BslilBflsnJBiPSHBPw3!'!sWMsl0BW.flT!Twr!:"BsMBs f?C'2& " Km Jm . .t- -m. .a. Ln VJ H H TB . bW . . . ' .. hm. -ap. a vv wtt sW 4 1 ' w Artfc f iwuerunn mi tout mEuaer - pmiiMJHUPHiA.jflujsiJMiM!.,-- ,lNx- Kw 3 fe Lv (L- iiPA - EC & I, K!SSSSSHnr?7vS - - , , , r. , ... , .., w.. p,, .....' .u-d' .,,.,.(,. !!. ',"j ;, w.!. .af, F,. i, '4m-"-i '.." v.. -a iiCjika ? BBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa l' nt,v ''"'"tv ? Jl . v NBnSWWSl iimiim iJfcFw"''fMl1SBBBBBBBBBBBrryi'SBBBBBBBBBBBM bWbWbWbVF 'WWk-BwaYaYa t-:;"-.:..,,,,- ' ;,cV--u i BYaYaMaBNttssttinVaYaWBKfSB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI 5" faHiVaBBBBBBBBBBBfl ttiftiiv- m hwNssfcs-k ' A -l. If y fiMiirtfJiiirT'iifti n A 4 r HiBirBKKt-HHHSH B - aBrfHBBBal ii ami JL m EkML T w- y , fe tt giflHEflHHBMyr4HMfA2JbB.Ai IIHBslHRmiBiBiHBBKBH IbbbbbHPP VSrt?f BbltbbbbH w XJwbw UH jBlirlfl. L bv BraW 'VWV''.'3 ' ir'TSsBBSsBBtvllBBBBBVBaBW IVPPfRilllRMBPVHHIPiH i " I tM. . """"" Mi mmm-m-m maamammmm mb . k$? " -'-'m '?',!- Wl V ht ', '5 clt''i ib;:v; IS ;; -,! rHi;:' &i?m jHr:;H i., las! IVJtT te w m W '8L. a' w V-h'V j & Sj v, 1 111 PHILADELPHIA ELKS PUT ON THEIR BATHING SUITS FOR A BEACH DRILL LOYAL VETERAN CORPS OF PHILADELPHIA LODGE NO. 2 ON THE SANDS MISS MARY TIERNEY, WITH THE NEW YORK DELEGATION , ..... .. . . . -, . THE "HELLO BILL" CROWD are having a wonderful time en the Boardwalk, en the sands and in the hotels of Atlantic City, where the annual reunion of the Elks is new in session. Yesterday .was Philadelphia day en the beach at MaBsacnu- setts avenue. Ledge Ne. 2 gave a fine demonstration p T'. uimm-'iy 'wm T'-HIM A;v;-vrWI ' s A : v f Arf r;-: f PAULAE ERZSI. who is ennMji one of the most beautiful women en J mu uiujjl-uh Dmjje, wearing a SM.' wtuini ueuuKtur p - I I III- I II I II I I I I HP kOISH"' - 'i ' CIVIL WAR DESTRUCTION IN DUBLIN. The battle waged by the Free State troops te drive the Republicans out of the Four Courts lasted several days. Nete the damage done te the gateway BHHHHhHv siWHKSHHHHflKSinHHBt H 7'P'IbHkShhm ..vAv , ; f I' .": ., ,,, v 1 ,C. i't 'A' f '; -"X ( 3 sHPBEkH AFTER IT WAS ALL OVER. Miss Saleme Heulings (left), who went te the rescue of her chum, Miss Nancy Little (right) when a small yacit i upaut in liiu uuje iuy nitruijri jucuiiuiu xiysiur ja wiin inem WHY NOT COPY his plan for reducing? Jehn Philip Sousa keeps fit by pushing the roller SNAPPED ON HIS BUSY DAY. Charlie Paddock making a flying finish. He broke five world's records and tied two mere en July 4r, at Santa Barbara, Calif. BARON SCOTFORD, of Atlan tic City, received his trunk shipped from Londen in 1914 JOSEPH J. BRADY, 2027 N. 02d st., drowned at Ocean City en Sunday HAZEL JONES, Senater's daughter, meters from Wash ington te Seattle MAJ. GEN. C. C. WILLIAMS, reap pointed chief of ord nance, War Dept. CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? H2C2MMHflMMMMHrMtaE HS S?3HBiAHHHHHHQnKEyHflflBHHSJfti SAM BENNETT, chairman of the Gelf Com mittee of the Philadelphia Shriners. He was in the battle against the Zembe Temple, of Harrisburg MW&M ':' ' VflBH .'.. Si Sv : ,' S. fit rs I i,l Ji iiHil jf 'jLiJipf '' I ll I LH" ffHakl IMjW i'(-aiSW:S-ta-.4. ! tKfvMJBBncm' 197 v " ' i i .,.' '. r.-, ' v.-.v-it. ,9 t. jif. ' mm . . t . BHBVMBjBVMmBSanaSaSaSB HHDVH'4HiiiiiiH 'IHII'IIbIH piBHBlBH tjfHBBBBj y,iSBBBw9BH-ijBHBBHBBH! s a ,'JF5b "Ve uJbbVb rlHB1BBC &9(BBBWBhbVbWp BHlBWBT ", , JbbL DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS was at work in "Rebin Heed" when Jehn Drew called en the movie star at Les Angeles. Mr. Drew, when the same age as "Deug," portrayed same character en the stage bVbVbbSbVkbVbVbVbi 9 " TsTbWbW i BHBWBWk ilHHj. ''' Vbu330'' " BBhhhbVWIBbBW k" BmbWbBMMV Vr '" SIBbWb! If'VVs aftk '' 'sk hBhmSBBhhhhhhEbBBBBhhhbL''V.BBhI rsVHBBHHHHHHHHHHBH BHHHHHHhVBBhBBBHHHHHHHHHHHHhHhBBBHhI f W ,AVwBmbVbBh' flwBWBWBBJk. i . ? ' 'BrBBWBWBpVI'Bt J?1bWBw1 ' 'r " 7" BVaTawaBL2Br s'i'''Jfci f 7BBRBWTKBVV9BTaBi g "'.. ' .. ' ..J Mi 1 Ill m f f " i"zrFjrr" ijBk' ' T S, ; v r'jx'iww! ''' - -"- - v. V gSMBBA s. ' h ''Vy,,BBBB.lBa '"' y & JKfeJ.1! S-ttfBB "" W'HBVBVBBVBVttts "" JBVBVBVBVBVBVBVfl J' '' taw's.' 'J fs' 3r ' ' TBP7'i!PiB i , fc , , m,)( . ,' ;;;- - ,,bie?j;j2- X ' J 'li'v A J 4, v 6,yS 47.f V, ' 3, ft ,,, WKlKfr jhAUH ii r r i i Mile. Dupent Yvonne Drian Genevieve RensayJ FRANCE IS CONDUCTING A BEAUTY CONTEST te select a successor 3 te Mile. Felix, who loses the title of "Mousse Mentmaitre" this year. '1 Above are three candidates " , v vK& BVaTaKBwaTB awawawaBHBKBBVawaVJHV Av y w JBVBHBBBBBlBBBBBrf'9 MyvBBBnBBBBaBBBBBVBBBBr 'vjaVi CBrYBBVnBYiIsYBYBWBYBHBB, HWBb VbHbHHbbbbbPIbI BnyBBBBBBBBBBBl',wiKnBB HbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 bVbI f'd-y::; 'ij DURING THE INDUSTRIAL PARADE. A part of the Constitutional Centennial celebration, held in this city during September, 1887. The brickmakers are nursing the eviewmg stand. Send us your old-Philadelphia photographs CHIC AGO ANS FIGHTING FOR LIBERTY BELL. Dr. William S. Evans (left), of Pacreant Committee, and J. Lewis Coath, chairman of the Beard of Education J. CONNELL, of 1030 Spruce street, urged city officials te "send bell" te Chicago MRS. MITCHELL CARROLL, dele gate of university women te Paris JOSEPH H. IlAOE DORN talks of char acter rating in Edi torial Page interview VISIT ANCESTRAL HOMR nv nvnnr.v wAcuivr.TnM Chief" Justice and Mrs. Taft at Sulgrave Maner, England. Ambassador Geerge , j nnrvey is wearing a Hat of gray p; j r BUBBBgiBB "I I hwill HmT ; : ' " . - ' ! : bVbVSB t RMm BbBbbVbVbVbVbV flM"f KIt(ifm?lmkaVti"' 3wTl Jmm t bYbYJHSbssPsr&J4 "a&J s ' ' BWVbVbB4t4bVbVbVh ' tfcti "lHSu ffTTCnBMWBWBWBMBSSJtBWBWBWBMBwBMfcBBMBTBWBWBnl y bwbbaIuRbbIbibV "'"b1 ' BfcBPI , ' BACK FROM ITALY. Violet Meser- cau (left), the American "movie" star, and her sister Claire. Violet appeared in Italian pictures : 'f j THE JAPANESE BEETLE VS. THE GOVERNMENT. Twe scenes at the experimental station at Rlvcrten, N. J., where authorities are waging war against the alien insect pest. At the left is shown a cage in which the ravages of the beetle upon vegetation are ... uuscrvcu, i me rigni u poisonous solution is ueing eprayea upon lruecieu zrurc trees W&if&J&Z K& TVL tejs5!i at Upland, by trolley. Blllie Parker' was well tagged M f fit' -(- -- T- yi J 4 '& V . && .. v. .