Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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ERF . lul A
'Office amsl
Bank Supplies
vrtlllham riarai'LempainM
29 Market Street 1
we have all tlylei of
Frem $3.50 Up
COLLINS, 831 Chestnuts
Thenei Vt'alnnt 3113
, Pet; Gndattkm
ViGive your boy or girl
",the gift that will help
them all their Uvea a
Corena typewriter. ' $2
down. Easy, monthly, ..
'payments., '"
lt Chtitnnt St.. Phil.. r.
I nnt Interwted In Corena.
rirn nd ma mew Infer Infer
tnatlea. without nbllmUea.
AMttm '' -T ...,
Fer July
Sweet Milk Chocolate
Fnl I '-tj.th. linr.
July Sptetml
Delicious Gum Dreps
Itrctllcpd from :ille OQ i
Dwrinjj July, per pound vf
Fer Men
A complete liurham Demon
strator Shavlnir O itflt (razor
and blade) free w..h a tube of
unexcelled Kexnll
Cream fl.'.e worth
Dtirmr July
DeLuxe Health Belt
Rail? nrt supports the ahdo ahde
men. Improves ih figure
llrsrulnrtj J.I..10. As nn Intro
ductory offer, QQ
During July 'P- 70
Rexall Milk Magnesia
A useful remedy In the home
for heartburn, te counteract
acid condition of the mouth,
for infant trouble Hraiilnrly
We. A full int fcelllr OQ ,
During July OU
Lord Baltimore
perif..u Writing Paper
BO sheets and 24 ativelcpes In
a substantial folder,
special. AK.S
During July tO y
Cut Prices
Ctit't Ptpte-Minits, $1.20 iit.S9c
F1ttclir'i Caiteria, 35c lizt 25c
Etkiy'i Nture Pkeipbtte,
$1.75 ilit, $1.45
Orefcrin, $1.00 liit 83c
Nijel, $1.00 liit. 79c
Saaibb'i Mintril Oil, tint ket
$1 ii. 69c
Mtlhn i Feed, 75c in. . . ,60c
Nktce Tetb Putt, 50c iiz.. 35c
Kolrnei Toetk Paitt, 25c lite . .21c
Citicnra Seap,25 six (3 for 55c)20c
Packtr'i Tar Seap, 25c liie
(3 for 55c), 20c
Woedbar;'i Seap, 25c iii
(3 for 55c), 20c
Palmeliva Seap,10c liie (4 for 30c), 8c
Mam, 25c lita. 17c
Pin.ud'i Lilac Vciital, $1 iii ,'89c
7X Sufi i iTtruq Si
I Frrmcrlr Ttlker-ilrgrniwii
'Dmq Sferti
r v
In r252SE5E
LaTelu a Sv W aWrV ' svYW iw
rivf ,' Bread HI.. Cur. flnru
iYJWI J2 a?"!" ;,"'. -""."VJ. . .1
VI Uj ., JKWt, Ter. Vew' 'yrnngttf
k EffP iMBt1" A' "
lCtf - t , -,& r1.
Georgia Executive Threatens te
Have Legislature Make Wear
ing Disguises Criminal
Atlanta. On.. July It. The knights
of the Ku Klux Klnn mnt velunlnrllj
unnmk nr (ioverner Therna V. Hard
wick tll tnnke nn appeal te the (icer-
Bif -' -"
new In session.
, te pnss n stntute making the wearing
of masks in (irnrftia u criminal nctlen.
according te n letter thlch the Cover Cever
nor hits Just written te W. W. Hnlnej,
of Columbus, one of his supporters in
hi" race for re-election, although op
posed te hint In his first contest. In
this letter the Kxecutive mnkes It clenr
t lint lie will net stand for mob law
nnd that no "Invisible empire" shall
rule Georgia.
The letter reads. In part :
"1 quite agree with you also tiiat we
should net be Intolerant even toward
'honest. law-abiding members of the
Ku Klux Klan. There nre many hon
est people who nre In it and who went
Inte It with tlie highest and most pa
triotic motives, for Its creed and prin
ciples arc patriotic and unassailable.
"Outrages by mobs of masked men
arc growing in number In this State,
however, nnd these performances must
be checked. It In my earnest hope t lint
the leaders of this organization may
promptly rcalbe the necessity for dis
carding the mask and for removing all
Lnrifiint hiti,r limit ninntVinruliItt lint
ci i a i , UUiyill IIIVII 1 1 II 111 l' t I) 1 1 ' lllt i .
I nlesji (hey de it will no nocesjiary j f.
n the interests of llH public and of
law and order, te take strong stens te
make tlie wearing of masks criminal
'In this State, nnd 1 shall unhesitatingly
advise and recommend such n course te
our (leneral Assembly."
Muzzle for Ex-Secretary
l.euls D. Wade, recently ousted by
Hilward Yeung Clarke as Imperial Kll-
grnpp (sccietarj) of the Knights of the
Ku Klux Klan, lias been temporarily
stepped by n court order from mnk-
j ing further public statements that are
in any way derogatory te the Klan
or any member of Its Imperial fnmlH.
A temporary Injunction wns signed
Saturday by Judge Jehn I). Humphries
of Superior Court nnd nt once served
, en Wade. This remarkable develop
ment In Ku Klux affairs created a sen
sation here.
Judge Humphries set the case for it
hearing next Saturday. Wade declared
lie was nfrald te "make anv continent
I in view of the Injunction." He will
be represented nt the hearing, he said
Drawn L'p at Palace
' The petition of tlie Klnn wns drnwn
1 nt the Imperial Palace nnd wns pre
I scuied te Judge, Humphries by lien II.
' Sullivan, a Klan attorney. It charged
Wnde with circulating "defamatory
prepngnndn" against the Klan.
"Acting en the allegations In the
petition, I temporarily enjoined Wade
, from making derogatory statements
I about the Klan or its officers," said
' Judge Humphries. "At tlie hearing
, Saturday It will be determined If the
injunction hhall be dissolved or made
f Friends of Wnde openly nsserted here
thnt the court's order has stripped him
I of his right of free speech. They also
I considered significant the fact that Klnn
nlterneyn presented their petition te
Judge Humphries Instead of te Judge
Hell, of the civil division of the court,
who usually handles injunction suits.
Judge Humphries Is assigned te the
' criminal division, nnd this Is the first
Injunction he has handled this yeur,
It was learned nt the court house.
While Wude Is stepped by the court
, from criticizing the Klan. Acting Im
perial Wizard Claikp continues te hnnd
out statements te the press assailing
Wade as a traitor who is disgruntled
because he lest his job.
Fermer Erie Weman Met Death In
Leng Island Sound
Fairfield, Conn., July 11 (Ily A.
P.j- Tim opinion of Medical Examiner
Donaldsen thnt Mrs. Jane Richmond
llerden Iliitchklss, a tuide of four
months, met denlh by accidental drown
ing while bathing nt 1'nlrficld beach
eslerdny wns expected te close tlif.
case today. A nole found in the bath bath
beuse wiiiili she used requested that her
watcli be turned eit te a relative. An
envelope ceiituiniiig tablets also was
After putting en a bathing suit she
was seen walking along tlie beach apart
fiem ether bathers. Half an hour later
n lifegiiaid lu n beat dlseewied lier
Mrs Hetcliklss. whose home was
feimerly in KrJe, Pa . was married in
Philadelphia. Mr. Het'hkts is a re
tired manufacturer mid was formerly
head of the Hetchki-'s Machine (Juu
Company. The dead woman was tinny
five jenrs old.
N. Y. Prosecutor Will Net Aid Chi Chi
cagean in Hunt for Securities
New Yerk. .Tulv 11. Illy A P I
District Attorney Wanton announced to
day thnt he hud refused yesterday te
lend tlie nitiheilt of his elhYc te aid
I'liilln It DnvK a Oii.'nge nlterne.t.
In ills plan te simultaneously mid bro bre
keinge nll'ice in New Yeik ami Chicago
In nn effett te locale about $2.)OO.IJOO
worth of securities in the Intereht of
.'MX) Wrtinit. of five brokerage houses
thnt hud fallen in New Yerk ami Chi
cago. Mr. Davis claimed te leiirccnt the
'1000 clients, mostly in tlie Middle West
A statement issued by Mr Uai after
,i ((inference with the District Attorney
was "lutrctcriitcd ns misleading.
Mr Hnntnn said that Mr. Divis hnd
supplied lillil with no evidence of crime
Midnight Operation a Success Has
Left Hospital
New Yerk, Julj II. Mrs. (ieerge '
tieuld, .It. left Iloesevelt Hospital Tes
, tcrdu. nceiimpniileil b, her husband, te i
leturn te her home, en Pnrk nven'ue, '
fully lecevered from an operation for
Mrs. liquid was taken le the hospital
June 'J7. ab'iut 1 1 :.'!) . .,, llmj wns
epeinicd upon half nn hour Inter by Dr
(ieerge .C Htevver In die last few dnv
Mrs. Could Wieil tlie patients in wards '
and distributed tlewers and fruit sent
te her Tliej were net told who she
was until she hud left. I
lienietlr ihr nifntltr.i. glifn our beri
(! ehvry ImmlsraiV. He I iuu thai
'frlcaVa bark of htm l thin matirajVhlca
..tWl?J.qa - 7TCTfrf -:'J"i
Eunuchs Kick About Twenty-four-Heur
Day Without Pay
Constantinople, July It. (Hy A.
a r v uii-'iiiiitiiiuriu rt nut in UMCiniiiMiti .
I have gene en n strike for mere money
nml shorter hours. Mnny of (he capl- i
tnl's llnest harems Imve been left un- '
guarded n ml their owners nre trying
distractedly le find stiltubt" substitutes
for the strikers.
ri... .lt.AHU !.!. ....! l1.. l.-l
"twenty. four-lieur day" and the un- QUICK ACTION PROBABLE
ceasing vigil they are required te keep
en the women of the harems justify bet
ter remuneration, especially duriiiE the Hu Amectatcil TrfM
nresenr hard times.
. . . : " ,
Many or them pretest that their
wages have net been paid for mere
tlinii n ear. nnd In several Instances
they have nppealed le the American
oilier nttemluntf)
nDtuncnil winTlti nc jtu
Nel30n Accidentally Shet In Feet In
- . ',. .,
Premature Celebration
New Verh. July 11. Tlie presence In
the I'resb.vterlan Hospital yestcrdnv of
Jehn D. Ileckefeller. who celebrated Ids
eighty-third birthday Saturday, revenled
that bis fourlcen-yenr-eld grandson,
.Nelsen Ueckefeller. was a pntient there
and incidentally dlclesed hew the scion
...I Il . II.. I.. -I l , .!.....
ui niu i ii-iu'im iiiinii, iii iiiu nuriu jusi
couldn't wait for the Fourth.
A new
air rltle fleiired In the accident
Mr. Ileckefeller made his visit in
company with tlie bev's mother. Mrs.
.Tnhn D Ileckefeller. Jr. Tin. furt ihm
It was "nothing serious" wns evident
when the oil king emerged from the hes-
ital. smiling brendlj. Hut te nreve
icyend doubt that all wns well. Mr.
ij, 1;efpl,pr , ,, , f ,, ,
sine nn
the hospital steps
dimes. Tlie recipients were nurses,
t emmittce en iieiief in tlie ear hast i f n cenfeience this forenoon between , cause her husband refused te let her
for aid. I he "fact is that their mas- i r. n-cher, chnirman of tlm Oerninn l,t.VP M ileml 1.1,1m,,,, of Hmtferd.
ters. who in most cases are efllclals or WBr Debts 'Commission nnd nil the . - f automobile en He
empleyes of the (levemmen t. have net ' ,nml.rrS of the commission In a hur- ' 3?'' "L",."!.''' erferd n"
drawn any, salaries for months. .irdlv cilled Informal session. iiainerti turnpiKP in t nterteni. nun-
The strikers Include the eunuchs nnd i ,L ,". w "iCv i. i L Cnlted !r evenlng. She was probably fatally
doctors and hospital attendants, who pn.Miient will be exacted has net yet
formed In a knot nbeut the octegennrlnn ' been decided.
and his daughter-in-law. The French Government is opposed
On July .1 Nelsen was playing In te an immediate meeting of tlie allied
what he cnlls "his back jnrd" at his I Powers te discuss the reparations sit
father's palatial mansion at Tarry-i nation nnd It will only consent te such
town. N. Y.. with the new air rltle n meeting as a Ilnnl step. This wns
given him te celebrate the Fourth. Tie ' made tilain in official circles today after
placed severnl shots in the gnu and a conference between President Dubois
(ecked It. While he had the barrel , of the commission and Premier Pein-
pointed te the ground he pulled the care.
trigger. A little hole appeared In the I . , , . . ,.
leg of hfx tremer. Ixinilnn, July 11. (lly A. ') '
He told his mother later thnt. he ! mier Pelncarc of ! ranee will prebnbiy
didn't feel anything Hut several
hours after the accident his leg begun
te swell. He wns rushed "te Presbvte-
rlan Hospital, where probing revealed ,
that the sliet had ledged in a tendon.
Its removal was described as "n simple
Seuth Dakota Town Destroyed and
Middle West Deluged
Chicago, duly 11. (Hy A. P.)
Middle Western Stntcs were recovering
teuny irem uie eiiects et nail, rain nnd '
II neta,' Misso ." Seu h"lD ka T:
braskn nnd Kansas yesterday, causing
extens ve property dauinge and a smnll '
ft s a Ttfaasr? l
One tnnn was killed and scores slight Iy
injurcu. uamage was estimated at ST.'i,
000. In the vicinity of Lake Andes,
farm buildings were destroyed and sum
mer cottages blown down, bringing the
property less te $800,000.
A cloudburst in the Kansns City
business district late last night Heeded
the streets, washed automobiles away
from the curbing and overflowed storm
hewers. Twe uersens were killed near
Snrgent, Neb . ns n result of it heavy
wind, rain and hail storm. The storm
ended n ferty-tiirec-dny dreuth in Chi
cago and vicinity. Several lives were
lest In Wisconsin ns n result of elec
trical storms.
Fer centuries Leipzig has been the world's premier
"Fair" City where buyers from all ever the world meet
twice a year amid vast expanses of merchandise display
of every description. As a progressive business man you
cannot afford te miss the coming autumn fair starting
August 27th.
Nowhere else will you find such a wealth of new ideas,
such magnificent opportunities te cheese and buy the
latest and best that Europe produces.
Special privileges extended te American visitors. Write
at once for illustrated prospectus and full information te
Leipzig Fair Office, care of Atlantic
Forwarding Ce., 45 Pearl St., New Yerk.
.eipzig Sample Svair
U 126-28 G6e&nut SceeC
Fer Wednesday, Twe of the Best
Silk Bargains we have
Ever Been Able te Offer
A v 'A
Several hundred yards of 32-, 36- and
40-inch Silks odds and ends, discon
tinued patterns and the like te be closed
out before inventory at about half price:
new (yard) . . .$1.00
Sports Silks, Crepe Weaves, Novelty
Satins Baronet Satin, in white , and
Reparations Beard Favers Can
celing Remaining Payments
This Year, It Is Said
.... ,..,.. . MiHi.... nnt
lilies, .llliv II, a iiu.i mill ""
(jprniain's cash pnwncntH for the re-
tlwti,lfi,.r f t,H ,r'er was thought In'
,.rrr(( ,,nK'e ((, (,(, Hcpanitiens Cem-
,iui ( i, nllii, ninhnhle nn n result
Mntcs representntlve wltn tne reminis-
slen. took pnrt In the conference.
. -- ;.'"... .. i-
i Ir. Fischer told the commission the
(lerinnns would present n formal re-
,iW,t for moratorium nt a meeting
called bv the tommisslen for tomorrow.
Tlie letter asking for the moratorium
which Dr. I'lsclier and Ilerr Schree-
,,,,,. j'ndcr-Secretary for I'inance. who
s xvltli tlie War Debt Conimisslenrr In
inrs, were drnfting today, is expected
(,, succest the cancellation of all tlie
icmainlng payments this year, leaving
t:,. mnttcr of a inornteriiini thereaftel-
ejit'ii for tlie time being.
It is understood that the majerltj
I .. .-.,-.. I... ...,iw
ei Hie f ommis.sieii sri'M nu uiim-i
'out of tlie present crisis and is there
fore prepared te vote a temporary mer-
I nteriuin, particularly because there is'Krnest Fnjler, of this plnce, wns in
I general realization tlmt tie lean te (5er- jured yesterday In an automobile cel
,., w limnpilimMv lunslhle and that ilsieii near Odessn, Del., and her lm.i
relief for present conditions must come
Dr. Fischer told the commission tnai
, Cermnnv lind succfeded In getting te-
I t) ff , t f().cKn Pxelinnge te
meet tlie payment of fiO.OOO.OOO geld
marks, due July 1", but whether this
be invited te Londen immediately av
discussions with Prime Minister l-MMI,
Geerge en the reparations questions as (
affected by present conditions in l.cr- ,
' ,w.,T,,r.,iir,r' t.t nffifl-il rirrlrM lirre.
Illllll, Ill-V-Va VI 11 if, .,... --- -.-- -
The International tinr.nclnl situation .
came before the Hrltlsli Cabinet at n
meeting today, especially in its relation
te the collapse of the German mark.
Among the datn available te the minis
ters were Bpccinl dispntches from the
Hrltlsli Ambassador in llcrlln outlining
(onditiens in Gcrmnny.
'flip Times today began publication of
n series of special articles, discussing
"tlie economic morass in which the
world is lleundcring." nnd aiming te
point the read te tecevcry. The writer
tins the latest collapse of the mark
-"h t'TiSic'0" "' ,hC
t her sy,,,p lems ",,c-lhe kcr
(,'rcnt ,1,,r,,'"n ,'! "np,, , ,1 "i.V
ss s syra? s's,Js
of the Brltlslt wnr Indebtedness te the
United States must first be settled."
Zita May Reside in Bavaria
Munich. Bavaria, July 11. The So Se
cial Democrats will raise the question in
the Diet regarding the truth of reports
that former Empress Xitn of Austria
nnd her mother plan te reside in Ra
varia, acceidlng te the Socialist Pest.
This paper expresses the opinion that
such an Interpellation is unnecessary,
ns It believes the Havarian Government
would advise Zltn te remain away if she
ever tequested permission te mnke her
residence in Unvnrla.
Leipzig Invites
American Buyers
iuietu 27lh te
September 2nd
Sicilian Executive Blews Up Court
house, Killing Occupants
Reme, July 11. (Ily A. I'.) Ar
rested en n clinr.Re e( manufacturing
bombs, Flludelfe Castre, Mayer of l.cn
tlnl, Sicily, blew up 'the courthouse,
killing nil the occupants, says n dls
pntrli te the Centrni NewH.
Numerous bombs wers found In the
home of the Mayer, who wns declared
i te have ninde them for Keclnli.it mem
' ber.s of the munlclpiil council.
Gets Fractured Skull After Argu-
, Wth fcu,band
. nl nuuna
ew l"len. Conn.. July 11. He-
, -M d M ,,,,,, H h ,
, ... .. r(.trninff from .l,ii
city nnd had reached a point nenr f.nke
Konemoo when Mrs. I'liilllpd asked her
husband te let her take the wheel.
Traffic wns heavy en the turnpike and
Mr. 1'hltllps refused.
Mrs. Phillips threatened te jump out
of tlie machine. Mr. Phillips tried te
quiet her. A short time Inter .hi!
leaped. She lnnded en her head.
' ""
Drlver, Whose Wife Is
Hurled Through Windshield
West Chester. Pa.. July 11. Mrs
band wns bndly brulsM. A bee stung
' Fayler. who was driving, nnd his car
, collided witn n neiivy tnicK. Tlie lilt-
ter. carry ng a dozen young people,
! craslied through a fence and
wierked but tlie occupants escaped.
-urn, cu.tM'l UUP nw HFUDl.Y ('III IIOOlll
thc face nnd head, having been thrown
through the windshield of the car.U'hrcK
children who were with her escaped tin-
and fastened inside the lid.
faEliMI mY naua i I W, . I
J3lr T. epr, fl J it; -,1
faipertanf. Loek for these trade-marks. Under the lid. On the label.
After Living en Credit Since
1920 She Win3 Award en
Husband's Estate
Chicago. July 11. Mrs. Frank
Tewntey llrewn, wealthy widow and
seelnl leader, entered her home here
lifter her mernln? ennter yesterday,
paused nt her drawing room deer and
smiled at the persons nssembleil thete.
Including two plain clothes men nnd a
"Tills." she said, putting one white
booted feet ever the threshe'd. "will be
the pleasantest pnrty I ever gave."
Whereupon Mrs. 'llrewn seated her
self at a rosewood escritoire and began
te write checks. Her guests plumbers,
grocers, cleaners nnd butchers
straightened eagerly In their chairs nnd
for a moment there was no sound except
the scratching of the urn.
It wns -Mrs. Hrewn's "debt-pnylng
pnrty." Recently, after two nnd n half
.tears of litigation, she ebtnlned n set-
tlement of her husband s estate. Im-
mediately she sent out enrds, in the
manner of wedding or ten announce-
ments, hearing the cheerful news she
would pay any and a I creditors who
presented themselves at her home be
tween the hours of 10 nnd Iii o'clock en
the morning of July 10.
"This idea did net erlglnnte with
me," the hostess of the unique event
.explnlned as shP carefully blotted a
' iT.i uiiu iiti iiiit'ii iv iw ii i uu t-'M-Jiiuiiv.;
of a plumbing lirm. "Ner wns the date
I (hose for this event selected nt ran-
"Hfty years age my grandfather,
Themns Mnrshnl! Clascew. of Fnrnti
liar County, n.. held a similar reccp-
11(111. 11 WHS (Ml .Illl.V J(l. .11 giund-
father went nwny very peer nnd re.
turned live years Inter n rich man. He
'put nn udvei
ertisrment In the naner nil
neuneing he would pay all debtors ntfwill be resumed.
The sound-box
This Victrela can
and it plays the same music as the largest
Victrela. It is a Victrela all that the name
signifies. Victrela patented features, Victrela
value, and Victrela tone-quality insure the ut
most musical satisfaction. And the construction
withstands the wear and tear of travel.
See and hear this nertahle ViVfnTa
today at the store of any dealer in
Victer products.
muting Machine Company
the Farnuhar County courthouse, and
he did." , , ,.,
Hv this time Mrs. Hrewn hnd written
chcckH nmetintlng te $7000. Hhc bcjnn
en n new check book.
"1 remember hew, six months after
tnr huslmnd died, the bailiffs were
knee-deep In my front ynrd," she com cem
tnenled. "There was no reason why I
should net hnve had my wjdew s award
Immediately, and finally, after n ear,
I opened litigation. Here. Mr. Smith.
Is your check. If you will go Inte the
dining room you will find my favorite
enkes and some coffee nwnltlng ou.
Since IIIL'O Mrs. Hrewn had been
living by the "stand-off" system.
Livestock Train Wrecked In Dela
ware One Man Injured
Newark. Del.. 'July 11. Sixteen
freight enrs, several of them lended
with chickens, cattle, sheep nnd pigs,
were plied up at Stnnten station en the
Pennsylvania Hnllrend late last night
when, It is supposed, the flange of n
wheel broke. The four tracks were tern
up for several hundred feet and trnins
both ways hnd te be run ever the
Hnltlmere nnd Ohie tracks between
Wilmington and Hnyvlcw, the re
mainder of the night.
The livestock was from Tennessee
eti route te Northern mnrkets. Thert
were about sixty cars in the trnln.
Seme of the ini-H leaded with chickens
turned ever, and hundreds of the fowls
were killed. Others were i uniting
around the country thi.s morning. It
was necessary te build a large tem
porary .cn for them. Set oral of the
cattle cars left the tracks but were net
Only one man wns Injured. He wns
one of scMti who had charge of tlie
feeding of the chickens nnd livestock.
Thete men were in one of the peultiy
cars which turned eer four time. Tin
Injured man's tees were crushed and
he was tiikin te one of the Wilmington
Hospitals.. The ethers escaped with
bruises nnd none of the crew was in
jur' d.
Navy Resumes Recruiting
Washington. July 11. (Hy A. P.)
After n venr's susiiensleil. rectutlmr for
the nnvv. under orders niibllslied tednv.
,w voreey
Mexican Popular Sympathy
With Girl Who Kllled
tlu Associated Prtts
le.lcn City. July i. The hnni..
of Deputy Francisce Tejeda hCc , H
which fifteen. yeai-eld Mnrln Del Pi!.'.
Moiene avenged her father's dentli s.I
provided Mexico with n sennt,,M ' ""
Popular sympathy with the chit,r
vJie. nrmrd with n smnll revolver .t,..1
her Inst Clirltmns bv her fnii..8'!?n
editor of HI Hernlde de Mexico. K'i n,
nlene te satisfy "n crime which n
pnrentiv .Mrxiinn justice wns unW.
te touch, she declnrcd '
The child, wim since her fntWi
death has been ulniest deranged with
grief, calmly surrendered te the poll
She expressed no regrets, nins .fci
sworn vengeance ever her fnthrr's hnAV
and. new thnt his denth hnd been .,.
plated, she wan prepared te par tt,
penalty. ' ""
It Is theilglit here that. nft
rn....,niuia ui,, ii i. .,:""
rmnlltles. slie will be released ini
e incident .inicil. Twe 1 n "V
llterlal L thought hnve been Miet?fl
tlie sheeting, nccetdinsr te liv.t.iI.
iy the sheeting, nccetding te nxerltU..
)ne Is thnt Justice in Inching In Mi ':'
ns Jiurlit itsscrls. and the second In
velves the question .as te hew far .
deputy s Inimtinlty slinll extend Im.
iiiuch as I.lerca anpareutlv was bm
presecuicd hecnuse he claimed lie ,
Immune. w"
I.lerca wns chosen n Sennter hm
the State of Vera Cruz in tlm last ..
tien. nnd had just come tn Mexico Citf
te present his new credentials.' Morene
whom he killed two months age nftti
n dispute In front of the Interior n.
partment Hnildlng. was also a dermti
fiem Vera Cruz. The motive for the
lilllnc was believed te hnve h .(..
editor's attacks In the column. . vil
newsnaner mi what bn cnllnd .,i:.i'i
, ,
en; formerly priced, at $2,?J te