- . JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE IVency ye Telfe of the Engagement of Miss Boyd and Mr. Murdoch She Sees Fashionable Felk in Atlantic City e VV e for you today. It itaftarn , n. ey,l ! of I-- vh. wliesc "?"'""" ' . ' Y. " """ ' n.i tinvxrnl months iiee. fieV ;r7 Blriy: m, geed look leek M Itarbnrn is tell nml extremely 1 ..f,il Slic' lins brown hnlr. which 5!, "nr dually I" it French twtat fi'thr back, nml rfi? certainly , och Sew hew te ilrew. I-J-xhc h flrer fhn Itarbnrn. Wie. tee. tell "! Vn Munnini? flume. 1 Barbara Is very nrtlut V I told you l.st "nr nbeut her Htudie, where she jffntt the met attractive tump slrndes P" . :.i. in en. The Kejd spend their KummerH In C'npe May nnd arc Kirn one cvenlnR recently In an ?,?.,!? .frock of black lace, made witl A 8trnlBht-neros-thc.siieuuicrs open 2! nml no uleevw. At. the girdle Yhm;p deep red rose. It wan most 'lffrySene nBree, that Laurie Mur .J l" a fine fc tow. He served in t vvir. "e" knew, as did his brother, Tucker Murdoch. The five Murdnehs Snc. Habcl. Knrnihnw. Laurie .n5 Ticker live with their aunt, Miss Fmily En nshaw. In Wynncvvoetl. They - ieitRln of the Tuckers and closely ! nnec "ted wfth the Cerllcs family. In f2ci " Lanrlc'" full name Is Lawrence ave'neulcard when the wedding ti te take place, but some one whispered It is likely te be In the early spring. THIS seems te be a fashionable sum mer for Atlantic City. 1 have net hard of se many persons spending fi "Simmer right In the heart of the retort for a long time; usually itj ft.ls.-n or Loiigpert for litem. Hut I Sdinet Mrs. Alexander Mrlnten Coxe, SiTrtepping at the 1 rnymerc .for A. summer, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn T iS r.. who arc at the Brighten. the winter and t am glad te say, loekftl nnlte well when I hew her. , Mrs. WWIH limi uvi-ii ".' -i- -.-,.". the winter quite well -Mr.. William Masters t nniac is biw Having nt the Hiishlen. nnd Mrs. Ash Ash beten ('arson and her son and daughter, Geerge taisen ami -"i .'-..... of Torresdale. lire there, tee. Miss Carsen is se geed looking! De reu remember the year she came out? (Vrtnlnh. there hnve net been such bellS ns rf and Miss Edith 'Fisher. he also lived in Termdalc, for many i long ilav. Miss Carsen is fair and Miss Fisher is dark, and they arc great friends, and went te nil, the balls to te tether. That was in the days when 'tlrls, ue were great belles such as thee two. steed out among their litter debutantes. Newaday every one has about the same geed time. I or haps, it is better se. but somehow it Is net se remnntlc "as it used te was. Te go back te Atlantic City. I met Mrs. Augustus Themns one afternoon with her two sisters, Miss Mary Miisey and Miss Frances Kinney, nnd Mrs. Charlton Varnall, who came down for i Tllt te her mother. Mrs. Alexander Itrlnten Coxe. I .-aw them later hav ing luncheon together nt the 1 rnymerc. Mrs! Coxe Is certainly a most stunn ng looking old lady, nnd hew interesting ami witty she is. I just love te. hcur , her, talk about people and things. ISN'T Cernelia Rankin pretty? I taw her the ether day lunching en the Ritz reef, and she looked se cool and sweet I simply nntl te step and talk te her. She wns wearing n French model frock of dark blue crepe ro re malnc and there wns cut-work en the bodice nnd sleeves,, through which were lacings of narrow red ribbon. Her lint tias a picture nfTalr of dark blue with a wide, drooping brim, nnd wns trimmed Tilth bright red cherries. Cernclln has wonderful light golden hair and blue eyei. Ynn knnw she Is te be married en i the seventh of October te Alfred Hun ter. Won't she make a beautiful bride? ISL'I'l'OSi: my let falls In various paMmes nt various times. Wh.it I mean Is, I will go for weeks without feeing some one of my own lntimnte friends and I'll meet no one but debu tantes or glils of n M'cnml nnd third year, while en the ether hand. 1 won't k.innen in lull.- will, n iniiinw L-lrl for 1 long lime. Ileccntlv. however, the lare, Meylan. entertained at a bridge lounger set has predominated, nnd I j ')ar,y recently. am fnlrlv overteme with the latest In' Mrs. H. I Lelper and her daughter, com nation Mist Katharine Lelper, of the Coronade, Salil I m 'n lei-lnln ilehiilniite of lnst "'" Ke en July 15 te Idlewlld, where n. --I m - L.v"" they will spend lh- remainder of the ?.e0flr' ..'""', Mn,'-i'. ' ..J,)r,It,- summer. I Sure. -,iM my friend. "She h the .... .... cnt'hnilK" Anil en fmtlier lnipilry I . Mrs. Jehn Mass. of this city, who - found lint "1.11.1 U win ii wen-illas ''n spending seveial weeks at leuim iij.it .iiu-K IC wits ii wen i ,,,,.,, has BOne te ,ne Marlborough- ly,..my ,l'nl'' '"s a r'511,1' Hlmhelm. Atlantic City, where she will nnkc hip. And mi it went en. Such , lemnln for two months, returning In eiprphMnus ns "the cat's pajamas." i September te Idlewlld. "the elephant's adenoids." "push's' Mrs 1Uchan, Hnncy. of Londen, meow and j-er hi mnn.v ntheis. If, ,:,1(?i (s I.UIntr her mother. Mrs Al tnej meant snmetliinc would .veu say i freil Duncan, nt her home In Overbroek. anitiiing.' nut at the i-nmr time its enile,-ful te be us silly ns that. Just te ee the inytilied leek en my face must have siin that Miiall per son unitiulilie! je.v, and, after all, a. cat's uuffs would be awfully fiesh and Meet, because nice little cats nlwa.vs 'keep their small paws clean and white. It's lenlj great te he craz.v, is it net? TIIH Kurepenn exodus U still going . stieng. The two Michel! dills anil their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. '"lien, win t-.ill today en the .Majestic mi expect te spend the summer travel- "n in r.urepe. iney are also planning te je te the Passion I'lny. I doubt if ny of the Ameiicans abroad will miss the trip te OberamniPrgiiii this hummer. Mrs. Theodere Seixas and her daugh ter Amelie uic also salliiig for Europe tedaj. Yeu leineniber thu.v went ever last summer, hut were theie only a week or se. Mr. Seisms was taken lty ill nfter thev left, and though he tad Improved by the tiiiie the news reached them, they were net Mitlsiled te nay ever there nnd hastened back te be with him. Amelie enme out last reason and had a splendid lime. She is Jry popular mid wears Ilia loveliest of frocks. f f TN Sl'lTK of the lure of IJiuepe, n " Bient many are lemnlnlnj! In tie ITn lied States for the Minimer. Ac- COrdlllsr in lln Linn v,w.l.il N,i.c,n. 'hleli is just out (and which is by no i neansinmpletp, becaiiH se ninny forget! t0 hll out the summer blanks when! Mnt te tllPmi. morn tlinn "nilfl hnve I lene te New Fnirlniiii nml nniiriv -.-.nn '", various pliices en Leng Islauill jnti Mm Sininil. And I liud that 700 families nie living abroad this summer iniiiparpil te ."iSS last jeiir. I siippex- ns things becoine mere nor- Jjai iilueiid mere persons will go ever ( tewe, though personally I like the V. A. for living purposes and, in fact, , r jer traveling purposes, tee. I believe in knowing our own wonderful ceuntrj "fst. riicie'n nothing like our National - ark, the fJaiden of the (Jeds and nil i We ether wonders of the West ever ," l?re. Of course, there nre magnlfirent ,t -4fl wonderful old hulldlncs nnd the , uniltiem, of centuries which uppcul in- . rr 1- expresslbly, but I doubt, If wc nil go eyer te see the wonders there as much as "it's being done." TVTARY LOUISK is four years old and " learning the ways of the girl of the world rapidly.- The ether day nhe luuying "grown-up" and asked mother for a piece of silk or velvet for Ji party frock. "Mether has nothing but this small piece of silk," Bald her parent, handing her n piece seme ten inches square. "Oh," said Mary Louise, "thnt's nit right. It will.be enough for a evening dwess." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES e'.t aAd Mrsi D- Knlckerbackcr Boyd. mf F.ri?"iad0,' nnHeunc the engage MffHn0nntHlr,(,aV?1'tc.r' Ml"' Barbara Mi V iJvn?0yt1, 1 Mr- Lawrence Cerlles Murdoch, nephew of Miss Emily c. v,rn?a.w?f "y lane, Wynnewood. nrn n?d,i.n,r8;i Uey1 nnU lne'r family nre spending the summer nt Cape May. dlmJ??n,hilS f818 who attended th ainner which Mi. nnd Mrn Adelnh S?"n?,rte,!i' f F"ntincteer. St. Davlj hennV 'f T.V e r . !ome lnst evening: In .Vr nf f,',; Alberta P. Heath, daugh lvtntMIf;.l,.enJanlln B- Reath. of llll carton vtri1et' nnd. Mr- Harry Rosen Resen fi, n, ellsen, whose marriage will M?. .0,", 9teer 18. weVe Mr. and M?uiSS?.ina,Ai1'- JS?001'' Ml" Ellen W. M?m rinetrMni?i El,'fn PeuKlaa Lloyd, reth ti? S- E1."s' Mr- Soett Land Camnhiu Siayt2nMcMlchaeI and Mr. ampbell Newhal . Mr. and Mrs thWenih","1 Icavc the latfer part of lewHtnnr nC?r nn. eenlve trip te Yel lowstone Park nnd the West. AIr- .?nd Mrs. Kltz Euircne nixen. of several UEMJln5 Pnrk- are spending .i?.' "eeks at Newport, R. I.; where MrSy ALVrtltln& Mf Dien's methe ma8r.l?.daethHrem"t0n R'Ce' nt M,rft Amencp the mi..,, n.u. .. .. ?'","!' Vl nBht P'ven by Mr. Geerge Lelpcr Knrnum nt the Acres, hi. hrS rt v.iln. wcre JIr- nntl Mr- Rob Reb ert Kelse Cassatt. Mr. and Mrs. Reb- ArLnU ""'Bemery. Mr. and Mrs. Gov-' wu,r'iiluaIa0l'' Mr- and Mr. oeerge Vr 'nmiMM and Mrs- v'ctr C. Mather. uL nS' a'rs. Stevens Heckscher and Miss Eleaner Williams, af Baltimore Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warlne Hon Hen Hon klnsen, of Twenty-first street and De vhrttCe& 'nace' ,)v1'1 lcave today for a JiJ' te Sn" .Mftv where they will be the guests of Mrs. Themas Roberts nt her cottage ever the week-end. -.n')I,cSand Mrs- Whltwell W. Coxe. of wLll sPru:e street, will sail en Tuesday next en the Reliance for a trip abroad, whero they will spend the summer In foreign tiavel. Miss fVnnces B. Wharten, of 013 rine street, sailed last week for a trip abroad, where she will spend several weeks touring the Continent. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Hoopes Colo Celo Cole man, of 401 West Penn street, German town, nre receiving consxatulatlens en the birth of a daughter. Eugenia Pcarce Celeman, rm July 6. Mrs. Celeman will be remembered as Miss Eugenia Larner, of Shepheidstewn, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston Blddle. of Westvlew. Bryn Mawr, left last week for Dark Haiber. Me., where 'they will remain until autumn. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mather, of Ard Ard mere, who are spending a fortnight at Virginia Het Springs, will return home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwaul I. Smith, of Gelf read, Wynnefield. left en Thurs day for Spilng Lake, N. J., for several weeks' stay. Mrs. Wlstar Merris, of Green Hill Farnib Hetel, left last week for James town, It. I., where she will spend the summer. Mls Eugenia Kelse Cassatt. daughter of Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt, of Berwyn, nnd Mrs. Jehn Welsh Drayten, of Chest nut Hill, will leave early in August for Nnrracansett Pier, R. I where they will spend several weeks. Mr. T. Evans Dunn, son of Mrs. Themas E Dunn, of 221 Aliens lane. Chebtnut Hill, left last week with his uncle. Mr. Philip N. Dunn, of the Del-mar-Merrls, Gennantewn, en a meter trip te California, where they will spend the summer. Mrs. Frank H. Battles and her daugh ter. Miss Elizabeth B. Battles, of 267 Seuth Nineteenth street, who are trav eling abroad, are at present In Paris. Tln-y will spend August in Brittany and will return te this country In the early auli.mn. Dr. nnd Mrs Lawrence Webster Fex. of Seventeenth and Spruce streets, will i sail for England tedAy en the Baltic Thev win f,pena the summer traveling In England and France. Mrs Svdney Masen nnd her sister. Mrs. William Page, who are spending the summer at their cottage en Idlewlld Mrs. Harvey will be remembered as Miss Alfreda Duncan before her mar riage In Londen early In the winter. Mr. Harvey Is at present en a business trip in Seuth Africa. Later he will Jein Mrs. Harvey In America. Miss Lerna Graham, of 326 Seuth Fifteenth street, and Miss Margaret Hnwkins, of Medl-i, have returned from u two-weeks' visit te friends in Cape cod and Bosten. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn Humphreys, of Gennantewn. who nre living new In Chelsea, have been entertnlnlng Mrs, A. It. Dewey, of 6019 Pine street, far two weens Mrs, j. H. Keen and her daughter, fa & t !r P.lole b- J. .Mllchell Clllet. MISS BARBARA M. BOYD Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Knickcrbacher Boyd, whose en gagement is announced today te Mr. Lawrence C. Murdoch, nephew of Miss Emily C. Earn ehaw, of Wynnewood Engaged :. 'mm vt9Fi& . .. ."".. ' i .; . '-1 " ' v Members of the CAROLINE' MftFADDEN Mrs. Themas O. Haydock, Jr., of Cyn wyd, have returned from a visit te uape May. wnere tney were me guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Conden for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Conden are occupying their cottage until September. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeseph Resslter, of 4734 Hazel avenue, announce the en Kigement of their daughter, Miss Alice Resslter, te Mr. Isaac Kershaw, Jr., of Cnwyd. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllljam McMahon, whose marrlage took place en Saturday, June 3, at the Aldlne Hetel, will, en their return from their wedding- trip, be nt home at 6219 Jeffersen street after August 1. Mr. and Mrsl Paul Greenwood have returned from helr wedding trip nnd are occupying their apartments at the Teuralne, Sixteenth nnd Spruce streets. Mrs. Greenwood, before her wedding en Wednesday. June" 14. was Miss Marian Zladee O'Meara, of 6421 Overbroek ave nue, Overbroek. Mrs. Greenwood's sis ter. Miss Helen C. Bader, has left for a visit te Bosten, Mass., where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Themas Baxter for a few days. Mrs. Baxter, wns Miss Gladys Moffet, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. G. K.'NIchels and their son, Mr. Heed Nichols, of Thirty-fifth street nnd Powelton avenue, have left for a trip through the West and expect te spend the summer In California. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Mercer Hicks and their daughter. Miss Dorethy Hicks, of New Yerk, formerly of this city, have left for Chelsea, N. J., where they are occupying their cottage en Brighten ave nue for the summer. Miss Alice "Halsey, daughter of Mrs. Frederick H. Halsey. of 4431 Sansom . street, will go in n few weeks te Asnc vllle. N. C, where Bhe will remain until September as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haywood. Mr. Harry Nelke, of the Rltz-Carlten, this city, has gene te the Rltz-Carlten, Chelsea, where he expects te remain for seme time. ( Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeseph C. Heymann. of 6410 Sherwood read, Overbroek. and their two daughters have left for Chel sea, where they will spend part of the summer at the Rltz-Carlten Hetel. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geerge L. Van Zandt nnd their daughter. Miss Dorethy Van Zandt. have removed from the Plne hurst Apartments, Forty-fifth and Pine streets, and nre occupying their new new home en Columbia avenue, Overbroek. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Kauffman have sailed for Europe, where they will spend the summer touring the Continent. Mrs. E. Russell Jenes, of 1S22 Chest nut street, has left for Boethbny Harber, Me., where she will remain until Sep tember 1. Cnrm nntn nut Fnlkv UermaniOWJl I OlhS Visit in Many Places Mrs. Jehn B. Hesten, of 221 Winona avenue, is the guest of Mrs. Jehn U Winsten at Pecene Maner Inn, In the Pecene Mountains. Mrs. j. Shalman. of Sharpnnck street, accempnnled by her mother, Mrs. M. Rlggs. has left te spend the summer at Ocenn City. Mr. Rebert Garrison, of Washington, D. C, has returned home after spend ing the holidays as the guest of Mr. Jeseph A. McAullffe, of 6541 Beyer street. Mr. and Mrs R Cehen have returned home after spending the holidays at the Delaware Water Gap. Mr. Jehn Curtis, of 660ft Beyer street, is nt Wlldwoed for a few das. Mr. and Mrs. Themas S. Rebbltt, of Chew Chase, Md , are spending a fort night ns the guest of Miss Mary Cress Seashore and Mountains Lure West Philadelphians The Misses Landell, of Hamilton Court, nccempr tiled by their niece. Miss Marv B. Landell, 2d, left recently te spend July and August at Manches ter, Vt. Mrs Christopher A. Bergen and Miss Agnes "HIi st Bergen, of 3001 Walnut street, are spending this month In the Pecene Mountains, later they will go te Bay Head for the month of Au gust. Mr, and Mrs Barrie Welsh have re-, turned from their wedding trip te "Vol "Vel "Vol lewstono Park nr.d through the Cana dian Recky Mountains, nnd nre new liv ing In Germantown Before her mar riage en June 14, Mrs. Welsh wns Miss Jean Llkeff, of 6117 Cnipcnter street. 5Ir. and Mrs. Craig N. Llggct, of 10 '0 Walnut street, left tha latter part of'june for Atlantic City, where they will spend the season at the Brighten Hetel. Dr and Mrs Douglas Murphy, of Forty-sixth nnd Spruce streets, left lnst week for Seuth drellna, whcie they will spend , month. Mr. and Mis G F. Metzger. of 70.! Ne'rth Forty-fourth street, nnneunce the nwtrage of their daughter, Miss Hazel G Metzger, te Mr William H McCIung. of 6021 Regent stiect, en Saturday, June 24. Holmesburg Legien Plans Festival; Other Events The Helme shurg Pest of the Amerl ran Legien will held Its nnnu-il festival eiiJulv 19. 20, 21 and 22 en the Legien grounds, Craig and Rhavvn stieets. Mrs lehi L f.irlln has in -turned te her home, the Tines, In Fiankllnvllle. V I Tttirii visit with Miss L. M. Frest,' 3211 Rhavvn stiest. Mr nnd Mrs mte J Knnuer and their laughters, of Syracuse, N. . are the guests of Miss Emma Knnuer, of 8028 Frankford avenue Mr nml MIH i-naiies vvniseu. 01 More street, are eniei tabling dnuKhter nnd granddaughter. their Mrs (leoi-Re Lambert and .mis3 Lambert, ef.ew Upton, Mi. MarR.iret J i '" '" ' ' Younger Set at Mr. atidMrs. Geerge W. ti-&te&v MARY CARROLL ROJ.IN New Arrivals in Frank ford; Many Persons at Seashore Mr. and Mrs. E. Kelley. of Hennlng avenue, nre receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hagertch, of Rob Reb bins avenue, nre receiving' congratula tions upon the birth of a son. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geerge Wheeler, of Arrett street, are spending the summer at their bungalow in Maple Greve, N. J. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn Ryan and Miss Edna Rvan, of 1821 Glllingham street, nre at Wlldwoed for several weeks. Mrs. Paula Andersen and her daugh ters, Miss Edna Andersen and Miss Helen Andersen, of Frankford avenue and Orthodox street, are spending the summer at their cottage at Atlantic Cy. " Mrs. Atlce Buckman, of 4030 Penn street, has left for Ocean City, where she will spend the summer. Mrs. James A. Wynne and daughter. Miss Esther Louise Wynne, of 1606 Dyre street, are en an extended trip through the West. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Bishop Wil liams nnneunce the marriage of their daught-r. Miss Margaret Catherine Shrewsbury, te Mr. Edward Blddle France. Miss Helen Patterson, of Arrett street. Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Don Den Don nldsen, nt her cottage in Brighten Beach for several weeks. Mrs E. Pendlebury and her family. of 4613 Penn street, have metered te Seuth Harpswell, Me., where they will spend some time. Mrs. B. Franklin Rittenheuse, of 4613 Lelper street, has left te spend the summer at Sugar Hill In the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Seuth Philadelphians Return Frem Seashore Miss Florence Gallagher, of Elgh centh nnd McKean streets, has returned home after having spent seme time In Chelsea. fr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Krouse, of 2109 Seuth Sixteenth street, have opened their summer home In ritman, N. J, Miss Marie Murphv, of 1818 Mifflin street, spent seme tlme in Chelsea last week. Miss Beatrice Kelly, of Seuth Twenty second street, wes the guest of Miss Bernndlna Gallagher, of 1610 Rltner street, at the summer home of her parents In Chelsea last week. Mr. Rebert Sullivan, of 1714 Merris street, has returned home after having spent several days In Wlldwoed. Mr. nnd MrH Jehn McCurdy. Jr.. entertained recently nt an Informal party. The guests Included Miss Kath Kath erlne D. Rafferty. of Glonslde; Miss Annette Hlllnrd, Miss Ethel Dledel, Miss Marlen Diedel, Miss Mnry McCurdy, Miss Pauline Schuch. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Dledel. Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Dledel. Mr. and Mrs. P. Teemes, Mr. and Mrs. V. Trlmpes. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Gonever, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Cavnnaugh, Mr. J. Mer man. Mr. Enrl Dledel, Mr. James Rob Rob erteon. Mr. Elwood Jogger, Mr. Bernard Schroeder, Mr. Jeseph Wlldman, Mr. Richard Rcrg-man nnd Mr. Walter Zinc. Miss Mary Tuft nnd Miss Laura Tuft, of 2140 Seuth Bread street, will be nt their new home, 2120 Seuth Six teenth street, nbeut September 1. Delaware County Girl Attends Party; Other Trips Miss HUdegarde Jnceb, daughter of I .ur. r. vvarner ucnermnn, win spend the week-end at Darlington. Md , where she will be a guest at a house patty which Mr. and Mrs. William Elliet, of Baltimore, nre giving nt their sum mer home In honor of their daughter, Miss Ellznbeth Elliet. Miss Jean Dallett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wllllnm T D.illctt. of Media, has returned from a visit te Northamp ton, Mass , and will spend the sum mer with her parents Her sister, Miss Dotothea Dallett, has gene te Wood stock, N. Y,, te iemn!n until September. Miss Mildred Dnllett Is new nt home, after a fortnight's stay in Bosten Mr and Mrs D, Irving Trainer, of Media, have returned from a sea trip te California, where they spent several weeks In Les Angeles. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorge Atherholt, of . Ridley Park, have returned from a stay at Pocmie Maner. Mr. nnd Mrs. Raymond S. Munson. ! of Ridley Park, nie metering through the Cntsklll Mountains. j Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul JI. Slmrpleas, who hne tecently sold Sartim Faun, their home nt WnllllnKferci. will snentl the le malnder of the summer nt Idlcvvlltl, i near Medin STKAMSHIP NOTirRs I ,, I NAWSCO LINES Prompt Leading Careful Handling Regular SilingM Dependable Schedules Minimum Insurance Express Freight Stenmcrs from Philadelphia the Gth and 20th of each month, via Panama Canal, te Les AnRelcs, San Francisce, Oakland, Seattle, Portland S. S. Celd Harber July 20 S. S. Blue Triangle Aug. 6 Tram freight revived dally at rtrr 10 N'erlh (Feet of Vine Mt.) Assistance given in discharging Team Freight NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Owners and 4p' a. S, NMpjifnp Benrtf frrni'irr 136 8. Fourth St., Phlla. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7731-2 rv. , HHlHiflLl -::.,,- ij rEVELVN MW2TIN T MARV SPOTSWOOD HA.RR.ISOK Prominent Philadelphians Staying at Atlantic, City A ,. . ... .1 Mrs. Nathan Tretter, of 23n Seuth Fifteenth street. Is snendlnc the sum mer nt Hadden Hall, as Is also Mrs. M. B. Huff, of Germantown. isi. nciuuri I. v.n jieuiui miu ui-w jvnna unnas i,aipenier are nc me iray iray iray more for the summer Mr. nnd Mrs. David Lane will spend the summer nt Atlantic City nt the Strand. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Schmidt, of North Bread sticet, nie alto at the Strand. Mrs. Geerge Shlsler, of Overbroek, was hostess Thursday afternoon at thu first of a series of eight caid patties te be given by the ladles' auxiliary of the Chelsea Yacht Club. Twenty-time tables were arranged in the large ball room and attractive prizes were glvn nt each tnble. A final prlze will Ht awarded at the close of the season Among the Philadelphians present were Mrs. Frederick J. Peth, Mrs Cbailes F. Bonser, Mrs. Warren Collin, Mis H. Humphreys. Mrs. L. F. Hubens, Mis Geerge C. F. Fleck, Mrs. Dilweith, Mrs. James Hepe, Mrs. W. 1'. Dat. Mrs. W. B Feiguten, Mrs. F J Coa Cea Coa tclle, Mis Themas Arneld, Mrs Geeige Meusley, Mrs. Harry Merris. Mrs Ult Ult tenheuse, Mrs. H. J. Krull. Mrs. Rltter. Miss Bitter, Mrs. Wilbur Beaumont, Mrs. Jehn W. Brooks, .Mrs. E. H. Keefer, Mis A. E. Sanderscn, Mts T. M. Gi Iscem, Mrs. Archibald, Mrs Fred Werner, Mrs. Fied Rellman, Mrs Charles Berger, Mrs. Alijcit Biltz. Mr.s Albert A. L.ulner, Mrs' .1 F Tin ler, Mrs. H Mellis, Mrs. James Wlllaul. STEAMXIIIP NOTirrs CUHARB " ANCHOR unm Lxccllent accommodation la itlll uvnllable ut low rates for July. N, V. te Certuuric and llnniburi; BKnENClAKIA ... Jiil U Alii.-. 8 Aiib. 20 HAl'RKTAMA ., Jul 1H Auk. 15 Seiil. .1 AHl'll'A.MA Aim. 1 Auk. 2.' beiit, u N. Y. te Plymouth. O.ierlmur,,- mid HmnburK CAHOMA l"l -1U Aue. :il (in. s, b.WOMA ... "S. a ent. U (HI. II N Y. te Cetli iQu. iihiiumii anil I.Imiiiu.h ' HGYT1IIA (nevi) .Mnb SO Aug. 31 hmt. SB L.VCO.MA (ne) Aur. .sfi. 7 sailV from llOKteii Jul 21. N. Y. ?"Londe"durry and Qia.Kciw CAKMAMA " ! .viik. U .-.fin. II Ai.r.KitiA J.'!!f. !A 'X"".: -I?, t"!l' ii COI.I'MHIA AHhYRIA ... CITY III" LONDON Am:. "' ""." " -!. I" MMit. Z ... m,, - t L'AMEHd.MA si-ut. 0 Oct. 7 Nei. HoBten te Londonderry and Liverpool P.LY8IA iik. H ASSYRIA Tpt. 15 Stetin at aianeew ' I Renten te Queenfiwn and Liverpool SAMARIA W) A..B. S3 S-iil. 20 : , VASCON-IArh."aJelrhU IU I'0n'10" .Jiilv 3S CINAIII) S. ANTIIOIt STrMl I.1VK, Pesneiiger Oniee, 13(10 W'.iliiiit l-t.. I'hllii. Frelglit emfe. IluiirKe IIIiIb.. PIiIIii. VFAV YORK TO HOTTI'.RHM Vlu l'ljineulli, llnuliiKiii'-Mir-.Mer vnrdnm jiii ii viik. in epr. Si Rmterdiun .. . Juli Si iik, SU Sriit :i(i am . iik. IJ rit. 10 Ort. si Offic 1531 Walnut St.. Phil.. N". AmMerd Pinengtr MWfcia.fTin 1 1 i AMGR&& UNE W&r 1 , . McFadden's Tennis .4 r v ,v Wi-w""'" S Mrs. Henry Dubbs, Mrs. A. S. Arneld, ' Mrs Jeseph Bailey, Mrs. Geerge F. Mrs. William Galloway, the Misses Galloway and Mr. M. B. Galloway are at the Brighten for the season. Mr. and Mis. Leuis Burk nre at the Trasmere. Mr. G. W. Nevil Is also see"n,llnTscme time" a this beach front spending some time at this beach front 'Tel- - Mrs James w Saunders, Mrs. Herace Reeves and Miss Eleaner Reeves, of Germantown, nre among the Phlladei. phlans spending the summer at Hadden Hall. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Kehn, of Fer-n-incn street, will spend the next six weeks In Atlantic City. Mr nnd Mrs. Jehn B Brusher, of West Maln street, have leturncd from an au- tending the National Educational As As As tomebllo trip te Eaglesmere. soclatlen convention in Renten this week rnoTerLAYH Photoplay Guide Week of July 10 te July meiwuB C COMMNV r M showing of the nr 1A B2D THOMPSON STS. APOLLU JIATINEi: DAILT M I'hnrln Itav In II. . V ' U-'ui I " Is'"l'.Vrl7nu,l,- 0-FB.IIurs' r Lilu U Is Jlairlmema '!",','' r-u Kt f.' ! Ite ,'. '.''i Ail Mar i am in v ...v... - . . -t. .-vni- IllST & HALTIMOKB BAL I IlVlUrv.Il. nvc. tl 3ft. Sat Mat. m m tn t wart In 1 In Invlsllilp l'ciir r-An. a Stewart In Tin- Iml.llile IVur W A Vrlln-1 In The RnlliiB l'n;len V(, ... vrli in nil- Hnllnir IWIiiii I- ci.miI, s 111! 111 '!! Mlmill'S le S Hi ii n.i III Ti) MllllllfH In lie rvi i irDlDH Bread 4. Suiqwelianna I DLULDIIM Continuous 'J until ii i ivm n i "n 'ii "r ""' ;; .-' w - Vun - V In 'l' , '"V'iJ.'m ii ,r r x, , Mr ill IlmiKlit iinil i , jr I' b. , V r. In Iluiitlir nml I'ulil I r. i -c "t .i Ulnn,.y In IKhmii njMlJUiart V - r miwn In Iiir Tliei- ,',',;. in nun i-iiiu i e. nl TrrMl a I am. . Maricwoed Av I I II A ;irl rt.ftft 7 (nrl fl I . ... l llll, f litid hum nfl in "" ,,,i .V- . I- vinm 11 ii mis I" iinil in,' i"i" I VV- in i Ituliens 111 I'IihI tin- eiiiiui ' r -i n i K Y.unB, The World h Mmlnnnn p j ii i i i juim nf ""' .:"':' l ini Iv Y 'Uiiif "I I he Wnrlill JI ulannit -, FAIRMOUNT .t.y' Olrard A. r A1KIV1UUIN 1 maTISCB DAILY V" Vu,' ,',;lTn,Un',HeeX,;,rMef...(;0,', ' --u ' e ,rt in -.eulmr The Wind , J) v M .i i-t tn rli.uned uf l'arenti LJ. ' s r flat in A.lniiiinl of I' in nt- ,s Will I J iibanne'a llejiinil tile K.ilnheu GREAT NORTHERN V'i "i- M Clnrles lla In It. - i- ch ir Rav In It . .. P. VV -ti ir ll.iv tn R, s V. P. i-1 II, . t D ter In (Iriind uirrenv r I in t' l'xtr tn iininil Ijirrrin q PHI, tt 1 ietir htJjriind l,iirtt'ii I'll'" i"zL"!j-""L' -i lMrt.lM"1- Viit- J "n r. M-; HSS in w'Sf l.'.M UT BTS. c 7 & 0. n..i.a llnmntm ln stur Diihl 1 iiiaiiKu Melh'linn in 'I In- lliulieliir Diililv i. 'rh"m MelBhan In The ll.iilieler Diidilj s TlmiMS MuiLhitn In IU- Itiiiheler I.idd I IDL-DTV 1IROAD & COLUMU1A AV LltC.r.i I MATINUK DAILY M O Sini""n. Iler lluh iuiI'h Tradeniirk T il H'M'isen Iler llil!iiind' Iriiliinirk ... Mi st.ir t-.lst 111 .VIIhhIii HumIi iiiiU i WuIIhi. R id In Aire.s tin- Cniillneiil I- S-Hirkj Mjieh In l.lltli- Ml hinllei s emMlxln. 1 1 iiiidfiiilni: O'RIENT ""'vvTIvrr- t.'vi'v '" V ,. ., ... V..MI.,'li.U.iU,r. 'i' ti W (IrltfLtll'H (Irnhiitw nf the Mnrm M Ii hiiiiiiii n "n"ni i iiii riiirii W i) V. llrirfltli'H Orphuns of tin- Merni T All-Star fast In The silent Pull I---V11 slur ii-.t In Tht- .sllenl Pill s Ml stai t'.iHt In Tin. Mlent t'.ill ll,L.i:UUnflir Wl HAVKRPORO UVLIVUlVUUrt j AVENUR . - rr.r . ... , t im; ,;;: , r:::.' .1 .,,r ".,e ' ASTOR U,OH,,UfvrVi,V!ill.T" Rrr.l7MT aUnKCT ST. nCLOW ITth W -'.h He t in'NerVhf V; Rie . -', . r- S M5E WXZ . ,-T m rll tZ,:- M- K J 2 ? !3fi fl tte si: M ,11 1 i. ' "-,..i:l.,. IV lve ' l'n l Nefrl In Th Ievll', I-iiMi , - "" " -'""" '" Ille, II O I. y KtW " !::,; a-.jjtf .PnTft-Sr St-s- 'CEDAR aaiTt; I'-nUlM, '! in mjH. . U- -r.r ,., ,, -j Vj- -- -. - - - -- - , -0 & 3 7 & 1 w, 1, ,., 1 ii.iriiii'iiui'iai , -....... ----. , ... ... . . ... ... .. "i .inn ..,,ii . T"i. . . -" . , r jmv .miicave, iiirniicn fi iimns vv innew M Lli.i l.ee in m M.itrUiienv u r.illure? M i u l.ee in 1h Vliilrlitiiiny a P.illure? T l.ilii li'ln la Mitrliiinii ii I iilluri-.' i I" 1 II. i 1 c in U Mutrliiiuiiv u Pullure? W - Mildred Ilarrli In M iiin.ui In III- lluii.e VV I i i I re ir I .M ul rl tilenv u I .illiiri-? T Hivld Penell In The sinnU-i Jude iT WaMiica Iteid In .Vi ret,, the ( enlliiriit T. Ml. n. ll.tlim..!. Ii In tl... .. .. .I.ll.l. ..,.. ..-,.. 1 .... ... r. ..!7 , i i.ttn.u .n.,-.., ,1. ,,,,. , i, ,i,nti I b. Amid btiiHurt In ftuvvliiB the Mli'il , ' Tournament Norristeivn Man Engaged; Other Notes of Interest Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Helen Edna Schalln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Harry Schalln of Philadelphia, and Mr Frederick William Rcchelle. feii of Mrs. Wllllnm Rechelle. of 232 West Main street. Ner- I rlstewn. Miss Betty Armstrong, of "07 Neble street, observed her eighth birthday anniversary en Monday at a children's party given at her home. The guests Included Miss Deris Allabough, Miss Jean Cook, Miss Janice Raup, Miss Jean Potts, Miss Marjorle Stlne. Miss Elea Elea eor Hutchinson, Miss Catharlne Shain llne, Miss Sara Jenes, Master Charles Faulkner and Master Clayten Hoopes. Mr. Jeseph S. Rambo, of 1448 De Kalb street. Is spending several weeks at Egypt Mills. Cadet Geerge Smyth, of the West Point Military Academy, will Fpend the next two months visiting his mother, Mr.s. L. Smyth, of 807 Geerge street Cadet Smyth has completed his second year at the Academy, and Is a member of the Army football, basketball and baseball teams. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Shalnllne, of Jeffersenvllle, observed their fortieth wedding anniversary en July Fourth. In honor of the occasion they enter tained the members of their family nnd friends at a picnic. They have six children and eighteen grandchildren ' Tne chlllren ar9 J'r' Dpwl,t Shalnllne. of , New Lonren Conn . Mr jescph ShMn- line and Mr. Themas Shalnllne, of Ner- rlstewn : Mrs. Alda Lyle of Bridge port, and Miss Wilda Shalnllne nnd Miss Emllln Shalnllne. of Jeffersenvllle. Mrs. Rey A. Themas and son, Mr. Allen Themas, and daughter, Ml.'S Hetty Themas, of Haws avenue, have returned from a stay at Fert Smith. Arkansas Mr. H. O Dietrich, superintendent of I the Norrlstewn Public Scherls, is nt- riioTeri.Ais The following theatres obtain their pictures finest productions. Ask for the locality eDtuwiiiig pictures inreugn inc Stanley company 01 America. . pAJ JJt FRANKFOJia AVE. ft r-U-lVi NORRIS STREET JJ lV 1 1 n co rteld In Acrn the Cnntlnc-nt 1 " au-ic.) Held In Acn tlie l.piitlnent ) -I annln llurit' Jui.t Xreiincl the t'enn r ',' Itidnlph Velcnt no in llcMind tin- Reckt i- - llnrrv Oarey In M.in te Mini i. noneinn v ueniln,, in lleMini lie unr'tt RIAI TO GEnMAN-TOW.V AVENUE IrtLIU AT TL'IJ'KHOCKUN ST. M- Nerma T.ilm-i lue In Smllln- Thrniil, it Nerma Talmn Ke In '.mllln' ThmiiKli T -S ,rma Tj ulp Ii Sinllln' 'lliretiKh W N'ertnn Tin iU n niillii' 'Ilirencli T Anita .stewiirt in .elni: tin- VV Inil P R' Hcmnrj Tliel In 1 lu Itst rmll H'si-nun Ti . i n 1lit lii.t irjll SHERWOOD "SATl? elb t M Hettv Tomrsen In Ter rhee. We Iii T 11,-ttj- i nmpi-in In I"nr 'lhe We Lovi Levi W Eirl-. W 1 i in fi ltr-tlt'-- eiiIh T rjarln vvillame In li -.e MiitU P Dm id IVmell in I In- -.imuUli JiiiIk S. -IU'd l'eell In riii- -uiinlli J,id 333 MARKETefTi11.. M Rex Irirrim Turn te the Itlslit r Rex InK ii m Turn te tin- Rleln W Ite-e Ingr.cn I'urn le llie RlKht T D W Ori II h h W'u Down llnxt irT'n W Or f, W- "h Ih.wS "niT !" - Hr.tmh Way Oun K.M TrTTTr-L-. i vl,lcrpD ui ARDMORF .S.CXS l MIXUIVIWIML AUDMOItn. P. KB PA. M" -Wm (' rahnnne a llrMind the Rulnnrm- r Wm t ( abntin h ItevenU the RiiiiitMivv V OeerCH Arl'K In IlLniell T All Stnr i t n Hex r h Irnit Trull P V. in I i' ilnrne Tin- llirrleide S All Stnr f i-t n The Mm nf WnlllnRfnrtl rOAMT 4122 OIRARD .vvn VJIrVn l Ml'ineen Men VVel Sat. V fi Sivinnnn. Iler HiihliiiiirN Tridemiirk T G Hwuiiin Iler llti-dnind'H Iruilemiirk W Jiinieu Cinw-iidB dlrl I'runi I'lirt'iiplne T C-nrlnne (iiltfitli in l.liind Wlin. p Vera tjprdnn in Tin- lioe.il Provider S Vera llnrden In Ilie liiiml Provider AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. i PC-Rlll ANITOWN 5!iln Oermantenn Av. I VjCIYlVlrAlM 1UWIN jrvTIVKU D MLY M-ena Owen and M i. V. re In suter, T -smn ne itn.l M it M r sIMern H, enii tlwen tml Mitt M mm in SUterH i Seena Otten nnd Mn't Me, te in slMer 1' Seena Otten mid Mm M-inr in -i.trr . -Seem 0e-, and Mat. Moere In M.trr. park n,D?s, Ay? A ,D'u':;,!m,sTi ! iiiiint, neni in irri'r4 iiip teilllllellt i ji. lioueu Peier In llie luvUihle PuHtr Afts; u j rtniFTK MISS HARRIET KtNG m MR. EDGAR W. BAIRD? S -'il tfftJ! Marriage 'Takes Place T Afternoon in Menter, O. A wedding of great Interest In tJila i nnd ether cities which will take nlaeSL today will be that of Mls Harriet Klli daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry WMi 1n,1s VlHM r. T.-.trtll.l ..nHttA rl a.a1mML O.. and Mr. Edcar Wrlcht Balrd, 3m son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright Balrt.V.'l .i ...... ..,., ,..- lit e vi viii:aiiiuL inn. iiie ccrcmuiiy wm j.V nln tilarn n f.,flO riinnlt nl ffintnt-. fl.. T"W- fViA mimmpp linmfi rif thn tirlrln'H tiarellts. H The bride, who will be given In mar mar rlaeo by her father, will be attended J)y her cousin, Miss Alice Gundry, cf Clove Cleve land, O., ns maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will Include Miss Ellznbeth Prccett, Miss Mnrle Lclsy, Miss Anne Corlett nnd Mrs. Geffln King, nil et Cleveland. O. Mr Cytnis Clark, of Grent Neck, u. I., will net ns best man for Mr Bnlrd. and the ushers will Include Mr Jehn White Geary, Jr., Mr. Jay Coeke, 2d, Me C. Jarcd Ingcrsell, Mr Henry B Thomp son, Jr., Mr. Henry S Jenncs, Mr. R. II Bayard Bewie. Jr.. Mr Samuel Welh. all of thl rltv Mr Quay H Fin lay, of Cleveland. " nnd Mr Jeseph Mlnett, of Portland O A reception will fellow the enremeny Amcng these from this city who will attend 'he wedding nre Mr. and Mrs Edgar Wilght Balrd Mt. nnd Mrs. C Jared Ingcrsell. Mr. and Mrs. Sid ney Thnver. Jr . Mi nnd Mrs. Jehn White Geary. Jr. Mr. and Mrs Jeseph Mlnett of Portland, O Mrs Henry S. Jeanes, MJss Elizabeth Jcanes ana Miss nilrabe.tlf Morgan. HAFF KEYS An Interesting weddldng wilt take place thlp afternoon at 4 o'clock In the Meslnli Reformed Church. Thlr .enth and Wolf stieets. when Miss Edna Keys, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. Jamet Kevs of 233'? Seuth Eleventh street, will become the bride of Mr Harry H. Ilnff, of 1214 Tree street The Rev. Edward Le Rose will officiate, Mlsn Mvrtle Nungesscr. ceuIn of the bride, will attend ns bridesmaid, and Mr. Wil liam G Hnff. brother of the brldegTcram, will be best man. Mr. Haff and his bride will leave shortly after en their wedding trip and will return home after August 1. Protestant Episcopal Open Air Service UNDER, THE DTRECTION OF BISHOP ItHINKLANDEK, On the Parkway at 23d St. Sunday Afternoon, July 9 AT 4:30 O'CLOCK Preacher, Rev. Charles E. Eder, Recter of Christ Church, Ridley Park nr.T.ir.inrs notices Ili-plUt Till, TI"MIT.FJ Hreid and IWks ft MJlfiO North). llnme of th Once nii.Mut rhurch. nCSPHLT. H i'OXWEl.1, Pftnter. Jlr Drc McCurdv AfhecIiUs Paster. Servlre's In Lewer Temple. Mr McCurdv prc-ncties 10:30 A. Sf. ana K P M riivrrh Prnvr Mretlrc I'rlilav wt S P. M Friends A ""WILLIAM PENN WOIISHIPKD AT THE erf QUAKElt MKETINO IOCE. Merlen. Pa . Just eutnlde of City Line. Thin meeting wn established In 1092. Services are held every Flrst-dav (Sunday) mernlntr, nt 11 o'cleek A welremw Is extended te all. rrestiTtfTlan ARCH STREET rillRCII 18th and Arrh r niv Clarence Eiitterd Macartney. D. D 10.45t'and 8 T M Rev. rrederlck W. l.eeiseher will preach " 30 P. M Orcer? .recital iiKTHLEIIEM I'KKSIll rERIAN CIICBCH" Hread and Dlamnml ft Hev William I. M Cermlck, Taater. Jtev. Samuel n Currj. Assistant Paster. 10 00 A. M Sabl ,ilh Scheel. 11 CO A M 'ThH Secret of Endurance," I-nalm 411 r. 7 4.1 P M. "An Arsresslve Christian ity.' Arm Iv. 13-11. ALL SKATS ntKi: AT ALL SERVICES. Unitarian UNITARIAN CinilClI OF GERMANTOWN Oreene nt. and est Chclten ave. bunJay, July 0 10!!l! -Union Summer Serv Ica at 11 A. M Rev. T. W. Illman, of Vlneland N J will preach. Subject. 'Seif-satrlflce, Dees It Pa ?" All ar cordially Invited niOTOPLAYS 15. Subject te Change through the theatre in your Kft&flGUL tfllfThe NIXON-NlRDLINCERfffc VH THEATRES SM fcJELMONT 8P WYr- MARKET - - ' - 1 .It .10 ft 3, a no te ii p. M. f!ran runae rnnde Grunilr (irnndff rnnde AVE.N'U P. at. , T n,,M fn in -Ihe-SWI,".,; lir p ,i:L-i"'8 iiammerntHin In VVnv of n Mal.l I , '- "'no II imnnerMeln In Wuy f ,,' j j JJWJi i r , L' 'e" ?n JM -MiUrlmeny n miltire? ISBlB 1 '--a I-'" ln K Mntrlmnnv .1 Pullure? l'tll) COLISEUM riTTeV I T n,ft,1il? i,nwe,1,1 ,,n .'" st"nlMi Jade ' vv prlB .Mi,v In lle f riuy I i Nerma Tilm.i lire In Imr'a Iteilemnllen P Virmji Tiln-al. In I,P' R,.,pm 2 S Mlgnu Tent in Stuttereil Oreanin JUMBO ITtONT ST 4 OIRARD AVB. Jumbo June en rrankfrtr t . M HI hard liarthe miu ri'i.i. ... ..j IT W lam niim mi I,. fciALi ;"-." r t- ti.iiiiT... iV "..'' . ""! -i- il.i ...,".." '" rruI" ireivninc Street i.-l.1ry Hiwlln n In ( l.rnt, Hetirtg ' r M s Du Tent In )lintlr.,l n...... .-- ,i ii cre. Hi m iciii- (,,t l-iTHnnal j ... . . . -. ..w "tcniu. LEADER .SJ NCASTER AVB. l-l-nUL.I 2 30 , 4 10 7 te U P. M. rf ""t1 ,','" ,L" .ln ,lh ,'trJiiienj u Pnlluref ,,.yla ,,x?8,,n Is Mutrlinuiii iv PallureT Vv Special Cnt in The Pule Trail 3, S-ieiMii r'am in Ilu P.iie Trull I David Powell in Hie Mi.inl.h .Ind S nav ldPew eiMnThe. SnunlihJ.idei LOCUST a-n AND I-OPVST STRKETS vi ti v"",' ""' '(" 0 30 te 11 M Mih Murrev In Piisrlimllnn x T -Mm .Murray In Piuelnnilnn V Mae Murray in PiiMlnallen T -.Jh. Mjrray In Piihelniitlnn J .V' -"urrav in l'iiMliiutlen S Mni Murrn In rust luiillen NIXON'S" AMBASSADORSl Mr,ii?,r,vv.,d n"'-7 " ' T ' T m Mix In fii mid (liiliiu VV -Tem vrit In l'p mid (inline T -Mihel Nermanil in .Mlikey (' Muhel N'ertnand In Mlikey t. .Maecl Normand In .Mlikey NIXON l2D AND MA,uaE,I, "na M Herbert Ranllnunn In The Hluek Hue P Iterbtrt llaw'lnaeii In The- llluck I1b V lleibert Rnvvitiiken In The. Illmk Hue r Heet tlllunn In- Irlmnieil ' Heet filben In Trliiiineil uoet uieinn in iriiiiinril 69TH ST "rhrait" "''" Trmlnt u,'"lJi' J an 7 and u p, m. M lack Helt In Niirlh of the llle flrande J Jyik Helt in nrili nf the Kin flrand T Iler( I vtel 7n 11,, lli.i ', 'ViV.". 'iJM.'.,d5 r rJEr', ft!,',1, J " I l t T .1 fflU lI'U'l In The Itlk-ht Tliiit PI3 ' strand "-"'-TKTwv M A ma Ruben in I Inil the W'ninin T - Mm.i ltuliens In I'lnd the VVeiuuil i vv aiiiu ituueu in i inn the vveiua T.-T-Ilert Lytell In 'I lie I'iiip lliliiren P Hert Lytell in The Pare llrlnees li. IJert Lllull In The puce llelwcca ' rtft '. . B 4KM r . "w t:,ti v i W?L' iWi (I 1 .ni T ; ASA u ( Si i fin