flpppSWPffPB sssssMgSsssnissMsssssssssiasssiMasssssWa-warMi ir.ixw xv !. naaaamtawrm ISTO 3S?"K -''v. - JWVW.''V-t - ) -iir r "BMns 3BE5B M$ i V li.& '- Wl :.J ypx v-' "" . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, : .JULY 12, 1922 :M2 ir. ' t. ra fe m w. tr pat m m m m a IN ir-.J, tOilf ita m m m $r W iw. m mji,1 pr ( hgatcjfv iVce; Ferfc Steam Corporation 1 f t.MMM. ftJ nnMJ IV Sen I, fir, due S7 I; Sele funded debt of a Cor- . Dotatien furnishing steam for heating and power in New Yerk City. Officially reported earnings mere than 2'j times bend interest requirements. Price yielding about fi.&nc miMj Illustrated sent upon 0 circular request The National City Company rhltadrlphln 1417 Clictiint St. Atlantic Clw t'hnirenle Week 122.1 lleitnlKHlk STOCKS CONTINUED NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Only Afternoon Repert in Philadelphia Quoting Full Lilt TO PUSH FORWARD Les Angeles Gas and Electric Cerp. Qn.&Ref.5!4 Bends Due 1947 Company operates in Les Angeles and adja cent cities and suburban territory. Price 9CA and Interest Yielding ever 5.75 A circular describing the above, together with our July Bend Circular, will be sent upon request for F-ll. Harris, Ferbes & Ce Pine St, Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Wldener Buildinz Telephone Spruce 7040 i Higher Prices Reflected Confi Cenfi j dence of Early Settlement of ! Foreign and Strike Situation ' New YerU, July 12. Although storks 1 lid net ferjjc ahead with the same de cree of rapidity witnesed in jestenlay's ' narket, the acncrnllj firm tone of priers , i In today's operations could easily be . iieceptcd us relloctlen of confidence of the financial community in mi enrly j I ettlewent of ndveri-r domestic nnd for-, j elKit lemlltiens. President Harding's proclamation forbidding Interference J with transportation and his optimism . eer t lie outlook for nn enrly settle iinent of the lenl strike gave the whole mnrket n strong tone. ! While theie vn nothing pnrtleulnrly I derisive In either the European or Washington ndviccs ni te further ac tion regnrdliiK Herman reparntlen pny J incuts nnd n genernl remission of war debts, the Street leek the ground that whntcier was done will be of u helpful ' nature. Ter the first time in several (weeks operations en the constructive clde had nn niiiicnraiice of accret-she- I ncss, a Inrge part of which, of course, wns unquestionably due te tnc widen ing of peel nctlvitles, which, in turn, found encouragement in the continued growing ease of money market condi tions. Call money opened nt 3: t per cent, nnd from nil lcnnrts there wns n I liberal offering of funds nt that rnte. indicating u turther inflow of rcencs from the Interior. In consequence, trading wns bread and active In the curly dealings mid ns the morning advanced trading seen embraced every division of the stock list. As n mntter of fnet. dealings during the forenoon were of larger I volume nnd most varied of any re icent .session. Noteworthy additions te I enrly gains Included Associated Oil, 'Lima Locomotive. American Smelting, i N'litlenal Lead, American Zinc com ' men nnd preferred and I'tnli Copper. at advance of 1 te 4 point. Mude linker enhanced Its enrly gain as did ils (iiilf States Steel and severnl of the foreign oils. There wns n steady demand for Ceca Coin. Cern Product. American Woolen, chain nnd innil or der isiie nnd several of the chemicals. Mnrknv Companies again fentured util ities at n further rise of Us points. There wns an upturn of ever - points In both His I'eur common nnd pre ferred en th announcement thnt the Interstate Commerce Commission had approved the plan -of the New Yerk Cenlial te tnke ever the rest of the stock. 6 First Mortgage Public Utility Bends Secured by first mort gage en the entire prop erty of the Cohoes Power & Light Corporation, valued by the Public Service Commission of the Second District of New Yerk at ever twice the amount of the bend issue. Company's sources of revenue are unusually well diversified. Fran chises are without time limit. Earnings for year ending May 31, 1922, were 2.67 times interest charges. Fer price and further description write for cir cular. Hemphill, Noyes CS, Ce. Mambets Nmw Yerk Stock Exchenfr Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Pittsburgh Bosten Scrantoe Lea Angeles Albany , Syracuse Baltimore Wilminztea Bridgeport Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET Chicago. July 1". Apprehension ever continued rains de!nlii2 hnrvest led te fresh upturns In the price of wheat today during the early transac tions. At first, however, the market wns brarNhlv affected by talk of a bet ter outlook ler settlement of the rail road strike. The subsequent rallies de rived some of their Impetus from re ports of some dumuge by black rust in Minnesota. The opening, which varied from unchnnged figures te c lower. with September $1.14 te $1.14'., and Deceiiiher Sl.l.ch te 5J.1W. were fol lowed by ;i rise nil around te nbee yesterday' finish. Cern and ents displaced independent firmness, owing te gossip thnt export ers were after corn. Initial prices for corn ranging from c decline te '4c advance, with September nt 04 tu J4'U. were seen succeeded by moderate general gains. Oats startsl c te c off. Septem ber 37 jc te 37c and later scored upturn? Higher quotations en hogs gave a lift in prevision values. E. H. Rollins & Sens Founded IR'a Investment Bends 1421 Chestnut St.., Philadelphia rhene teut "300 Bosten .Vetc Yerk Wilkei-Rarre Baltimore Chicago San Francisce Public Utility, Munici pal and Canadian Bends are included in our July list of offer ings new available. We will be glad te tend a copy of this lilt upon request for Circular 1-311. Cern - Vest. c!ose Open IP. M J-y CIS nz HIS i .stptember 14H 4tf ni4 6ZU Decrmbcr 04' IMS it 04 H'.1', , July l :e l ir.4 i.u, i :, i Sptemlir 1 14H l.W.'SlH 1 18V, I December . . 1.1(J 1.10 (31 15t 1 yi Oats .luly . Sit. S4-, 34i, SepieTUr 374 37M, 9 37S :)7' Unemliei .. 4'j'i 404 40i4 , H 1 Juv . . . 84 I lird .1 i.n in Oil 11 Oft 10 07 September 11 l'J 11 '.': 1i 1 1 2.' Junuar 10 01) ... COTTON MARKET New YerU, July V2. A mere cheerful view of European conditions promoted by relatively steady Liverpool cables nnd ' the better tone of foreign exchange rates appealed largely responsible for 1111 nrly improvement in the cotton mar ket today. The opening wns S points lower en July, but generally 1 te H points higher, with new crop positions seen showing net ndvnnces ()f 8 te 10 pelnis ru covering and Liverpool and I local buying iTespecls for mere or i 1 less general showers In the Seuth prob ably contributed te the ndvntice by in (rensing nervousness ever the bell weevil I situation, but there was scattered selling j 'en expectations of a generally fnrnble I weekly weather report. 1 Previous Cloud lit SU 'Jl.4tr7 1 S1WSL' Jl .10151! ::i.:tstH2 21.17 I Jul ,tub. 1 December Jtinuury March I Mnv Offered Open 21 si 1 no P. M 21 or. 22 2.1 21 N.-, 22 CCI 21 .'..1 21 7H 21 4H 21 '10 '20 On y BOUGHT-SOLD-QUOTED General Gat & Electric 6'i & 7'i Erie Liglitini Ce. 5'i 1967 Uaien Rjr. G11 & Elect. S't 1939 Cemtantin Refininj Ce. 8'i 1926 Tayler Wharten I. & S Celunbia Gat & Elec. Deb. 5'i 1927 larafua Sugar lit 7Vi 1937 New Yerk Steam Power 6'i 1947 Atlantic Refining Ce. 5'i 1937 Epir Ga & Fuel O'l, 7V4'i & 8'i HtaBble Oil & Ref. 5'i 1932 . Utak Power & Light Deb. 6' 2022 Uaited Gai & Electric 6'i 1945 UAND TITLE BUILDINO PHILADELPHIA' PA. Mimbere I'blladclvulu btwk xance v I 7J2'i 1946 I 1 Dlv. Bales In t 703 .. 100 100 10300 300 1100 200 44 100 400 4100 103 203 400 1700 100 2200 200 1000 700 4300 500 300 300 75 1003 900 1400 203 4B10 400 400 1430 900 400 9X 500 200 500 10 803 400 5000 8601 1200 1000 2100 100 803 2700 200 200 1200 300 203 1700 61 500 703 100 500 2C0 100 100 100 200 2300 300 2500 500 303 100 800 300 200 100 100 8100 6600 1930 2903 101 200 100 200 3030 1200 3103 100 2700 2903 700 100 6913 29D0 50 4100 100 4630 2' 200 2300 . 4600 . 1400 . 1630 . 930 . 100 . 200 500 700 100 100 933 100 100 4933 . 2633 . 200 1500 400 2500 7033 100 18000 600 100 8630 100 100 903 100 6730 103 1 22 400 103 200 1 1200 100 1103 100 300 100 100 103 203 100 100 100 100 2430 3703 930 4103 200 100 1103 100 2433 1100 600 1003 100 STOCK ltlah .. AiAic Rubber 'Svi . . Alaska Juneau O M 1 H 4 A'lietl Chem Dye. 69 4 Allls-rtialmera .... 52 ',4 7 Allls-Chalmera pf . . 974 . . Am Auric Chem.. 39 tt , . Am Acrle Chem pf 6314 3 Am Bank Nete pf . . 51 , . Am Beet Sua-nr.... 44H 4 Am B Shoe Fdy new 62 yi . Am Cnn 5414 .. Am Cotten OH 2H . . Am Dm Syn 8 V , . Am tilde & Leath pf 70J4 7 Am Ice Ill J 6 Am Ice pf 89 . . Am Internnt Cerp.. 44H 1. Am Unseed 35?4 6 Am Locomotive. . . .114J& . . Am Safety Timer.. 6H 1. Am Ship A Cem... 204 , Am Smelt 62 Vi 7 Am Smrlt Ilefinpf.. 98 12 Am Snuff 134 Ie Odd Lets 133H 3 Am Steel Foundries 37 H . . Am Siurar nf 79 VS D Am Tel & Tel 1204 . . Am Wntrwka 6 pf 42 S 7 Am Woolen 92 . . Am Writ Paper pf . 31 Vi . . Am Zinc I.d & Smelt 1814 . . Am Zinc Ld A S pf 464 . . Anaconda Ceppti . . . 524 A Asie Oil 116 fi Ateh Tep A San e101H 6 Atch Tep ft S F pf 90'4 . . Atlan Blr ft Atlantic 3H . . Atlantic Fruit 24 20 Atl Ttennlnir 1025 . . Atl Gulf & W I S 3 39 . . Aunstln Nichols ... 29 7 Baldwin LocemotlvelIGH . . Baltimore A Ohie... 52 Vi 4 Bnltl A Ohie pf.... 63 . . nnmett Leather . . 60 . Tlnrnsdalt Cass A.. 35 Bntepllan Mlnlnig... 1 B Bethlehem Steel.... 75 B Beth Steel B 77 7 Beth Steel 7T, pf . . 95 14 8 Brooklyn FxllHen. . .1084 . . Bklyn Ranld Transit 28 Ji . . Bklyn R T ctfs of db 24 V 8 Bklyn Union Oas..110H" .. BrklynUnQas rts.. 1 J4 De Odd LetB 1 H 5 Burns Bres I32 2 Bums Bres B .... 45 .. Butte Cep A Zinc. 7 .. Buttn A Sup Cep.. 294 .. Butterlek Ce 23 .. Cndde Cen O A II.. 13 .. California retro).. . 64 7 California Pet Pf .. 96 V .. Cnl Zinc A Lead.. 814 10 Canadian raclflc ..140V4 . . Pnse J I Plew 64 .. Centrnt Leather ..404 .. Central Leather pf 734 .. Cerre-de-Pasco .... 3614 6 Chandler Meters ..704 4 Chesapeake ft Ohie. . 68 J4 .. ChlcnKe A Alten .. 10 !4 . . Chi A E III (new) pf 56 .. Chicago A Or West 914 . . Chi ft Gr West pf 21 M .. Chi Mil A St P ... 29H .. Chi M A St P pf... 5' 6 Chi ft Northwestern 77 H . Chi H I ft Pac 44 54 7 Chi RI ft Pac 7Te pf 934 7 Chi St P M A O pt 98 '4 .. Chile Copper 224 .. Chlne Copper 30 2 Clev Cln Chi ft S L 76 'A B Clev Cln C A S L pf 96 4 Ceca. Ce'a 72 Vi .. Cole Fuel A Iren.. 31 V4 C Celum Gas A Elcc. 89 Vi .. Celum Graphophene 4J4 . . Cel Graphophene. pf 1 8 Vt C Cemput Tab Rec... 65 7 Consolidated Ca..121v4 .. Consel Textiles.... 114 6 Oent Insurance.... 81 4 Tern Products Ref. 1054 7 Cem Pred Ref pf.116 Cosden A CO e?t 7 Cosden A Ce pf. . . 96 . Crucible Steel 754 . Cuban Am Sugar... 24 54 . Cuba Cane Sugar.. 16'i . Cuba Cnne Surar pf 364 . Davisen .Chemical.. 464 Debeers C Mln Ltd 21 Vi 6 Del Lack A West.. 1 29 '4 2 Dem Mines 30 U 8 Du Pent(E 1) C0..I43J4 n Du Pent 0 deb pi 82 6 Eastman Kodak new 73 3 Elec Storage Bat... 45 H B Endlcott-.Iehnson . . 81 J4 7 Endlcott-Jehnson pf 1 1 1 Erin 17 H . Erie 1st pf 's' Erle 2il Pf 186 8 Famous Players L. e3 8 Famous Players pf 954 . Flsk Rubber 16 Freepnrt Texas ... 23 V 3 Gen Am Tank Car. 59 J4 Genera,. Asphalt... 704 B General Aiphalt pt106J4 8 Oener.il Electric. .. .168 General Meters 14J4 C Gen MoterH deb 6"i 81 14 . Goedrich B F 394 7 Great Northern pf . 80 J4 4 Great North Ore aub 40. Gulf States Steel... 854 7 Gulf State Stl Ut pf 99 De Odd I.ets.. . 100 ,. Htndee Mfg 24 54 3 Heme staid' M.nlng. 71 Housten Oil 77 J4 2 Hudsen M Car 2314 1 Hupp Motorcar 19 Hydraulic Steel.... 10 Vs 7 Illinois Ctntral. ...106 14 , . Illinois pf wl 1094 , . Indian Refining- 9 lud.nhema Ref... . 414 , . Inspiration Cen Cep 41 , . Intv Cen Cep .... 1 Vi inter Cen Cerp pf 3 Inter Rapid 2914 2 Interr.at Cem Enc 234 t Int Harvester new.. 100 J4 . . Int Mer Marine... 19 6 Int Mer Marine pf . . 76 . . International Nickel 174 . . International Paper 5314 . . Invincible OH Cerp. 144 . . lien I'roduets 34 J4 . . lEland Oil T4 . . Jewel Tea 18 . . Kansas a Gulf. ... 44 .. Kan City Southern 25 . . Kayser Ce new.... 4314 . Kelly-SpK Tire 49 6 Kelsey Wheel 95 Vi Lew 15 1 69 5014 97 38 H 63!4j 51 444 61 4 53 J4 i6H 5V4 70 H 110 89 43 V4 35V4 11314 6 19V4 62 97V4 134 133J4 37 79 120H 4214 90 31 IB 45 524 1144 101 90 314 24 1025 38 !4 28 K 115'4 51 14 624 58 33 H 1 75 77 95 !4 108 28 2414 109U 14 14 13014 4414 7 29 23 13 64 96 i 814 139'4 614 39 '4 73 Vi 36 V4 704 68 104 554 914 ?.14 28 43V4 7614 434 934 97 224 30 74 94 714 31 VS 8714 44 17V4 65 1194 11 81 104V4 116 48 96 73 23 V4 16 36 45 V4 21V4 129V4 30 142 82 73 44 H 81 V4 111 164 24 1814 82 V4 95 V4 154 23 5914 684 106 168 14V4 81 V4 39 4 80 14 40 834 99 100 24 71 774 23 1914 1 0 ' 10614 1094 9 414 41 Hi 31. 2914 234 100JJ 184 74 14 17 524 144 34 14 4 18 44 2514 42 tj 48 H 95 Vj 1:3ft r. if. Net Chae. 15 1H 69 39H 63 4 51 44H 62V4 4 54 14 26H 5V4 70J4 110 -69 44 f 35J4 1 1 4 14 644 204 62 97J4 134 133H 37 79V4 1204-1-4214 914 31 V4 18V4 1 14 14 Vi 2 14 H T4 IK VS H 14 'h 14 14 74 in ' 4 VS 14 V4 V4 VS ivs 1 464 52J4f 116 101 Va 90VJ 3V4- 2H . 1025 39 284 1I6V4 51J4 63 -60 334- 1 - 75 -- 774 9514- 108- 2814 24 Vi -1- 110U 1J4 14 13014- 44 VS 7 29 -23 -13 64 96 Vi 814 I40V4 64 39T4 734 36 V4 704 68V4-f 10V4 55 4 914 214 9 -r 45 -r 77H-f 44 934 97 224 30 -76 14 954 7214 31 14 4J4 1814 65 - 121 11 81 104 VS- 116 4 48 96 75 14 K 1614 . 36H 46 -f 21 14 12914 30 H -5- 142 82 4 73 45M 81 !4 . 111 1714 25 184 82 H 954 16 10774 168 144 81 Vi 40 85 i 99 100 24 71 77 Vj 2314t 19J4 10 V4- 1 06 '4 - 1094 9 414 41 Hi 3- 29 14 23H- 100J4 17H 52J4 r 14 34 14 J4 18 4. 4!4 2514 43 48?. 95 li 24 H 4 V4 H V4 Dlv. In I STOCK Hltli ., Kennecett Copper,. 3514 .. Keystone T A R... 1614 7 Kresge H S 13BH ., Lackawanna Steel.. 76 . , Laclede Gas of St L 79 .. Lake Erie A West.. 32 VS 2 Lee Rubber 29 Vi 1100 3i Lehigh Valley 65 703 7 ,mi Locemot v..,ioeh ,. Lemw'i Inc 1514 12 Lerlllard (Pierre).. 1 53 J4 7 Louisville A Naih.,131 6 Mackay Ce 105 .. Mack Truck 554 .. Malllnsen Ce . 35 VS 7 Malllnsen Ce pf.... 92 V4 .. Manatl Sugar 47 W 7 Manhat Kiev Guar.. 46(4 .. Manhat Kle ct 46 Vi . . Market St Rwy pf . . 32 .. Marland Oil 43 2 Martin Parry 31 JS .. Max Moter Class A'66?4 .. Max Moter Class B 23 12 Mexican Petroleum. 166 VS Z iMI Am I Copper 29 Hates 2030 1030 900 900 100 200 .00 800 100 100 900 1300 6103 100 200 100 600 100 ! 2600 300 100 200 17100 100 n vs 1V4 4 2 H V4 14 V. 1 VS 4 VS 1 1 !4 Vi Vi ' VS Vi ' H !i V4 Vi 14 14 1 V H "vs 2V4 31i 14 1 14 1 V4 U4 Vi M 14 Ui 114 !H! Vi 14 I w 14 2 1 Vi 14! i 14 I li Vi 14 ''4 4 M " 114 H 14 600 1.20 Middle States Cerp.. 1374 2500 ,. Mldvale Steal 33 H 203 .. de Cash 35 3003 .. Mln ft St Leuis.... 12 Vi 100 .Me Kan A Tex (wl) 18 100 .. Me Kan A T (wl) pt 4014 2000 .. Missouri Pacific... 23 V4 1200 .. Me Pacific pt 564 1400 .. Montgomery Ward. 23 Vi 100 .. Mulllns Bedy 26 Vi 103 7 Nnt Biscuit. . 146 1200 .. Nat En A Stamp... 544 700 6 National Lead 103 103 .. Nat R R of M 2d pf 5 1200 .. Nev Cen Copper.... 16V4 200 6 N O Tex A Mex.... 67 6500 b N Y Central ,96 VS 3330 . . NcW Yerk N H A H 31 4 403 7 Norfolk ft Western. 110 100 E North American.... 64 100 .. North American rt 8VS 1200 s Northern Pacific... 77 VS 100 .. Neva Scotia S A C. 31 200 l Nunally Ce 8V4 400 .. Okln Pred A Ref... 314 100 .. Orpheum Circuit... 18 100 8 Otis Elevator 131 100 2 Owens Bet Maim..'. 35 V4 100 .. .Pacific Devel Cerp,. 6 100 .. pacific Mall '. . . 15 5200 3 Pacific Oil ... 57 T4 11930 pan Amer Petrel.. 74 6300 6 Pan Amer B 68 7700 2 Pennryhanla R R. 44 V4 2030 .. Penn Seaboard Steel 9 1200 5 Peeples Gas Chicago 84 430 .. Peoria & Eastern',. 23 1900 .. Pere Marquette.... 33 14 100 B Pere Mnrq pf 70 200 .. Pcre Marq prier pf. 77 VS 100 3 Philadelphia Ce 38 2200 2 Phillips Pet 50 100 7 Pthlllips-Jenes pf . . 92 100 .. Pierce-Arrew Met pf 37 7600 . pierce Oil 8 100 8 Pure Oil pf 48 300 .. Plggly Wlggly S ter 4214 2100 B Pitts Ceal 65V4 2200 ., Pitts ft W Va 3BJ4 200 It, p0nd Creek Ceal... 21 200 6 Pestum Cereal 78 V4 100 .. Pressed Steel Car.. 77 100 7 Pressed Steel Car Pf 99 1200 .. Producers A Ref... 4214 300 C Pub Ser Cor of N J 84 Vi 100 8 Pullman Ce 120 100 .. Punta Alegre Sugar 48 J4 200 2 Pure Oil 30 Vi 100 4 Railway Sec 68 300 .. Ray Cen Copper... 1614 1200 4 Readln '. . 76(4 103 2 Reading 1st pf.... 52 200 .. Remington Typew'. . 36 103 .. Replogle Steel 32 Vi 200 .. Repub Iren ft Steel 73(4 200 .. Rep Iren ft Steel pf 92 100 .. Reynolds Springs... 44V4 3200 3 Reynolds Teb B.... 46 V4 32005.20 Royal Dutch N Y.. 57 VS 2100 .. St Leuis San Fra.i. 29' 100 ..St Louts S Fran pf 51 200 .. St Leuis Southwest 30 403 .. St. L Southwest Pf.. 48 200 .. Savage Arms 13(4 803 .. Seaboard Air Line.. 7 2200 .. Scab Air Line pf... 13(4 2703 .. Sears-Roebuck 79 Vi 200 . . Seneca Cenner .... 1 3 Vi 200 .. Slesa-Shcfflcld 47 J4 30303 2 Sinclair Consel.- 33 3103 6 Southern Pacific.... 90 J4 2600 .. Southern Rail 25 200 .. Southern Rail pr. . . 57 VS 100 .. Spicer Mfg Ce 19 3030 4 Standard Oil of Cal109 400 B Standard Oil of N J1E5 500 7 Stand Oil of N J pf!16J4 500 2H Sterling Products.. 54 100 3 Stewart Warner Spd 44 100 .. Stromberg Carb... 47 17000 7 Studebaker 136 203 .. Sub Beat Cerp.... 7J4 1400 .. Superior Oil 7 2703 3 Texas Ce 47 14 500 4 Texas Gulf Sulph 46 J4 2100 .. Texas A Pacific... 30 1303 1 Texas A Pac C A O 28 100 .. Tidewater Oil 126 600 6 Tobacco Products.. 79 200 . . Tel St L ft W ctfs B 52(4 7100 .. Transcontinental Oil 16(4 700 .. Union Oil 22 !4 1100 10 Union Pacific 14214 1500 .. United Retail Stores. 68(4 1500 . . 17 S C I P A Fdy.. 33(4 203 ..US Feed Products . 7(4 4700 ,. U S Ind Alcohol... 58 100 7 U S Ind Alcohol pf 92(4 100 ..US Realty A Imp.. 68 2030 ..US Rubber 63 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New YerU. July It'. There did net appear te be much enthusiasm at the opening of the coffee futures market teda. . I erhups the inaction was due in a measure te a peer showing of the official cables from llrnzil. Opening .., prices were unchanged te n decline of LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS four points. ' Kurt llun-le. July 12. CATn.E 1U- There was no fresh development in ""Ipti, r.e beud Steady Calves, receipts, the luftil innrket lute in the forenoon. ,- -lliTThMre n A special UK) cubit) reported futureH liuhi geed steady te 10c luwer, heay there ''." te 7." rels lower. Uie e- 1 1 1 " l J -.j mUed, $11 80 l change l-lfid higher urid the dollar I J'1,,. r."i,?,",;...kK".l.0.rki!ittS.' i ate unchanged, llrnzlllnn shippers lire I slllJKP AND i.a.mbs Kec-ipu. 200 head net showing much nnxicty r make sales inu'. ' "isner ill the cost nnd freight market, offerings I ...,. ,lllv living er llgni. 1 men head Hlcher. Heavies. fll.nu&U. 40. i sitvi,, .hi..,, inir i,,.i,., in u. Open , r,Vy workers. It'ht yerliers nnd rUs, $11 0 . .,,""? JrA ", """ i"'"' K", 200 3V4 I S Smelt R A M pf 47 11830 BUS Steel 101 (4 200 7 U S Steel pf 121(4 1500 2 Utah Copper 64 1600 .. Vanadium Cerp.... 4714 100 .. Va-Cnr Chemical... 3014 1100 .. Vu-Car Chemical pf 66 ' 4600 .. Wabash 13 Vi 4500 .. Wabash pf A 32 200 1 Weber & Uellbrener 12 100 7 Western Elec pf ...109 400 .. Western Maryland. 12 200 . Western Puclfle. . . 18 203 C Western Pacific pf. 60 1000 7 Western Union Tel 99 3400 4 We.stlngheusclEftM. 60 1100 .. Wick Spenc St Cerp 16 303 .. Wheeling ALE.... 14 103 .. Wheeling A L 13 pf . 26 300 2 White Eagle Oil 27 600 4 White Moter 49(4 -00 .. White Oil Cerp.... 914 100 .. Willys Overland.... 814 433 . Willys Overland pf. 44 103 8 Woolworth F W. ... 164 (4 600 4 Werth Pump ft ta. 51 100 6 Werth Pump B.... 74(4 100 1 Wright Aero 014 Lew 35(4 15 135(4 76 79 32 VS 29(4 64 105 13(4 153J4 131 103 54(4 33 92 V4 47 46(4 46 32 42 31(4 66 23 163 29 13 35 35 11 18 40 Vi 22(4 53 Vi 23 26 Vi 146 53 102VS 5 16(S 67 95 VS 30 109 64 8(4 77(4 31 8(4 3 18 131 35(4 6 15 57(4 72 66 43 8 83 2314 32 70 77 38 49 92 37 8 48 42 64 38H 21 78 77 99 41(4 84 120 48 30(4 68 16 75 52 36 32 Vi 72 92 44 46 Vi 56 28(4 51 29 47 13(4 7 12 77 VS 13 47 32 89 24 57 (S 19 107(4 ie4 116Vi 53 44 47 13514 7 7 46 46 29 27 126 79 52(4 15(4 22 141 67 32 714 56 92 li 68 61 47 10014 121 Vi 64(4 4614 30(4 65 12 32 12 109 12 18 59(i 98 59 16 13 26 27 49 94 8(4 43 ,64 50 74VS 8(4 (4 1 14 214 (4 l:.in Net 1. if. case. 33 IS 13BH 3 76- VS 79 VS 32V4-T 29V4 Vi 65 1V4 106(4 2(4 15V4 14 153 H 131 105 3 55 1 33V4 1 92 VS-47-46 VS 46Vi 32 -43Vi 31VS 66 23 164V4 29 13 33 35 12 18 40 Vi 23V4 56 23Vi 26 V4 146 - 54 102 VS 16V4 67 - 96 , 30 110 -64 8VS 77 31 8VS- 3V4- 18 131 - 33 VS- 6 13 57VS 73 67 1 44V4 6 84 23 32 70 77VS 38 50 92 37 8VS 48 42 64 38 21 78V4 77 99 -42 84 120 48 16 76 52 36 -32 73 92 29 51 30 48 13 7 13 78 13 47 33 90 25 57(4 19 - 108 li 164 U6 532- 44 47 136 7 7 46 -46 30 28 f 126 79 68 r 32 7 58 924 68 63 47 - 100 LOCAL MOVEMENT E MO IRREGULAR Standard Steel Ce., Owned by Baldwin Locomotive, De clares Stock Dividend 4 "(4 1 " Vi "(4 3V4 !S 1 1 i 114 1 V4 Vi 1 " VS Vi " IS 154 114 " i " . i V4 1 1 Vi 1 i i v i (i Hi VS (4 Vi 1(4 There wan unusual Irregularity in price movement In the local market con sidering curtailment of operations. At the fame time the mnrket was fairly bread, or at least the dealings were un commonly varied. This wns partly due te generous lhflux' of orders In the mi railed New Yerk stocks. The market, however, for the local stocks suffered in consequence nnd was mere or less nar row. This accounted for the recessions sustained by fcemc of the mere popular Issues. The General Asphalt shares continued te held the limelight, ecerlng further substantial advances and enrrying both stocks' te new high levels for the year. The movement lacked local coloring, but considerable part of the trading from all reports emanated from this city. Direct explanation for the movement wns still larking and upon close an alysis had all the fingerprints of adroit peel manipulation. The spectacle of the fast -mounting prices, together with the confident predictions of much higher prices nnd 'the chances of the shares being made the speculative lenders of the oil group was tee much temptation for the speculative contingent te resin. One of the mere conspicuous out standing features of the lernl list was the renewed heaviness of P. R, T., which under pressure dipped below 33 te 32-1,. The selling had all ltica ltica tlens of liquidation of a stale or tired speculative ncceunt. Nene of the un derlying shnres was affected. Mixed movement prevailed In the ether utili ties. Philadelphia Electric shnres nnd I. O. I. remained firm. On the ether hand, Philadelphia nnd Western en light offerings dropped back te OVi. or 4 under tnc previous snle. lerk Hall ways common was up n point le 28. Pennsylvania Rnilrend wns firm nnd In fairly active demand nbeve 44. Klee trie Sternge llattery continued te creep up, reaching 45',i. American Stores, en the ether hand, cave around, vleld- Ing te II8V11. t'nlted Unllrends of New Jersey mnde a new high record nt 200, while Vet Jersey and .Seashore sur rendered Ji point of jesterdny's ad vance. Lake Superior had support at 10. Keystone Watch Case wns off 4 points from the previous sale en nn odd-let transaction. The Street wns somewhat surprised in the anueuncement of the declaration of 100 per cent stock dividend bv the Standard Steel Works Company, nil of which tock Is owned bv the Baldwin I.ocemotivo WerkB. The company will Increase its capital stork from $3,000. 000 te $0,000,000. According te the Inst annual report the company ut the close of 1021 had n surplus of S5.044, i'OS, which will be reduced te $2,044. CC5 by the stock dividend, while capital account will be Increased in like pro portion. The balance sheet showed plant nnd equipment valued nt $0,458, 071, while capital stock was $3,000,000 nnd bendi outstanding $2,200,000. It is understood the Increase in capitnl was made te mnke it mere fully represent the value of property. Gress earnings of the Keystone Tele phone Company fell off $7"40 during June and net earning were $1028 smaller. Fer the first half of the year gross was $42.18!) less than the corre sponding period of last year, but with u reduction of $100,104 in operating expenses, the net earnings were $37, 11(13 larger and after interest rharges the balance showed a gain of $41,232. v. $100,000 Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Rwy. Ce. Sy2 Per Cent. Twe Year Geld Netei Dated June 28, 1922 Du June 28, 1924 Interest June 28 and December 28 Net callable before maturity Theie notes are the direct obligation of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company, which owns ever 3,305 miles of railway, extending east and west from Min neapolis and St. Paul, giving these cities outlets te the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts in connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway, which controls the company by ownership of a majority of each class of stock. The "Soe" Railway Company in addi addi tien controls the Wisconsin Central Railway of 1,023 miles as a division into Chicago. The company has outstanding $12,603,400 preferred and $25,206,800 common stock. Dividends en both issues of capi. tal stock have been paid in each year since 1903. PRICE: 100 and Interest Te Net Blz Per Cent. Biddle & Henry 104 Seuth Fifth Street The Information and itattstlei contained herein have been obtained from sources which we believe te be reliable. Philadelphia Stocks 121 644-5-47 30 14 -65(4-13 T 32 12 . 109 -12, 18 60 99, 60 16 14 26 27 49 li -r 94 8V4 44 1 64 14 51 74V4 U (4 1 (4 Vi 1 Vi ' 14 Vi 14 1(4 1 Vs ' H 2(4 Itlih 100 Am Rtrs..llll lOtAm Weel 0iy8 100tn & O.. 01 Vj 23tChes & (). 08 lOtCM&StP 28 00t de pref. . 45 lOtChi RI& P 7 p c pf 04 OOfCub C Sti lOVs 330 Klee Ster. 43" 30 Gen Asph 011 00 de p ref.. 100 20tGcn Mtr. 14 lOOfGt North pref 80"s lOtllend Mfg 21 ft 10 Keystone Watchese 01 100 Lake Sup 10 70 I.eh Nnv.. 74 100 I,eh Vnl.. 03 lOOt.Mldvnle. . 30 lOOtNerth Pnc 77 20tPnn-APet 73M. 834 PennnllR 444 20Penna Salt 73 lOPhl'a Ce cum pf.. 30 81 Philn Elec 211 173 de pref. . 30 080 Philn tt T 33Vs lOOPhlla&W OVi OOtPitts Ceal 04 OOHadie Cor 4'e ..A... II. ',, WTiupie mi -vi 1:16 Net Lew p. M. chte. 118V611',j n 01 01 lVj ni 08 28- H 45 lVi Te the Stockholders of Manhattan Railway Company Upwards of sixty per cent, of the outstanding shares of stock of MANHATTAN RAILWAY COMPANY have been deposited or are pledged for deposit under the Plan of Readjustment. Practical unanimity of action, however, is necessary and unless the holders of substantially all of the undepesited stock co operate in putting through the Plan by depositing their stock thereunder, the Plan will fail and a Receivership will become inevitable. It remains for every holder of undepesited Manhattan Rail way stock te decide whether te forego the advantages of the Plan of Readjustment and te embark upon the responsibilities, risks and expense consequent upon a rejection of the Plan. Non Nen Non acteon by any stockholder is equivalent te a vote for rejection, inasmuch as a positive assent through a deposit of stock will be needed te make the Plan effective. At the request of a number of stockholders absent from the country, the Committee has extended te and including JULY 25, 1922, the time within which further deposits may be made. We cannot urge upon you tee strongly the great importance, in your own interest, of depositing your stock at once with The Equitable Trust Company of New Yerk, 37 Wall Street, New Yerk City. Dated: New Yerk, July 6, 1922. MANHATTAN RAILWAY COMPANY STOCKHOLDERS PROTECTIVE COMMITTEE. LYMAN TIHOADES, Secretary, 37 Wall Street, New Yerk. MURRAY, PRENTICE & ALDRICH, Counsel, 37 Wall Street, New Yerk. THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OK NEW YORK, Depositary, 37 Wall Street. New Yerk, ALVIN W. KRECH. Chairman, LEWIS L. CLARKE. BERTRAM CUTLER, ALFRED 9K1TT, FREDERICK STRAUSS. THOMAS H. WEST, JR. 01 i 118 22 45 04 10 44 Vj 0!) 100 14 80 24 01 10 74 05 35 77 72 44 73 '2 .10 20 30 32-1i Mi C4 4Vj 32 V, 04 10 45 Ml 00l 100 4 H M 80- 24 Vj H Va M 10 74 Ixl '2 35- 77 73 l 444 73 Mi.. 30 .. 20- 30 3B?i 0'4- ! 4V2.. 32 '4 i 7.1 1 74 THE DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF THE THOMAS DEVLIN MANUFACTURING CO. DESIRE TO RECORD THEIR GRIEF ON THE DEATH OF THE FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF THEIR COMPANY MR. THOMAS DEVLIN BORN MARCH 30, 1838 William J. Devlin Wilsen Prlchett UUhard Mett Jehn Cenner H. G. Vetterleln DIED JUNE 23, 1922 R. Livingston Sullivan Gee. C. Qraeber L. J. McCrath 1, ii verkf rH. Pitt. !'. Lambs, $40 ID FOREIGN EXCHANGE I DIVIDENDS DECLARED New YerU, duly 12. Opening quo-1 Burna Ilrethers. quarterly ss.ne en A . . . , t, , . ""cl Bnl 80 cmts en II. both nivatilii Au. tatiens en foreign exchange this morning itueit 15 te utecli of record aukuI" 1 Kheued practically all the rates well La?LlV.nXu0,.?tonc,i(anerr,e-ril7J5ufyn,,S' adumced above last night's close. eSKnJ'd'ieiSrft "Tu.'nu??."'.' ? Sterling cables were 4.44. demand j J"."- pvi: July -'5 10 mock ofreceru J.-J'l'i; franc caDlCH H.l-iVfc, checks , National lilacult Company, renularlv .-. rIV Ij IWI full nn fAmm.... j ' . 8.13: Uelffian cnbles 7.75 '-b, chucks uean Receipts. 1 7.74 Vi ; lire cables 4.01 Va. cheeks 4.01 ; July Hl)lemt)r Dfcerrnber Mrircti . . ilay .. . Yl"U i lone 0.!3 U 311 57 O.Sltf.VJ U 49tf.Vl 0 44(4 411 b w:n ti.i'ihH ! W 4SV30 nt 1 1 nn HlinEI' AND t.AMUS HccMlita, 300 head. ut.nrfL Uh..n. 17. R0. Inmhi 114. !'1l1?' CAl.VK.S rtecelpm, 100 head. Higher. 'Tep, 1-'. U.S. Certificates and Treasury Notes, rolleulnr Are the cleu nir DrlreH. hi,l unrf ntki-'l lu th own iiiiirket. for I'r.'.tcil Stji.-x Raw Sugar Market New Yerk. July Vi The row auaar mar ket na tulny active itnd arm with ( uha seta cables 10.09, checks 15.07; Dunibh cables 21.55, checks 21.00; Norway ca- Dies lti.w, enccks I0.J1S; Swedish ca bles 23.00. checks 25.85; guilder ca ; bles 38.70, checks 38.70; marks ! ,S2Va. I At mid-forenoon the foreign exchange marxet wan steady, with francs the i alriAlf of record September HO nnd preferred dv. able Ausu.t 81 te ,tock of r?cerd AurJM I? aillette Safety lUzer CemnanV. stock dlv . dend of 0 per rent, pnyntile December 1 te Meck .of record NevlitiIm.p i nii ....... i i . . ... . . . , . . ! riifi.nni li.uii, ' "" for Juir "hipment uueted at utic. cei una main feature nnti tnc issue in winch me umereni ii.uea. fielnht find for Auiuit ihlpment ntJSr te UrDHtMt. ninniinr nt himlnpvi, n-nu irnnu. '".Vi ... Di''. ,ff,, ,'r' Y,"SS I frtclufd" e "m icrS t'uba"fernjuiv and i acted. Otherwise butlnes was vcryl '.ft 5eE ' ?"" ieSn'-la ?wi: 3 Aueu't -uipment atSHc. ce.t nd freight, dull. Sterling cables 4.44, demand I I54 ?ict,,M life' .' B' ie.3.' i . ', ' Ve ,0el KftiSin- nferU aPrcr,JUTl-narr iai'S ' --'i : franc cables 8.18. checks 8.17 ; 1 J ii Se'ufe3' W : ??' e T" AVr'i'vX" d7 r 'tta'y'ffi: $ !.77, check 38,72, and n.arks, I '.? ne V(.?m !,., !'? ??1 1 1 uded27000 bans of Cuba te the Warner -"i- , II J'sm, s.St' 104 ie"ia.'i iV'V.I'kus" Kennina company, lu.oeo i,aj u ths Central Kurepcan exchanges were ir- II t.5e Si.Pii.,BiM6 " i!iiM nfi!:'; 4iTl',,"na1' un,f ''"0,J """" cenB,'l ,0 ,h-. regular. Quotations were: Kumanlan. III ill lie,- in-jR mnU umi. , S trade. . . . m , r.;u . iii,i 7.1. A. .....I,... niiin.l uuarterly caah 13, panbl September 1 te Heck of record Auguit 1. Reserve Bank' Discount Rates Official rediscount rates nt the twelve Kd eral Jteaerve llanli aru ui fellow. Hntten New Yerk Philadelphia . t'levelurd . . . Illehm'nd Atlanta Chicago , Hi. l.euii , . . Minneapolis Kansas City . Dallas . , Hun Kranclsve Truis. ctfs, 4 4 ,. 414 ::Jl . if ... n . 5 . 4 l.lh, Bends 4 ! S r. 4 ''urn I I)kr luper Atcept, 4 4 44 .1 4 4 4 4H 4" 44 s1 A S 4 -. ",,;,,, ,; : ,:.. . !- The local rennen niarai-i was nrm ana 1 ;" '4 , ,..... .i.,, .,., , 4uc,,iiii, ,mn- frem-Kederai JerS. "t'nce'm". f.S fcT " SVl'cn?Bfelrn,.f.Ba.ra " , !!l,?1!l!,,l.r,iI,,,1,i,l,'.-J!S18;. abl.. for pavment of Income tas u euc' B . '"" 1.1H; .Iliue-Slnvinn, .208; Czecho- 14 March . j-;sempt TAccem, due en date of muturltj. 5ff The National Bank My, , ' lauwwpwR.. -. . wmfnm? Orien Petroleum Company I.erulen, July 12. A dispatch from Am sterdam 10 Uh I'eit today said thnt the Orien I'etreleum Company had concluded J areemnttp.- cloi-NjctfVeperatlon with tba .Hheenlx OIK iiul..' ' kanert.. Cimnnnv. 1-t". fit. t.qnden- "Ikullah group haa MONEY-LENDING RATES I'HlIADKl.l'HIA Call. 4Vs per rent, time, iU In 4H per cnt, commercial paper. tlrie tu six months, 4Vi te 4H per cent. Londen Metal Market Modea. July 13. Standard cpnper, s- futures, jes iTO Si; futures futurea, 2 3s M, !0 Ss- futures. (63 13s Cd, L'lectrefl spot, tit) 0.1; futures, tu ins. liM jes; futures 12s ts Bd. Tin. (it Mae. s2 Slevaklan. 2.233; (3rcek,"2.00, and Fin nish, ,i'. The rate of premium at Montreal to day en New Yerk funds was 1 3-10 per rent. The rale of discount in New Jerk today en Canadian fund wn 1 0-82 per rrnt, ' t TODAY'S OPBNINO QUOTATION!!,! - -Bterlln Francs M "mm ,,,,. . .is1 CHICAGOBUTTER AND EGGS 'ttt m ijs, Tula In. lif t 'nseit i ...,".?.'. ".V. '.'". n'Ji'f; """'I creum- v. vA.in. .M.k, i,i,, a.iiutc: seconds (fl.-llc; standards, a:, " "' ' SJiHP1.?1.":?' receipts), isam rases. wu,,,, lunei j luvit .'swaici roosters, J. t '" -.,,0',1 rases. i4$c ' bro"'' RAILROAD E CANADIAN i INING8 ciiric n.v.r. I . . - MU lutiTwenuu a i ftt 20tStiidebkr.l30 133 135 1 1425 Tone Bel. 1 1 I'i-. lOtL'nlenl'ac.142 142 142 10 1'nienTrac 40 40 40 . . 330 V O I . . . . 02Vj 52 Vi 52 . . 711 de pref.. 04 54 54 .. 25 I' Ces N.T.200 2(K) 200 -rl 100 V 8 Stecl.101 101 101 1 800t West Pac 18 18 18 400t de pref.. 50 00 00 10W .Ter&H. 37 37 37 u, 00 Yerk Itwy 2S 28 2S -1 tNet chnnue made bv comparison with last ua;e en mw iota bieik uicnange. I'lIIIwVDKLrillA IIONDS 2000 Liberty 1st 4Vi '47 reg.100.12 1000 Liberty 3d 4V4s '28 rcg. 110.1(2 10000 Liberty 4th 4'4S '38. .. .100.38 lOtX) Liberty 4th 44s '38 reg.100.10 0000 Victory 4s '23 reg 100.32 i 2000 Klectrlc & Tee Tr 4s. , 1000 Lehigh Nnv eons iV-i 0000 I'hila Ce cons 0s OO0OP,hlla Klectric 1st 5s.. 4000Phllu K'ectrlcOVjs..-, 4000 Philn Klectrlc 0s 07 lir.Vi 80 Wl KM) 100 Liverpool Cotten I.ltrrpoel, Julv 12 There ua a fair de. Asiets Over $69,000,000 Net Earnings 5,896,348 Interest Charges 687,989 are the figures reported in the annual statement of the UNITED FUEL GAS COMPANY Net Earnings are ever 8 times bend interest. Assets are ever 4Js times the amount of bends. We are efFerinp: the first mortgage Oft bends of this Company, at 98V and interest, yielding 6.159c. They are listed en the New Yerk Stock Exchange and the Company refunds the four mill personal prop erty tax te holders in Pennsylvania. Descriptive circuler upon request tolMeuf obligation, of course A. B. LEACH & CO., Inc. 115 Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia Bell Phene, Lembard 0557 maud for ipet cotton today nnd prices were steady en u busts of ID 33d for mlddllnu. or T points higher. There were no receipts The sales were S000 bales, l-'utures were iiulet. Bpet prices were: American middling fair, 14 7Hdi geed middling. 13.73d; fully middling. ) 4bd middling. 111. DIM. low mid dling, I'JSNd, geed ordinary, 12,03d, ordi nary, 11.03d. i'r g? ... 2K- J5W2J .'Jffrffi' WtiW II1W1V '.loi.epi Northwestern Equipments Washington. July 12 The Chlcaun .n,i North Western Hallreud received tlnal u-' therlty from the Interstate (Jommene Cem-1 mission today te ke fnrw.inf with the sale of fS, 250,000 In eaulpirent trust ifrtlflcatcs The return from the certificates will , n..j ter the purchase of new equipment, Geld Arrivals New Yerk, July 12 Oeld bars, valued at !2,e00.000 arilved here nn the stcamkhlD Olsniple today, consigned te Kuhn, Leeb i Ce. making a tetul of 124,03(1,01)0 cold im. ported from I.ondenby the nrm slnce tha first of the ear. The metal Is venerted Inte currency and used for the balancing of trade ucteunts In th.'s country. The O ymplc also brought geld uu,d nt 2.r.OO,Oe6, consigned le J. I. Morgan Ce Anether consignment of eighty-si boxes of geld Ter Ihe Morgan nrm Is en the Adriatic which eallec) Hnturduy from li.verpcel. "!'BAR rh.VIrl'-t V 1 .ssU lea. July 1S.--M ! Us WE OWN AND OFFER $75,000 GENERAL REFRACTORIES CO. FIRST MORTGAGE SERIAL 6s DUE 1928-1929-1931 FREE OF PENNSYLVANIA STATE TAX Rated by Meedy AA There arc outstanding $775,000 of these bends against assets of $8,000,000. Earnings I919Z12 tieB Inlre8t Cha,rcs 1920 7 " Price te yield G.S07e SCHIBENER.BOENNING & Ce. ,s- , . Invennt Bends . 161? Walnut Street Philadetehia Member PhUatleljthia Stock Exchange f eteysifT'i tlell, Tiriist .n-e',?'.1 m A!JLA!AJLJLJLAA I .vi ilYJ" i."irf. w ,.,.,.. .: ,t,tv M A muwi'ii r2rl. V