vTnr wmnmrv mijAmmwmm yr v mmMmmrMm wrmfm&i EVENING ijPUBLIO t t- ft rtV rf.v avvj"5 Vr1'- , "V HF ALLIED VETERANS Stere Open 9 A. M. te 5 P. M. I Of It will be a genuine pleasure te buy Furni Tliesd&Y ture 'n 's Gimbel sale. Philadelphia Monday, July 17, 1922 Gimbel Brethers MARKET" CHESTNUT m. EIGHTH NINTH The Hail Cleck is a thing of reverence and dependability. And is splendidly represented in this August Furniture Sale. E Far Cheaper Women's : Misses' and Girls' Clethes pfeE""' - Cnnvantinn in Naw Orleans. Oct. 11 te 13, te Consider Aid for Service Men LEDGBRr-PHILAiDEIHm l MONDAY, ftJLY 17 ami , - - , II I II. I II .1. Ml Mi WM IMIJLI Wl. Mr " " - - - - K( ' M Fer Tuesday TO DISCUSS PEAC fa I n m I I 8 n? I "dva l!vl 'Ml. WXli 5i DELIBERATIONS IN FRENCH jesssva vacsai atvCe EKVtttfWa w14k) Among the many reunions In a pen pen en filled with Catherine of wnr vet Anns will be that of the lnter-AUietl Veterans' Feilerii" tien. Their con vention, te be held In New Orleans Orlnhpr 11 10 1!. precedes that of the I lesion b eni n lew 1lniirnsKnl.1tilS elf right principal nl- 111.. I l'.UMTM Will meet In the South ern city, service men's organizations in nil the countries has ins n deleRatien of five men cacii. The convention will be known ns the peace (lathering, In that the promotion of world peace will be the chief aim of the organisatien. It Is definitely under stood that the ten lee men meeting la New Orleans ate net te be lnlliienced In their delibeiatiens by the arguments and mlsiinderstiindlngs that hae arisen In the International conferences since the war. Among the topics of discussion wl'l be lower railroad fares for disabled vet erans living In allied countries; hos pitalization of all disabled veterans en the same relative financial basis In each . ... . nmntnrmiint nrfffrencf In nil countries of the Allies te theso who come from ether allied countries. The deliberations at the Allied Con ference will be held in French. The public will be Invited te all sessions. BftUreads te and from Seattle, the place of the twenty-third national en campment of the Vcterans of Foreign Wars, will nllew all members and their wives and families a round trip for the price of the one-way fare. The con vention starts August 14. Delegates from tnen of the Eastern States will leave New Yerk August 7 en a special train making many steps en route. An cntertninment program for the trln hns been nlnnned. Plnns for the Allegheny-Philadelphia upeclal haw been completed, the train I te leave North Philadelphia Station I August 0. The crew will be made up cntlrelv of members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. J An exhibit of the products of the home State will be a feature of the at tendance of tlii- 1'lnrldn, Legien at the natiennl (.ementinn in New Orleans. Doughboys from fur and wide mnj take back with them if they wl.h --emething from nlmevt nnv county in the State. It Is etnected that the ruh will be for the pcanuls, pecans and citms fruits. INCOME-TAX COLLECTOR RULES ON STOCK DEALS McCaughn Says Sale and Repur chase Dees Net Constitute Exchange Salesmen and taxpayers who inter pret Section 2011 of the Inceme Tax Law te mean that all sales of securities and the Immediate purchase of Uke securi ties are exchanges resulting In no gain or less are net cempljlng with this law, according te a statement today by In jjternal Keemie '"ollecter McCaughn. Mr. MiC'nughn sa he has received numereub inquiries about this ectten of the act, whidi prouder that no gain or les shall be recognized when piupirty helil for nuONtment. or for produrme use in trade or bu-ine-'. Is exchanged for prepert of a like kind or use. In explaining the ill.tin'tnm between the exchange and the silo and re lnestment Mr. McCmulin -nM "Te constitute an exchange within the tmaning of Section -O'J li i 1 1 ) the transit tien must he u n'i ipiecil nans fer of prepejtv for prepi rty as distin guished from u transfer t prupeit for a men.-. iniislilei itien. In such an ci ihnnge neither prim ip'il would pay a commission te the nt'iei, although if a broker In Ills rapac.n as such negotiated the exehruue for ilther pnniip-ll the fact that the broker was paid a com mission for his sirviti- would net of itself take I he transaction mit of the classification ns nn exchange." FEW TAKE POLICE TEST Became We Never "Carry Over" Women's Coats, Wraps, Capes New $5 Were $15 te $20 Sports Capes of smart tweeds. Sports Coats of tweeds. Ceatees of wool-jersey. Badly broken sizes. Af $1 K Were $30 m10 te $39.75 Coats, Capes, Wraps and Sports Coats. Camel's hair, tricetines, duvet delaines. Crepe de chine or pcau de cygne lined. New HOWS Silk-lined vcleur Capes. Silk-lined velour Wraps. Plain-tailored or f r i n g e -trimmed. Browns, tans, navy, and a few blacks. Af $OC Were $30 m. tJ te $89.75 Just a handful but perfectly wonderful I "De luxe" Coats Capes and Wraps. Of "belivia Hunprhn" nr nf tricetine. 1 Black, navy and henna. Gimtwli. Solen of Dttsi, Third fleer. ZV iJEvF jfflr 111 1 P IITC m- -fit I llll 111 I "p mi tv Complete Clearance of Misses? Tub Dresses New $4.75, $7.50, $9.75, $12.75 and $15 . And the entire cotton dress stocks were $7.B0 te $29.75 are included! Every sort from ginghams te Swisses; ratines te French crepes; linens, cpenges. Seme came from Paris and are hand made! 14- te 20-year sizes in the let. GlmbrU, Salens of Dms. Third fleer. Women's Dresses I MttM UfcMiUM feAMMtittllftUM IMs Will Brand-New $20 te $29.75 Silk Dresses at $13.75 A maker's tee-many, which he closed out before inventory. Figured crepes, fiat crepes, Russian crepes. Mostly beaded and beaded all ever! High colors; travel colors. $39.75 te $65 Dresses Sale- djoe 7fi Priced M0.0 Heavy, handsome flat crepes. Wonderful Georg Geerg ettes. Satin-faced Russian crepes. Aderable lace dresses. And the new furore black (or orchid) silk failles in a new Paris drape that is nothing short of enchanting! Sizes mostly 36 te 46. $28.75 $13.75 $16.50 "Extra Size" Dresses at $10 Fine cotton voiles. Navy-and-whlte. Black-and-white. Sizes ud te 62tt. (Ttmtmlii $12.50 Dresses New $5.75 Dotted Swisses. Dotted lineens. Imported ginghams. Printed Ilneen. Sletu of Drew, ThM flew. Women's Smart Weel Sweaters New $1.50, $2.95, $3.95 Weel and the mohalr-weols. All slip-evers at $1.50. Beth slip-evers and coat-styles at $2.95 and $3.95. And did you ever, ever, ever see se many colors? aimbeli, Stleni of Dtem( Third fler. Women's$25,$35,$45,$55, $65 Even $69 Suits Reduced te $15 Silk suits complete dress with cape-wrap te match. Trelaine suits complete dress with coat te match. Tweed suits coat and skirt styles. Spengeens the aristocrat of sports fabrics! complete dress with capy-ceat or cape. Costumes for travel for country for week-ed long jexaatj shore mountain stay. Serry -but no mail orders or "memos." OlmheU, Balaaa f Dnu, Thirl tew High Scheel Girls' $5.95 te $10 Tub Dresses -Clearance Priced $3.95 and $5 "Fcws" of many styles and fascinating tub stuffs imported ginghams, dress-up organdies, English ratines, and the prettiest printed batistes. 12-, 14- and 10-year sizes in the let. $2.50 te $3.95 Dresses Reduced te $1.50 in 6- te 14-ycar sizes. Mostly ginghams. Oirebcls. Salens of l)rr. Third fleer. Famous aists U-M TMOI sm at $3.95 Waicfc 7rYV Values $8.95 iwj r " m.- ffe Ttz BRAND f""" Because and only because H. M. Meyers & Ce., famous makers of these famous blouses, are going out of business, and "closed out" te Gimbels. Mostly crepes de Chine the lusciously rich grades. And wonder ful radiums. Mostly overbleuses all lengths. Tuck-ins, tee. Summer's loveliest COlerS. OJmtwU, Salen of Dtth, Third fleer. m ' SW L &U0 T rSrlnVA SE aXlgft I II! I 9 all I f 9CV 1.05 Crep de Chin SS.9S Crepe de Chin Baby Coaches $25 Specials $29.50 Blech Jr. Chariet in three different styles. Reed finely up holstered and finished in white, ecru and gray, at $25 and $29.50. -D&7 6-Feet Gates a splendid "safety - first" precaution for stair ways and perches, at $1.95. Raby Yards finished in natural color with canvas fleer. Size 40x 40 inches; special at $3.50. Furniture Is Very Much Cheaper As All Can See During These "Courtesy Days" at Gimbels The "August Sale" really opens July 24th next Monday but we shall be very glad te have you visit the Furniture Stere any time this week yes, and te have you make selections, if se doing is most convenient. A Millien Dellar Collection Is Here made thoughtfully; gathered thoughtfully as meeting present-day requirements. Gimbels are largest American retailers of furniture. Glmlwbi. Sixth fleer. A $5 Lamp and Shade Bridge Lamp at $5 Black iron, polychrome tipping, with adjustable arm, se convenient for the bridge table or reading chair. Complete with 12 inch silk shade at $5. Sold Separately lamp at $3; silk shade at $2. Other parchment shades at $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Glmbela. Fourth fleer. Lieutenants Fear Demotion If They Are Made Captains Examination f applicants for the pest of captain in t!ie pe ice department will be held teda. Only a few of the fifty-odd lli'iiti limits eligible har sig nified their Intuition nf takin; the test. which will h" I'i'.'l l' he end .ervicc exninliiers in Otv Hull One threi iiiImiiii i 'I f-ir the f illure of n larcn number f lieutenants te ipmlifv for the eximinitten is that the metit rullnc of the Supreme Court nffectlnt; demotions has made the men shy The nenrini; nd of the present nd nd mlnihtrntlen nle U held paitly re sponsible, as the llett enanti feel tint nn appointment under it ns captjin would mark them for demotion under the next. PREACHING ON THE LAWN Presbyterlane Have Services In Kensington and Nlcetewn Manv KiMixliijtntiiiuK. gi, lined en tl lawn of the Onttiie Sf 1. 1 t l'n li tcr mi Cliurtli, Oninriii an I II -itncts l.ist evcniii': te hear new u feimr Mnjei teuld pr'-ieh W. V. Shunt en who In former J ears was chief ef(utie of IJciwlr.c. I'll., wns the hpf.iUcr. He has then up politics and is no enRnudl in manRcllstic preachim: for thej rtesb- lernui i.vmiseiiMir l.immillee, i Chillies II. AViennd, who was i I treelms salemnn heteie lie becnine nn cvnncelist. preiuhrd te a Inrjje ciewil en the hiwn e tin. r.nst I'nrk 1'itsbi-' terlan CmihIi, Trtciitj-liftli ctntt and Indiana avenue. i Surplus Stocks of a Famous Philadelphia Slipper Factory . ESiftkXj V ' ' " v tKw $1J5000Pairs$h45 Savings! Sizes 3 te 8. All first quality, daintily fresh. And we knew the luahty get samples first of the materials used. At $ At ("Handsome Red Kid Slippers, with silk pompon. 1 Pretty "Kimene Hlue" Kid Slippers, with silk pompon. ICezy Rese Kid Slippers, with silk pompon. Beautiful Japanese Silk Slippers. Seft Black Kid Slippers, with silk pompon. Fine Craenctte Slippers, uith pompon. (Beautiful Padded Silk Slippers, in black, old rose, )W Copenhagen blue, pink and lavender. I ZL H Seft Ooze Slippers of chamois shade with trim 1"J (ming of red, laender, old rose and blue. OlmMa, Shoe Stere, Second fleer. Men's Wide-Web Garters 25c, 35c and 50c 17c Numbers at 3 Pairs for 50c Made by the EhrIc Suspender Ce. sold at a leas because, for technical reason, the shape ei the pad is te be changed. Web bing is 1M: in. wide. Wide webbing is se comfortable in the season when short under wear leaes the gaiter touch the flesh. Ne metal touches you. Order by mail but promptly. t ji mil fillMMKrf - J ywi'-ig wmi. Knitted Scarfs : : 63c Popular Knitted Four-in-Hands Grenadfnc the newer stitch. Seme are real silk; some fiber silk;, some silk with threads of cotton all geed. Just pick the ones that meet your fancy. Vnlue $1 and $2, at 68c. GlmbcU, Ninth and Market Congregation 92 Years Old The tilnety-f-eeend annhcrsary of the founding of the (lulph t'lu istiiiit'ciiiiBrc- gallon was ucicurniPii estcrdii). Pier ymen from CnnshnhecUen ami' the bur bur reundlnc ceiintry8lde participated. feature was the readlm: of the history of the church from 1X10 te the preMuit time. The nnnheri-niy sermon was de. llveied by tlie pastor, the Hev Albirt LeuckH. Tin1 hrst CliiUtliin iihciIiik Iieum! in L'pper Mirlen Township wJs elected en this site Girl Dies of Poison Miss Illcnnur NiUht. twentv-ene yearn old. who took pul-mi mi ,Juij d because she wii1. In peer health, lie lie cerilliu; te the pellee. died ,esteiday in St. Marj's Ilehpitul. Her borne nn t 1111 Kabt Ilcrka btrevt. Phonographs at their full prices ranked with the best purchase possible of a Talking Machine, because Pathe is one of the half dozen truly great makes. But Pathe Freres American business was driven into receivership as an aftermath of the war and (Jimbels control the entire stock-selling in this Receivers' Sale At About lA of the 1921 Prices with a whole year te pay. $55 Pathe Phonographs, $18 $110 Pathe Phonographs, $48 $175 Pathe Phonographs, $69 If you cannot promptly visit the Stere won't you fill in and mail this Coupon. Gimbel Brethers, Philadelphia Please j;i c me full particulars of the special selling of the Pathe PhoneRraphfi. Ne obligation is placed en me. Name Town State Led. 7-17-22 -GlnihrU, Sfientli fleer unci Subway Hturr. 5fcfi 9 !?lrf T I yJ JU4AVVl.X. AVf 1U11 at $3.75 A new 1922 model; full nickel-plated, with detach able cord and stand. Frem the makers of the famous White Cress Electric Appliances. Moreover, guaran teed by Gimbel Brethers. Just one of the many het-weather economies te be found in the Gimbel Heuse Furnishing Stere! Mail Orders Filled. 0lmbtK rnuith Sewing Machine Sale: First Choice of Makers Fleer Samples Grouped With Gimbel Reserves At Savings te Half Few stores sell se many sewintr machines. Naturally makers want the Gimbel "business" and "show favors." ;.i Lambskin Leather Belts 35c for SOc and 7Sc Values Popular Weed Bead Girdles OUC $! Values Weed bead girdles in plain colors and pretty color combinations. Tassel ends te match. And fancy novel white lambskin belts with pearl "harness buckle" prettiest "sweater belts!" Clmbfld, leather Stere, first fleer. I $60 Portable Electric, $37 mmm $59 New $60 Singer, Willards, $49 $29 All Sold en Terms of $1 Weekly tilinlirU, Fourth fleer and .Suliuny Murr. $39 Lessing, $29 m m . 12k Mail and Phene Ordert Filled Same Day at Received 5000 lbs. Gimbel St. James J $ 1 COFFEE 3 lbs for . . . A Prepared Canned Vegetables juk ewiiu iiifiAl lUiilATUlSH 23c LENOX SHOE PEG CORN Choice of J 20c PURITY PEAS n'Ce 0t1 25c PURITY LIMA IJEANS 18c PURITY CREAMY CORX, case i. uuzen or yt aezen lets at can Naphtha Seap , White Potatoes hi fc ctcr G?nl!l,e Wh,te N"Ph-1 Thin-skin mealy cookers, SO tha Seap, limit 10 cakes AQb. half-bushcl sack QQ- T-Ojfer 0 Coffee Cocea i Mechn nrl .Invn Coffee Lenex heavy-bodied rich Coffee, GCe value, in 10-, 5- or A fir !J-lb. lets nt lb OV Lenex Hrand condensed rlcn for Gimbel Victory Hlcnd CefTee also Purity Brand Cocea, d 1 5 lbs. for p 1 Premium Hams SWft Hickory-smekcd selected family size Hams, at OO ib ,59c India Ceylon Tea Delicious het or iced, ulse OrnnBe Pekoe Tippy Bleck Tea, 51.00 Monarch Chop, at 3 Ce lbs. for S1.70, or lb OOC Family Fleur Lenex Bmml m.ln ...:..!.. mnde from selected Kansas huni i 70c, or 'i-bbl. sack. pl.OO ienex nranu cenuenfu Soup, dozen, Vs dozen or Qi 3-cnn lets, nt can "' Ginger Ale Lenex Brand sparkling extra dry, also Reet Beer or Sarsa parilla; case, $3.25; dozen,! An ?1.05, or bottle ri' Codfish Middles kt iiunex Jiranu cneicu iih"" benelcbs cuts, at 3-lb. (J1 IE (ilmbeln, tlirilnut btrttt ."' n infl &: LtfW'iTytUJgr - MnhiiMiiii il ttimm mii dMmmt i m da imiiiI J i " '