tikfil si-St-3PI r,.-v'ifr.,'.',i'niiBB RJ?W SSflSlilWf W$&&P .rs vnvu.1. TsxHV,i..j:rT(JiD?' wwwwwl'i. . .:j'-ii."- :. wkp ?t't r l'i, i , i i.n , .1 n ipi i .'i n n n t, mil . i'n 'taw I'lwiMpwufcwiiiiaM ,i i !; wtnf hiiw una 11 i . j iMBBHBBmKir' .i susi-t at. s viiHnv. ii i . r- i a i i !' Mil. f mhii ii -- ,ruii.'j ,jvi ptYHn-eaf merHnrifls9BBBBfjiBiH jfHa-Hi'fviHiMHaFnn ;. "' '- v 1 r vmcj?"J" .. "jjBTriv. j- , . "r..-.UL.if". , vpim-u w . j-t-i .vuwiwfA.'v.tvirnt. '-'cf-i"!"Jr.rTrT?.i.')w,n-'F..(i .vm-vim rhd""-. w's'.we'iw. .jmt Fwvvmi'w.vmMam.iijaLatwimdtiminvw , . "XJfl .. ' ii i i' mi jut-r7 a iv. 'JVTT - itv "' ?i.t i f- ..- "e - v f f .- TA-smHaBknsr j t, a i-. -. t -ii -i-"a r . vc ? . .'. 1.11 . .. n.uui J. l 1 v- niBK.i 1 "e ru-ji 's--"i ' "--3, - .mw t -ieji.T . w rr sr.ssr.i, TsstHfiamnLV ..ninaL mi ii s .ii 1 m ii p 1 . - 1 rt .. , 'A 'vs..'". -'" "-?;-.rY, -' Hts.tiJ3 T . te.YfwY . ?e.A?w.."7 , .,.i'.;'5Wa.BvH&!w,tWfK,;fi.'j m:w.,r. v"&w i ;:JtiZi,yjf,Av4iM.',wfrM5BPv1; ' . n ; IMJSl j:?. . " -jwJffi::8 - J vwfiss EVENING PtJBLlC N LElfaER--PHIIADELtHI .. m LlAp- YJJjy.L'A X f jtl U j. "X-., vjurar r - " - , y.sr& , ;,- -$ B f,.fei frUMMF.B RESORTS SUMMER RESORTS HUMMER REPORT Ht'MMKRRE50HT5 WPMHIEB BKOKTg ATLANTIC nrv. X. J. ATLANTIC CITY. N. SrKINO KAKK. N. i. CAPEMiV. X. J. OCKAN flRO K. X. J. "aaBaaillwlUMaa.. WUMMBH HKHOBTH , HCMMKK BB0BTW HtlMMKK KKXQRT J HI'BINH I.AKK. N. J. , ! HTAMTOKn. CATSKIKt.8. N. Y. BTAMfOKP. CATBKH.rg. , y.-- IT ;'B33 1'BBl Ownertttlp Mimcrnnt, CO. JOSIAH WHITE ft att!!HII fcfecta, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY On the Ocean Frent American and Eurepef n Plant FIRE-PROOF Comfortable, niry licdroerrn. Lunuriem lebhifj uith npncieua ver nndas swept by ecenn breezes. Het nnd cold running en wnter in all bnthi. An ideal sojourn for these eekinR r"t nnd recreation. EveninR concerts. Dancing. Private bath houses for surf bathers. Sensible rates. Fireproof Garage Gelf Privileges AMERICAN PLAN WITH MEALS $3 te $6 Daily S15 te $35 Weekly European Plan, $1.50 Up Per Day LARGEST MODfRATE-RATt HOTfL Pacifle& Arkir.fni Ave Meek frerr kiaeh. Millien Dellar 1'ier ana l'cdlrp St.tten. Orchestra, Dancing Twice Daily Running water n recnr Private Iviths UnexceDfd tuble teaf fJe nrd euetab'es freehilally I ru rerrncs electric Huhte. Batn houses for eurf bathe r en premises with entranra te b'nch Oaraffe Pnekl. fhenes rae & fKl W V M IIAil KTT KENTUCKY Kfiit nrUr iiu nrtr ltrnt Ii VK OH-i:R hK.MICK'S IShST" EIcTftter te trftt HiTtr t an I t If pi nnen tn all roeins Kenm innlepn en i e w 'i r.nrna; water ud private tattm Ptim i!at ntr itn tp femee Oreheatrii Uarrnir dc t p- (Ten merlcan pUn tisn up dail, peeii nl I -uKi KING A bAMlAl.l.Owm Thene 31 U S SPECIAL SEASON HATES lHOTEL XI IIAJERTOJN f jwrumy Av rear t-eaeii ant iierdwa k. convenient te i&thnii ami l" ref i nt nut Churches, thernut"iv rererated and rmtlcrT. In eeri deta) epfn Lrrvt:ndititf rr mta batha Het art. 1 ill RUNNING YUUR IN EVERY ROOM elctrif Iijrht, elevntrtr. un pallor fpirie'K perchef. free batt-mc fr m hit , wun ti rful tnialsj (Veme e tK nc AmTien plnn titb mealal, 1 A an 1 up dlly f p-Hal w etV.lv f."Vi and up daiV I urrt; an p an, rertned tat rern.fi V STOPPING AT THL SlLVCRTON fen ar assure 1 f a wonderful riim while ntitinir Arlart--Titv 1 hoi e ft Wnta for Booklet Ownership Management IJfL,e H JLiC IDiPi NEW itlBK M. NKXlt Bl.il II Centruil el i lu ' ir and all t'1 i m I f in inn ng water and I e b t 1. Elevator te sr . le Li u exchangee ml ju inrr eaen rates ltk i 'l F v uiif tali e Per -vl V I. It rsONC SO INDIVIDUAL AND DISTINGUISHED At fTKe SENATOR Virginia avcnuu a oe-.RowAe'. An ocean front hotel Uriel. centrurtlin Newly B nevated largest penh overlooking eeean rcelient meals It costs les. te stay with us than It dees te stay nt nn Inferior het I further emoTed from Ueardwalk. V te for Uj'.let, .llll.ll J 1IU I iy I Mll.l, tniJRsjfAHHEX I 9rel7NX5EORCIA AVE MTL.CITY.N jTV NOTED 1011 lly I MILL Scrupulous lean ei gi e H n e h r Sib up .. Anvr f Ml f .SiV I'lP" tfheut. i i r i p.an i vih nite se X3 up dailv IBth seaken GRAND ATLANTIC NEW OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT Virginia Ave neir beiieh Cnp Cen Private baths, running water, 4 per dav up special wkly. bklt. Aute at stations O l I'a'ntsr THE MORGAN .ii.. ..- ,.i. i. ... i. . fe uAfAcm ten a rflftyj afiS8iBW lliMlp':.!fT,!SGiir TiriJl Reasonable Amr A I'urnp rates r I'lJvli jssater, elee in h room 1'rlvn'e Mi IWcW BUlrl's solicited Mrs I I.Mnrgin GALEN HALL ATLANTIC CITY. X, J. 'AJvtbts Dependable inil Sntlsfartsn s T 1tVII'fl Munnrer WHEN f.Ol.M! TO MI.ANTIC CITY 5i7CLARENDON Virginia ave H blk. te bch. 4 Steel Pier tun. water In every room Monre. Hutrhl n . Continental Alwayi etn, alwtvj ic-nl. terms medart. M. WALSH DUNCAN vColenv Inn 1S Se BeHtnn ve near v.OK.ny "" Hmrewaik h.lsea lesiil-n tlal section American and Eurepein puni Escel. rulsine Attriitive rites I or nner HOTEL SOMERSET Arkftnii- Ar., two rtoerj from Lfdch Tiun nlnff nnlr GernI lieila and ffenU tabln 11 ue - at.. ., ....Liu tr v iss-..: .ry QflllJ. I " "f " -V-'SS II yl f I UtMAW v.Hetel Francis Michigan Av. nr Beach, lint and eeld runnlne urtA. ' te. i rooms . .inn it. ii nni i.urepein tmiis rates. Ownership manageinent, .-.!. .. I ... ." --W.W, IK rrlte for HOTEL STERLING Rtucky ave. nr. Peach Med 'UP All out. mas. llathlng from hotel nill.r pu -CY l,'J pa" Tennessee Ave. near ' lea b I.'l In S.l -.11 .... ' ",r teil'IU lnnn..l. ... .11-, n...... . I'l .... ..... " t i . 11 .,,.,li.J IAI.I. rl VCDT N Irrlnia Ave near il .. ,.-swa-a..s.. , ejwti all vear. lled.rata I!-- 'J-sbt; sHJIIIlflK PBIICIIsnti If Vi aV"0-'' HOTEL. Cor. ArK A Allan! I Ci -Run. water. Prlv baths. Rma III f Isfjf l. Cenv. te travelers faeinr Bsadli iitie uvs OU das lllg lilt Mpw aHratcl Boscobel 1lenlu"yl'lv" Dr- bs &tf i!. f'" bating, we.ki frffflrttles tU ni Telephone I IT A itAltlu" k'V.'v5 nn 0RW00D Arkansas a. Puiint. nr Beta fceif v-r wer. Plsn. II ris up Funir. M llj.ulriv .1 . VIplIeIm. Alu nan. II. ...k :tt . er-nam citr "-v. "i , ,"VB IWV1 dally. Bathlnipil.llei.es. Aleis iVruhep. I Ctrien rteniuiky Ave. just erf I wvnBi;ardvvalk, 8. K. Boniface. .g. ueiiilvBIenbcini The Leading Resort Heuse of the World U partlrularlj aitrtctlrv witb in rrnttal lorttlen in I two klecfcj of ernn front tie en tba DeirJwtU rlufinx ATLANTIC CITY'S Famous Summer Season June te October, inchtshc Tl tiM 400 pri'ttft lthi,fh with tf water, mlitne-iiU mime, twtrr nifht throi(thel the yenr, ith iterial tnte erkrml feit nret.it jutly reteb t'eil Whit tert ire In 1 eth Ainerirea irid n It ctrte ilirlnft riemt. Amen( AtUitic't relelritel ummir ttriM en are, ltt fine. I -l Hi.HATHIN(;ilt U!l ib.nerM, THHFr (.OL CLtnt, reuUr Ir I'I'll.MAN AllirLAF SUlVK K In ant from Vw Wk. nutuereui AMt9rOM IiII(, allinjt and feer varlili. a lll liertt, llieattra metiti anj retuitle ether fUtertlnna N SONS VirqiniaAve and Beacl ATLANTIC CITY. N.J Entirely IJcfurn'nhcil nnd. l!llt)d!fi VmcrlfHii unit Kurepein i'l.ui. "Gersteii Famous Cu'isIm" ""i.i.ial.i mi Itimj ii.iin li.j'iea nil Sm lVn.il I'lattria iViim i it ij4 Hrllln, lltgli-clars X'.n, ' i'ii rtnnit lUn unit ( old Itinninn ett Water in 'l li. i tin IIMII. IIKKflTi::.. trs.re-Mmnrer li OiHritln Crrilrl'n llumle T.e.(tr Modern. Ua Het I " WELLSB0R0 KENTUCKY AVK.NUF NKAR HZKCH Garner house. "pn aurreund nga, cntre of all altrme rlnna inJMen rternlnar wattr (n rvvuni. private1 batba Tn bath rt prlri tu-ra from hotel Eleetncltj tr.rugbr i act. 1 Icvfcrer te atrtat Tabic nncircllad R W ea itilj Special wrelily American pan Uatlc Danctu Oaira Pboea 4M-J UectUt H'tm Owaarablp yauuaaaeat-RAL-fll MECKLCT EUROPEAN PLAN II (nle mill Keit inr mt tlnhl -A 1 ' HOTtrsrQ iui-jiTfujLitie-nuj M1 1 NiOll P w" W'Savaib&c ccean?- 40 1 Wj I M.L Ja"KivVif J" American Plan liwms sing'e or en suite with IffvVJ1" .- i s I J private baths All rooms have running water. LaJ ' f yKniirej'rM Excepucnal cuisire and servire bpacleus C yrlffJllClLrtyyivc a foyer nnd leungirg rram Exunslve rerchea. m 7 X-1 . . I E evater OrLhrstra Dancinir Tennis Itoekler. ana stui-ij cc ffctx. n L JD irige iiermiinin Bulling prlvl'eeen (I lllilil, II I 111 I VI N. VMing WFSTMINSTFD ltV Hr I vllJ tT. , .. " " TT... Kentuikv Ave. near Itcarh Remedlei inJ ifurnish d throucheut All nu'slde rooms Burning w iter anl prvaie ta'tis nor tj air .t le p. i utPine un Furpntisei v iil'e s-rv, e l.Men--e ierihe I Mer up n re juest. Per ni minsged , 1 t reeled h A KOPP UK per T.OM8POBT. N. J. HOTEL ABERDEEN Coelest spe e the New Jrsej ream Dlrec'ly en the ocean front SO min utes hy trcl iy from Atlantic City Idavl family hotel 9lrt:le rooms, 120 week nnd op deub e rooms. S35 week ael up, Amsr. Hun vw inrhlng beeeh Jehn C OeaaUr IK fN (111 N. .1, JUNK VACATIONS , i c U r iir n ' 1 1 i pi tl I e t 1 It j i n a I i 'H l ft r fllNCOLK eJILLy OCEAN CITY..N..J, (VFAN CITY'S e-yrLEAUintj MUlt-U lOTfcX sie erim SPECIAL JULY RATKS filUene Uockef Ocea ihon6eariJ.all Kin X,v5'B3A' vjvv 7sieeftsnMtrr 1 THE BREAKERS L 1 CaD-city JsM-a...ii.-etwtat-s-sa-si ' Of EiV tlD. '. ONLY UOARDWALK IIOIT.L v, il i int nn li ' l ms i r i ii I r Id im li 'i. w lie (l j i J h ie .n'h Vm n P e K V iOl NO Mgr TKe SEASIDE, Mil 'slItLl.l M.ill HOiltllH II I m Hi n.' in v anl mederi Bun r u wut in ill remis I'r h I " n in r. '" ' X I " ""v Hetel STRAND Oth and etl Ne "!'". Hjrin!nc nar " 1 -. ilul,tld IllilO il.trl.llhll In 1 IliOir UH ! " "BV'a -ii I'Iijhu de runms lent of ervl e 1 lib Ml.". JOIIN-i'N He' r:V mux v. out ff i"en BRIGHTON 7 lh and Ocean AVL New Orn A.I roemn elctrlcn'tv Ushted Uoerni with Sf Itneut uairis 101 uni con ruiniiuu .( Pi?ater eervbe It B Hoey. Ql.n-milli Inn Atlantic 4 Plrmuui flymeuth inn ,,, c.ftl,r,re ta lhOM wt. apreclnt comfort, courtesy and servlc Llnuled tapjniy Bklt l.t ilvn 1 i'lier Nulti THE OCEANIC ,ln-, W'rslsy in,! , 1 i" ham. 11 WYOMING .ee Ocen Ei.l.rged nnd Ilunning vtater In M A Mlimr i Uen tvery rm Heme cooking II I IrJnl1? On the Slmril. Beems en suns, i l-'.invJlJ iirM,H (mill. Ilunning wnter ner room A J .MlfHI-.Shll Prep, ST. GEORGE el nr benh. renev ", Paul pent h proprietor Aibjri Ave - Itti au I'urepesn Plan HOTEL HENRY I IDLEWILD ;tn MoerDn Beems J K Terrace Morrison ATHI FN !l"i Central. Running weter II ' liiuut-in rlr, x,p lltn r, h n,nrt Tlin Alsrvm Brighten PI Bunning water lilt. Aivyn Hprih- rnt, A yAHUKIt PARK VIFW am Central Med F a NOBLE. UIIEV GABLES 04T Centrsl Ave Reems Batliln. from house. J. W. Sl.MrKl.N3. grass Thernuxlily mudemlzfil. NVnr innnac inpnt. Ornn .lun Hth, tleach front. Hxefllftit table. Orchtr. Near nil nmuemi'nt. PAVlH . TAYLOIt. 0nera wflHUPl 'ssnAiil lnnirpiiil e te rotnferl. conen cenen IfnLi, pprle anil ntmenplisra. Open Until Sept. 4 tnirlfn I'lan Jehn V hcetl, Mgr. HlCX)LaHBIA' Newly r'nev !!. noemi with bath and i iell. Culnlnt and aervlr unxcllrd. LarH rerchea. Kleater. J. W. UKCHAT h I IRQ. HOTEL WINDSOT a'K'f" "j- Caraclly SOO. Het and culd ruruilnrf watM in aery room. 1'rHata 'bathl. Klevater. Owtrrshlp tliractlen. 11. IIAl.fLN -.-! rNI Al Directly en Tench. Aiatr v '''' C4n plan. ltunnlnr nilir. Krttata bath. niater. Klectrlclty. L'ttb .taaen. W. H. Cllimcil. Owner Ik Prep. THE WILLARD MtlS"sr,w"N.Ar I irl;t cool furnlthed rooms, half b.eck from I'm llench. Terms reaenal'la l-lntel Virnnin Jacksen t. near lieach. Hetel Virginia 3 B0 up ,UV K,clrla ahtu prlMite inllis J J stecher. rrep 4vrrlv Inn "' u1, Vnitt new "!"." bT'trSVne;. ,,!!! II I A NOVA Oi I'CHih. Spec July ' VI.L." "un r.ites tmth liuuea fire KiirnBC lloeUet, i i -.... CTAR.VII I A Ocean A lieacn. Cap. 1M. i lrt-V.Li.rt nunninE water, baths, ele- ' eeief ewnrehlp management. O. B Church. Seuth Cape May Hetel ,!''lli,,hr,0"m; k n n 1 lmne room $10 per wiek fur ip. e (Venn frnnt Mikn t-piomtten neu' llli: 1 Vlll'l'.l. Cnpe Mm. V. !. furnished n i vinHlr il nn I uilli 11(1 te Ms inc rlitn-te, xetiJerful firr.mile Ueifv.lk, Ideal latliirgliearh?, gf.T 'cietl fihinf, litattep, tlleg iLt ana era ttntic ienni, ramerini, JS pier, ill are, etr - NEW. SPORTY 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE C?1 Itrell t lielfl. sn.l lisribuft lisujrs . tu tint the rurae nf all ? Km its lar lt t en ia cattiit, bnatllt tr lalrtmnl tied in.ter rial, anj earellrn! train areomineJationa. i Fer further infemnstlnn sndbeeklft write "set. W. I.Ol Hlllll.in SMITII Marsrnit Sfrttary tTihtu oil Hi an) f I fade wiitmoei). N I '&3&&3&5Bti3Sm l1 OHELDOVf I VVILOWOOCIS FINEST, I ml THERE Is se much offered the illi rnmlnatlng guest of the Shelden in the wsy of comfort in accommo dation and distinction In surrounding that, after the first visit, Wildwood suggesis only ene hotel. RATES I-OK .H'LY AND AUOUST One peren AMERICAN PIA per week Roem Tilth runmrg wal-r - SW fO up licem with prlvulc bsth - - WOO up Twuperee'is per week Itoem vilth rurnirg vrftlir - - IVPWiip Itecm with pnvst. bsih - - "OWIup f.OII IJAMINR TISNIt Ownrrahip msragcmeet of D J Weeds Gelf privilege-, te new lfi.he'e course lladle eencerts ALEX. McMUKKAY . SON. Preps. flRC.FV Cap 200 Amsr. plan. Peec Ult.l rtnv Tnxmr- j, 60 jnv ji7Se week nnd up Pilvite. baths Ownership iTisnsssment J. E WHITEICH- HOTEL DAYTON VI woed'a meat n-e nn rote'. Ue 000 en impre- osetathlajnr buceeja de te rvmine snd rrte. CspseitT U Booklet r W MeUurrs?. IV, Uejtn front. Lnpe n Kill Ilunning water Private taths Oolf privileges Booklet W II Or.P.'TEI Ovnr 4 Manager. RLSLNIOTOM .Sear Beach. Cap 200 P.unnlnc water. PrlT. collie Uelf privilege Med rates Hklt. HOTCLLArarCTTE P wn.iwnrw. n -i. i wiurasB' SBr Great Resort I (vl-$S for a Great Vacation" J SSs?iSfi:.l A drlnhlfull. mill. lnlrer. I ITOit raAmnWifi THF WYNTOTF neihln. new. lid IHL WintUlt, ,( fl(1 Mr near Beard. wj,k Wrlie ne-t.t J TAJK RRFAKFRS 0n tn Boardwalk. Het ana S com running vraiar. itit, iMhs Oar. Hklt. Oeo K -innamen. Owner. WASHINGTON ,' rnn Mw Qftffsi tM r management. Three perches. E J aituiamnn. Cee- Full Mgr. Chester Inn ANGELUS 05 E Magnellai rnerplnn BunnlnB.ater 1." 1 E Montgomery. Herns oil ting Me tin aurved Lerraine Pin" mt lit li m fr bth I I y I -i Mrs f spec Leng Edmund i'',, I',"'mc Nr amunu,HbH Mei, rMil, Beach Qoed W I Shivers OAKLYN :20 Cedar Ave Med. rite rales Near Beach. II M Wolfe (,I".TliBllll.. 3t E. POPI.AB AVE. S'ear beich ninunemenl. II At Nelnstedt Beems n ml pirtmrnls Phila. Heuse '.; ,;n . table Mrs J I E. Burk, Berrell '-" w "en'i'' Derren ,,rlv rf rtlt rln Finn, rmr Adults Si kltc'n J.A.Herrell ItlTl L 514 F Culnr. Fur. rma, by wk, nr If desired. TIM. I. VI i sen. Kit & din rm. nrtv Haverford .,' Iial llnthlng from Beu r ites II A Dei Ien iwiiitioeii (iti.vr. X.... MT. VERNON ? ..Wt K. Johnsten Qm- OCEAN Mnl rates fPFST Exclusive section. siii i Running water. Ownership MTn'g't O. T KINO AVilON. N. J. AV4LON,nj. Where Nature and Neptune Meet One Wile Furthtr at Sra A resort fir dlsrrlmlnit Irir person Coel clean i nd renvenl.nt I)e lirht ful ee v litthirg I'lsh plentiful In luth surf end Hounds Beating I nr Inf Drill. il Inn Wrlle Bernurll ( Irrk. KltPORT leVi- 8VANCH POINT PUV.Nfl LUtWOOO Tf TOMseivtft 7 MAhAHAWVIN IM'VN IHEIflHTS, N. J. THE TANG of the salt sea mr r ntl vvlt'i th fi n n granee of tte Pines comfortable sleeping moms tniptli." I mis meklng and ujl the bathing fish ng and Imntlnc jeu wani . the isratieri MVPI.K INN can give you Bates t"i "I) and t2Z en pre week Send for Lioejilct, upie inn, lalmd lieiiuts, (. J. NWnreSk NtVSMK ; 7. . MTC5CTNA ..l PUiiANTVllU -"r-fM LAOIlShis - r " -w eaANan K v A MSMCN F JEr ,1 C(,!fea f irjl iXlyt lANS.f fjy 'ii.CIAVAlgN ' -- - w OCEAN AVENUE HOUSE - 17 Ocean Avenue. Directly en Henclt. All outside roenls. Telephone or Write for infer- , niatien. X. G. XEVILLK overlooking ocean HHMNE CHavrv UtT&COlO 5 . pi 'RUNNIN lewnerfermgr. wiat en fVCKV ROOM GRAND ATLANTIC ' Rnrt and nfaln ATea.. Ocean Clrefe. iiei and reld run. water In rma. Kurop. pli with cafeteria ecullng fOh attached) aualltfl Mn1N, T.l. 1478. M. J. WOODniNA. , i i -i - " r- I Ocean Greve Hetel .in Main Ae Oterlenltlnx ocean. Amer. MAJESTIC HOTEL Dlrrctlr en the Ilench i llicMter eertlce, running nter In rooms t'mler i ew mnnnKemi"nt BM T. SAYKU THE ALLENHURST ta1'tV aV ri"Vlli a !. m.i n.iii ... nu rurnpf, IMin llunnlns Water. lelei-hene. 2UI7. MUS. H. H. PltAKB. MARLBOROUGH HOTEL ? 0erloeUlne lake nnd ocean. Med. throughout". Ilul and ce'd runnlnif witr Htid hnrtis Hates nn PI'lr"'lnn H. It. l.II'PfNCOTT. t ii K n n e n k i, v n rnrner hurf ntiil Centrul Avenues Krcllent tJble. Heme, coelelnu. All euts'ds ruetne one minuie rrem Auditorium ard tinnrmiiK rei ipiire, caiivkii t mcukai STRATFORD HALL 7 Mnln Ave S doers from Ilench. First clan family ietel. Phene. Telder. C II. 1IOCKRT THE IVY HOUSE Orcnn drove, N. J., 24 Mnln ATe. Pe.lratilv linate'l Cap Ien Meisen rates iinnrhlii tnan'K'm't Hkli Li) man & I ewls Ardmore-Summerfield , n S Oiean P-vthway. Installed Ocelli view. Hunnlnir water newlj i Tel 3784 n I. Shaw ' BREAKERS SURF I AVE. I At the ecc n n Tel.Asb Park a831.t.V.Hentf-r- HOTEL WHITFIELD Tlrrproef. O.erlenklnc ecean: central te a. am Med. imprev. Chat, t Hermai MAGNOLIA VILLA ,!r On,- Heik f'em Ilench nnd Auditorium Excellent JjbJ" IM.u, tVntrnnial ."' ?1I- CP. lOe, "" --- isear ueacn and Audi- lerlnm Te'erh. Write for Inf. I. M. Wyllle. ( COLONIAL I Main Ave. V4 block te ocean. Cap 100. Rata med. Am A Eirrep. plan. rtrCAN HOIISF. 7J.Malnav..OceanOrnv """ .- intK-iass family hotel. I Tel T'.'i V Cap l.'iO K. Duncvn Zellev SEASIDE HOTEL ' Olrectly en Ocean Frent All guest room. jVerlenklng ,ea CHABLE" O. STOCKTON I II 1 AHAARD s Abbett Ave., Ocean I Overlooking Ocean. Booklet. W. L. Hi HA HOTEL M'RAY VIEW Directly en ecein front. Ocem drove Nearest Almr. Hklt Cnp ISO I. d WMte THE QUEEN eg?-pfei. &,, ' en ocean front. L,J,nUtaiil,U ?n.f Ave Heuse "1"' block te Beach' 3urr Ave. neuse ,Iome roeklnir ,,et ft eeld running water. Bklt. A. r. Stackhnusa , I "A OOOIi PLACE TO IIOABU" LA VAMMAB t.QUSE. Ocean Grese. N. 1, Ehert block from ocean. Lew rates rORflOVA :c Webb Ave. t Ulk. te Beach, tunuuin All outside rooms Ppec. June end Sept rats. H. L. WOOLMAN. Prep flrenn Frnnt Heme Directly en the ocean. ucean rrent neuic Mn P mf.i.tx)b l.ONfl HltVNf II N. .1. THE FAMOUS CDonmeufh Beach Inn MONMOUTH BEACH Leng Branch, N. J. One hour and thlrlv minutes ft nn N V An lflial hotel home tlifireughh meilt rn In every re Bppi't LarR nutsldu rooms, run nlnR vvnti r prlvnte baths, elevnter te nil Meer? Music. DnnciflR, Gelf, TeB Bis, HathlnK Peel. Special Wcek-End Rates. OwBership Manap;eBicBt, MRS. JOSEPH ROSENBERG PFA fllRT. N. 3. Announcing the opening for Be secenti season of Stockton afSea Girf.N.J. On the Ocean frenl In the pine nnd holly eeitluii. eni mile emth of Spring Lake, a charm ing hotel arrommedatlng 200 with 'is own boardwalk Its own prlvats beach and bathhouses, elgnt ncree of grounds casino and tea house, danc ing lechtlnr. tennis relf: hlsh-clais sccomrredetlnns medsrntsly priced, RME OWNERSHIP AS THE IVARRFN. SPRING liKK. V. II. !tr!)bs BEIJI iB. X. J. kUENA BSTA HOTEL BEIVMt X. .1. Ocean front, ea parii e-l(( rooms en suite with pri. vale t'lihs running water all rutins il mrlng tennis, pelf, wit'it Ing, la'e If, a d.iv up, Phuni 701 (,. i II.I.IH LEONARD ridgYmere 10th Ave, nnd B Street, Belmar. N J .Veir Bench and Beardivnlk Fresh vege nblis ei client tible. All home roeking Capnniv Ml Medeiate rites F.A. Iveintif THE CARLETON BLI.MAR, N. J. ' Oiean elnul" front Six tu inn '.00, rates I.'n te J11 J7il two In rm. II. h STOVt.E MELROSE INN SKfiRa" ocean. Nsly renovated. Ilunsarlfta rulsine. Kosher. Music. Dancing. Itatnlng f rts Hpecl il rates 1'5 00 per week Uf Our meals fhs !( en the eeaet. liMlr. PiRK. N. I, Jy the Sea 'Seaside Park sew jcnscv Open June IS te Sept. IS Booklet. H. Ress Turner, Owntr The Gladwyn "JS" t Bay nnd Med open POINT PLEihANl. X. .1. THE LEIGHTON Point Pleasant Beach, N. J. Really "ON' the Oreun, NOW OPEN. Informal, l'rluslve. Ids. f iinrerts Dine. Inc. dolt. Tennis. Booklet. II. M. Crouch. PINE B1UFP INN Point Pleasant.N.J, Amoet the plees en the beautiful Meaavgean niver shore Every ait'setlnn of sesshsrs rlverandceuntry Allouidenrspots Orrhes. trs Nesrnpen Booklet n.E DEEKROWra, vi fikset rs Mails' i i s a "-. i 'SsFellV,"l All -.sl" I warr a...E. i - mr , -a -Z 1 VZ int7 rates. A MAGNtFlCBNT HOTEL INCOMPARABLE LOCATION THEM NOW OPEN Prf-Eminently Secial Centra Daily Concert and Dtnnnj Attrattira Gnll . Wendettul Ocean Bathing Riding Beating 6 Hele of Eihilaraung Gelf Putting Green and Ttnnit en the Groueai LUKB GLBNNON, Manegtr BeachHa5e II Af i c.. r i. p;,;i,JW,;n vn T Nearat Seashore Rcserl te "Tlir. IT.KB Of HFHinEAND "AVRIIIK IIESOBT' Located tm lm Hench Island, between the Atlantic Orean Bnd the famous Harnepat Ilav An Ideal rendezvous for test, recreitlen.nnd plejaure bv te 'en. . Kifest lurf llnthlna. Finest Mirb nnd Bar rishlnt;, .iilllna, Bnntlnr. riibblnaf. An uneqtialeil summer pliu creimd for children. ...... .. - Pronounced bv the American Medical Congress ns one of the thrce dltrlcts In the United Wtntes Immune te nay f',fr KINK tl'TOMOBII.K BOAD1 A new hrlilce (fnEK OF TOM.) across l.lttl Ens ltar ltar ter Ilav connects with the, mainland. Investlcate neaci IMven iiefere deciding upon jour, summer neme this season Furnished cnttnees new renting. Siimerens hotels nni bearding houses. Hem'tied hy Pennsvlvnnln Knllreid. Address Hermiih Clerk for lllustrnted booklet TIIK r.XH.KXIDf. TIIF. BALDWIN Cnpicltv .101 Capacity 4(10 n r. KNULf Mar. OCHAN KBOVT TIIK ST. ItlTA TIIK IIBKAKFBS Capacltv ,"P Cnnncltv 71 n, a diiaik ai'stin austin srBV iiKrii hotel xkw ih'.n house Catncltv tee Cnpiclty 05 A C. HOYI.K Mur . A W. HIHANa. IT. & Mlir. llfACII ilK.V IIOTKI. Canarltv 7ft niCHAItU I.AMH. Prep. .1. V. IIFRBV. Lending Benl F.t.ite Mnn . PLUS IWBhFB. nchtlng nnd Flsiilni: Pnrllea. Ft ItMXN II. (IIANMKB. Timber A Building Mnterlal 1 New Ocean Heuse Beach Haven, N. J. Incomparalile fenshore attractions, liathlnp. fishing, and beatlnR. One block from Ocean and Bay, In the center of activities flood meals, anil prompt Rttvlcc S4 (in per tiny, Amer ican plan. Special weekly rates. Write or phone for reservations. A. W. STBANOr., Trop. ASBLBV PARK. N. J. A MODERN HOTEL BY THE SEA " I HOTEL "I elumbia AND COTTAGES ON eckn ranist MHIIUHIIIINK H el1nir ti3feiiacfe TABLE M xEBilCE Of llll.lirsT STAMIinil -nlendld meter roe-Is, golf. Cap. 400. milages te rent aim neiei service. x. iinrvey ,,-nc. invurr & ..sr. nuusJUiAiJiip PLAZA HOTEL A"5BfBY PBK. N. .T. ONLY EIBIIPrAN Pl.iN HOTEL e.-s 1IIKIIIK.1S, mu.M nE.nOIVBTEBOBALTOTOlBISTS BUOIti: DINNERS A Bl'ECI I.TV HOTEL ALBION Beseh front hotel, med througheut: het anl cold running vvitcr all rnjme. suites with priv. bath: elevater: erch . dancing, IS-hole golf ceuise, privilege of gllests. Cap. HOO E. H. TOiiXHEND. Owner A Proprietor. CORNISH ARMS Slslli Ave. A Klngsley St. Ovei looking Ocenn and Boardwalk. lint nnd cold running w iter In rooms Exceptional table. Special tales for .tune and July (EOBOE II. CORNISH Owner nnd Mnnnger Ocean Hetel Ashurv Park's .Vctcrst hrnillnn Ttntel Bunnlng wnter, long-dlstance telephone In sll rooms, elevnter. vvh.lei service. Bates 135 UP. Evvcll & Crawford Tel 21n Owners A Managers THE FENIMORl. ' PECOND AVE. ASBURY PARK. N. J. One Blei k te Beach nrnl N'ltaterlum ISO ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS ISO I New I) dicerated. elev iter. prlvme baths, I running water all reums; vvhltu service, bill room, tapaclti 2'iO Phene 1 Ul Asbury Booklet STILiiT MA". Preps Norwood Hall. Ocean Bleck Ith uve., Asbury Park, N. .1.1 $4.00 tn $1,110 dillvi : tu 30 Jirekli. Exreptlennl tnble. While tervlcei nil eutvlile rnnms. Booklet WINDSOR HOTEL Asbury Pnrk, N. .1.. 'Ihlr.l ,vr. ter. Iletk I'.leetrlc lights Tel, 14ST. rerin-rlv of The t'.ldorndnOceinflreve A.M'. Crrlln. I'rcii, The E.nlanade l'c'rB feuneet Lake tub me tipianiiuB fllb Av, Abry park. i N ,1. Near llcicli and Boardwalk American plan Cap, tin Open Mav te Oct Hospitality and service. Tel 2ni1S M T Mueller. Prep. HOTEL PLYMOUTH 212 4T1I AiENUE Felct fimlly hotel. Bunnlng water In all rooms .--pec. eenjaen rates; . . )iHre) THE AI.BEMARLE , JX Open all ear. Beems with het and cold water Special rites for spring and fall. v ill M. .vincil.lli IV I'rep Westminster "THE HOUSE OF COMFORT" 510 4lh Avi- Booklet K Van Wlckle EASTON1A 0I 4th Ave. Bleik tj lie ich. Excellent cuisine. White service, fapecial rates for j line anil ki;i ..riiw ,or nuormatlen '" HOTEL KNICKERBOCKER SDH Sivenllt Ave,. Asbury Park, N. J Overlooking ocean Bunnlng water prtv'ate taths. Cap, lfi" Tel 14711 Hklt Alvah inia" THE LLOYD Cor. Punret ave iVebli ave nun, water A electric light In everv rm. Fer these seeking the brst nt a moderate rate L,Eviin. Prnn THE LESLIE -8l""-y Ave. 3d hiiuTe from ereun. Modern inreuKiitiui 4VUIII1UIK w-nicr in all yroiinr.iie rsies v .vi iik CO VURLBOROUGH mv 3XT0NJ1-ASDDR tark.kj. WASHINGTON HOTEL I 100 3d nv. Bleck from eienn 'I her. modern HOTEL GARDNER "" 4 "c iiui -e.viiiii Kurop, plan. Het A reld running wntc. Beasenahls rates B tA V "il At Ovrrlenlilng Oteun CTIRI INfi -05 rlunnet Ave,, Asbury Par llli COIU. n.i.ii i'li.mi) tiaitia. u. K. KsT 1 Hetel fhedferd l!I'00'V : water la all rooms. Prlv Mli. Bklt. Harry Djiffefj ew(l. A Prayl ' ff .Tr 109 Third Avenue Running CltttOn, J'.'-" UM' .h from rTj- - irsun, jjnrsj Frinrs I ORAINE Ne" s l,cean Pathway. S.I1 TaI.Ia e-.ii.. Phene, sahury SIK4 W. AhlllJBV.PAUK IXFORMATION RUREAD Address City Information Bureau. 00 Beard. walk ter anj mini ou with te knew. T ' aV aarmw LW ' pi. liun.wuter airicii) JesnHr.j.enuerg Bres, Lf)"1 iv- --V nll.TOt THE FLORIDA y&hWi fefe:J,rf WfflCW2 ''-"Tl-l-rr- -l!-JSi--!!ia--li; VJUM" WiSSAiS. i IV.-VVBl.rv V" I'li.l iiuiiin, irem i . i ivit.ii .vueiiis wun running . Oceaa wa'er. . Cnparltv jfl. M.V. S.Miill I OF .-t VAAZii?KmkLiA .tajvUfX iJ.., JafUMil atfiii i n ir'iLSrir--!Mj11. mwa zmmnl ON hIs" WiiMMt4!li ; kcvciru unniiv. -Mftrm- an mitt w laTrr' i fmYV'WmiwKmmmwttn Philadelphia -Srl THE ENGLESIDE 235 Private baths with eaand fraah watajj five tennis courts; boeklat. B. F. ENOLB. Ugr. Alse the Covington, West Philadelphia. 0 .MILES AT SEA HOTEL BALDWIN B,ath,, New open. 1'very room overlooking the ocean Special rates for families. RRPArTPRfl Haven of Best. Bentlnt, ,...-- .. -. Klsilni Idling, llnthlng. Tennta. Eench Haven Children's Tarndise Table unexcelled. Bates Booklet BEACH HAVEN, N. J. I Fer information & bklt.. writ Borough Clerg ABt BV PARK, S J. The Metropolitan ASBURY PARK, N. J. Modern, concrete constructien: rooms en suite, private baths running water In every room. American pi in. elevater: erchestra: nnd rules en application, dancing; booklet (.rfpailty aim. CI MM, EM II. BEEB". J B.. Mainger HOTEL rfrK BRUI SJJ wnTrn ran its high STAMDARD OP F.WKILBNff MORGAN A PARSONS. WVtumPtfflrMWMUetiV' Ideally located, block from bearh: Fourth Ave.: unsurp.ised cuisine; geed music. A delightful social atrrnsphere and a wel wel cem, mederatrt rates. P. Welssliergee. II. II. Otmnn, Mnmgera WELLINGTON filh Ave.. Ashury Park, N. J, Bight at ocean, running wnter In everv room, innirltv 2J"i. Muilc, dancing, booklet C1IA-, W. HABT. Owner nnd .Manager NOBTII Asni'BV PARK. X. t. N EW J ERSEY- M. ASBURY PARK MONTEE& Entire block en ocean front. Capa city 600 all outside rooms. Every modern -hotel facility. Het and cold salt water connections. Per fect cuisine. White, service. Grill room; Breker's office. GOLF BATIHNi; TKXNIS Slirr.MAN DEKMS Vannger Winter BUTLL DrbDTO, Sav.nnan, Ge. i.r- lore vuice- e w. vin mreel I North Asbury Park.N.tJ. M'RINti LiKB Bl.ll, N. .1. On the Ocenn Spring Lake, N. J. Surrounded bj dreen Lawns nnd fiiirdenn nt the Edge of the Sen. Bnlf, Bulbing, Tennis, Biding. THE ALLAIRE BrRIXO LAKE BFACII. X. J. Directly or Ihe Ocean front. M. C IIOI.MEa HBIM.r. CITYjX. .1. BUSCH'S A,m"lcnn Plan Near Hch. ssuu-is d Mni rn. MBS. A BB.-CII ra tea M rs. V Cronecker. IiKE HOPATCOnTi. lNDINeTNrj. MONTH I'M O HOTEL IV SIAlv mini , Csrsne. Tsl Hnrctcnna :2 Landing. N J. DEAL. X. 3. THE TREVISAN The Heal Heme lintel; DEAL. X. J." Phene, lO.'d Dee) rooms en suite - Nii"JLI.ir1 White Sulphur Springs Hetel" In the be rt if the Blm Ittl.t Mejnlilns. renl nnd dfllglitfiil An dnl 8, for 'ei 11 tui mi am recrcniien Ilnrnehm k rlilinir ..iiiii'n i.c,i, Duulillmr (I in iihlle Siihilmr Springs Itrsnri NevvjIljeCninberliinil Ci, . Pi". ' llrstl Ml.TS e.sisee raavsuc. ..nan sa h.m" tiein inin.iisanaiis v.uan, re. A strictly mfst.rn het.l wlili ei rrllent uhl. end a.rvlre lOOprivsts tilths, csr setts ti'i Altltuils 'fO feet hplendiil reada; poll, tenntf, eie iilll lleiunlii Open until November JOHN .l,,ltlllii"4, .Vi;,.r, CAMBRIDGE HPBINC.S, r.. CAHIRIDGir.Si'KIGh, 1'h.NNlVI.VAM i A luiiieus hejltli nr.l i l.oure lenuii l.uni I " ul). sea levtl noted for Its healthful mute Mtuerul Hntln-a und tlnn i.r.i- - Pent of iimueement Fur literature and rates wrile te elthe Hetel Riverside ur Hetel Birtlett TiNM.RsVII.Li:. PA. POCONO HOTEL V" "" yr Mei: ji. is rales Bun water Oir Tourist Caterers 15. F Lew, PEN Mill, P.i. Pen Reck Hetel "" m"t u-t' 1,7 ... lc date hotel In Ihe Blue Bldje Mts. B. 0, Det)i:;, owner b mgr. X9aBBBBBaBlBBW-Bn rriw !- FRANKLIN COUNTY. PA. jm - se mm - m s. i ht snsl. tfsj a . lii7av.'reuraWV. 1 Wm nfimSBIIiHJ "-'j -v5EV!l i ff.l U w-Mr STAMFORD IN-THE- CATSKllLS r i NEW. 210 Reems. 100 Bathroom full. ISO Roem. 71 RiUiroem Sullit The F.ncnf Hotels. In .lie Calnkill MntiWalri Offering magnificent scenic view, liberal entertainment and every modern appointment, in a pure, dry atmosphere. Ballrooms. Orchestral concerto. Outdoor swimming peel. Tennis courts. Altitude 2000 feet. Splendid meter reads. Beautiful walks. Wonderful IS-hole Gelf Cenrie and han.ieme Clti. Heme Fer Booklet and Information apply te CHURCHILL HAM. TUB NKW BKXMKnP. H. If. MASK, ManafUc Director W. G. MeMEEKIN, Manatir Winter aeaien. Hetel Gralynn, Miami. e SAKATOOA srRINOS, N. Y. HAltATOftA SPRINOS. N. V. SARATOGA SPRINQS FAMOUS FOR A CENTURY AS A HEALTH RESORT THREE MODERN BATHHOUSES Hydretherapeutic Treatments of All Kind. With Niturnllv Carbonated Waters MEDICINAL WATERS FOR INTERNAL USE Owned nnd Controlled by the State of .New Yerk ALL OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS HEDUCKD RATES DUIIINO JULY, SEPTEMBER. OCTOI1EII AND NOVEMBER Twe Oolf Courser-27 hn'f: Twe Bathing Benches; Tennis; HersebaH. K'din.. Charming Drives. HACINM UUBI.VU AUOUST Fer Information, wrlte Publicity Bureau or State Conservation Commission Snratngt Springs, N. Y, MOUNT POCONO PA. Mount Pleasant Heuse Mount Pecene. Penna. OPKX UNTIL NOi EMBEK Thn finest Besert Hetel In Northeast ern Pcnnslvnnln. tOS rooms,, L'4 en suite with private bath. Bell servic: gas; orchestra, danc ing nnd all outdoor sports, FBEE BARABE Accammodntlens for 40 enrs Charming walks, geed reads, magnificent views. Pntnue In quality of feed, looking and service. Fer Illustrated literature, room plan, nute mnn nnd rates address: iV. A. A II, St. LEECH POCONO, MOUNTAIN HOUSE Elevation about 1800. Many Improvement Capacity -On: forty -five rear ownership manige ment: Indcer and outdoor amusements. Music. Booklet. E L. HQOKEB. Jr.. Mgr. THE ELV1N Mr- poceno. pa. u lilt C.VIN txnntd. euiln, aT lessen. Bunnlng water. Private bath .bower en each deer, booklet A. J. 3LUTTKR. HAWTHORNE INN Miocexa Nen-Housekeeping cottages te rent tn eqn-re-nen with len. Booklet I,. M. DF.NOf.WR THE 0NrW00Dj" ear. Modern. i r.iegani location, rmi climate. Booklet. E. L eV E. V. ABTMAN. The Clairmont . . l.. lent table C. U SMITH. tAIRVIEW INN, Mt. Pnroae. !." Ants tourist hdari.t geed table: pleasant sur- eeiindlnes: rnme. Bklt O. ?.. Megnrgal. ' nin OnrifF Modern. i 'en janiT ratf xm ncc .1.1. garags bklt.O J Armstrong BrrtKn.t.. ta. j RIVERSIDE i On the Delaware Kesher: med : all sports. large farm: excellent cuisine: dancing; garags, booklet. Kntnr Bres. The Laurelton K1i,ln- nni, ejera, Aee n mn rd te Pmhltlll Falls hk.M F Mcfqii MOUNTAtN HOME. TA. MONOMONOCK INN Motintiilnlieuie'a landing Hetel Crraco Mntlen, Meiintnlnhpnie, Pit. Flslilpg tlelf Tennis. B.ems with Ptivnte bit'is Booklet H. E. & J, M, Gcissinger New Mount Airy WV!Urt? ired Improvement Bklt. Harry F.. Ilellee WAYSIDE INN ?!, - em eoel fertshls. .. wi. ii"-, -"..?" r ira.npnuif H. r. WMITH. TOBVnANNA. VA. Chichetter un'. 5u0 elovetlen. Tea- hanna.Pa. Mrs Chichester. Ban -i?iir!KSISiPA,L Pine Knob Inn xt0lcrni enlarged and re. scenery en Pushkin Pike. Nerman Hottms Hettms . . , modeled benllhy. high, i 'n.t, ffreve Heuse Taflie supplied from a Own fnrm products GEO v CBAM: uaK WTe fRrm Hem,kf, All amuse. The Mountainside ln 'iunue. meaeTa g-1""- Ml"'- r,t'- pklt- M" " u wt) ., cenven,, comfertabls. Retes reesoeible flneltle' Wm ling. afer Gitncaurn Villa .,,em eomteris. geed &. CRESCO. PA. MAPLE LAWN ". .m Pi ure Goed: table. Modern. Booklet Ressensbls rsfs C. "FBEI KKS. The Old Inn A "nn'a family hotel. rea " lenlentlv lecated: well tu pbedJaWe, raien en anpllcatlen, M I. Htacd CLIFF VIEM IIOUvR Fee a real varatle"n andgendjWngstn eat CHAS I,. K01.il I-iANNA. PIKE CO. , The Lancaster "mt; -"mfertable. re"st 1 . ful In Pncenin fall rates Infnrmitlne llauahnn - Utt. Preps ' RlCI-.tllXUT COTTAtahl in the Peea U's : rems cenking: rates 414 per wg uu. e i-iins I.HIinnM. r,K I e . a. ORATER1 OBD. VA. Graterford Het,1 Alene th P'rkiem.s. Aute parties Chicken dinners. Gar, Airy rms. Ph Cellegevllle 10 B-J. E. R OI.OCKEB Prep. iiFBNF.IPilI.l.i: Pi. WALTERS PARK, INC. ItBMIItT HOTEL (Under Nw rlnngenlenl) WcrBcrsvillc, l'cnnslvnnia In the lienrl of the lllue It'ilge Mountains - unsurpassed pnnerimi of scenic beauty. Fresh vcRctnblm from our own farm nillk-fed chicken hinllerg raised en the plare nn appreciated feature of uur rulsine. Celebrated Orrhestral Derwln Trie of Heading" ii delight te tnusie levers Twe hours via Philadelphia Beidlng It B. Twe hours by automobile ev,r Wllllim Penn Illghwav no il-tnurs. Phene "111 sinking 'springs" IOHN -I. IQMNEi. Manager ITie Highland D'liehtfuiij situated 0a smi.uim -MUUIllttin 'GALEN HALL erii,r.lll. Pu. 1 Nniv llPOMrt Hillside "'"ui"1" yi-un .irmtirn glrTiT '"" Terms rnerternte Knih Oerhari HCIIW F.XKVH.LK. TA. Pl-HKIOMKN INN Med. ime.. le.-iT Beat., bath.. nh.. tennis dsncing. aieeTll Bunday chicken dinner. Fnr booklet wit- tlslla I'liger. I'rei).. Hihvrenkvllle. '. PFKIvIOVhN i ALLEY CaiTiP KOOSCVelt !.'". .,n,) Uerklnmen Biiselull Tents ei hung'nlews lerma Bex !M Irunbrldue. Pu .'av. ring, Reasunahl MVARTHMORE, 'i, HARVARD 6IS, """" or en euHa ei. ai.nrinmers lee. WASBLM.TIIS INN Chicken and Warn. Dinner -' ". J VOORiHyicV l MT. tiRETXA. PA. Hetel Ccticwage l.eke Cui swag.. isu. June .4 ippj Fer r... a.,T, Overbroek .,,0(? Dr,,ltl ead. June li Tenuis Ceurti. Mi.. t ' 3''n.mln POOL -.... ! ii, asurpiif aaaavM !ti BLH f H ml fflp ' YORK Fla , H. H. Hasi, Managing Director DELAJVABK iVATER O iP. p. THE CENTRAL lt.,!'"''n iialer Oap, p. Is provided with every modern comfort for 1 no KUsts. All outdoor sports Orchestra. Concerts and dancing. Nn useless restrictions te hamper guests. Protestant and Cntholle Churches wthl n short walk. Aule meets trains. Pri. vale earnge. Booklet. JOS. II. BRAVES KARAMAC KAMP tere'veryun..,, free beatf. tennis, hikes, dancing, entertii!. ments. Ooed thtnga te eat. Bates i . ia Writs for booklet. L. FB1NDT. nireetg River View Heute "'""Ji Centrally located. Beating, 'bathing. 'nihlsY All mdn Imtirmts. Mrs.Llxxle T.f.n naris rft b t-..- Wlr (Iab'i ri-ui h.-' ,.T ixcenieign naTh with S" ."S."! enurse. refined aurndge. Boht. B. Feley, jjjj. tewest Meuse xcivrVa0T.rii service. Beating, fishing. A. L. SIARatr BILLCBEMT rew. modern, centrally lecated: bathing: running water. Medtrata reus. Booklet. F. C. HOWARD. Bellevue i;p 50- Hur!- w,r- D"eit. -i- m- Nw n Bnwgm.ti Kty A Bar" NOBTII iVATER BAP. PA. Cataract Heu-e-0'";!" "if. pi. iuuih ',, """"i" yi.rvi". aaraga, rates r.n.nnaun. uumii.i, n. r winegaril t a Enjoy Veur Vnrntlen nt FALLS VIEW COTTAGE. N. WATER 0A Men I location. Airy Reems. Excellent Table. HHAiVXBE-OV.THE.EI,MTABE. PAT" $xmm ININ.fi, 5lie Ideal CourrtHeCel vi sariuri.a SHAWNCE ON-OELWARE.PA. eVCVsV (V TN( SMAWHU COWTUT Cf MB NOW OPEN. FIRE PROOF. BUCK WOOD INN COMPANY. & R.S WORTHINQTON. Pr-mldtrvt ft BTROUDSnURO. FA. HIGHLAND INN 'J'?' ern. runnint; watts and private bathe. Outdoor sperte; red reads. Oaraee, own garden and dalrv. Med. .rate rates Write for pfclt Wm P Vewse. EAST STROlTISBUnO PA Sluplehurst Inn, E. Rtreudstmtg. Pa lMlh season; supplies from ewa fnrm, spacious verandas, large Invvn. Plenty shnde: most delltf I place: 200: garage. Booklet. MB AND Mlt.l. W. M BI1RVETT Sunriie Cettaire nn ldge. home coax sunnie ouec t0Ttt. de(1, l0CaM()n Oee feed. Booklet. SIRS. J. L. BIBPLVa, HARKnAI.T. FALLS HOUSE fiVM snnnlled from our iiwn farm, llesutlfizl f OOrERITOWN. N. i. Leatherttecking Corporation iiiiiiiiiince that OTSht.O LAKE. COOPERSTOMN NEU iOBK Is New Open for the Season l nder the Prrsenul .Man igetnrnt of MR. DAVID B. PLUMER HOV-DOIV PC MBFR, Assorhle Miuiiiicr New inrk Ofliie "THE M'fll." 4 MI1II iil.M'B Telephnne iiyidcrhllt Sit. DKIAIM'I.IFF MANOR. N.J ifirtsirtvfV ScciABiurr erCiujtijs BR1ARCLIFF MANOR, NY NEW YORK OfFICt J4i MA0I10N AVI UESTrORT. X. t. BSTPORT INN IIV I.AKM ril AVIPIAlN Heuselieeping and nnn-siousekeee'nt ounces. Own golf links, tennis, heatleg, bathing, flrhlnr. orchestra; itesm iest Bates 17 00 up nik II. P. SMITH. iVettpnrt. V. V- VI'I'I'H SARiWC. N. . SARANAC INN OHM. OP Till! AD'BONDACKS ('"l" HiirrliiBtnii ijIMs. Mgr.. Uiiper 4jirjinaetli ADIRONDACK Mfir"'""'" - - ser new ADIRONDACK booklet und lanes uillun address (leu. . Byilli, "''JSi5 utt. X. v. Fer MON'niEAslCKUI;0 J5 Iklt. nddeese Tnurlsta Bureau of Mentreei W1U Xe Blrks Bldg., Mentresl, Canals. iVATKINS O LEX . . . . i sir; iii.r..-. tsi-sn.n.7, , n a Walking Glen. X. V. Fur lntelllcntjf TIIK GLEX N'BIMi LiKE GEORGE, N. Y. Hetel Marien opcrvertM ie(vtntfvK'f Aplateyir rcii cultured cJumU lOStPrl tIAPVIL - FRIEND" LiKE. X. V, ATATEKA CLUB Beautifully situated, overleoklns; fJ'?Z! Laku. Excellent cuisine. Large ruenis.vn'" or without prlv. bathl 1-1 up. Biding. " MaUuuw Bres,, I'r one., ClieaUrtuwu. A. ' i t ' IA1 4. n ISC l III Or ,ai, tm )i l 1 : v ,J. . vIS"& .. . .:. i.iLi'ji.1 ' )JTOi4a3aJ't. ' --" . -,?,. h, '