Y7wuW'!lMNKwr "j!7! 2j!wJP.;&'v ,?, Ri K n- m S.H .tr WA' i im w r' ft If 1 mvHHSte A ' ' " JOBBING Wtifas. 'imi&BVX nl 'it Hi $4; fcM & ' fln v PilnJID DAOk dlMUNbUKD Traders Inclined te Take Mere N.4; Aggressive Position en Beth Sides r YAJa... X.nl. Tut 11 lit XArteAn rtf j. j . .IH Biriiit IUI. I it . i'ti"n j ,te development., in Kureiie nnd In the tv; w Be Sue Mic ft .13 IKC 14 17r BVi n.v ..4 (In 22e no vi iUnlted Stntes ever nlKlit, sentiment in l1?. U,il,.)l,,. ....!.. - ....... Lin-,. M I '".Mere cheerful. There vn netlvc slinrt . $rrfrlnir in vnrtniiN ileiiertinents of tlie 10000 A a & W ' IMffenf i.ntnl.lf I.. 1,i IIm '1'Ii.iv iwnIIv "OOO Hdll Hll "-ld in point of ni'tivlty nml streiiKth. ' Advanrew of from 1 te t" jielnts wove recorded. As the Feslnn prexreed ome irregtilnrlty leveleped at ieiilt of' profit tnkln? nt the lilwher levels. . In Hume pnrtM of the Ii.t tr.-idliiR wiim only en n inedcrnte urnlu mid lliicum-1 tletm centinif-'il nnriew. A Moderate i Increase In i'o;iimlsIen house buslines wns reported mid trnders were Inrllned (te take a mere nssrc-'Mve position en ' both fide of the market, particularly ' -for n further advance. , Mexican Seaboard Issues were iiRnln ' prominent nml after early reactions moved tip from U te .1 points, prlnrl- pally en -dierf ceverlnc Standard Oil t of Indiana was the most con.-iiicuetis j of the former -ubfldlnrIes nnd nt one ; time wns nearly II points nbeve hut night's clo-e. Prairie Oil and !ii' j jumped IB points. Ktnndard Oll of , New Verlt made a recovery of !l point" and the Kentucky corporation - points. International Petroleum unt In in- crcasixl demand at n sain of a point or se while Angle-Ametlean ruled about steady. Imperial Oil of Canada was mere than n point higher. IVnn Mexican Fuel wns an exception te the whole' list, yielding about 1 1 points, witheua , any explanation. Skelly Oil. Slinnis i Petroleum and Southern Stntes uere fairly active, but lluctunted narrowly. , In th" mUocllnnceiis group Tobacco Products "when Issued" recovered te the extent of coed-slzed fractions ei v'alr volume of business. 3000 El giilvAdAr '. . . . Bone Kurcki Crecau... 10CO ttalln. BOtl IIi-m ilininu ... Sflfti) Iniltiieml I.enil... 7001) l.ene Htur ,.,... 1000 O.iid l)evl .... 1100 Hill Ten Nv.... lewi .MnrnhiRlen , .. liwii Silver l'er . . 7Rie Mnrh .Mlti . . . add Mothprlecip C . . . 2'idO National Tin . . 100 Mplnsln, 10O H,i Am P 4 ll. . 200(1 fltrwnrt Mln .... 1U0OO Hurecu Mln . . . 405 Tencni liclment. . 101)0 Tnnen Onuh Hey Mil) 'ronep J)IIUC l'C 110(1 Tonep .Mln Ill 1000 United l,'tt8(crn, . . . If, UONDS 10000 A11M l'nrk SB . . . 0(1 ip.nnrt A .h rn (in n (Ifll 1000 Am fel 0i 'SJ . leek 2000 Am Tel Ci "24 ... 101 i 1000 Anneemla Cep tta. 100T r.OOO Anaconda 7i "JH .inn's, 2000 Amsle An. Oil 7i,4 len Hiie Armour sc ue is ie 1 . . 112 t '2.T :iO() llelh Ktl Tm '31 14000 I IK li Un Viu 7i aone Conn TcsIIIk Ss L'dMO I'ep Ux '2ft loon Dcre & Ce Th ftOOil Krecp Tex 7ln 27ii(Mloe.lrltli Tire 7 10(10 llulf Oil 7 . . 2IMI0 (luif Oil (Is 2000 inter II T Si 1000 KliiRa Ce l.t M 4s leiril l.ltiev .MeNVill is. 2O0O Mrs- V V 7k .1000 Natl Acinn 7's (1000 Anier I.lBht (! w IniM) Cuiliiliy 7 l(li)l) Phlllln IVI 714 k. (1O011 Pub serv N J 7 1D0O0 llemlim Amu (in 20" 1 HuM (lair 7. "ilioe Niik Sc Ce 7n . (illOil Sran-lten 7s, .'2 20O0 Southwest ll"ll If fmtn 11 V s- "li. li'dii H O N V 7.' SS moo Mun en r,c 2Se 2ftc (111 Hlc ft ftc SftO 1 3c 14 17c UVi 3.V ft'i 14 ll.' 21c l'i III! 7uj, 14 ftc !aic 2ftJ fl!4 47") ft ftc SOJ 1HC 14 " 33e fid "lie 114 nsS III) loes 10114 loeTS lO.'I'l, lOfti 10 (' 10414 teiH 10 102 . .Klft'4 . . n;ii .KI1W .101 ' ..112 . inns . let 101', 110 1, USVj . in)', 101 117 10t' Illl'l .102 UH; . a 1 U 117 ' DS4 I11JS Klft4 10. '-I ,.100it 10-.' 911', 1041. Illl'l i I04 103 101 101 ne'i II. I 1)7 Illl'l liit'a 102 lilt 04 II 7 ' 118.4 UHlJi MJ4 1 or. 1 107' HMMI SU'lft Cll 7. '.'ft 10 .'(100 Hwlft A IV 7, '31 10.1 ern I'nlteil Oil I'rul s.10 70O0 I'n H lliiv 1000 Vahollne 7s ftine Varuun, 011 : 1000 AMti rr. i:.ei 23(HMi OeudrUn Tlr. Tlr. Tlr. ir.oeo Chi I'nmn Ma 1(100 N Y Cmtr.il i tnnii IOI. 102. 1014 054 111) 1O0S 1014 1004 10.14 1034 104 4 02 1044 1024 lOftJi Illl'l int4 101 U 142 103?, 104 101 tlOV lis 4, Cll'a 101 07 let'i 1014 102 101 .11 H7" 1)1.4 ioe4 102 V 10.-I-.J 1074 lOlH. ONE-PIECE SUITS FOR BEACH ONLY Somers Point Executive Rules That Nymphs Must Wear 'Cevering' en Streets BLACKMAILERS IDENTIFIED Atlantic City, July 11. Olrls In one-piece bnthlnR suits have abso lute freedom of the beaches nt Soiners Point, n bay side city ten miles from here, but they must wear wraps j te and from the water, according te 1 an order Issued yesterday by Mayer Charles Steclman, who lins the support of Council behind his edict. When Atlantic Cjty barred the "sole" suits from the local beaches, Mayer I Steclman Invited the sen nymphs te , come te his town. Hundreds did and ! tin- bridge connecting tlie Point with Ocean City became an "orchestra row," where scores of machines lined up te watch the witter sprites In their nbbre- I vlatPd costumes. The townsfolk did net object te the suits as long as they were cenhncd te r rjpOh riw AX&m .jA . ft j, -v-. ,, y - Tf- l j "A. r. "a' v sji ." 1. ,. wsBif" tj u t ixwr.- r.x'.'-fxxjM s" ' v"i. ? ' ! .v tmi; ma.-1 ? w fi7 wHwas?9K2':eaj f a i . a ?r t.r j.'i 'KTmBk-jan.-ri. ..n. i . . -c n a t ti u. i v T i t". r. r r - jr. imiMmrmuut - w i. r ts -- t 151' :m, f--if t . ... . -mi. khh i aiu i r v :.. i ' ': j k m u n m i t ,r sunaLianr mmLmmmmmmbY' Mmmmmr: mivmmmimmmm'mmmr - U'W-n iSi't-fiHi- r- ' -' " -J-v 'rej - . --. -. ., -,. r -.-, , .... , t. " - - - rf . I 1 ". t.. i... . .T t !- 1 . ..1 j-T. lL'..k.U&Jd'J l. -j . i ic .Jr. i ... t . 1 I 1 . i . . .2W! EjHiaiAaD'E by State Troopers, who said they hed found them supervising the operation of n giant moonshine still. The 'still wns taken along, as were seventy gal lons of "white mule" nndii large quan tity of material for further operation.. The raid was made following n long search through the weeds in back of Pomona, n small bnlnlct en the main land fifteen mites from here. The tin en the still wns given by residents along the White Herse Pike who dcckircd big trucks bearing Pennsylvania license tugs hnve been making nightly visits te the vicinity. FollewlnB-n letter tiJhe local police describing the system by which the gang of ten nllcged blackmailers operated In this city, Hebcrt I). Hancy, of 0022 Spruce street. Philadelphia, arrived yesterday te press a charge against the men. Hancy identified the members of the gang, who, he charges, at tempted te blackmail him out of n con siderable sum of money while he was at n beach-front hotel. "Jimmy" Mcntle, a flagman nt the Abecen crossing of the Pennsylvania Itiillreail fell asleep at the switch yes terday and today Is looking for n new job. One of Jlmmy'H duties Is te warn traffic and handle the safety gates. He neglected te de this nnd several meter parties barely missed disaster. One motorcyclist escaped n speedy shore bound express by throwing himself from bis machine twenty feet from the cross ing. His cycle was demolished. 1 60 "Amriiini tffTeff iYrVrfe " Londen, July 11. The Russian trade delegation announces that 100 American workmen hnve reached Petrograd. They nrc going te Seuth Russia te' work Factory Fer Sale ONE b)eck from business atreet In city of 100,000 en six rail rail teada and three Interurbnn lines within 100 miles of Chicago. 220,000 iq. ft. mill and reinforced concrete construction. Heavy flepr leads. Completely sprinkled, heat ing, lighting and power plant. Water power available, Can be divided Inte two or mere smaller perta. , Baird & Warner 29 Seuth La Salle Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS iel'. tee iieacii, our wncn nie visitors started le.i strolling nreunil nleng the streets 4s 1014 104'i n I .Hin!, 7n 10S4 it4 s os .'. It im wl i l l(11ti:i(iN llOMIS l.-.oeo Argentine 7s . . me laetin "nn s s 7k :h4 .Vi'iO City Mem lili-i im liH4 270(10 KlncJem Hirtm S 'i.'4 2001)0 NY N II . II 7h l'r 714 20i)i) Hnlns ,14s . 10'.4 140(10 I' rt Ilnizli 74 s S.14 1O00O U S Mex 4 . . 3D1 1 en 10(14 liis4 074 HO ti I 10O ni4 !Ml4 li 14 714 1024 S"i 3D lIH'i 1014 0'i 100',, 10s4 ns H'.i'i up. ion HI 4 IHI4 id'. 714 10.", S.I 3!1'4 elder yesterday was the result. the Silas Allen, twenty-four, n weaver , of Chester, Pa., and A. Ii. Smith. I twenty-six. of Andersen, S. C, nrc resting peacefully In the city jail here. The men were arrested Inte yesterday i SHE IS BOSS ANYWAY IM1L.STHI.1.! Sales limn l.mv lOOAmcr Metals ... . 43 4.1 200 Atlantic 1-Tult . . 24 24 100 Hei-ch Nut . . . . 80 30 200 llkljn City Ily ... e't BOO llr.t Am Teb reup. 17 17 1100 lluildv lluila 14 14 200 Car l.lxht 7ec 70e 1000 Chi Nlpple 54 ."4 800 Columbia llmeraM. 77c 7.1c 800 Duhller C. It R ... S4 sS 7(1 Olllette S P. 221 2204 lOOUeIdwjn 1'lUurcs.. 74 74 O0 Inter Carben . ... 134 13 loe Armour leather .. 11. 114 100 Colerado Power . . 14 14 100 r V Orinith .... 14 4 800Hae Wheel .. .. 304 204 100 I.lbby, McNeil new. s s 200 I.lbby. McN It I. . . 24 24 tOOOMoen Met'.rs .. 124 114 500 Packard Moter ... 144 144 200 Peerless Meters . . . BO'a ri'4 300 Pyrene MfE 04 04 S200 Itaille com 14 44 2100 Uadle pref 3,' fl4 tee nep Tii-e nub a.v m? te 00 Seuth (' & I -t2e 40c 100 Swift Int 20 20 1I0O Teb I're.I w I B74 d7 JlOOTeb Pred "A" ... 704 711 100 Tedd Ship 70 70 1000 II S I, I H 14 IM 70O I'n Ilet Candy. ... 04 04 lOOWajne Ceal 14 14 JOONat Mtrs 24 24 STAND.Ynn IIIT.S 200Ansle-Am Oil .... 104 104 200 Imp Oil Cai'Hda ..1144 114 10 Pralrle O O ... 01R (.15 000 Stand Oil Ky wl. 074 lilVi 1T400 Stand Oil Ind 1144 111 (10 Stand OH N Y 441 4e lOEuteku 1)0 HO 1 mi I P. M ' te 24 30 14 17 14 7(n r.4 77c s4 221 74 13 114 14 14 304 s 34 12 H4 504 04 4 4 34 n.v 42c 211 r.7 711 4 70 14 III, 14 104 114 Oln 074 1144 140 DO Mrs. Mankow Pays "Fine" for Un ruly Youth When Father Refuses rearing that her seveii-year-tild son , would be taltcn from her, Mrs. Kilns 1 Mankuw. Sit'-' Dnrlen street, has agreed te pay $"'- as damage the boy lid ns a member of gang which made a raid en the schoelhousu at Klghth and Pnr rish streets. When her liushnnd was summoned before the IHselpllnnry Committee of the Heard of Kducatlen ten dajs age he refused te pay for the (ltimnge. ileelarlug that tlie boy was bad unjwity, an.l he had no dclr te continue bis tesponsl tespensl bllit as parent. "My busbund was hotheaded and didn't knew what be was saying." raid Jlrs. Mankow. "We wouldn't let our bev go for Ihe world. He is a geed be) and will grew up te be a line man." Four ether parents agreed te pay a like amount for damage done bj their children. Clinic Aids Children's Speech Ilethlehem. Pa.. .Inly 11. Scores of children from this vicinity (differing from defective speech are being aided at n clinic started jest enlay at Lehigh Cniversity by State an dlecal experts. Performance ' Performance Is the final proof of anything in this world. It is the acid test of nil Individuals, of nil corpora tions, of all ideas. When wc tell you that our past performances have built up n clientele of fifty thousand customers, who have received seven per cent en their invest ments, year in nnd year out, wc hnvc demonstrated for you a successful performance that merits your confidence and approval. It should stimulate your in terest te knew mere about us and hew wc hnvc taken such progressive steps in corporate financing. We will be glad te send you literature or better, have a representative call at your request. The R. L. Dollings Ce. "Builder of Buiineti" Philuc:p-: Celumbut Isdianapelii FIRE'S Constant Raids Demand the Attention of Every Thinking Mm FOR NEW APPROVED SPRINKLER SYSTEMS CONSULT TINKLER EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Contractor and Engineers AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, POWER PIPING, HEATING 3239-41 MARKET ST. . P,.ae $m w ffe'w'SlM rjTjiraSn Dnijjj8jrQQ0BnBBQE7QDQ IBfnUlfiBLllilS SffiiSsiurHlHi tt&? BBS Wr?v?l StttI BsS Ss9 BS tMa v American Insulation Ce. MANUFACTURERS DISTRIBUTORS CONTRACTORS Asbestos Magnesia Roefings ROBERTS AVENUE AND STOKLEY STREET PHILADELPHIA Telephone, Tiega T00 iMinrKMirAT oils 1 12 H' H JSJi lVi 4 Ic .14c 14 IS 100 Aelna 1S0O Alcan 000 ArkATitan Nat On. I'JOO llnsten Wyemlni; . 000 Carlb Syndicate . . UO Cities Service ....'. 200 Cities Scrvlc 11 ctf 800 Columbia Vete . . . i'00 Creele Sn .JOOO Cunhlnit I'.te .... J000 nnBlnceri 1'etrel . . 100 Equity Pete pf .. 100 Federal Oil 300 Ullinuml Oil ... . 11)00 Ulenreck Oil .... f.000 Hudcin Oil ndOO Int I'ttrel 70OO Ke)8t(jne Hur.uer DOO I'enn Mex Kuel . . . 2000 Southern Stite Cen 200 I.lvlnKulen' 1'ct . . . 110(1 I.Nens Tet . 3(M) Maraealbe OH .... 100 Marland -Met .....' .100 Merrltt Oil ... HOO Mexico Oil 17700 Mcx Heab 17D0O Mcx Ser.b . t c. . 200 Mount J're.l ... 8700 Mutual Ret 200 N Y Oil 1(1(1 Nore O'l 000 Nnble Oil 200(1 Ohie Hanser 2400 Omar Oil 100 I'enneck OH J0O0 Uerl UnnkH ! 2(1(1 nyan ( en . . 200 Salt ('r..ek I're.I 200 Salt Crck Cens BOO Slmmi Pet . . . .flOOO Skelly Oil 10000 Seuth Z & 1... 300 Seuth .it-itei . . 400 Htwncer Pet 11200 Texan O ' I- . . MOD IVIlcnx Oil 77i 100 Wneilburn . . . r.ile OOOTIUal O.aite n ... 10 1A 21c 23 r.eu 3J 24e 1. H)e Hi H v 3 OH js4 l.-i'i 10i. jxi, S'j 21c ."r 2H l HP. 12H H 12U Mc 13. 3 71c IS ll.l, . S7c 7' 2214 2J'i IS 2S 4c 34e 14 IS n if, 21c 2!S 4.'.c 30 2 li lS 7cc 1SS Ml (I IS 27 S WS in'. 2X 3S 20l r.c IS ii '4 S STc s IS 2' 4c R4c 14 IS f. 1A 21c 22S .'iOc 31 21c IS 7hc 111 PS IS 2HS 2SS IRS KIS 2S 3H 20e JIIMNO ' 200 Am Hxnlerat II00O Hl IiUr. 100 He. inn Jinnt Cens. 40fl0 Cnnnrta Cip . .. JOOO rnnile'iirl.1 M. . . BOOO Cem Cen M HOO Certrz S'lr 700 crc.in riel 1 100 Doleres Ipr.mzn. lc lc 7S MS 12S 'i US 10c 134 :i O.'lO 7 Ollc 12 1 Ic D-c 7S 10'. 12s 12S 13c 134 3 73c 7S Oil" 12. 21c lllc 21c .'111 31c 31c 4Tc 44c 4.'u 1 A 1 1 HI WIRING FIXTURES Te Meet Tour P.equlrementi nt All Price B. T. KYLE & CO. 1430 N. 17th St, CASH Pep. 2403 TMMs Pi rli l")fl oye' With Maximum Safety Fer Your July Funds A local instituticTi, estab lished ever sixteen years nnd universally recognized us the world's leading man ufacturer of sweaters, offers a limited portion of its capi tal stock direct te the public. The company's produetB are, nationally advertised. Sales ever the last three years tx ceeded $4,000,000.00. Kales In 1921 ever $1, 500.000.00. Orders en hand for 1!)22 with the hU best selllm; months ahead J800.000.00. The mills have never closed for lack of orders. ,r. SSi Dividends The amount of stock Is limited. for sale. Fer full particulars call :V at extr factory or Write for Descriptive Circular The ft 1 IT ! !! y rennsyivama iviuiung miU3 !' M& & Ctllewtill Sli., Pbiladelpbia ff HALSEY, STUART &. CO ncorperate Nctv Issue $2,000,000 New Yerk and Richmond Gas Company First Refunding Mortgage Geld Bends, Series "A", 6 (New First Mortgage) PRICE 97'2 and Interest Yielding about 6.20 j Due May 1, 1951 h Nen-Redeemable Until November 1, 1936 65 Denominations $1000, $500,$ ICO Application will be made te list thcc Scries "A" bends en the New Yerk Stock Exchange. Tlie Company will agree te reimburse the holders of the Scries "V ISends if re re que'ed within sixty dass alter payment, for the Pennsylvania four-mill tax and for the Connecticut personal property t.i net exceeding four mills per dollar per annum, and for the Massachusetts income tax en the interest net ex ceeding six per cent per an num. Interest payable May 1 and November I in New Yerk City without deduction for any normal Federal Income Tax new or hereafter de ductible at the source net n excess of 21. Redeemable in wholeerinpart.at theoptien of the Company, en any in terest date after May 1 , 1 93V), te and including November l, 1950, at 105 and accrued interest, en sixty days' pub lished notice. Issuance ap proved by the Public Service Commission of the State of New Yerk for the First District. Fer detailed information regarding this issue, attention is directed te a Utter of Mr. William f. Welsh, President of the Company, from which the following is summarized: The New Yerk and Richmond Gas Company, incorporated in July, 1 90 1, operates under perpetual franchises supplying with out competition artificial gas te four of the five wards of the Borough of Richmond, New Yerk City. The First Refunding (new First) Mortgage Geld Bends, Series "A" will be secured, in the opinion of counsel, by a direct first mortgage en all the property of the Company. Gress earnings for the twelve months ended April 30, 1922, as certified by independent auditors, amounted te $944,685 and net earnings te $282,740, as compared with annual interest requirements en bends outstanding, upon completion of the present financing, of $120,000. The franchises of the Company, in the opinion of counsel, are perpetual and unconditional, except only as te reasonable regu lation by the public authorities, their validity having been sus tained by the courts. A recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed the judgment of the United States District Court, holding the se-called Eighty-Cent Gas Law unconstitutional. This case is a final authority for upholding the right of gas com panies te charge a rate for gas sufficient te provide a reasonable return upon the investment. The growth of Staten Island and the business of the Company have been uniformly constant, each decade without exception havingshewn large increases, and definite plans for the develop ment of rapid transit service between the Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond present assuring prospects for the future business of the Company. These bends are cfT:red for delivery when, as and if issued and received by us. The Pirst Refunding Mort gage and all legal matters incident thereto will be subject te the approval of counsel. It is expected that temporary bends.later exchangeable for definitive bends, will be ready for delivery en or about July 1 5, 191a. All statements herein are official or are based en information which we regard as reliable and while we de net guarantee them, they, are the data upon which we nave acted in the purchase of these securities. HALSEY, STUART & CO. INCORPORATED Land Title Building - Philadelphia - Phene Locust 7410 GLJ T.tBFI lu iIk i i i i Mi . i r ;,,-. . . T--J , ,-, , -. 4 . EQUIPMENT TRUSICERTIFICATES We Offer Subjact te Prier SU' and Advtnce in frlcet' , ' r I Cempanr Rata Maturity YUld Baltlrhere Sc Ohie Railroad . . . . 6 January IB, 1933-3S B.38 Chesapeake St Ohie Railway 9 January lg, 1 920-38 8.30 Chesapeake St Ohie Railway .... 8H December 1, 193449 8,26 Chicago St Northwestern Railway ... 6 January 18, 1932 8.20 Chicago & Northwestern Railway . . . 6tt April 1,1928 - 8.20 Chicago, Milwaukee St St. Paul Railway . 8 July IS, 1924 8.10 Chicago, Milwaukee St St. Paul Railway . 8 July 18,' 1928 8.18 Chicago, Milwaukee St St. Paul Railway . 5 July 18, 1926 , 8.20 Chicago, Milwaukee St St. Paul Railway . 8 July 18, 1927 8.30 v Chicago, Milwaukee 4 St Paul Railway . 8 July 18, 1928 8.40 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi. St St. L. Rwy. . 6' January 18, 192728 8.20 Erie Railroad' Stt July 1,1038.36 8.50 Illinois Central Railroad 6 January IB, 1931 8,18 Illinois Central Railroad ..... 7 October 1, 193138 8.18 Kanawha eV Michigan Railway .... 6 January IB, 192938 8,30 Michigan Central Railroad .... 6, January 18, 1930 S.20' New Yerk Central Line ' 8 June 1, 192733 8.20 New Yerk Central Railroad .... 7 April 18, 1929-32 8.20 Pacific Fruit Express ....... 7 June 1, 192633 8,0 Pennsylvania Railroad ... ... 6 , January 18, 199834 8.3Q Reading Company. 8 January 1, 1924 , 4,78 "Reading Company 8 January 1, 192628 8.10 Seaboard Air Line Railway . . . .6' February 1, 1928 8.78 Seaboard Air Line Railway .... 6 February 1, 192637 6.00 Virginian Railway ....... 6 October 1, 1928 8.40 Issued under the Philadelphia Plan. ( JANNEY & CO. . 133 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA Telephone, Lembard 4320 i s $700,000 ' CITY OF JOHNSTOWN, PA. Thirty-year 4Vs. Sewer Bends - Dated July 1, 1922 Denomination $1,000 Due July 1, 1952 Interest semiannually Coupon Bends with privilege Without prier option of registration as te principal. Free of Pennsylvania State Tax Free of all Federal Income Taxes under existing laws. Legal Investment in Pennsylvania andyNew Yerk. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed Valuation $68,013,675 Estimated Real Values 100,000,000 Net Debt (including this issue) 2,185,998 Population, 1920 67,327 Estimated Present Population 80,000 Price 106.42 and Interest te Yield 4!a Legality te be approved by Messrs. Burgwin, Scully & Burgwin, Pittsburgh. Redmond & Ce. Pittsburgh-Philadelphia HUI, Wright & Frew Pittsburgh TAX FREE MUNICIPAL BONDS: EXEMPT FROM ALL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES S275,000 WARREN COUNTY, p.., R0.d 4s Aiif, 1, 192348 85,000 BOROUGH OF BRIDGEPORT, Pa., Scheel 4i4s.. July l' 1932-51 400,000 BRADFORD COUNTY, Pa., Imp. 5s Oct. l'f 193046 110,000 CITY OF ALT00NA, Pa., Scheel 4s Mar. 1,' 1928-12 40,000 B0R0. of Fountain Hill, Pa., Scheel 4i2s June l 1952 36,000 B0R0. of Cliften Heights, Pa.,' Imp. K Aug. l', 1952 25,000 TWP. of CHESTER, Pa., Scheel, 4i2, juy' lf' 1952 500,000 STATE OF NEW JERSEY Highway 4 4 ... . Juiy j, 1952 , 200,000 COUNTY OF ATLANTIC, N. J., Read 5. .' Apr.is! 192526 145,000 B0R0. of CHATHAM, N. J., Scheel 4l,s Mar 1 1925 62 48,000 B0R0 of Glen Ridge, N. J., Sewer 41fei June 1925.82 - 33,000 CITY OF BAYONNE, N. J., Water 5. June ,' 1928 39 58,000 TWP. of NORTH BERGEN, N. J., Scheel 4,. . . . May 1 1923-62 69,800 TWP. of PALMYRA, N. J., Scheel 5s. . . j ' ,' 1924.48 113,000 B0R0. of SWEDESB0R0, N. J., Scheel 5s. '.'. '. JM' .' 1932 72,500 BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH, N. J., Scheel 5s. . . July 1,' ,92461 29,000 TOWN OF NEWPORT, DEL, IMP. 5. j j 19SS3, 19,000 BELHAVEN, N. C, WATER AND SEWER 6... Sept. 1, ,.2344 4.05 4.10 4.125 4.15 4.20 4.20 4.25 4.004.25 4.20 4.20 ' 4.20 4.35 4.40 4.60 4.60 4.60 5.125 5.60 421 Chestnut St. Mn M. FREEMAN & CO. u i .. t :f; CHICAGO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BOSTON DETItOlT MILWAUKEE ST. LOUIS MINNEAPOLIS Phent UmlMrs S71S w mm '?-'iJ ,-" -vwUifej" "?W rl"Jt"l .; J.t .,.4''jVf ,''(,