WS&T&W !l!WellS3SySISI Brp.vr, i m i jtjvv hi? a wrx juui " .7 , lj 1HIWBA .A ri ( M' .A'i?i.'.V'.l MjKf'T ''WWKSM ft SP, til:' m&B8Bk wsr& -aa , 'Huawrvk l. " " ' v fc ;r VfrT r"3? EVENI FUI5L.1U uqyvraxv-y. . prefTFtaking in THE CURB MARKET Higher Prices Generally Re corded in the Early Dealings in Oils and Meters Stw Yerk, July 12. The hlglicnt nrlccM for ftecki during the forenoon i,cre recorded I" the enrly trailing In the riue of me't ishiich. Aiicrc w i rial activity in the meters nml the oils. Ucferc the end of the first hour, how ever, iirufeMleiml profit taking brought nbeu't ren-lclernblc Irregulnrlty, netnbly In ,he higher priced chnrec. The mere netlve ilcmnnil for the meter tnck ni bned upon the gcncrnl ex ex nrctntlen of n centlnimncc of geed biiMi JifKi for the meter Industry through tills !!r The mining group developed heaviness, especially in borne of the low lew nrlcrd iieueH, Mexienn Senbenrd Mecks were nggres iIjpIv bnight In the enrly dealings, but nrefit-tuking wns Indulged In rather ex nlelv nml fanned niedcrntc reac tion" Substnntiel net galnn still pre tailed. Standard Oil of Indiana was one of the most prominent members of the oil group, as has been the ense for enie time. The upturn was net as pro nounced ni might have been expected and In fact, was followed by a set back of nearly i! points. Htnndurd Oil of New Yerk was .'I points higher en moderate trading, l'rnlrle Oil and Otis ruled firm throughout the forenoon. Imperial Oil of Canada wns nenrly h imlnt higher. Angle-Amerlciin nml In ternational Petroleum being steady. Daniels Meters wns renlly the leader In Its group nml nt one time wns 1 point above Inst night's close. Itee Mo Me eors ns In renewed demund, but fluc tuated within u narrow tango. IMII'MTKIALS in 2.1H IB '4 13 174 221 7'i in ia'i a ' ,r. Sales l"h 400 Am Metals 4 SlHlAmrr .Mela s pref .10. Sim Amtr prun JJ4 1 100 HutMj Hud 1'j 3i0i Oh c.-iku Nipple ... ' 1 nit i e umuin eihciuiu i.u 10'iCubnn Hern Hu..i UHi Curtlcn Are pref. . Kine Winle la Moter . . . SOW) Dubller C II . . MM Durant M of tnu . ;iii (ilb-en llenc.l . . no miptt s n inoe (!e1dnn I'lcturea . ine Huilien Ce pref . . inert Inter Carben . . . . lRoerhl Nipple H SOU Columbia Mtrs . . . :nn iinii switch ' 100 Hall Switch pref., i 100 Vnrr Wlr Am .. 4 ;i)0 I.lbbv, Me.V &. I.. -'t r.r.OO Moen Meters .. . 12 ;in rhll'p Merr'x . 20 inerub Scrv N J pref.103 ree Rnrtle rem . . . 4 line nail In pref . . 3 A ine nen Moter Truck .. 2R1, renn south c i.. . . 4.1 j lien Tell rrn.l "A".. . i' MHO I? S I. II "' ;nne i S Shin Cerp... .ion t'n R"t Cnmlv. 04 limwillv Cnr-) 1st pref 20 J(0U S I. 11 prrf ... 1H 1T.S1.IU OII. flflli Anele-Am en .. .nit IMHmn Oil I'nn .. 114si 10 Trnlrle O O .01.1 inn St Oil of K'1 "I .. S" 13100 Stnn.1 nil of 1nl. 11.1 110 Ptancl Oil of N Y .413 INDEPENDENT Oil. tna 1 Minn T'oKien 1Vemln.. Cnrlh Sni1 nilr rxlce ("Hie. Srv prcf . . t'nir IVtrnlum . . . Reullv Mr pref. OM ntenrerlt nil Hudiinn OH . ... let IVtrrl KeiKtene Hnncer.. I.en Prt Marlnnd Mex .... Mex Spnbenril Me Senli V T C . jrnuntHln Oulf .. . Meuntiiln 1'reil . Vutunl lief N'ew 1'nc Fuel . . . Vew Mex I.anil . . Voble OH fimnr Oil rtnl llankn Knlt Creek I'rnd , Sarulp.i Ref . . Shell Union pref . Skellj Oil . ... Smith P n . . . south Htntei . . . . Speneer Pet Texan O . t, Lew 411 107 m ,.A 3V4 77c 10 2.1 4 12 13. 17A 221 7W 111 124 AVi J 3 7 4 2'i 11 10 103 4 3U 2R 4Se 711 1 re W4 20 1 1(1 114 01.1 no , 113 440 1 00 P. M. 411 107 !' 1 r. 77c 10 2,Hi 12 II 13 17 221 7 , 111 12 I 3 4'? 7.1 1 7 2'i ' 12 t 10 101 4 ' S'i 2S 4.V 70 III fle 20flV4 1 I 000 Turmnn i.. 1 440O Wilcox Oil ....... 7 MINIMJ inn Alvarnde Mln" J4 inn Amcr Hxploiatlen . 2 1O0OII.K Iclxe 13e 400 llotten Ment Cena. H2c 80011 Cnnaila Copper .... 23e 2000 Cunilelarl.a Mln ... 3,1e 3000 Conn Cen Mln.... 32c ften Cepntr Canyon . W.le Atincerlr-j Hllver .... 1A 11011 Crctfen Held .... 2 '4 1O0II Kl Hnhnilnr Ra r.oeo Rmmn Hllver le laenn Hureka Creesua ,r2Sc lOOOUallna 3Sc 4000 (leldflcM Florence.- 10c 2000 Hani Hhell 13e lfldO I term Mlnlnx .... 'i 100 Howe Hound ...... .1 (1000 Independent I Kind , 40n 200 Jereme Verde Dlv 3 n.lnun tine Star no Ine lllneham Stlnea .. 14e 1.1(100 Onldflnld lel ... Re Him Hill Tep Nev .... Rc innn Hpenlheail 2c 200 Mnnma Cep 2SH 1(100 Marli Mln IKe ftOO Mnsnn Vnlley .... 2., noe Mether I.ode C .. n MOO Tin .... . 80i noe tiny llercule "l 100 Shelden 1 inn se Amer P A O.. 4 3tine Surresa Mlnlnit . . 22c 200 Tonepnh Divide . . Se 100 Tennpah North Star no nne Tuolumne nac 1000 l?nlted Eiatern .. IAi 7nnn Wllbert 1e 100 Yuken Geld D.'c neMs 4000 Allied Tackera 0. M 12000 Am Cotten Oil (la. ns 1000 Am Te! Oa. 24....101J4 101100 Anaconda, Cep n..100 1.1000 Anaconda 7a. '20.103 1300H Ansle-Am Oil 7V4 8.103T4 1000 Armour Ce 7a. 104 1000 (leaver llrd Hi ctf 7S 3000 lleth Stsel 7a 23.104 ltnoellklyn Un Oaa 7a.l0n 1000 Cent Steel ... 10.1V4 limn Cena Oni Halle 1000 Cenner Kxp 1, '23.101 f.OOO Copper Ex Ra '25.104 0000 F.mplre O A It fls.101 inonealena S O 7a.... 1 0.1 2000 On S..104 2H0OO OoedrU h Tire 7a .108 inne Urnnd Trunk fl'ia.ini nnnneuif en 7 .jei 10(10 Heed llubber 7a..,HHH seen Humble oil 7.. 1en 7000 Itennecett C 7a. .104 1.11100 Laclede Claa 7a.. 100 1000 Manitoba Power 7 0.1 IIOOO Nat Acme 7Vi 7 1.1O0O Amer Light Oi ww.100 10000 Chi Union Hta r7 II 110 HOOnN Y N II A II 7a 7 seen Phlla nia .mm.. 00 aoen nebert 7a.. 07 nene Hears lleeb 7a '22.100H 7000 Seara lleeb 7a '23 101 1000 Seuth Hell 7a ..10JX, innOH O N Y "a '2.1.. 101 2000 S O N V 7a '2S..100 aoen s e N Y "h '31.. ion r.oeo s e N Y OHa..ies neon Sun Oil 7s 100 S00O Stewart IVrtr a..110 1000 Swift A Ce 7a '31.. 102 2000 Texaa Ce 7a ....101 1A l)l 0 OH n J ISc fleo 22e aic 21ir liSc 1 2 A Be 1c 2He 2Sc lie 13e 11 a 4.1c a flC 14c r.c SOa 2c 2S INc V H 30c 1 1 4 21c 80fl Oc R3c 1A Be 0.1c !- 13c ROC 23c 31c 2.1c 11.1c 1A .Ac In 2Ru 2RO no 13c 11 a 47c a nc 14c r.e 8rte 2c 2H Iftc n n 30n '! ' 4 21c Oe flc fl3e 1A r.c 03C S3 08 101 ioe 1IK1 103 104 7H 104 10.1 10B 101 101 104 101 10.1 104 103 10B 104 0R 100 104 en 01 nn 100 011 H7 00 07 10(1 101 102 10.1 10(1 10R 10R 100 110 102 101 S.I 08 101 1011 103 levfz. 104 78 104 ion 10.1 101 101 104 101 1AB 104 103 101 104 08 100 104 110 01 nn 100 nn 87 00 07 mei; mt 102 10.1 10(1 inn 108 100 110 102 101 2000 United Oil Pred 8i. JMH 104H J04H 1000 Un ny Hv 7H..1044 I104W 104H 11(100 Vacuum Oil 7a ....10JJ4 JOT 107 1000 Weat Elec Ta.,...108 108H 10J.H !noe lleahev Chece 7 ..10134 10H10H ; ..t m.. hv. dk mm nugw nans ksiij i u SUOU Item Arms Ot BOND) 10000 laoen ioeo anne aaone ioeoo 28000 noneo r.oeo coue 7a ....100 8 7. .... i. i1 FOREIGN Argentine City Montevideo 7a SO1 French oevi eja. ui Kind of Herba 8s.. OJtt Iluaalan . J N Y N If A II F Ti.IiH I" UimIum tllLm v s inu 7H 83 I i ni b' n.m 7 17 fl 1A 4 74 St. TO Reading's Big Freight Car Order The Phlladelehiii "-Tj - "Vj'WJilKSK will ahertlv putchaae 1000 new mi ireiebt car nt a coil of approximately 12,000.OO. lllda wi'l lie aaked In a '' 'laya. Thla irder 1 I be In addition te the Jwen ate. coal cara authe-lred bv thn company IMt April. New" equipment. Ineudln ItKome. tllca. paaaenxer and freight cara. te of delivered te the lleadln tela yer wtll he" value of about 19.000.000. Seuth American Gev't Bends Many litlle-knewn but im portant facts are brought out Sn our recent analysis of this subject. Investors in such bends will find much te interest them in this special letter. Write today for free copy Ne. 298 and information about our service. MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE JOHN MOODY. Prealdent 1124 Real Estate Bldg., Phlla. New Yerk Bosten Ixii Angeles Chicago ! 1 14 01.1 en 113 442 ;no ivne inn 13ne in inn ,-lenn inn linn 100 ,innn 4700 innnn 1.1110 I Hen lOinn 131(10 enn me icon 300 inn Tf.fO sunn innn inn ;nn inn i noe jsinn t 4in 7(in 8100 12 81c non "(17 31c 14 H 1 , 21c 21 47c , 80c 8 31 32 1 1.1 10 .10 18c S 110 12 1Rc 13 4 flic 1 12 8 Se A e "07 33c 14 1 1 21c 22 Ti 4ne j(1c 8 31 30. 1 1.1 10 .10 2 20c 2 18c 17 4 en 11 14c 13 3 03c 1 12 8Sc 8 nnq "r.7 33c 14 111 1 21c 23 40c 70c 8 33 31 1 1B 10 fin 2 20c 2 ISc 17 4 no n 17c 1.1 04c The Philadelphia Saving Fund Society Main Office: 700 Walnut Street West Philadelphia Office: 15Se. 52d Street Condensed Statement June 30, 1922 ASSETS Caih en Hand $815,444.07 Due from Banks and Trust Companies. . 7,795,970.46 United States Bends $49,795,401.69 State, County & Municipal Bends 30,778,228.93 Railroad Bends 69,149,374.17 149,723,004.79 Call Leans 4,765.00 Mortgages 21,752,365.20 Real Estate 450,484.17 $180,542,033.69 LIABILITIES Surplus Fund $8,784,619.48 Undivided Profits Less Expenses and Taxes Paid v 3,554,426.07 Deposits ." 168,202,988.14 $130,542,033.69 Number of Depositors, 277,616 United States Bends en Deposit, $9,390,450 Number of Bend Depositors, 43,893 President G. C. FURVES Vice Preiident JAMES M. WILLCOX Vice Preiident STACY B. LLOYD Vice Prei., Secjr. & Trtai. SAMUEL WOODWARD $1,000,000 YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 4'4 ROAD BONDS. SERIES "A" 1922 Dated July 15, 1922 Maturing serially Interest payable January 15 and July 15 Coupon bends in denomination of $1,000 each, with privilege of registration as te principal FREE FROM STATE TAX IN PENNSYLVANIA EXEMPT FROM ALL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES FINANCIAL STATEMENT (as officially reported) Actual valuation (est.) $207,419,26200 Assessed valuation 69,159,754.00 Net Debt '. .....$ 1,319,882.00 Population, 1 920 census 144,521 PRICES AND MATURITIES AS FOLLOWS: $50,000 due July $50,000 due July $50,000 due July $50,000 due July $50,000 due July $50,000 due July $50,000duejuly $50,000 due July $50,000 due July $50,000 due July 15. 1 933. at 101.583 15. 1 934, at 101.696 15. 101.804 15, 1936, at 101.907 15, 1 937. at 102.006 15, 1933, at 102.102 15, 102.194 15, 1940, at 102.282 15. 1941. at 102.367 15. 1942. at 102.448 accrued interest te b $50,000 due July 1 5, 1 943, at $50,000 due July 15. 1 944. at $50,000 due July 1 5, 1945, at $50,000 due July 15. 1 946, at $50,000 due July 15, 1 947. at $50,000 due July 15, 1948, at $50,000 due July 15. 1 949. at $50,000 due July 15, 1950, at $50,000 due July 15, 195 1, at $50,000 due July 1 5. 1 952, at e added in eacn case 102.526 102.601 102.673 102.742 102.808 102.872 102.934 102.992 103.050 103.103 TO NET 4.07 Subject te approval as te legality by Messrs. Townsend, Elliett and Munson Definitive bends will be ready for delivery July 17, 1922 REILLY. BROCK AND COMPANY 306 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA 150,000,000 Guilders Kingdom of the Netherlands (HOLLAND) Fifty-Year 6 Sinking Fund Bends, Series "B" . (Simultaneous offering in the United States and Helland) Dated July 1, 1922 Nen-Callable Before 1932 Due March 1, 1972 Coupon bends in denomination of 2,500 Guilders (At par of exchange $1,005) Principal and interest payable at the head office of the Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam in Guilders and in New Yerk through the office of Dillen, Read & Ce., as fiscal agents for the lean in the United States, in dollars at the current rate of exchange prevailing at the time of payment A Sinkint Fund is provided beginning March 1. 1933. te retire the entire issue by call by let of one-fortieth annually at par and interest. Issue callable en and after March 1. 1932. at par as a whole only, except for sinking fund. Interest payable March 1 and September 1. Free of all present and future taxes of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Text of Definitive Bend in both English and Dutch. Application will be made in due course te list en the New Yerk Stock Exchange. The following statements have been approved by L. J. A. Trip, Esq., the Treasurer General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: These bends are the direct obligation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and together with 150,000,000 guilders bends sold in the United States and Helland in February, 1922, are authorized by Act of Parlia ment approved February 17, 1922. Helland has been for centuries one of the foremost financial and com mercial powers of the world, and for generations one of the most important markets for United States and ether foreign securities. Amsterdam, the leading city, today occupies a position of the greatest international importance as a banking and commercial center. The total funded debt of Helland at the close of the year 1921 was 2,435,600,000 guilders, all issued and sold in Helland. This is at the rate of less than S140 per capita, at par of exchange, compared with approxi mately $195 per capita in the United States and approximately $650 per capita in Great Britain. Helland's funded debt issued before the War carries coupons at rates of 2V6, 3 and 3V2 per annum. Prier te the initial issue of these 50-year 6 Bends all funded debt issued since 1914 has carried coupons at rates of 5 or under. The monetary unit of Helland is the guilder (florin), with a value at par of exchange of 40.2 cents in the United States. Before the War the currencies of all nations en a "Geld Basis" remained practically at par and any material variations which occurred were automatically rectified by the shipment of geld. During the War, and im mediately subsequent thereto, ether factors incident te the War restricting such shipments of geld controlled the course of Exchange and, in the case of Helland, caused the guilder te fluctuate between a premium of approximately 30 and a discount relatively as great. As conditions are becoming mere normal the guilder is gradually approaching its parity of 40 . 2 cents te the dollar, and is at present selling at a discount of only about 3. The Bank of the Netherlands (Helland's only bank of issue) had a geld reserve against its circulation of ever 62 as of June 19, 1922, compared with a reserve of 52 in July, 1914'. Te-day the guilder commands a premium of ever 5 in Londen. A syndicate of bankers in Helland headed by The Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij and including the Retterdamsche Bankvereeniging, the Amsterdamsche Bank, the Amsterdam Branch of the Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas, De Twentsche Bank, Lippmann, Rosenthal 8s Ce., R. Mees 6b Zoenen, Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank and Pierson 6s Ce., representing the issue in Helland, and the Dillen, Read 8s Ce. syndicate, representing the issue in the United States, have purchased these bends from the Netherlands Government, and this Helland syndicate is making an offering simultaneously in Helland. We offer these bends for delivery when, as and if issued and received by us, subject te approval of all legal matters by counsel. Interim receipts of Dillen, Read & Ce. exchangeable for definitive bends when ready, will be de livered en or about July 25, 1922, with coupons attached ter interest from that date te September 1, 1922. The Amsterdam market, where prices heretofore have ruled above these prevailing here, will be available for these Interim Receipts upon completion of arrangements for exchange in Amsterdam for tern- perary bends of like denomination listed en the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Price $960 per Bend (Interest at rate of 6C'C will be charged en this price from July 25 te date of delivery) Te yield about 6.10 te maturity, and 6.20 if called in 1932 (Thee yields are based upon exchange at 39 cents per Guilder. With exchange returning te par of 40.2 cents within 6 months and remaining at that figure, the yield te earliest date of redemption (1932) will be about 6.65. and te maturity, about 6 30). Dillen, Read & Ce. Lee, Higginson & Ce. Blair & Ce., Inc. White, Weld & Ce. Central Union Trust Company of New Yerk The American Exchange National Bank Brown Brethers & Ce. Halsey, Stuart & Ce., Inc. Ladenburg, Thalmann & Ce. The First National Bank of Bosten Old Colony Trust Company, Bosten The Girard National Bank, Philadelphia Cassatt & Ce., Philadelphia Commercial Trust Company, Philadelphia Mellen National Bank of Pittsburgh The Union Trust Company, Cleveland Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank First Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago Illinois Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago The Angle & Londen Paris National Bank of San Francisce Bank of Italy, San Francisce The information contained in this advertisement has been obtained from sources which we consider reliable. While net guaranteed, it is accepted b us a, accurate What was the market price last month ? What was the"high"last year ? What was the'lew water" mark ? I F you are interested in New Yerk Curb bxchange stocks, these are your natural questions and they are all answered in the July "PRICE RANGE" Copy freepn request Philadelphia Office WUcmcrBrnfldlni TtlrpHeMii gell . . . Lecuii 4730 Ktyxenc . . Ract SMI Baltimore Office 433 Equitable Building TltKMi IlaiiMU Jenes &Baker Member New Yerk Curb Exchange Direct PrlraU Wire. Nv Vrk Calcita BoMen Fhlltaclailt ritMUrik Detrelt Btlijrawt Clcrtl.nd i ran ww IP 911 U Til! I l TMIMf liillMTlimimM! WW Mint, Pit niIIMIIII!llllM THE NEW YORK CENTRAL R. R. CO. Refunding & Improvement Mortgage 5rc Geld Bends Series C Dated Oct. I, 1921 Due Oct. 1. 2013 Interest payable April I and Oct. I in the City of New Yerk Nen-Callable before Oct. 1, 1951 PRICE UPON APPLICATION, TO NET AOOUT 5.30 BATTLES & CO. Ketnhlnherl 1XUH Independence Square (East), Philadelphia Wanted The MAN larifp. u-rll.fntatiltHhed cer. poratlen requires the Hervices of a man who Is well anil favorably known in Pennsylvania Thin man Ih neeilrl for nalei nml organiza tion work He will be paid a wilar nml expeim-a There are notable opportunities for future aiUnnrernent nrd profit Flrlef cu,ilitlrat!en are Gen eral MuNlneaK experience, .U'unlnt,uice nnientr HUlixtantlal people thnniKheiit Pennsylvania, AnllU ami 'I art Thin notion U nU! reused particularly te men who nre new -vatlafncterlly inpeyed, Application nre net denlred from prefefldlnnnl Jeh hunttrn or lneat nient nollcltern In our ienpene plfuae glva ayiiepHla anil an) Information which you think peitlnent l'err- Hpenilenci- confidential Addrata Mex A SO", l,eilBer Offlce 1 HORACE P.'GRIFFITH & CO. Certified Public Acceuntanti GUARANTEE Bcrbell ttrea. & Ce. f ubllr UtUlrti atrrurttlra terk Exrhanss Bullfttna. HMU. 1941 Pennsylvania Util. 5, I Jr.lf.rl C.a. A, TU A. IQAS. fl 'IM 1 n iVJ . sflj-'a "4 5 II 1 ;' M M II I t M -ii ? e It J I '.M a m :$ '? uifjiii. Wilket-Barrt Ce. Sa, i960 $w KINANCE BU1LDINC PhUad.lphln 1 rust and Sfe Deposit Ce. iierucr i ui nut), c, p. v wm. u.wu fae& e V. A. &. ?ta&vAh.Ai XVftkilfc. ?.V ik'X , " MP VUfHPUI .. a A i m T. A fc k&MSLxhlt i J "in .ffwy PflTt JUtaM Ul 'SSKlB liivjnllji t(i'fA ,W?r. T r-t V ,-...? ,. X&&muf, Wtlt III iaM AAJyaCT.. -k "waBMftBBihiiiBeaw-T