RvWiTfc-W fHins rmeii,nr-it'.z'm w r J . l. , yttajrK Vi H.P.TV-r WVYKl lv UIMA.MnntT! WK-H'' Tir '?T'f&'J- Y'.Krctu'rraRYvainr'iir w .. a W&J , I (.H B v :'S? ft'?-?. 1H fc, i&n rJxv f u fc 1 t"..-il i Itiii..-... 12 77ie Daft Mevie Magazine T" FOtf THE FILM FAN'S SCRAPBOOK lUHMaa.- ' " .aaaaaLLaw'ar - -v ;? ' ' 'S fcaaaaaaW aF U . J W J- I aaaLLH'- :- tJttMaW '' ,jr'-t r'BaSSaBaBaBft .dam . iHr Ba iif lYBlHaBaBaaBHk n jBM ! iZZKKr yaHa f''- IiaHMaLaLIP s7 IIHmlhIH AI.MA ll'c trill be ijhul te imMi'Wi the pirtnrci nf uh sviccn ptnucis a tire suiiyi itrd by the fnni THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX Hy HKXRY I Kenil-fnr-nntliing ti.nip. dim t ten "I saw Wesley Harry a few weeks (age In 'Scheel Dajs." Wesley sure ! can say lie had some experience In (from of a camera. I nlsn sjitv Hetty niythc in '(Jiieeii of Sheha' hitelt. Betty is geed, but Oh! well, smne- mew l tlilnk sue s rather slew. Mie s nfrald she'll smile. Hew de .ten like her? "Did vnii see Karle Williams In ! 'The Man from Downing Street'? Did you like it? What will his next plc- mri: or, nn, e.v inc uii.i, i ;iw in ii tnn tvnvl tin litw t.iit, .if n.itif.iit, 1 M "Committed' te them Is scarcely I '.V" 1'ls,cl11"1l,;t Tn1. I . ,An0XVr?"lm; e( '0Pmm crent K. L. F. writes: "I haven't ' think we movie fans de let of foolish th- '-erreet wny of putting it." Tnllente ! ', fr'l.r "rThXer'H ln.ke.i '"iV rn ?u "feet iniBW tl.. written te ,ou new for a month or ' comparing of personalities that are se "hiected. "Their prlnciides are In the 'c" ' , ' "' ' You'll lnve te ste 1-e -non Ids tine -r swlnKnK tlic tue. I usually give you ( hat .mm, may different, they nren'l comparable. ,'""' '"V prlnelpl. They stand fnr ! "'" ('" .kne , "' ou ' fevVn.i utes "One nerr word Tnllente" he " ,-!" ""nI..'.ery ,e but this .. , he cne I avc rhnmplenea nil my ? t rVnt nmVl, VnlV or." add" "T'w intt'oaryeVha, e &e, Bl' ill', '?.. ii'8 1 wmm "'''- J'" '" " l","'r ''I,1''il nucmati one" ' I "Ce ahead." Tnllente ncquiesced. i fnr ns Your further progress is con- winff,, I i "I ,", T r,1 '" l.e-ter-e. deter, te the point. Yeu -m , i' ,' "?' .pl1 ,, .. willlnm.' "'l,l"r" w enlv one ambition." Her-, cerncd. there Is a snake In the grass STEi It1 . ih",k m", ,1",i ""'" "y "r s..,v nnce mid don't repent. ,lr ',, "L lHuli, i. f .!?"' I'" continued, "for nn enrnest pel.ll-I somewhere. The manuscript of which wonderful work here ,,f h.te. De you , , , ff ,s , ' M nrii d. but I ar tre . Mn Is fnr a I .a- ,., Ye ,.,mw .,,, mt ,M n, (,i Williams snekc t.i ynu. and which would lin,Jv i .. I ' !". ""i , ,,,lh """ " !1 '"'I"' nn.l prayer .levrrn an n i. ? l,v ' Vuh nm ci " ' 'le- Wouldn't nu sooner be Prime of cot.se dmnn you forever with nny Murray, but si... can take her part ,, , ( ..nrf.-t'-'ixl.iit-. till .,ilnils ' J ' Minister, supported by n recognized hnd ' party which dcpende.l for Its rxistpnee 'iif. Jplres with Vltagraph very shortly. Hsl -Isn't he snlnc te make nny mere pic- tis tiires? Please find out if possible. .tli I iwhnt he's suing te de. He is married Jte Flerlne Waltz, of Philadelphia. De ryeu knew her? Was she an nctiess? "Well, new Mr. Henry. I think I've bothered ou enough for a month or two. Did yen print Dick Hurthel- .mrss picture latch .' I didu t see it Will nu print It and your own, rplense." I .. . II in sorry tn -ny I Iiadn t imticeij .that linpievenient in Pearl. S matter in inn. sue secius nie smne innnj us she seems t he she did w hen site used te play in .. ..!.... I.. I "Kxplelt nf Klnine" ami the nther "erinl thrillers. I'tc never taken her 'ver.v seriously In serious roles, though -J have te admire her nerve nnd vivac .'lty. Mae Murray, as I've mentioned number of times, )s showing hints of senielhiiiL' ln'ttev. I lather like tiiiir criticism nf Mis.s Illjthe "being afraid te smile. I like her right well, though. Yep. I si( y Karle in ills Knst Indian get-up in "Tlie Man from 'Downing Street": it was one nf these pictures which impressed me n neither v se tery gniid nor se verj bail, lie is working mi an (. Henry story, teni teni peparilj titled "Dickie" On several ioccaslens. when Mr. Wllllamr' con- tract with Vltagr.iph has expired, there has liecn tail, of ills affiliating jclscttherifc but eacli time he has ended up by signing a new centrm r with tne ' 1'udii' uempany, anil lie prububly will again. lie s nn' of their real old- timers, you knew. I don't hate the iplensure nf knowing bis wife, who is if net, I understand, a professional. Tlie picture nf Hnrtlieltucss, I'll try te print seen; the ether never.) , ' Just .Mary writes; "Seme time age ,-jreu had an inqulrj for classics which tjiad been mnvieizeil. Ymi gave a .iplendld list, but jmi left nut thiee, 'which I think sbmild be added. I've been medestlj waiting for some one te, send In soma mere, but ns no one seems Interested enough, I should like tn ndd them, if I may. Tlie.t are. 'Heurrec. Hen' and "Annn Kareniun,' Tnlsiny, with Hettt Xansen, and tlie recent re vival, 'The Hluehlril' NMaeterllnck. Surely these should gn down in history. "revernl times j in have uientiniieil tliP recent pliolepiav 'Sisters' us being i 1 "whnt we wnnt.' It was well neieil, . (wasn't it but, did ynu ever rend the book? I don't like 'Nerrls' as an In- jdoer pastime, but I happened te read that, and the entire book was a study '.Of the self-sacrilice of the elder sister te the little inethi'iless sister; leading (te n sacrifice of life itself iii order thnt her sister might be happy. Te fnrce a Ijhnppy ever after' ending tn such a Jieuiltlful cllmnx vtas the last stage uf jmevle-isli sentiment a Usui. "Three cheers Ter our feminist (friend, even If she i id make a faux pus Jwlth her 'geed moral tone.' It lsn"t ' question as te whether it's geed, bad jer lndlffeient. It is the nneleut one ,,'whnt's sauce fnr the gander.' Don't 'my It Is history. It is, future hlstnrj. 'I didn't see Vnns. .Ne, net because Ijreu said it wouldn't he gned for me ',(I'Te known lets of reporters, se I Vauppesc I'm 'hard-boiled' also), but I .knew It would be drendfully disappoint ing net half se wicked as I was led te shall I say hone? 'Sides which you Jk get shocked at Wilde ami therefore it . "Here's hoping Hie Ven Strehelm tS'v rfiiment getH settled before jeu lese t&', tjreur chnrmlng disposition. P. S. rgfttpen t you publish ids picture, because JSktjeu don't want te, or because jeu tWKt1 X. A ..... II :t:f veil t line, (Theuelit snmeliedy eUe sent In ' FlAnna Knrcnlnn"; mebbe net though. id Hint sure tvns an oversight en my I rt leaving out "The Hlueblrd." one! 1 Tourneur's llnest directorial efforts, i feu' re probably right about Kathleen I KerrU and "Sisters." I never read the aI 11 m: ..4il m I-aS iltevel, e I can't ni.t. In regard te your Mirtt tirade, I stubbornly maintain that i" i?if'm net nt "" lll'l"m',L You're rigid wA'pHeiigh, you would have found it l7HfVrceiirully dlsnppelntlni;. ' '$&$, 4f;mO. C. A. writes: "When 'MnWe Di'fUHU'd no Jlere' linked the iiietien, tjV,ii"JWeiildii,t Viilentlne hnvi been u n'ream iM'JMthe role uf 1'eler IbbelMinV about 'vhuiHired mere like the folIeuliiK bed aeress my mind ; AVuldn't Hurl be u KcrPiim an Little Lord F7 would jeu like tu we J.Pellv n fltii FrtillfMV .fc'iMrtt.Mrtaetic, but k k- T"".ki:'jCr8 . ... ...,. mba r .f -r ft j Ilt'UKNS M. XKKI.Y the tii'innnmi; the senmd p.migrupli te heart. I Kitty ('Inter writes; "All right for , Laber Party as ynu understand it n Jim. Mr. Henry M. Xeely Xnw I don't ' any nf the late fiiPtintis nf tlie Laber like .ten cten n little liny bit. I'm net Pnrtv. perhaps I should sy. i even going te read your old column , "The Democrats possess' nn Interim- ' ant mere. , linnnl outlook. When they legislate j "And jeu're entlrelv wrong about p)','r-v ';,nss "'I1 receive its proper con what I think women should de when .-'''"intien. Nn class will be privl- I i bet gn Hbrend. Hut. what's the ''i'1- A man will be ranked according use nf my sa,iB nny mere? I don't 'obis production. ' I knew nnrtlilns. ' ' "n"is smiled with the faint cynic- i !... .... ..,.. ,, T-.i . it suppose Ven Strehelm would laugh nt my think ii'ii ii" ,iiiii iniiiicr ill ,.ii' ,1 ing that '1 unlish Wives tenches a geed moral? 'I.ct him laugh, nn' show liis ignorance.' "In u Philndelphia newspaper the Kvn.viMi I'fl.l.ie I.KlHiEH there is 'The Daily Mevie Miignzinp.' which sats: '"We will be glad te publish the pictures of such screen plajers as nre suggested by the fans." "T nilmlr.t rl .nrt.iltt cupnAn itlnvfli.'u ,..mi .....i M1.....wt ,iir i.iM lcttire he published. 1 am llatlv refused by Henry M. Xeely "keener n' tlie 0nitmiii. Xnw I wonder just hew he , ,.., ( f(mtV j , M,bscrlbcr and a render of the iiiumii. " "I wKh te thank veu most sincerely, it. Heniember me te all jour people, Mr. Xeely, fnr the pleasures I had d give my love te Muriel." while I did read your column. I guess Tnl'cnte held out his hand good geod goed jou're n pietty nice man, only jeu get hiimniedlv. His visitor made no inline nine nun way Inn inin-li. Viiii'll lm , diiltP motion te tnke It. much nicer after tour chnrncter has lit-v. Tr.elliiweil. Pleas., ferulte me for ''"' nimt nice I liaie coos,.,! ten." (I'm really taking n great chance in publishing tills Idler. Kitty Cleter, because it general tone is going tn de a let meie tlinu nil jnur lierj arguments nf the past lumped together. It's going te make u let of the fans get sj nipathetic and think me a very hiird-sliinneil. ilisagieeiibli' individual (ttliii'h. sny ten. I nm and se you'll win jmir tlctery after nil. Anjway. as I threatened once before, some day I shall hnd a picture nt ten unjuny but tit that time, jnu probably won't want it loe bad this is jour swan song. Kitty ('lever, as jeu'te been a darn gned tighter while jeu lasted.) INDIAN REBEL ACQUITTED High Court Reverses Sentence Im posed en Charge of Sedition Aliniedab.ul. British India, July V-'. H.izrat Mehatil. president nf ihu All India Moslem League, has been acquit ted by the High Cnurt en n charge nf inciting war. Mehani was sentenced te two years' Imprisonment mi Mat- 4 for sedition after th- Judge had icfuid te iu n pt n unanimous terdbt nf net guilty ren dered In a jnrt which Included live In dians. In ii speech before the All -India Moslem League last December he was dieliireil te have ndveeiited guerrilla ttiirfaii' n hrlnj about th" estalilishiin nt f :i ippiiMn wlilrli niilil bi' nl'i'd tin' I 'lilt i' 1 Stnte uf Itiilin. SHOOT, THEN AID WATCHMAN n . u i . - . j r w, Robbers Loet Safe and Dress Vic- tlm's Wounds Before Leaving l,el. num. Ph., .Inly lli- il'.y A I'.l - Tvmi riiiilnTi I'liti'ii'd tlie IlmisiikiT I'liclnc plant early tniinj , shot and wiiiimli'il Snliiiniiii lliij er, tin' wnteh mini, and after snuislilns the mmpan safe and tnklni; about SUIO, dressed iie.ver's wounds, innde lilm as iem- fertahle as possible and escaped After iittiiikliiK liejer the robberi bound him with wire before startlni; work en tlie lempanv safe Tlie wnteh iiian later loosened his bends and noti fied the authorities. Sure Death te reaches, bed bugs, moths, flies, fleas and mosquitoes; also their return prevented by spraying with "PREVENTOL". Cleans Bath Tubs, Tiles, Metal Fittings and Garbage Pails. Purifies air in Sick Reems, Cellar; poorly ventilated Apartments, i A wonder spray necessary as soap harmless as water. Buy it at drug, grocery and department stores. Special combination pacWge, pint can and sprayer, $1.00 Quart Can 90c; Pint Can 50c. All Cant are lull ttandard measure. Haynei Chemical Corporation, Richmond, Virginia (Prevbn f V -JMAKKtAriEA J ln K vrs " r JTt mZ i l, . k mi i ' WtemaMte...! ., .. ., .'t ifJiifii EVENING PUBLIC MOBODYS IAM :-:Ey E. Phillips Oppenheim CIIAITEU X TAI.M:NTH feuiHl ii lltnnt cennec- I ' .. ... .... ... 1. 1.. a tl.m or us wiiiim or m in . i j .oems en liN return fro the II ' ' 1 '"'" ""fMmt HHl nt Oxford. I.ml l.eeen e one of t lie j uil I m' iseeivtinleM te thf I'rlme Mltil'""- fIM,p ijeiuiR mnn reM- te hix ft nt liil , len ex etiirnnce mm nnsiei.ni u. "-; plnin Ills vllt. "You'll ferslve my waiting, fir. lie hesKcd. "Your servnnt told me thnt j mi were ditiinjt nut nnil would nc neinc before 7 o'elei'k te chimin." 'fjultf right. Siicnccr." Tnllrntc re piled. "(Set riulit into the middle of it. plene," he enjoined. "Tn begin with, then, can you break jour piiBiiKcinent and conic anil dine you played en uh the ether dny? with the chief?" "Hetteii? I theURht It was rather "Out of the question, even If it wereiCiCVpr f mp" Tnllente objected. a reynl cemmnn.l, was tlie llrm reply Jlv eiiKiiKement Is unlircaknble "The chief will be sorry." Williams laid. "Sn am I. AVlll you co round In Downing street nnd see him after ward V" "I could." Tnllente admitted, "but why? I hnve nothing te say te him. I ,1111 I ..Ti.v'l,, J 1 .1 1 111' t.flllll nil,, i.r kay te mc. There lire always pressmen loitering nbeut Downing street. "I knew all nbeut thnt." Williams assented, "but this time, Tnllente. there's inniPtlilns in it. The chief ipmr reled with you for tin- snkc of the old gang. Well, he innde n bloomer. The old gang aren't worth sixpence. They're rather a hindrance than help te legis. hum i . u.iu mi n-. ii- Miiini-ii uir re jMHimy. as ou saw tin- afternoon. I .! II HI Hlfc'- ...III llill, lilt' 1IIUIIJI Willi MHI. "Well, there you are." Williams went nn. "The chief's fed up. I enn talk In yen here freelv because I'm net nn ntlicial peren. run jeii discu-s terms at nil for n rapprochement?" "(Jut of the question !" "Yeu mean that jeii arc ten much cniumlttpil tn Dartiey and the Deme crats "Thnt Is where the Denmernts enrne I In." Tnllente pointed out. "They have none of tlie narrower niitlnnk nf the '-m in clairvoyant tout a. ..... , ,. i . .-.niiiwi ii nuic iiioiien sir." he ventured. "Whnt about Miller?" "Well, what nbeut him?" "Are jeii going te serte with him?" "Ileally," Tnllente protested, "for n political opponent, or the representa tive of a political opponent, jeu're a Irllle en the Inquisitive side." "It's a matter that you'll hnve te face some time or ether." tlie jeung man asserted. "I happen tn knew that Dartrey is committed te Mi'ler." "I don't see Imw you can happen te knew anj thing of the sort," Tnllente declared, a lit t le bluntly. "In any ctc. Spencer, mv political association or non-n-seclntlon with Miller Is en- Mrnl mv .,.. nffulr nn.l nn enn linnl- ,- . ...... . ! ..-. jw,. .. .... "There nn. just one thing mere I was u-UiiI te mention, sir." he said. 1 will he quite rriiiils if I may. My, instiuctinns were net te allude te It It jnur attitude were in tlie least con ciliatery. "(ie en." Tnllente bade him curtly. "There has been a rumor going nbeut that some years age while the war was ' en. In fact ynu wrote a very wonder- ' fill attack upon the trades unions. Tills attack was s, bitter in tone, se damn ing in some of its facts, and, in short, , such u wonderful production, thnt nt tlie last moment the late Prime Min ister used his influence with you te suspend its publication. It tvns he'd ever, nnd In the meantime the nttitudc of the trades unions toward certuln phases of the war was modified, ami tlie collapse of (iermany followed seen afterward. Consequently that article was never published." "Yeu are cticcdingly well In- j formed," Tnllente admitted. "Pray i proceed." I "Tin-re is In existence," the young mnn lenttnued, "a signed copy of that ' artiile. Itn publication at tlie present, niMiicut would probably make jour pe- ' salon with the Democratic party un- I tenab'e." "Is tills n mntter of blackmail?" , Tnllente asked. I The .tnung ni.in stiffened. "I nm speaking en behalf nf the i Prime Mlnisiei. sir. He desired me te Infntm ten that tlie signed copy nf that article has been offered te lilm within the Inst few dajs." I Tnllente was silent for several me- ' meats. The jeung man's subtle Intl- minion wiii ;i sliuik in nieru ways than OIll'. "Th" manuscript tn wliicli you n1 fpr," ii.- said at lii-t, "nn fteltn from mj study at Martlnlim1 under somewhat "!,IVnr. ".iitien,.- "I'itIihih .miii wiitilil like te pxplaln tlir,,,' ."iditlniis te Mr. Ilorleck," Wll- jUIls ui;i;mii.d, Tnlli'iite lii-ld open the deer. "I shall net m-pIc out your rhlpf," 1ii said, "but I will tell him tlie truth about that manuscript if nt im time we should enme tnKetlier. Ill t lie men li- time I rim perfectly in accord with the view which jour chief no doubt holds ceneeriilii!,' me. The publication of that article at tlie present moment would in- evitabh end my connection with the Demecr.ule Tarty and probably ele-e my political career. This Is n position which I should court rather tlinn sub mit te bliiekniull direct or Indirect." TOL NHOME ) - LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, .WEDNESDAY, JTJLY 12, 1922 "My chief will resent your nelnu sucli, w""'. "'J-.'' WIlllnniM declnrcil. "eiip I'lilpf reutl hnr nveldeil It , j.uHpIemh lira of the wnMPpeper lnsket nnd an exercise, of the Rift of Tnllrntc retorted, ns the ,(orIeck cnmc fni.l , fU.c wltM Tnl. rte tl.e follewlti r.fteriioen In one of ., err,(, f ., ,, (, cflrpclj. trellnIlllg ,t nn invitation, led lilm forcibly Inte Ills prlvntc room, lit, t,irncd his secretary out nnd locked the jenr , "1 wnnt te feewhnt's doing, In a few minutes," he snlu I "I can tell you that. HorlecU de- 'In red. "XethliiB nt all. I was junt 'off when I happened te nee you. You're liHiklnx very nt nnd pleased with your HPf, is it because of thnt rotten trick "Perfectly legltlmntp. suppep. i tlip ether ns'cnted grudgingly. "That's , the worst of having n tactician in op-1 position." "Yeu shouldn't hnve let mc get there." wns the quirk retort. I ;down b(,.wr0Il ,is flnspn Ilorleck drew it paper Knife slowly 'I sent illlnms te you yesterday. "Yeu did. A nice errnnd for it re spectiiblv brought -mi young mnn!" 1 "Chuck that. Tnllente." 1 "Yhv? 1 didn't misunderstand him. did I?" "Apparently. He told me that you used the word 'blackmail.' " "1 don't think the dictionary supplies 1 n milder equivalent." 'Tnlleute." said Ilorleck with a ifrimn. "upM! rinMi with this once nnd for ever. I refused the eiler of the manuscript in question. "I nm glnd te hear It," was the la conic reply. "Leaving thnt out of the question, then, I suppose there's no chance of jour ratting?" "Xet the fnlntest. I rather fancy I've settled down for geed Ilorleck lit a cigarette nnd leaned pull the chestnuts out of (ire for I TOfRM llMlllIIlllll' IIIIIH'III I1IIII. 1 IIA Ml , I'lt'll llllllll-tl II II I'lll IK' IlilUl' UUUMI'4. tirWWWWWSffWfcyy TtDEmTElffMIL Through Historic Virginia and Cradle of Republic Frem Capitel te the Sea. I'llDTOPl.AVH I ' IFREPERICKSBORCV' - 000 O j x i 2 SPPAHANNOCK )Q g f SALUDA LJ V tvc.91 ruini m WILllAMSBURCj JAMESTOWNfsJP rAMDriKTK A I : Write for Booklet jjgSUFWlK , ; : ir. t. AheK jr irieuccsicr I eini, v jz Va. The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. April I f 52D . THOMPSON 3T. rtrULLU MATINIU5 PAIL.T I.1K I.KK nnil T. 110 Y 1IAKNKS In "Ii Matrimony a Failure?" ACTySD E1011TJ1 & (UKAIID AVE. RODOLPH VALENTINO 111 "IKIMIMU'S WIVKS" Alllir.I) TTHA(""ON The Great Mind Readeri Frince Cadhoe and Princess Isis mil i. ,m:k am. yeui rm.rK 'It i.iiii.! . r a i -riArrT? r.itT T.1S.T ft HAIrtMOKU DM-l HVlVrVC Km. man Hnt. Mat. GEORGE ARLISS In 'Till: IU MNlPASS!0" I R I lPRIRD Urn til & SiOKjuehnnna C'entlntimm S unlll 11 l.Vl'. 1MII.N nn.l .lAf'IC HOLT In "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" rni nMl a I m. & mhpiwoeh ai AIMA UVHKN.S In "FIND THE WOMAN" FAIRIvieuNt":IIt,v,,;rl,s:urv" ANITA STEWART in "MiniNji TJiiU'l'M'" GREAT NORTHERN Wi llFll CHARLES RAY HOPE HAMPTON InJHTAU.lHT" I IDITDTV BHOAD A: COI.l'MISIA AV llDtU 1 I matinki: UAlI.r AI.I-STAK nT In "MISSING HUSBANDS" HDirMT WueOlnnil Ae m OiM SI. VJlAltlN 1 MATINJ'.i: DAILY 11. W. liKIKllTH'S I'lllllll CTHIN "ORPHANSOF THE STORM" OVERBROOK mu lI ?"u MILDRED HARRIS InJ'TMJi WOMAN XNl"Ni HOI s;- DAI K1 KHANKKUHD AVi:. - rAllvl Miintis sTr.nET I'ANMK lll'ltsT'.S "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" Ajldnj Atlr.it linn SurnrPVn rnlf tP le DCTCMT Market Ht llelew 17ttt tt.Llt,lN 1 10 A M te 11 I', il. POLA NEGRI In "THi: IlKVIl.'N PAWN" DIM Tn ui:hmantew. avk.nub lir-VI. 1 J '! 'ri!l.'i'l'ri("i"i,N iT. NORMA TALMADGE :iij'8MU.iyTiinerni" SHERWOOD "JIat.'!?1'!! Si Av. M EARLE WILLIAMS In 'IRKSTI.KSH HOUIJ" 333 MARKETpWJX WiTffi .rvi?aA5'.,;s,";,WBsu.3 iunn iv inc. niuni ..J..VS -! ! W ' ,our friends Dartrey, Miller nnd com- ''""'Se thh Is the Inst bid, eh?" Tnllente observed. "U'h thp last bid of nil." was jlip grave answer. "There is nothing mere." -"And what becomes of you?" s "One Hectlen of the Press will say that I hnve shown vqlf. denial nnd pa triotism grentcr than nny mnn of my ceiierntlnii nnd that my name will bp handed down te history as one of the most sltiKle-mlndcl stntemnen of the dny. Anether seclien will say that I have been forced Inte n well-deserved retirement nnd that It will remain n monument te my everlasting disgrace thnt I brought my party te such strnlts thnt It was obliged te compromise with the repretentntlvp of nn untried nnd un proved conglomeration of fnnntlcs. A third section " "Oh. chuck it; Tnllente interrupted. '!f,i..irw.1f 1 niiiirntlnlfi vnllf iiffnr lin cnusp I knew thnt there is n large auieunt of self-denial in it, but I nm dud of nn opportunity te end all these discussions. My word is passed te Dartrey." "And Miller?" the Prime Minister n-Ked. witli ciil.n irony. rniieiHP lrit Hie sung nnu irewneu irritably. I hnve hnd no discussions of nn.v sort with .Miller," he answered. "He has never been represented te mc as holding nn ellicial position In the party." "If you ever succeed in forming n Democratic government." Ilorleck said, "mark my words, jeii will hnve te in clililn him." "If ever I ncccpt nnv one's offer te form n government," Tnllente replied, "It will be nn one condition nnil one rendition only, which is that 1 clioe-e my own Ministers." "If you become the head nf the Democratic Party," Ilorleck pointed out. ".miii will have te tnkc ever their pledges." "I de net ngree with you," was the firm renlv. "nnd further. I siiccpst most respectfully thnt this discussion is net nKreenblc te me. was offered te mc, without nny hint at TOt'Rsi WASHINGTON An SALUDA ...TER .&" (.v MATHEWS YORKTOWM S2!J?u Tco 'J m -. L NEWPORT NEWS C . Myyyyyyyywyyywyyyyyyyi fltOTOI'I.AVB IThcNlXON-NlRDLlNCER BELMONT '?n ',,0Vn 3AnKET uuiiiviii 1.30 . 3, il.se in 11 I XI JACK HOLT nnil IIKIIi: llMKs In "North of the Rie Grande" CEDAR C0T" ccDAnAvSui7 1.30 nnu a 7 ?ni 'i I' ii ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In "Till: WAV ny , ji.xu,.. COLISEUM f1;;1"1 ,".?'''" i DORIS MAY In "1101 CtZf. JUMBO ,V1,!P T- eiiwnD avp tARLt WILLIAMS "Till: MAN IK,,.,, IMIIVMM, hTRKKT" In LEADER lsT lmmAVi - .HI In 3n, 7 te 11 I' i LOCUST ''JlLtsJnM-Fuf:T ti.St;! 1V1M.C 1WUKKAY In 'TASCi.VATIO.N" NIXON'S AMBASSADOR""-" TOM MIX in "Up and Going" NIXON MU NU MAIIKBT BM. " HERBERT RAWLINSON '' .J"l,l,: " .(." 69TH ST. 'I"e"tr;- e";''"" "North of the Rie GVande" Strand ae"n t vYB.ny. - ',0. i unij !i I' ji "find,he"w6man" ARDMORE "mm GEORGE ARLISS In "DIMIAKI.I" GRANT 0""a",.AD AVE. .IA.MIN 111 ll'l-lt ,,........" i. u "The Girl Frem Porcupine" AT OTHER THEATRES " MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANTOWN 'Vr0?,'."!;:,", ' SEENA OWEN In "SISTERS'' MWKV HKMOX In "A PAIK Of KI.VCJ8" PARK ",MBA!!a Kri ' ' - rr.fi .k .l,x V " finnnclnl return, en tne sole condition thnt I guaranteed Its public production. It Is perfectly obvious, therefore. Hint there Is some one ftlrrlng who means hnrni. I spenk te you new only nn a friend nnd ns it wpll-wlsher. "Dlil I understand Williams te say that the document was stolen kem jour study nt Martlnlme?" , "It was stolen," Tnllente replied, "bv mv secretary, Antheny Pnlliser. who illsnppen'rcd with It one night in Aligiist." " 'Disappeared' ' secmt rntlier n vague term," Ilorleck remarked. "A trllle meledrnmntlc, I ndmlt," Tallnnte assented. "He were the clr cumstnnccs of his -dlnappcarance. I can nssure jeii thnt I nave had the police inspector of fiction nskln me curious questions nnd I nm convinced Hint down In Devenshire I nm still an object of wisplclen te the local gos sips." "I remember rending nbeut the nf fair nt the time." Ilorleck remarked, as he unlocked the deer, "It never occurred te me. though, te connect It with nn.vthlng of this sert: Surely Pnlliser was n cut nbeve the ordinary blackmailer?" Tnllente shrugged his shoulders. "A confusion of ethics." he snlil. "I ilnrc say .ten remember that the young man conspired with my wife te boost me into a peerage behind my back. However! " "One last word. Tnllente," Ilorleck Interrupted. "I nm net nt liberty te tell you from whnt source the offer ns. te your article came, but I enn tell en CAriTOI. TOUItJ rnifnKi,rniA s Hetel Adelphia j i j in Philadelphia I i Chestnut at 13th Street Convenient te every where 400 rooms 400 baths moderate in price superior in service. Reef garden 21 stories above the street. DAVID B. PROVAN Managing Director ' wixriiEsTr.n. va. Hetel Evans Winchester, Va. W IN THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY DIRECTLY ON CAPITAL TOUR European Plan F. L. BUCKLEY PROPRIETOR NATrnAr, lunixa:. va. natikal nitiixiK. va. natcbai. nnmeK. va. ijr3jj(lilHBHiJBBjMfc'ifcj'22ii Natural Bridge Hetel Natural Bridge, Virginia iHterf- in resi ,i ' Li. ', V.' V "C ' ,r (ills.,lNl"iani m I'lclui ciue Binnilcur, the region abounds with places e with the War nf si" "n S . "n'l rn"iv1",:,u i? "', ""t".r" An"""'' ,,f1"- r" f"'1(1 'Saltpetre Cave," associated witn tlie war of 1S12 and the Civil War; "The Lest U,vr" ahd "l.ai.c Waterfalls." ine llOiel tH InriTO .'Hill rrimmnillnne ..1,1. tU- ..i . . .. tinnlenN nnd ,mr nun .l-iiV.. .n" ', ' "' t-hieum eruimas-. I lie Uiiiph are HUp pneil Iieni inc i"'" and meter L rein l nm ?,, """"e, nnd scenery are unsurpassed. DanelnK. .wlmmlnp. tennis, herselucU rlUIng inn moierink round out the sumnnTs enievment Antii'n.i,iieU .. ,.n .,..i.,u ... f r. ., v .c. v tin luay Stations. une niBhfs ride from Fer Hates and Reservations Address NATURAL miiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHn,,,,,,,,,,,,, TAV MAIIHKT. VA. i ?fF llllliilllillHillllilin I II' Illlri'l I'lllllll !;iinirf!TTTTTm' .'UilJ'l'''M"iiiiiuimi!iin.HMni!H;H;jj;j(ii . JrH this Pnlliser wns nni or did net nppcnr te be connected with It In nny wny. "Hut 1 knew who wns." tnllente ex tlnlmcd. tlth a siidiien lightning-like recollection of thnt meeting en the rnll wny platform nt Weedy liny "Mil- Ilorleck made no nnswer. Te his visitor, however, the whole affair was new clenr. "Miller must hnve bought the manu script from Pnlliser." he snld. "when hejtncn whnt sort of un offer Dnrtrey tvns going te mnke te me nnd realized hew It would nffect him. Ilorleck. I nm net sure, after nil. thnt 1 don't rnther envy you If you decide te drop out of politics. The main read Is well enough but the bytvuvs nre pretty lllthy," Ilorleck remained gravely silent nnd Tnllente pnssed out of the room, renl izlng thnt he hnd finally several hlH connection with orthodox English poli tics. The renllisntlnn. however, wns rather mere of a relief than otherwise. With- n little smile of nnticlpn nnticlpn tlen upon his lips, he hurried te the telephone. In n few moments he win spenklng te Annie, I.ndy Jmic's innld. "Will you give her Inilyshlp u mes sage?" he asked. "Tell her thnt I nm unexpectedly free for nn hour or se. nnil nsk If 1 in a y come around nnd see her?" The innld tvns nbsent from the tele- t'AI'ITOI. TOtm KI.KTON. VA. kiiiiuiiiiKrimtiiiiiinniinniintJiinHniiiitiniinniiiitninniiiinniiiiiiiimitinintiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiintiiniiniiiiiniinniiinitiiiinmiim I THE ELKTON HOTEL I ELKTON, VA. Mil a ami- ML- ftiiiisiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiinnitiiiiHiniiiittniiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiniitiinniiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiitiiiiiiiniiiiniiiniiiiiiitiiiiini fiROTTOES. VA. f Grottoes of the Shenandoah At Grottoes Station - U. & W. Railway, Va. FAMOUS caverns, the largest under ground chambers in Virginia. THE CAVE OF ALL CAVES. Fermatigns UNIQUE and unequaled. Descriptive folder for the asking. Fine reads from main highway. Lunchat Ye Olde Tea Roem. KTAfNTOS. VA. HEVERUT GARAGE, It STAUNTON, VA. H ECONOMY EFFICIENCY SERVICE Ideal and Convenient Location Light, Airy, Commodious Special Service Maintained for Out-of-Town Guests Philadelphia without u.innBu .. & W. It. Li 'J ''JM 'mmnminmiiammmum'"11 '"'! .NKW MAHKKT. VA. Endless Caverns WONDERFUL AND SPECTACULAR New Market, Va. ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET MAILED ON REQUEST V If.'J - A1, vtA . . .X n .rv nntiA fnr lean Minn tnln.il.. 'L . Hlitr returned her "icngc.wasVlVrkSS 1 sntlsfnctery. Her' Indyshln weSd?!! 1 exceedingly picnscu te see Mr. Talleetn! 1 Te be continued tomorrow , Cowrleht. ItlfJ, bv the Bill SiiiitC(Hr. Arrested en Abduction ch...-. liclhlehcin. Pn., .Inly. IL'.llebfri 'J llurnrt, e HlntP . I'ellcemiin im',i nrrcsicu Minium xuiieite en Is charge, et noaiietien. lturnrtAnlse . rested Mnry Cnssune, elgliteenivn ' ..Id. and took both te Knst.n. ... Ji" . extradition te Hnverstrntv, N, Y,- ft. ' parents .of the girl allege Ynnette"'!? V .L.rtln.l linf tvlinll wlln H'nA 1.U1 ' Hill -in, "- " "v.. "- ....n niAII'rn tllH old. lnnette nays hn hns married tC WASHIXtlTON. n. c A T1D TOK TOUKI8TM AMI AIlTn ntrv..i Knr RUlomeblle accpsnerlfa come te k..i aunrters wb nre the lilugMt retailer? S niinercnr nxng" In the national c7ii., PHONK MAIN 0000 4 CAriTOr. TdDHH KI.KTON. VA. 18 Miles Kast of ItarrlFenbu'rr tn the , State Hlshivay. On Shenamlenh niter 20 MJIen from I.urny Caverm I IS Miles from Orottees OI'KN AM, THE VKAH Rates $3 tn $4 Per Day American Plan 1000 Feet Above Sea Ivl Pure Llthla Water CLARENCK A. IIAL'mtEn Owner nnd Mnnnier r.nOTTOEM. VA. v J. M. PIRKEY, Supt. Grottoes, Va. STAl'XTOX. VA. ... ... ..... ,., It. BRIDGE COMPANY MilV Jl.MtliKT. VA -" --. ja - A f' ' Aid i! : i ; if 'T ri