Rmaa aaHamEiSE5m5awS ."". iap ".''' '. I1 ,.rr.r rriwwwHBB'prw..'i j wwru-'v it ' vvsv IWWOT IPP1 ar.ff if sTwjfw ,? P'JfftTJtf A',nr fe t 1 .xvii" i ' VY J ) j :!f -20' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER FHIlEa-ttbNDA':' 17, lft& -1. T7fp-AW"'7 PMI!KW?i! . l - '.;;": v$rV t " &v i. Ift ' ft k'AK haw I, IV fa if I 102 m m I P."s i V 4' Housten Gas and Fuel Ce. Rf.' & Imp. 5 Bends Due Sept. 1, 1932 A first mortgage en all the property of the Company. Net earn ings ever Vi times in terest charges. . Price 92y2 & Interest Yielding about 6 A circular describing the above, together with our July Bend Circular, will be sent upon request (or F-ll. Harris, Ferbes & Ce Pine St., Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widcncr Bldg. Telephone Spruce 7040 MARKET WITHOU T SETTLED TREND Week - End Developments Ceal and Rail Strikes Pro moted Caution in id muiirniin! irraiiraiaiBJiinraiimiEiraininiiii'iin um ESTABLISHED 1865 BIOREN & CO. BANKERS 110 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Government, Municipal, Railroad and Corporation Securities Member yew Yerk and Fhilatliltilihi Stock Exchanges New Yerli, .Inly 17. TeilnjN stork market continued tn drift In the "iinn1 niinlpsi fnUilim mwl vWMn tin miiiip 1 narrow trading area n observed in most I et tlic m-ent priTcilliiR sessions, it vvns strictly 11 ttmllng nfTnlr with flushes I of vtrciiRtli nnd lienviiu-ss iircerillne te 1 the ttrevnlllni: whims of the nrefes- Iniiiil element. Seme early 'elllnc J originated from interior sources, but 1 1 coiiiinlsiien houses reported little out 1 "lde iiitore-t. At the outlet the main 1 body of stocks showed 11 ilewnwaid ti elid. The recessions were net followed In any fre-h liquidation; en the eon een trnrj, the list n a whole showed 0. tendency toward dullness en the de clines. This prompted covering of the p.uller sellers around midday, but en the tally th nme inertia followed as was the case of the early declines. Over the wiek-etid news was of a (liaracter te supply a lilt of a tet of the market nerve. llt-fii-al of t lie coal min ers te accede te President HardiiiR's d(sin for settlement of the prolonged stiiUi. si cms m have lireuelit matters pietty close te a definite showdown, i The railroad strike developments ever 1 Sunday, while cohtlletltiR, did net offer much encouragement for an Immediate ' settlement of that contreeisy. men ij was, liuwevcr. nppnrently n general g disposition te suspMid judgment ajid . mark time until further steps toward m settling the rail and coal strike problems SI were miule. Seme were of the opinion gf tin? worst snie of t lie miliead labor S situation had im-n discounted. Such n jg view was entei tallied l a limited few M and fuithermere tlu ree lit cemse of 1 the rail shai.s hiudlv continued this stieti hiiig of the point, gj In i iijiiih tieu with the labor trou treu li bles iinueuni ement was made of fur H 1 her mt in crude oil pi Ices. Most of the luld-ientiiieiu piiiducers ale fol fel J lowing the Standard Oil of t'.illfeinla 3 cuts, which action, however, was a j 1 toregene conclusion in Mew of the In 9 i'taMiiR tcstlmenj of the eer-pruduc-S 'lien of 1 rude. I'ach and all these mnt S ters, while Mipiiljini: plntiiible excuses Ja for the backing and tilling process of gj 1 the list, as a matter of fact the govern gevern Slng lnliueiice was te be found In the fi; I jockeying of the professional trading g 1 lenient. 32 , While the oils centinuisl te be of- ir'iniim"i.FraniriwnHim,rarerL f,,r,,ii -11" fmtiier mt" in ciwi.-. the eiiiupmenis weie pilsni'ii n rwaiu en " i t lui fbnnrv idol till. -r tt If nf thn mil- ' It..' , ...... ...- ..... v. ..... . .. 'vvu.v shepmen would incie.ise the opera tions of these concerns b.v reason of ,the necessitj of the railroads sending I their equipment for necessary and im- ' Iterative lepairs. After early wob bling the equipments anil some of the 1 independent steels were, bid up one te two points. Ualdwin and llaldwin nnd , ( 'rucible moved Inte new high ground for the year The rails were Irregular Sumatra Tobacco was the heaviest of the specialties. MqHaii Petroleum was the feature of the mid-scsslen. rising ." points from , its low of tin- morning. American Car, Ameilcau fan. Studebnker. Haldvvlii and American Locomotives and Se.irs Se.irs Keebuek icgisteti'd gains of 1 te -' . point. Union 1'aclllc. Atihi-eit and Heek Island strengthened with a further I gain for Canadian 1'acltic. ' Coca-Cela, Harvester and AVestlng- heiise were added te the strong ..tucks let the later period, but domestic oils and miscellaneous shares developed I heaviness. I Dialings tn bends during the iirsf 'half of the esnn were light, but .most! at gains ever last week's final' ' prii os. Liberties held linn; Trench municipals were fractionally better and Iielglau !ev eminent vs aKe improved with Cepenh.igi'ii ."'os. but the two classes of Mexli.in lievfnimcnt e- were heavy. Moderate gains were made b .!! genei.il 7s of l'.iHO. Consolidated . Ujs 7, Central Leather e and Armour I l'..s. lJaltlmere and Ohie -Is and American Telephone convertible lis 1 used en small offerings and si.eral of the secondary utilities also were 1 slightl lower. S'ijvv hiuh records fei I.lhertv second I l'4s at lnu 71 am! teurtn 4'ts at lull 111 weie seeieil in the latei bend I duilings Mi'Minn issues l.eiann' heav- n r. Iiiwi'vir. tin- ."s showing a les of 1 ' points and the Is 1 1 points m Tsk ?.''' WHOLESALERS Bankers and investment houses arc invited te use our service when desiring te buy or sell any Govern ment Leans. "A Natien-Wide Market" COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System City Hall Square A Leng-Term Hydro-Electric Bend Te Net 6.38 Penna. Tax Refunded Baker, Yeung & Company JOSOMI W. sWAlX, .Ir.. Mjnatrr Land Title Bldg. Botten Philadelphia R. A. M. & Ce.- We Offer A List of Selected Seasoned Bends Yielding 4.70 te 6.407c Lilt Upen Request Reed A. Morgan & Ce. M-" ' ' I - I-x h 1Ve' hnd T of IS 'Itj , PI, la Irlriiliunt spruce j3I FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk. July 17 The foreign ' evcliange market opened easier this morning, sterling "s of a cent down, 1 fruncs, I points; lire, ,'i points; guild ers, 7 points; Denmntk, 10 points, and the rest of the list about even with Saturd.i.v ' close. The disordered finan 1 l:il lendltiuns of (iermnny had no ma 1 ter .il I'tTut apparintlv upon mark evh.mgp. In the trading of the mid-afternoon, fumes and lire n iilliuiul te rally, while sterling became slightlv easier r.nd niaiki receded frni tienullv . tiuildcrs leinaineil steady. Traders reported the volume of business erv small. Sterl ing (iiulei ih'j, iiemaml 4,-li'j; 1 ables S U-s , he ks S 271 i' liri' NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Only Afternoon Repert in Philadelphia Quoting Full Lilt 9 12 I1.' Dl. SateK la I 100 .. 200 203 tee 1403 103 6300 100 603 100 500 200 15700 700 100 100 200 100 100 600 100 300 100 4700 100 100 2403 1100 100 1500 100 200 300 1100 100 200 600 100 400 100 600 600 1300 600 200 2200 400 1000 800 500' 1600 100 400 26503 0200 203 100 100 ? 300 400 1200 900 200 200 400 200 300 100 100 2000 200 400 200 700 100 2600 400 1000 100 200 400 400 600 700 100 100 100 200 200 3100 1600 600 3030 300 100 100 3300 100 100 100 4600 200 100 ; 100 800 I 3100 103 400 7600 900 1200 500 200 STOCK llluhi . Advance ttumely... 18 3 Advance Rumely pf 48 Hi 4 Air Heductlen .... 53 Kj . AJax Rubber 15 4 Allied Chem ft Dye 68 1 Aiuea en & cye pf!09 .Ulls-C'halmeri 5514 7 Allls-Chalinera pf. . 9814 . . Am Agrlc. Chem... 38J's . . Am Agrle Chem pf 63 . Am Beet Sugar.... 44 1 4 Am B Shee Fdy new 61 Am ran 57H 12 Am Car & Fdy....168? . . Am Cotten Oil 27 . Am HruK Syn 514 8 Am Kxprcd's 132 . . Am Hlde & Leather 14 . Am III1I0 & Leath pf 70 . 7 Am Ice Q 6 Am lee t)f 90 1 Am La France Eng 12J4 .. Am I.lnnccd 34 fi Am Locomotive. .. .116 JJ 7 Am Loce pf 117 4 Am Radiator 94 '4 .. Am Safety Razor.. 6?i Am Ship & Cem... 20 14 . . Am Smelt 61 J4 3 Atn Steel Foundries 37 '4 7 Am Steel Fdys pf . . 99H . Am Sugar Ref 78 V Am Sumatra 38 Am Tel & Tel 121 Am Tob.icce B .... 1 39 Am Tobacco 142 . . Am WatrwKs 67. pt 43 Am Watnvks 7 pf 87 '4 7 Am Woolen 90 H . . Am Writ Paper pf. 31 .. Am Zinc Ld & Sme.lt 18 H .. Am Zinc Ld & S pf 44H .. Anaconda Copper... 52H .. Ann Arber pf 40 J Asse Dry Goods... 521 6 Atch Tep & San FelOI B Atch Tep & S F pf 904 . . Atlan Bir & Atlantic 3 U 7 Atlantic CeaBt L!ne108!4 . . Atlantic Fruit 2H .. Atl Oulf ft W I S S 378 12 .Atlas rewder 130 .. Aunstln Xlchels ... 27 7 Baldwin Locemotlvc121 J4 . . Baltimore & Ohie... 52 4 Baltl ft Ohie pf.... 61 ' .. Burnett Leather... 58 .. Bnrndall Class A.. 32 . . Barnsd.ill Clasp 3. 28 .. Batepllas Mining... 1 .. Btechnut Packing.. 35J4 5 Beth Steel B 76 V 7 Beth Steel 77 pf.. -97 V4 .. Beeth Fisheries.... 8J4 . Brit Em Steel 2d pf 31 8 Brooklyn Edisen. . .108 !4 .. Bklyn Rapid Transit 25 U . . Bltlyn R T ctfs of db 2214 7 Bush Term Bid pf 93 V .. Butte Cep & Zinc. 6Ji .. Butte ft Sup Cep.. 28 Ja .. Cadde Cen O ft R.. 1 1 V6 6 California Packing. 78 i . Ca Ifernta Petrel... 61 H 7 California Pet pf . 96 .. Cal Z'nc & Lad.. 8 2 Calumet & Arizona 60' 10 Canadian Paclrtc. ..14054 7 Case J I 1st pf 85 .. Central Leather.... 394 . . Cerre-de-Pacco .... 36 ?i 6 Chandler Meters... 70 4 Chesapeake & Ohie. 68 J8 .. Chicago & Alten.... 11 ,. Chicago & Alten pf 18J4 .. Chi & E 111 (new) 36 .. Chi & E 111 (new) p 5514 .. Chicago & Gr West 8J4 .. Chi & Gr West pi 20 .. Chi Mil fc St P . . 28 .. Chi Mil & St P pf 44'4 5 Chi ft Northwestern 77 444 ' hi 11 I ft Pac 5 Chi R I A: Pac fl'-p pt 82 r Chi HI & Pac 7 Pf 94 W 5 Chi St P M ft O.. 67 . Chile CieppT 22 a; . Chlne Copper. .. . 29 2 2 Clev Cln Chi ft S L 76 '2 5 Clev Cln C ft S L pf 96 4 Ceca Cela 72 jb . Cole Fuel ft Iren.. 30 3 Cel ft Southern.... 48 4 Colerado & Se 1st pf 61 V2 Celum Clas Elec . 89 ?. . Celum Graphophene 4j 0 Cemput Tab Rec... 65 V . Consel Pis Ins ... 'i 7 Consolidated f!.-v9..125 . C onsel Text IMS. . . 1 1 ' i . Continental Can.... 70 '4 4 f"ern Products Ret. 104 H 7 Cern Pred Ref pf 117 21100 2i Cesdrn ft "e 448 400 7 '""esden & Ce pf . .95 12800 .. Crucible Steel. ... 79 "4 100 . Cuban Am Sugar... 23 ' 4 T Cuba Am Sugar pf 91 . Cuba i'ane Suuar . 16 Tiavwen Chemical . 45 Vi 3 Delaware ft Hudsen121i4 fi lvl Lack ft West 127 '2 2 I'emi Mines 30 Vi 8 M'1 Pint (i: I) Ce .139JS Eastman Kodak new73Ji Pittiburih Rulwijr Ce. Gen. 5i, due 1953 Scrknten Rwjr. Ce. lit Ref, 5i, due 1947 Indianapolis North. Trac. 5s, due 1932 Lexiniten Utilities Ce. 61, due 1929 Pub. Serv. Cerp. of N. J. Perpet. Ctfs. American Pipe & Cen. Ce. 6s, due 1922 Indianapolis Water Works Sec. Pfd.Steck Terre Haute, Ind. & East.Tr.Cem. & Pfd. Jehn B. Stetson Ce, Cem. Stock SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. i J Members riilliidrlnlilu Slink I i li.inirn ' .viit M r.v -vi r tim'l". ..... .... ... . .......,4 twin cables ! ."7. chei k- l.efi1..; guilder 1 ibles list's, iheiks ,''N.7;i ; murks -'1-,. Theie was very little chance noted In tlii t.ite Cintnl Kiirepeau exchanges. Itumanl.i, ."1: I'.ulg.ni.in, .71; Cnhe. .sslnviikian. '-'-" Jsiibln, 1 h; .lugo .luge lnvin, .'-".i'j, 1'iniiMi ''l."i; Austiinn, W.',ti lliiiiguil.in, " 7 " t : Polish. .OUls,. Montreal The rate of premium en I Nmv Yerk funds lure today was 1 1-llj per cent The rate of discount en Can- 1 idi in funds in New Yerk wus 11-ll'J, per cent. sATt'KD.V.r'S rivsiNfj Qt'OTATION I S'.rlnrf I runci I.ire nul.'ri I n ind . . -1 44, s .'7 4 '7 lis 7' 1 .. . I 44'3 27'i 4 .',7H U 77 Tf'PW.s OPEM.NVJ QfOTATIONH hicrllnf Prnnc I.lri fiullcim 4 4'. :i', i ,',14 us 73 4 4'JV, S '."VI, 4 -l ;t 7, (.l.flst.SM Qt.'OTATIO.V-j Merlini; i'rirn.a T.tn rjuil lrn .... 4 IIV, S .11 1 r,s , 7L. 4 4 IS s .'(W t.-,'", ;ii. 77 'THd'. 1 cm ir 1 all'H . Bends for Investment Liberty Bends Bought, Sold, Cashed F. P. R1ST1NE& COMPANY Eitnlillktiril 007 Widcncr Building, Philadelphia New Yetk Elizabeth, N. J. Ueiuuem New Yerk unit 1'lilluUtlehla Hteck Kxthiiugea 1 th Paris Bourse Quiet J11H 17 Trmllni.' vk.ib quint m today. Thrie wr rent r.TiteH ri' s, , , muneH txcnirn:.. r.n I.in'l.n, I frunn SJ n 1 1 in ? H ." ! ennt lenn 71 inM eii centlind. Thu dullar mim 'juae U 1J trun.b 114 wnilmM Pari I'OUl Londen Metal Market I onilen, Julv 17 Stamlnrd rnpii.r spot lLT 2 HI futuri-n 0-l Him i:i irr.lMi. . ljOt 70 ion. future 72 Tin sjiet l",3 ! .- fuiur 1 I1M lOu, l.f- ir ,( j 17 fiO futures, 23 ISn Zinc miut, J'i fu- urtK 2V 300 100 S300 100 100 5100 800 700 500 300 1000 2000 1800 100 600 100 600 200 2100 500 9800 400 200 1200 300 5200 100 100 1700 200 1600 100 000 400 400 1300 100 200 300 400 100 1500 400 400 400 400 100 300 900 100 100 2700 400 2803 200 100 100 300 3 Elfc Storage Bat... 44 '4 . Elk Hern Ceal .... 21 V4 5 rndlcott-Jehnson .. 83 ?i . Era 16 H . . Erlg 1st pf 23?, . Erie 2d pf 18 S Famous Players L. 83 Va 8 Famous Players pf. 92 (-4 5 Fed Mln ft Smelt pf 5014 . . Flsk Rubber 15 V . Frcepert Txas.... 23 H 3 Gen Am Tank Car. 61 Ji . Gener.V. Asphalt... 69H 5 Gineral Asphalt pf104'4 6 General Cigar 76 7 Gen Cigar dfb pf..101 8 General Electric. .. .171 .. General Meters.... 14 Yx 7 Gen Meters deb 70 94 4 ".ie.it North Ore ctfs 399, 7 Gr. tit Northern pf.. 81 .. Guantanamo HuffarllH .. Gulf States Steel.. 83 'i . . Oulf Mobile ft N pf 40 .. Htndee Mfff n Housten Oil 75 2 Hudsen M Car 23 1 Hipp Motorcar .... 19 4 .. H.vdraullc Steel.... 10 7 I'l nels CentraJ 107 H .. Im. ahema Ref 4 . . Inspiration Cen Cep(41 'a .. Int. r Cen Cerp.... 1 vz . . Inter Cen Cerp pf 3 'j .. Inter Agriculture. . . 9(4 Inter Agrlc pf .. 38'4 2 Internat Cem Eng. 23 34 6 Int Harvester new. .101 V4 lnt Mer Marine .. 18JA C Int Mir Marine pf . . 71 V2 . Internat enal Nickel 17?i fa Inltrnat Nickel pf. 83 '4 .. International Paper 52 Vt .. Jnvim.ibl.1 OH Cerp. 14 .. Iren prediwtH 33 '4 .. iHl.md Oil Vt . . .Iiwel Tea 16 . Kan City Southern 26 V 4 Kan City Se Df 56J& .. Kanbas & Gulf 4 2 Lew 18 4814 53 54 15 67 H 109 53 n 9814 38 H 63 44J4 61 55 167 27 5J4 132 14 70 10914 90 12J4 34 11414 117H 94 14 614 19 6114 36 ?i 99H 78 y, 37 121 H 139 142 4214 87 '4 9014 31 17 43 s 5214 40 52 lB 101 U 90 'a 3 14 108 214 36 130 a H 118'n 51 H 61 58 32 28 1 33 76 97 14 814 30 H 108'4 251 22 '4 93 "4 614 28Ts 11 '2 78 I4 61 96 74 60 139'4 85 384 36 4 7014 68! i 103 1814 36 5514 8?a 20 27 H 43 75 i 43'8 81 5a 94 a4 67 22 "4 2914 7614 96 70 74 30 48 61 Vz 89 U 4'4 6514 Vi 1238 10J4 6814 103H 11694 431a 95 76 54 23?4 90 16 45 V 121 '4 12714 30 V 135 14 7314 44 H 20 8?H 16H 23(4 18 82 3, 92 54 50 1514 227a 60 67 54 103 54 76 101 171 14 14 93 Ja 39H 80 14 11M 81 40 n 74 j 23 19 10 107 4 41 54 l'j 3!i 9 38 23 '4 1 00 14 18 54 71 17 '4 83'4 52 54 14 33 54 16, 2614 56J'a 4H Today I.IOBO vi Chge. 18 - 14 48 54 - Vt 53 54- Ui 15 68 54- 1 109 5414 IK 9854 .. 38 - r. 63 - 54 4414 .. 61 - 1 56 54 15 167 1 27 94 514 .. 132 14 54 70 110 90 12 Ji- J4 34 11554- 54 11754 54 94 54 1 54 6?4 H 20 - 54 6154 37 54 Vi 9954 78 J4 94 37 94- 2 54 12154 54 139 54 142 42 14 - 14 8714- 9054- 54 31 1854 154 4454 114 5214 .. 40 1 52 54 - 4 10154 54 90 54 54 3 54 - 54 108 2 54- V 37 H x 1 !4 130 27 4 - 54 11954- 154 52 - 14 61 54 58 32 28 - 1 1 35 54 2 54 76 - 54 9754 254 8 54 - 54 31 14 10814- 14 25 'a 22 54 93 14- 14 6j- '4 28?, - 54 1 1 M - 1 54 784 2 61 54 - Ja 96 - 54 8 60 - 1 54 1 39 34 94 85 !- I 54 38 4- 54 3654 70 54- 54 6854 .. 10 54 54 1854 54 36 - 54 55 54 . . 8 54 V 20 - 1 28 - 4 43 54 - 76 14 - 54 43 34 54 81 H 54 ' 94 54 67 - 1 22 14 - 4 29 54- 54 76J4 .. 96 54 71 54 5a 30 48 61 54 54 89 54- !4 4 54 - 54 65 54 . . 14 123 4- 54 1 1 54 14 70 54 3 54 103- 94 11694- 54 4394- 1 95 - M 77 54 - 9a . 23 54 .. 90 - 1 16 45 14 - 5a 12154 54 127 54- 1 Va 30 14 H 135H- 5 73'a-f 5a 44 14 54 21 '4 r 1 !4 82 4 r 54 1 6 4 - 54 23 7S 54 18 H 83 14 1 54 92'4- 2?i 50 54 54 15 54 54 23 - 54 61 14 I 54 68 4 54 103 54 54 76 - 1 54 101 - y2 171 1 14 54- 54 94 14 39 4 !'a 80 4- 54 114 . . 81 '4 14 40 - 9, i 74 14 - 1 14 23 1 9 la 10 - 54 107 4 - !a 41 ' b 5a 1 54 54 34- 54 9!i .. 38 23 5-4 - 54 101 14 14 18 54- 54 71 - 14 17 54- !4 83 54 52 2 :- 14 1 4 - 54 33 54 - V 94 164- 4 26 14 J2 56J4 4 4 14 - 54 Dtv. In I HTOCK Itlrh .. Kayscr Ce new.... 43 4 ,. Kennecett Copper., 364 .. Keystone. T & R.v. 15 54 7 Kresge S S 13954 .. Lackawanna Steel.. 7714 . . Laclede Orfs of St L 83 . . Lake Erie A Went nf 64 800 3H Lehigh Valley 05 54 700 7 Lima Locomotive. ..Ill 12 Lerlllard (Pierre). .155 .. Leew's Uie 15 54 . . Mack Truck 54 Vi 7 Mack Truck 1st pf. 87 54 75 Melntyre new 1614 .. Mnlllnsen ft Ce.... 3414 7 Mnnhat Elev Guar.. 46 54 .. Marland Oil 41 . . Mnr St Ry 2d pf . . . . 21 . . Max Moter Class A 68 .. Max Moter Class B 244 . . de Cash 24 14 12 Mexican Petroleum. 161 4 e itiex ccaDvaru uii.. J:;a (1 Mcx Seaboard ctfs. Fntas 900 1600 200 600 1600 300 100 600 600 700 100 4300 1900 400 3700 100 100 10000 300 9500 8300 3600 11800 1.20 Middle States Cerp. 4100 200 1800 500 900 100 900 1000 100 100 10 100 100 100 300 2500 200 400 200 200 500 1400 2100 100 2100 300 100 1000 100 300 1200 100 200 200 100 100 300 14800 4900 800 100 800 n 5000 1100 100 1500 200 100 9800 100 600 4700 100 100 600 100 600 30 94 134 35 54 12 18 Mldvale Steel. .. Me Kan & Texas. .. Me Kan ft Tex (wl) . . Me Kan ft T (wl) pf 41 14 . . Missouri Pacific ... 22 .. de Cash 22 54 . . Me Pacific pf 56 .. Montgomery Ward. 224 3 Mentunn. Tower. ... 70 .. Mulllns Bedy 654 . . Nash Moter 500 7 Nash Chat & St L.. 104 .. National Acme 18 .. Nat Cleak ft Suit.. 43 7 Nat Cleak & Suit pf 89 J4 .. Nat En ft Stamp... 54 94 6 National Lead 100 . . Nat R R of M 2d pf 5 .. Nev Cen Copper.... 16 54 6 N O Tex ft Mex.... 68 54 .. NY Air Brake 79 5 N Y Central 96 54 .. New Yerk N H H 30 Ji .. Norfolk ft Southern. 18 54 B North American... 3 North Amer pf . . . . . North American rts 6 Northern Pacific.. . .. Neva Scotia S ft C. 1 Nunally Ce . . Okla Pred ft Ref . . . .. Ont Silver Mining.. .. Orpheum Circuit... .. Otis Steel 2 Owens Bet Mach... . . Pacific Dcvcl Cerp. . 6 Pac Gas ft Elec... 3 Pacific Oil C Pan Amer Petrel.. 6 Pan Amer B . . Panhandle 2 Pennsylvania R R. 44 .. Penn Seaboard Steel 84 6 Peeples Gas Chicago 85 .. Peetla ft Eastern.. 23'i . . Pere Marquette... 33 C Pere Mnrq pf 65 3 Philadelphia Ce.... 37 4 2 I'll 1 Ips Pet 4654 .. Pleree-Arrevv Moter 19 . . Pleree-Arrevv Met pf 37 54 .. Pierce Oil 8(4 .. Plerce Oil pf 44 Ti Piggly Wlggly ster 40 54 67 44 54 9 77 54 31 14 94 2Ji 754 18 1154 35 6 54 70 57 72 y2 66 54 7J4 f Pitts Ceal 63 0 Pitts Ceal pf 96 . . Pitts A W Vn. 38 14 600 1 pond Creek coal... 214 200 5 Pestum Cereal 7814 . . Producers ft Ref... 394 . . Pressed Steel Car. . 80 54 0 Pub Ser Cor of N J 89 8 Pullman Ce 124 . . Punta Alegre Sugar 48 2 Pure Oil 30 S Pure Oil pf 9814 8 Railway Steel Spg. .105Ji . Ray Cen Copper... 164 1 Reading 75 2 2 Rending 1st pf 52 2 Reading 2d pf 52 54 uepiegie Steel 31 54 5400 1100 5300 6200 200 1900 200 3500 700 1900 100 200 100 2100 500 100 1100 Repub Iren ft Steel 724 Republic Meters. Reynolds Springs.. 3 Reynolds Teb B . . . 42006.20 Royal Dutch N Y.. 100 1 St Jeseph .Lead... 200 .. St Leuis San Fran. 400 .. St L Southwest pf.. 100 .. San Cee Sugar 100 .. Savage Arms 500 . Saxen Moter 3603 . . Sears-Roebuck 20083'u Shell Transport.... 10 44 94 46 ?i 57 14 94 28 54 46 44 1454 .34 794 40 4 32 8600 2 Sinclair Consel 100 .. Se Perte Rice Sugar 52 100 3 Se Perte Rice S pf . 93 2000 6 Southern Pacific... 90 1500 .. Southern Rail 24 54 200 .. Southern Railway pf 564 100 .. Splcer Mfg Ce 19 54 1400 4 Standard Oil of Cal105 200 7 Stand Oil of N J pt117 500 2H Sterling Products.. 534 JOO 3 Stewart Wainer Snd 44 . . Stromberg Carb... 46 54 7 Studebnker 138 4 . . Sub Beat Cerp.... 7 54 . . Superior oil 7 . . Sweets Ce of Amer 3 . . Temt Cern ft F "A" 1 94 3 Texas Ce 46 4 Texas Oulf & Sulph 48 94 . . Texas ft Pacific... 30 1 Texas ft Tac C ft O 26 94 . . Third Ave 21 J4 . . Tidewater Oil 120 6 Tobacco Product!.. 57 54 . . Tobacco Products A 80 14 .. Tobacco Pred rtn.. 2294 .. Tel St L ft W ctfs B 5014 B50 54 . . Transcontinental Oil 16J4 16 54 6 Union Bag ft Paper 6Z54 .. Cnlen Oil 21 14 10 Cnlen Pacific 14314 4 Cnlen Pacific pf... 754 . ITnlted Rctnll Stores. 67 54 . . t'nlt Retail Ster rts 1 54 .. C S C I P ft Fdy.. 33 . 17 S Heffmnn Much 24 . V S Ind Alcohol.... 61 54 . V S Realtv ft Imp.. 67 54 . C S Rubber 62 34 3 U S Rubber 1st pf106 54 B C S teil 100 54 I" S Steel pf 12094 1500 10100 2700 200 1103 100 5400 1800 2200 4300 100 200 1800 2100 200 100 3303 100 3200 1900, 400 2700 3600 200 600 13000 100 900 100 7300 600 600 600 300 300 1000 600 1700 100 100 500 100 3300 300 100 U00 100 1300 103 2200 900 100 600 100 Ixw 43 36 1554 136J4 7514 6114 64 63 94 108 154 15 P4 87' 15J4 33 J4 46 40 21 68 23 54 24 54 15614 3154 2914 13 : 34i4 1194 1754 41 2194 2214 55 22 54 70 26 54 SftO .. 104 18 43 ears 53 J4 100 4W 1654 68 78 54 95 'a 30 54 18 54 66 54 44 9 77 3154 9 54 294 754 18 11 Va 35 614 69 Ji 55 54 70J4 65 714 43 7i 8 84 54 23 54 32 54 65 37 4 44 4 19 37 7J, 44 Vt 40 y2 63 96 38 54 20 54 78 54 384 79 86 12154 47 54 29 54 97 54 104 16 54 75 52 52 31 54 71 9?i 44 94 46 56 4 14 94 28 !2 45 44 1454 34 78 40 54 3154 52 93 09 4 24 54 56 54 ' 1954 10314 117 53 44 45 U6 3.4 6Ja 6Ji 3 14 45 94 47 94 2914 ?5 4 21 14 120 56 54 7914 224 ii.in uepper oe y2 Vanadium Ceip.,., 47 Va-Cur Chemical. .. 30 Va-Car Chemical pf 65 54 Inc. . 11 Ji 1254 32 54 22 54 1194 Vlvndeu . . Wab.i sh . . Wnbash pf A . . Wabash pf B . . Western Maryland. 7 Western Union Tel103!4 4. Westlngheusc A Br 92 4 WeHtliigheus.)Eft,M 61 9i 4 West E ft M lt pf 72 Wheeling ft L E pf. 2b 54 2 White Eagle. Oil . . 26 4 4 White Moter 49 White OH Cerp.. . 8Ji Wlikvvlrn Hpene Stl 15JJ . Wlllvs Overland. Wlllvs Overland pf. . Wilsen ft Ce 4 Werth Pump Af M 1 Wright Aero .dividend. 40J4 41 54 5154 84 62 54 20 94 141 75 54 66 94 33 23 4 58 6714 62 106 54 99 54 1209a 64!, 46 54 30 65 54 11 12 31 Ja 22 54 1194 10214 92 59 J4 72 25 54 25J4 49 84 15J5 8 94 47 Ji 41 54 50 54 04 IMflay" Nit Clese Chge. 43 - 14 36 14 - 54 1 5 14 - 4 J4- 1H 136J Ti 1J4 14 254 14 4 75 14 - 83 64 63?4 108 -155 1554 54 -87U-16 33 J4 46 40 -21 -68 24 54 - OA li 15914 154 4 14 4 14 54 Hi 14 54 47 -10 1 3154- 30 -1314-3514 -r 11 94 1794 41141 22 2214 56 22 54 70 -.2614- 500 ,104 IB 43 89 Ji 544 100 - 4J4 1654 6814 78J4 54 67 44 9 77 -31 14 94 2 94- 754 18 -1114 35 614 66 714 44 84 85 23 54- 374-444- 19 3714 8 - 44 J4 40 J4 63 -96 -38 54 394 80 88 121 54 - 48 2914 94 16 54 75 54 52 52 -3114 71 9-' 44H 46 94 56 54-1494-20 14- 45 - 44- 14 54 394- 79- 40 4 3114 52 '93 T 90 24 54 -56 54 1954- 104 - 117 45 - 1 37 Vt 6J1- 7 3 ' f 1 94 46 47 94-2912- 254 2154 . 120 -56 54 -79 54 2294 50 54 1014- 62 54- 20 94- 141 94 75 54 - 66 94 54 33 -23 4 60Ji 67 54 62 IO654 994 1 20 54 -64 54 -46 54 30 6514 f- 1 1 K 12 54 ? 32 .(. (22 54- 1154 r 10214 -92 60 94 72 25 54 J 25 54 49 84 15Ji OJa 48 -41W-5114 04-1 54 14 254 14 'li 194 14 94 4 3i 54 54 54 154 54 ' 14 4 ' Va 54 114 LOCAL TRADING . AGAINJJFELESS Pennsylvania Given Authority te Take Over the Pan Handle en Leng Lease Over the wcck-cntl developments tended te Increase the npnthy of the trading In the local stocks, rather than encouraging broadening of speculative interest. The mnrket for most of the lecnl stock was extremely nnrrew nnd absolutely featureless. Whnt-few price variations occurred were restricted within the smallest fractional limits. The attitude of the lecnl contingent te take the "side lines Is net surprising In view of the increasing uncertainties of the general situation. Considering the surrounding Influences, including the Intense dullness of the trading, the ma jority of tlie local stocks held up much better thnn reasonably would de ex pected under the clrcun.stnnccs. Natu rally, the mnrket for come of the ob scure Issues Is found te be Uiln en both sides of the trading. That is the re sult of the narrowness of the general mnrket. Pennsylvania Railroad and the Phil adelphia Electric lssAies displayed the same noteworthy firmness observed In the recent sessions. Trading In both Issues wcre rcliftivcly small. Pcnnsjl vanln dipped temporarily under 44, but came back quickly, disclosing little stock under that figure. Thp Philadelphia Klectrlc lbsues added small fractions te the recent gradual gain. In most of the ether lecnl stocks trading was of n perfunctory charac ter, and largely comprised odd-let transactions, with the exception of n point decline In TJ. O. I., stationary prices prevailed. TTnlnn Trnctlen shad ed under 40. P. It. T after nn open ing dip te .lO1. retrieved the less in n subsequent rally te r.0 only te eiifp off ngnln. American Hnllwnys common con tinued te bring l.'I. and American Stores was well absorbed nt 120V. As was gencrnlly expected the Tn terstnte Commerce Commission gave the Pennsylvania Railroad the nutherity te tnke ever all the properties of the Panhandle (Pltsburgh, Cincinnati. Chi cago and St. Leuis Itnllread) by 11 009 year lense. Most of the capital stock of the latter read has been held bv the Pennsylvania system for many years, and Its lines have been opcrnted ns n part of the Pennsylvania, Minority stockholders, however, objected te the forms of the lease, but the Interstate Commerce Commission held In n ma jority opinion that these stockholders could net block the plan. The authorization is given upon the express condition that the Pennsylvania Company and Pennsylvania Railroad shall net hereafter sell, pledge or other wise dlspecs of the capital stock of Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Leuis or any pnrt thereof without con sent of the commission. CURB MARKET WAS VERYJRREGULAR Special Pressure Against the Oil Croup en Price Cut ting of Crude New Yerlt, July 17. The active is sues en the curb market were fairly steady in the early trading, but be fore the end of the first hour developed Irregularity. There was special pres sure against the oil group because of the further reductions in the price of crude oil nnd the publication of figures showing that the production and stocks are larger than gcncrnlly realized out side of the oil industryi Trading In meat groups web com paratively quiet. In the miscellaneous shnrcs there was a rather notable de gree of firmness en buying believed te be for the account of Insiders. Com mission houses reported mere selling than buying orders In the usual week end accumulation. Traders operated en both sides of the market, but were dis posed te attack the Issues that had en joyed the sharpest upturn recently. In the oil group Standard Oil of In diana had a quick upturn In the early dealings, but en further selling yielded nearly 2 points from the top price. Standard OH of New Yerk was down 4 points and Galena Signal, Anglo Angle American nnd International Petroleum displayed a renctlennry tendency fol lowing the slight gains nt the start. Cities Service was irregular, yielding 5 points, then recovering n part of the less, but the bankers' shnres were down a sharp fraction. Skclly Oil, Mu tual Oil and .several ether low-priced oil shnres were oft slightly. New England fucj was an exception, moving up two points. Peerless Mo Me Mo eor was one of the strong features of the meter group, nt one time showing 1111 upturn nf '2 points. Daniels Mo Me eors was fractionally lower, (United Retail Candy being steady and se were Gillette Safety Rnzer and Hayes Wheel. 1 254 194 5i 54 2 54 14 ' Ya Va 4 54 54 54 4 54 5i 1 54 94 54 1114 54 14 1 2 4 54 54 4 4 54 54 Philadelphia Stocks High Ja)v CIee liS." Am Strs..l".H 120V, 120Vi Net chK. Va 94 54 2 54 54 14 4 54 14 54 !4 4 4 2 54 L ' 54 54 54 54 4 !4 14 94 Va 94 ' 34 3 4 14 54 Vt 114 54 in 22"i 21) 43i 08 -4 14 Vj 3714 5i 75 20 1314 22 306 43Ts 74 Sil as 2!Vs 30 W, 30 V (ili " Wj T'i'h 31 W. K 2215; V, " :K 43 1 enu.2-js 14 Vi Vs 37V.. Va. p!9i 14 75 . . 20 2 13 3.1 Vi s,,u 30 4Vs 14 74 . . BVj.. 3S 1 2!) aim Vs 30V,- 94 0( . . 1V-.. ",Vh.. aixj.. Conservative Investments MacMcekin & Williamson IIIIUAI) AXli MNMI1I hTH. Mi-mlirrii I'hllii, Ntiicli Km hinge BANK CLEARINGS Park clearing" today rmiartd vv th ror rer ror reMpendlntf day Uat ear 1022 tf,ji Philadelphia . J74 nne ene jrfl (iiin.edn New Yerk 45S 41m (imp 307 000,000 iiomen r.4 nne nun 4.-1 371 ;; cbkaue se 7oe,ouo t-j :,oe euu WIEGHE8, HOCKEY &00 ied Public Accountants DfwLMdinff, PhildIphii JBends for Investment SuitcUient Upen lirqutU The National City Company in uea imam nrrv emu U.S. Certificates and Treasury Notes I". I'f.w lnu nr tli" cleln prices IjM .ind &k"l f.ir In th. pi n mnrkut ter L'nlted Stat-i . rilllc.it-! uf .niUlilednenH and nutea of tlic different Hbj- , Int ..uturnu: II .m Dam Il'd l'-j Snt. 1S2J I'm R-32 lii'i li-. 1.' I' i I'iO 1 -.13 urn ri-.i f.- t-4'i ..?; .-.ent l-l.'J D-C 1HJ2 Dec . 1HJJ Dec . I'l-JJ Mc.t . lli.'B June, lli2n June Hi. 4 (ept . 1121 Men in.". Dii lli.'l Jfih. 1U2D Aeked Yield lliO-i .1 no I no. il oe ion .'1-12 .1 nu lOn 3-VJ 3 52 100 17-S2 ,1.21 1110 11-32 inn 17-dJ 3 42 00 1-32 inn a-3. .1 n ma' KM 1011 101 t'BVj t-ept . 1121 . 102'. t"4 Men in.". . 101i t-MS De-i lli.'l 1004 t4. Mih . 1U2I1 102 i:xemn tretn rederai normal income u, tAueptaMe ter tajment of Incemu tax Uua en date of mu'unty lOli'i KI2'i I 01 4 04 4 12 4 11 I 13 Reserve Banks' Discount Rates fiff 1. ir. 1 re-ll' n eral il- nrve Inn i linHten New Y irk 'hllud.lphln, i'Ievi ImivI Htthrneml . . Atlanta . I Chlc.mu . . Kt. I .null Mlnneapnlla ,,.. Klinana City ... Dalian Hun Franclice... mnt rale nt Ihe twelve l'ed. ikn lira n fellows ri iH 1. in "in 1 bendn. papnr i'b, 4 I IVj ! 'a i. S n r. 4 1 44 4', 4 J I". 4V 4 V, B n r 4Vi 4 I 4 i 4VJ 4"i 4 I 1. llkra. accept. 1 4 MONEY-LENDING RATES NHW OKK Meney en call, both claen of (ellatvrul, opened teda at J pir n nt for 'endlnt! nnrt -enewlnu While call funda en the eteck (.xchnniie rent wed at 3 Ier cent, there wan a lltt.e mere time money In lnu market and the lene w.ih tdlghtly raster Heme li.ani wire pi u il 11 4 per n-nt for alxty te nln t daB nnd 11 41. ptr cent for four mentlm 1'er mx mentlia ralcu wern nominal at 4'i and 4'i pel cent I'rlme hunk iien'Ptancei, weie hemewhut mero active, and latii reach-d nuw Iowa en thin movement Quotations were 3 ter cent bid, 2Ti per tent ai-kul for thirty and aUty da) a, .' bid. 3 lvr cint uukxd for ninety and 120 diyti, and :i, bid. 3'i aakeil for 150 An The .-all lean rate 011 acceptances waa 2'i per cent. I-rlme mer cantile paper was easier In tone at 4 and 4't pur tent, I'lW.Al'l.f.rillA Call. 44 per cent, time 414 te 4 Mi per rent, commercial paper, three te U month. 4 '4 te 4'j pc-i ctni I.OMHN. -Meney IN, pe. cent Din count rale-t short lillla. l' pi r cent thiee mentha- bllla l'tlil J "-1 per rent Copper Reports New Yerk, July 17. June copier uhlpr.ient exceeded 170,000,000 pound, the lament of any peace month In the hlatery of the coi cei MT Induitry June ahlpmenla cempare with alxjut 100,000,000 pound In Kay and 12(1,. 00,000 a month datinf the flrat nunrter. The larite Increaaa 'In June hlpmunti wai 4liM te J-aiULMlMjllrUUUC t&Ut au4 J una. BAR SILVER New Yerk. July 17 --Commercial bar all. ver per line ounce demeiuc imSc unehansed x ureltrn 7'ic. a decline nf 5ic. t.onden, July 17 Jtar filler waa Ud lower ut 3.'.v,d tediy. DIVIDENDS DECLARED H VV .(iesmrd Ce . ijunrterly 1 715 a -hare en preferred, payable Autruat I tu bterlt of r'teril July 2.1 Thu rrixlucirH nnd HeflneriV Corporation. uunrterly i per ci nt 011 preferred, payable AUb-uul 7 te Bleck nf record Jul) 2U. fiO Am Rvvvs l.'I lOtChlle Cep 22 lOtChine Tep 2!) 34tCe-dcii Ce 43 150 Gen AmiIi. fiflK. 30tGen Mtrs. 14 49IC.VA.. 38 10 Luke Sup. ! 132 Leh Nnv. 75 100 Leh Vnllev Trims pf 20 S5tM Stn Oil 13Va 5 Mldvale... 3."Vs lOtMentc V 22-'ls 101 Nat K AcS 54 U, 200tNerth I'ac 77 10tX Y X II & II... 30 010 Va. It R.. 44 l7 Va .Salt JI 74 25 Penn Sbd Steel.... 8Vj 25 Ph Ins W !IS 753 Phila Elec 211 510 de pref.. 30 Vi iittOP R T... ae Ph Trnrt. Ut! OOfRny Cens Copper.. 10V 100 Rciullni,'. . 75 27tSlnclnlr . 31V- 25fTex Pne ; & e.. 200 Tenn Mln. 5S Vn Tine. 185 U G 1 55 de pref . 35tU S Ind Alcohol. 25t Willi s-Ov 330 Yerk Rvvy 27';', uu no prer tN'et chansre mnde by comparlnen with luat ante nn New Y'erk Stock ExchanKe. Total eales, n.103 sharea, compared with 1853 ahareB -Saturday. rilIIA!)i:i,IIIIA 1I0NDS 300 Liberty .'(', '47 500 Liberty 1st 4 Vis '47. . , 200 Libert j 1-t 4Vi '47... 10(HI Liberty 2d 4Vh '42... 100 Liberty 2,1 4is '42... WI0 Liberty 2d 4 Vis '42... 2750 Llbcity 2d 4 Vis '42... 300 Libert. 3d 4 'an '2S... 300 Liberty 3d 4,s '2S... 700 Llbertj 3d 4 Vis '28... 1000 Libert) 4th -1 'j s '.'Jh. , 150 Liberty 4th 4V4s '.'18.. 15000 Llbeity 4th 4 -is 'J18. . 13300 Libert) 4tli 44s '.'IS.. 3000 Victory 4-,!ls '23 100 Victory 4:hs '23 200 Vietei) 4:,s "23 1000 Hell Telephone 7s HHMi I'lilla Kleetrie let 5s.. Uh-i-trli r.VaN... 5-2H... (Is I'lcetile (Is r.li-ctric (Is Klectrlc Us 20 2(1 20 14 Ji? l4 ii.- 3e-i :m 3!.5i 14 53 52". 527, 51 51 " 54 00'4 5!T8 0014 2 27'-', 27'-'. 27".!! 37 30 37 '.. 5000 Phlln KlOOPhilii Klrctilc 7000 Phlln Kli-etric 5(H) Phila .'5000 Phila 1000 Phila . 100. US ..100.78 ..100.74 ..100.51 ..100.40 ..100.4(1 ..100.01 ..100.1S ..100.52 ..100.3(1 ..100.112 ..100.78 . .100.11(1 ..101.00 ..100.52 . .100. as ..100. ait .. 10S'4 . . ti) . . 100 . . 100 .. 1WU .. 10 iv. .. lea.-C 103 'letul, JUS 200, compared with 10 300 Sat urday a' GRAIN MARKET Wheat Julv Sept Dec Cern Julj Sept Dee (lata July Kept Hec , . . . Set t . . . Oct Whs July . . . t-ept . . . Hluh 1 UUj 1 11 1 1U'3 (.3 ll,l, . 40'i .10 80 ,14). S7 i.'-u n 1 lt ) IV, I 17 -.-,; 0P4 31 37', 4V, 10 07 11 07 Lew 1 14 1 HVj 1 14 1)2 US', till UN .'ii. ;i'j'i 10 t.11 in h7 'lnc -14'. M'. J4 .' i,l', i,l', an; 3i. 3 I'l Raw Sugar Market New Yerk, July 17 The earl raw aunar market waa firmer and pilcea were hlKhi r Cuban advanced te 3Sc teat and frelaht eiiual te 4 I1O0 for lenlnfuaal for July and Aununt shipment There wire hiiIch of 20,. 000 baua of Cubaa 10 an outpert refiner for Immediate phlpineiit. Haw- UKr ruturia were Hi mer en enver Inif and builnu by lemrnlaalnn heuaea aeme nf It billeved te be for Wean rn ncceunl l-rlcea advanced 7 te 11 pelnu, hut met realizing fiilea and eased off ecvcrul pelnta Inward midday. There were no chanaea In rertned auKar with fine k-ranulated Hated at 0 BOSU.tlOc. A ifoed Inuulry waa reported for prompt ahlpnwrit. There waa a aale nf one let of Heptemuer In refined futursf at 0 flue, a point abuvc-Ui cIoiIek prlca cffJajt WDi, COTTON MARKET Kat, 1 lese Serlember .... llclebel ... , 22 401f4ri December .... 22 30C3I January 22 en March 21 On May 21 01 l'eda's Open "J W 22 in 22 in 21 nn J I 7.1 21 r,0(i!e3 -' r m. ji.ii.-i 21 Ml 21 il.", 21..-II Septmiher (K telrf-r I), ennber January , .March May , .. COFFEE MARKET l-ievleua Cleae Open 22 Hl'i(4n 22 aiH't.ll 22 nil 21,111) 21 111 : 2H .llli "-'J. Ill 21 an 21 73 ".'I SOfl 31 1 i- M 22 33 21 nn 21 H2 Steel Sheet Prices Nw Verk, July 17. Steel prlcea, fob ft'inWn " "," Ulue-anneala'aheet.; ia40Ci2 ,',n, mihimlied aheeta. H.IHU4 81) ttT.IQ; '' a'n&3Mi 1"" eri. !flu 1300 1O0O tee 10O 000 100 noe 200 1100 1110 200 3300 2200 ion 100 200 3(10 200 ion 100 400 100 100 3110 r.oe 100 100 300 300 line 100 inn ion Mno 2800 100 1000 100 200 20 400 inn 3110 200 INDUSTBIALS Hluh . 04e . 47c . 10'i : 2!j . 17S . I, . r,3e . u . M, . "s . 40 '-j . 44 . ' . Acme Ceal Acme Tack Amal Leather . Amal Leath pref Am Metals Allan Fruit Ilklyn Cy Ky ... llr Am Teb coup lluddy IIU'Jh . .1. Car Unlit Ch Nipple, Chi Nip U , Celum Eiruer Cem Pelv n ... Cem Selv A ... Cent Mtrs Dnn Meters .... Dubller C A. K . tllbaen Hewell .. QUI S II tleldwyn l'ic . . . Uoedear pref .. Grant Mtr Hayes Wheel . . . Heyden Chem . . Int Carben .... Int Hub Lima Loce Kta Mercer Mtra . . Merc Mtra V T C Moen Mtra .... Pccrleas Mtra . . P S N J pref . Itadln com .... Itadle pref Hee Moter Truck Houth C ft I .... Tcnn I'l I'evv . . Teb l'rnit Tedd Ship II S L 4 II .... I'n Itet, Candy .. Wnvne Uenl . . . . Wlllm Cerp lat Pf 12s, 184 222 V. 7S 81 1 81 'i 1 11 e; 3 34 3 12 57 V4 101 ft 3; . 27 , -lie 14 74 C' Hi II '. 114 s feTANDAKD OILS inn AnKle-Am oil .... le' 100 Atlantic Lobea .. 014 120 Oalena .Slitnal .... 33'j 29 Indiana Tlpe 01 10 Seuth V L 93 20 Seuth Tenn Oil ...20U son s e of Ky wl ... n.i bon S O of Ind les'4 03 S Oil of N Y 423 in Vacuum Oil 413 40 Southwest Ptnn .. 02 Lew 00c 47e lnij 33 411 1; 54 17 . lt B3c mi 4' 70 40':, ' 4 124 IH e 10 1 31 "1 It 0 8 3'4 3 11 r.n ie. s 4'i 7 44c 14 !' CO l' II fs, l.a lfii I'-a B-i HI 03 son 01 17'4 413 113 U2 2 30 P. M. 04e 47c 1(1 ii 33 TI )5 41 h4 17. i' 5.te r,'4 5 70 40'4 44', 7. J2'-. Mi 18 222 i 7i 33 1 81 H 11 8 84 B7 103 3 27 44c 14 C i 2 10'i iVt 55 III 113 SOU 01 10Nl 425 415 12 INDKPKNDENT OILS 10O Aetna. 1 1 ', 3000 Alcan 13', 2000 Allied Oil 4e 3500 Husten Wyoming . . 85c 700 Carlb f-snd 71 H70 Cities Service 207 700 Cltlea Serv II ctfs. 20s 100 Cities ser pfd II .. il'i BOO Cities S'erv pref . . (17 IO0 Columbia Pete .... 1 ' 2000 Colombia H.n .... 2" nun c TCOle tiMl loon KnBlneers Pet ."a 23c 20n Kuutty Pete pref.. 11 line IVJernl Oil 200 1 ensiend 100 C.lllll.ind Oil ... Soen riltnreck Oil . . 100 (Jr.inada Oil .... 71111O Hudsen Oil loe Int Pelrel .. 3nne Keystene Hnnittr ine Klrby 1'ete S.IOO Livingston Tet POO Lenn Peta ... . 500 Marnralbe Oil ... ine Marland Mex . . . Bone Merldlnn l'cte . . 100 Merrltt Oil 700 Mexico Oil 200 Mountain Pred . a700MutuiI ltef 1200 New Una; Fuel . Bnoe Neble Oil 300 Ne Am Oil 3000 Ohie JtnnKer ... 1400 Omar Oil 100 Penn Mex 1O00 Hed llf.nks 100 Han Cens 1300 Salt Creek Pred . 100 Hilt Creek Cens . 100(1 Sapulpa Jtef 130H Slmnn Pet . . HliilO Skelly Oil 3000 Seuth P 4- JI . . 110O Seuth Stntei ... 200 Spencer Pet limit Stanten 3MIII Ti'Min O & L "S.-'iO Tut man 7e.OO Wilcox Oil . 1D00 Y Oil . 1U J il'i In 21e 22S 45c 5V4 Hi 7c lft 7 'a c 11. 14 0 B8 21c 37 17u !?. If,-, 10 I'.'e l.l'i ' 2NC 73e 1-a ns la 11 13, 'lu 8.V 7 201 20'i Ilk 07 l'i 2'i 2l 21c 11 l' nm l" .',' 2i"i' 22 45r .114 1 77q 10 . N IN 13S 4c S3c 7i 207 2(1 07'" 114 21c It l lflV, 4'k 1A i 21c 22 43c ,V4 1 77c 10 3c 3c 0 0 1 1 14 14 H'j II V, 5(1 58 21r 21c 2 2K 4c 4c 1 1 37 37 17c 17e 7 7 U.V4 13'4 12'J 12 B .T KS h", !' 10 tic- 12c 13 13 4'i 4'4 2kc 2si (le (lk(. Wi IS 5i, 11 lie lie BOO (10) SO00 1IO00 500 2000 200 3000 200 1110 10 3M0 1011 2n00 700 fllOO 4:111110 Nnnn 211O lene Boen 100 MltlO hllMI) Kill 200(1 11 ion 2000 2000 300 31100 noeo 31100 4111m 200 mini 15110 limn 3011 moo 11)110 2SIMI0 2 1 I'll lnnn son Km 100 100 200 1110 'BOO 25000 MI MNO Alas llr Oe Am Kxplera ... . Hlg Li-dun Hest Ment Hest M Cena . . , Can Cep Canarle Candel .It I'niiM Cm. M . . . . Cep (anon Cep Ham; Pnfl.9 Ulltnr Creaann Held , ', ', Dlvliln Uxt Doleres Ksper , Hinma Sllv . ... HureKa Creeeua uepl l)i vel .. flnlrt Orn (old Xnne Harmlll 1) Hecla Mlninpr .... Hill Tep Mex .... Indeptnd Lead ... Kerr Lake Knox DMde Lene Star Mi Kin Dir Marsh Mln Masen Vul Molherledo C Nat 'lln Nev Ophlr Nev Sll Hern NIplssInK nhle Cep Ha llerculei .... Ilex Cens Shilden ., ,, Stand Slher . . . Stew Mln . . . Suicees Mln Terk Huu-hes Tnne Ciiah De) , . , renn DUI1I0 .... lonepih i:xl Tennpah Mln Trinity Cep Tuolumne Cnlty (leld .... t'nlt llastern . ,. Wllbert 2 lie 17c Mlj 30C 3 .Vie Blie HOe 43 1,V l'i?.' lc 310 5c 1c lu 0 il'i (iRc 4sc 3 4c He 220 17c -J" n 150 210 Ne fit, lie 1 S( 1 lc ni SI c Sile III! 7Sn Hi ' 1 Olie 3j li6" 2'4 2 H)e 15e 7fle 27e 3 310 B0u llOe 43 14e le 3'le iic ii 'i'i HSc w 4c he 2Jc 22i Ida 1iic 10c Lie "He 27c 3l BOe IH)c 43 It. lie 1 lc 211.1 5c lc In- s 11 (Kle 47c 24 4c lie a'.'.'' 42u no Is Kc 10c In 2c bop hi 77e 1 (Hie 3 l'i I2e 21p 7c r,S Me I"4 8v I A Hip flc 3tii Btlc (lc 77e 1 ntic 3 li' 2000 30IH) 2O0O IIIOO KIODd 2IMID 3011(1 neon 2nd 1 lnnn toen 70110 311110 OMOOII 3000 20110 4000 20(10 2000 11000 8000 f-3 II tt li-.ij OH 'I 11111 lne mi 101 S3 14V, 1)3 '4 no 'J 1(1(1 100 10114 III! 1KINDH Allied Pack lis Al Pack lis rtfa Al Pack Ss Am Cot e lis Am l.lklit fls WW Am Til Us 22 Am T I Us 24 An.iceu i its Anaien 7h 211 An Am (t 7 '4 a Arm Ce 7m Until H 7s 23 lleth H 7s 85 Hr I'll ! 7a Can N Hy Hi 7 Pan V II 1-.. V. .- l '" . I'll'. Phirn lln Mia Ru t ,,.' Cena Tex 8s .. ,. nitij Cep I'm 8s ' 1111 r? Deere Cel( ,102 ill' ni . 83 14', HI'. I'll 1 , 11111 100 KM S Hit 101 10.1 1115 Kill. Hi3i; I DSL, 1IIN nei. n nnv ion, lin 1 0 i 1 K ,,. . -..:.-.- I". ; 1 10s 10S Dill 04 101 02 102 0s 108 1111 110 Hill! 108 1)0 011 (111 'I mi i. 4000 Freep Tex7 7 ,.188 1000 Uulf' Oil Ta 104 1000 Humble Oil Ts ,..100 00O0 Inter II T 8s .... (! 1000 Knnsns Una (la ., 0(1 2000 Laclede Una 7a ,.1oe 0000 Magma Cep 7a ..108 1000 Manitoba Power 7a 03 BOOONntl Acme 7H .. t)u 2000 Nat Leather 8a.. 08 B000N Y N II A II 4a. .101 17000 N Y N It & II 7S" 8714 1000 Phila Klee U KI3 2000 Phila Hlec BHs ., tint! 1801) Pub Ser Jf J 7a.. 101 8000 Hebert Clair 7 -ig B000 fieara He 7a '23, .101 8000 fielvay et Cle 8s.,10b4 1000 Seuth Dell 7a 102 1000 H O N Y 7a, 27..105tJ 1(8)0 H O N Y In, '20. .107 BO00 Sun Oil 7a 100V1 800(1 Hwlft & Ce 7a '21,102 2000 Bwlft & Ce 7a '31.10.1 1O0O Un Oil Cel lis let 2wi ur un iron ns. , , aoeOUn lly Jinx. 7s. 2000 Vacuum Oil 7s... 23000 Weet Hlce 7.... 40CO Cem Power (Is... 11)00 Cudahy 7a ....,. 1000 Mcrch & .Mfu 7a. 185 104 .1(13 ; 104 107U .108 . SS .10J14 100 reRKION neNDS 4000 Argentlre 7a .....Ien 11000 Hnragua Huz 7'4slOO 4000 Can S a 7a . 01 3000 Clly MontevliHe 8s 01 KOOOKIng of Serbs Ha.. 03 20000 NY NH ft JI 7a Fr 7.1 3000 Swiss 5 lei", 810OOU 8 Hrazll 7'4a.. 8TC B000OU S Mcx 1 41 fCaV' I BUILDING PRICES are still far below recent peak prices. Building Investments never paid as well; build new whits the conditions prevail. JOHN N. GILL CONSTRUCTION CO. Commercial Baildingi, Fecteriu, liutitatient end Smalltr Werk ntu nniidlnc riiiLAUKLriiiA raiiT Tbii? L- j Omnertunitv (nr MUNICIPAL BOND BUYER Established municipal bend house desires New Jersey rep resentative. Must be compe tent bend man with plenty of courage and initiative, qutli. fied te handle business without aid from the office and able te buy or sell New Jersey mu nicipals. Communications will be treated with strict cenfi. dence. Write R. C, Bex 64, Trinity Station, New Yerk City. Beles vvWestwoed Members Phila. jSieckExchanda INVESTMEKTi SECURITIES Larititle Bldfe Philadelpfiial PHONE' LOCUST 472r I . Breker Wanted Streng New Yerk broker nee renter wishes te establish connection with i lecnl reputable house In n position I handle n portion of il auhatantlnl stock preposition that la awepplnc the couelrr, Must have vell-estubllshed elTlcn u sules force. A-l ro-eprrntlon nnd support nsinrH. IncluiIlnE nlitindunre nf lilch-class edvtf. tlslmc and carefully selected leads lit. eral llnunelnl nrriinreinents. , In writing. Kite roll particulars rt- ac-nnina, equipineni ana BDllltT MadlMD vnrrilnr in meet reuiilremenls Address .Suite BO.1 313 A senile. New Yerk C'ltv. Tax Free Pennsylvania Railroad Bends Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH ST. GEO.A.HUHN&S0NS (UaiaUri Wt Mm FhUafelphla. Kef lark net Chloace Hteek atailnMW ew Yerk Cotten Eichanst STOCKS & BONDS. bought nd eId for cath or tarried an Kmaenra,ttv rnarfiav ru venn uiea., lata esa HVT 111 Biniidwmr Betbeii fUrus. & (He, (publtr UtUmj Arrurtrbe teth Exritane Bufiifrm. ptrita. Congeleum Common Virginian Power Common I-linnesi Lecilht 0'4J0-1-3.3-4 Trlv-ite I'henea te New Yerk 4. noiten HEWBURGER, HENDERSON & 1MB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchang 1512 Walnut St. C. S. PATTON & CO. 3D A CIIKSINl'T 8T8. BANKERS Sueeesaera te . SAn.KK t HTKVFjNSOS .. Henda and stoelis bought and taw Membera Phila. Bted' Krebanra MACKIE, v lnvestment CR0USE CeX Securities X HKAI. KSTATK IK. I1I.M"- StOckwell ' CEKJ1F1ED PlMUt aia a. AAfjtnrtAMrt Wi sen & " Liuvill .W'gH LOCUST 7270 Dlreea telephone eounectlen i "1 A. A. Heusman & C ftnrr New Yerk 6tx ff'" n n i ci.-k NaW "". EDWARD L0WBER STOKES I CO Investments 20 Seuth 15th St. '' RHII-ADELPHIA i ;'-i !. tt-jvy