fe'SPPPi V. W &1 r.ra . Ma' -,'. i.'LJ r iA &rui l,,J3B mKi Rt ij&WE V2 ' fS Ktffik'i! EWBJWI rxp i mi in dar 1, SAYS CRASH HEM Patrolman Edward Casey Car i rled Out Injured Gives ! Credit te Anether "Cep"1 I -r : (he in turn disclaims it Edward Casey, heroic patrolman ntn- !,tIeneil nt Ureml nnd Arch streets, who 1 rurhcil Inte tnc rarievny minimis iei- i...i.,f flif fnlnl crnsli ycMenm.v nnil iicnrrleil n were of injured te the Rtrcet, ikfS most of the rrcdlt te n fellow pn- .trelmnn nnd brushes name tne wnoie citnstrenhe ns n mere Incident In a ' dT.,fi,WOtaMPf It." he snld. "I enlr I., did m.v'd''y. that wan nil there wbh te If I wan jnndliiR-at lirnnil nnd Cherry t'reMs directing trnflic when T heard n crach. n rumble njin a stimuli. ! "As I ran toward the building I no ne no ''tlced the glass In the wlnduw of the we-...fKn cnninniiy's nntomebllu place Ivimil blown out Inte the Rtreet nnd I .VnPtV ,OIlU'llt M.urM iiuiv mil, -II en tneir roei. Missing: materially strengthened by steel girders which were placed upon concrcte foundation nnd nseended Tertlcnlly the entire height of the structure for the purpose 'of supporting the walls. ENDS REPORT, SEES CRASH Deputy Corener Had Just Completed Detail of Death In Building A witness te the Parkway Hulldins treRPily was Deputy Corener (leerfce McKcever. .lie was In the Corener's office In City Hall and had Just Ilnhdird n report te Corener Knight en the death of Marshall Harnes, 1001 Naudaln street, who wns killed In the l'arkwny liullrilng en June 20 by falling down nn elevator shaft. McKcever saw the section of the wall fall, tiirncd In nn alarm, and then hastened te the scene. Revised List of ' Dead and Injured HENRY J. HANSEN Who disappeared from his bearding house In Chester, February 15 I thought nt first that I' h fall "f material was outward and l!Uhat 1 would find all the Injured In I (the automobile place in the Insurance IJJbulMIng next deer. "I rtlsiieii ime nif nni'i'tvn pincc U..i ami wlille It seemed badly smashed i)tTfryLed.v had been accounted for. 1 then i an ime wiu uniuunn- iuiiiiiiiik ' and found fevernl girl clerks huddled ' .lnl- xnrner. 1 nrdpreil tlirin Inln Uttie street. Starts Cnrrylng Out the Injured Ij' "All till'' took only n few moments. I rralwcu men my inure wns limine i no talldiiiB which hnd been under con cen con itmctleil. "I ran up the street and Inte the ifrent entrance. Through the dust nnd dirt a man enmc staggering. He ran blindly with his hands out before him ml Ktncccrcd nnd fell nt my feet. I Mplcked him tip nnd cnrrle.l him out iTCBOre 1 puicru mill uu u iiuin. ' mt nti UiLalr Intn the hililtllni tvltti ' Vnwrvn Patrolman Uurnsidc. who was i en duty at Heard and Arch streets. "New listen nere, young iciiew, you want te give this fellow Ilurusidc ns ,8Hlcn ereuu ns you give inn. "As we ran Inte the building I snld te Heb, 'Yeu take that one nnd I'll take the ether.' referring te two work men lving en the fleer badly hurt. "I 'lebt sight of ltuinsldc. In the (xcltemcnt. 1 brought three. mere In jured persons out from the first fleer ind placed them en trucks. Clean Up First Fleer "After hunting further I discovered tue mere en the first fleer, put them en a tniek belonging te the Sweeten Automobile Company, and sent them off. Tlint seemed te be all there were en the first fleer. "Then I renllzed my next job wns I k upstairs. I ran te the stairway and . bumped Inte Uurnsidc again nnd we 'climbed te the tenth fleer together. "One man was entirely covered with brick", but I could hec hi leg move, and I pulled him out. He could walk 'a bit with nbMstance. ' "As there were n number of men hard at work in the rescue. I figured my job was te help this fellow down te the street. I went down the steps with him nnd took him te thc"hoH thc"heH pltfll. "Credit should nlse be given Burn M for Ills aid. He did as much as (.i did. ; I' "Anyhow, that's a cop te de In n cue like this?" Ilurmide Alse Modest BurnMde denies he in any way should share the credit given Cney. "Casey's the darndest liar en the police force," Uurnsidc said jokingly tbi" morning. "He said he saw me carry out four rata from under fallins debris. That isn't se. 1 wasn't anywhere inIde the building, but Mundini; out en the street." Uurnsidc, who is exceedingly modest, would only say: "Forget it, forget It." te all (itirbtlens concerning Ills part in the rescue work. Witnesses, however, sny they snw SJlurnside dls out four men from the Jfbrii nnd place them en trucks. Casey wns dismissed from the police r fAiin ti mnn nnt ivlitln mHt1cr 1,1 llin capacity " of bed guard for Director Cortelyou. ns the result of his being involved in n whisky scandal at the Eighth and Jeffersen streets police stn stn Mlen. He made several nt tempts te get hack te the police force nnd premised that if he were reinstated he would make geed. He wns reinstated sit weeks age nnd uwJe geed his premise. Mayer Moecn publicly ( eimnciHk'd hi in following his heroic weik. DEAD Andersen, Axel, twenty-six, n car penter, T2I Spruce street: crushed be tween two girders, i Died en way te hospital, nreccss and were designed te furnish ' "l.lentllic'I Negro; cruslicil hrnentii n margin of safety until the green two eiruers. Died en wny te Hospital, brickwork should have "set." Menu- IN.IL'ItEI) "i."0'! .inrUi1 h? ih. m2.Yf IIpnsen' ""ijamln, 61-11 Morten wns being weakened by the removal of .. . '. ,, i'i old preps, ports of the original con- , S,T' ",ts "" ' , ' ., . . - ,-e structleii. I Carl'en. Martin, thirty-five, .11ti2 AVoed declares flatly tliat the sherln2, '"K"1""" "venue, uiumicii, minur in Life Attemptecl' kkkmklmkW' bill m;,!f 'aW laaaaaB 'Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaik .Baaaaa .aaaaaaaal BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaal tHMMHal iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav s aaaaaaa LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaV " ' 'laaaH aaLiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV ILiLiH LaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW taLiaaaaaaai raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam.' taH units, the- contingent of veterans nang their war rengs. Prrmlcr Pelncnrc nnd ether Cabinet memcbrM were present, together with hundreds of notables nnd most of the foreign nmbnssnders. The dny was comfortably cool, nnd the skv wns overcast for the first time en the Fourteenth of .luly within the mem ory of the present generation. Only n few drops of rain fell. President Mlllernnd conferred the batons upon the new marshals as seen ns they nrrived. the crowd cheering. The troops then la-gun the long pnrade nretind the track. The soldiers of nil the cavalry units, stretched en n line a half mile long facing the grandstand, charged toward the crowd as the llnnnnancuver. The pnrade through the Hels dc Bou logne was continued through streets Crowded with spectators te the palace ..t i. t.v. ....... VI llli: JI, rti n. f SAY ASSASSINS PLOT AGAINST POINCARE provided was net "adequate," In his estimation, nnd around his testimony juries. Graham, Eugene, thirty-two. 2212 and that of the plasterer. Martin Carl- Heed street, Xcjre porter, Sweeten Me sen, concerning tne severed timecr mat i ter lempany; outs. snapped, the entire crux of the official j Hansen, Fred, forty. 0002 Callow investigations will pivot. hill street: miner Injuries. liir uiiiiwrn in uriiuwujK in uu- xiiuui i .., ,i..i .i.i., v--. i workman, (iardeu I.nke, N. .1.; cuts of! wall. V-shaued and two stories decn. that hurtled 12." feet te the reef of nn adjoining two-story building, nnd another chunk from the west wall, four stories deep, weighed mere than 101) tens. Many Windows Weaken Walts The main wall en the south of the long sheer structure, jiwhlcli extends through tb Juniper street from Brend, Is pierced vnt Intervals by many win dows, which further tended te weaken the building in the nlferntlens process. Certain fleer timbers were removed by the workmen no they proceeded up right hand and iirm Llndscnt, Isaac, thirty-nine. 414 Seuth Forty-first street; fractured left shoulder und right wrist. McXIevcrn, Patrick, forty-two, 21.17 North Beuvler street ; fractured clnvct and right shoulder. Mernc, Edward, twenty-seven, 400 North Fifty -first street : possible frnc turc of skull nnd Injured spine. Odcrgrcen, Frank, Cnmdcn ; cuts of fare nnd sprained buck. Pesco. Rebert, twenty -four, 1341 linnd ward, and it was one of these, en one ' "?"" 0!T " nV","f? of the upper floors, that released ,lc Cnbet street , cuts of left le.v lit-lnku-nrlc n the force of crnvltv. I Robbing, CUrtlS, 1- Hearing the warning snap, the work- street: cuts en oeuy nnu ueiu wnsis men nearby started te left and right, , injured. net knowing where te seek safety. Smith, Geerge, 1030 North Twenty Shouts and screams followed as the sec-1 fifth street, empleye Recorder of Deeds tlens of wall fell outward, carrying office; cut head. men With them. AS tie liat Willi Su-inn. Slmnl. 02t N'nrtli Tintr. ALEXANDRE MILLERAND President of the Frentli Republic, whom- an anarchist attempted te sheet, hut by inlstake fired at the prefect of pollce Attempts Life " of Millerand Centlnurd from Piute One who had begun te run. nnd one of them cnucd Bouvet te fall by hurling a bi cycle overhead nt him. The crowd Immediately fell upon the nnsnllnnt, n tall, square-shouldered young man, twenty-three years old, nnd started te organize n lynching party. The prefect's guards, however, came up quickly nnd pluced Bouvet under arrest. Millerand Drives On Meanwhile some spectators had The Paris Repuli'lrnn dally. La Volx Natlennle, this week made nu cdlterinl declaration that a iilet exNted te as sassinate Premier , Uelnrnrc when he went te Belfert next'Sundny te dedicate n monument te the first victim of the war. The newspaper printed nn extract ..... .... I..f1n......nnt. iltlr,'.i ttrllM,, lit 1 1 fill! nil llliminiiii'i, Minv.ti ....nil ,. audnvli- Oscar FrnsMird, secretary of the communist 1'nriv in neiieri, iii n newspaper called (lerinlnnl, I.:i Volx Natlennle answers what it considers thrcnts nrmiti'-t 'he "f'' of -'- Poincare with the follewlns extremely elenr statement which Is printed ever ltd cdlterinl slgnnture: "Ludevlc Oscnr Fiessnrd has been enriched by bolshevism. He has stolen hundreds of thousands of francs in geld ' l I'd 111 irue iiussiuur. .iiuscimv pujn tii j lie obeyed. Ne quarter for Fresvnnl. any nttempt in made ngninst tlie life of the chler et tne i rcnen iievcrnnieni we will empty Iqtn the stemnch of Fres- sard the contents nf our own revolvers." La Volx Nntinnnle further declared that .the campaign begun by the Paris Communist ilnlly, Huinnnlte, ngninst Premier Pelncnrc it si the man who be Rati th(P war, lini resulted In nn open scurch for the assas-sln. CLUE TO LINKS MURDER Victim Answers Description of West Virginia Weman Fairmont. W. Va., .Inly 14. (By A. I',) The description of the body of u murdered girl found en n golf course near llaltlmeie late yesterday Is said by local police te answer that of Cnr iiicllu Snrrecn, who left here about u month nge. According te the police the girl hnd hnd trouble with a man before her de parture and hud warned authorities t lint the man would "try te get" her. Police are loekln-j. for n mnn iinme.l llesetta In connection with the girl's death. Man, ir7 Marriaa .stlghth Time Qtitncy, III.. July J4. Embarking en the matrimenii!! sen for his eighth vevnge, Daniel M. White, of Hersinnii, III,, wan mnrrled csterdey te Mrs. Marv Bowcn.'ef Clayten, 111., who miiltcs her Ftecend venture. Mr. Milte has outlived six of his wives. The seventh was estranged, lie is eighty sevnn nnd his bride eighty-four. ..!, f.,is ftlrlb i ''Atii V. r." .... .U lessen, icruiii, iiii "ifm plete ngrcetficlit was reached tedays the rve of n general strike, of miners In the Ruhr Vullry. after ft fc ferencc among the Minister of Mm,r- I Mini the millers' ien . nnu iiime ewjvi 3 rrs. Tills will requlr.- ratification f'fl the miners' district ronvcnUen Mi'9nt M urdit.v before It becomes effective, ..sltZWiH ' AfifflH miip srnsuiY Vh.iteer sctlnn Centrre's may l1e In riRnrl tn the .Ship .S'jhuldv ilie P'irt of rn Inueifiiin in gnwg 13 (.tow. inia hnrne out hy th Incren'lnc elums la of th Marine Nkwx nrlcarlnK rrirulnrly In innings fecilnn of th rim loNI.BneKii "MnKn U e UnUt." ilrtr. second street, Camden; cut head and body. While. Geerge, forty-five, 1123 Hall street ; Internal Injuries. Wallace. Jeseph, 10."3 North War War neck street, Negro; left shoulder In jured. Williams, Geerge, workman, twenty eight, r00 Seuth Juniper street; four broken ribs. Wcstcrbcrg. Albert; thirty. 1018 Lamucn ; crashed downward the air was com pressed under It, and te this fact the miraculous escape of several of these who took the long fall of ten stories nnd survived te 'tell the tale, is ascribed. The air cushion saved the life of Patrick MctJevern. for Instance, a bricklayer of 2247 Nertli Beuvler street. who shut 12." feet en nn avalanche of : bricks, mertnr, timbers, stagings nnd dust, und survived te tell the talc. Sounds Grim Kote of Humer He furnished the only grim note of North Twenty-first street, humor In the catastrophe. 1 injured left side of face. v lien iney carried mm out te-thc sidewalk nearby, Pat looked up with a grin nnd said, as he came te: "That's get any chute the chutes beaten 1 ever rode en. I must telephone the wife nbeut it." They helped him te a phone. "Helle, missus," said Pat. "this Is the big boss. Better come down nnd tnkc n leek at me. They shoved a building ever en me nnd I took a ride." Then they took him te the hospital. He was badly shaken up, but will live. COLLAPSE BIAMED ON CARELESS WORKER Lay Bread St. Crash te q Sawed Timber Ctntlnued from I'ace One forked at the ruins until midnight, snld today he believed the official Investiga tion would show that nn error by n workman hnd caused the eellnnse. "I am net speaking elTic'.nlly," said Mr, Brooks, "nnd at this stage it is Im possible te give nn opinion that Is worth a great den). The building's wnlls were thick, from 22 te ,'H) Inches. I don't new of 11 building In the city with thicker wnlls except Citv Hall. The building's weight was carried by inside columns, and It was perfectly solid ht up te the break. The building wii" 1)5 per cent complete when the crnsli occurred. 'I don't believe the added Weight of the eleventh utery Vnd reef te blnmc. The cellnpse of the reef nnd n con siderable part of the upper floors of the rarkway Illuming yesterday after' neon wns due te the carelessness of a workman in cutting into the brick wnll. in the opinion of W. L. Reuse. He and L. A. (toldstene. of New Yerk City, are the supervising architects. Mr. Reuse said that, in his opinion, tlie nrcident wns the direct result of a craftsman's crudeness In cutting Inte tlie brick wall, thereby releasing n steel supporting girder nnd weakening the wall te such nu extent that it could net support the reef. Mr. Reuse, who narrowly escaped denth. said a mere careful investiga tion of tlie building might result in an other interpretation being placed upon the direct cause of tlie accident, but he feels sure that his deductions are cor rect. He stepped into the elevator when he heard 11 terrific noise, and loeklnc uu saw a mass of debris falling down the shaft. He leaped from the elevator, bin wati almost buried under the debris. He escaped, however, with slight ubrasiens of tlie scalp and hnuds. Mr. Reuse's stutcment Is largely borne out by n man working en tlie tenth fleer nt the time who saw the wall buckling nnd jumped te safety. R. A. Dill, general superintendent of construction for lrwln & Luighten, general contractors, of Twelfth and Cherry streets, who are rebuilding the Parkway Building, new called the Cen ter City Building, said he could give no explanation of the causes which led up te the cellnpse. He snid the old building hnd been Wright, James, twenty-five. Cliften Heights, Pa. ; bruised bead. Wrlgley, Peter, 4815 'Ludlow street; cut face and body. Yewlett, Jansen; forty-two. Cam den ; cut fnee ; treated en street. Yeung, Herace, twenty-one, Negro, 748 Naudaln street. Thompson, Martin, 2217 Seuth Twenty-third street; bruises en back und fnee. Lema. Edward. 040 North Fifty-fifth street ; fractured skull, serious. Martinsen, Hans. 2020 Seuth Beech Beech weed street; fractured skull, serious. Ccdargrecn, Fred, 00 Seuth Twenty eighth street; fractured skull, serious. All the injured were taken te the Hahnemann Hospital. Keine of them were taken home after treatment. Five Wills Are Probated Wills probated today are these of David Hirsh. 1020 North Twenty-first street. 8.7)00; Shelly T. Jenes. SS500; V. McCusker, Atlantic City, 817,004: (leerge M. Wanner. Sf.lOO; Charles D. Weeds, 051 North Forty-fourth street, $0000. 10 Montrese stepped the carrhije of President Millerand. who had net nenni uie sneis. The President wns urged net te pro ceed, but he insisted' upon driving en quietly te the Palace Klytce, a few hundred yards uwny. M. Nnudin, when "congratulated by the President upon Ills escape, replied: "It is my baptism of fire." Last week he succeeded M. Leullicr, deceased, as prefect of Purls. Bouvet carried two revolvers, both leaded, nnd twenty-live cartridges. Soldiers in Big Pnrade The chief fenture of Babiiile Dny, France's national holiday, wns the pa rade of soldiers of France fiem tnc land, sea and nlr forces, who passed In review hefeie President MilleranU nnd n crowd of hundreds of theusuni.s of persons nt Longchamps Race Course. Three mnrshals of France Fech, .Teffre nnd Petain were present te see the marshal's baton presented by the head of the state te Cicnernls layelle and Franchct d'Esperey. General Lvnutev. who enme from Morocco for the ceremony, wns.lll nnd unable te at tend. A big yellow dirigible, three squad rons of military airplanes nnd nn ob servation balloon hovered ever the vast field, while en the green lnwn of the race course In the midst of the trees of the Beis dc Boulogne 20.000 men. with n mass of war material, u.urched for an hour nnd 11 half past the stands packed with cheering people nnd the thickly massed crowds that encircled the Held nnd darkened the surrounding slopes. Martial Spirit Marcs The mnrtlnl spirit of the many thou sands of veterans enme te the surface when fourteen massed banks struck tip "The Marseillaise" as President Mil lerand. in his cnrrlage of state, with outriders and a guard of honor, drove en the field, while the regular cannon cannen nding of the presidential salute sounded like great drums keeping tlm. Later as the bands pnssed, leading their own SUMMER CLOTHES SSST MEN'S WOMEN'S JUiMijn viiUiiiLiU DYED An expert service based en improved master methods backed by many years' experience in serv ing the most exacting people. Suits or dresses given a rebirth in all their original freshness and form. Charges most moderate. Phene Poplar 7660 for Aute te Call Philaitlphla'i Quality Cltantrt and Dytri 1616-28 N. 21st St., Philadelphia Jtarg' Main OSlce nnd WerliH U ranches! Ill Chestnut St. and 5557 Cermantewn A. Water-wings r AYVAD'S. jV""1 KuJ arrJ&JiffitSr-' PLAIN SO 4 .-- t-NCV 78 FORSALE EVERYWHERE LEARN TO SWIM NOW eUAMNTKCD BYrVAD MFG.CO-H0B0KEN- N-J j Kugliiecra te MaJie Survey "Chief Clark will name u committee englnecre te investigate thoroughly. y will be te the building te make wirvey. The Iturenu of Uuildlng In In prclleii is co-operating harmoniously ltli the Corener's office in making the nwt Henrihins investigation possible." tlie Inquiries will develop that tlie Jjtructure erected as the Odd Fellows' NVn1.,0' ''iter known ns the l'urkwny "e uuig mul renamed the ('enter City villi K '"st autumn, when its re re Dllitntieii was decided upon, has a trKle let'enl. Today its lefty beutli wall stands as 1 further menace, the reu.ninlne Krenn wlckwerk bulging 11 feet out of plumb id threatening momentarily te plunge 'artlmuul. This wnll. say engineers, (gust he removed entirely, und it will w a perilous Jeb te get it down. If It "mains, it will be dangerous, und It i 1 eipinlly dangerous te dispose J' it without cuusiug property less and endangering life and limb. I'le boss brleklfiver. Wneil. wlmtn 11 were adding two stories te the old he has been unable te the bulk line stued the Uii.nll..., ln.... .... I. .11.1 or -.'," uu, -iimuim en iuiij; nn 11 11111. nllOrillL' nf tin. ii'nllu .llnrr.i.i.illi. .....I inn . y l,n from ",u ground te the 'l,; urj' ,( relieve the strains as tliu 1 1.. were removed and windows al l :"' 'd the nddiui: of hundreds of . s ".' "eight te the weakened struc i.viii aJ Proved Insufficient te give the "4b lilt V l,.,,H..., ...f.. .,!,. .,.!.. ki j" """.viii r,iijf viibiiivui lllj. Hfii were adding Mjueture. fcnvH . P'l'rstand hew v'akeiiliiK altera With a business revival new en, this is the time te start a bank account START new today and save money. Then, when the very busy times come. again, you will have acquired the saving habit and you will be surprised hew quickly you will build up a snug account without depriving yourself of any of the necessities or . even pleasures of life. Over 28,000 Depositors Over $9,000,000 in Deposits Open Monday and Friday Evenings, 6 te 9 o'clock s-rfrJGTON EMdST co L I " CTSbte i i&AHehenyAvea Philadelphia M WB Wear clothes that ' let the heat escape from the body This summer, wear a suit that is really cool. A Palm Beach Suit is cool because its fabric is se constructed as te let the heat of the body escape. Most ether suits imprison the heat. Furthermore, Palm Beach Suits can be had in all the desirable colors and patterns that are seen in woolens and worsteds. Of course, the tailoring and workman ship vary, in order te give you your choice of a suit made te sell at a popular price or one which skilled tailoring has , wrought and finished te suit the de mands of careful dressers. Yeu can tell the genuine cloth by the Palm Beach label in the suit. Gelf Knickers made of Palm Beach are cool and geed-looking practical and durable. THE TALM BEACH MILLS GOODALL WORSTED CO. burnt JtiHl: A. Rehiut, 119 Fourth Avtnm, New Yeik Cii PALM BEACH SUITS at Geed Clothing Stews : "m- $$$$& CbWOMBTBO e effib Cabd Identities the Cauda Yr I Strawbridge & Clothier Vacation Service Fer Our Own City Felk and Outof-Tewn Visitors Whether planning a vacation trip, summer tour or ocean voyage, stepping en route te or from the seashore, or just seeking summer pleasure and comfort at home or nearby we have thought of everybody's every need for July and August. Ask Mr. Fester for travel and resort information. Experts will plan your trip if desired get your tickets, make hotel reservations tell you the cost. (First Fleer, Filbert Street). Make free use of our Parcel Checking Roem Aisle 7, Market Street. Questions en a multitude of subjects are ansvered at the Information Bureau (Filbert Street), and here are the Branch Pest Office and Telegraph Office. Travelers' checks are sold here, tee; and at the Main Desk our customers may have bank checks cashed. Telephone Eoeths are located at convenient points in the Stere. Come te. the big, bright Restaurant for break.'ast, (D'A. M.), luncheon or afternoon tea. Come here for vacation, camping or picnic equipment; everything for outdoor sports, everything for meter tour or canoe trip. (Sporting Goods Stere, Basement, West). Come here for sports ap parel and summer clothes of all kinds; for traveling bag and trunks, for toilet articles, for vacation bocks, for toys for the children. Come for candy or te place a standing order for n box of sweets te be deliv ered weekly te your summer abode. Our meter delivery serv ice reaches many seashore nnd ether vacation points or we serve you by parcel pest or express, no matter hew far away you may go. r2 -" 11 Base Ball STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER ATHLETIC FIELD GRrd & Walnut Sts. Saturday, July 15 S o'clock STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER vs. JACK HIKE'S OLD TIMERS meachpr. .1(lc f!i4.ird Stand. fifc (Including War Tax) The Stere will be Closed Te-morrow Saturday STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER BUY IT FROM THE NAVY OFFICE SUPPLIES CARBON PAPER Sale of Carben Paper en July 25, 1922, Catalog Ne. 105-B, by sealed proposals, opening at 11 A. M at Wash ington, D. C, consisting of approximately 11,218 boxes, 7-lb., black, 8xlOVb" 22,600 boxes, 7-lb., blue, 8x13" 15,406 boxes, 4-lb., blue, 8 x IOV2" 4,126 boxes, 4-Ib., blue, 8x13" 4,540 boxes, 7-lb., blue, 8x10" 35,659 boxes, 7-lb., blaclc, 8x13" All packed 100 sheets te the box. Numerous eth?r mixed lets. PENCILS Si Sale of pencils en July 28, 1922, Catalog Ne. 106-B, bv sealed proposals opening at 11 A. M., at Washington, D. C., consisting of approximately 158,790 oval, lead Carpenters' Pencils. 190,315 very hard lend Copying Pencils. 37,374 lead Drawing Pencils (mostly 8H). 3,230,948 round and hexagonal general Writing Pencils, Nes. 2, 3 and 4, with and without erasers. 76,674 lead Drawing Pencils (6H and 4H). 300,985 Lumbermen's Crayons, hexagonal, red and blue. 40,422 common Slate Pencils. 64,200 lead Checking Pencils, large and round, black. Numerous ether mixed lets. All pencils are unused and in excellent condition. Pending sales for the month of August include Binders, Blank Beeks, Typewriter Paper, Drawing Paper, General Office Paper, Blotting Paper, Clips, Fasteners, Pens, Ink, Ink Wells, Pads, Erasers and Spenge Cups. Dates of jales are expected te be fixed by the latter part of August. Catalogs en August sales will be ready for distribution about August 1. ALL MATERIALS MSTKI) IN THE ABOVE SALES. CURRENT AMJn EA .3 AKK LOCATED ALONG THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC SEABOARDS Write for catalogs giiinr, complete sales information tn anu of the follewini: " SUPPLY OFFICER AT NAVY YARDS: PHILADELPHIA, PA.; CHARLESTON, S. C; BOSTON, MASS MARE ISLAND, CALIF.; PUGET SOUND, WASH.; NORFOLK VA NAVAL TRAINING STATION, GREAT LAKES, ILL BOARD OF SURVEY, APPRAISAL AND SALE, NAVY SUPPLY DEPOT, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK NAVY SALES REPRESENTATIVES, 216 WESTMINSTER BUILDING, CHICAGO ROOM 832, SHIPPING BOARD BUILDING, 45 BROADWAY NEW YORK U. S. Navy Central Sales Office Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. TM tttf.'l :t --uua nun i iii'evilie. tir.ut "ticks 11x11 ir inches in dluicu- liiiiiiliMSiiiia had been used in the ebering 1 :4 ft- v . te y l.jUtfttfeVVi.!? ....1,,-,.ilw;VAfc-i''' 1 "7ij AvV v .iAia.tt3ri ,fmnim!iini!iiiT,'iiiiw ,.T .k -. .- ' "'!'. -.'-V .-