mm SsnnMHHR?MHB1slaPra77pK!MHI .J. f 7 m mi il I w :.. "msmsT' . n ' . '.iSS'Q raarweswiSMrr 11L -nxrbxmKrvm .? T Women Shape Mens Morals? Winnifred Harper Ceeley Is Asked SEP' KK)D young girls iisiinlly prefer, r.. i. .,.-! ... ii.ncn u-he i i a4 Ism? town their wild nut's, who have I 'V " V at. wasted their mnn- i lied en vulgnr ievc. my lite partner, nlitl the miner '.omen, nnd have ' of my children'! 1 vn n ma zed that a nothing pure nnd sw eet, highly bred ftlrl who seemed wou weu wou lefty and line In derfitl te me should display such n the "way of life nnd ' low and distorted niernl viewpoint. Ideals te Rive n "And yet I notice thnt ninny Reed wife, when they and sweet glrN reflect this nttlttide, and e e n (I p n e c n d settle down with complacency with hus hus te 'settle down,' j bands iintit for them. They laugh nt T h e s e 1 e v e I y ! their brothers' dissolute affairs with maidens scoff at a decent, ,piict young totievv. wne ciicr- ' Mini such moral , COndUCt tOr lllmSplf ! VIVVIL'lttM ...... I. ....-..I...... MARl'Hii coei.ur ""V '" "'"'kk'"' r WWifciiiiiiiin mi 'i , 1' ,' z uguiusi temptation, (t aMvlcept himself clean. Ills suffering "W; triumph are unappreciated and . .' . ., irrlarMn- , , TUat is the substance of .in Imlict - Hi?f .' "i".'.b? " "fy,011"" '"J',1 '" fMlitfnt mirl lilfli tui titi,l m, in ,f 1'nim. ' V .Yii . i; i " I ii 1 . " " . - .-it. 1 . " ' "' "; , , He tells of h s Intense nnd vital In- ero le 1 i.i- 1.1..... .11 v,s.l. til (jlll-, tliltj Hi's Mil I I' I Ml 11 1 1 " pelntment at the knowledge, slowly i.l ,1 " . , - ., iits innn, null 11 srrilis HI lllt'lll (Mill fw,;. I "" ""T 1 ef1.!1,,M" l,r,;f"r ,r,,"llv It Is a hlsli compliment te be selected nn"IMI,.,,t,"; ""' ""'" f"r Ieu'r".ns a wife, after a mnn has jilted or nnd husbands TTE SAYS. '1 began te anal,7e glrN XX closely anil with the highest ideals of them and for them; but te my chagrin I noticed thnt. In their es teem, the clean, upright. Inexperienced beyp appeared te be iiiidi'-lrnble : "A charming and refined girl was a few years elder than 1. or twentj -live. She became engaged te a traveling man who boasted of his affairs and emi quests In every town. She knew her man, knew Ills past, jet moll declared that she did nut inre hew loose his life had been' Ills shabli) treatment of women who had former! "lexed him did net frighten or disgust her: ct surely a man who Is unfair nnd lerrupt with one will be s with number, as seen the novelty wears efT." This young mnn does net seem pru- 1tti anil ul.nll.... ...t .... I. 1. but speaks with mere dignified' poise and knowledge than one usually sees in a youth of twenty-two. He gees en te tell hew girls nnd women seem almost universally te accept and condone the double stiuidnrd of morality, that which nays that an act which is "sinful" In n wemnn is permissible In a man He explains that men instead of helm: nlaaen.l tin. it .r...... .. Ill ..11 il...... intrnrv-ii llJMl "iMiU'd Will IllldW 1 Ilt'lU their wild ll,entl..,isiie. il..... marry them, sometimes me iliniiu)liit ---.-. ........... ... , ...... ...... ed nt the low standards set for them by women friends ! T WAS dismayed. What she implied X was this; "After Charlie has given part of hi young mnnhoed the best Read Your Character By M')ly Phillips Round I"aiv?s nml Hound Writing If you linxe been following this series of articles en th" ''"-'"i1 indication of mental characteristics you have probably noticed hew often the physical indication happens te be iust what ou would think It ought te be. The reason for this is that for cen turies we have unconsciously bee" rend ing charncter nnd giving figurative' mnlii9a t,i wnrrl., ,1nii.,fini rtii. tilivsl ."li-Ml characteristics which unconscious- I ly we hne noticed ncuunpany certain traits of chnracter. We speak of ,i man being small when we refer te his .7e. nle when we refer te Ills character We have Mihscon Mihscen Mihscon srteusly approached a scientific fact In doing se. Meanness is mere often a vice of the person who is pliwalh small than of the large person. Like wise it Is mere often that the phticnll big person is generous anil brnirl gauged in his attitude than the small one. AH people, big and small, hnve their virtues and vue. nut en the average iii there is a real difference in the chnr- !i acter of the vices and lrtucs of small aad big people. I tit t remember. thN Is an average preposition. It does nor mean that, exceptionally, a person who is small in stature may net be bread and generous in nientnlity. But tenslder the parallel between faces and writing. It 1 net an exact one in most cases, hut It comes close te it in the case of the round face ,111 I round writing. The nu.nd fine lm ti - cntes the person physically ruber inert, inclined te like luxurv and lomferl. economical of effort, most often caieful In thought, l.nsy-geing is tue pest uu around vver.l for it. And well-rounded writing indicates a tuidcnev In tin: sane general direction. Tomorrow Motive Writing THE HOME IN GOOD TASTE By Uarnld Donaldsen fihrrtein i ' Celer nnd design 111 e the two most Important points upon which ndttee is f nerdevl In the choice of eurpets-, that is. iJvlfreui the de"eiative point of view, be- cause me ipiullty 01 the uiatei'lal must be decided very largely by the pur chader'n poiketbeok 'llic Kind of color stumble has nl r:MtMiet apparently BtlMk " ""l "csigll is ineiint a .-iwiir.' .. ...1.... , ... , .WWTfuieniincci puuern as oppescil te RfnliMtla or rintunillstlc rcpiesentii- -WtFer example, n ileclan of roses nr H'Mjrir flewerK shnded te lcprcseiit nu- V, S.tmm lu. .tl(...illLl.. 1. I.. ...-!-.,.. L'V..H .""" . ,, ,.l, .,,,, ",,,-. s JlfUlfllV rMitBDreDrlllte te be trending .111 s,,,.i, F.MU.,-a it.. ,i ,,.. 1 1 .... . . it iuf0,"B ' " "M "t' Iu" an in rirccnreiltlennlUed ns a lleui-de-lvs Is lint iiand makes nn ecclleiit decorative pat- tiern. t mmtrr "The Choice of tttm" w,.. ,rv..!. DHr Carpet Advlre , s-,ly been mentioned in the p.eceding u "re "m . e ' wav , a ,l"n!: "'IT ! ' "enderful It must be te Ke through ft article, but the design needs further I nT",r.hl"te ,,l wnt hlV,bn, 1 ',"'' l' lhat' Ien though my flapper V'" tiinent. The design, w he. he, much or ' b, .ffi next fal Khh.7t It we m v,,"rs arf ,,ut n ParLr " ""?." lsV &m. nw'rt " "" " Hint Is. H be extremely bad a efer the no inr k"0,r "nV'hir fc,,1' Slmi'!; Wtt S.!WtVcm Hit and a part of the ,r- knlckeis for every day "t" ' "J '1 ' , fp, ' & H IT'L B mii 11 1 nr out iieiii . . i than before and the henil i,,u .,r . nw ni,n . hew net te be nlwnv4 reaching vvn. thin untcr iieitld net de nn. iimn. I...,i,ffl, .... t.. 7 Sv'lleware el noisy, over-clahernle de- keIiiu threueh mv head ienii.iii,.u fnV ih,. mnn... hew te -crrv nn." i . i t .. .!, i i. ... .... ". .... ". 'i ' ... ... ,'i .""."' """ "' fc .'JgWi and stnrtlli.g p.ntrnsts. Don't I De you knew of ,i r-mcrty fw hm.l I JKAVVK ! s l.b'isl I e ,,, br I i u- or 1 v rlra I In a e . een v . Ii""iB n,,,t t 8 HfaenhV'cear Vnu arc t.rH, m, .lear. nVt n? t' I 1 AiSffn will he checrf I I I rlZ IiHriPWn Bml ,l K00,'1 f,enlS ".r"l":,,h P" y0'i Rc!, hi' tt"s n""'"',''l '" l" ,ll''" ''''- ami completely. Five times. The !. H I s;5Pnrr' WIM '" lierrrul. It will prove Hlhi.l'SI hD miy exercise? And what about sleep? tleul. which means vlpj fnie down In movement was rnlsliu. . W'Ll . , ' ' 8 K MaVtuarrelMilue tyrant where iiuleier cel, . Have you consulted your doctor ng.,,,,' Take up swlmmlm: If you can manage ':, f, .,. i,,,n,,. 's,..i ,' i .. !"..i. " i . . . I .., .1 .. " .'"" ir"ni ."I'1'" i I rA'wHB ltl a lint design wll he u real 'I BU e w " nhle te de mmi- It. Cynthia would net ndvlse cenimut- :..' .'.' ". .twii-'iVt f.Vrwnrl .. i ....'. i i f, ,, ., ' Ir("" "eels E g ItlplSuri' te live with. Jhlnir t utep the nlse In your head Ing every dny for that distance; lt'n ".' ,u" ' , Vi,?V i ,.i ' ., ' " ,in11 .' fll,1"t ,n"" time, and tnk- 1 I Hit j " wa ( ui 117 cmi; iiii.i mv iu nil nn inr- ui'i ii'n iiiiii uiri c h nine ---.r(... ..-. v. . . ..., i'f.iiai- , .,.., u i ui iin iitiiii.i tr nBmaBu.'.'' j i.v.tsanii.Tiw'cnAVK.'VH -wvs rinu.&Mvtiii r'; -T.M k-'W 'ft HA" -.. . . , s- te lnne nr lascivious women, or hns ruined young girls, mid been Irrrspen- Mblc nml illsslpnteil. I am willing te 'nke the leavings, for m.v sole anil only women, nnd accept men friend whee ' rcputntlen Is unsavory, and against whom people warn them, I hnve heard respectable, pure girls jest about their I, r.thnru',1,1, nl rn.,1. . -". IHM ' ... v"'" houses and notorious resorts!" mills veiine- innn niivr It Is net sour 1 rn " ... .... " that causes him te speak thus. He does i .i i'..i .1...1 1 - the attitude of two or three girls, but , ., . . . " . , i ireni unit et nelens. Alse, lie nasi asked ether men of nil nges nheut the ......... m.... .i.r. i.i.. iihiuit. tii'J mrre " '"" H'r mntter. lhex agree that met want n seasoned reue, because he ilat- ters them, and It seems te them that . . , it,, ,., . rniil.til .,, ntnliuA.l ltl,uulf wlfli titflttt . ,.....i, ... -v.. .......... ...... ......... j "omen. "Tliev scorn a clean veuni chnn. be- lievlng that he is a weakling or cold- I blooded and Indifferent te feminine ' charins. They seem convinced that if llim' very llttle'altu'R'n "'used te he has net sewn wild eats before mar-. see him eery dny There is no one rlage, lie will break loose and go te that I knew who w-eiild Introduce us. the devil afterward. New, de tell me if . ' thlnli thnt It would be grand te this is true- j nine a personal column, ns some one "Men sav" that It Is women who held I fi"" s,uKPeBtt,,- It euld help some of .i i . ii i wn"1.' , " '" the "newcomers" te our city te get the key te the situation, that they vet better ncciunlnted nnd net feel m lone lene f In- staiiilnrd of morals for men, and I some Perhaps there are a great man can force them te be decent'" I of the boys and girls writing te you I his is a sex ere Indictment for us women, nnd must contain some truth. I am Inclined te think that girls arc se extremely ignorant of what really con stitutes Immorality in men that they speak foolishly and boastfully, whereas tliey ought te thank l!ed for n decent and idealistic husband. A fast, llcen- !','!'..or..,.!l.rl!.,.n,?.d - .,',l,,'m' - , !','!',.!l.rl!.,.n,?.d - .,',l,,'m' - , le?.,ri latiens with women hnve been selfish I Dear Cjnthla We wish te knew n mid unfair, never can become a kind. I S5"SJJma,"'-H l!lca. of, a "?ller We unselfish high-minded one! I'rlw ftt We n'Je k,n, "K.anS begets disease, and future genera Ions nre craving for excitement. We go te are punished for the sins of the futhers. many dances nnd nre considered beau tilrls simply de net knew these things, j tif ill and able te dunce well bv both I sexes At a dnnce the ether hIkM two llntAT women think they admire in VV iij men is net the life of sin. but . ii. il.. . . t ' . " " """ H llntter . and a g ft of , ..... ,.. i. ........ i. .n r.. ,..i--... ii'.. . of experlen. e realize that the well- poised mid decent man is the only one who is dependable, or even really at tractlxe. as a permanent companion. On Friday we will go mere Inte young men's temptations. deeply Panels Heng Frem Each Shoulder Motif of This Cape Hy I'OKINNK LOWE A dramatist should net inciioelt the possibilities of teduy's unnersal trend toward 1 apes Suppose a young man were in-tmcte,! te men a girl upon whom he had never previously laid eyes. Suppose the enlv clue furnished Imn a te In-r appearance was that she would wear 11 crepe cape and a flower- trimmed hat. Can't you just imagine the comedy of erreis thnt would ensue, the hundreds of strange Indies whom he would be ehllyed te 111 1 est before he tim.iiy hunted the right girl: Our c.ipe-nci'v Includes manv models witii the spirals of tiny folds of self material illustrated in tedav's model These are bv no means a new thought. but thev have maintained their pros- tige among various mere novel forms. , iere they nre diversified by panels of , attlMil Ie each one of the motifs following the shoulder line. These panels ninv be uniilied or thev linn liew the same ismtrastlng ciepe nr -ill; lining as the cape Itself. As te the spirals thcuwclvcN, these are found ti ent III v en the frei ks. ,,. ,.,.1 .,, the wraps of the season y or er- iii'iiis-ni . ni-, 111111111$. " uiiiiiie ui .u ui imu we Hcceuen. Alter i w ample, epe . repe freik has its skirt I (1t in III- work books hnve miide up of rows of these motifs, (. ,nsx thMr charm nnd even my own fain minlshing In sle from the huee ones I iv and friends are IxKlnnlng te get en llliisiiiui; I lie Hem II' the lnpline. te the small ones The Wemaii's Exchange About Knickers In thr ritilnr nt tCeinnii 1 Vnil Pear Madam Will veu klndh advise uu as te whether It would be proper for two girls fourteen and sixteen te wear ktiickern en hikes plenhs, etc" Would It nlsn be nierier for UnleUr e be worn vvhlli- traveling in a train finm the city te a place about thlrti miles awav De veu think knickers will lie worn v.v high srhoel glils during the cemlntt sihoel term'' TWO Wf)i;i,n-nn KI.APPniis it i ,,-f,,..K. ,.,,,.. . ...... ,....,... ,s pe-,.c..y proper IO Willi knickers en hikes nnd picnics nnd for ut . - f --.J IO"!.!.! 11.111 Mill "1"ral Noises In Her Head In th? r.tlitnr nl n'emmi 1 I'aur near .Madam I am a veuric uirl of sixteen, and for mere than a vear have1 been sufferliiK from hardened wax in ' my ears I went te several doctors, nnd ' new inr vn tins eeen removed When, rush te m causing me 10 fee rtlKv and faint New since t)0 wnx has been removed I can hear no bMtei , V,,. n hufflP. ..... ,W. ....... ... . th chani from denfn;. which causes thla. MJrHi""a ' Jbrradually. nfljii I?FW EVENING PUBLIC Please Tell Me What te De By CYNTHIA Te "Perplexed" If you married before cutnlnlne a divorce you are net married te this second man and could be punished by the State for bigamy. Consult a lawer en the matter. Obey Your Parent! Dear Cynthia I am a young girl six teen years of age, and considered pretty by both sexes. New, Cynthia, my trouble Is this: I have long, beautiful, brown hnlr, which I wish te bob. My parent oejeci te mis nnu 1 nave often quar- relcd with them. Whenever I go out 'no gins i go wun nave beuncci nnir, and I feel as though I nm net one of tnem. ricas ten me, Cynthia, should I run away from home and bob It or should I de ns my parents say? My parents have told me that If I bob my hair they would never let me come Inte the house ngaln, A I.ONO.HAIHKD OIRU Of course, obey your parents. Veu '"'""?, me,:.1 Krls "re allowing theirs te crew new. are nui out 01 if nt all. Its only a In Leve With Stranger Hear Cynthia I wrote te jeu once before, but received no nnswer, se 1 have decided te write again. I nm a constant reader of veur wen- rtnlllKiH --.I L..... ?-. iiruiii ... 'ikiiiii iiiiu ihuv luine id you iur ...... . .. . ,, . sieuie nuvice. i nm a girl of seventeen, hnve net finished hlKh school and I nm irrentlv In '"V w',n " boy whom I have nwer met. i ",'"'.' ,"' "TIL" "r :ve",'" ?l"ease tell me hew I enn meet this fellow. I that would "second the motion. Ill-O.VDV. Yeu cannot be In lee with an litter strnnKer Se better put him out of your mind. There Is no way of meet ing this man if you have no mutual friends. They Crave Excitement """ s uskci us rer tne dance, and i we refused becnuse we did net like their I lefca .s,., ,.-. , inviri iiic iiVAt Uitlltt' ,r, two e.Neeedlmsly goed-lookliiK fellmv I f us ii proper-, I lie next dance , i-niiie uii m ut anu we accented. After i ........... - . . . . -. r i.i ., .. ... .. tne oance the latter gentlemen asked in e-ceri us neme. we niieweu tnem te, i and when we reached home they wnnted us te kiss them geed night but wt i refused, because we had rend In veur i genUtnJn!lme1TcT,s',c? ' be?aus" he wMll seen get M?ed 000 , New they nre angry with us. nnd we j u-. ..,;. .K . "T".' . ck te us- Je feel ery bad about It because wc hae found that we had fallen In love with them nt first sight. te get them back te us. rst slRht. Please give us your suggestion about It We wish ou and cur wonderful column the best of geed luck, and hope (.wv itunv-i Mn n (t-. ji-t,s 1 111c 'mi Will nntlll'Ot till nu ennn ii a nnu. I.Ia THE "DLMCANETTRS." Veu beast of craving for excitement as If It were something te be proud of . Rather think very deeply about It and see what oil can de te curb this cniv- ' m.v .1 mm uhi uu w imu iiur Wllt' treduccii. ou nre net runny nulla- nettes. you "re Just silly nlff,,, , Difference in Religion Pear I'ynihla I nm a clrl eighteen enrs of age nnd h.ixe been nelng with n youth for seven months, who Is two J venrs my senior. I am of 11 litT"rMU I rellclen nnd he does net believe in hi" "?.en- ?. '. ".""" "ce, "m "l1.!"" fnts would be ncalnsi him for this rea- irni'i U'jrn.'i .. iii.iui..' I imi.-. ui ii.ii- son Fer the lnt month I hae net been nut with him and whenever he sees me en the street he Just s'nre.s ' . ....... . . - l .. at me ami win nei fv.n s.iy 11. s mucn n.s hello We never had a quarrel and always cot en nieiy tegetner. lie n:is often told me of his love for me. New, Cvnthla, 1 love this fellow- with my 1 whole heart nnd soul, and have gene I out with a Kreat manv fellows of my own kind, hut de net care for them I see this yeunK man every day, and 1 have tried te ferttet him, but I simply lnK Make It u rule net te go out In ; Mep. nut when 1 reacnei tne oer 1 the evening mere than thrre times n ' hesitated. I was alone in the house. week, and spend the ether evenings at Was It wise te open the deer nt this home with your families Veu would tin,,, of the night te nnv one? de far better in se doing than In going;1 ..w,ln ,s v. , ,cmandc.l suddenly. about te dances where strange heys ask ' . 'u '...., inumntlv bv Alice's ou te dance nnd teu accept. Nice girls I nm w is rewnrded instuntl b Alut s de net dance with or talk te men te 1 gay ones. whom they have net be-n pieperlv In-1 "Its I. dear. T saw your light and cannot Q10ME weeks age I spoke of n girl Dear Cynthia this Is net puppv love., , , v , herself or Just n passing fnncv but It s real Ml" ,'"' .'."'. , ' . ', Vv' ,1 , love I would like te regain this yeunR,"The 1 nhnptiiest llir in the .World. man's friendship Would It leek ns If f ( because she thought she was the home- j wns runnlnc after him If I wrote him I West girl thnt ever lived. T spoke of, 1 letier nskliu; for an explanation for Pis actions. ir our iriencinip is re- neweil. 1 hnve dienled te trv te nut h.s young ,,...0 in inv parents' favor Hew cin 1 de this" Thin young man is obstinate, nnd 1 knew thl Is the reason for his net spenklnir first, flense1 tell me vihat te no, as I cannot go en living without him Will you nnd some IT .Ml'ir nlll'l It 111111- it'll MIL' 11 ltMKI"ll should evvi power lev a HtretlK ns. mine" IlKAllTimeKHN radical diffirence In lellglen Is. m 10 ; tij- J-.iuw of mucii ' 'l'''';; 'Vtm, ,e,l "p.'aUlnK te veu 'for no riMSOni letter lit him alone Meedy e. ... I,.. II,,. ,..,ns,. ..f ..,1,1,1, iuilmi.i.l.,1,,.., p,.rsena de net make geed life cenipnn- Ions She'8 Tired Out Onnr I'vnthla- Wh.v ' the beet cure , for a chronic cine of blues" I don't i kii" hew els.- te deseilbe my condition, ma sei-ei .0 .,Ve . ..i.ei.i-.iij 'out ill- ierei In evervthlnc .mil ever.vbedy I ...... i.t. , nnr... ... i.i K,. r ....... mv nerves. The enlv explanation I knew of W that I knew se very few people and I h.ivn se little epxirtunlty te meet new ones The ones I knew-, the men especially seem either dull or slllv and are altogether Impossible This Hltu-illen Is biKlnning te tell en ' mv nervrs, I am IesIuk mv polse nnd the ability te converse easily with pee. pie, have no stock of umall talk ut all. my s'nse of humor seems te have got ten lest somewhere and I have te catch mvself up sh.irp'v 10 keep from making sarcastic and cynical remarks en every thing In general. All my lire 1 seem te pave ueen, in 1 the opinion of everybody that knows ' Uie. a model of common sense, and I , run lust beirlnnlnir te realize what a handicap It l te be se labeled. Hew j 1 envy semn of your flapper cerre- spendents, They seem te till through ' llf without a care or worry, ke butter- - -..v nlen.-in. fnelishlv llcl.t.bearl. ed, 'with one flirtation after another rnlliT Hi rather died It has taken the combined mlarie of mv brother and myself te 1 tiiHt nbeut make ends meet for a famllv ' f Hl.. and llnancial worries, llke the peer, are always with us. S 111. for all that, I haven't any real trouble and 1 can't understand this reiitlessness Cynthia, whv can't I be Jill. Ill Jlllt'"JH"tiiiisn. j satwued wun minus ns inev are; seem te g t dullir eveiy day I hope ou or some of jour readers can give 'me a lit'le advice en hew net te Ie ..... .. U...,,n. .nl.i.t In,. tlmn for exerclse. Commit u geed doc tar, it's probably entirely physical. . fjVl i . " "Ki ' - LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1922, LITTLE SISTER'S BESTEST aiaB&aflPIiH!iBiaaHil' jPjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV'aK; v I!?BbBbBHBW IBmBhBBBBBBBBBBBBBJHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtBBBBBBBb bbbbbbbbbbbBPHbbbbbviIIbbbbbbbb. She hns her Leghorn for every day, thlng nt all ever tliat bobbed hnlr, needs something mere dressy, mere In her favorite color The Wife Cheater y ,iaze'4 deye atcheler .nnu SlnrHrlitflr tnnrrtri Yiemln ! knew VOU were alone, because I rnfl H'e;iic in su'r of tnnni icarninvi rnw hrr fiicmh, Xerinan it thr Kiml nj mnn trim 7km tirrrr Icru . iieicii in caic for one tromen mere than ii frir icccA-.t of fimr, white Innn it inclined te he Ien pottr pettr irc. She it tlctrrminetl, heircvcr, net tn Aeir her jenleiisn, nml even irhen the Ant rensnn In suspect thnt Xerman lint taken n mutual friend. Mice H'iften, fe dinner nnly four irrri't after their marriage, she fight atminit the jealous feelings that sirerfi ei er her. CIIAI'TKR VIII Weman Against Weman U'.:, I IN my room I had tnken off m.v U riot lies nml wns stnndlnir In nlubi ,,.,.. ,.,,,i i,!,.,,,,,,, hruHlilin? out mv hnlr t i . V i "i t .. v." ; . .i i itnii np:irn iiiiiiHiriiN rir, lip iiiir.'ii . . . " '- - ;, t . i ...i .. .i . i i ii 1 1 iii':mu iiiiii ti rii mi i ni iiiiri-n , ,'i, "'"" I1'' " '.v niiimi nnu liiveiiiinurin ei.v cj nnv ie me iiiue French clock en m.v dressing table. That must he Nerman new ! lie had i, .i. 11 ..-.rt fi u ti,n. i,,..i '' J"t neugl. time for him te have sulked up from the stntlen. ' , I mood there with mv brush poised. Li!litnL, for i,ts kev in" the lock, nnd wat ng for s key in he lock, nnd ,,. .,.i,lplv te niv mnnzempnt there ,m" """0111 '" m ninnzement. ttiere eame a sudden -limp ing nt the be 1. " . - ' . enmc a siiuiiei s.,, , g 111 me eeu. , 'out stepping : ,0 t l.lnk steed ah- ,i. ,le nml then. n tl... bell muff Ml U I' t "si 111 tllLIIIK I "I 'III t 111 Il"-Il ,,: 1 r,,.,lied thnt Marv had cone 1 i'r . . r- . . ( ilK'UO. .-.i..'.i. "" ............. ,...., 1 out that evening. I myseir had told her te co te the movies. HIT IO go IO llll linni.s. AMI, my kimono Held urenml me. 1 , i,,,..!...! ,inWn the stairs V . ', ' '',' , . ellsbe I w elicklne en the polished w 111 V till I IPS ned'iit pvitv . . t 1 .1 1 t i had the tai man drop me here. , ,n fl mml , 1)( flln. ,, ,h(. , deer nnd Alice, looking us usual, as , though she had just emerged from the competent bauds of a French maid. (nmi' Inte the hall. j i... exclaimed lit mv negligee. I ..1 ,i!,i., . ,n nll, f i..,.! .I!,! I?" I shook m.v head. "Of course net,!!,; tl.e lihrnn." And I led 1 ..,,.. :"; ----- ihe way switching en lights as 1 went. Wns it mv fimcv or was Alice tee ulib tee cn';cr te talk? As seen as we ....'. ..,.,, ...1 ,.,w.uii.. ..tin.,, she it c i-.-.n. . .,.... - . -.. . ,,1.,.,,., , ,,. fiivni-lulilv began I e chatter ul most f ev erishl ; . leen in town saepping. nun 1 HOW RUTH LEARNED TO BREATHE Hy ANTOINETTE DONNELLY ' i,or remlng te see me. ami my premise tn mnke her ever te the best of mv ..... ..... .. , .i.i 1 i... .!..'.. nm . mi,s , , u . "f J1"". ,nr, ,' "' ,, , i 1, . and tasteful dressing did for Itutli. Heing enlv twenty. lie nail every i-lglit te happiness and te wear the se I U1,,ge of it en hei leuntciiiincc ,..... .. I i.iMinivii t Mir mIim it mi h 11 1. . . 1 n 1..'. i 11. 1.1 t 1..1.1 i.... "' '"' ' ' " ,.1.. . .i.,' 1 .1:1 ....i i. ,., s, i.iiiiK 1 ,11,1 nn s , ri-nii i.v. ... plMnn , ,e reassured there was 'nothing chronically wrong with the girl Ills proneuiu ement was 'under- weight, iinderneiirlsliei nervous, hut heart, lunes. etc.. In fa'uly normal condition " lie found no chreni UK which frequently nre at the bottom of, ..." . 11 .... the skinny girl s troubles, alien. with the most abiding faith in swim- mlng. as the exercise Is without rival 1 1 for developing a ll.uie, 1 cniellcd her '"'l ns ructions cf nn expert. She never had swum n slielte heroic. , Se the til n thing Until had te learn ...... . 1.1 ..... .1 - i miry work en thlH vmih te held en te ine sine rope with the,, linmht until nHsflHEiM V9k. GBal bkV' SHJBBBfcOfflirAgjiiisls HsFtMr -''? MakHwsiS ssK 'v .'TJkJM!yvVsssskl?ivTVi ; S2SiHn.LLLsssH psi,BBjjjjjjjyjjyww. ' I when she can be nintle te wear nny- but for Sundays nnd outings she like this, for Instance. (Jeergcttc Is the material used Inte Nerman this afternoon, nnd he mid me he was staviiiE In for dinner. My dear. I lieughl the most ravishing I new gown for the dance next week. I couldn't resist dropping In te tell you ' nbntit It. " And she began n detnilcd 1 description of the dress In question. I leaving me little chnnre for anything in ' the way of conversation but nn occn eccn I siennl monosyllabic of exhimntlen. When she rose te go nbettt fifteen minutes Inter she kls(sl me nffectlon nffectlen 1 ntely, and advised me te hurry upstnlrs I se lis net te miss my beauty sleep. I I could net help admiring the wny she ' had handled the entire situation even i while inv bleed boiled at the thought of the cool way she had attempted te de- 'eive me. Of course I nw through everything. She and Nerman line dined together. and then. In order te threw me eff'the track. Alice hnd returned te Hilten en ---..- . ., ... . . . establish nn nllbl. Hew- cleverly she had mentioned see- ing Nermnn In the city before I hnd Imil n ehmice te sav nnvthlnc. In thnt way she had thought te rob me of all Misnlelen. for. from the wny she hnd '"- ' no"''! "nturnlly suppose that ;1"' """ "n " """ ' f'w moments. It wns . , '! . ' ' "" ' "' , ' "he had seen Nerman for only n very ..... I .. U A niAI VOI"! lever ennuch. ;..-,,. , .,, ,, i.A 7 Vheri Inlk n nta. t her new gown. . . . 1 ...ii Wen I nml wnnteii te iniign eumgni. u,,t ' lm'' 'l'1 " srn8ht face, ultheugll . ,,.... ,,- ,,,. ' ,.",'' "'"." """ , , T , ' pstnlrs In my room again. I faced .!,,,,! 1,1, ,,,,. i.nin In mv ; " ; , ; - - : ," 1 in """"mi ! .- 1 'nrllinn 1U(' lHbornte1y planned te r , r -" b ., , ""' '"' ' ' ,,,, ', ',1 r ?Ji!.iiV '" wns ilte nnether te believe , Nerman capable of plotting with nn- n",10r we'an nKnl,,st 1,ls "wn ?itf' My 1 1' le was up n nrms, but I wns se impossible te decide whnt te de "enue want 10 110. HPifU'n till XI II U 1TO lr n P. If WflH Tomorrow Confession Saving Oilcloth The housewife -Is nlwnys complain ing of-the short life of ollc'eth covering en the kitchen tnble. While the top Is still virtually new und sliltiv the corners will begin te get nl' cracked. An ex- ... .. . .i.i client idea te prevent this very tiling is te pad the corner., wmi some son material herere putting en tne oiiciein. Veu will find that this simple and e'ever - .":.... . . .'. ... .. method will prolong the life of the ell- uewi. It could be done nnd until sue nui net mind getting her fnce wet. Yeu enn't en down en the dead man J ""..""'VlBht out and feet float iMuinds are s rn g lit e r anu t et straight back. ou ninv try and per- haps succeed If you direct tic legs unwn lewnni ine hmh innn. !! mm .t,us,i't iimtti.i. If nn come riuht 1111 -;,,.,-,,-,.,. During tl.K , ,i, ,. .,,1.1 tn bold her breath audi Hut h wa s t.r I e 1101 1 nor nr am nnu i.' i n itiwm., ....... . . . I lie liet step was te su en ine ciikc of the peel, with knees straight but ... :.i .i aian iriii f.uit- fin . ' II IT riUHI. Illlll IIIIIM'l nnrii i. i iiur fitrttn- nn nnrl ilnwii nltpmiitph. nllnu - ' ., ,l .' r four Inches' .Usance feri lti, nf kick. Thnt learned, she com- , "" " "".. .",-., ., ., , blued the flutter . kick will, the dead man's tlent4 feet iust breaking surface ; as they siiy. "making the water bell. me nun sinme was uien reneursee en land drill which nnturnlly means 0111 of water, line arm nt n time, she was instructed, stnrtlng forward at shoulder level, pulling arm down past side und nltnest up te back shoul der level without turning the palm : 1 .1 ....1... ... ...... :., ......... ..... ... ' llll'U Illlll pnilll II-. iiiim ir n.ri. .flu i, side, crooked nt the elbow und carried forward ever the surface for another stroke. After rehearsing each nrm separately they were done together, starting with right nrm forward nnd left back. These mechanical move ments fairly well In mind, combining arm nnd leg movements wns her next job. I.nst of all the breathing wns taught her, this in the vvnter when the hienth was taken tl rough the mouth nnd exhaled through the nose. When ' her left nrm was coming out of the water and back her face was turned toward the left side: with right cheek, en wuter, a full gust of nir was taken 1 open-mouthed, then head turned for- 1 vvnrd und fuce down when the nir was forced out through the nose with mouth closed. It took sl or seven lessens before 1 perfectly Imiiiionieus co - operation began te manifest 11,-elf. Treiii then en it was pure, iimiiliilteiiitcil ixerclse. This daily swimming, a walk, which wns never mere than two miles at the most, lint done every sinsle blessed day. and three ileep-lireailiiu; exercises were nil in this Hue I nsked of her. The ileep-h, enthlug work was essentiiii In her particular ase. ns she hnd been In the habit of breathing through her mouth rntheh. with no evens.. r n.l... nebis or nny nnsnl obstruction, --- . .--.-..--.., Se the first thing mornings for sev- eral minutes and last thing nt night she did these : Hefere an open window, (dad loeselv, live long breaths, slowly, nnd exhaled slowly, The same thing again, ercein sin, I. .t. . I . . '' '"' move; exhaling slowly en .return m nr. cltltm, iMt , Twe Minutes of Optimism By HERMAN J. STIC1I Derit Cheat Yourself "Next te rending my weekly check," ny Jim Henry, "I enjoy nothing mere than reading my own 'ads' In the magazines," "I haven't seen his magazine 'ndn,' " remarked my friend, "but I'll rbct n dollar te the hole in a doughnut that they're humdingers!" liUcky the mniM whose work Is his pleasure and whose heart and soul lire fused into the product of his hands nnd head. The gladness of the. tiller of the roll a, gazing ever his waving fields and grazing herds, he whispers te himself. "It Is by my own tell that the .ground has been made te give up Its riches;" the delight of the scientist when. delving Inte the realm of nature's mysteries, he discovers a hidden truth which will bring comfort nnd happiness te mankind; the joy of the pnlnicr ns, deftly applying the finishing touches te his canvas, he leeks upon his work und realizes it Is his w'hrk nnd it 1 geed; (lie satisfaction with which the stenog rapher regards her nent nnd errorless transcript ; the joy with which the ac countant watches the workings of the new "system" he hns Installed these nre the evidences of live men nnd women, of the men nnd women who supply the motive power for the driving wheels of Industry, who hnvc decided te de something and te be Hemcthing worth while, Observe the mnn who hns no pride in his work and ou observe n man who lives in n tomb. "Mnn," say Kmer.sen. "is only half himself; the ether half Is his expres sion." The bookkeeper who will get en, the scientist, the furmer, the mechanic, the Monographer all are proud of the ex pression of Ihemselies, of the cryMat fixation of their efforts, the embodiment of their pains. All nre enwrapped in their werk: nil pulsate with happiness us they view the fruition of their labors, aglow with the fire thnt It Is by their1 own skill nod their own will that it . hn-i been produced. ' It Is this burning enthusiasm tnnt niisIhIiih men nnd Inspires them te keen en through the drudgery Inseparable from the accomplishment of nny great werk: it is npprecliitien of the fact that whnt they arc doing Is prepnrntlen for bigger things, foundation for better tilings thnt gemh tlieiu en nnd guides till anticipation becomes realization. We ere net all alike, therefore, wr de net all like the same work; but in the long run there is work enough nnd varied enough for most of us te cheese te de whnt we enjoy doing und what we nre lit te de ; te de what wc de with zeal, with our whole energy nnd with our full being. If we de net. we client ourselves. Adventures With a Purse SUPPLY of blouses te he worn A w 1th white skirts is essential nnd..i, ,.Wu nf the sun's rnvs. A bottle one really cannot have tee many of , them. l'crnnps your msin runs te expensive ones, the kind you'd like te have, but renlly can't nfferd te buy. I snw u few of thnt very kind marked 11 1 a special price. Handkerchief linen. fine, soft material nnd such nice shades. Old rose, blue, n very lovely tan. unite u uuuiDcr ireni which 10 cheese, nnd they were reduced from $S.7ii te JU.n.'i. .lust a few of them, se don't delay looking them up. Of course you'll be wanting a sum mer wrap of some kind. If you haven't nlrendv purchased one. nnd I'm sure 1 thnt you'll leek nt silk capes. They have the advantage nt neing warm enough te keep out the chill, nnd light enough net te be uncomfortable. One of the shops has a model, reduced, made nt Cn.iln,, ..foil.. A s.iff rnll nlln nf the silk fastens about the neck, nnd two rows, nbeut ten Inches deep, of lovely silk fringe nre nheut the bottom of the enpe. It Is priced nt .fllli. Fer namf nf shop ndilrre Vvemsn's Page Kdlter or pnene wminut antni or aiain iuui betntcn inr noun et u nnn e. Mether Say PUDDINE Is Delicious and Mether knows, tee! Mirny present-day mothers remember hew they enjoyed I'liitdlnir when they were .vnunc, nnMhr.v knew hew nourish In; It Is for their kiddles. Eight Flavers Itrrlpe folder en reiiuml. At All Grocers, 10c, ISc rmll 1'iiddlne Cninpnuy, lliiltlmerr, Md. jsewsvsrr3Nwk ASCO ASCO 'VttMtttt KWM,S9!S4VV.V.SK jsav, .. v NtvNy v,,,v1Ni7,; H sESS8S!8S 1 La, I I 1 M Rich, rare aroma delicious flavor full heavy body fresh-roasted low price . i-BuJ !- one utatanding feature that will win you with your first cup astS el iemL?ZLf AlC C0lJee JVhen -u experience your first diffm f gdnesB' yeu'n realize what a vast p k a1 1 J j J I ' y, ii , H u 1 .,, y, ' H td Ai is c$. w Amerle.n Stores AMCO I ill rWtt&Bn h 7 az:&xim! nfsm mLKJR mm II "S. The Management Tela Its Waitresses te Add Extra Courtesy te Service And the Result Was That the Tearoom Was Well Patronized. It Would Be Se Pleasant if Everybody Did That HALFWAY through the dainty meal which she hnd served tis, the wait ress, quaint In the gray nnd white cos tume Imposed by the tearoom, dime up te life tabW nnd smiled nt us. , "Are you enjejing It? ' n!"tc(' solicitously. ,, ,, . "Very much, thank you," wc rep. led heartily: for wc were. "That's geed," mid the waitress gently nnd stepped back ngnlii. Thus n pleasant feeling "wns had b nil " The next time we went there, and of course we went again after such ii hospitable reception, we hnd n dlucr cut waitress. . , Hut this one wns just ns cordial. "Is It nil right?" she wanted te knew, ns we stnrted te ent our to matoes stuffed with chicken Mind. "Thnt's nice," she announced when wc told her thnt yes, It was line. Whnt n very unobjectionable plncc this world would be If 'Vf,ybe(,yi. the trouble te be se nmlnble ns thn . OF COURSK we realized thnt It was the mnnngement which saw te It thnt its wnltresses ndded thnt Uttlc ex trn touch te their service. Rut suppose every mnnngement ni ranged for nn accompaniment of cour tesy with the dealings of its empleyes w It'll outsiders. Cart Yeu Tell? By It. .. and A. TV. Beder Why Sea Feam Is WliHe The white you sec In sen foam Is net confined te the water In the ocean. All foam Is white. VVe often say. ns we leek nt the ocean. "Hew can blue water make white foam?" Vy nre win habit of thinking of the sea ns b e 1 II I II IVll 11 . LI... thnt wc fail te remember tnni tne iv we see In the ocean U net the color , of the water nt all. but merely 11 rcllec- tlen of the sky en 11 bright day. un cloudy days tne water ."i ""..."' , nearly se blue. If. however, m- wcre 'actually blue, the foam would still i, ,.,i,u' it vmi bent the contents of n i.0ttip of' black ink until It is foamy you wjjj j,nve wnne foam. The same weum he true nf red ink This is all due te the laws regarding the reflection of rnys of light. Am form of mntter which reflects all the light it receives In ether words, one tTint does net nbserb nny eMhc rnys of light, will nppcnr white. Ne substance which we see about us has any nnturnl color. Whnt we call color in en object is produced, and its colors nre deter mined, entirely by its power of absorbing some of the sun's rays nnd reflecting ethers. These rnys which they nre un able te absorb are reflected back te the eye. nnd the length of the reflected rnys determines the color of the ebect. Ob jects that leek black te ns Pre these which nave nnserucu an uic i hu.u the sun's rnvs. Objects leek white te is for just the opposite reason; they 1 w lililel. l.Ave nbserbed none of ()f feinrjc ink leeks black because it hns absorbed nll the colors of the sun s rnys .,,ich fall upon It. Hut when you bent it Inte foam you hnve produced ninny small spheres or globules filled with nir. Yeu have dcstreyeu tne power 01 ugnt ' nhsnmtlen. and have produced some thing which reflects nll of the light rays Tomorrow What Is the Poison Weed Alcohol? iiriiin M tSTOWbS te 1 Univnii L M tamac street 'V The biggest little street I B in Philadelphia. TASTYKAKE i JUNIOR 1 The biRgcst little enke in B the world. Chocolate, IB Jelly, Cocoanut. m 5c 41 jRitTKIIKI ' ' " JS 1 A few of the many geed points about Asce Coffee- 4SC0 Coffee "Yeu'lltaste the difference!" .11 ever PIUdelphla md throughout New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland . ASCO AacM . m. wffOBrivNMimHmr?.r"fi'fe r-i' i. ' k . Wouldn't there be n difference la some place! Think of lmvlng the girl who sc'lU you your creiic dc chine dress sialic at If you were her equnl, instead of cu ing down upon you ns if you had reailr surprised her by jedr forwardness inj coming into her part of the shop, And think, en the ether hand, of' having your customers come in with a pleasant greeting ns If they reill thought you vvere n human instead of. Just n part of the store. Think of having the clerk who glre,, out Information behave ns If she really wanted jeu te understand her. And think, en the ether sldr of H,0 window, rif having the women who come up nnd nsk you these tiresome, unnec essary, trivial, ceaseless qucMiens miew some concern for jour feelings! ISN'T It deplernble thnt mere polite, ness. the smile thnt costs nethlni the ngreenble manner thitt is &n eav' the net or word of courtesy that is only natural, slietiM be se rare that jeu hnre te Mepand discuss the mntler when von unexpectedly run into some? x Why shouldn't every waitress be so se so Icteus? Why shouldn't every sale". Indy nnd all her customers exchniu,. peasantries? Why shouldn't eve?v clerk nnd nil her patrons be mutually considerate? ' Yeu will find some wnltresses who de it naturally, some saleswomen who il. low- their natural nmlabllltv te hs. full play during their working hours '' am! some customers, clerks nnd patreni who realize that they nre dealing wita human beings like themselves. Rut everybody is se nfrnld of brim patronized, or thought less Important thnn some one else, I'nbendlng te the extent of effcrlm n pleasantry might possibly Indicate A tttl If UnAlllu n WAH..I.- . tj n v , ui (Mini null) - "f- .- --iirr nn unusuai person te take that "rlskr , , OTILL, I suppose It would be tnonet - oneus if t here were no nennln n,,... ing grouches nreund with them te In terfere with our geed humor and gin us something te be grouchy about new and then. Fer. of course, "we" arc iilwvi ameng: the gracious, goed-nnturcd enrsj Safe Milk Fer Infants & Invalid NO COOKING TL- I ISi-i-l-lt t Alt K , . . . u -. ,' Su,e .Ltmch. ,H5SI,?!5S!-Md ' Fountains. Atk for HORLICK'S. -t3 AvaiiI Imilntlnn. Jt Cnkdiint.. 1 " j3enen4 Evaporated Milk Even though the strictest inspection by the Berden Company makes it cost your grocer a little mere, he serves you well by giving it te you at the price of ether standard brands. It's pure country milk with the cream left in. KS!Wt? N5,3SWSS8J5i4SS3S!S& S'SS.tO'O ASCO ASCO JBSteM ;v-fl 1 1 UMB I HInBHflB I HHH 1 I WMmHmmi I LLHH tirl,tv":tTtl'(cn hMjH 29 if s c 0!J i Penn.yW.nla. 3 4 n Sr.SiVSS5!l!Mv-'SKl!BIK'S.'' -""".-..nv...W.-NV,IW,fc,NWftW. " ASCO ' ' r 1 fcsac..- & gny'wyg'.'tyiwin! . y ',) v ".. ;j. sf V r lt.-'un.J , M&m.&Hj'K'.ii.Ai vm utm i i , I' .?( . 1 :."' '-v,.t? ... 4Uii. iici