""11U tf-f-WSfFW' mEaS1KT?FVY. ' SSW1LI ' ' -"-" ''.! Wtf --v ir, "' v-!Sf - "AtV ' ., . . v4Tnrj.iAJj,Tt rv -.. j-f r1 - "tu s.v a . .j" .1 i 'iiv ' . " I! h I '..it N& m I i i!?i? !i 1 !C I . I 18 T PEOPLE'S FORUM 'LetU&s'te the Editor Dr.Jerdan Warmly Defended Te the'Eiltter 0 tht Kvtnhta Public Lcdeer: Ulri-In reference te (I" lct,er et C' 0. A. in your issue of July f, 11)212 . Thp reference made te n feimer West West pre rolleere lircclilciit l undoubtedly te .,....,-.. 1 I-.. l.,..Al.nwil.l xr unvm mnrr .iuii i""-- -- dent of I.dnnd Stanford rnlverslty, rlifnrni Miirernia. New I nm no pneitin. I did m nr 'Jntv nnd nm lit lire-ellt n captain 111 tlie Rnelneer Officer' Heiervr-. Cerps. -.-.- ... t . 1 I 1 1I.., can citlr.en nnd expect I -din II nsnln All tills te tlin pnini in.il i urn n s te tlin pelr JtRcifist. Nctertheless, i I uriQ nr fiill! time a student in l.elnii.l Stanford Uni- ' - "--- versltv. I knew Dr. Jerdan, and iiave heard lilm lei lure en 'I'eaee Dr. Jerdan it a tlmreimlily pall lotto American, a deep and "'did thinker. In Ills lectures was nethiiis of (icnnan jirepncnndn, ani? the ieure he took tins, iiith the lonvietlen tint he tins de de vetinR liis eiiergj te llie best interest of hit count rt s well an te mankind. ft'lils vthether he wai il'-'lit or wretifr. ull vtittement that his ellnrts were palil for tlllengh tlin Herman Kml.1sl should he proved or retracted, and I purpe-c nklll? the matter up threlld. tarief.s . . - unnieni niuniHi Deuinn ie miscnu. As fur Stnnferd in the war. one of the ilrst niubiilniice units te renidi Tranee wns the Stanford unit, one of the great est eflicers' training camp, tins nt the tinltcr.lt, nnd t ! tar work of Her- ert Hoever, mi alumnus and unit or- OOVer. Ml nllimnUH and lllllter- ltee, nnd of Vernen KelleeB. of U1..V tOSether wh hnndrch of of Dr. .lenlnii s nsknclntes nml ?lty tru ilic fncul ethers xtudents. Is n tremendous refutation of any charges nffectitic his patriotism. IC. D. M. rhilajlelpliin, Julj 3, 1!WL'. - .- . . " " . ... . . . ., .1 All'n Rlnht With Wnrlrl" Te tlw .Mler 0 fl. AVrn.nu FuhUc L,ln,r: ' CI- i-t. ! . 1. !.. .. ..1. ',.- " :..;. ""i :" ""' . '"'I's ... .,...,- ., .,. "'.'ii'. .-! u.. "'""I". ""." dinernlizinR that the tthele world is gfiiiiR ttrens, Seme of thorn nppear te derive n crlm icclc. of vntisfaotlen In vlPttlng n mil Terrc that Is up'-ide down. Hut Is it? .Ma it net he that they are standing en their heads? Here in I'hilndclphla. and I dare aj the same Is true of nnv ether lnrce city, if a man iilp htm-elf with u -pjula-s - S'W nmrde In VlndlyoMek nnd for ncUs n.I tall rdnjers , Ket Inte. . W&tfft f was 111 TlenlMn, Chliui, In lt nt the U nemrdinjeb 'decides te strangle It. ' allies and frlenJs nl-e all orianlzatlensof ' linA nf tin- uiiiertniiiite (for us) c nh pisclpllne nnd Reed conduct nre te count which he was n member, are milted te the I K tpSK' twefjMjml mUbcr. for niere; teinpn-nnient for much les; , - f?,?'- "in'.'VA'Sri: P trv. nml linvn lind eillcileil I llinese neh , . . " ,,, . "i- ' " smith rv t..i.. r. Anvta a ...i . .... .. -I ..... I..l ml I lift 111 1 I I1IIISV IIFtlk - - . - - " -sr - " "I' 1 - --.. . . I no ttltli 111 111 mpnr In their face, "N ""encrnsies 01 me Him stnrs. It I" iife 0f O'erie 11. Smith Itelaiiiesnm PAIfiF 1B2-- 4,pa" La"nent: like new. IllIAUTirut, linetVN rONT. with saddle. , Tin' Anl.-lni (' urii ifMif BeltW te de '"orcevcr nil Industrv In which stejl.Iy ?r.nds InYfted VuiSral wr tlce5,M.."t ' ,, u.neADWAV AUTO K. 441 ,mu.t be seld: children leaving city. 034 the American ' ;" l' nR ? " v llld ani1 iminterrupted production is just ns '-' ; M. from ;r late residence, sis'tv tJiJU."".11."- ' . iglne.st. , I methlwr."' ell, I licl'.ete tlie Old ps,,tnl te nrelllnlile eiierntlnti nml rkst st , Int. Northwood Cem. Ilemslns I neAMffl 4 ni., nu ...... 1 PHHJ 11HICK8. 100.400 2d hand. C. Geld- I Offered nil nnoleur te .laiian. J"" "' V ..''I?1 "r "Z, "J1 ?"""'' mVX,fXLKrl-l.!nS .' ?V.M I "cct wndUlSnfni ?:,?." a:TO'ca.gI- "" " Wnlnut.st. Wajnut 131B. I I linvc been in ferclun countries fncl11rp. . ..;Mii. .",a..V..-J"y.'.. -...'- "'n 'in '"""- no down. Haren-.. i"gp -'Vm'i riiuTnilfn. 'iTe' 'pi Tnianins w0' where ether mitlenaN receive protection .-,,,;, r.andU mlcht well tnke n lenf !"J," n,,rn'1 tuM.r.'il ""vices Men 2 "0 ,1'Vf, STCPHhSS. I pa.: p,,rffct nut0r -jff'1 Columbia niel h.,.nja..nlBS,W. , iron, petty nnnevance nnd insult : nnd trZVlSZfX me'lelnduslr ? ivaniferl,' U,!S T?!?.' Id.v term'? rVreW.VJ g"'. ff i T- 'KSS.Vl, ZWi?1"'- jinn K'" Nirs i' nil vtk inuise pains , .. a.t. , . , e may stable upon ihat v.hlch i, in- MtirWZ;. Z'n ,1,1... IcIlcate and unwholesome te him. of old. the dajs of K0id. the dnJS of r," JllSt as a mail V. he is looking for tvilllam II. Seward, of New Yerk, said' trouble tlMially finds it, se will one who ''Th" Constitution reitulates our st ward as Fenrchlns for vice upon its s.llmt "!!' ,h. Constitution d-tote, the domain te trail nh "' t01Ju"t"'', " 'lef'nse. te welfare, te A "noted thinker once said that the a,lS,Str.l:,,!,C perfect citizen Is net one who would ever the dentiln and deietes It te the same compel Ills fellows te be geed, but 1 nebl Purposes" Te Daniel Webster's as. bought rather te make himself ?oed 1 ""'en that It was ab-urd te re-enact the nnd his neighbor happy. He may show " V" '' ?' "w"d i""'1 ,lhRt ''""re " inkers the ?nnil Imr net fnrc them In , numun nactmnt which Is Just that Is net tuners me renu. out net lerce tliem te tt re-enuctment of the la of Oed." Tri the pevsimi'tlc I recommend the nu.,1 P'i . liars of Hiewning's "IMppa 1'asses" ;' st Christian Church "Oed In Ills heaien. I T ' ' '''"""" "' "" f "'" Uc I.rdeer. All's right with the world." Sir -te were ulklnc, Dlinche and I Or If C.loemi C.w wntiffc tnriirHnn t him read Will I'ajne in '"rhe J.ove of Quacks," in the current ijuc of the Saturday Kteniiu; I'est. OPTIMISTIC Or.IVKR. . Philadelphia, July 0, 1H22. Temperament and Discipline Te tne Editor 0 the J7, 11 1117 public I.ideer Sir Will Hays' job n-. KoneralNsimo of the meties i, te be fac.llateil amj the moving pidure indiistr.t etublishe I en a much higher plane. At lea-t this. Jt is believed, will be the re-ult of the fchoel 0110 of the lnrgf iuetun preduters is planning te open. The IN .MKMOIIIAM I TAXIS In memeri of b-lnied wife inl SeMne mother llhl.I'NA uife of Jehn n. 'Tsui 3 uif-i iui r.t'Hi Ht'SIIAND AND PvUOIITKR 33eatft&' AIinOTT At Pr.lntllll" X J 1 SIOIlllIS A1IHOTT. .-ed 7.1 July 7 Il-lattitr nrd friends nr 'ntlted le funeral surti-u. .lien 10 .1(1 A M IdallKht-silnK time), at he XI i: Church pelnttille .V J nEAKi.nv juk r,. 11122 williasi w BKAKI.UV Kuneral servlma Sat , 2 P. SI.. ai nis laie reieme. Mantu i, , J Prlends ' . ... anay call in . arter s y M neSKAKT Juh 7. fiEOflcn husband of della Ilnshart Ilfliin.i. and fri-nds. also ljilfu Ne '1 I' and A M Inilted te fu neral sertlces Mun 2 1 SI . Ute r.-.l- lence, lid Strathinare resd J'.roeltllne U, 1 1 tiare C.Lnty. Pi Int prliat nOVI.K - Juli 1 MMIV ii fe of Iat Sll- hael Ilel 'n " Snvne ,air of rar 3111 Spruce st Itt-latlt's and friend ltr in riled te attend funi-nl. Tuefj s an A "! from tht. jiarlers of Jnnn U Sheu. 1119 Christian st. Iliuh mass of ri'iulin at St Teresas rhur' h 10 A M, Intermnl Hely Cress c met-r Hrm.iin.- u.ay be leued Menda pu'inis. h te 111 llu. POWSIAN --July 7. I'l22 OIMnCK A. '1 . husband of H.beica Hen man ik.1 .VI It, la lit ra ,1 nil in." 'ih . ,i . I , i . ill 1 O 1; Ne ii. jr in trd inati, nd fu- - :: -- --. . .- - . - : neral ser . i Sinn 7 IKl A SI f rf in in j-arlern of fLn.nil dlr, eter V M -.tanteri. iladdeu i id IVd nil M Cimil u N I elemn l.qu in blvh mass at I'hu' h f fb Immucul.it "'nm Lpueii A SI Int Hnl; Sepulchre C m HUTTS -July .1 AVVA it ideii of Jehn Putts (nee H-iis-l ln her 7 Id s,i.r Hr-i,. ilies and frlinds also ii.miiiii f th it,.. lumuy. Altar ami Itnsmt S, I, ins an- p ilted te alt md fumral Mundm 7 in a i from lier Lite resident J IJ2 i.i i i. . iulem mam nt M. Ilenifa' M.iiuh !i il interment Hely Hedeenvr Crin,.er tb'.'V?;".)' ' Woei,'"'ry. N J Juh- r, ISAAC C husband Lf IMIth l. i:jr.. Jiuabt In his 70th mar Ilelailtes u,i friends In lled te attend funernl. Sinn l(i..'Ki A SI iUllRhtsavlnK time), from his Htn res -lence. KJX Hunter st Woodbury N J Int private Prlends' lfurlal (lreunds, fcalem! iiviine On Julv ,1 10.'2, THOMAS i CABJIKY inlv x ciTiiiniv-i- . I ..;- - ; ...-.-. - . --..,.,. i . lausnirr ei .Micnaei anil cntharne Carnv 'ffiL"4 1.1 unrul..SIndsiy. hjld A. SI., ri'sl-' llttlatlvns anil tr .ml.. II M un.in.:. . aSSSm.,;"um,- ,0 A- " m "al JsmemcK law a. 1922. A CLAVTOsi I fttanrt -of Sary ii! CeVdrlck.' In' hi. 70. h ! r. jieiautes anil irienus are Inv ted te attend funeral sen-i en h.i i. m . i.i" ' SI., at I.U lata residence, ,WN Warnock V, V'lian I 1... ,..".....-.'.-,." -" " , iiiiuir, lllllH'ur , f',i IJELASTAT1US,. Jr. 7. KTHEL DH. jAHTATiUN, iiavf.tu nt rhemas 12 the lata I.lla I.UBri Cutrmlnns, aired 31. rlervlcen Slen.. 2 P. SI., at the parlors At A brt Cumm nus. 21H w. Taber read and ca.rtKni""s,lee" 0Up?rM.""' Vtlm" KAhlKflHIIOOK. July 7. 1022. HLSir. ,V:,X'fS A' sirari. A'lhiir IJasteThVoek'and .Vl-"."." - ,....!..iii it .11111 .VU14 .11, 1VUK ns. Jlelatlveu and friends invllfd te funeral. Tua., 8 P. JI from her parents' resl- (i.mi , f i rmriii irnmery County. Pa i-e. vneiunnam. Slqnt. Int, Chviuiiham M, U cnurvD ureuuds, IIYIINK. Kunenil en SteniUj n 30 A. SI. '"" ' iinu rri.nds are Intlliil tr ait.n.i .Iri the Oilier II Hair llulldlna-. 1820 ('he-' 'lr",lfm, " "' A. SI pannti' r.,1 nc" thei'ir,, A-M ,n""- wjrA.v,,yriiVS-1in& , CA.MMACK -Juu 7 i:i.l.Hi:in ,tlf. uni 'tPW)-;'" '"' r.i,d"e C ,' . of Archer II Cimnu I., ae-d r,.'l IWatlves , ?Vr,1.', V,"'1.' ' , l"ih si . , n Julv f and friends tin- Invited tn attend fumr.il ,"" Y I ttldutt of I'red'rli k X i -i, r ".'rvlces len. HAM at her late res" "" """d 1" v;-.rs .seletnt, r-iu. n, n,V !., X0U l-avccr rt Oermanuiwn. ,nt , S,'."" . . hur.h U.h s, ,,, , CAIINKT-Julv S 1022. 1IUOII J., hus- J' 'l '" "' O . r I 'rh ! hi band of Klliabeth P Can-y (nee Slcfjull- " ,u Jh-" ' hislnut st , ,,,, .sui,.!.,) , ,,.,', '"' I len) and son of the lute Patrick and Iltidget trVi v't.v '"."' I"c.k barney. Ilelallves and friends, also all se. ' n,1'A,f7.a-TJu y ". H;HTItrfi: y v.,,, slntles of wnlch he was n member, are In- I VimTi .. ,,'a,,,nn ,'n"" J'rllnl .,! in , illed te utlend funeral, Slen H.30 A SI rmIii n"'1, trrI"ii "r" "! le .tii.nl U' from hjH K. residence. 1.VJU N American riTJal'-,iM,n"v,.iS 3 A. M fr"m ''' "' i iv t. Solemn nnule n mass nt St Michael's 1 i,..'i, ,V ,i. f Solemn reiju', tn muss r 'Sr.1?'.' " "reC,"C,y Inl' "l-nrtUS,UUtn;TeZie A "'""' purpe'P of the whoel ii te provide a "perpetual reservoir of tnlcnt." but its aetlvltcs nre te he rntlier In the direr" tlen of Htrniicllnc trniperninent tlinn in flint of trnlnlnc MINK Certnln inilutrlei in the country It is tplcnl of the Industries tlint provide niuuveiiiPtit liau politely npoleRixed for their fnllure te enforce discipline In their orgnnlKntlenH. by rnnMntit refer ence te the tcmperntm'iitnl dispositions f ,l,l "... It ...... 1 ... ..I. "."" -..... Kiuiti iinnii pjMKlT, . unil plater or ncter lint been n law im(0 liiimelf. Any Ftntement tlmt he ""' ,,nv' made, nny brencli of conduct for w,JrIl he mn ,)e tC)1I,en,,b,p ms Umt nletm en the Kre,ll)(1 of tem,)crn. mprjf I, The picture Industry new fltiili tlmt !.... l. ..... i ".; '. ' .."V ....... ....- M.,,- ni,.. m-iiiviiij; ineir einpleters of profits that belenc te tliem I. AA, ...... tl. .. .... ti. ..i..u i . ui-i tiw-i- uirA iiri iiiiiiiiL'iDiiiii'.i nun rum. ..era.nentnl. They de.erte no special dlspou-atleii liceati!f they arc Mars . 1' V VTIC I'hlhidclphin. July .", Uliri. ' Questions Answered Majer Moten Te far Editor of i ; mine I'ubllc Ltdem Slr- 1., " ' - --. i- iiie- iwiwtv iiv ."(.iiiirniv eienlivt'a pnrr Hhre Majer Moten of Tufkccee, t-et his imjershlp and whether " '"'t '" an w.,r. especially the ' h. "I1"9."'-. , , TKMPfS FUOIT. .,. . , - -- . cZlrTZr" t"0K" ?"'"" '"'S- ofh;rJ;,rrdmwhensBtVhols',k,s;e5 ij hat Ins been mujer of Hampton Hottillen 'il M"z t1- - ..H?""""" in-titu...iK-KniBs& iV 'Km? w ;, xsar lis ri""':' " "" "" "istrurier rer manv ll h.-s of Tn, ,r" "" '"'''"""P'""' rXVVoVeV"' Ph,,,W"" " . ".. : " ' "."" "" "'"rucier ler manv "Seasickness" Te the F.dilnr nt the ,i- .....;- . . , Sir I am centemulatlnir mj tlrt ocean . , ...v u,.,.,.!. . .7 r i.r n.r; "... iinu 1 write te af i -.ou whether women nre mere susceptible tn .es.irt.n... than mrn A LICK SWKCT. nnau. Iplili. Ju, Si J022, As n rul women r'Tri Bl0.U"?..rJ,l,.d" ." mr-' . me 01a ieOpi0 possess ramnrnili. Immunity from this trouble. "Higher Than the Constitution" Te fne rilter 0 the Evctwie Vublir l.rilatn Sir I read with much Interest ' Contl Centl Contl tutlen ay letter In the Teople s Forum of te day Was there net some 0110 In Cnnsre way back before the das a of the Oil! War who said thre was a "hlchr law thin our Constitution"? t,K , , ,., UISTOniCUS. Philadelphia. July e, je;:: "?u' 01" .c.nu.renr'' .a r'.tt "n " Christ Church. Old Swedes' and ethers, and It ee- curr. 11 10 us mat perhaps th. People's Forum mluht be able te tell us where the eldest Christian church edifice In the world Is lo cated. Yeu will de us both a great favor If ou supply this Information TIIHODOMA T mwa.ieirnia July , I!.-.'. The Church of llm Natlilty built bv Cen- , siantlne at Ilithlehm about 330 A D . Is irnbibl the eldest Christian rdidce still siandlnc. I Ir. People's lerum will nppear dallj n the KietiliiB Public LriUer, .ind uloe In the siindni Public l-rdrer. Letters illsrusslnc llmelj topics still he printed, as nrll as rrquesled pnems. and questions of general Interest will lie nnsuered. DKATIII FINI,i:r July T HI-OII PI.VI.hY aced ' . ??r'. H latlieH and frl. nds urn InMt d t.i ntlend th fum-rnl freriles Mn 2 1 , ,.", th ' ri'snl-ncu of his broth, r Andrei I IlnlM prut denr. read Pr mi. Ii 1 c,i la Ini priti.i at Chfsur Ilunl tern rr(.n. r ill sun , r 7 t t 'i n , ,i k ricm:n juu e .mahu: ife ,f can Hsihnr (nee teller). cki ill erilcis Sun '' ,?',. rr-sldn(r, 2125 AlliKhem- ate. ' Int. Hillside Cm . r.!iVv'r?!:sPN, '''I'lili en July r, iu2:, J'llI.N SI husband of Slallldn II rieerite. ' ,; .', u,rr"i "tie cm sinn-iiy mrn nc 10 e i In, k frm hlM Int.. ...i.t.nn. ,e, , "; ' " ' ', , " m-m hi ueit cre-s 1'em I,.. - ,,.,. ... ,-.."". ..: '.--."- -.,,. ' i-i ' . fl ,iriij in., can .-Ut(I1 ttenlns i mi , .1., it, ;, ,, rti.CK liI.KAl-nX Jjlt II I!,". wi i i in In eted ttlfe . f I.dt lid J J,, n a, ,l.ull! I t.r of l'Hier and !.l.iner llin ks Itelatur .ird frlnd Inilted i funual Sinn iii A M from her Lit, r. sldeni.. 77.' N 2iitli t .-.eUnin r.QLleni iiii,k m I'rani i Xnti'r vi'liurib 10 A SI lit Helt Cres. - ni ,,f0uJ'rr?,'."?,,mT T,J,,I' T' JnN.NME itife of Alb.ri : t.nldsi hn.ldt inn Armnts) Rel.i tlte. and friends mn Intlted in ntlend the fiir.r.il son lets Mnde, i, p. j,r from , Ii-tn resl.lenie 2,1 1. , folnrade kt Inter m.n I) ihel fen. IiethI. M.l . Tuesdaj IIAfJA.V Jli (, NN-A ,UJp t c J lUBan ind .'aukht.r nf Jehn W and tht lai. Anna Iweedale. ae.l ni ,,"!"', Int unn iri.n.i, am 1.1 1...1 ... ... . . .-.-- . -.. r.i,. is... 1 .. .1. .. lu '""nu funeral P. .! fit line !-. I 1UO ,0'Jii Ilnrp1..n .. ti. .,.'. Ul' .,l"1" in Inilted tn atten.l funeral ser. l" .V 7, . P M int. lesldence 117 Jlarti t hi 'rm.ut itn Im private "'ln' "i HMir.n.i - July e f"i!AHi,i: n bus I it 1 .,1 'ate .'itharlne H ,1 I7..1I (,'ee'lle, "r, , 1 Sinn I .1(1 1 si r.t Hi., iim.r ' apanm. pts of Ilarml 11, siulllKnn 1 1 h 'i 1 and li.rmi nteitn nie. Im ... .," ..''." ."' I fern 1.1 I I" r ui. " .".Vu." 'l'-t Sun i. 'nay bt 11 mhJ HI IIIIS At liV-terlv N J Julv fl reKN...ur. let"..,-,':. IVm1"",1"' son ut Pj.Hfif .r'.i u... -T--.J5?,IN M'ii. - . . ...... ,. .,.,,, 1 II I 11 II IVHlllll II .lAin -nn -juij f,, M;nn: u i i , iiiru ,ir .ii,,ni. f,,i.....u .-..- . " .-...,- t, ,. ,7.....r. . .- "'.'. ,";. ""' ' "v """ .H HIU'VIM . till U ,. I , elatlves nnd frl-nds lnil..,i , u" , i Ices Hat , 2 P SI . I.n iii i Vi ,,--i.i,,' iT'cimrei, ETt'tiv Ai'iS'Wrr'.'l, d'iV,lV,:r "' leln Henry am A,S t.'VuS?;,. 'W11 ," frJinl. "ft. her lati, r,.idenr i v i. rt L " r ' resmence. 17 N. Ner h r h., in... ....i.iAnnA ,4 , .. . f Jrem uvl. T.isb niubm 'T "'"na " v'l'-'rC.'V.fT.. ?". ' St .Nicholas McKINNCy Julv 111' if .s'vmiias band' of Kiuib. AhnWwW " 'ffl atives and frlinds are invited le atUml t neral services. .Monday, 2 P M J j.Vi' iA.1' residence 10 V "M u. , . l ",H late ."..'. V." ,.v r1' t Intirment si may call Sunday 7 le II p, SI. ' nenus SlUHPHV -On July 7. Jl'I.I.V .MUHPlir aunt of Itev. SI P Corcoran eH "a Itilutlves and frlf-ndsr.re Invited le attend funeral en Tmsday, 8.30 A. SI, from th-i rcsldeme of her nephew, Dr. SI P t'eren ran. 2I2'J Slusttr st. Solemn blvh ma's, ,,f ruuuleniat Si, llllicalwlh'a Church At ie A SI Interment at Hely Cress I'em. OUIN.V On JUy 3, 10SS. RlCHARn K OL'I.NN Ilvat hes aid f rli mi, a se ". a' juiiivs ...ti i. Liiurrn iireuiiils. i-.i:,.. -EVBKDtG PUBLIC DEATHS Jj: ,p.'t Keystone Hranrh. Ne, 137. nntl West I'hllnilelt'liia Council. K. or C., and all ether OTKtinltatlens of wi Ich l.e wa n member, are Inilted te the funeral. Hal., 8:30 A. M from the oilier II. Hair Hide. 1S20 Chestnut M. Solemn requiem mass at St. James Church. 38th and Chestnut sin.. 10 A. M. Int. nt at. Ueinlnlct'ii Cem.. Ilelmesbum. Friends may I lain rt tnn Ina WrlArt umixhIh ' is si s, ( ia sun a. iiuiii r irinupfi HKILI.Y. July 7 ANNIE A., wife of Philip C. Ilellly. In her .10lh ear. Ilelatlve, and friends are Invited te attend funeral. Tuesday. A:3ii A. XI., from her late rrsl dence, 2014 Medan me., nertnanteun. Hel enyi renulem mass nt Church rf the Immac ulate Conception 10 A. M. Interment Hely Fepulchre (Vmeteri. ItF.NTSCHl.IIll Suddenly. Julv 0 1D22. (IKOItOi:. husband of Saleme N'efer Kent mhlcr. Helatlie nnd friends are Inilted te attend funeral services, Monday, 2.30 1 M.. residence' 21 K. Tulpehecken t Herman' town. Interment ornate. ItOIXJHItS. July 7. CATHERINE 8. nelKIKns (ne Stephens), wife of late Jehn C. lledjem. Ilelitive nnd friends are In ilted le attend funeral services. .Men 2 P. M. Chapel of Andrctf" J. Hair & en. Atth and llilh sis Int. rrhnte, n,9.(.5,i"iJiTr,I"l,',,.,,"c 'c11 -N. J' n Ju,v " "-. .n.wur, ii , nusuinii 01 Annie pien iniKi'rn. eeriv printe STYI.Il. of Marxaret n Slyer. Helatlies and friends husband ire Invited te nttend funeral services. Men." 1 M frnrr fnriAPftl ttnt-u. . u'liu.. r- -...' ."-..- '"" " iniuiii ' ni ' Mruni"il r.ahfvy'VTe'e.if" '' u.. - ei si - - " 'MB'y, ,022. CLARA M.. l,....l t.l... . sl. - 7L. i i. . s i-ii ..(iMum . tii i u ciutHt ire widow of Jehn T. Walsh (nee SMeM.i tii nuiin iiini ttirii'i-'i iminvs .ij, tlUIln III V. n film is riil flAnilai nlsn It t si u ,... ti'-iikut' iil iiiu i-nLif u nciiri unn n nn kin. cietles of St. Stephen's Church InMled tn fun,""1- Mn,n1''a,si?" -t. M. from her late JJVm' s"" Stephe", Churchie TKMW Fal"m?nt New .111 L-emeTerJ0 A M' teYn ri,; : p"AYi-:V.i'I-'.,.iU.A ' innT.ted1U,e'"na,,,ndn?,unn,rra! ."."rVes'a". ."S r's.'iTt.f. r",d 3 v-: , NYAN,NE,",TJUily. 'i I0". "KOnOK M.. ijiv ".uriiiiim. 11 jiarcarci si. i rnnKreru. t.i...- , . " " -v." ma; .ou aewn. in-u.-'. ,,.rcl.v .,.,,. ...-.-,. ....u, .w mnii.iM At 11 ,.i,i.i.. r ,..,. """".: .'j'r. thousand in tn:s t cinuy w ener it rtli'llAHD M. TOPIIAM. Interment nt Mi HAHO. s, 040 N. riren.i jeu Infermstlnn ehe.rfnll Blven. M.TUI. Cemetery en Saturday eHrrUal of 1 '""Li""""' VWtt car. wire r.TlARAMTFP I OAM CC mm I., i.i uii.'iiH'Mii inwn irnm w.in nRlen. j ....1.'"", terms one lear in-.n uviuii iiiil,ij uvi 111 vvs I West Phlla Stat en. ' down. IlAItON'S. me N. nVead'ai ..-, ,. . .. . .. r,. 1 umiii t..i.. r. mu t,,.,. . 1 b-v " ureaii si P.OOM T04. VlvnHtl'nn. all snc'etles of which he was a me: lef. "I l-tlted te attend y.rt Ices. Monday? ap M? j "pa.-n'eVffiSSndr!2 HelnTnra'y fiSTS! I suminv 7 te in P M 1 !Ti-tvmvti, n ,..,,. ... !?nfdVr;;dS iiin.rn . .Mnn.. in A .r. . i.mtn tt.bh.i . Solemn ntiss of renul-m n the Illesseil ' rnn" " "-i"-,!'-",, ,',.' -,-' " '"t. Hely rr"" c' Schujlhill t ejnt papers please repv tIUOHT. On July (1, IP22. nrinim - " "Sana :a ''-.."''! Sr' Council Stoned it ifnpu-nitui.ir.uin v, .imu 1, wriirnt. Fellowship, and P. Il T. elexatrd nhrmmn nnth and Market sts , Inilted te services en -aturda at 2 P M from 019 nast Schl ler st. Friends may call Friday ete nlmr s te 10 P. M. YKIUIKR On July B. 1022. CORA A.. wife of Henry S Yerser aged 72 jears. Relatlies nnd frlnds arc Invited te the senlce. en Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock at her late residence. 5022 Larcb Larcb Larcb woed nie. Interment nrlintc UNDi:RTtKi:itS PARCEL POST lOH PIAXIIs AND PI..Yi:il.PIANOS SKI: VIM.K.NT, KM Til Kill .. 0TI1 hT. TJSED AUTOMOBILES Illtlrti'Oi: murine In geed ruunlnsr condition, tv." llreadway Aute Exchange, 141 N llrend st IIL'ICK. 1020. 3.pi teurlnc In first-class condition for prliate ale enlx , price $0.m) It V .Siepliensun. nwiiir .17 UeMikw inc.. ilerniintewn (Igrm'uitewn o'te-. J llOO-l!) nUICIC 11 teurings and Dodges, as low ns J2O0: ttrms If desi-ed. I icur te nay HARON'S. 'ill) N. Tlre.id st IIL'ICK teurlnits nrd roadster", splendid con. nnd .1 numticr of ether small cars, 5130 down open vkh llrniiimav, III N llrend UUICK. 1010. rfistr . rcflni-hed. nne cend. Sl" r llunt"- Stutz Akci.. IIBO N llread lul" CADII.t.Af teurlnc er'ect condition "JV1 v'-!Le!,,.,,p,rlr. rv low. terms te suit, XJAl'ur a. me N llread st. THE DOO DADS "ttm .11 snc'etles of which he as a menhir. ,,: -ri ""V..,-''"."". '",'" "n.v u'n" B" Sutlers Bt? Hw BROAD and I d? DIAMOND I """" N (iiyuuiuujjjrsri Nwxriv 'MWJ.' flfciL JulJtrW J he Due DuiK arc se font, of Docter Saw hones' famous rniuly that lie imist Itccp his faitery rtuinhis ut tup sprril in eriler te satisfy th larce tlrniuml. It eccnih that the Den Iidds Just can't get cneusli candy, M) that Is the rcisen h Dec's faitery Is altiajs no Imsy, In the ixnr loom, tlin lamly riielts are Imsy mlxliiK In a Imcfe Mil, hiisar. inllli, (jiilili'ii lireitn iiiiihishcs, Imttcr anil all tlin ether thliif;s necessary In the inalihij; of Midi Vyy w sueets. After many tctlni;s luxe hcen limilc the tnullt'ii lamly Is run Inte the larse pipes. Frem one pipe lleu.s the btlcliy crriim candy. I'oer Old Due .Saulienes, uhe was hiiperlntcndlnj! the lyerli In his famous factory, was mi absent nilniletl us te walk rl,'ht Inte the peel of candy ou the fleer. Here he Is stuck fast. One Utile fellow Is trjlni: his level host te pry Dec's feet loose while Hely feels It necessary le cut off Dec's flowing heard, which Is also si tick tight. Out of another pipe comes the white candy for ewes, The candy. cane-cultcr bends the troek, simps tliem eh wllh his large scissors and they are paused en te Mr, LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, 'JULY 8, 1922, TJSED AUTOMOBILES 1021 DANir.LS, 4 p:iM., Spert rnri can l purchased tery low rrlcei Inke n rile and mak eftr; terms. Uaren'.s, 140 ?. Itread. U21 1JIKHS aedans n ride u III cenvlnca ou of condition!, car like pews ensy terms. llAUO'S. flip N'. llrend ! . fXill HALK 1(122 l'alite cars flne condition. Phi no Arlmeie 7ft5, 1QI9 HUDSON eurn- " wheu. tyiy nuueyii 4 cerj tlrM. , year l0 ray, uaren a aiiie i;ncn.. 'iifi n. .iireaa it IQ9I IIWPI ceure: le 1020 Hud I 74 I IliJOL,Li nii coupe; (.peclil terms, er low. IIAHON'B. CI40 N. llrn-ifl st. fvissnu 1DJ2, Spert lteadatcr; only drltn lt.1. miles! act mittl fnr Mir hflrvnin S.n Mr. Hunter. StiitK Agency, ilflit N. llriia'd t. I XIAXWIH.Ii 1020 teurlngi newvtep nnd itor iter itor ne batteries; R poed tlresi excellent np penrnnce:'$300 Call Oak Lane Qgflg J. Jli:iR'i:rt teurlnir, late model. In A-l tnndl tnndl tlen llreadway. HI N. llread st. OAKLAND for sale ery uoed conditien: Just been overhauled! nil new rubber: will demonstrate an where. Call Dlnm, 4201 w. OLDSMOI1ILR IRIS Llttls 0, ft pasaenN wonderful shape: fearcaln. fiee Mr, Hunter Btuti! Agency, nnii .N. Iirefl at. """" OI.DSMOHH.I sedan!, tery Inte medel: beauty. Hrandway 441 N. llread at. IQIQ PAriiTADn 7-pass. teurln,: per. dltlen, barg.j terms. mign.MaWM.-aiy-'.".ASP-' 0,h nni arlne aardfn " clal U. rcas. price. Broadway. .TiiV'.t.iEy ,;Lr.?..iSHrl1?. and readster: all modern! -.. . ,it.. -. --;-:- i i-uiiijjneu: " ". ,TUI? uvernauicu and rcflnlshed' r .i ept.tfnally low priced! cMh nV .2l. u i " TtrViuWWi&riuSr JS:. '.' "&"ttt55TV i V &&& "Iffig r- ,i "" "" - I ' "" wn Ti1Rn"I?.Tn,,.!l,1..T P-. touring limousine. 1 BO per hour up Tep. 11117. intk 4i,-,i BUSINESS OPPOBTTJNITIES WANTED-PR0M0TER OR MANUFACTURER inMfWahlSj f0uVes0ffr"en?', !!a fr.sLv, v s. jfftf vHnnTS. made TI e ilet Ice Tin UTteer 'furnU 5SS nW."-,?" and ".."fre! I -i..i ",,... 'A.tCe V 2 -.v.ttu 1,11 us iiiuccu ln nny coo cenaumpB thn rri n UtClV Bafn nnd ullt 1nf free from carbon, nml e i"1""11'."1" ra can operato t! It Ii can operato It: It Is --J - "ft'i.-fcfla.r a us I DON'T buv Reed will: I hae the best leca- . """ !" ""- """""".w sinri n precery br d.r.uf "lore, new nnd modern store and unn in me suoures te start n grocery Vir iiweiimB enjy 57S per month. rtussell, an", Heal Hstnte Hide. Chas. W uai'itai rssrA ,,,, k..., . aiallahle. reasonable nmeunt for Ai'AKTJiii.-vr business and furniture. Falr- iiiuuni nie near imn; 10 rooms, modern. 2 eara' lease. Worrell & Ce.. 033 N. 17th st. 11000 AND SHRVICES In a manufacturing line. Keed salevmnn: wtate full t,nrti.in. A 1,0(1, Leduer Qfflce . STORAGE AND MOVING MOTOR VAN SERVICE" TO ANY DISTANT POINT Weekly service for small shipments bttwecn Philadelphia nnd Washington Jhe Big 4 Transfer Ca, Inc. 37tn and Market sts. nerlng lsni FIDFI 1TY ftemee nnd Warehouse Ce riucLiii 1801l, 1SM nn(, 1S13 Atar5j" All buildings flrjproef censtrurtlnn. bTOItAOi;, PACKlNtl HAUI.INQ VICTORY STORAGE 82Pn PIliPnnT. Phene llelment 4070 for estimates. Moter vans. Packlns and cratlne. The Jehn Rhoads Ce. lBJK w Storage, Tacking, Meling. Carpet Cleaning. MUNAIICII STOItAClEi CO . 3S70 I.ANCAS TCIl AVE. AUTO BKnVirc. STOHAOE. PACKINO. I.ONa-DIhTANCl! MOVI.SQ. OLD GOLD (JI.U aeld. silver, platinum, plated wars, old. style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cast) Est. 1817 J. 1,. Clark reflnsr MI7 Pansem. PAINTING AND P APERH ANGING HOOMS papered l up Cull llelment 2773 v or send postal I17H l.eldy me. PRINTING 100O CAHDS 11", ether printing ns lew: sam ples. Standard Prliitlne Ce 1311 N tjd. Dec Sawbones' Candy rn i.-.:... lii'.n i.T.Aua c..... r: i i feagjwrM : FOR SALE nPEWRITERS RENTED V1S10LB 8 MOS.. 10.80 AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters "See Gur New Machine, .' the Century" . American Writing Machine Ce. . .892 CHCSTNOT ST. , .... Walnut 946 Main 4Wt 1 MAIU1MCTKH seallnir machine with mo me ' ter, 1200: 1 Remington accounting ma chine with 5 tetalizers. $2J0 1 Knslati raj culatlnx machine, with moler. tlueil J-ill-Phene. HO: 10 Jehnsen coln-ceuntlnir ma chines, each I3S! 1 multlgraphinir mochlne (Junier), 1100: i Hoial typeivxlter (new), 40: 1 flat top desk nnd awlvel chair (oak) m '. OllBKN CAUDON fltirPMf CO. 13Jt 'Walnut st. (r-ecend fleer) eFPicK runNiTunu. , r.ara-e let of desks, safes, files, cabinets and Ceneral efflc furniture, store fixtures. tt buy. sell and exc"iane, PATTEN 'KUnNITUIlE CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH ST. HACE 4209 1011 SAI.K Oenulne rocky rerd cantaloupes In standard crates Keine at v.le crate f. e. b Ncesae. 8, C: pick them from vines same day order received, N, C, Creech Xeesc. H C J OKKAT furniture sale: I3H00 worth of bed- ' ...:?.mi-dlnLn, r-?.0.m- 1 .vJ"f:?.?mL "c.h'n MONEY TO LOAN Will Lean Housekeepers UP T0 $300 At the lawful rate of Interest en a plan of repninir te meet our lnnmuuai require many te 1005 MARKET STREET Rnfrnnrn nest te Wnolwerth'a Phcna Filbert 4710. nace 100? OTHEH OFFICES 2700 Ormantetvn nte. Tlepa B7C8 23tl nnd ItldRe ave. Dlamenil 4511 521 nnd Market sts Belmont 1027 PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT 1 Stilt ft 222. ftocend fleer, eer Chllda nr - QHOCLHY Meck, nxture nnd preperty: near III i r-i.-(uis, uiiiis.1 tn iia "tl aiTCCPI reasonable effer: will sell nroperty alone. If desired Hemberger and wolf ats. I.ADV will pav cash for ene or two dia monds. Write Mrs. McCutchen. 2nfl le.annv ' ave .irpenn. nr pnene ,areeriii izhq. GIRLS wishing te begin a new Ufa will find irienas te ncip incm uy wrinnsr 10 1' D30, Ltdser Office. ' HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY gpillHIIIUDII'lll M e. 8-STORY g ,1 C0NCERTE BUILDING Central locatien: three street frents: fully tenanted; no long leases; well llnanced. Fer pirtlcuars call J IEaWerS & CHESTNUT AT 13TH Flbert 4032 1 m 6 B ' g !i!lll!l!l!!!inill!ll!lll!!!IIIDI !!IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIil!l!II!!,llll 523 MARKET STREET inreurn te uemmerce si. HOHx'JOO: bulldlnif mederiT with let Fl and sub- fn stantlal: Immediate possession; rlcht tr I pa n ie1 nmiu CJ? price nnd terms. CHESTNUT AND 13TH STS. Illlllllll IllllillllllllllilJIIIllllll'llllllll'llllllllllIIII'IIUI'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllll DESIRABLE CENTRAL PROPERTY 2008 WALNUT ST. 218 S. 20TII ST. 241 S. 2 1ST ST. 2112 S. 17TII ST. 31 S. 18TII ST. C. F.SIMON, T 12 S. lllililillli'liHill'lilillllulUlllllllllliillinini; Factory iiiiiimnu 16th pi iiHiiDiiinni'i (.reiitli, uhe paints lieautlful strips of red, blue, urwii ami pink en the randy caiim. After (Ms they nre hlld down, the rack (e the counter. Old Crouch must have sneaked a piece of taffy ami that Is the reason he has ' ii sweeter disposition en this day. It leek as theuch Poly is ha lug a hard time keeping up with the I)oe Dad tally cutter who chops the h,r em tally into pieces-while Poly shovels them Inte the ld en 'the ii u tlr weri"' "S "SU ' ,de" """' 'r U-,",p ,nsteml of '"'B "" Ills Clip, clip, clip out of another pipe ienics the sum drop candy and it u dipped off at a merry rate, while u little Den I)ad keen con itu l.....,ii . ,,ad. The fellow who cuts off the E, drops has T we ? ?l 11 ?' ' ! fast In order te Ret each the exact sle. ' u"tl Ilewn at the counter In front of the factory stands i , . Nicholas Nutt, who serves the randy, te the custom, m tZ ,"!l ,riu his eye en one little chap who lias italdcd I te help Idmself! REAL ESTATE feR SAL ., jilTY . 2730 NORTH 23D Saveh rms.. bath, perch etec , .rerft conditien: H snuare from St, Columba a Church: possession, VERNON STANTON 628 WITHEnSPOON BLDO. Near 20th and Spruce Streets Desirable preperly: entirely remodeled! claliy desirable for doctor' office and apart ments: financed. . MAGEE & R0DGERS 1?00 tJOCVB-t ST. BPnUCB 0287-OMI iiflniniiBMiniwifflM mjHMm 861 N. BROAD ST. I8x.1l DnsmAni.i: HTenc rnePKnTY asrAOC . DDHM7M 234 Se, VILrtrtJ IX Ultvm mi'i nt. !MiiHiyifii:!i?iiMiniMiiiiiiiM!iMireiiiiii'ii!i;i:!iiiMiiiiWMimiii 1928-30 SANS0M ST. 334 SOUTH I6TH ST. PAUL Tt. STULL. Merris tlldg. Bcruce 1831 Aisn see ndiertlsrments In small type In following column ' nnlldlmr T,ets, Factory flltm. Etc. FACWniKS. SITFJS A PLOOn SPACH AT WAYNE JUNCTION b'pace for rent. Address Mr. llarlln? ,T .Y.r. "ATTON. f.lnieln nidn. l'acterles, tVnrfliniises.Mnnnfacltirlns; Fleer FACTORIES. & WAREHOUSES E. S. Tomlinson. Jr. "gggS" flnrain Near Bread and Dauphin Streets LOT 04x98 FHET Three-story Barnjte; 13.000 square taut. Financed MAGEE & R0DGERS 1200 LOCUST ST. BPn UCE 0207-0208 Stere and Dwellings 2020 SOUTH STREET Stere and 0 rooms; price rljtht for quick aaie, J. W. GRAHAM 417 S. gflTII frT. SPHtiCn 7470. xvrxt rinrDEU'iiiA An Announcement Here we are again! Anether "KILLOUGH" operation. NOW NEARING COMPLETION 69th Street Section (evnnniUi neAt). ntk-WEEN' CHESTNUT & WALNUT STS.) Apply en Premises, or te ROBERT KILLOUGH a uuildhu WAYNE & DUVAL STS. n ' Germantown iifiMiUiiiminrriiiimininrniiiiTniini'iiiiiitiiiiiiiMiiiiijfniriiiiirjiiiiininnin'iiimiiiiini Mlffliiliinll.nunmimmnmm,miim,mmmim,1,11i1MMHr I ACROSS FROM TERMINAL 2 Zer.n" Preperty: best location ln C l,Iith st. sectien: 3 story, stone and S stucco. 10 rooms, 2 baths, hardwood ; floors, het-water heat, thermostat Ji sjstem, electric lights, laundry. S snades, automatic water heater: t-3 2-car garage; Immediate possessien: can be financed. I W. M. HAWTHORNE H T. CLARK, Mgr. g nqp-M 10S. THEATRE RLDO. m PHONE LANS. 2031. OPEN SUN hiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiN CHOICE CORNER 5901 NASSAU STREET ixiun iinDiioeMS: earage ALLEN & REED ex phi:iiisi:s or mei locust. iiiLui.njisiiiuiniiijjnujJiiffnijiJimmiJniniijiiiiiii'iiiTnm ;iir;ii!!!?iu lit By Arch Dale , - i : 1 ' - ' ' ii M MAL ESTAT gQ,aUL ' T AL jMAft-QjiliALyB ' WEST PHILADKLPHIA ', WJHf PWrT.Alttj,T'rnAT UWH ? atn.vtyyL , 'v ' y rM jf ' " Bat Is Unusual' 1 ' i 01 There's! nethirifr iike ft in anv nnw rvv9 m m sajxi . ;...."" :..!.... r..." kn t m lAirc. neme creciea Dy any nunaer in me Uf m SyHzrSS. rntintrv for we make it at' our" mum m j i7 rv "" "T"" ."""' . - . ,- KV.r Jk. ll M.Ll Vtf. I TMA IHHN .U rt al wi Lsj fejTf McUiatcny nemes mat are one Dieck s i,; J JjLL L from th Market Street Elevated - laK E 9 Ilia fHMHarH.1 i.AQtU OitMtAr TMMHJ . t - 1 I r I III IHrilllllHl Hb' USUI UbACCba LTIBLIIII! t T rlve. Alnaefa keep' minuies $49 a J J JUL. ML riflced te Bcautv! O O, 1 ' " r I &-- 1 I 1 -A tlnaefft Atiflrn finnan mflfnl urDefYi& X I i J U 1 ir p I- I ' ' - s, Te this add 1B a month twpay off,your mert- e-no-P this includes your GARAGE. 7 additional ground out any extra casn your ruture neme ' JOHN H. McCLATCHY Builder of Hemes , eunuer ex xiumce ia i V Offlce at Operation, 69th St, Opposite Market St. hS " Elevated .Terminal. Open Evenings. a Phene Belmont 7423 Bv meter through FairmeunU Park looking for ivill satisfy you lence of its construction, the beauty and convenience of moderation of its price, Four & 'five 54th Bedrooms Twe Baths Ample Closets 6-feet Attic Enclosed - GainerRd, Wynnefield "HVicic 'futeii $15,000 Perch TheMghett and most beautiful section of West Philadel- pma, ye: emy twenty minutes by meter te Ctty Hall. CLARENCE On the Pass North en Knd St Reute Ne. 70 te Gainer Read COBB'S CREEK PARKWAY AT 62D STREET Wonderfully Built and Finished Hemes It Is n, treat nnd education te see. such excellent workmanship as you will llnd In these new homes. PRICED SURPRISINGLY LOW AT $18,750 30 FT. FRONT, 11 ROOMS, 2 BATHS, OARAGE SAMPLE HOUSF. OPKX6207 COBBS CREEK PARKWAY By auto, West, en Walnut St. te 63d St. (Cobbs Creck Parkway), then Seuth te houses. Sample, house open, 6207 Cobbs Creck'Parkway. J. Marker CliadwicK 2123 Land Title Bldg. v Phene, Spruce 0397 iiillllllllliMliiiiiiHiiii nm iiiiiiiiiiMM IIIIIIIMIIIII1II1IIIIIIIIIIIIII The Heme Yeu Have Been Waiting Fer 0VERBR00K Carrying Charges $35.00 a Menth A LITTLE OVER ONE DOLLAR A DAY V2 of Operation sold I1UT NOW select the choice homes nn1 let us finish te suit. Car Ne. 31 tit Mrl ami Market will take you te ulihln one square ut operation. JOHN F McGINTY & SON S 67th and Lebanon Ave. I lii'ii.Dr.na I Phenes llilTOnt 4702, Oiorbreok e 00(I-V. 11 iiMiill IIWII'IIHIIIIIIII 11,111 llliWIIlllllHIIII'lll ifllH iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiWiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini HOMES WITHIN YOUR MEANS $4500 $250 CASH Monthly expanse 131 nnd 10 additional w i.i.u niuilKKlit, Sixty-seventh Street t aide me block below nimiu : I roenw nnrl huih .,.,.' Immediate Possession t.uu.i,iu iiuuMj f,e. iihj i,en every '."oke car Ne. nn en Walnut at in 07th nnd nimwoe.l ae. "' ,0 SAMUEL STERN 1 ui!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nuiium iiiiiiiiiiiraiiiHiin,,,,,,,,,,! 5420 WOODBINEVENUE"" (fltAW I-OnD UUII.T) I ... IJfl home. Thoreuiihly modern Sit bedrooms. 3 hatha- ".ear il: . 1 sinnn iri,eiu,. 1 .".', - c.ar Karage; all. ilAviH a ViTirVi." u PPmtment. 5109WILLOWSArl BAKER & SON, 730 S. 52d St. S. E. COR. WALNUT & 37TH J , VERNON STANTON Q-'-i wiTiinnHi'oeN iii.de, , iinii'ntml. Attractive te nrfecrrae. V yet Usefulness' has net been sac- S rificed te Beauty! And In addition te the. "dressy"- - Dresser there are radio phones, all- "Z mnnnr e-iittpra nnd nnrtlitintr. eitrtit " VVKIfVI mimm-mir w .. nr p--... vamiiv sr anttrn tintlfla miitnl sirDettiA stripped-niany features that will S( surprise the careful home" buyer who - wnntn real comfort and small tin. V when buying a home. Only 16 ve j.y nun lur one lare. Menth te Carry, UNUSUAL PRIVILEGE: Yeu can purchase- I niengsiae ei your neme witn- 5 wine ieaay ana pick out J7 DUD i. ' JOHN H. McCLATCHY P H ( f it, n. vi iii Wynnefitli' i you are a home that "'"MO ivith the excel its location and the see these. Distinctive Lighting Fixtures Het-Water Heated Large Lets Shrubbery Private .Garage AND ct C'euntru Meet" E. FOX, Agt. Premises or 40th & Lancaster Ave. s'JmZ1 ' Open daily and sunaay NOTICE! Only (4: Left HADFIELD ST. 5400 Bleck 45950 . Twe squares aeuth of S2d and Baltimore Avenue J. HARKER CHADWICK Land Title nidg. Sprure 03H7 laiiwu'iiiiiHiiiilllllU Residences in Chestnut Hill Acreage In surrounding country HERKNESS & STETSON I-AND TITLE I1LDO. Philadelphia '.iiffliiiiMMiiiiMiiiiiim'iMaiciiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinMiifjiMiiaiiiiiai;;! OAK ..INK OAK LANE NEW MCDEnN HOMES 0 neOMS. M H.VTHS OAKAan SAMPLE HOUSEH flten FAIRHILI. ST, 717 USTH AVE. HERBERT HOPE R0n4 N. nreai t. Wvamlnc 4S37 liCMM" aiiuuniiHamKHjjtminijjinLauiiKunhmuimmrarwjiiiiaiiLUJiUJiJGdiiJirtnuiiu: OAK UNE DfltnrllAd tlnna ft vnAmai ainfl tiatlt het-water heat;' let 30xl0; bartfau HERBERT HOPE B004 N. Drnnd at. Wyemlnu 4.131 uiwmmmwMi uiiiniiHrWBiinfflmiiiii.wB OAK LANE nEAUTIKUIi LOCATION Bread atreet, UHth ale.; new med' ern Colonial homes D rooms, '1 bailis, center hall; earugei open for Inspec tion. HERBERT HOPE B00 1 N.' TlrOHcl !. Warning 4537. ItMi F if t.'iiif f i if 11 l irt f uuil uuuiu I im 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiuui tuuiiiutit.Hi rn I inu mi ri 1 1 nil ii e 'Lu ruEiwrK r. snuiiwiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiuM '"t ---...........,.TO,,iTO,,r,.. OAK LANE SECTION synunnAN homes .liioeo te i.i. (ion HERBERT HOPE IlllfflM bllllh I'.llll.lllllllllllllllfWlMliM.nWmnmirr.Vl H IgffilUlUajmJMpiUl CHK-STNL'T HIM. uip l WW K mmf't mmm VI ! H.,J M m J . Hi M VW. I s m feA!v0,.reir,!,'Mrv""."".,' -wall tn.. l A rinn4 rJ-nnnAi- civ wvn jist IIBtnBhillHil Ht Wilt H Olisf IIMtlHMIII iiiiih'iimhiii t.l!Mlftr1,V L jJ Mwwmw'MwmniMVMwT-'; V, $' WT.iB5WEi t-f -vH . Jt.iI?iJ,itci;iJf. eiiHiBVaJaV feflaaL.