HRHMffinMlHMMMHrM9MM99MHKlffiK!l ' hjWTfKMmKwwMSBfKKKMSKBKBKK mwwmWWmfWifmW '"mmwm ' wwf wr1'''t'?M v' . i - N .. mnrmnn l tr TttTtT. HO HHOO ' ' ' 1 1 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGKER PHIIiAJLMfiLiFiiA, ;uiu.kiaa.xy uuux , j.e, i Uncommon Sense : The Burnt Child and the Fire ny JOHN IILAKK TIIC child puts bis hand Inte the fire nml Is burned. He Icurns that lessen. When he becomes a man he tests a lurface labeled "wet paint" te find out if it Is dry. He merely gets a little paint en his Unccrs ns a consequence, se he keeps right en doing it till he gets some nalnt en n new suit of clothes. Then he has learned another lessen. PARENTS may caution the child till their voices are weary about the (Ire. The child respects the parents, ml "knows that their advice is sound. Hut until he finds out about the fire himself, he Is net satisfied. In June the colleges turned out thou sands et young men and women who have been given all the training and advice that could be crowded into a four years' college course. BUT they are net educated. Ner will they be educated till they find out from their own experience that the things that were told them in col lege and that they studied in the text books were true. Opinions that they form from lec tures and Instruction and reading will net be renl opinions till they have had the contacts with the world and the people in It' that are necessary te every education. The mother feels pity for the son who must go te work, nfter he has been surrounded with safeguards and warnings nnd advice about life. She ought te be glad that at last he has u chance te get a real education te leurn thnt there is Injustice In the world, nnd hew te cope with it te find out thnt men, like children, are often hard nnd cruel, nnd te discover by ex perience hew te deal with them. NO NESTLING bird can be taught te fly In the nest. Until it has had n fall or two its little wings will be useless te it, for It will net knew the penalties of failing te use them properly. College equipment is a great advan tage but its advantages cannot be renped till the collegian suffers the bumps of the world nnd learns hew te use his knowledge in order te avoid mere of the same painful kind. CopvrleM. tut ICED "SALADA" H21I The Summer Beverage "Par Excellence" It's Se Refreshing. JUST TRY IT! mmmmmmm A DIFFERENT KIND OF SPECIALTY STORE APPAREL OF THE BETTER KIND H x$ nr Chestnut Cerner Twelfth A DIFFERENT KIND . OF STORE Radical Dress Reductions (Fer Women and Misses) 18.50 Formerly te 49.50 Wonderful materials, including ana lagetea, plain ueergettes veiled Georgette. 100 Finest Dresses y2 Off An opportunity te select exquisite afternoon or evening dresses at exactly half the price en ticket. Plenty of all-white. broadcloth silks, hemstitched in different shadings, foulard Clearance of - Summer Dresses 7CA formerly OU te $15 A range of effective styles in Swiss, linen, organdie and dotted voile. All col ors and white. Junier Summer Apparel Reduced Of gingham, chambray and dainty prints, for ages 2 te 1G. Organdies for 2 te 6. 2.95 S Fetmtrlf te 6.50 Sweaters, $0.95 Special " Light-weight wool; slip over. V or round neck. All colors. Tuxedo model, 3.95. Envelope Chemises, $0.95 Special Of heavy crepe de chine, trimmed with real filet and hand embroidered. Flesh, orchid, white. Swagger Sports Skirts; Values te $15 d1fk Of white flannel nnd fancy weaves of sports silk, j tp JLU l We Specialize in Apparel that Slenderizes the Larger Weman ADVERTISEMENT ADVEBTIHESrENT frl ? m r- A BhHSMbUsmwJII I I me 1718 t y w9E&gMS3SSSS&&eiNte 8 I Ll TO Whnfi HJtHPBT tSmmm II "V n WWlll ISPSICROOKE'SSPECTACLESigKgJli fl X .J imi!J II T a lllijbrTaSl reR fiBd-Mil S j Your automobile tour will be made mere enjoyable if you are sup I Heel with a pair of Crookes' protection spectacles from Wall & Ochs. WHEN an author wishes te shew that the characters of his book nre n distinguished, cultured family, he invariably places them before a background or. old sliver, ancestral manors and fine paintings. Silver, such as is produced by the Bailey, Banks & Biddle Company, stamps the possessor witn that elusive qual itv of breeding and ceed taste ns nothing else can. The silversmiths el this establishment design and construct silver in the most exquisite fiatterns nnd of the correct weight e insure durability, se that any silver purchased from this house will net only be a delight te the present owners but also a treasured heir loom for their descendants. JN THE summer at the seashore with the strong glare upon the water and white sand or metering with the sun blinding you se that it i? haid te see the read, it is then that you will find Sir William Crookes' glasses, obtainable from Wall & Ochs, Opticians, 1710 Chest nut Street, of infinite value. Many persons, however, make the mistake or thinking thnt any tinted spectacles will de. This is net the case. An imperfect glass may de meie harm te your eyes than the sunlight. Ueekes' glasses, perfectly ground nd mounted by Wall & Ochs, will Civo just the protection which your eyes demand. J SPENT last week-end with a friend who has a delightful little bungalow in the mountains- I exclaimed with delight nt the delicate silk curtains Jnat were at the windows and which gave the necessary touch of color te tne ccel, gray walls. "Hut weren't they awfully expensive?" I asked, one laughed. "They are my pet economy," she said. "In the first place, InCV Wpfa mnrln ftnm n vttilicif lurl vnmnnnf wVilnVi T ttaIt n Rnvcra' 111Q ,, Chestnut Street, and they cleaned it perfectly. Next year they can be iiWeu at Barga. .In fact, my, husband and I regard Bargs' as a 'family gP. . THE CHESTNUT STREET ASSOCIATION .. JtiLY 13, 1922 WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S m The Wanamaker Down Stairs Stere Is the Coelest Shopping Place in the Whole Great City Women's Chiffen- Weight Black Silk Stockings, $1.25 a Pair Pure silk from top te tee, and only because they have slight imperfections is the. price se low. All sizes. Bccause it is a rare opportunity te get stockings like these at this price, women will want them by the half dozen pairs. "Seconds." (Central) Leng Silk Gloves Are Coelest $1.15 Pair These arc of light-weight tricot silk in white, black and mastic; full 16-button length and low priced. (Central) Coel, Summery Frecks Are Wearing Astonishingly Lew Prices Starting at $2, $2.50, $3 and $5 $5 $8 $7 At any one of these prices one can cheese from a number of different styles, materials and col orings I Any one who needs a new frock or two certainly should be able te find them for very small sums. Voile Dresses in Light and Dark Colorings, $3 te $6 Pin dots, polka dots, embroidered dots, small printed figures or squares they're en navy blue, black, brown or white grounds with crisp white organdie cellars, cuffs and sometimes pockets and sashes. Gingham Dresses at $2 te $6 Every color and every size in gingham checks and you'll see that nothing is mere popular at the Summer resorts than these practical frocks of gingham. They're made in countless delightful ways in sizes for women and young women. Linen Dresses, $5 te $10 Light blue, Copenhagen, pink, orchid, brown, green or white with colored trimmings they're mostly in straight-line tailored styles with nar row belts. Among Coel Frecks of Silk and Lace Especially lovely are the white dresses. White canton crepes, crepes de chine, crepes Rema, lace and Georgette are used in the softest and loveliest dresses of the Summer. Styles are as varied as the occasion en which they will be worn straight, tailored dresses for morning, a trifle mere elaborate frocks for after noon and exquisite things for dinners and eve ning dances. A wonderful choice in white at $16.50 te $38.50. Black and Navy Blue Dresses Are of virtually the same materials and are in the simple styles se fashionable for street wear with a big dark hat, creamy hose and shiny patent leather pumps. Fageting seems te be the favorite trimming. $10 te $38.50. Seft Lace Gowns are in beige, orchid, jade, flesh, gray and black, often combined with Georgette or chiffon. They are charming for dinners, dances and reef-garden wear. $22.50 te $28.50. Knitted Sports Dresses Reduced Charmingly colored and knitted of glossy fiber silk. New $25, $30 and $37.50. $20 (Market) $25 $12.50 Excellent Frent-lace Corsets at $1.50 and $2 A lightly boned and cool corset of pink ceutil has inserts of elas tic at each side. It is for average figures and is priced only $1.50. A geed model with elastic panels at the sides is $2. Anether, at $2, has deep inserts of elastic at the sides, while down the back is a strip of open-mesh pink material for coolness. Net Corsets, $1.50 Many women like these for bathing, as they dry out very quickly. Wonderfully cool for everyday Summer wear, tee. (Central) Sample Blouses $1.85 Amazing values! Seme du plicate styles were in our stocks earlier in the season at a great deal mere. The majority are Peter Pan styles with long or short sleeves. Ideal blouses for sweaters and sports skirts. Other styles have Tuxedo or roll cellars. Fine cress-bar or striped dimities, voiles and batistes and imported checked gingham are the materials. Bright colored cellars and cuffs, colored frills, picot edges, hand stitching and embroidery make them all charming. All sizes in the let. Some are slightly mussed. (Market) White Sports Satin Skirts, Special, $5 Gleaming skirts of fiber satin are trimmed with little buckled tabs en the pockets. Delightful te wear with colored sweaters. Canten Crepe Skirts Special, $5 Seft, pretty Canten crepe skirts, in gathered 6tyles, are in lovely tones of rose, tangerine, peach, pumpkin and deep orchid. Net every size in each color, but several pretty colera in almost every size. (Market) All Kinds of Brassieres and Bandeaux, 50c Brassieres are of white muslin trimmed with lace and bandeaux are of pink satin or mesh. (Central) All the Styles That Women Want in Pumps and Oxfords, Special at $2.90 The saving en most of the pairs amounts te a half or almost a half. A worth while amount in every instance. Well Over a Dezen Styles in Tan Leather Black Dull Leather Gray Suede Combination Leather Black Patent Leather Smoked Leather There are oxfords, plain pumps and strap pumps of many kinds among them styles for all occasions. ' A choice of welted or turned soles and of flat, low, medium or Cuban heels This is an exceptional opportunity, bringing such a wealth of styles, in such geed leathers, at such a very low price right at the beginning of the vacation season Net all sizes in every style, but excellent cheesing. (Cheitnnt) At I h l? ' x Women's Bathing Suits Ready for the Week-End $1.15 te $3.25 Of geed black sateen and surf satin, many are straight of line and quite plain, as some women like them. Others arc trimmed with white, black - and - white stripes and various bright colors. Surf-satin b 1 e e m e r suits, trimmed with green or white braid, are $5. Taffeta Suits at $4.90 and $7.50 These at $4.90 have checked gingham, Peter Pan cellars. Ruffled suits of black taffeta arc quite pretty at $7.50. Tights Black cotton tights in all regu lar sizes are 75c. Weel tights are $2.25 and $2.75. An Abundance of Slippers Lew shoes of sturdy black duck arc 38c and geed high duck shoes are GOc. Buckled slippers with wide straps are 60c. (Surf Stcre, Market) A COOL SUIT OFTEN MEANS A COOL MIND MR MAN Beys Khaki Knickers, $1.15 Well-made knickers with Jeng wear in them just what boys need for vacation. Turn them inside out and see hew they're made. Strength, that means durability, is in the well finished seams and reinforce ments. Sizes 7 te 17 years. (Gallery, Market) Sateen Princess Sims. $1 Full-length white sateen slips with plenty of fullness ever the hips. Seme are gathered or have elastic at the sides. Deris Princess Slips, $2 , ., ,0f,s.eft batiste in pink, white or orchid, made with hip-depth hem stitched hems. Deris slips of white tub silk, $5. In navy or black, $G.50. Deris Petticoats Start at $1 All have the very deep hemstitched hem, which makes virtually a double petticoat. They are straight and slender of line and perfect te wear with all kinds of Summer frocks. Of white or pink batiste at $1. Of twilled white sateen nt $2. Of navy or white tub silk at $3.50; extra sizes $5. Central) Natural Japanese Pongee, $1.25 Yard 33 inches wide, pure silk and entirely dust-free, this is the silk with uses tee numerous te count. (Central) A Palm Beach suit at $14.50 doesn't involve much money, sir, but it involves a let of comfort! One makes as much as that in a short time, very often, by keeping a cool mind. These are suits' of geed quality, in the cooler tans and grays that men like. White Flannels, $8.50 White flannel trousers, all-wool and with that slight creamy tint, are Wanamaker tailored. Khaki trousers are $1.85. Well-Tailored All-Weel Suits at $25 Of the fine worsteds and cassifneres seldom met with at this price ; the suits are in tones of blue, gray and brown, in interesting patterns. It's a preposition well worth looking into! Geed Wanamaker Shirts of Woven Madras at $1.50 Stripes nre woven in se there will be no fading. Proportions are generous and comfort is assured. The soft turn-back cuffs are full depth, buttons are first quality and there are plenty of sizes and colors. Bat-Wing and Four-in-Hand Ties Better Than Usual at 65c Geed taffetas, Btripcd silks and the mugaders that are seldom found in a tic at less than $1. Men's Black Cotten Half Hese 12V2C Pair Substantial quality, fast black seamless half hose. Men's High-Grade Oxfords and Shoes, Special at $6.50 Fine, smooth, pliable calfskins, soft kidskins and geed-looking grained calfskins are used in the two dozen or se styles. ' Geed conservative street oxfords of the type that men like best of all and are willing te pay most for, are in several styles in black, brown and tan leathers. Sports oxfords, with perforations, stitching and fancy cut edges are also included, with comfortable blucher kidskin shoes and oxfords. Splendid assortment and the workmanship is as thoroughly geed and reliable as the leathers. Almest all sizes in each style. (Oallerj-, Market) Chemises and Bleemers, 55c Fresh new things nt a very low price. Envelope chemises are of white nainsoek finished with embroidery edging. 55c. Bleemers and step - in drawers are in pink or white and show a touch of embroid ery done in colors. 5ec. (Central) Junier Girls' Middies and Shirtwaists, $1 When shirtwaists at a dollar are as pretty as these, they will be chosen quickly for girls of 8 te 14. Made of voile, lawn and batiste, most of them have touches of color en the cellars and cuffs. Regulation white jean middies have braid-trimmed cellars and cuffs. Cuff-hem middies, that be many girls like for sports wear, have plain cellars nnd cuffs. Plenty of Coel Voile Frecks, $1.50 and $2 Ginghams, $1 and $1.50 Dozens of youthful styles of checked and plaid gingham and some of the prettiest, coolest voiles aie in tones of red, blue, green, pink, etc. 8 te 14 years. (Market) Dainty Net and Organdie Guimpes $1 and $1.50 Women nnd girls like these pretty guimpes with Peter Pan cellars or square necks, te wear with slip-en dresses and sweaters. (Central) .......u-. Gingham Slip-en Frecks, $1 Lewest pi ice yet for such pretty frocks. They're of two-tone checked (rintrhani in nlni- hiim lavender, tan or red, usually with a line of black woven thieugh them. Poekets. nm.hni .....i neck are bound with white nnd the wnoie is finished with a shiny black belt. (Central) Underwear Crepe, 25c Yard Fer dainty, practical warm weather underclothes, this is enl1, Jn pi,n,k lemtm nn(l white, 30 inches wide. White Longcleth, $1.00 for 10-Yard Piece A geed, durabl weight that is 86 inches wide. (Central) Vacation Luggage U.X IX Shiny Black Hat Bexes, $5 These boxes are 18 inches across and will accommodate two hats ns well as a number of small articles which can be put in the pockets. Of black enameled duck with tan or black trimmings and cretonne linings. Week-end Cases, $5 18, 20, 22 and 24 inch bl Cewhidp. Suitcases, $9.50 Men like these cases, par ticularly. Of smooth tan cowhide, strong nnd durable, they have straps al around nnd wide, long-wearing handles of thd type seldom found en anv hut expensive luggage. Extra-Deep Suitcases, $6.50 ,i!!!ack, "UIeled duck enses with black leather handles. , -, ..u -, ,L. U1i luuiner corners and strnnJ enamel suitcases with lnntbem1 all nm,,,i ruJ.L ""PS corners and handles. Th " ieurh te held quite a wnn cases have excellent liij&ttiftobe and each has a trav In double locks arid croterino 24, 20, 28 and 30 inch bW a&nifffi PCketS in thu gUnk?"8 n,mSt " . (Central) New Sports Hats $3 te $5 A smart simplicity character izes them. White felts premise te be very popular for August. They are plainly tailored or embroidered with wool (usually in white, also). Grosgrain ribbon hats are light and very comfortable, as well as fashionable. A variety of shapes in white and navy. BlacK velvet is making an early entry, but is used in becoming moderation; for example, one hat has a crown of white silk braid nnii ?, n'?'ew upturned brim of soft black velvet. (Market) & -' 4 1 ftl ,ltU ?;?vi !LJkS w,i 2 V Kl ' ' 1 . i M k - R? 1, vArvAyfiteXW. - X.IW WA 1 a4&rr ta&i ij ..-QMgtt