Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 15, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Leah Silver, Single, Denies She
Abandoned Little One Ar
rested in New Haven
Sew Ha m. Conn.. .Ttilv 15. I.cnh
Silver, twentjteiip, n bit of n (tlrl. with
Mn.k bebbril hnlr. iiintlirr of t,lu- Infnnt
fennel nn tlir rtfcp of tlie (Wiv Inlnml
mnrh 1flt Huntlnv morning, wrnt nr
,p"tnl M-tertlny nfternenii. DrtcrtUrs
Were riwlcnril (e co te tlir- rooming
linue. wherp n girl known tlierr- nn : Hemp
Illoem lilpnllflpil lirrnrtf in tlie Silver
nenmii MiiiRbt by the .; Wk nellr-n.
"I liinc ncvpr rpnil or lipiirtl n word
.bout niv bnby beliiR found en the
marh." 'kIip "n1"1' rr,n " blt .w,,Pn
.hi. mv n plptnre of hpr mosqulte-blttcn
Infnnt ptiblWiPil In n IepiiI ncwupnper.
She n!il Mip Imil S0 Frliinv. n week
nce. mIipii fhe went te New erk with
the bnby; thnt she took a loom In EaM
Flclith'tli street.
That nlcbt, she nl. flip nikpil n
tnxl cliniiffpur whprc flip rmiltl find n
home fur Hip child. Hp iiRrepd te find
fiirh n plnrc for .?." nnd bin fnrp. nnd
ellrctPtl S" nnd $1.1)0 for Inking her te
heif-c Hip lopntlen of which hIip umlil
net zhP. Slip pnhl n wtininn thpre ?.",
the rM. nnd left the baby with her.
premMnR te return In n woek. Tlie clrl.
In rcplv te qiiPHtleii", mid she could llnd
thli."0'i""'s Iieum'.
A spnmnii In thp tuny, who? nnmp
dm "live. sbP wild Im Ihp fntlier of hpr
tmbv Rirl; Ibnt three months nftcr
the 'child was born nlie met him In Hos Hes Hos
ten, bieke. nnd he rc-cnlNted nnd Ih
new nbenrd the Jlines. Thnt wiih the
lflt she saw of him, slip Mild. TIieurIi
she linil written te thp Hccrptnry of the
Nnj. "-lie had no reply, slip mid.
Il'tr metlipr nnd three biethcrs have
(list her off hecnuc of this nfTnlr,
the dcilnred, but hpr mint, l.cnli Sli
Tcr. who has n, rcstntirnnt in I.nn,
Mn.. his bellied nnd pmple.ed hpr.
She Im" been veekini; work ns n wait
re in New Haven.
The Rirl leek her nrrest nnd deten
tion without objection nnd is held for
the New Yerk police. She Is bright bright
jed, nttnictlve, only four feet ten
Inches in height, leeks nbeut seventeen
years old, nnd is net of the haul or
touch tne. The police matron ton ten
firmed the reports published thnt hpr
iirl'eiier seen will again become a
Tlie map of H call bland, with Its obvious lessens for cMldrrn
Children te Be Taught Principles of Hygiene in Order te Educate Remainder of Natien te
Need of Proper Care of Bedy te Assure Streng Natien in Future Years
Three cities in thp T'nlted Slates nre
te be used in nn experiment In working
out n health program nre going te
turn ever thejr civic and community or
gans te the experiment.
The IcM Ih te liiht live jears, nnd se
will be no temporary or ephemeral
thing, but will grew Inte the rcgulnr
activity of the cities. V
The money for thp experiment has
been appropriated by the Common
wealth Fund, which holds In trust the
Lane, tlipn Secretary of the Interior,
planned the organisatien.
It prepaies and prints hcnlth-ciliicn-(Ien
material and the (Jeveriimpnt dis
tributes It.
The organization upIIpipm that health
habits should be made automatic In
childhood and that the win te make
them automatic' Is te make them Inter
esting te the child and appealing te Ills
imagination. The school and the tcaclici
arc the nucleus for thp work.
One of thp devlves. which Illustrate
the vivid method placed III the teach
ers' hands, is a map and timetable.
money of the Hnrkness family left fercn,k'(1 "'S(,p "cnltlilniul First."
the "welfare of mankind " The nmeunt
of the appropriation Is flexible. Ap
proximately it will bp-!$l, 000,000. The
cities have net been designated jet.
The American Child lljglenc Or
ganization, of which Herbert Hoeer Is
president and thp Child Health Or
ganization of America, of which Dr.
Ji. Emmett Helt is (linlrman, will con
tribute their experience and their ex
" i pert adthprs te help thp towns work
"BOBBLY HEADS" WESTERN jeut tll,'ir Problems and their lmpree-
Actress Tires of Working In Acter
Husband's Restaurant
New Yerk, July 1.". "Please come
back te me, 'I'.ebbly Heads,' for I
need jeu."
EIlie Western, former vaudeville
ectre-s, who "mjstoileusly" disap
peared from her home in Sheepshend
Ba en .June 14 last, shook her bobbed
head iRoreusly jesterday and uttered
in emphntic a "net en ,our life" as
was oer elced bv woman.
"Ilebbly Heads" has a perfectly fine,
iucrntlu' job ns waitress In the Hn
.Me Yin lit Club, ami is through for
ever with the stage, cooking, and her
huHuiul, Itkhmend F. Ilutihlns, a
former actor, who is new miming a
ten i (Mini.
Hiitcliins. who plnyed in "Moon
shine" and "Tee Man Frem l)en
or," some time nge abandoned his
trionic tut for tlie prnstic restmi
tant bii'-lncbs. Ills wife, who lins
retired fiem wuidcWIIc, esMi.ved tlie
role of chief cook In the eating cin cin
lierlmii tliey opened In Atlantic Citj.
After three mouths they diewicd that
an rcMauintPiiis tliey were great ncters.
Se thej cpiit.
On their return te Slieep-liend Bay
"Rebblj Heads" derided te strike out
fvrlurself. Se -ht took tlie name .lane
Hebiris and landed the waitress job ut
the club.
Ku'iitunlly her hu-bnnil located her
there, and jcstcrclny sent a burning
iiiMp. imploring lier te letuin te lilni.
It beg.in :
"My Dear I.ittilp Wife I want jeu
te (eujc hack and take liehl of this new
pla'e 1 liac opened. After all tlicsc
wcik-, of suffering 1 feel mjself slii
ping. Ne one can make shortcakes like
jeu ran,"
joint committee from both ergani
zatiens will supervise tlie work. Cour Ceur
tcnay Dluwiilclie, of Washington, Is the
executive becictary of the joint com
Mr. Dlnwlddie said that the first city
te be rhescn would be in the t'pjier
Mississippi Valley, nnd thnt each .dty
selected would be between l.'.OOO nnd
25,000 In population.
Te Educate Rest of Public
"The undertaking is net only for the
Improvement of the health of the chil
dren in these cities, hut nlse for the
instruction of ether communities.
"The whole thing." Mr. Dinwiddle
continued, "Ih te sec hew far all the
resources of the remmunlty can be ue-
eloped te mnke the child free, snfc and
able te develop as u normal child
The Cliihld Health Organization was
formed during the wnr. It grew out of
the findings of thp draft. Most of the
rejections. It was found, were the re
sult of defects or faulty habits that
could have been cured In childhood.
PhjslclniiH'frem the New Yerk Acad
emy of Medicine, co-operating with the
liiirenu of Education and Franklin K.
weight in Spinach (Jicen and its neigh
boring villages, Iieet Tep Hill and Let
luce Weed".
Het Soup Spiings, hcndeiuarlerH of
the vegetable-growing Industry, Is vis
ited annually by thousands of boys nnd
gills. Helel a'ccommedntlnns uic re.i-
leiinbV ami there is opportunity for
tlie tourist te carry away souvenirs,
linked Petate Hills, celeuinted chiefly
for its starr li mills nnd iron nnd potas
sium mines. Favorite resident e dis
tiict, situated en Hetter Creek.
Pln.v Meadow n. Here the passqngcr
will be allowed te vltncsn the Ilealth
Innd baseball team in action. The na
tivps used a boiled onion for n ball and
u huge carrot for, a bat.
Leng Sleep Mountain, tlie highest
Peal, in He.tlthlnud, towers from nine
te ten hours above sen level. Frem
this point tlie tourist can leek ever
Die.imliind. which drifts "like a castle
In mldecc.tn."
Hem thf TruiriK Hun
mil.Y TltAI.V KC'IIKDL'T.i:
a. .m itnu cm:i:iv i.eiwr,
Letters te the Editor
of law. It has the iirhl te suggest
prepositions. He have individuals and
societies the right te, nnd de suggest
legislation. Juh.iih did the old "Whisky
Itlng" tlueush' Its lebbjisfs at Wash
ington, and uIiem1 place lias been taken
by (he Anti-Saleen I.eagiiP.
C. F. K. will find that thp Cou-tllu-tlen
does net recognize the rile of ex
pediency as pinetlccif by the ItrltMi
(ievertimpiit, and that it net only
shields the country but a Ne the human
incc ngnlnM harm. In this the ciuestien
of personal liberty Is Involved. Our
personal liberty has been encroached
upon by forbidding as-nult, Involving
touch, smell mid hearing, Involving
nulsaiicen: the sight, "Involving obscen
ity. Even psycholegic ul abuses, such
as lijpiietlltig, are forbidden. It re
mained for the eighteenth amendment
te regulate thp appetite for" strong
drink, which was fast destroying tlie
power of the human brain.
Eet us hope thnt f. 1 K. is con
vinced that (lie Constitution contains
no "lie" or joke. What It forbids Is a
crime te oppose. The nnlj smc esc ape
from Ihp likseuie conditions is te leave
the country. H. C. W.
Philadelphia, .lulj 1... lDl'l!.
Danger fn Unrestricted Immigration
Te the Ilitlter of Ihr i:nlnn Public l.alacrl
Sir I rend eiir jinge last week en
immigration keep this before I lie pub
lic America must wake up; If we per
mit the slum of the caitli te Hew In
as it has in past venrs vvc will have no
America twenty-live jenrs fiem new.
The nvpiagc citizen ilee net ap
preciate this danger. Every paper In the
country should ceustniitly'kccp it bcfeie
them. It will help in putting ever a
ntilly weihiihlc immigiiitieii law.
Punxsiitawuey, Pa., duly !), 1!)L2.
ku Ht.llfM 1, 4ni Kftt i tel, Sll'
It en the l !!. , thnt the mh
would but a lilther tard en' thnt I'll
thn nhnnntnt. In (hi. nnnetlfnt CintH
redrefn by calllmt It b rcnlc7 ' ' XT sm
DAVin nunt.VBOWf
Plilledclphla. July 12. 1D2S. ttT'.f-,
Tltc only "rrdrem" for n unfnlr We
thirl clncrllicd wnulil rr for the lettJi,
lircnlr tin the Knine, IP rrniKt let pmr, "TW. m
u i en
de-rnltid "tin
In bki net all innnn e!
Poems and Songs jA
m i .1
Questions Answered
Olives, Why Net an Olive Branch?
Te llic VMIer of Ih! .'icttlne J'ublle l.rileer:
Sir It has occurred te me. after
rending .veur ccllterlnl In the 'i,';,,"'11'!,
.Ititv .1, entitled "Sevllln Meant Well,
ldiitlvc te n keg of olives that Iiiik been
sent te Mner Moeip that. In vIpvv of
tlie friction between members of tlie
committees rccpen!b!e for planning tlie
Hc-ipil-Onteiinlnl Exposition. It might
tin ti nut te be n fortunate error If by
nnv chance the ScvlHInn donors linil al
lowed an olive brunch te slip In among
the olives in their felicitous keg.
Who kiiew-H but that tlie olive brnnch
might se Inlltience next Memlny'H meet
ing of the directors that traditional
peace ami harmony would again prevail
In their midst. SEStJl I.
Wajne, Pa duly 12. 11)22.
Try This en Your Frent Perch
Te the filUcr of thf I venlne Public l.iAerr:
Sir As n boy, when It was tee het
te pln.v .'iii.l that meant n high tem
perature. Indeed I used te go te my
father's library nnd drag down two fat.
Iilnch-hennil volumes lettered in geld.
and fellow the perilous adventures of!
Ellshn Kent Kniip in Arctic sens. lie- , Adapted te Only One Use
fore long the descriptions of polar I r the i:,l,ter of thr hceiliw Publu I.cilucr: , ' T''-n wi" fritilte witrriiiR Ttie -1
storms, sel.lng upon m fresh liiingl- sir The nIiKp enri luges of tlie former ." ". "' . , . 7 '""'"" """'r ""l '" '" , , , ., , , , .
il nt I ,, ,r,n i.l.llvlniw In tlin e ," """' "ri iiij," s 01 i in iiirnn r , , (ir imfi,, of nutfr for two nr thr.c On y n did hut In kIvks hi P
iiitlen. weul.l male me el v eus te tl p (,P,lllni, Lmmter, I hce seen It "tnted ,lour T,, i,r thnt, ..ierin from -te sm.ih th- for hi- children Bm.lt,
ISfvi llul.i.i? I iiVe.1 lrgll,ln.ln cable dispatches, have been sold te i h" '"" "" '" nnl '' rurf,,rn '-.." i Welnir. ultli etirn.. Hie ., n't nr.m
town 111 Which 1 UVPtl. I ' n, th. re t de mil km tniiMi iitir Keep i 'fit diwl thnt his fith.r did for him.
Try II en .veur trout percu one ei mi nniieriiiKer neil win ee usrci in " Xlir, tnrth ubjut the plniit Btirr-d up Thin i the linn thnt for him I en,
"Only a Dad" 'rJj
Te the 1'Alter of the Kventna Public Lttnrlw,i
Hlr Kindly etilluc thn (lnuuhlfra of 4!izM
.,., .... ... .......I-.. i . n , t(itttlrI ''It
.imi Kile, r tty ruiiiiiim m. ij. " ...--.- w
1'ietile'a I'eruni the InrleB'-d llil.
I'lillndnlliln Inly in, 1U--
(JNt.Y A t)U ,
Onlv i dnl, dth n tired fnee
Coming home fruit th dully rr?,
HrlnirliiK little nf ke d nr fame
Te Bhew hew well he htB plnrd the KkfM,
Hut I'lnil In hN henrt thnt his en rcJelc
Te b-c him icinif und te hear hlB vole.
Care of Primrose In Summer
Te the I ritter el tUi l. rntnij Public l.rde'V
Hlr Will jeu ieie mil me in the llvr
MMI I'llillC 1. I'lnil II what tri ittnent te Klve I
.. ..i.lM.nUI. 1.. .I.a .. . rt . M t. .. ,. Ml. an I
, itih hint ClirlBlmiB nnd l.loetn.d In thrr- '"' " ''"'I "f,," ,,r""1 "f f""r
tnenthn New It IskmiIiiu n- Ipuv- .Sein.. "n of Inn million tncti nr im
etic tn!d in" tint te irlw It nnv wnter t
tried lint unlntMiiinnill for f dn
nnd Dip l"iiei n'lted ui bu thnt I tlmuhl It
weu'd dip.
I will In icretefiil for ndvlr"
ri.evvi:it t.evi:it
Phllmlflfihli .Tuly IL'. Itc.'J
If 'oil hnvi n unrihn von iniMht hut tie
prlmriiK" l it nnd nil, In lit ureum
l ni It untred nheii the ruin In pn
I'lnddlni: iiIeiik In Ihe dully utrlfp
I'pirimt thn nhtps and frern of Ufa
Willi nevnr uhlmpT of p.iln or Imte
1 or the suki- of thus who lit hump HWtlt,
C)nl u did nelthpr rlrh nor proud,
Mpr.lv eiip of th- "iirK.nx crowd
'lelllnu Btrlvlnx f rum ilny te dp,
nnd I 1'ncln whntmr mm rome IiIb w iyi
.silnnt w nen. r r ine nirBii ronenio
And hcurltiB It all fur the love of thm.
these close het evenings. It will cool fiineial precessions. It s evident from
veu quicker thnn ciiinrts of leinennde or OiIh that the auctioneer ntid the htivcr
I .- .. ... W . .. I .... tlu 1.-..U I ..III.. It A.-,. l......E.,wl !.. i.:
ice wilier. II Jllll llllll-ll I r. mur i " ..... .... n . --.u umi I r Ulil-r . ,, , ,, , , ,,, ... ., i,,. I,. . , ,,(,
book mill It's hard te come across these I grand cetive.v.mces nre Insepaiablv n-e- ' T" '''' ' '".?!.? J ." 11 '. H':'eJ?"?Z
cml ll d.ld hut tie trt of Illctl
Unfairness in Pinochle
Alex V. Caldwell, Eugenia W.
Jacksen and Eva Simmen
Volunteer at Reading
Map of Ilciilthland"
It rends :
Healthland, the eldest unci most beau
tiful count rj In the world, was opened
te tourists as a pleasure rc-ert cinlj a
few seasons nge. It Iris quickly be
come the vacation ground of millions of
be.vs and girls.
The following are some points of In
terest en reute:
Milky Way, model city and capltel I K 'J ,"" t, .J.' " ' " u t .. .
of Healthland. Is historically noted us ltairbruVh HciBhtB '.'.".:
i lie uiiiiiegreiiiiu oil which me l once i.uuunin vuiie)
King was defeated. It is situated In ,,J'"l''t',,v "
.1... J.1..1... .. 1....1. i i i .is.. ' "itini.ile
inu i iriii ,i riKiiciiiiiii ill linn iiiuieilll ll in -
trlct of tlie country unci cxpeits unniiall)
tens of lime, fat, sugar, mlncial salts
and ether valuable products.
Drinkwatcr is situated cm Spnrkllng
Creek. A reservoir just above the town
Is Inrgp enough te supply each person
in Henlthlnnd 'with at least one quart
of drinking water clail.v,
llathtubvillc is known and visited by
every man of eminence.
(Ne extra charge for stop-ever.)
East Toothbrush rose into fame
through the efficiency of its housewrve.
wlie were the fin-t te adept the mod
ern method of sweeping up and down
instead of fiem side te Mile.
Orange Valle.v, commonly known ns
the Valley of Delight, Is a favorite win
ter rcert. IJnil excursions te Fruit
Juice Springs.
Spimicn (5reen, chiefly known for its
Iren deposits and salubrious climate.
Mothers bring their familiiM here, ns It
lias long been noticed that children
grew mere lapldly and increase in
7 no a M
7.IO a M,
7.1:; a .m
7 14 A Al.
7.111 A. Al.
7 10 A. M
3.i A, Al,
Ceciui C'reHB.iiiy . 7.i0a'm,
lluttpr Square . . . 7 ,"'. A At.
TeiBt Clt . . ... n nn A. At.
Telktvlllu . . SMS A At
ij At luaiu.ANn Ki.vr.n
Het Snjp s.irlnss fj 00 M.
I.lltle AlP.it Cot . l cr, ! t,
Unit lun len . ... I.' t.-i I At
Pp'nnch tlr'pn .... 11' se I'. Al.
C'uriet CjTr..iim IB 25 1 At.
HIcb I'lrlili . iy in v. t
lluttoimeie . js,ni'. At.
Ice Crp-tm Mjuntnln . .. m Mtl I A!
Cnek T wn 1J.1J I. At.
Stewed l'niit .. .. rj.44 I. Al.
Itpst lt.iven .... . 1.' .VI p. Al.
I'lnv Alniiduns .. . . . 1 en l. M
Alllkv VV.k llil'i P. At.
Seuth Ompli ttn 0 -JO I. Al.
Ilrewn Hie id WoeiN . . il'.'V I M
Iliiltprupil ft "JT I. M.
Prtlmd I'ntlte HUN . . II in P. M
N'erth Slpwpd l'runps n 4CI I. V
lloelrland 7 00 P At
McC'lpin s nn V Al
Kreih Air Junction S.JO P Al.
I nnir Sl.ep Atuunlaln N SS I' M.
Drcimtenn 8 in P AT,
Atoun Harber te DO P. At.
HlHlnu lun .. . n.'i.'. A Al.
HcMlthland . . . 7 00 A At.
dnvs ou will Unci Amundsen. Shackle
Ien. Pesirv. or nnv of the ether Arctic
expleiers b.tve written perhaps just as
geed prescriptions for feigettlug heat.
Philadelphia. July lil, 11(22.
Constitution and Prohibition t
Te Ihe 1'illler of the Li mvtie Public l.cAgrr;
Sir III the People's Forum en Jul
10 nppear some cpicstlens by C. F. K.
under the head. "Wet Itendy te lie
Convinced." Would ou kindly permit
nn answer that he m-iy be convinced?
Te answer his lirst question, "Hew
can prolilbitien he a uccess when It is i
bnsed en a lie?"
'In the fen in ii lit t ion of a Inw the ques- '
tlen of veiacity is scltlecl before its pas- j
sage. It has been tleteimined that the'
use of alcoholic liquors as a beverage I
ciium's mere misery thnn happiness,
consequently tills ttuth has been'
clinched by a law mnking it a crime te !
manufacture aliolielic liquor for bev-I
erage purposes stronger t hit it one-half I
of 1 per cent. If water contains morel
thnn a tcitnin percentage of typhoid
germs it. tee, i- feihldilen te be u-eel
for drinking purposes
Answer te question Ne. 2 is. "Tlie
finest Constitution ever formulated by
man" guniaiitees life, liberty nnd the '
pursuit of happiness, under certain re-
strictlens, which huve been iicccpted b.v i
nn overwhelming majority of tlie people'
as putt of the ftiiid.iinental law of tlie
If C. 1. K. reads the Constitution
lie will discover that the Congress Is
the "secietv" which tlecided this ques
tion. He will iiNe ltnrn that the Con
stitution docs net rccegnbe any politi
cal part.v. Any Cengtess-mnn can ig
nore Ids own part.v's planks and make
his own. '
Political parties de net pvpii elect a
Piesltlent. but the Electoral College
does. This is beaiitifull.v illustrated hi
the election of our first Presidents be
fore political paitics became strlctl.v '
fernitilateil. ' '
Political party platforms de net
anticipate nil laws or acts of Congress,
nor arc all tlipir suggestions enacic il
into law. C. P. K. should dispel the i
notion that the suggestion of n politi
cal! convention "-litm Irl have he feri p
elated with tlentl ones.
Trenten, N. J., .lul.v 8, 1!(22.
wir In n plnef h p irainp n f ird w is ptnipd
land enp in mhnr of thn unni' who did no
, hiite thp inler ri'dml n nil f-em thp
elh-r p!npi whfi surup dPd th. enrd hi had
Tin- PreiiIrS I'limni will upnrnr dally
In Ihr l.vrnliiK l' hilt lslirrr. .mil hIbe
In Hip siniiliiv I'liMI" liPiltrrr. Isjleri
ilru1nic llinrlt t"plcs will lie printed,
us urll us r'ui'i-'tPil ihuiiis. nnd ntirntlenl
of BMiprel Inlrrrst villi Ik? iiimwrrfd.
Sprclnl Dhpntch te Ktrntitfl Public J.rAnrr
Reading, l'n.. .lulv 15. Eighteen
etlng people, among them three Phlla
inliili'niiH. etTered tlielr lives te the work
of Chrlstlanitv nt the closing session
President- Harding and Secretary
Fall Send Congratulations
Yellowstone Park, Ve.. July I."
" A. P.) Rending of messages from
lsldent Ilaiding. Secietaiy of the In-
lOllnr I'tlll mill It, ll n, nun ' 111. in nf
Mentana, was the chief event of the 'ciet.v lure last evening.
Their derision followed n strenuous
plea for home nnd foreign mission work
ers b.v Dr. Selby Vance, of Pittsburgh.
The plea was made before mere than
two thousand delegates at tlie senior
(of the tenth biennial conference of tlie
iPennsilvnnln Christian Endeavor Se-
ceremonies in celebration of the fiftieth
nnniveis.ii, jestcrd.iv of the creation
pi I lie Yellowstone Pink reserve, the
Inlled States' tirst national pink.
I lie President's mess-ige w.is ns fol fel
low s :
conference. At the snme time mere
than fifty delegates made a Christian
Of the eighteen volunteers mere thnn
half veliinteeied for foreign service.
Seveinl stated preference In China,
CVecho-Slevnkia and Afiien.
The Philadelphia missionaries nre::
AIpx V. Caldwell, who attends the
AVili Stieet Methodist Church. Phila
delphia ; Miss Eugenia W. Jacksen,
Mt. .Ien M. E. Church. Darby, and
Miss Eva Simmen, First African Prcs
bjleilan Church, Philadelphia.
The ether fifteen nre C. Eckenberger,
Palmvra; Miss Marie Mat., Heading;
Alfred Yiingtchlnger. Pittsburgh; Clar
ence Rait. Reading; Miss Emma
Deughertv, D.illastevvu; Francis Dana,
Wilkcs-Harre; Miss Catherine W.
Miller, Rending: Miss Clara Jannuzi,
Ile.iver Falls; Jehn Kliiues, Reaver;
Allen Rede.v, Reading: Matthew Sharp
less, Chester; Miss Katherluc Herst,
Rending; (ieerge U. NnftJnger, Rend
ing; .1, C. Moere. Fredenia; Henry
C. Ranks, Kingsten; Miss Anna
Schweiik, CeiuicllHVllle: Nelaiiinn S.
Heffman, Reading; Miss Ameiiin Dei
ter, Reading, and Paul .1. Elicit, Ash
le.v. Pliilndelnlila was awarded a banner
""" along with ten ether ceiihum for pass
"With ever 7.0(K),(M)0 nc res of the
flmlicst s, ,.,,!,, ln,.s f t, rniteel
1'itts. Ilitwall and Alaska reserved as
national parks, dedicated und set npait
ei ml time as pleiistire gi emuls for the
peepe. It is tnngiilnrly apt that per
Mas fiem all Mictiens of our ceunti.v
lieiilcl tedaj assemble in Yellowstone
lurk at the Ntt. mu the national
Prk idui wns born, te celebrate the
nillPtli annheisiii ()f itM creation.
'He new ic.illp that with its estnb
HMiimiit as the tirst national pink camp
a mi tl(. ic'oiiiiiiendatien of the prin
Jlple that fcenerj of supreme majesty
jn iintleiiiil asset, worth of preserva preserva
Ien fni t,e use and cnjejiiient of fu
jure gi m i at ions, ns w,.'i ,m these of our
"me. 1 iiingiatiilnte the people en the
possum,,, f tlielr national parks.
Missouri Hill Cluttered With 800
Autes as Members Arrive
Kansas City, ji v ,-,. On the
'P of ii small knell, nenr heie. In the
Waring linht of a liuse lieiy ciess, Hie
nmim of the K Klux ICTnn
tr 111 t(i I iiiuiif. nun iuii uiiiri rintiiii"i im ni"
Initiate 'i'V )lr'V,,s ',' ,""' 0,,,,r if . Iiik the county standard in all-around
Bifniij(,i "B"' ,M,U"- """" , uristian i.ncieaver work during tlie
Hlleiit." wi,., ,..,-. , .... I''1' .!'. n"N' JVUr "Ihor i-euntics
llr,,,,,. -......ii Junius were mii- vveic: . c'giiein , v i ester, nerics, m air,
"lit ll III i.iell ii,.,.,.,,.. 1. ,.. l... il. .1.1 ... Li i 1...11...... r ..!.. 'i. V-....1
---.....,... .... ii iii in,, uriii in i niwierii. iiiiiniiiii) i.t'iiixn. .sei iiiiiiiui-
1U1 I i.n .,. i ... ....
il,.: ". inese who urn net pesn'ss
puss win d. vlrtii.illv feunliig n solid,
,!, "''.'"'lug a melius of (uere tliiiu u
ii,'', '"'nn hour befmc the Minting
ii.. "",,N hi'iii of uiitomeblles up.
I'lc'iilicl the phue and M)() cais were
Wk, cm the eiitsklits of the gather
B iiiililjiitntlv midnight.
Greatest Violin Collection Sold
lircM!1".'""' ',u,y 1"'.''hc sale of
elMlilj tl,(, K.eaie.t collection of vie-
nr .'' "",l(1, '"'"I'llsilln' twent.v
' imsler nistinujents colic ,y
is ,n,;,., V"!"'11"' "f WiihliliiRln...
s l.ieilnted ,e,e jcstcrclny. Tic
fin"1.' ''"?. w that i.ftci iliht, iliht,
iSre .V t"f.Ur""" ,l,,"','' '"" wn-
iSC-r OI tllCdr Innnu ..III 1.. 1... I .
tItn nil ii - I, "'" "h"1" ec iieuru
"i'n U the Lentincnts.
ten, Yerk and Washington,
"Case of Nerves," Says Socialist
Champien Entering Sanatorium
Chicago, Jul 1.". Eiii'cnp V. Debs,
tlucc times candidate fei President en
the Socialist ticket, is In Chicago "te
postpone the publication of his ohitu ehitu
ar" ut Ihe I.indlnlir Siiuiilerlum,
wlicic he niilvcd .veslenhi.v . Mr. Debs mi
cpicssfd lilmsclf in mi Interview.
"1 am u case of nerves," he said
"I'm exhausted neneimlv and plijsl
call). I guess I'm u lame duck. I
am miiklnc no plans and am placing
wjbclf in the hands of mj phjtlcluii."
- M m
m M M 9
siiiH siiiH iiW 1 1 it IV-. T? ,. 1v t
Three Friendly
The secret of its success is in every
package the superior quality which its
makers put there. Try a package today
7 Guaranteed by
Thrift-Hints for MONDA Y
Silk Stockings CHr
Save One-Half 'VV
Women' sizes, S te 10. Black nnd
white. Slight seconds of a quality usually
selling for mere than double 50c.
Brassieres ( 25c
Werth Deuble ( 3Sc
The popular hook-back bandeau style, of
cool materials for summer wear 25c and
Sensible Playtime
Dresses of pretty
checked gingham and
colored chambray.
Seme are smocked.
Others with different
smart trimmings.
Sizes 7 te 12 years.
Werth considerably
mere than $1.95 and
Women's Silk Dresses
Twenty Styles
Rich Fabrics
$ 1 Q75
iH R
Misses' Dresses
Of Coel Silks
Unusual Value
Smartly designed
Dresses of crepe
Georgette, crepe dc
chine and novelty
crepe, in navy blue,
brown, black, henna,
flesh pink, periwinkle
and white. Sizes 16
te 20 years. Leely
Dresses, exceptional
value $9.75.
f V )i -'-' w
'it WmSkrr
Women will find in this
special group smart Dresses
of Canten crepe, charmeuse,
crepe de chine, tricelette
and sports silk, that have
been reduced from lets sell
ing right along for much
higher prices.
Twenty styles te cheese from.
In straight-line, blouse and
panel effects. And the trim
mings beads, embroidery, silk
flowers, tunics, cascades.
In black, navy blue, white,
brown, henna and all the new
summer shades.
Every woman wearing 36 te
46 can find her size in the group,
though, of course, net in every
style. Fer the best selection,
come early Monday morning
and get your choice for $13.75.
Pretty Satin Hats
Every woman must have a
White Satin Hat te wear
with her sweaters or summer
These pretty Hats, with
just a touch of velvet trim
ming, leek te well with
dresses of all colors. Seme
navy and black Hats also in
this group, special at $2.95.
Women s Undergarments at Savings
Petticoats efQC
Cambric. . ' vJJL
With deep embroidery nifties in
pretty designs, about one-third under
Ol satine of Tine quality; double
paneled, with tailored flounce or seal,
loped edge. Werth a third mere.
Windser Crepe $1
White, flesh and flowered crepe th-it
requires no Ironing. Fine for vacation
travel. Regularly one-half mere.
Envelope Chrmises, Mcht Gewni,
Drawers and Camisoles. Of fine lin
gerie cloth and batiste. Tailored nr
lace- and embroidery-trimmed. Reg
ularly one-half mere.
T place ler Infants' Wear Specials
(Sizes 2 te 6)
Crash Overalls, sleeveless 50c
Chambray Creepers, sleeveless 50c
Gingham Apron Dresses 50c
Gingham Rompers 50c
Gingham Dresses 50c
Beys Khaki Suits 75c
Bleemer Dresses $1.75
Children's Underwear Specials
Muslin Pantie-Waists 25c
Drawers, 2 te 14 years 28c
Princess Slips, 2 te 14 years 55c, $1.95
Night Gowns, 2 te 14 years 50c, $1.00
Pajamas, 4 te 16 years 95c, $1.15
Beys' Muslin Union Suits 50c
Costume Slips
Save One-third
Of fine white batNte, tailored and
finished ulth hemstitched shoulder
straps; 22. Inch hem. '
Bathing Suits $1.95
of Surf Satin v
Of geed quality turf satin (cot.
ten) With scalloped tdge or
smecklnc. All belted models. Spe
cial at $1.05.
I ndvr Price
Neat check Ging
ham Dresses that
women may wear
en the street or in
the home and feel
suitably attired.
Neatly bound in
white at neck nnd
armholes. Finished with smart patent
leather belt and two side pockets.
Lewer-Price Basemei .utere
A ..