SBS-WiSS f hwii, ,; i,, . w 3i5itf ' 1 hi B , ."? fcrakr MT" 8 KtA , S v . . t&rrcvi B'iit for iw fl mt & ,- li ft 1 f I IM'l iC u i II II 1 Et c ti x w iv. m- Uncommon Sense Pity Ignorant Old Age By JOHN BLAKE l:"ni fritn ,. Itrnnrnnce Is merely 'J, X tiAnmfnrfnlili. nnd embarrassing. Fp&HT Te the old It Is a trngedy. ms man or weimm " live without books nnd without rcflcc rcflcc tlen and have n reasonably enjoyable time. PROSrEniTY as n rule Is out or iuc nucstien, for the world Is mere nud ...... .i.mnn.iitiir tmlnrd minds, and rc fuslnf? te pay geed wages te untrained ones. n.. vMi vnnili nnd health there ars ways in pass the time that make life tolerable. Tm nnv nmnsmient nark the lgne rant, ns well aH the educated, will be found en Sundays nnd holidays, an etiinrr nlmiit nn cnuul amount of fun out of the devices provided for their .entertainment. THE joy of love-making, of eating, of fishing nnd going te -ball games, 1 ...nM.iAHi.w. tliPMiinl, intntunr weeds. nnd bathing in the lake or the ocean Is n joy tunc nees uei rniuuu -'--i' thought. , , , Tliat is a wisp proviso of prevl-.,-. it nil Ilu wnpM worn Ktpened In continual gloom civilization would make no progress ni nn. BUT youth does net hist forever, which is n difficult thing for youth And in the evening of life, when the nrdinnrv pleasures have Iet their saver. .1 '... 1...... ntiil hnmhpr nml lne- notenouH days for man or woman wlie has nemine 10 mini; i ; n uimy' Btandlng of books, and no npprecM' tinn nt nrt or tlic fme things of life This writer knows a man of pact eighty, unnblc te leave Ills lieusc be cause or 111 neniiii who bci mum n-.i pleasure out of ins doeus and 111s cm cm tcmplntlen of the world than the nuar- Island of a Sunday get out of all the pleasure macninery in mm lumuua i- sort. LITE for him Is n continual happl na Viprmisp lip Is nn educated man T)..t ... .U Irtiinrnn. nlil ni'UfV JJUl HI lilU ij4ii"i.nw '. .'.- - is sixteen or twenty mere hours of dull mfinnfmiv. te lip lived thretich somehow till death comes ns a releusp. And there Is nothing se tragic as monotony. The veuth who n'fm-cs education may net miss it ns much In his lusty years as his elders predict, but he will be sentencing hims-clf te a very dull prison from fifty en t the end of his years. Oetifrtnh:, I3?J, tu rublle Ledetr Company Everything About Cuticura Seap Suggests Efficiency Sep.OlBtmnt.TlcTOi.!5e.!T"tir rMeipln addnu: I.Htlate.Mtji. July Clearance Pure Linen Knickers, jC QQ Value $8.00 Flannel Pants, tQ CJA Value $12.50... O'0" FLEMING of Londen n, 1314 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. After the hard est possible tests three large steamship lines have just decided te use KURUt This new powder that kills reaches, ants, bed bugs, fleas, theu-eand-lcggers, all insects a few minutes after they have the slightest contact with it. Drug and department stores arc selling it; in the box that pours and sifts 15c, 25c, 50c and $1.00. Darlce Products Ce., Inc. 1613 Chestnut St. . Stere Oeen 9 A. M. te 5 P. M. Thinking of furniture? These cheering 8!, your contemplatien: Furniture costs less ftV year .,mit,i te helncr twtter ndftntcd te apartnunt nouse spaces the Glmbel Stores arc foremost In furff.H lb aveidbattery troubles, get an Exide.Te cure battery trouble, bring your battery-whatever make it is -te us for repairs. T1IK KLECT11IO STOUACJi: IIATTUUY CO. EX1DE SERVICE STATION Dlrfit 1'iiiturr Ilrnnrb 671 N. Bread St. I'lione 1'epUr 3383 Mail Orders Filled fW . Stere Oeen 9 A. M. te 5 P. M. FO,P Thursdiay III ' M w I f : 111 .K.XMHSEmtaA 'V. lnveS wEtlDW V BSBSem m w w JmM . PL 5, Black Satin HaU with Seft $JJ White Facing ' r;imtwl.. French Beem, Thud User. i " -. Mil rTmirSggSvZSVih I III rf9?3c 15 i ( (kfmm. i ISSiCX All-White Horsehair Hata with particularly leveiy crowns. i y vaiucn ai -UlmMl, irl noer wiu atnw"". .. I 111 Third fleer. .s&J : I Showcase hats mostly samples and J models. Values $7 te $12 $ at GlmbcU, Rndr-te-Wcar Srctlen, Third fleer. i v ttHfi&Ziiz-) i i Gimbel Brethers MARKET t CHESTNUT a EIGHTH wirun . ii "" . t r Phii.dhia. Wedrd.y,' J-lr 12, 1B22 w . - , , .. - j t. Fc anurias. Wonderful time te gratify one's desires for pretty things for the home money buys se much in July at'Gimbels. 3RMH9VJHHB'.': White Pebble Stin with a $J bow of the Satin' 1 Glmbeli, MlUIneryX!0"'' i fleer. Black Taffeta and Black Velvet $0.5O wide droop-brim GlmtwU, French Beem, Third fleer. Arabian Turban of Seft Canna Silk- $1250 Duvetyn Glmbeli, French Roem, Third fleer. Felt ready-te-wear Sports Hata the soft kind you pull every which way. All colors except white. Value $1 Pa $3at 3U , Glmbeli. Spert Section, Third fleer. Greatest lillinery Sale in Years! Shere hats-trousseau Kiate-tmvdling hats-dress hats-plenty of all-white-plenty of all-black-plenty of embroidered hats-all the show-case hats included-every color-pretty nearly every treatment every s.ize! uaiasv-A-.a.-. Entire Millinery Section French Roem T .1. - 1X7 1A11 TJmmme Service 4 'ZTZ- -01mbel, Third fleer. Trimmed Rell-Brim Sailor of Felt and Taffeta .Glmbelt, French Beeb, Third fleer. 10.S0 Semi-trimmed hata of hair-braid and Baronet Satin. Black, brown, navy, red. Values $3 and QCc $4at GlmbeU, Flrnt "oer and Ready-te-wear Section, Third fleer. Showroom sampled and models from a high-class millinery -.maker. $7 te $J $12 values at Glmbels, Redyte-Wea -t Section, Third fleer. Garden or Flop Hats chain-body or basket-weave. Black, brown, navy, rose, sand, white, purple. Value" 7Cc $2 at ,- " u Glmbeli, First fleer and Ready-te-Wrnr Section. Third fleer. Ready-te-wear Hata of em broidered Crepe, and Taffeta. Clese-fitting dress shapes. Col Cel ors and black. Values $1 CA $4 and $5 at 1,0U Glmbeli, Flrit fleer and Reidr-te-Weir Section, Third fleer. Women's Dresses A Particularly Smart Lace Medel Combined With Georgette at $29.75 The kind of dress any woman finds endless uses for. Black and bresyn lace and Georgette, a most perfect "match." And sizes up te 48. Coel, Smart, Cotten Dresses "Spectalled" at $ 1 2.75 IncludinK perfectly stunning ves. the famous "D. & J." Enclish chenille dresses the smartest damn-day summer rtrpss thflrn is! Figured voiles. Rntrlish ratines. .KA Vinnntiflll linPTIS. Glmbcln, Sulcus of Dresi, Third fleer. ; I.ecimt AKS3 iiiBlfllUI iiiiH V (M BATTERIES Getting the Corset Shep Ready for Inventory! Certain Groups of Fine Corsets $3 Actual $4 te $10 Values Prettiest vacation brocades pink as a rose! And better yet some vacation satins. Fine pink ceutils, tee. And sizes and styles for slim sixteen up te corsets for dig nified matronly figures that re quire a somewhat firmer sup port comfortably and fashion ably given. Net every size in every style, and net many of a kind, but wonderful Values! ClmbeL Ceriet fihD, Second fleer. Indestructible Pearl Bead Necklaces, $2.45 KinS Most Stores Ask $5 Fer Delicately graduated; solid geld clasps; beautiful luster; and guaranteed net te peel. The favorite 24-inch length. Necklaces of Facet-Cut Beads, Very Special at $1M Beautiful jewel colors ruby red, amethyst and sapphire; also jet. Facet-cut like real jewels sparkling. The popu lar long chains with tassel pendants. Glmbeli. Flrt fleer. I fti $2 and $3 Hand- JpBte, m4 Made Waists mJm I AJf Ne mistake MJSw M K4Sf' V We mean $ Pffif j'Jn&Jmi-' V I Hand drawn. Sheer, AAe, beau- h-Amd Pv ' S,!A 7 VaM'M- l J tiful batiste. liancl-cmtreiciereu , friTf I t($&lml It ,f dots in some. ' Popular' vestee JLiirH; I I M n.,3 u j i mode,s Sizc8 34, 36 and 38. , Alii I Ul I -J P4tir "idll I And 1000 batiste and veilevfaists wh S J tt'A e -ry,F-' . iXteJU net hand-made; and mostly I lace- I hS J1 it jmBfiR&Trffcjh ' First and Third Floers feySweTW ilVKv vy i7:iAi. 'T.:.mA,i I4anri. kjSjfai$vm iLnW ' " ,."rI M Bir H MH mhm Htua KABAaft TI M1JJ -kVIWWI t afKM V X 1 H I ill t. YU "- WBm?.JS Made Waists at ii V- Wt E&" & ytk v.i... X n f? s k -rAs. Si V ir V-X-fN. TA I J. Jv A ki) Batistes. And some of the sweet- t A L MtK I Ti ii S't "Iv, cst d'mities without lace, but ft n, fiX I Wff'r ia hand-made, tee. Jwj rCpSTjl Jt Lri U Wli TO? $3 and $3.95 Organdie '1.. 7 I 'ItffWiV X Including Swiss - Organdie WIEEesS j J KtuLdi ArVi'V; Waists. I IM W I )lT Vk $3.95 te $5 Silk Waists f y I U) fPSn " at $2 yMmsmU &$ a u f I lcfcZ-'v Blouses and overbleuses. Crepes I i &fcy I LaJImy de Chine, Geergettes, and Mignon- MJSSs M2x . i-rr ' ettes Gimbels, First Fleer HblgwR k L ii -J . Club and Three-Piece Traveling Bags,$9.95 Meant te Bring $1535 te $17.50 But Gimbels fetched the price down took all the maker had! All of hand-bearded surface cowhide; leather-lined; fine brass hardware. 18- and 20inch sizes. Great bags, men! aimbeli, Fint fl. Tiny Felks' Rompers and Creepers, 50c Values te $1 Pink and blue linenes with "flower and wheel" embroidery hand-done en their smart white cellars pictured. And sturdy pink and blue striped ripplette trimmed with white. Ages, 1 te 4. Gimbels Babr Shep, 6eeend fleer. Fine Nainsoek Costume Slips Double-te-Hip d0 White lace and embroidery trimmed. And Fine White French-Sateen Petticoats Alse Special at Shadowpreof : Doable-te-Hip Gimbels, Second fleer. $2 MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED SAME DAY AS RECEIVED 10,000 lbs. Victory Blend Dry Roast Coffee 51bs., $1 ST. JAMES COFFEE 5000 lbs. "Pride of Philadelphia" High-grade Coffee, J1 OO 60c value, at 4 lba 1.iO TOASTED CORN FLAKES Kollegg'a Summer Breakfast Keed t'rlnp Cum Vlukes. Limit one dozen packages; ,i -dozen or ,7--c 3-iikg. lets, pkg 2 BEEF TONGUES (no waste) Alse boneless sugar cured en JlreuUfsit Huren, nt lh ii7V. FINE SALT Lenex free running flne Salt, large carton, 15c value, half-dozen or a-cnrien ieis, at carton SWIFT'S CLEANSER Bunlirlte household 'leunver, dozen, halt-dozen or 3-packuge fi-. lets, nt package J2 Table dozen, 10c pnni?. rnreA reter's. rich In butter fat; In bulk, special at 28c lb , or 3 lba. C for u TOMATO SOUP Lenex brand condensed rich to mato soup, dozen cans, 9 fit D5c, or 3 cans J VIRGINIA HAMS Tedd's genuine, cut from razor back hogs nnd cured for erf . one year, nt lb JJC ORANGE I'EKOE TEA Tlrpy Ki'j stone chop black tea, de de llcleua het or Iced. 75c value, Ad at 3 lbs. I.3B, OC ICE CREAM SALT Grand for quick freezing. QC. 50-lb. sack nt i7JU REAL DOR AX SOAP Gimbels high-test white borax Feap, box of 50 cakes, (2,63, or EC- 10 cakes nt JUC Olmbelt, Cheatnut Ntreet Annex. Half-Price Sale of Women's Athletic, Union Suits Eiffel Maid Athletic Suits of sheer nainsoek and fine novelty voiles in striped, checked and open-mesh designs. Pink and white, step-in styles with bodice tops, some lace trimmed; sizes 34 te 46. All first qual ity garments, fc 1 9fi value ?2.50, at.. PU Olmbeli, Flrit fleer. Women's Silk Stockings $1.58 Black Silk Stockings. First Quality, with fasci nating instep embroidery done in black and white. Full-fashioned hosiery, well reinforced ; regular $2.36 value, at $1.58 a pair. Colored Silk Stockings. Slight seconds of the regu lar $2.50 te $3.75 all-silk hosiery, in popular shades, at $1.58 a pair. Glmbeli, Flrnt fleer. Guimpes With Sleeves Remarkable Ready te slip under vacation Jumper Dresses nnd"' Sweaters. Seft, fine net trimmed with Val, Venisc, filet and Irish pattern laces. Popular round "two-piece" cellars. Cellar and Cuff Sets, C C Half Price and Less, at Fine imported eyelet embneid- Aitif r-A AtMntinlrlnMnrl IIhah Ttrrt Ul Ul ClUUiUiUVlt'U JlllUili ivu I piece round cellars, i Glmbeli. Women' Neckwear, Flrt fleer. Men's Shoes at Half Price Dark. Mahcgaity Potent Ceif Sin Dark Mflhesan Oeik flahejany TfcltnT Cell Skin TenyRl&lf'w Net our less except te a .few hundred pairs. Makers' Jess readjusting stocks but saving them at least from selling expense. One small maker we cleaned out entirely. !. We secured the sample Shoes, CQ g5 -thou nil tn n at I?tf VW 1 Rt for $7-50 end $8 Lew Shpei (Pi QC JM.UeJ j9 ln(1 $je Sboei-lew and hit t VTt.OD Tan Scotch-grain Ruitia-Calf; Vicl' Kidj Patent Leather) Gun-metal Calfskin) Norwegian Calf; Wine-color Calf) Bex Calf Over forty styles we picture seme of the largest lets and can fill prompt mnil orders. All sizes. 'Mere "styles than tee they all te co nt Sizes only 7 and 7 Mi In tVln lnta nVirtt.A v.. v. ,uta tiuutv, . This is altogether new value-giving in men cVinnn T)l..l.. 1 1 ... neb VflU W "' i ifiivy ui uuiuamcn aim wu -- vi j.wni.,.vjjr iivvcu. uimucia, d.v - V h I V F'l - -- f ' -v'Kji! S