K i I J-kt a Vw mmwft. rtt-"'w v' ' y &.!.".. ig4ifii?y$iK$--h '-. w-r" ' i -nig !,, .-i ''? '-AWrt;n r; V ks ji & !W i 14 I i i . t i fl ' em B'. ll'J I 11 III '?.i! Hi $ I. B'.fi li5 JI .11-1? feh II i M II r i 16 , EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPfllA, , SATURDAY, JULY 8,, ,1922 MARKE I emus t i UNSETTLED ".'Overnight Advices Emphasized " Increasing Gravity of Euro pean Situation i New Yerli. .Inly S. An tinnVrrurrrni of nervniitieN vvhh tl 1 - eriilble in i tlny'5 brief i-len In tin- s'ei'l. m.irl e which found outward" rrtleetlnti In tlie uneven prlie movement. Thin vva pii- ily chnrceable te evrr-nisht nilvleri fumi abroad. riiiihsilins itinralm,' sr.n'.l.v , fef the nuinpc-in -Ituntinri. Irregular-t-it.v followed llie lie-Itjint eprnlnc. with -pvlitemc of sonic ll'iniilatlmi In tlr el 1mip., vvlili'li In tlif er.iul hour (level- j eped pronounced weakness. Wide dp- , clinc eirnrri'd in pvrr:i' "f the "' lcrtcd l .in" tliuf hnd I n marked "l ' sharply in iIip two pre rdiiu Msnii. which.' together with cniitinnpd pre--Hire ngnln-t tlip .len-in mU. tended mere or 1 . iiniltrinln" ili cenera! list. Trading in the 'nend division vn ex- I tretnel) lislit and few 1 iip- showed merp tlian fru'tlminl ehansp. l..ber- t ties continued te case en fttrtliev ptefit taking. The only le.iture of note In the feri-icn siuiip was a 1-pnlii' ilecltt'e for I'ipiiiIi (ievprnniPiit Ki-inr.r-wni hnn hv Ktiim.s Otv Southern St. Limn and S'in Pramd-Te ndfu-t-mpnt (U, Wabali .", I'nitPd S'.ite Steel .V. fViui iW l'.voe s and evTra' , of thp loenl traction'. , As met everv h.vly w pntlrply nr iificil vii tli" performance of thp mar ket for thi' lirsr In If of 10'J'J. there I iinturiillv nt tin- moment quite a bivhI deal of spi'Milntieii what will be the liarvpt of the last half of ihi ".nr The nVt wevk of tins ppriml 1 irdlj trlve? any atifartnrj mitl ip a te wha may lip pvpi'ted. In far a iln i;-n-rnl situation is "en'crnp'l. the tirt half of tli.' pjir a en. nf anticipation an I thp last lulf will nnqiiP'tliin.'ihljr be u gradual iuatp''liiliraiiin. r iTjstallyn-I tien. of r'l"-.- l.npps Thereferp. th iiueytmn te c.. fttrmined in the miiid if all iiin.'pnml is uliPtli.'r the ieivm!; ' Jresperit hn nuslit lp null the mar et. Siieh n decision mut hnre an important wvisht m fratnin: judampn' ns te the imini'ili'itp f'lt irp, both from n speculiitiKi. elid ,nMt!!int lew point C'einppK nt autlinrltips ixprpss tin rentidpiit '..lief ..;' iii.tp'is n businp- and indu-trial ar'.vitj during the re mainder nf the unr i ine deuh'-' but that the-.' I,.. i-s wi In- fultUlp.l Thi; pri!nii. i turf In r hi-ii;hinpd b reason nf tl..- climm;iti,,ii i.f disturb ance from t. tliivrit" in d i.ulread l.iber trotibles nnd tli" Inu'litpr presaist nt an early si.clriucnt ,.f ,p .- .n 1 tnk,' The lnttir Is l,"uitinnitf M hiiM its ef fect in ipstrii tine indu-in.il n tivit. therrbv iirniiiptinK tn,,rp eu'itipni- ef forts i,n tl., pntt nf il.f i inicrii'itPiit fn u pein nil riMiinptimi nt cmil luinlns at the rfir.lit pe-il)l' lumin'iit. With this .stmnblnirf bin, k nil' :" the unj n ironeuiii'"d ipili ki'ii.nj nf trad" l almost i "rtain te t'dlnw : As a matter of fn, t. uheu' th" enh ical hnndleap remalnini: i iIip season, able mi, iTtalutj a- te th" ultimate nut- i comp nf tlie i'iiip Itnintifiil lmnpt would iiiplj both a pnwnrful stmiiilu. and i in pi tu te t'li-ral lmsnis ns thi pros-perm of tli" ..iaiiiultiir.il idi'ment Is an p"i'titi.il adjunct in tli" teonn teenn teonn htmctlen lu'nxi'am. Sn w 1 1 1 1 tin' neek , market has run iibcad of ij im poii peii poii ditiens. l,ism"-s uppnr'iul. lias mad" no effort tn anticip.it", but latlicr n mtlslieil te wait, tli" rc.il noeiimplish neeiimplish ment. Ter that ipunn. tli" gi-n'Tiil business situation of ihe ..lintry N ipn-ei-all. admitted te In- mi a xiuiul and healthy foundation and rad te i"spnnd te the cnntnbiitlns "l"niints of njuvp ' nation While brnvl re.T'ti.in In the stock , market dunnc the past four wpeks from ' the hifth imints nf tlie forward suing na (diminatpd tnanv nvpr-pt"ndi-d speiuli- ' tivc lines nf lung stnek, anil the techni cal pn-itinn liiiul" enrrpspiindinslj !" precarious, it i-, ti"erthplesi, dnubtfu! whether tlie adjustments have been suf ficiently completed te warrant a re sumption rf the i nntructivp campaign in the near future It", ngnizi'd author ities as will as the most mnervatlv" market inte-e-t-, aie unmnmnuN in th" belief of a hi - Lull niatkit in thi- fall, hut most nf them likewise feel tneiv ftheuld. and w I! be. a per nil nf r"r and renewed a. , tiinuiutmn before the "fires an hiaMnl utider th" H.ni'ativ" boilers again. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Heavy Reduction In Leans and De posits -'Excess Reserve Increased The in 'u. il statement nf th New Yerk I'leiitiiig Heuse insti'titiei :hewed .in in, i ".ism nt .-s J1 .lilli,(i)0 in 'men" in n, i-ss ,f l.-b'.i I im nreiin nt Leans mi, I ii-cnunt inrc cut down $lt!,.'i."0.(M)0 tins w"ek and demand de posits fell off .!.lfii; fifM). With th" reduceil liabilities, leserve eridit at the Federal itcsfrw. Hank inrreaM'd Sh,. -K3,000, resulting in iiicivusin,; the ex cess reserve tn S.IT.'.miT, i!i. Details fnlln'v !'., .. . J-tCst res r, I . II", . i .( sit ITe ACKreK'iV ..- . " 7 -,;,,, ,(., ,, I.eana .n- t ;") .11 I ;' i th-, Ciinh tn i u is .and m m-j -r bankH . nn .'.36 iv riTiT.nne Jletr In mi rn ter Mriks in I reifrve UnM 5.1S 2ee one r.jn spi een Iteterv.) In lt1 bankH 4. trust cempiines 7.108 "00 7 417 000 ' JXeaerve m Smi bankit A. mm ' company U. v - i Herlen 10 201 CM lemqnn .t rteman'l '1- I pebUh ,4 I", n:e nne 4 I'.e nr noe Tune lr!'.i .. 417 'HI inn j;i "j. nrn f'lrcul.iii -i SJ.li'iiU'M 34 '.s i i,i I . S ,'. pnii 's deduc". i . as !i7i. inn tin r.nn ne.i AfTT VI. Tli i u. ' I -rvk Kxrtu r'"t' . 17 U',7 pit HI SH7 41,(1 AKEreKai re ',77 Oi'O mm r.nti.310 uen lean. f I.PiKU.Ma in ,, I 737 sti? ii'm ( ah It, v i i.'h nn'I m. i" luims iv." !. nun .,.", 307 niie Ileerv.t in iiv m tr j.ink nn.l r8rvn lalKs .',00 .11 OHO '.'1.700 000 )Ugeru in Si itt bankn nn-1 trust t-eempanlcH 7 081 "no 7 107 eftn JleserVH in si itn " tianka nn1 in.in rempany U. pi.iil- J'la , , ter;,- nr.e 10 3.13 een Jit rtPmand de posits M nil n-,s 'in 1 1.11 1:1 nun Time i1iieiii ir.j L'nt nnu 411 10'nn.i 'jjculi;tlin .11 11. 1 "in .11, ilo.Oen u H ilpei.t NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Only Afternoon Repert in Philadelphia Quoting Fult Litt Today's sales Yesterday's sales . . . Total for this week. . 380.000 shares . itin.eOO shares , .rt.O.iri.OOO shares L OCALS STOOD UP niv. ?! in t 300 1200 930 100 603 103 200 103 100 10630 103 100 101 100 103 300 333 733 231 100 700 1003 100 100 530 303 20 93 3 331 600 700 1503 603 3200 100 15'JO 300 803 313 100 600 200 4500 B233 200 200 1C0 933 3233 COO 103 100 100 200 600 1433 200 1400 403 403 100 531 203 403 1103 833 833 533 430 503 830 630 3230 3530 633 2830 133 100 2230 503 38.X3 7730 233 103 1500 103 100 30U 25 A) 8 30 PTOCK Hill Adams KtereBS 62 vj .. Alaska Juneau O M ' ' 4 Allied rhem & Dye 69 U 1 Allied Ch ft Dye pM09i Allli.Chalmers .... 50 tj .. Am Aprlc rhem pf. 64 "2 Am Heet Siiffar.... 45'i .. Am neeh Magneto 41 'j T Am B Sh P pf ne108 Am Can 51 12 Am Car ft Frtv 161 i " Am Car &. Fdy pf.12t . Am Chicle I' .. Am Cotten Oil.. .. ?6'3 Am Hide ft Leather 13 4 Am Hide ft I.eath pf 69 's 7 Am Ice 105 r i .. Am Internat Cerp.. 42 14 6 Am r.oeemotlve. . . . 1 124 4 Am Radiator 95 'j .. Am Shin ft Cem. .. 19'( . Am Pmelt 62 H 7 Am Smplt pf 97 4 12 Am Pnuff 134 3 Am Steel reundrles 36 H . . Am Sunintn .... 40 R Am Tel ft Cable. ... 59 0 Am Tel ft Tel 1 20 H 12 Am Tnhacee 142' .. Am Waterworks .. 17 Am AVitrw-k, et pf 41 4 7 A-n Woelfti 90 T .. Am 52 nr I,,i ft Smelt 18 .. Anaconda Copper .. 53 4 6 Apje Oil 112 6 Atch Tep ft San Fe10l ''s 6 Atch Tep ft S P pf 90 .. Atlan'lc Frilt 2'i .. All Oulf ft W I S S "57 H .. AH a ft v I S S of 26 .. Austin Nlchelg 28 i 7 Austin Nichols pf . 85 7 ISaldw-ln I.ocemotlvel 15 .. Pilt'mere ft Ohie. . . 51 'i 4 Haiti ft Ohie pf. ... 62 'i . nar-idal Class A.. 34 ' . BamFdnl! C!as n . 29 4 5 Rth Ptel B 76 i . nkh-n Itapld Transit 28 . Pkh-n U T ctfs of db 23 1 5 Hklyn fnlen Oai . .110 .. nrl Km -'eel 2d pt 30 4 . . Urewn S'hee . ... 49 'i . Itmniulck Term... 3 4 s Jiu-ns Bies 132 2 Burns Bres B. ... 45 5i . . Butte ft Pup Cep... 29 .. California Titrel... 65 .. Cat Zinc ft Ivad.. 6 4 10 Canadian riclflc. . . 140 ' . i"aie J I riew 6 . Central Leather.. . 3B 4 .. Central leather pf. 70 H .. rrro-de-Paee .... 37 ' 6 Chandler Meters... 71 4 Chesapeake ft Ohie 68 4 .. Chicago ft Alten.. 104 . . Chlcace ft Alten pf 19 .. CM ft K Tit (new).. 36 'a . . Chi ft K 111 fnew) pf 55 4 . . Ch'cafre ft C,r West 9 . . Chi ft !r West pf 21 4 . . Clil Mil ft St P.... -8 '4 . . Chi Mil ft St P pf.. 44 14 5 Cht ft Northwestern 77 . . Chi n 1 & Pac ... 44 '4 7 1 'hi n I ft Pac 7 pf 94 X 5 Chi St P M ft O .. 66's .. Chile Copper 2 26 . . Chine Copper 30 4 1 Consolidated Gas ..i20 4 Ceca Cela 72' 4 . Cole Fuel ft Iren . 31 3 Cel ft Southern.. . 43 i 6 Celum Oafl ft Llec . E8 4 . . Oelum Oraphophena 4 v. Cel r.r.tnhoiinen.. pf 17 4 6 Cemp'it Tab Bee... 65 4 Conel Textiles. ... 114 4, Cern Products Hef.103 5730 24 f.edn ft Ce 49 2200 .. Crucible Steel 74 a 230 . Cul.an Am Suirar . 24 H 7 Culjau Am s.iih'ar pf 91 . . Cuba Cam- Sujjar . 164 .. Luli.i Cane Susar pf 36 Je . . Davisen Chemcal.. 47 0 L. . L.i. k ft Wtst ..128 i lmir.. Mines 30 6 Kasttr. in Kodak, no 72T3 3 Llec S'eraBc Bat.. 44 4 Lmirs 111-BiaiitinK . 8 Vzw raen-Brant pf 36 6 Lniiicott-Jehnson .. 80 'a .. Lri. leJa .. Kn l.si Pf i4,j .. hrle 2d pf 18 4 8 Famous Players L 624 S Famous Players pt 94 a 5 Fed Mir. & Smelt nf 50 4 in F s'vr Bjdy .... 1 17 "2 F.sh.-r Bedy of U p: 87 '4 .. Fisk Rubber 1 5 Ta .. Freeperl Texas ... 24 J4 .. General Aspnalt.. . 7 5 Gneral Acphalt pf102 6 Gn-ril CiBa., . ... 78 H , Gen cigar uee p:. . . iui "2 s, General KU-ciric. . . . General Moteri . 6 C.tn Meters pf . 7 cn Mnt den 7C. . . Gllild-n Ce . Goedr.'ll B F 7 Goedi n-li B F pf . . , liranbv M.nins. . . . Gr.i ft I) iv. a. . 7 Great Northern pf 4 Great Ner Ore cits 39 4 .. Greene Can Copper. 31 .. Guantanamo Sugar. . . Gulf Mebl.u ft N pf . . , Gult States Sttel . . .. llaMibhuw i:i..ctrlc . II end. Mfc ... .1 HumuUit.. MmmK .' Hudsen M CarP 1 Hupp Motorcar . . Hylia Jl c .'steel 7 Illinois Central .. Inspiration Cen Cep 41 yH .. Intir Cen Cerp 14 Inter Cen Cerp pf . 3 4 , Ir.ter Arlc Pf 33 lnurnat '", mmt. . . 24 Intern ii Cem KnB . 24 Inl Hi. at N'erth vl 24 f. In' IL.rv.st. r new. .1004 In- -M.-i Murine... 18 H C Int M- r Mai no pf . 73 4 Iniernai.enal Nickel I'j',4 Intctnaiienal 1'aper 50 ' i lnt.r Paper pf stpd fcb . Invindbli OH Cerp. 14;, , Iren Products 35 4 . Island Oil ! . Kansas ft Gulf . Kan city Southern. 4 Kan Cltv Se pf Kell t-Spc Tire 6 JCelwy Wheel tee 433 22JJ 330 200 130 3J3 0JJ 200 100 200 13JJ 8JJ 1033 630 103 200 203 103 7jJ 33.1-1 84.iJ 103 2 20 J 100 103 11833 1GJ 30J 1200 30J 103 203 100 2I0J 6JJ 100 100 300 803 03 10J 100 L.O 6JJ 20J 10J 400 . . 200 .. 100 . 100 . 100 24 30J -1 3J3 (SjO f. 2-vi . 10 JJ c 1700 . 20 J i 430 . . 393J .. 203 .. 100J .. 800 .. 100 500 100 .. 168 . . 14?4 .. F3 .. V3 , . 164 . 19 4 . . 88 . . 29 ',4 .. 17 . 60 H 12 4 40 4 81 1 "2 :2S 71 . .'3 4 19 4 11 IC8 4 4 26 4 57 4 494 95 4 I.nw 02 4 14 f9 1094 49 V 64 ij 45 41 4 108 494 161 4 121 11 26 4 13 4 69 1C44 414 1124 95 4 19 0 4 97 4 134 ?6 4 391 59 120 4 142 154 404 89 4 17i 52 112 101 89i 2 -7 4 26 ;74 85 1134 49T, 62 4 14 4 29 4 75i T6i 234 110 30 4 494 34 130 44 s 28 4 124 84 39 4 6 ?7H 70 T64 ;e 8 '04 19 36 4 5 84 -1 4 74 41 -5H '34 U4i fc6 4 .7 4 29 4 -.184 69 4 31 484 7 4 4, 174 t4Js 11 1C2H 47 4 2H 24 91 16j 354 464 1274 30 72 4 s4 8 35 80 i6b 23 4 18 61 4 944 494 117 4 87 4 154 34 65 U 102 77 4 101 4 168 14 4 fc3 34 16 i9 83 29 4 17 79 J9 31 124 40 78,4 14 22 ?n 71 -24 19 104 IC8 41 1 "2 3 4 38 34 '3.4 .3H 100 4 18H ;2d 164 49 4 ca 144 .4 a 4, .'5 57 "4 47 4 G5 4 i 14 2 H M 'i 1 J4 tl 1 i 1 t 4 i 4 1 IS H Vi 4 1 i "4 4 4' 1 i 34 I Hi " , V "4 14 3 2 v, ; 2,! 1 , ; 1 4 Vt 4 4 "i 1 4 1i 1 1 r, u 1 4 2g H 1 4 4 4 1 4 14 1 4 14 4 ' Y 4 :. 4 1 4 la h it 2 4 1 14 4 Teilav's Nt 1 Clese Chire. 1 62 U - ' " I 1 '4 FD - 1091 49 V -64 4 45 -414-f 108 49 14 - 161',- 121 11 -26 4 -134-69 - 1044 -41 4 - 112 4 954 19 -CO tj -57 4 - 134 36 4- 40 59 1204- 142 - 154- 41 -89 4 -171-52",- 112 - 101 - 89 "4 - 2S-r 37 4- 26 - 27 4 " 85 -1 13 i -50 -624-34 4- 29 4 -76 -26?; -23 4 - 110 - 30 4 49 4 3 4 131 - 444- 28 4 - 624 - 8 4 1 39 4 - 6 37 S 70 - 36 4 -70 1 68 -104 -19 -36 4 -55 9 21 4 -27 J, -43 4 -75-43 S -944 -66 4 4 ?2'i -29 4-1184-10 -31, 484 fa7 4- 48- 174 64 4 - 11 -73 U 24 -91 I6H -- 35 4-464- 128 30 724 44 8 - 36 -80 -16 4 -23 4- 18 -814-944 -49 'j - 117 4 874 . 15?s . 1.4 - 65 4 -102 - 77 :, 101 4 ' lbS 144 -f- 83 934 -16), 29 - 88 - 23 4- 17 -79 Vt - 39 -31 12 4 40 -79 4- 14 221, -71 19 -104- 108 - 41 -14 3 4 38 -34 ij'i - 23 -1004 18 , -73 -164 494 b& 14;,- 24 - Dlv. Sslfs In t 2330 ,, 2000 . . 100 1600 600 600 STOCK IllBti . Kcnnecett Copper.. 36 H . Keystone T ft n.... 16 4 6 Krcsse H S 136 4 . Lackawanna Steel., 764 . Lake Krle & West. . 30 Lake Erie ft West nf 62 soe .in. LehlKh Valley 65 100 400 300 1200 1503 100 500 3830 100 600 100 100 100 100 203 1803 100 100 030 803 3600 2 JO 1 300t 29C0 200 . 100 100 . 800 . 303 , 1203 . 1300 . 100 2200 , 100 . 100 3000 , 600 200 . 70J . 100 4703 200 200 100 21 1700 , 300 100 603 100 830 300 100 400 1403 300 300 10003 200 8300 1803 100 4203 930 100 100 1030 500 2203 200 100 530 730 130 630 7 Llspett ft Myers nf117'4 7 Lima Locomotive. .. 107 4 12 Lerlllard (Plerre). .153 7 Louisville & Nash.. 132); .. Mack Truck 5514 7 Mack Truck 2d pf . . 79 75 M.-lntv.-e new 151 . Mnlllnsen Ce 34 i 7 Manatl Sugar pf . 75 7 Manhat Kiev Guar 46 Vt . Manhat Fie ct 46 i 4 Manhattan El Supp 47 s 2 Manhat Shirt 354 . . Market St ilwy. . . . 7 4 e Mar St Ry pr pf . . 61 V .. Marland Oil 43 4 2 Martin Parry 32 4 .. Math Alkali 42 .. Met Moter Class A 671 Max Moter Class B 23 12 Mexican Petroleum. 163 H 2 Miami Copper 29 4 20 Middle States Cem 13Ji .. Mldviiie Steel 34 4 .. Iln k St Leuis.... II 4 M St P ft S St M.. 61 4 .. Me Kan ft Texas.. 114 .. Me Kan ft Te wl 184 .. Me Kan ft T fvvl) pf 40 .. Missouri Pacific... 22?s .. Me Pacific pf 55 T, 3 Mentana Power.... 71 .. Montgomery Ward. 23 .. National Acme.... 17?4 7 Nat Biscuit 147 4 .. Nat En ft Stamp.. 541 6 National Lead... . 100 . . Nat R R of M 2d pf 5 4 . Nev Cen Copper .... 1 7 H 6 N O Tex ft Mex 68 4 6 N T Central 964 r X Y C ft St L ... 75 4 N V C ft St L 2d rt 82 New Yerk Perk . 40 ,. New Yerk N H ft H 31 s 2 New Yerk ent ft W 26 4 7 Norfolk ft Western. 108 4 5 North American.... 65 .1 North Amir pf. ... 43 E Northern Pacific ... 774 . Neva Scotia S ft c. . 30 M 1 Nunallv Ce . . 9 . Ohie Bed v ft Blewer 8 4 . Okla Pred ft Ref.. 34 . Otis Steel 12 '4 K Pac Gas ft Elec. .. 70 3 Pacific Oil FS! Pac Tel ft Tel pf.. 07 B Pan Amer Petrel.. 724 C Pan Amer B 66 4 Panhandle 8 2 Pennsylvania R R. 44 4 Penn Seaboard Steel 9 4 E Peeples Gas Cnlcace 83 . Peoria ft Eastern.. 23 . Tere Marquette.... 33 3 Philadelphia Ce 385 2 Phillips Pet 51 i . Plerce-Arrew Moter 19 '4 . Plerce-Arrew Met pf 37 . Pierce Oil 8 PlKRly WiRgly Ster 43 4 Pitts Ceal.. Pitts ft W Va 973 14 pen, creek Ceal. 64 37 !4 21 79 4 77 424 900 C Poetum Terenl '03 .. Pressed Steel Car. 4930 .. Producers ft Ref.. 500 .. Punta Alecrn Suear 49A 5233 2 Pure Oil 20 4 530 . Ray Cen Copper. .. . 1674 500 4 Reading 76 203 .. Remington Tsmew.. 36 330 .. RepleKle Steel 32 1400 .. Repub Iren ft Steel. 72 200 . . RPp Iren ft Steel pf 91 4 100 , Revnelds Sprlncs.. 44 1300 3 Reynolds Teb B.... 56033.20 Revnl Iuteh N Y.. 100 .. Rutlanl pf 830 -! Leuis San Fran.. 233 .. St L Southwest pf. 403 . . San Cee Sugar. . . . 100 . Raxen Moter 1103 .. Sf aboard 'Air Line. 803 .. Seab Air Line pf.. 2100 .. Sears-Roebuck 600 .. Seneca Cenner 13 tl 1 9600 2 Sinclair Consel ... 33 4 300 .. Rlosa-Sheflleld 45 Ta 3 '03 , . Se Perte Rice Sugar 51 1830 6 Southern raclflc... SO 4 2703 .. Southern Rail 25 100 S Standard Mill 116 6333 4 Standard Oil of Cal108 4 400 E Standard Oil of N .1105 330 7 Stand OH of N J of 1 1G 'A 46H F8 4 45 294 47 4 4 4 A 7 4 114 771 4 1 4 12O0 21- Sterling Products.. C44 103 S Stewart Warner Spd 444 28103 7 Studebaker 134 503 .. Sub Beat Cerp 8 4 500 .. Superior Oil 7 4 103 .. Sweets Ce of Amer 3 3000 3 Texas Ce 474 500 4 Texas Gulf ft Sulph 4f, n 1400 . Texas ft Pacific. . 29 4 1233 1 Teas ft Pac C ft O T8 4 333 K Toli'ieee Products. . 79 300 7 Tobacco Pred pf 1064 5.00 . Transrentlnental Oil 16 100 2 Transui. Wma Steel 39 400 G Fnlen Bag ft Paper 61 4 5200 .. Union Oil 22 JJ 3100 10 Union Pacific 141.4 103 4 Union Pacific pf.... 754 500 . . United Drug 74 100 3 4 United Urug 1st pf. 47 200 3 United Fruit 141 . Unit Kvw Invest pf 274 . United R.-UI Stere.. 07"- . U S C I I' ft Fdy... :-2 4 . 1." S Express 7 . U S Feed Products. 8 4 . U S Ind Alcohol... 6 4 7 X" S Ind Alcohol pf 91 U S Realty Imp. 67 4 4 (a r 4 '4 . 25 -57 4 r 47 4 -95 4 - IS 4 ' 4 94 '00 3600 3 JJ 200 300 200 100 100 2200 5503 103 700 230 1100 600 833 1700 100 1400 2 00 200 400 300 1500 400 100 400 . U S Rubber 63 6 U S Steel 99'j 7 U S Steel pf 122 2 Utah Copper 6414 , . Utah t-x 17 . Yanad um Cerp ... 46 Ylvadeu Ine 1! . Wabash 131, Wabash pf A . . 22 4 1 Weber ft llellbrener 124 . Western Ma r land. 12 . Western Pacific... :04 C Western Pacific pf. C04 4 Westing K & M.... 59 4 . Wheeling ft L U. . . , 1 4 4 . Wick Spenc St Cerp I5J5 , Willys Overland .... 84 . Willys Overlnnd pt . 434 4 Werth Pump ft M. 48$, Lew 35 4 154 136 4 751's 291 62 64 117 4 1061 152 129 4 53 H 79 154 23 '4 75 46 4 464 474 354 7 4 61 4 42 4 32 Vi 42 661 ?2 4 160 29 4 134 34 114 61 4 11 4 17 4 40 22i; 55 "4 71 22 4 I7?4 147 4 52 100 5 17 68 4 E4 4 754 794 40 30 251 108 4 64 4 43 76 4 30 4 9 8 4 3 4 124 70 57 87 70 4 64 74 8 43 T4 8 7, 83 23 324 381 494 1 9 4 37 8 '.2 4 64 C6?4 '0 78 4 77 41 4 48 29J4 161 75 3515 31 4 70 4 91 44 46ti 57 45 284 47 4 4 4 4 7 4 11 4 76 4 127J 32 4 45 51 0 24 4 116 104 4 183 4 116!'s 54 44 4 131 4 8 7 3 4674 464 28 H 27 4 781 106 '5 4 39 61 22 4 140)4 75 4 74 47 141 14 27 4 661 it 4 7 8 56 4 91 67 4 614 C8l 1? 64 161 45 12 12 4 31 4 124 1194 20 4 60 4 59 4 134 154 0 4 43 4 48 4 Tediy's Net Clese ChB. 35 4- Vt 151- 5 1364- 'a 7514 29H- G2 - 65H-I 1174 1061- 153 130 - 534- 79 - 1554 33 Vi -75 -46 4 464 4- 74 61 4 43 32 4 42 - 67 - 52 Vt -161 - 29 4 131 34 4 -' 22 4 55 4 -71 22 4 - 1774 1474 53 -100 - 5 -17 - 68 4 - 54 4 -754-794-40 -- 30 4 -251 - 108 4 4 4 -43 REMARKABLY WELL NEW YORK CURB 45'Bend Men Attach Significance te the Week's Activity in Government Issues 14 4 14 1 34 j ' ? j Considering tlie surrounding unct- 4 j tllng rlenient, tbe local stocks steed up I 'well in today's market. Trading was 4Ij fairly nrtive for a midsummer seslen 71 ' and was well distributed. The general price movement was irregular, with about nn equal division of fractional gains nnd declines. Pennsylvania Ilnll mail continued one of the strongest spots, nlthniigli shaded near the closing under the best price of the week. The , street raliwnv hnre were nil firm nn stniill -leiilliiss, p. K. T. rallying te :V.V. while Philadelphia Trnrtinn moved up a ' point te (HI; I'nlen Trnc ! .1.... .....!. ...J .l.ntirrfi.l n f .10 I .' iitni I t-iiiiiiiini mi' ii... !-- ... " " ( ' j. !(). 1. dropped back n 'a " - but tlie Philadelphia Kleetric issues remained 1 I firm. P.rlli prefeired moved up Ha ii I points en Mnnll transactions. American i4 I Stores closed at 321 'i. the top price it ' of the week. Mtuients or rr.aruct conditions niiarn i a great deal of sigulnYnnre te strength j and renewed activity of tlie Liberty Bends and ether Government war is- ! sues. It is generally nccepted ns n re- ' liable sign of a continued upward trend i In bend values and also n prolonged J period of cheap money. There is. hew. i 4 i ever, ntilten diversity of opinion In l INDUSTRIALS 1700 Aems Ceal flic Ida Amer llnwsllan .. "3. SOOAmer Metnls ... 4.1'4 ine Amer Metsls pref 107 Ren Amer Orun '-' 4000 Atlantic Fruit .... '."4 inn Beech Nut 30 u R00 Ilroekbn City By. S SUOn nuitdy Bud 1A 800 Chicago Nipple ... a 400 Columbia Emerald. 77c ICO Coin Solvent 11 .... 404 100 Cuban I3em Sugar 04 100 Daniels Moter .... 1lt 100 Davles Wm A 33 800 Denver & Hlo O pf. B7n 100 Dubller C ft It 8, 400Dursnt Moter .... HI)1 100 Durnnt M of Ind.,, 14 ion (innlner Meters .. l'J'4 lOOOIbnen Hewell ... 17if ISDOlliett SB 21x14 tut) Glen Alden Sen I .. B.I 2090 (telihv.vn Picture!.. 7i lontleodyenr Tire .... ll'i 700aes Wheel .... 304 fcoe Heyden Chem 1 S700 Inter Cirbeii ,,. LIS lOOI.Ibby McN A L.... 2H 300 Mercer Met V T C 34 40(i Moen Meters MVj 20(i rncknrd Moter ... IB IB 1'ncknrd Mtm pf.. 87 loe Perfection Tire ... a ftse 2.1 Id 107 7Bc 4014 111 3.1 BBO 8?i I.H B.I 1.3 in'. ,P HI 87 8 tide 23 4B 107 n 24 311 4 8, m ,$' 77c 40 u, 04 114 33 BBS 8i an 4 14 174 IMS B3 7. 11 4 30 1, 1 la, 2U i?4 t.l 87 s in 100 Pub Serlvn N J pf.lO.Hi lOPi 101H "4 ' n 1 2 4 2 1 4 i 2 1 4 41 U 1 4 i 14 I 30 4 f 9 84 34 !-124-70 -57 -87 - 70 4 65 - 8 -44 - 9 83 - 23 -32 4 38 31 4 37 - R 42 4 -64 36 '4 -201-78 4 -77 -42 -40 -29 74 161 . 75 -35 4 -31 '4 -70 4 -91 - 44 - 46 4 . 57 - 45 -28 4-- 47 4 - 74 114 . 76 4 13 - 324- 45 -51 - 90 - 24 4 116 - 104 i -- I 83 4 - I I 6 4 -54 -44 4- 131 4 8 7 3 -47 4 46 4 28 74 -274-781- 106 15 4 39 61 - 22 4- 140?1- 75 4 74 -47 141 4 27 4-C6i-31 ,- 7 8 56 4- 91 67 4 -614-981 - 122 64 -161 -45 -U 124 31 4- 124 12 -204-C0 4 59 4 - 13 4 151 U4 43 4 -4BH financlnl circles as te the latter rnndl- ' tlen. Seme express the belief of mini-1 l mum Interest rates already having been ' seen and cVpect stlffcr rates after the 1 crop-moving season sets In. Meney for short-term maturities is obtainable at 4 and 4'i per cent, but It is understood veij few tanning institutions are dis posed te put out much money ever the venr end under 4'j per cent. In fart, are openly discouraging six months leans, ' a; If the theory of cheap money 1 real- , 4 1 led and money becomes nctunlly a drug, &4 ns has been predicted there Is a like 4 I lilioed, some ebseivers say, nf there' 2 4 1 being n veritable flood of refinancing en v 300 Pyretic Mf K 0', 04 7200 rtadle com 4 V 4 "4 2011 rudln pref 3i4 3A 3O0 Itee Moter Truck . 27'4 27 U S20O south Cel ft Iren. B4e 4Be 100 stHndard Moter ,, 4; 44 1300 Tebnccn Products,. 7' 6I4 r.ne Tobacco Pred w I.. BO'J Bfli, .?22 Tobacco Tred A .. 78i 78. lOOOTrlsnsle film . . i'Oe 20c 310H U fl L ft II 1. i: soot; s i, t 11 pref.. l iff 200 t nltcd net Candy, nu, nl 11(10 Wbmie Ceal 1! il? 12? w.e'.' En1 Ch"n .. nec Br,? " W'ljy Cerp let pref 3t 28 BOO Wllljs c 1st pf ctfs 28'i 20 STANDARD OILS 00 AnKle Am Oil 100 Atlantle I.obes IB nuekeB P J. . lOOOalcni HlKnnl 2.5 Imp Oil Can ,. 10 Ohie Oil ..., 2."- Prairie Pipe , . , '2ns " of Ky wl .lO.'OO s oil of Ind . 1110 S Oil of N v . ? s 27', 4Sc 44 7. BO'S 784 2!e 15: SO'-i 2m . 20 IJ . 0 . 04 . S7V1 .114 .208 .244 . 00 ,U!i .410 14 4 4 4 4 1 the pert of nil clnsses of corporations , vvnicli last year were compelled te pay , exorbitant rates for Imperative needs. ' There arc comparatively few Industrial ' and railroad maturities te be enred for I I during the last half of the current cal- , 1 endnr yenr, which would lenve nn open j -? lield for the putting nut "of new Issues nt a much lower rate, especially where last year s timineltig was done in short- term notes. ! Seme few weeks age It was predicted by several well-known bend experts of ' a, the overflow demand from, investors I 1? reaching the better grade of railroad J 1 ij i and Industrial stocks. Such buying has 20'i 0 M B7 112 2118 244 nnt4 110, 437H ., INDGPRNDBNT OILS 50 Atna ii in; 200 Ark Nat Oan .... jeij r'!.1'l Po'ten Wyemlnir.. 80 30O lirlt Cent Oil .... JJ, .'. 1)0 Carlb Hnd . . . . ' sC lnecitien Hen Ice .,..222 .100 cities Scr II ctfs.. 22S 1:011 Cities Service pf . . IIS 1 HO Columbia Pete ... 1A . ,0(1(1 KnKlneers Pet . . . 33c 1.00 IVnsland . , . 1714 I'OOflllllland Oil V It . 4; ,1100 (lltnreck Oil . . . i,t" ...i.g ,mu.,in ,,r .. ..Km Int Petrel ... 1OO0 Lance . . .. moo Hrtel oil .. . inerilllllnnd Oil , 700 I.lvlnjsten Tet I'OO I.ens Pet ,. 100 MaRma oil . 200 .Marine . ... aeilMerrltt Oil .. lime Md,nA en 23000 Mex Sen beard" i!nn tt..i " .. '. 20i 0 04 B7U 11.1 208 214 0Bf, 110s 440 23 3r 8c r, 82c 8.V 1li 01, .'" S3. 2. i 1 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 i 14 1 1 4 41 74 4 4 i Xi a '1 14 3 4 "s 34 2 4 32i0O Mexican Sit. VT C 3 linn., -""iiiunin j-rea 11200 Mutual Kef .. .. 3000 Neble oil 1O0 Ne Am Oil '.'... 540O Omar Oil 20 Pennock Oil l00Rnn Cens OOSiilt Creek Pred . 100 lt Creek Cens . r.OO Sapulpa Iter i"hell Cnlen nM ' .00 SimmH Pei 0200 Skellv Oil f,noe Meuth Y & H 1000 Seuth States SJOgPencer Pet . . loon Stanten . . '4!' Texan O A I. ,' '.'OOTurman 700O -Wilcox Oil 1000 Y Oil 400 MarlanA1 i ' ' lOOOPeuth Slat-s Cens 22 .MINING 800Ala-nr Cel n?,niiAm xNerat 2()p0 ni r,f(!BP V... ,,2''I,.0t . Mentanx .. pnH?.K"en x,"nt Cens ...n.v v.unaaa C.OP iippi'iireu 111 11 iiiiuiuer 01 me senseneu divldend-pajlng rails nnd among the. li.ilustiinl preferred stocks, ( enerete evidence of which Is given in the steady accumulation of Pennsylvania Railroad. In this particular case there Is the ad ditional Incentive of the nsured res toration of the old (1 per pent dividend rate. With that into restored, tlie cur rent prire would give an income yield nf Otllllinvlhliilnlii .i. nnnt .- VnJi ... ..,,,...,. ......... . ,,.-. uu,. ... 401 n )fS,i;'"i. i entrai m nnetlier instance where tlie I losnecons cop m. i-1m-i.-uiliiiii in uu mrrcnsi; 111 xnc uivi- ..'. uriez Miiver dend late te 11 fl per cent basis premises n correspondingly nttmctive income yield. The better class of tlie railroad stocks are growing in favor because of widespread recognition thnt the coun try's transportation industry has left the worst troubles behind and, barring ' some unforeseen catastrophe, existing dividends are relatively safe. ! IBS 10s 2.'c 2U 2 A 7 7 174 12 enS s, 12e 13s4 .lie' (!0e r in 44 n Kl'i 83 7; 22 U, 07", 32c 174 4'n 1 22e 22 VI ac Be B fiec 83c '! ej. '" 31 211 IS'1 10 21e 2U 2 A . IT 12J4 4'. en 84 11'. 10c '13V, & 8.-.C 14 114 10 4V4 no ,100 Cressen (loll 3 ,$ lrtc S0e 2rtn Rlc B.lc 1A "l l.le lBc 78c 22e 34e Br.e 1 1. Ill IOU 80 221H 22 i, 08 1A 31c ! n,S 22c 22'i 3e Be fl S2c 8B0 ll'i 1H 32 3(1 lSi m 21c 2U 2A. P 121 enil 12c 13H & 00c '! ft'4 10 4'i l.V lilc 78c 22c 34c file IjV 1000 DIVWS Rll.n.lnn" - ' . ? .t A 17000 HI Salvader .'..: 'rte 'nn '? 7(100 Emmn an. V nn 'r 2000 F.Mreka Creesu! Dlv lOOPIrit N Cep R5e 200(aAllna ?5 20OOO Oe eneld nerence. jac 100(1 Geld Zene 2(ioe Harmlll D fnne llela Mlnlnff .... 0OO0 Independ Iead J00 Jereme Verde ten Kerr Lake. . 'J' 1000 I.ene Star 4c 4e SOOCanarle S IT tOOOCleld State 430 43c 4000 oeld Devel J noeo Hill Tep Mer .... sja 83e 12O0H Marsh Mlrt 1 !,, 700 Masen Valley .... 21 2V4 lOOOMehlciin SO 20 2100 Motherlede C .... OS 0'4 4000 National Tin .... 34e Sic 1000 Nevada Ophlr .... 2 20 oeo New Dominion.... 2i 2' ten Nirlsainx . BH r Roeo Ohie Copper loe 10c 1000 nttaburKh Mount. . 24e 24e 2000 Silver Hern IJe lle 3000 Success Mln 17 17 2O0OTonepah Cash Bey fle flc 20OOTonepah Divide ... 81c 81c 400Tonepah Mln 1M 1M 1100 Tuolumne 6Be 03e 100 Unity Oeld 344 Ji H00 United Kastern .. 1A 1A 100 United Verde ....274J 27H 2000 Volcano . 30p 36q 1.100 West End C 1' 1 A BONDS 2000 Allied Pack 8s . 83H MS inoeAm i.ignt r us ..in... in. aoeoAm Tel 1 11000 Anaconda 70OO Annrnni1 vnnil Armnn. Jfr Cl T..1(ir, 10B MOOAtl Oulc tc W t Bs 02'4 02 f.OOO Itelh Steel 7s. '28.104t 10m 4000 Helh Steel 7g. '35.10.1.. 102'( 101W 100(5 1 ns. '24...ieti4 101S la Cep s.. 1004 100S 7s. O.-IOSS IOS'4 A CO 7s..lea . ion ft W I Bs 02'4 02 eel 7s. '2S.104V 101' el 7a. 'SS. 10.1 102' liJOIlklyn Un Gas 7s,100S 10OV 21100 Can Nat Hy K(X 7s.107i 107J 1000 Cent Steel 8s . ...lCVU 1051 iiiue cons Textni ss . .n"i' iuu , J""? ISOOOCep Exp 8a. 24..102J4 102S 1024 8000 Deere ft Ce 7S..101 1014 101U lOOOKmpIre O ft D 6.10lS 10lj lOlfi l.-.OOOFed Ld Bk 4V1S..100H 100S 1C0H : 748.112.. 1". ?Ann VreAnnrt T 740OO Goedrich T 6H,, 07?i 07S 2301 Ooedrlch Tire 7S..103S W3S I2O0O Gulf Oil Ts 104'.i 104., 17000 Humble Oil 7s ...101 100'4 2000 Kansas Gas As .. 0B"; 0.14 inone I.aclede Gas 7s ..100 DOS 7000 Llbby McNeill 7a. HUH 1000 Marma Cep 7a ...1084 7()00Nat Aetna 7Ua .. 07 3000 Nat leather 8s . . 00 1 0000 NT Nil ft H 4s.. 101 10000 rhlla Elec BSa ..100 1000 Phillips Pet 7Us. .120H 1000 Pub ijjerv N J 7s..l0l'l 4nne iteht nir 7a ns 30(10 neon n m v t "0 .ins ins 1(18 1000 8 O N Y 7s, '30 ..107S 1071 107S 100O S V N Y 7s. '31 .100., 109., 100., 21100 Htewart war !... im ii"i mi" net Swift ft Ce 7s, '2B 101! 101 lOt' Tl BOOO Saks ft Ce 7s .... 08'1 08' 0RJ1 1000 Solvay et Cle RS..10SW 103 10SJ4 3000 S O .V Y 7s, '21 .lOS'i 10.1'i IflfllJ 8000 Swift ft Ce 13000 Texas Ce 7s 10(11) Tlrtal Oaaae 2000 Un Oil Cel 0s S1.102T4 102S 102 ..Illl 11)1 101 ..1004 loevfc ienV4 . ine4 ioejs me" 7000 tin Oil PrnA 8 . .104U Wi'l 104 700OUn Ily lliv 7'j9..104U 104H 104H 4000'iVestern Elfe,7a ,.108j4 108S 108J7 80000 1'unm Aleers 7s . 1041 104i 104VI lOOOOlRemlnften A lis.. 04H 04 04 TOBEIGN nONDS 1000 Argentine 7 100 100 100 3000 Can S 8 7s .... 0.1 04S 03 4000 City Montevideo. 7s 07t 07 07S 4.1000 Kin of Serbs 8s.. 051. 0.1S 9'. 12000 Swiss B(i 102'i 102S Kl2f 4000 U S rirazll 714 a .. 8fl 8.14 80 0000 U S Mex 4s 39 8 8 It SSM Frisce Discount Rate Cut Wnahlnirtnn. Julv 8. Reduction of the rediscount rate of the Federal Reserve Rank of San Francisce from 4t4 te 4 per cent, effective today, was announced by the Fed eral Reserve Ileard. The San Franclnce bank la the third In stitution of the Federal Reserve system te rut Its rate te the 4 per cent level. New Yetk and Hosten having- previously an nounced similar reductions. Reduction In the San Francisce rate was forecast several weeks age nt the Treasury nnd was regarded here ns part of. a general reduction of Fed oral Reserve rediscount rates. St. Paul Descriptive circular outlining' tha pos sibilities of this read Sent upon request McGLINN & CO. Member A'cte Verfc Stock Exchange 30IX, Widener Bids., Philadelphia New Yerk Bosten EXCELSIOf TRUST CO. Philadelphia, June 30th, 192 RESOURCES Cash en hand and in Bank $296,832,73 U. S. Gcv. Securities. . 403,514,89 Leans and Investments 3,326,375.2g Real Estate '& Fixtures 68,747.50 $4,085,470.52 LIABILITIES , Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits (earned) ... Dividend Unpaid DEPOSITS $300,000.00 . 247,962.78 20.00 3,637,487.74 $4,085,470.52 ALLAN M. REED, President E. P. BALDERSTON, Treas. ' CITY OF EASTON, PA. 4 BONDS JULY 1. 1942 FREE FROM 8TATE JAX IN PENNSYLVANIA EXEMPT FROM ALU FEDERAL INCOME TAXE8 Net Debt lets than 2 of Assessed Valuation Subject te Approval at te Lcgalitv by Messrs. Teicnsend, Elliett rf Munson PRICE, TO NET 4.10 REILLY, BROCK & CO. 306 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA ItaTc 2000 shares Bessemer Moter True Ce. Class A common stock, will (til all or any part of It te quick buyer. Class A common Is only stock with vetlai power. Cine It common with no teHm power, new be1nr sold for S10 rr shirt nex P 12S3, Idcer Office. Short Term Mortgages r inancea Substantial Amounts A 011, LEDGER OFFICE 1C IC In S . . HOn en On - ,. IHSiHiaiiSSHiiaBHdl A NATION'S BALANCE BUEET ' One man became convinced that a uatlea'i artalra ctuld ba run as economically as a business corporation. General Daweat.ll. liew he affected an Immimii tavin. n,iik...T dlsruptlna Unvernment departments, a sm. rial article In tha Mavazlna Section of tJ. Sunday Pcblie Lunais. 'r.u. if . tt.vi. X Sunday Pcblie Lideii. Aav Philadelphia Stocks i". u i ?4 l!i Vt 1?i 1 Net IIlKh Lew Cl0f chK. 7. Mil Tnsur :. Sii., WLj Vi KltAin ran.. ."0e r,03v .ri01 l.ill Am Sirs . lill. l'Jl'j 1121L. ' hi niin .i pref ... SO'i M iiii ruriiiic n i's 1 l.-i i:iee Ster. -H", SOU. 1.i II'. Wt M, H0r.cn Asph. 0(K' V.'". U7,U.i:, V.-, Ac nref..lOIMf. 1021". Hil4- 1' 4 ' I COTTON MARKET New inrli, .Inlj- s. (.'ntten :i. insliei this ineiiiinjj niij fairly tiriive mi Mippert from I.lvei'imel nnd (inner Inri'iun riliuiiB' fellow inij j,sti,nla's follnpie. Kirst pilres vmti' tin H te 1- en tlie I.tviTpoel ciilili'S points, fnllevviMl ji.v meilerate riTcsslen". hi te M lower mid en, 'H'" d'"ri Mile vvhs uvelilrd by iimny 1 nuill'f In hN.i il Um. .i imciitthul leperti thieiiKli local .Apertrrs that tt(Mtllr ,,, tll(. Senlbwest tomorrow, liirman liujers vvui' theniusbly ile- anil niimereus bell weevil ri'Miit. mornll7.et bv tli" break in mark-, ami Seullicrn wire Iieiim-n miIiI mi the bulKii vre trjin,; tn ni'U previous pnrcbacs Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET CliiraKO, . 1 1 1 1 r Wbi'nt pricnii li 'lnipil .r te IS1' nt 'be outset uwWr bi'ivy H'llltii! wlili'b were deducted l "iT.oi.e 3S.12s.oen Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Offlrlal r"rtiieunt rvi ai th tiM-ihn Kd. erl Rcstrvn li.inK.i ri- as feliuuB Trtas. I. b rem I Iflirn cits. Iicinils I'apir Acinpt. 1 if L'rnln. Tbere was mere or les eevennx en fenrs uf an nvernbl iniirKi't, but mIIh-.s wire feeble, ns einp ac mint- limn the sprmi; vvbeiit Siiiti-1 weie biislily favm-able. Cem started n neb a need te tr lower "' Tiosten lNsw Verk . . . t Philadelphia .. Cleveland 'Jtlchtnend .... ; Atlanta .. .. schlcaen !Rt. Leuis ltlnneapeMH . f Kansas City . I Dallas ban Francisce 4. I ! 4 4', r. n 4 I 4 4' 4', 4Hi i't 4, 4', 4 4 I'j l'v t-. ?: r, r. 4 4 4S y 4 i. 4 ' B 4 nnd mleil weak with win at ami nti re- ports of German r lluu ainl an ab- eiiii' nf new expert ileinanil, Oats felluwed tin ether innrketK nri'l llleelilled il,e In 'ji Previsions were very weak en the fniclgn lineneial xituntien whir It mure t him (iffei an inlviuirn nf Tie fur live ' ilOU's. V. hi ' ' Oren 1 1 A I i.'l'i i..1 ms i US r,,i-, It nni, (;rji, ii'S ir. U Hji, i,',s .mil thei liiK up. Previous r.iis, Opn lulv 2J nt L'2 us ii't j.' i,s L". 7.'. N' .V . .'' "r" .'.' II I tin- S" 111 "2 '.! Jim i"J 11 L'J ." L.'S ill' .'.' 1.' SI. 7".i .'I :. " hiiM j-. 7-,, mtn.il wa.s meijeruti. wi.-ek''nil even- MARKS DROP TO .18V2 French and Belgian Francs Touch Year's Lew Sterling Eases New Yerli. July 8. Tin- fun-Inn ex ' liiinge market rleseil irreRiil.ir tmlny, wltli Treni'li nnd IlelKian francs, and rerman marks at new lows f,,r tJie ear There was a particularly t-hatp decline in I'l-cnc-li nnd Hclginn exilmnce liriclpltati'd by tin- Impending irisis in ."KlfCeii MtM. 14' 1115 l.eh Nev.. 7-lOs TifltM Sin Oil KlH .-(It.Me l'ac... "'J's K)tX Y Cent0 .v. Hud., nif's lOtl'iin-AlVt 71 100!) renim K It 44- LM!7 I'entmTrnf 2 SL! riilln Ins Wire... 35T's 20 1'hiln Ce cum pf.. as2 lf)0 riiilti Klec 20 1S!() de pref.. 'M'U 1 .-, I'll ila U.T :t:is 'S lMiiliifTrnn 00 .-ie;sini'iaTr.. :w 40tStuilebkr.132ni lOt'IiansOlt. l.-.Kj ITjO CniQiiTrac 40, 175 I.' (fl.... 52 ,'!.-2 de pref.. 51 .'OOtl'tali fop. 1140A 200tWet.t Trie. 20', 420tde pref.. (inr-K 100 War I & S 0'j 15 W ,Ier iS. S lid I 1 iiVs 71', 13a, !)4s 71 41 14' ii 7P4- s 13-". . . nis-i-s 71 1 44'4 i: 2 - Ji 35Ti, 35Th ) 3SU. 20',, :ie .".:. is oe 33 131';. i:.'s 40 52 51 1111s, ant 00-", O'e 3S1U i.', 2!l"- s , 30 ifc i 33'.1. 14 00 U, 33 - ; , 131 1,-2', i5ii m I 40 .. r,2 u. 51 .. "! 010'j,- n 1 201,, i'j 1 i;e"', ; 30 ".. 100.311 100.50 . .100.40! . 07" , . 103 !')' Tutnl sales. 4!(s shin. m:npirtd with !iiS4 sliarea yesterday. Thus far this wreli, SS !Ki7 trui en. tNet chanse made hv comparison with last salr en New Tork Stock Kxchanit IHILADlCII'lllA WINDS 2000 Liberty 3d 4',,s '2S. .. .100,1 1 1000 Liberty 4tb 4,s '3S. 1200 Victory 4:!4r '23 1000 Victory 4is '23 3000 Blet! cc I'cep 'l'r 4s.. 1000 l.eblKh Vel (is 1128... JOOO I.plilali Vel Ceal 5.. lOOI'blla I'.lec 1st Tn & Hi) 1000 l'liiln Klee 5'js 100 j 4000 l'hila Klec 0s 103-74 i Tnlal 1 il MHO, cnnipired ilih tl'J S.'iO I cterda 1'Iiuh tar thla week, J300.IOO. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chll-.il.-n, July k - t'ATTl.i: Ileielpls Mm head rumpareil with vitik nne Twenty-1 Owl te 3&e lilKlivr, htrlctly cholce and rlmi uihnncliii: l.nsi tpets en lower nr,uin up mere, rut isiwh unu n iiirb muftis STic hlcher: lower cra'iea PtrcniL- te l.'r un. ii-th a nd vUtn-rH aimiit mi udy ImlU most Mr lilKhT. vliiI csivfu 1 .it iiinher: stock' And feed. is piucteulh the hiuny. vetk h WEST END TRUST COMPANY Bread Street and Seuth Penn Square t 1 CONDITION OF BUSINESS JUNE 30, 1922 RESOURCES Real Estate . Investments Time Leans . Demand Leans 7,945,01 5.23 v-asn ana Keserve t 2,056,888.21 '' $1,000,000.00 4,898,816.66 456,203.42 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Deposits t ttf. $16,356,923.52 $2,000,000.00 1,800,000.00 211,300.05 12,345,623.47 J. Willison Smith, President $16,356,923.52 Charles E. Welbert, Treasurer M.iv .Si.l i,in.r T I... ....... , . . i. .. ,. ten en l.er sti'cm till .10 vcek a buk lip,.r ,VrUV.,l ". I ,11. V",r '"ru(-a'.v su-rs $ST.'.yu0. l-ef CJws nnd li-lfers Huh l .nr rimn aiii'cteit and fterlui!; euscd oil about ' I ts '.'StlT no. imincra ami cullers. $J 903 7.'i, !J li'i JL :i.'i 1)'.' is nf a cent. The nut decline in I iris!""' cuIvih JS miltu ::., desirable bluckers :: t-'J L'J I'" 'J'-' I. if ( 111 .i liniinii en the dnv vvns 1"1 ,,,i..i and feeders, Ifilf" Uili Jjue SJlia ii i i ii ,""ris ',- 'J P'illts. neiiS lleieipts. r.'nn head fitreni? te :.' .'.7 ". in jj.a.irtL's "" llelKlum 11 points, and en lit,. 7 ' in, hi.ih.. .. ll um.l.s nputs up mnrn. :: is ji.Ti; HI liT lieinls. The Wlielu hltlintlen Is siieru- .Tep, $11; built Bend bun hers, $10,B0t(ll, JJ 1 .1 1:1 nil Jl l 1 I I, A !.,...! .n . I... , ... . I . . , . . .1, . dull r Ijlimi at,, iiil'h .1 uiil' in I'.'u tilkliB i i, ..i ii, t m -. . i.iii.i-, ii.im-ii iiiitui nn- iiiiuneii mi it ipii ".....,. ,. . .'....: ....." " ,:t ;' . ....... iiiiistij- j.i.tn, ii,, iiauniiiu . wh iiiiiNiiv an.... can-, Sss stly SS ki-m . ! I 5 Mutual Oil Resumes Dividends Denve, July F Thi. Mutual Oil Oempam )i?s diclared a nuirtnlj iliiplend of l"i, cfnta a share. p-ijabM S( utsmber l.'i te sleck nf lecnid M nirmb i 1 "Ihin 14 ih tlrsi slnce Ocieb, r IIUI when lh cnniininv jlissed Its In per nnt v.irh dl.idmil M t rectors ef lh ininfun buf eie.l 10 In j ctesse the upltal tl. 1, fmni r rme uin, 1 te ISO, OHO. (IUU, sijbjeit in apprev.il of the f rtoekheldeis, nnd in enlarce ih Heard of Jlrecters frum seven le alas members. . 1 ern I .lulv 1 Keptember IDei-.'mber Whiat Ju.y I tsepfnitn-r 1 Iitirember 1 Ian 1 July , SflptpmbT lift, nmbT Rye Sepleinb' r Ilir.s Stpli'n'br l.rd July Scptdiuber 1 I3S I I3S ti 1 z, 1 i 1 l.'i. "1 1 ll. I 1 .1 Yi 1 ir.i : 1 1m 31'. 'IMl, IS a:.', a', IP. ft M RSi, 11": 11 bT 11 07 10 fl .11,21 11. Ji 1 12'. 1 1.". 1 U 3s 1 in' K.1 10 'IT DIVIDENDS DECLARED Sa.t Creek Producers' Asseclatlnn, iuar iuar teny of tlilrly tents pauble Aiisust I te mie k ijf rri erd Julv 1.'. ' I n'en fill I'ernpmy of I'.ii.femn. extra of II iin rmuriT.. t fj buh payable July 1!1 te oleck of reienl lull 10 Ai Iv 1 l,,,.inT.i 1 1 rnp4iiv iimitrly 1 rir em en " mrnun im .ibl,. Autust IS 10 Mink of re, erd .lulv J I BANK CLEARINGS flan- rlnnnen le'lai 1 impr-il with cor responding day lanl two enr 1IC.' 1lil lfun Phlla J".'.' nun u(hi tc,.', 3113. 70'J M 11,11 OUT nosien ;,ii.eij,i 000 in 1 N" Verk KIT r,H1 fill 1 ' I'hleiKe S9 3011 fl Hi un Idcnls. Sterliuu cables were Lll'V dcinnnd I H's; franc cables 7.80, checKs 7.711; Ilelulan rnlilrs 7.41, checks 7. lit ; Kvvlss ruble., !i.l,"i, checks lil.TJ 1 peseta fablcH i.'l'i. rbechs i,,tiiif!; peseta iiiblcs 1 , I'liecKs 1.1..111: jipiimnrl; L'l.CO, rlierks lil ..ri ; Norway If!.!,'., checkh Irt.'iO; Swedish -'." r.. 1 berks 'jri.SO; cuililer .'Is si . 1 hecks :iS.S.'l : marks .18''.,. The rale nf premium 111 Montreal to te day nn New Yerk funds was 11', pee ((in. 1 lie nite el discount in New 1 'K 11 411 hc.iviiKhi tin r.uti 1M tin, iniilluni, s yii'.in'ii 1 1 iimiu , in 110 v u , iiKnt iiKhis, sss in ld'ri I'l.l'O lucklnB ses, kmecith. Js mil 'Till .' paikliiK sews ruuifh, lS50t0, Kill-I s I.... r,,L,t U II'WIII 1'. I W Mlinni' -Ite'c'elpts, 7li0(l held. .Mesllv d'-I s reft, mark' 1 n idv 1' mpare I ib week 5 iiiies nu,, 1 t iambs heavy and medium vvelshts. $ rallies ' fully .'iiitiT.'n hUh,-i . apnts tl up. IlKht , rabies 1 "he"''' ''rllnj;s nnd fe. rl, ri mesily a.-.c 5 i hlBher, week 1 top ft liimbx 1 1: fat ewe, t.licsj7 , vi, week's bulk fat lambs. IIIHj I3.7S, I S rilbk'.s ewes. !,'. .',117 BAR SILVER I'ltthblirirh, I'u,, Ju ; R Ur'(13- -lb re ipt., Iddii Hiener Menv ! 1 1 !ifl I 1 1 (10 hiay jeikets hKlit de and plus, $!'."& Verk today nn Canadian funds was ,tr"iv' ' 'wkV'W. it bi:m 't',', w- j CAI.V1..S IteiLipis. 1U0 HlBher. Tep, fatei llnu Tran s III' 7 'H i, I IS". 7 H."i 7" 7-.ii 00.7111.1110 1 li'l'l per rent, TODA V S QrOTATIfi.NS I etmil'l C.ibles li ir' sm 1 Nia' Verk today m fnrelim 71 W un S e i,( tendon, ilWJ Afe 7411 li'.ii e hJKlKr, at 00 'id. im I iiru d j., cer nns ounce, tr.e 1 pen-ind Cables , l.ne rimMer 1 Hi'j 3s sn 17 3s s.i i iw'(J 1,1'UT' nn- tUnrlliiK Kr.incs l.lie Ciul .lers .. I 144 7,ht I.IJ ,",s s.i 1.4 14 i.Sl'.. i.i-'.? 3b, bt, rATTI.n rttielnis CHlVTH, lemlpi,, ,-, j I'itst lliifTiiln, Jul- s inn b 1,1 siuiiin t.iud M'iiiI ll,7 1l liu'l.-' It, in-- inue h Mil. Slums en llni.t be.! infiL'f.e hlRher heav Ill.'JSw, 11 Ml mixed jUl.lir.lMt.r-.'i. Mirksri. light jin krn 11 n.l ii. JU. SJ, roughs, tUQB,5: ttaus, lOiii). I I si Guaranteed 6 Mortgages Owing te the present great de mand for mortgage money we are able te offer many of our mortgages and mortgage bends guaranteed at 6. At this rate, these securities pre sent the most attractive investment in the market today as they com bine First: Absolute safety of both principal and income. Second-. The highest interest return commensur ate with safety. Third: This com pany's guarantee. Philadelphia Company for SS'X Mortgages t ,. . "' mrf Treat. Land Title Rniiriin nu..., , . . "si iiiitigeipnia TA Oldest Mortgage Guareni.. r ge uuarante. Company in Philadelphie J im j.y My M Spmc 8,00 United States Government Securities SECURITIES DRPAItTMRNT COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal RescrTe Hybtein City HaU Square West C. S. PATTON & "CO. ID CIIKKTVI'T STB. BANKERS or tn flATT.trn Bends nnd stocks bought nnd ! - siemner. i'Hii. Htech Kxehsnse. neoeaaen 1 HTKTKNSOrt MKl.t liu.t infiLT.e hlnher heav lll,'J,'iW. i SSI I 11. Ml mixed sll.ll.'.in 1 l.e.'i. Mirksra. Ilshi Mi 7m''"' ' 'I .' I.1.'1.1'.'. ''"''J'iiiii.iiiii I..,.. ' '" asassMsNfeaiasKhfitavsattifi&SbB Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS , KJ.10 IIKAI. KhT.XTi: TBfST HM)0. Invektiitativ nnd adjust inrpoiallen nartnershlp accounts and prepare Incemi Tav n.iii,.. sdSwSaBasHa, 1 ""tt ' ' ''airTaMMsisisasalsasasaM ' ' j .w"stwsfc fa? Simm k-iL .i.K.-'j.'.tel il.'nX. $: Uv