;w .-fv. ! ' i VI " lJ.V t m m w 11 II m m 't- ' .4 LjwJ rMWmfWr$ 'IM-' JMWW 'iiW ' a 5 ' r 1 .1 T .14L MA sefiaK . mi . fiees net mefit Us Any tinlcni xvc tithe mlvnnliiBc of tlie nltuiitlen, If the country becomes Immensely xvenlthv and we de net save Heme of the thrift Hint comes our ivny. We can ntnrx-c In the nld.it of plenty, nml tile of thlrsi within the sound of the purllnc liroek SIV AND THRIVE WASTE AND SUFFER We liave u .K.ivltiRM fund nml would he Kind te hnve you open en uveunt wi.h us. $ B' r.- IS $ It. I s, w We Are in the Center of Things S OddemIc Bread .Street station HI i S Jl, ' Third National Banlc n 8ffiS!K&XtKKa3'.':KOLw f K if ilrSCAaJ TRAVELERS Our Foreign Department issues Travelers Cheques for use abroad and in America. Wherever money is used they are readily accepted. COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member TcJefil Reerc SIm City Hall Square 1 S 81 I Hlh K te.-..".n Si ' inn ,vi W i mi. Til r.j jimnmiiinmis - rumnn PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Northern Illinois S First Lien Sgs, 1S62 B EarniiiKs fur veniber .il I'J. I firets S12.ti79.lC7 Annunl lr i. s funtkil tlebt ii i t'MlinK Le- : Net Sl.:i9.-,292 g n ii'KstntnlinK .ilinir thi Issue, S2.18.-)110 These liuinl- pi cede .l ndn i)iin Preterrnl tuvl I'onimen n k, both et whuli ari paMne dil dcr.ds Price 921; te Yield Grc Fairman & Company Drexcl IiuililinK. Pliila. IM.lbllsheil l')!i: Correspondents A. H. Bickmore & Ce. Ill Broadway, New Yerk B Jehn B. Stetson Company Common and Preferred Stock BARNES & LOFLAND 147 5. 4th St., Phila.. Pn. Tel. I. n in hard 4 1-7 i Ksz KEWBURGER, HENDERSON & 10EB Mevibas Netu Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1512 Walnut St. In Continuous Business MOVER Cr CO. BANICF.Iirt & BrOKKRS 301 Chestnut Street Bwrsly Bres. 8c Ce. Investment Securities 1421 Chestnut St. Philadelphia GEO. A. HUHN & SONS alemhem nf the l'lillniltluliU. .Sew katk and riilcncn Meck lUiliaases Vei, I'erU t ntten Krtinni:e STOCKS & BONDS bought nnd cold for cash or carried en conservative martin. DeUsTtie Court Itliie., 14 Is Wluut ai. N. Y . Ill ItrnndnsT Hathaway, Stene, Wallace fie Williams, Inc. ENGINEERS MANACERS SPR uce 7857 1713 Sansom St. TAX KKTim.NS AI'DITS BYSTKMS I. Franklin Heward & Ce. Certified Public Accountants land ritle lililn.. FlilUdclpliU. I'n. . Mnne- IIIJc, tVasliliiEtun. I, c. Safe Bends for Investment Halsey, Stuart & Ce. c. TrtlaDldf. 'Itltpheni Leaut 7410 Metropolitan Edisen Gs, 1952 Parr Sheajs Power 5s, 1952 Fabian F. Levy Drexel Building Hell, l.emliiird 7010 K.'jMunc. M tin M173 I Dlraet I'rlxile Telet'hene t New VnrK iGNEMOCKEY&CQ 4'm m MMi A a. . ruwic Acceununu MullAim. Pwa.JAU. -trrrz r-r -. rrr ;'. it. 1 -TrX n fcSfX: 0k & ls.eJ'JP,Jx.', .. m'KA . "A ,htk v J Vj ,, ke-ri-'i'.TC,?.yTi7t'ia.a4 i . .-'Ail. IM-'ZZA . ' t i l vvstJUalsaaaaaaV- a ,' ''''- - -'- .-V.itrjij,.j in 11 I T 1' ffaisl . v .. : .nil-. ... -.,. I ,. . I.. ... . .. . . vifflaTBTsTsTsTaaVi . ., f ,- B , VAF w l . llanise Since In(e of ta.iie Dxlc t.nvv Hull May -.".', ' Juh (I, ' Julv 7. ' June 3d. ' July i, ' July 7, ' .Tune ".".'. ' H hO.Oil June -.".' I mi 14 July 11. 21 Mt.ne .Mny in, '.0 N.'l.sn May in. ,-JH 81.40 .May id. "JO M .VI .'lav 4. "JO no.ei .tuna I. 'SO S4.II0 May 'Jl. "JO Hl.nil .lull an. "je SI 40 Mny 'JO.' 'JO Mt.M) Mr 23. "JO .;. re Hec i-ii "je ' II Mm 111, "I'd v'lltl Jliiv JO. "JO i'J 14 Mii je. '20 !U 70 May 'jn, '20 HI. lis May 21. '20 lim in 1(1 1. .Ml 1011 Til '! til July il. KID. 3H 101' (ill July 11. ret. I il I. il.' il. inn in Jtl V ten in Julv ion M ,1iil inn .in .urn inn cit Julv nn us M.ir !!. Km tin April s. I'i.i:h ty imnni rmtt'.KiN iiexiii Aran RfP'c 'Icn't KfHOCB1 4 111)', lln i 1 M'' II ill rr' ' . Lil ' '. (lliK Swrden t'. (is i. ft 1021, .--. -J n I 1 Ars Ilsr'i 7ei I l-' r.ti. t-nnVVf ii?! . - ' i inn 1 1001, 10 ,'1 IM Ti 3 mi l b l'hlnit Oevd'I' 10 1)7 s 1)S ft .77'- H7it 2 ... 77i. 07 V 2 .. 771-j isi4j .1 .. 77t, lisii' 7 77i, OSS' 1 . "i Il-K rt!y .I I. 1 17 .1 M'S .11 HitrPf i-i I00h 100 Hern x ili S2 2 fisv Trnutie ct 7 4s . n sS 3 SO 2 (is'-, Ouem'd fls l 3 lis'. I 1 ten, 1 lis',. 1 inn, :t iiss 1 1 101 1, I iis Qurrnnl'il t.'nt 7 isnl' 1 !is' Lean 7s . mn I. lesi, in B I r'v Of Cnprn- buKi-n 5H .1 til'. l.'i tun, Pepubiia limi. V a la H l ini " 101 tl 1 100', ini rifp Chile "t 1 ! 1 1. in.t inn', 2 I "2 , 101 Itepiibc I'ru 100', S'lny S i 1 en a dif't i si 1, : Ill's n' si I, Jl 1 S2 si', i' ' H.e d .la. t ri bs I 4 . dO'i C 1 Itle de ja ja r.rle 8s (ill'. 'lt of fnls. tntii fts 1 SO', f'riH1e Slevait llfti'e 8s wl 10 10 1 in 7 100', 2 1ni, 2'!!i" 101 1 IOC, 7(flni) ine's Siate l!le n . Kr.ntl 101 D'l Sel s. 7 ier, 1 1004 .' 101 2 inj", I 10n S'nle of Sin t innS 1'anle rt Us nn a mi'. 4 mi 21 .111 MP. " Kl'S 1014 let .tap Cevf'i 1st Snltid Cen s "liv t urirM N 102 1024 I 'OP. (1 1 !ijt, 'i"i sii'v K li'lsinm its 1.... 11S v.iS :. 1' 'i C Iv Ort Itnl .' nn etsnlei inn I'l 1822 1 sin, K C-leni TS ' m4 1 tin, ;, in.'i, 7's.i'p) lest, I mii :j ie.-,i, U K lrt urn i "j. ie ter,', id inw n "n i:ii' hi; i:p,k:iihi " 10,,Ni in. t mi', a i"1 14 , VI in. '-' 10'''. O CaiMita 2H 2 lei I' K 'irt lint 1 mi. KliK.lem Ken- M l"1' 1 "II , lenrit ct fls P Cil.lil-l 2 1 'J 'isl. 100", 1 if ii i - ' , 1 mm, a lisi, 1 lni)i, 1 lis', I0ni,.i me', 1 (i4 ( Cansiia St Klniiileni 1-Mi' n:i', 1 in'i 11 1.1 2 Kit Tii-.il- 1"3 1 10.(4 103 3 1 .iV tnnrl.- el 4s I S lira S Wl PS .-, 10'ltj OP . d'l ns:. K lti.lv O'vs V ItraJll s 10 De 1 nn 1 32 t 1 (ii;, PS or Nether '111, lands Os (ISS 123 07', '.si, s.. n7' I lu2 K.2 . 10J'. m.t Ki-J tnj 10J4 102 4 102', I il2 I iS liss, l's list, Inn s 1.-1 P.M. tllll s I P74 P7 fi','. till1! Dm -b . r is '4' 1 1 Dut. 11 '. reis (;: 1 l,lsW 1'1'J s K.'J l I (i'J . I K.'J 71 sine I 1(12 f S MflUM Is 47 4 1 I7i- f . Metici s 1 in,") re 7 j en it ')7 4 (U 21' i'T l-.s., ei lit'. 23 07 1 irlitl ''4t, 12 P7 2 11', 23 !'7 7 PS Kt-iRdnm Ner- 3 Ii l', way rt s. 1 ... Ul II" ""'"'"' i"" ' ......... V Vv nil. I. li ' "i 0 !IS', l)(lMIri' IUIND iniliistriiils ndvnnced 0.2i per cent es. ,A 'l' r, r,r,-, .. s Kwr s, ........ ... ,'i. .. 1. 1 n .. . 1.. . ... t 1 1 - .. 1.1 1 . , 1... ........ ....1 1 ' N s ... rt. w . .it 1.UO' -s in'r uni" mvii'.ft n v, ... 1. ril.li 111 i 1-1 11. w ill ii i in1 i 1 11 i.i inn-' j; Te'e'e '41 ' ; " 1 . !"i ' 2 1"4 2 l'"'-". I if,"a -idvamed 0.".t per eent te MV4.".. ' :. ' 103 14 'n , 1 "'s Mi. 0 M .. a 2 Kiii - u a '-,'" -I'he llumbl' hl and Ueiinii.1: Coin- 2. mi4 .', '',,si 1 "'. . ' , mm'.' 04 i ni. Peny nnneunceil that It had inlled fur 2 . ins St 1- s Fran 3 . no VTiU?oe 1 k'e'. II pi.! re-hWll,... a. 100'j the S'-C'.OIIO.Oim, 2- JJ ;"". vnubi. . T ABr I .V LJ L. V.' i - - . - -. ...-.. '- -...i-,"--. .....-,-- SL-I. II' I'l at s , I . I 11 ! i hm Ss 4 W Va 4s 2 P.C. in ns J 7si, s 'i4 4 Am i Acr c i H'xn -'P T 4s j U 4 Q l! 4 Chm 74. 2 ST 1 ;-e 1 m3"s Barnitd'll l-err 1 ''14 i mi n , ciii n 4 cj r.s 1 ie 1 101 3 K'Oij mt Battle frk 3s K'lsuei Km". i in i 2 . no .1 K'0, ma', Neth Steel fd C It 4 (3 n'js ". .- 4 ii .-,. a ..-.'. -" 107 '.24 II"''' stc-l is. :. 1"7 ij'4 :, :n 2 I "7 , , ,,j -, 'i ' j e t"7 i ti lletll eel e,s 2 1074 i ..". :: ns-.. , ,v k i s, ri .r- ...n "ut: " "K'i '" ' l-.f S OS " "-'-. ' S ' i i ii v, n ste.i r,s 3D m st 4 2 l"l 4 ' l-".,, I si , j in is, "' !""i Chi Lrre let :, lmiS flrttl n i "mi M m '"tl-. 101 t, Cemp i Os i hi j i 4s 2 I'l 4 i top, i I'd'. 'i 1 t A t. t 17 i nn v lilt n Kli i'e S fn.cien M.t ,r-j 2 'IS St Pul s Aril 14-1 "fit II Kdis'n "7s ' 7S'j . 'if, 3 K'2 I .'I I a, Tel r.s Kin I'.hp Trail i li. Jl" Mil 4 i .ij it 7s sta St I' 0 I 1 l,k., S -" , 1 '4 1 mi, Bur Cedar K rtil. ii'. Mil 4 i ..si. 4 Ner S3 S' V is '23 us 4 1 ll'i 4 el", , r.s.v ; sn !" ' Am Writ V Hi I" I " ' ... T I te', 1 pi', f hi. aire Mil 4 A' r n W-iti.- Uu!l Hide SIP rv (l.js ,rks ft- 1 I'l 4 -' ''''" i i 1 014 I . i.f 4 r'n. ui l,s ' '''4 '. ,!;''' 1 no i ir, ri li n N 1 1 n '' ''' 4 -, P04 0'-9 rcts 34 . Oil ,,01, 1 im Uin.-iiM Mil 4 A '1 . S !'" s . Hliad'all V . "'' 'd l'S r, i n'-'i ' A T ft M Ke Is I 034 'it', 1 lil'j A' li I 4 s be Is f 00 s I'll ah ice' r.s wi 1 100 K 4 A"anti.- Hef . i ' 0 '- s a ma-, l ,i . I'.. 'I e,- i. 7 4s 2 10-. in 3 ' alt 4 Ohie cv nn n I'ae 4e Oliliami Mil i 7S4 it !' cv .s 1 0 7,4 1" T4S 7SM I ",vi s;i Mil 4 Nw n 7s 7- I t"T 7Si, 1 1"7 7k', "hi Itw n s 7s u 1" '". a i 10 2 7s 4 1 .' i in 7s4 C H I 4 I' fd a 7S ' snJ 2 iMlel 7S', -' Nl ri,rril k i-llnch '" '"'i" "' 4 Ohie 3e '" "I 1 k'i . "Menu.. St 1" ('as- .1 I Ss M 4 O Ss '17 V. ." KI7 4 '-'hi '! II A SJ4 ni Km 10' Ut S-'e 33 i sn unl-i "J", in no i '. 11 ", "hi .' IV 1 Is S2 4 1 i0 4 I S21, I'-rn ile Pja ...'!. " - Oalt A. O 84- (-'.PT s ,. L0P,aV" , i i , i .ii- Ci"iel il I'men '('J (' A O 14s Ter'l rJ4n im i a. 'ui" n sv, ' luTi-a I1 h- 'J . hi, 1 tf. l- s- i , s--Vk ,j,, luau "" I . . -t'j j 11,-1 '4 9 T1..1 llriln ".u ft hsil. tl 1 r, ' I 1 - I RADIO HALF AND HIS FRIENDS : : . -- - - - -7, ; I 1 1 1 11 , 1 .,.. ,: : : Uy Jack Wilsen -, pssBr1 HcrAVEMs!! -THERE'S Mf?S M VeO SEE. I AM CMAtRMMJ OF A Hm iSlI! Tl 7, BB ' " -' w. ' I .r ! ' ssrul A 14 tic II 1c iLHIDItl flKfl mnf H &A7UQX AT THE co(?.' LtT HEIPiM COMMITTEE OM RELElF FOB OME- B H -.. - DQ SUPl" LH P.OI , m , u e,ii - . V THEr? AVTHlNGr SAOD6R WW ndEJ t,UW" B mm WM.LEIUSH UP MY HMR! - ARMEO CHUWrl-Plwe PASSERS W g r EMPTY W 1 -AM EMPTY ) W M s jJPj, S 1 fa ? xMAhJ? Li i Hat.' W- saaal "T Li-. lNji-7 wt . r-7-v fc,WV V . ' UU I e. V''iJ3gi9; k 1-' S I fXU iv ' A i sM " ' t ' ' ' sstsD.z . ' i ! i sm i i i i itt njkcirvM7ri.Kt.kt i. .. d r -t." v , vriu. i.t. ' vj -ja i ; -t r --1 aiTlTimaTMiBTMaYsTss lililltlMMtl lUf riiiiisi g--t--- S--J --: -'- .k.iv-.-.. "'.:. -'i -r-fiiMaTsTaaaaaaaaamil - - . ":.-. I. . ...-a. .An.sKisK.-r.. ........ A . O., EVENING PUBLIC NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS. LIIIKHTY HOXUS .1X1) VIUTOUV NOTKS Kntik'x. !!.' IMch leiw- Issue IMIH4 1)4 K4 Liberty 3't -I. 10.VJ.47 loe '.'n HI.S2 Liberty il'-, s, reKlsterrd .. . kiii.,111 115 70 Liberty 1st cv 4k. Ili.V.'-li. . . . tin. "(I Hi. Ml l.'hertv 1st el 4 registered Km 111 HVil'i Liberty 'J.1 4, tl'27-42 HI). n Its ail L tutv IM 4n rcs-lsti-rril KU..VI UN 00 Liberty 1st lM cv 4' s Ki3'j-47.. leii.ltl ml 011 Lrv tstcbll li'.'04'J bllSI' efde 10ii.an n.VMI l.lbt rly tet cv 4l, s. reulstercd.. lOO'Jt 114 II Llb-rtx 2d cv 41m, IH'J7-42.. . 100 1(1 ti.X.iis l.'bertv 2.1 l l. r cerlstcred KI0..10 nil 71 l.ili'rlv .id l, s lfrjs U111.I1I Ml. 72 I. berly Rd 4.3. registered inn Ml II' Ml Liberty 4lh I .' . 1113.1-31 . inn 3il ,i.'!,;e Liberty 4tli 4ir reiilsterc.l 1ne 111 inn 02 X clerv4, . 1P22-23 ... 100 00 04 si Vlitery 4 s, roistered . 1 103, 2.V . tis'iillln Central M Clf H 1 4'4li:rle Oenl I.IMi n.. , HH IM 1. . M I 3 KS, 2 (1.1 I 1 . 4 III C'n 4i '.'.3 Columbia O Krle Hit cv A 2 .. . nl; Blc tut 1 ... 3314 1 III" Ct'l Mil 10 nr.iii 1 .-.nij je . ipe CMumbla O ilErli.. tl II rv nitll" dicel m Wfein.t 10. na',1 .'. .. . ni'i O.'.Vnrli; It II cv D Indl'n Sleet ',s I nri , in . ft" 1 n . 1004 II f)SijFram'n InditBtilnt M ct 44a Cem Cable Its Dev74swt ,1 114 I 734I 2 . .. OB tntb'e II T fd C Tab It n, 2 . 3 ' I. (1S4 0 . nilij 2 . OS 1 20 OS Cen it coal (Je 2 . p.M, llicr'l 4. Ureat of Md fu iFruncifce .suit X'n aJ wl 4 SSi.! 7i wl 31', i;l 2 1004, ''-' 3 SSt.l 11 10 1 I 11 314 r n d lla "s Gene'l X'.Wc it I . 32 jn . IIS', I Kll "' 32 1 I1(n, Gene'l I'.Ipp 1 i I M .Mnrln d 1 lit) I s . 10i1, 2 .. lulu, 7nf.ilei ll'i ,n I' (loeilrlthilr. ! I'ap t. s it, no Ce 4" wi sfii. I. i i n 13 13 IS', l.'i list, Julius Knsri 110 3 f. 1 a i list., & Ce 7 rets ! ll'i', 11P4 ll'i', 1104 120 120 4 1201, 1204 (is is I 1. .. H3'. lis'. 1 KIT, lis. Iisn 1" d S :.s lisn,! J sli", DS'i, K C T Illy Is I I Us 4 1 s.'l 2 US 4 Kelly Sprlntr'd 2 lis 1, I Tlii Ss 1 7i 1'JO (Inii(l)i-.ir T il .1 10S tisulei 120 1 Iluli r Ml 1 10S 10 3 10 21 in Culm lim, 2 . 1014 t.ase Shere M Ij'iii,' (i(enle) 1014 S'n 4s 'H I'JOi.l Kfliitl 10f. 11 . HIV 20 4 " . . .... ... . .. iiL'ii.uiiHp ,inere m 1 Kits,' S'n 4s '31 I 120 l'j 1201 120 04 GnmKiar T 3. 1 P.1 mu r 11 1. .Mjers 7s I .. .... . .... I ,U7 . . 1 Ili I . . . Il.l'i I Ss et.i d Or d Trunl; oferillaril C 3s, s;i,' Can r,s rc(s 1 no i 1 S71, 1 . 103 t.n Vnsli 4s D-l .1 llml ,-v 2 in.1 Pieale) (ijij 3 . H7', 1 . 103 Li . N W Is .', H7', Oreni NVrih'n 3 72', D llud 34 f.ly i4s Jlanatl Sugar I Kll 2 tllM, Ce 74s n.'n it ii f,i 2.. him, 2 ps 10 -,'. 7(s.iii.i nn 1, 1 . . nsia Ket IMI 3s '31 4 llll'i M"tl I.lcv'il Is I 1181. creut .North 1 1 . nu'i ni.tn s-,,.,,,, Uillua M oil it T4 c.iri. an IK". U''4 lim.. 2 1134 lln i, M Oil wa d is lim, 2 1 23 nni. Mi'i 1Mb.' 3s 4 3 D 1 .emeure I'wdr 7 4s ' 1 107 Dnh in .1 1 in 1104 1 n'1 1 flTU 1 ilnv.,M'i Irrlu t'js riim l.li.h. n.' O'l Tails P .. 2. 4S -.. ... 7 in.t 1 lis 4 M" I'etr'm s 2's.Mei 103 ltelland-.ni n a 104 I in M. I.ln- H - "" 2 102 3 csir 1 m2t, S ssi, K2. Hud .v M in M 2(-n'l 101', 2(i'i'l KII4 2(sa'n) Ki4fts fi l n 1 1 . Vi J.nht 7 4s it,,., i m-J i Mi, i. ft i .1 i i -.i , 1 Kill i,. ' ,1.1 x nu. K) itj 1 in; ill HI 1 10,",', l hi. tin . lllu' !!.. Jl Kmp Gne & 1'. Rf 34s nl 10 P24 7'tjs rcls 2 100 M Stl S te 12 .s 4 US', I l'n'4 Marie 4s 10 1 Km pss is I, i FINANCIAL BRIEFS The pnrtneiship eistlns under the nnnie of Hetlie & H.ils.s lm- been dlsMihed i,j miitual ngteement. en m i( 'inner i.i. i:i- Standard Steel Wmks t'umpant. of I'hilndelphia. tiled imtice et I I.n rilrim i.f increase of stock fiem S",0(Mi.llilll In Sill 11(111 lirill All slnrdt .t i-nlllll-illi. li i i.uneil l.i the I'lilduiti l.oceiniiii, Werk-. Attorney Ueiieml Mniisherty stilled ! at he hoped te .likine... f tbe Meel ! ih in. I'Si'f elli' llll Mi'.'k Itepurtk inef- niC lintli inerjrrk nre eenilni: iii ilnih. he said, nnd the luinl nees would tint be in before Tliiu -d.n. I.ee. lliiSKininii & Ce.. ns srndii.ite innimcrs ei lln nffrrins nf SUii.lHiil.ltil l Shell riiien ('nrp'irati'iii II per eent eiimiilnti' e pieferted kin.k. series A. i.ffeietl ni '.HI. lm vi- extended its life friitn .lull t'i September S. I!I."J. I'.'itiliri'jlit i Ce. Ine.. bine fericed n -.Midii'iite t.i offer nt HO i . and Interest t.i jiebl tiini" than t.iit per cent, a n u iki'i. nf ..' (Kin. non 'I'eMik Power and l.ieht (iiinpan li pep cent debeiituie . kerb's A. .Ine Jul) I. '-'O'J'J. and ii"ii ealltlhl" fur iwuii)-tii' )c:il-k. An error In the ell'ulil nnnnuncenient nf the dhldnid "f "J'j per ceul mi the st'.ek of the New Ynrk nnd Honduras Iln-arie Miiiiui: fninpanx mnde it np pe.tf Ibat the dlkttlhlltlnii Mould lie for (he ipiarler iinhd Juh .'!0. wbere.is II is for the ipi.irier i tided June .'10. ,- The repnrt "f the Associated fins and r.Ucirle fempnii) for the year end- ' cd Mhi .'tl IO'-'-'. kbi. wed n net ineeli ' ' uf fs7!'.7:!0. it- lenip.iH'd wl'h $lUi.'J."i.". for tbe iie.iiik )eif. en inerense of S1."..sl. (,r..-s wiik Ilkted as SI.Ol.. -O'J. n- nciiini-i .l. 01 1.17H fei'th'; nt r lnik ic.'if. nf nn Increase nf l;i."..'l.7'J-".. Cuniberlntiil Cniiuti Power mid hlulit Ciitiipiiii). nf Pnrl'iiiid, M''.. bus Mild In .Mc-fri- IlledC't i Ce.. "f ItnMiui , nnd New Yerk, nn I--H'' "f SlMiii.000 .if its Hrst lefiiniliiik' iiiertsaire ." per cent blinds, due September, 10 I'J. 1 1 s ex neitei thai il iitilill.' ellertnc nt lln ii'tnlk will he tn.'ide slmrtly, te vield about .Vli pi r i cut - V.. II litin. huirninn nf Pulled Suites St. el. '.i)s tbe Inerense in the cerpnrui Inn's mililled Kiniiiipe In June, Jtsl ,'.iU'. tens, wits due te "Increased ' (Ictnanil fur the riirperatiriu's pinducts uenerall)." This statement was made 111 H'spunse tn the ipiestlen lis te whetbi'l' nr lint th" ineiense was due te hcimcr di'iiinud fintn the bulldlni! trtules. -The ItiterboreiiRh Itnpid Transit Ciiiiipiiii) for Mas reports a delicti nf S7!lv'l) after fi.xed charges, contrasted with a delielt of .SIMI.I.VJ fur .May. I'.IHl. Its nperntiiill in the elexen liinnlhs ended May .'tl resulted lu n tinal delielt nf .'J.40tl.Ov0. cemparetl with a delielt of $:i.!l(l".Oe:i ill the cer- rcspendlm: eleven n.enlhs of the pteeei , ill lisetll xciir .." 1 'Fl,,, ..in-ent .. lii,A rf 111,, t rtlll V ll.'t ITU mimmmmmmMmimkiH,u .Unm ,tmmmm-mm-mmmmm-mm. in II I I I ...i,i;,'i;xc,,.-..,, LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA1, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1922 l.an I'. M. ine.4n Klil.'Jll Net ihge. Utah 109.411 1011,211 Ixivv 1IIII.3S Kle.'Jit 101 20 ine 30 iei'i.'w IMI.flH 1110. Ill lOl'l.'l'J Km 21 KI0..-.II 100.31 101.00 100.34 ine l'ii nn.ns 100.14 Kill 34 itie.au Kie.riO 11)0.12 101.00 inn. .ill iii'n'.ii nti.es loe. in iii'o.ei 10il 211 inn. .VI 10(1 .12 M Ptr t a tit n .. 103 .farle 04 1 . 1014 1.... HS 4 10l4 M Knn Tet Ore-W W II b ) wl Nnv Ce 4s r .... r.nt.i b... siij en mi en no no nn a . 3 a. 3.. 3.. in . M a.. . 8141 no 3 r.7 in a r.7 23. 10 .'.7 la 81V Sinclair C Oil Cerp 7s rets 2 1104 1 1)34 1 tin i.j i nm. 2 . nn4 i .. imi-'i 3 ... P34 a ii'ii, 1. en 4 A.. tm i j M Kan 4 let, Otis Steel tuts 3s wl 1 .. 101)4 2 82'. P Const Ce Rs M Kan St Tel 2 .. 00', O wl pe e t K a . n.k.i,i i. nn, Mn rii'lflc 4s i 2 01 rt.14 in na, jPnc Tel lc Teli 3 D'l', 034 (is rets I 1. 11114 "f. .' ' ":M ir. IT1 03', Id. Ill's 7(salel Oil's i .Mn t'a 1 .1 :t "m?,"' V"M nil: RCeCr,a74? 0II,I...h.h ....tstnndlng nt .ii." clVo'ef the nJiiJi t fi2 3 1n1ijtisc.il year. lunc. 'III. according te n sum- ili'!, 1 . 024' 11 11114 M A U t I, ('a H cm 14. 41 Carle Is I J', 211 N 7i,irenna It R 3. Fn Kar-rn ?u," in . i7s. New V.ne Tele ini , 1UM, 101". Kill. 10M. Ce Ss wl 1 n.-.M 1 1.74 P H7 4, ' N Orleans 4 N US', 3 US', Pe'n 1'arllV n SIT. 2 Ml'. 1 .. S'.l, Fe'n I'actn- 3 SS4 2 S, S'n P0 ev Is 2 ni. 1 (12 2 (12 mis 1013. K n 44 I s2 4 I'eniM ltd fl4 I 4 S24 1 Hist. jvew or Tt 1 104 Mexico ns imii u 11 ts In 714 1... 1094 N V Ctnl'l Is IVe (las l.lghi , ... a. 1 ,.,.1 . . :i - " n" 2 .01 3. . 1104 ntial '' ' l.lqhl , ' Ceal Its 'ii ' ins Plijlt'cerla & 1: te ni' 1 33 4 N K Sn Ilatlwi. 4s "' "' 1 e 3 07', 4 its 2 OS 1 07', " 1 2.". ''" a 31 K' .i 1 m. Teerln . K let Ksille) ()7'j 114-, 1 1.... Sn llnllwiiv 3s P4, 'Phlla llntv '' I P3. IU ' f'"' 4 liS's P4 4 I Itl'l, 3 or,', 11 1. 1'ltt Cm Chi i 1 ii.-,'. (i I', St I. u Hs 3 us I..-. r ' III-, 1 mi'. '14 , I ! fiOS HI', Perll'd llwy ii. UkIU r.s'42 i, iv 1 . SO . Sn Kail i O'-s 1 . Kill, 00 S. 1004 2 lull''. 1 100 4 3 iik". 1 1IHI4 in 4! n(V il'reduc & 11 se N V C'enfl 0-1 1 lU24Tes V I'm- let f. K13 1 KI2 4 1 4 P3 4 2 10.-. Pre HennersiThlrd Ave a) N V C.nfl 7s, ward Ss 1 (i " . .i. ,t.i.. l K'.i'i ' ii'.'y J" ii '" : ';: rpjvrrnwx , t i".t- i ..-- 1 1 ..-, ' SI 4 1. 1034 1034 '-' M I 4 1031 1 .-,, Punta AllecrelTrl-l lt 1th s- . I-, ntral ' "" " ' i.iunt r,s l.-eM.s ' i 2 m. I 74 rieniilr.T Ce l.l 1 il)u , N V I. dl ti Ce 1 s4i.jU-'ilen Hat i Oi., rets ni ClranJe l Pap fls 3 ie0, "'-n rlt 4s I i . p7 1 10H 4 Kealel OS Union Pnr t N I.tcht H f""1' " d A fti 1 p.-,i, t Pirr s i Leul'a 4 4s . 17 r:., r,qs 1 St', ,', (134 , N Yk .1,' Lene 5" ' I n Mt aiuninn Pne i , Heueh is I Hly Rl I 3 ... tl.', 2 pi 'I !" 3 .. IIS'i New r X II 4 s'1'1 Mt !" U lenk-C 7s Har'.d fls R O dl 4 S . 1014 $1,1.. S541 3 11134 1 siu " '- s F Jfnt'd Dm- s Xew Tork O 41 1 "'' 1 I""' Wesfn 4. ' .n'.i Tntrt Dten.ed 1 -31 s s.i (,-erp n'j un,t p,, i :,,; Nfk 4 u n is .4 pj'. Xnrfnlk 4 Wll l"d S Steel Ss 2 72 3 . 1024 1 72 I 1 1(I'J4 St I. 4 S l'ran r nil series n I r. i n't ' . . S3'. I 13 103 1 . . . ssi, tlin-i T' 4 ' S- I v lis 111 . 110' 1 ss 4 Na,A,'.1"'n Ce si. ' "J"" '' !""i , "' .-. S'r" C,, C 0 "7 . ' ' 3 '.is , t is'. '"'" M-si'-n si 1. 4 n l-rir i . ' T Ven, ",'!, "' ''--' '-" 1 me.', 014' 3 1 .. 1004 s. (. Sgw i ci ft 1 . 10C.. a .. in-.'. 10". 4 If. 4 ' i""' 1 73 .Va nv C. . ' KiiK, st I. h'n is'" t ns' V Pniltle It 3. 7 . 7s'4,Vn Pr I' '. 1" 02 in 7s 1 . sei 2 01 4 Seil, .1 A 1. al 1 se' ,', l)'J1'l a IM'tlVn A H W -- 0-4 3 27 1 p aji. X IM' n Hi. :i 20i..Arner Sucar " J T "1 I rtet'irTs I sl, s ...;..! , ,,,. . ij 27 . 'rvest'n Ml 's N Pacilf f; ns in . "7 4 1 -, ci ".' .- '"-'I 2 27'..-.V.'n Pa. !', S pi?-., k,,M x I, ft' 1 sr, , I lf,"4 0 . 124, We. . n P.." r.t KiTN n 12'-i 1 ..sn. ;'' n' " 124 w r,,ien i'.s se 11,7.. s . ,..,., I , .JTii "'" lr' 42'. ,1V L'nlni, ni.. ,r 'n?4 " 42. R 1004 '1 . In;'- a l2'.,Wetim!h 1. X'h S I'e Xs 3 13 2 1.171, 1 'il 41 1" 13 XVkkiV. sDtn; . ' ''14 I" l.l F'eel 7s Nth S Pwr Os IS 4.1 2 Km', 2 1"! I" 13 1 1 . in 1 , (r.. ft 'Mllf Ss X I. ts nta, 3 11.01., n i"os , 1 nn . wiis.iu Ce i' 3 Kinr, .e-,h'd A 1. Os' I ipi, Oreirnn (S i,(n ; r.( jif ,,,,, S"ni 'I Ss ,-, i,u Wlltnm 1; ;..., ' ..1014 1. .. 103 Kingdom of Netherlands Bends I'll' II lle.1'1 & I'll. Il I . I, l , i. I,. nnlinte .ft" i in it t.nl.i SO. non nne uniil.-rs el in i lis nil iiutherl.i 'I Inn n nT I'.n.i nor. r...., etltlilrrH I'l tlir l.'in v,t.,n, t,f tl,u V a. 1.. .1.. ..... 'II" I're. nt elferlnu- r- ir.-sr--its nnili, i ni Hi'' 11 1 fiti'l hnlf nf ih., ii.'.il IxK.ie isri rir,n .nr, suil'lere ImvIiik len til.ic-1 jnlmli in tills , '"un;r1 i, nil in llnllninl Inst M.ir-h The "in.iinlnK Ine no. 1 non nulhleie if tin , Ui . ii'i't i.ffi-ilii!; MrtB u(f reO In Amu vm I, si ' ' "' 1, i'l ft ll)flirilitt.i.i liiir.Us ill r .limni this tuinlnpt i-'rlilu) 1 nls pnrtlun nfi the li.nn villi l,e he-niij mrrjul ". iilr-l ,n i "-1II1 te iMl.i.- nlil.es. A m-i tcutute In the iiff.-rln i.f ih- I remit imrtlnti nf tin lunn in th- I nlir.) pi.it Is .1 en, vision in mnri- the )i mils e.il.l lei. the fiilM.ntuRe nf nnv rni,iin.- ,n r r , In lliillnnil In th" ce uf th- ermlnus ' jiiirtlnn nf Kite ln,in sn, In the fnii, i j,, ,,,, Ini-t .'lurtli ihn lien.li nf 2."n ku ,'l-is w.re nut u kirn l il.-liv..i .m tn- Ani.i-r.l.im lleurf., th r.-l.v iir.-venllnii il.m.i,.. m..-ia-i.uiim U'tui-en llie tvvu mirli.-ts Paris Bourse Improved I'nrl., .Iul.i 12 I'rlup 'inprmni en the I'ourse telm 'lliree n-r (.out ient- ,-,7f 'is- Itxeli.itiRe en l.eniluti Slf i",P ,IPr rent Innr. 74f S3e. Tim ilnllni vm-. nunteil it 12f t.24e. GOSSIP OF THE STREET 't N net often the short intrtvst Rett wnriiltnr te conic In out of the wet he- fore the screws nrc npiitled. fleiiernlly they nrc Ktildcd Inte the torture clinin- her without the xHsliteMt notice, nntl I lifter n few little Rentle tliiinuiH with the sledge liniiitnrr nre Invited te nil- vnnce te the cinitiiln's m-sR (itul pay for I heliiK Rilllty of selling whnt wnfii't lils'n. If the story en the Street ,es- 1 tertliiy enn be neeepted with npy decree of credence, there is keIiir te tic sonie , little exception te the rule, in se fur j the (icnernl Asphitlt shorts nre con- j cemed. Hitther tluin seelim some one I llnnni'liilly iujureil, it wns sold, eertnin ! interests, who hnve plnnneil te carry I these stocks te much hicher planes, nntl beitiK of n phllnnthieplc state of iiilntl, i have iiinsnnninieuslr sent out n worn- Ni4.3b"Hteei It ss j Ins for all "shorts" te cover itniuetll .814 2.... n., ntely. "If they don't. " it wns alleged, tlie snorts would tie Kreunti in pieces. New after such n charitable attitude ' these short of the stoel: certainly cannot complain If they are caught in the threshing iiiucMuc or the steam roller. Tlirv surelv de some wonderful things In Wall Street. , , , War Finance Cornftrntlenti Operations Heeks of the War I'lnnnce ,1.... i... ...1 ,..(i t ce-ir niui 1M111 In mnry or otieratlens issued teuav uy MimiiRlng Director Kugenc Meyer, U'li.... tl.. ...... ....r.itl.n. i.smiin.1 nnern. l"i in 11)21. he stated, the lentiB out-'and sinntllng tetnled $1 11 .000.000, nntl .n .t , .. since that time tlie corperaiion nns nu- ji i" euni-u n.cn- ..u.v ..,.,,.....,..,..... .. therlzed leans nggreisating .SHM.OOO.OOO, number of hills lenresenting trade rela rela ef which S.-).'I.0II0,0II was te assist In tlnns between the rnitctl States and the llnnnclng expetts and .s.'UO.OOO.OOO for Orient, and some of the lending banking agricultural and livestock purposes. Of interests have been fairly substantial the total nmeunt. he added, S2S4.00O.- purchasers of this class of paper. 1 he 01)0 hud been nctuallv tulvnnced en .lune general feeling In the trade is that the HO, of which s:is,00i).000 wns for expert ncceptniice market will grnilunlly purposes and 'S24ll.00O.O00 for ugrlcul- 'broaden, nlthetigh progress In this ttirnl nnd livestock purposes. I direction naturally is expected te be Of the leans approved, he continued, 'low. .1.11 ., t.,wi j.iw, ..1 nili.nn.iAU rt,. - l::i.iiihi.immi 1 I HI 11 HI ' l III. I III. t. III.- therUiti te hankliiB and linanclnl Insti- ttitlens, including livestock lenn com- innles. $114,000,000 te te-operative marketing' ns-ociatlens and 1.(KM).00( ' te exporters. Of the sums actually nil- vi. need, be reunited. S20 1.000.000 rep- U'si'tited lean" te hHtikiiiR nml tiuaiiiial institutions. Sli 1.000.000 te livestock companies, SISJUIO.OOO te co-operative nssoclntiens'irrtnis7.0(!l.(K)0 te expert- ers Iteniitinents of nil leans since .Inn- unry. 11121. he declared, amounted te SI."H.0,"(1.2!II. distributed as follews: Sl".r:U ..-."! I en loons made under the wn"r powers. Sn.'.twri.rii:! en -sport leans nppreved prier te resumption et operations. ftM.lWI.riMl en leans ap- proved stibseiitient te the resumption et , otieratlens and S47.ll 000 en ngriuul- im .....i uves,eeu !. Kerlredy Waiting for a Reaction "Guess c nre net geln;j te get thai premised vend inn." said a downtown New Iaaue $720,000 Constantin Refining Company Vt Geld Car Equipment Trust Certificates Issued under Philadelphia Plan Spitzer, Rorick Trust & Savings Bank, Teledo, Ohie. Trustee, Owner and Lesser Certificates dated April 1, 1922, due each six months up t i ten years as follews: $36,000 Oct 1, 36,000 Apr. 1, 36,000 Oct 1, 36,000 Apr. 1, 36,000 Oct 1, 36,000 Apr. 1, 36,000 Oct 1, Denomination 51,000, with semi-annual dividend warrants attnehed, payable April 1 and October 1, in New Yerk City, regicterab'.e as te principal only. Redeemable at a whole or in part at 104 and accrued dividenda five years from date en sixty daya' notice and at a pre rata reduction each six menths thereafter. Dividend warrants te be payable (se fir as lawful) without deduction of the normal Federal Income Tax up te 2 per annum. Four Mill tart refundable in Pennsylrania and Massachusetts. Security: These Certificates are specifically secured by title in Spitzer, Rorick Trust savings eihk, ei B..u.ia v-nwi, emu .uu et e.uju Banana capacity, nuiit ey tne standard Tank Car i.ema,5fr durlnK .the latter Prt of 1919 and 192. " costing approximately 31,410,000. or nearly 100 ever the face, value nf the.. rert-(fi,..r f .jju ' both pnncipal and coupons are unconditionally guaranteed by the Constantin Refining Company, te which Company these cars are leased at a rental sufficient te pay these Certificates and the dividend warrants and ether charges as they come due. Net Eernlnss: Net Earnings of Constantin Refining Company, the lessee of said care, and the guarantor of said Certificates, for the past six years, after deductions for depreciation, depletion and bend interest, averaged 3579,084, or about ten times dividend requirements en these enr equipments. Legal proceedings passed upon b Mews Traey, Chapman iV Wells, ej Teledo, Atternevi for the Trustee Price, subject te advance without notice, 6Vz basis Teledo The statements contained broker yesterday, ns lie wntched Jh-i different speculative favorites climbing like the thermometer en n midsummer diiv. "Kverybedy li wnllliiR for one and I cuesi that is the reason It hns net arrived. The market hns it very stubborn way of ilelnp the thing the ma jority does net unlit It te de, but some seme some hew'or ether I cannot work up nny en tlmslnsm. All bnd news is completed Ignored nml with the ensy money rates the peels nnd ether sprcu ntlye coinbl ceinbl coinbl natiens have a weapon whleh N lin.nl te defeat. Most eenservnllve Interests while bullish for a long pull openly as sert coiitlltlenn de net wiirriint the big nlnvs made day after day. Then agnin sonic of the biggest operators are away for the summer. One in particular who has been given the trnllt for ninny of the big things the last nine months, 1 understand, has cleaned up nnd will go te Kuiepe en this week's fast steamer. I'erliniM 1 am old-fnshlencd, but in my wav of thinking I believe the current market is n very dangerous one, espe cially for the little fellow te play with." Acceptance Market Slew The opinion expressed in bend mar ket circles thnt the nmeunt of new offerings during the next few weeks would he n comparatively small one, although this, no doubt, will depend snmewliilt en 1110 continieii 111 inr iimr- fat nnd the ceur.se' of money rntcs. In Corpera-'ncceptnnce mnrket.ns n result of higliei- li.inrnal rntru nbtnltllnc. hns bcell rathe dull with a reniimratlvelr s.nnll turnover of bills. Dealers shelves are iiriiiii iicrmniiiB im.skii i h mm n" j of issues, nntl wiiiie it is ion evenuia ij : (lie idttllltlell will Werk (lilt Oil brOlltllT mere comprehensive lines, nt the I moment the mnrket Is n listless nffalr. T. 1.. ......n.l al....n 1. ...... ,1 .mnn .a,1 ...ill, n .. ,... , Government Interest Pnpments Although Interest payments en Ihe public debt for the fHeal year ended .lune .10 aggregated .$f)!)l,000.7."il). being only 8S.1 M.U72 less than for the pre- aiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii'raiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw We are offering a carefully selected list of conservative bends of ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER COMPANIES (Hydro and Steam) Circular en Request ARTHUR PERRY & CO. BOSTON Invettment Bends New Yerk Lafayette Building. Philadelphia Mi'iaiaiiinuiNinniBMim 1922 1923 1923 1924 1924 1925 1925 $36,000 Apr. 1, 1926 36,000 Oct 1, 1926 36,000 Apr. 1, 1927 36,000 Oct 1, 1927 36,000 Apr. 1, 1923 38,000 Oct 1, 1928 loieae, wnie, irust.ee, te 000 all-steel Spitzer, Rorick & Established 1871 EQUITABLE BUILDING NEW YORK CITY herein are baed en official and ether trustworthy, but are net guaranteed by - ceding fiscal year, they should Winn begin te reflect the lower rntes nt which the Trensurv has been nble te effect Its flnnnelng. Recently the (levernment of fered 4 tier eent Trensury netcti ma turing In December, 11)2.-. In exehnngf for Victory 4!Js, nnd It hns cut the rnte en Treasury certlficntes of indebt edness from the mnxlmum of 0 per cent te a1' Per rent. Of six Issues of cer tlficntes maturing this yenr two, enrry (, per cent, two Wi per cent, enr 'fiU per cent nnd one 5j P" cent. Of the two outstanding Ihmiph of cert nratei which tr.ntiire next yenr one cnrrljs .J'lt per cent nnd one 4i P" cent. On the longer dftted Trensury notes Issued in connection with Secretary Mellen s plan for distributing the maturity of the short -dated debt, the ritte rnnitcs from fi-li per cent en the issue due 1024. te ! per" cent en the Issue due December, 102.1. Market Sentiment Mere Cheerful The Street hnd become thoroughly tired of the cenl strike nnd nnturnlly welcomed the plnn of President Hord Herd ing te bring It te n speedy end. The expectation thnt he would be nble te necempllsh his purpose helped speculn tlve sentiment mnterinlly yesterdny. ' The most nctive trading and the Inrgest I price chnnges occurred durlnf. the fore noon. In the nfternoen the higher levels were nrctty well maintained, al though renctlens of 11 point or mere J were brought nneut Dy pressienni prom taking. Although the idea of n gen eral forgiveness of nlllrd wnr debts hns net met with much fnver In the finan cial district or in this country as 11 whole, the reports from Kitrepe thnt Paris might propose that Great Hritnln wipe off the obligations of Krnnce te thnt nation ns a forerunner of easier terms' for (Jermnny helped foreign ex change and the stock market here ns well. There were reports from Lon Len Lon eon (luring the Inst hour of business thnt (li-ent lirltnln hns a nlan well nn- vanced for funding her debt te the T'nltcd States by the flotation of a large Itrltlsli-jlmerlcan lean. Although there wns no nintcrim ciiange ier tuc better in the railroad strike the Street lu-nu nni cTentlv concerned, ns it wns believed it would be brought te a close in much the snme way as proposed by President Harding in the ease of the cenl strike. THK TKADKK. Providence iufQiiiiiiinniiaitii $36,000 Apr. 1, 1929 38,000 Oct. 1, 1929 36,000 Apr. 1, 1930 36,000 Oct 1, 1930 36,000 Apr. 1, 1931 36,000 Oct 1, 1931 36,000 Apr. 1, 1932 tank cars, 00 of 10,050 Ce. Chicago information which we consider us ."siurr s r ' m .- - Z. Jk FAIR PRICES tlmulata building therefert the present activity. Condi, tlent are here for maximum return of Investment. Prices will go no lower, they may aacendi Build new. JOHN N. GILL CONSTRUCTION CO. Commercial Bailifinfi, Fatletiit, lutititieHt and Smaller (Vtrk Oils ltulldli I'UILAUtiLt'UU Bends for Investment Liberty Bends lleusht, Sold, Cashed F. P. RISTINE& COMPANY Kstnhllelied 1002 Widnr Bnildin, Pkll.delp.i, N.w Yerk Eliubdb, N. J Members New Yerk nnd I'hllutlelpM ' SALES EXECUTIVE Of long and successful cxperienct in handling sales problems and organization work in naticnally known Insurance Ce. offers his services in sume capacity te live growing concern whose success depends upon the geed manage ment of its sales department. A 804, LEDGER OFFICE C. S. PATTON & COTl SO I CIIMTNi'T STS. BANKERS RnretMnrn te SAnER a STEVKNSON Bantu and stack beuihl and told Members rhUfi. Ktcck Keh n ne LOCUST 7270 Direct telephone connection nllh m TKADIXO DKPT. IN XEW YOBt A. A. Heusman & Ce. ifembtra iVfte Yerk Stoek tSxchantt 20 Bread Street N.w Yartj Bends for Investors Reed A. Morgan & Ce. Me.ibere of tk I'hlle Itnil- KtIi West Eml Trut liMn.. l'h'trt Frederick Peirce BONDS O f INVKST FOB OC Ve-O. MKNT MM Chestnut Street, riilladelphli FINANf'IAI. NewEngland Power Company First Mortgage 5 Bends, due July 1, 1951 SEAI.nD PROPOSALS nd.lress-.l m tht unrlsrtlcncd at Its office, 1 3.1 Deienthlrt street, llosten, Mass., nnd Indorsed l..n out side of enxelopel "I'ropesala te Sll Nw Knitlsnd Power Ce. O", lUinds" XV 1 1. 1. BK ntlCKIVBD t'NTII. 10 O'C'l.nrK A. M FRIDAY. Jl'I.Y 14. 10S2, for the sals of ilieve-nntnerl bends te tlie Trustrs, TO MISOItll THK St'.xt OK" One llundrril Flfty-I'eiir Theusnnd Te llundrril rfetilr KUht Oellara nnd Fourteen Cents HIM. 278.14) OK ANY I'AIIT THKItKOI' In it' eerilanca with the merlcne il.ited .fan-h .1 101'J. but referred te In tlie bends ns diul Juh 1. 1011. and First Supplemental Mori Meri sase themte dated April i!7. UHH Proposals will be opened nnd siiieei.rni hide deelnre.l Julv 14. 1(12.'. AN'M lNTCRKST (IN Afi'IJPTKO IKJNIia WII.I. CKASf JL'I.Y 17. 1D2: The New England Trust Company TRUSTEE JAMKS It HOOI'K.n, I'lcsid-nl. flrstnn, Maes . Julv I. 1'.'--' AMr.RICN RAIIAVAtS L'O. Kxtcnilrd 7t' Held Notes- NUTK'i: Is herebi given that In nrrn-ilanie wltli nn Aureeinent ilitedDer. "3 lli'-'l. euppleniental te !i.l of Irut" "la'ttd 1'eb. I. 'I'm. Notes N"s : ttis -.Mi 7ei mil inn IR-Je -Jinn "-I'M -,!IV lil-i "M 7-JI 10'JL' 1'Jlil n.-iil k'MJ .11.1s .UU nn 4-JS 74r. 1110 111I7 lh37 -Idl -JR'U 5'jii no.! 7ii4 ma iseii is.-.n -ji.-i -jtii "3H (lO'i 773 1114 14011 1HH4 -JI711 .s'.l "40 SI7.1 f-sr. 1IRI 1431 ISS'l L'.ISli -jst.il liaie bei-n drawn for re.tnnptl'in out n! tnenes held III llie Slnklni; fund TD" principal of enld notes will le paid en Auriut 1. 103J. at the ciffl. e of (he Trustee. Ml rhesinut Htreel. Phllailelnliln Pa W IW and interest, nfter w'llch date Intetest en tnt bends te drawn shall rease. TUB I'KNNsYI.VANIA COXIIMNY TOR INSUnANOKS ON I.IVfS AND UllANri.SU ANNLMTIES Trustee. Proposals MlC.XI.fl PKIU'OMAI.M HIM. HI- lit- celled nt rtoetn -Jill. Cil 11-iH ""111 ' n'tleck neon, en Tuesday, Jul) IH, IVil. . n opened at that lime lu Iloem 210, Uiy Hill. hehtdule "A" IIHANC'II SlJWI.'ltS bmcdule "H" MAIN HBWKII IN ntiiViT! AVfNt'f. I-'IIOM SUl'TII uf A.sH 1NOTON I.A.NT. Al'P.USH MII.MJ 'I'ON ItANIi ANH Kltnjl Mil'TII M 7lllli AVHNl'f NOIITII XCIIOSS TBlb AX'IJNI'K NOHTII k,.,eiu!e "(" TI1HT llOlllNCiS Bi-hcliile "D" nnt.AWARi: AVBS'l'i: IM PIlOX'f.XIf.NT Iteineial of pl.ite nlc der brldue and wooden (resile ii( Del wnra menus and Hnder aienue llniulre at rtoetn tin. f'ltv Hall I'llANK II i'm:n Dlreetrir, I. O. O. V. SKM.MI I'ltlll'll-Al.s FOX PilnllnK Ihe Journal, ntlleeis' and i-eininliit tepnr(s nnd ether prlntlnv nf t'i.' drnnd wi--imminent nf Pennsjlinnla f.ir llie eiituist xenr. Indorsed "l'reisnals for I'rlnilnB "' ls ru'elinl b the undersigned until HJIU" ilny, Jul) SI). VJii '-I 12 h'i lm I. 'I. i:ewi.n i HtTTnn. Orind -serils. 17-J-1 Ann street. Philadelphia. July Vi, IH1"J I'. H, lir.l'AIITMKN'r "K AtillH t I.TI'Kr'. H'ASIIINUTON. I). C. S lie I '.reiw'"'1 s. Ill le rerelied ntll t n'rlmk I. M.. Tuff dai, Jnl) 18. 1032. nnd then mi' lu-'i '' 'or furnlshlnir el.'etrlcnl'y drli " r('ip" Irm equipment, form nf prnpiisnl nnd lr"' iVnllnna m"i be '.mil upon iiniilii-.iiliil " I'haltmiin, llua'd of Aw.irds. lril leP"' tnenl . .... (Med.) I'. W I'l -'i-M Aetlnit .sti'irelnrr Dlllilends . THK LAND TITI.i: AND Till KT f IJ1,.V June .Hi !"-?, (Mp'lal ei i.emt 01 sun.lus '..'... le.W' i Lin.llWded Predis ,s ,3 ? thi. Th.- llunr.l e' Director nf Tin- Mn.'l Jj"J and Trust I'enipany Iihk this daj 'lei'1-";1., iiu-irlerly .llvldrii.l nf M Dell.irs I'ir."""!) pajnble AiiRiikt I. 1IIJ2. In sincMmldei' "' meril ?t I'. M. Julv 1.1 tfl:'2 .... I, ICWIS P llllltifll, JIt . Trrasurtr July 11. lliai! . INTERNATIONAL I'AI'JIlt f'OUI'Ay New Ynrli. June .s, l-'- . . .. ....... .ItH-lnievl reaulnr euiirterlv illvldned of one "'7,1,5. half per cent. Il'., en the l"-'rrri.,i, ij. tnl stei-k of thl.i ceniii.inv .nulle JU,J. ', ID-i','. te lirefened stni'liholdeis f remra the cloie of business July 7. IUJ-..,,. tne iieiru ei uin-i-mm ." - j .. reaulnr euiirterlv illvldned of one '"".'15. OXVIIN HiiKi'itiniu. hi-.. - . Tin: ki:ai. itti' titm; iN,;ni.4('b AND Tltl'fT lOMI'AN- RilU i..tn..t ativai I I'hllH.leltihln. July IU '''-?;, M A euarterlv dividend nf M, lrr .V."."!! Jl Ixen declared by ii-p, IliiHnl '.'. . ' ", ,Mfii paysbl. Aiwusv I, tOM. te stocklieldfr", ., m&M&&&m recera .' !.sl it fe-V.tf'd 021 I