mtemtww vm fcfi ''- CRASH VICTIMS RECOVERifJG Nene of Thete Injured In Parkway Building Will Die All of the seven victims of the cpl lapne of the Parkway Hulldlng lest Thursday who were kept in Hahnemann Hospital are en the way te recerery. Even thew) who were kerleusly Injured and who have been operated 'upon, in the opinions of the doctors, will get well. Scvernl hnve been dlHehnrged. Patrick McUevern, whes! collarbone was fractured, wun cleaned en Sutur chiy, and told the doctors he was going back "Te work en Muiulny. "I'm net nfrnld of their old IioeiIooh." he snld. "and no Irishman worthy of the niiuie should be. Ocergpi' AVIlllnniH nnd .ftiniet Wallnce. both colored, Imvc been Kent home and erdcn'il te report for treiitment. They both have Inekcn arms. 'J'heie nre only four men rem ni nine nt tin1 hnupltnl. Tliev nre limit .Mnrtinwdi, Ktlward Mctiia and Frank (.Vdarcrcpii, nil of whom have hren'epernted en te remove clots en the builn cnused b.v frncture of their hkullx. nml Innc I.lnsett, who MiKtiilhl a broken arm and ether mltiet Injuries. " Werihipera' Visit Hammonton Hiindrcdn of wershlpcrH from At lantic City, Trenten and ether pnrts of New Jersey, an well as from Phila delphia, visited Hammonton tedny te attend ceremonies of the nnniiel fenct of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Hourly mnsses were held this niernliiK In Ht. T.nl.'u f'lmrrh. At 4 o'clock il re ligieus precession extending four miles will patH tlireugn me Rirecin. n mv works display wll he held tonight. ARE you impressing the trade with the importance of your gen eral advertising and giving them every facility for co-operating? HERBERT M. MORRIS Advertising Agency Every Phase of Sale Promotion North American Bldg. Philadelphia fr- ,fK- V-fS7i'f 'UUmmmmmmmmm f . V'.- "'vBtKmmmmm SANKS8! -4iii rif ' a ll PYO ww m mm w i M-y .SiLVUtanmu .q. lAvJyt AT," TRAVELING BAGS SUIT CASES AND OVERNIGHT BAGS In all leathers with Geld Silver Ebony and French Ivery Fittings or plain if desired up' F Remember what you said that cold day? YOU shivered at breakfast' thatr'merning. And your famiiy shivered all 'day. Yeu said: "We'll 'never go through another winter with that worn out furnace." An IDEAL Beiler with American Radiators will warm your home all ever and pay for it self .in the fuel it saves. Don't forget that cold day resolution new that the days are warm. AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY IDEAL Boilers end AitERJc A Radiators for every heating n 1711 Chestnut St. 25th and Reed Stt. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 :a BECOME AN ACTIONIST All successful business men are actionists. They seize opportunities quickly. A rtintliifi are taking full advantage Why? of the rporntien. Because they see in it the opportunity of a lifetime. Why Net Enroll Today at an Aetienist? Application Blanks en Request Membership Limited General Mortgage Financing Corporation Kidge and Girard Avenues Perry's Sale of Fine Quality Suits (for a limited period only) $ 19 made te sell for $28 and $30 $24 made te sell for $33 and $35 $ 29 made te sell for $38, $40 nnd $48 "7"eu'LL NEED both hands te count - en your fingers the number of years since there has been such a wonderful opportunity te buy goods of high quality at such amazingly low prices. PERRY'S Here are Hottest Weather Clethes at Super -Value' Prices Loek around everywhere and see what you can buy in strictly Summer clothes. You'll find an actual saving of several dollars en anything you buy. Nete the qualities first; then the price tags. Palm Beaches, $14.50 and $17 There's quality in the fit and trimming as well as in the fabric. Silky Mehairs, .$18 and $20 Rich, lustrous fabrics, exquisitely trimmed with silk and made aa well as mehairs can ba made. Feathenv eight Tropical Worsteds, $25 and $28 Think of the satisfaction of buying at this big store where you can find anything you want for less money than you counted en spendingi Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men (e) 1022, P. A Ce. (CopyrlRhted, GW 192.!) The Pierce-Arrew Moter Car Company announces a sub stantial reduction in prices of all its Passenger Cars. Effective July 15, 1922 Open Cars - - $5250 Closed Cars - $7000 F. O. B. BUFFALO The Pierce-Arrew Moter Car Company Buffalo, N. Y. ft Begins Today Our Entire Stock of this seasons Shoes for Men, Women and Children, excepting only our " Shoer-Treds" new marked at substantial reductions in accord With our established semi-annual custom. 1230 MARKET Shoes and Stocking) for the Family 19 Seeth 11th a QmickSrvie Man' Shep - ffhcSi 17 Stores of -Faoneus Shoei mm mmm 1308 CHESTNUT Shoes and Stockings for the Family T e Prtttttieuall rtttetl Thru Ofmting Brether Bmtmrwisna yOU are net at your best unless Comfort ably dressed. High temperatures affect the nerves and tne disposition veu can't be lOOfe ef ficient it veu are uSk worrying about the heat. Cf Our Tropical Wor sted Suits arc a splendid preventive of Heat discomfort and as they are made in accordance with Reed's Stand ard of Tailoring, they leave nothing te be desired in point of appearance. Priced $30 te $55. In a p p r e p r i ate colors and patterns. fl A Special Imported Cleth -the handsomest and most enduring summer fabric manufactured in Ceat, Vest and Troupers Suits, $60. Mehairs in plain Blues, Blacks and neat striped effects, ?20 and upward. J Palm Uracil Suit, $18 and $22. Solid colors in Tans, Grays, Blues or neat striped and plaid effects in dark colorings. j Coat-nnd-Treuscrs Suits of Silk, $35, $40 and $45. Flannel Trousers (White or Srriped), $0, $10, $12 and $1 S. I'.xtra Quality Imported Crukct Flannel, $15. Closing Heur 5 P. M. Closed All Day Saturday- JACOB REEtfS SONS 1424-1426 Chestaft Steve mmmmmmmmmmmWf T mmmmmmZ221 & . r '1 11 . v i . i i , f, CJ1 If I ' in T S' -JH iyMTi..ra.T j $M v.ma A- ,y . ... - ' 'j, i' s ' - . . ., V" J .--. r '.tfft&W&'M&t aMSVi