P li A m ,-B.y u m iijf sV e R9rWlf .'.WWHftl Wr,trMl$lhYWM w4 "7 PV'"MJ ' V f fitim fMV MBfMilVI.V.XIA ilIU HUAX 3f & 18-ACRE COUNTRY St AT 'i4,Wctnt te swnrthmerei inrge stone, house, L,yna.a uatns, etc.; garage: cettage: nun U h M shade; rurnl. yet nenr aintleni few mure Hive leiii rnunirj- i iick H-i'invi i tit,n, PETERS A H X. f.OII CHESTNUT ST. rrivrrtlsrmrnfs In .mall Ivnif In eelanins. JIAItVI.AMj FARMS , "SPORTSMEN; 'ATTENTION EASTERN SHORE FARM' Mils front On nnvLrnblr title stream nnd mmandln.r tO-mlle water v.'ew; nr mnrsh i land, 189 aero-. 40 In timber, . In fruit; thote. KTEH3 & BOX II0S CHESTNUT. PHILA. y SEAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Office and Display Reems 24th & Walnut Sts. 18.00(1 rn. ft en Klrnt Tloer lirldge level nt llllle. & Ohie Stn. Perfect Light Lew Rental Reynold H. Greenbcrg Meimis huii.ding 1421 CHESTNUT STREET HnslnrM I'reyrrtlei. nnd (-Inreii w wnumu mi i uii!iiii!iii!lnii!ii:'.'Mi!lii5i;ai!iMii!i in itf FIRST FLOOR & BASEMENT Light en Tliree Sides Light Furnished Outside Entrance te Baccmcnt NO. 2 S. MOLE ST. Between 15th and 16th Sts. FIUHT UOOU lllH.OW JIAIVKUT iimnnnai:itmnnt'iiiiw:in-,rii':Tniim.xTmi'niii;i;nint.nii:ri;iiiii'iii inwi nt Fnfterlen. Wiiri-heiie. Manufacturing Fleer !llli:i!IIIW!I!liIIIII!il!!!l!ili:i!i;:ililill!!!:!iTil1lll!!lll!J'i:i'Ii,!!!l!i!!!!i!! IX thi: H Building 22d and Arch Sts. H I Sl. s mm DKffllSSSSl i I A Limited Amount I of Fleer Space Reasonable Terms Light, Airy Space Best Facilities Fer full information apply THE BELBER TRUNK & BAG CO. 9 q iiiiiiii.iMiiiiia'Eiiiiiuciwa'jiiiHi'iMiiiiiiiiiinii 1813-15 CALLOWHILL Modern 1-story building (3-story front l story rear). .. i 8200 sq. ft. en ground fleo-; ipjium,. for garase. serv re station or i.n. ,vr.... '." t'S'CE. I.'WlilH HI iJMfeJss. IiJ,"i: I M.H.MATSINGER'r,;, f'e Alse see ndtrrtUrinenls In sm.ill tv- In life following feliininH. OKFICKS, IUSINKSS ItODMS. KTC. RENT 1 Offices & Office Floers NEW FLINT BLDG. 225 N. BROAD ST. Apply HEYMANN & BR0. WIDEXKU BLDG. 5 'I IUll.7 IWssaBBIli iiiaiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiuiii'iiiiiiiiiiiMiiiMw r, Hi i ii ii nii VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street Made New Frem Cellar te Reef Several desirable efflrea for tent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 15TII AND CHESTNUT STS HEED BUILDING 1211-1213-1215 Filbert St OUTSIDE ROOMS At very reasonable rates. SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street j JIT-A HEAT, OrK)p fii.-PH'n HCILDINri fJ!.,wlng'ece?,Mu'n,,'!"mrn,,' ,n Mn,," ' REAI. ESTATE FOR SALE CITY "f? TJin3J. W- UyMllKRLAND bT l.nt SJ CleDth! 0 2-stnrv hnii.ii. l,.l..i .. ...'.. .V. P n,."h' i ,1H,,, whlihwlll uy a gJcd reiurn fi, SSJSS.. .nvt"'ren.L' '" ren-rt.y Is offered ? . U.reA'! ","', neighborhood wffire .? nrsses, servlei stat ens, etc., are nltvats ,-! demnnd end where ground f ieV.r?iw'i LiaMgyE&YVils'i;3,s!nu';0 If'SL'Si -('t'i fc Teplui l8! t,ll"' st. slWf WW"0" '. Jul, i M, Lh nh rv 1540 N Mnt!JlS.,,t: ill.'l X. 1 lii h ,t. 11100 X. Cania" ,t. 13llbleik V link .. I JV I'fllivinf mt vmmVt Aonmpaen t, 5 .1 14fld blnrlc V liui..u. f j-"- --- - "i,swuic;( !. --... ...utiuiutK p.'. 17lh rt .f H. J. FASY, 1 8th & TTiemnunn y fin tu . ....... ..' . - l.luubleik N. 17th rt! ., 3414 AM.r ., 1 1 -.it. k l?J5Mr"'VOOd 2IHKI $ si.8 Arlington.. 27(I0 rHV-f: ,iUh st,$o.r.ea 3121 inrk id., s.aiiii Xm& iinSViiSSB 1H17 V. 1Mh n IJ ,!..,. ;;'nii, iuui si. .i.-ui) 31117 . 12th st,J2,300 HUGH F. QUINN t4i, In til I'M .ITMIII t A1M1 ?kELZJ'l 1 l-'jijc ruin cS lUIVU M'lV tin -'r. ! h.., ,;..., M (...".i.""' K"W' "4,iu '.:ar hi i u t IA'Ji'0. VW J"'.. """ "d finance '( , jr.. . v.vsuirsy, ksniuen, f, J, & (7 7f fi d J , REAL ESTATE "OR SALE ... JilTV 5 looms, bath 2211 ,N. Hidcnhnm.. . . $3000 II loons, bnlh 2.11.1 N. Colerado. ... -I-'OO n r.. torch, A-l c n. 2102 W. Terente 4"0. rooms, bntn 21)37 N, MefiE-iH ,. .. 3200 MEIXNER, 3100 N. 22d St. .".4.1? ARMOR ST. MOO ens ii rw j coming il.rM's., Inelurt'MT pniment en mertg., '12 Pr meniri! will rem for ,32; owing nn inn I'lnn ou save 112 pneh. month raying off mtes. Hurry Hehnlthnr. 1102.1 Mestrr st. TWO .1-roeni houses, rented 113 en;b: price ciiinu enrn: terms in sti it i ne mttini- in Veitlnents. NEW JKHHKY linAl.TY ANI1 I FINANCE CORP., 21 llrendway, Camden, (11(1.1.! WILT ST. Six rooms, bath, shed! Immediate possession; Imrsaln. .Mnllen, (Ir.tliam It Ce., llMI'l (Itti, inn. Cel. 4.171), 30.13 X. JUDSOX ST Meal home 111 con cen con rnlent noltlibcrhneil: line cemllt en! rcu rnrnlilg. II, H. Smith. Mm XV, Urlf nve. . i;:i:i.l W Ul'NTIXODON ST.1.' rly. ir lei iitw Snnililhi-lfpf. '.'I'J7 X, M., '7th. 3H." .N'. 2.1TH ST (I rm:, bnlh. perch, (op, i nr. AVhnrtlnliv. -'i-'.s V. lhlgh n Aln Hte ndtrrtlrmi'nls In Innc tjtip In priff'llng rnlntnnw. XnrlerlK. Werflijiif. Mimuf.iriiirlnr yioem I.'IVIJ fariury or wntiiheum tirepnrtlw. - lii.OilO'iKM'Od i ft i a-inl-ci ntr.it ln-a(leni lnincllate vlclnltv nil r.illreids. electi icily: ilevnlern- ilettt hit, modern construction' InmvMlInt" rniilen .fi'.ve.V Willi. f)nr. 1111 N 2d XKAH Id nnd Ner-ln 24 000 m7 ft. en S Henr nnd baemcnl. uteam belt nnd lr. Its, .1, C 1'irl . Ce., 1 10 N lilwt Sir sstllt .Ue irr itihrrtlMCinrnts In large tMie'ln prfrrdlnr rnlnm iih finnce-i QAItACi: Vvrrete: enp story, rtene, fi0car cepicltyi a pelnc proportion tint Iniltrs lnur Insree. lien. AI.IICUT 1IAI.L, Land Tltle llldg. MlllCf .4111. lerci nnd Dwilllngs Ct.lt.f rMM Hnn. ..n.1 ..n.l. .... --. H tlenerv, rlirara and llaht lunch: Knsten B rd below Welih. fall Willow Prove 3S. wist riiii.Mir.u'inv TWO-.T3'IY I trd ril S.ienpi heun, I I.,! renmr: clerlrlr newlv piperd ind nalni...! laundry fJlw, Dutch hull etc., A-l rendl tlen Ien let iny,-., rrcnt perch: line neighbor- nt'traln end trelley: ha up: free lltlc'lniur lltlc'lniur lltlc'lniur oed, nr.re li nutrk buyer jridiMi, Immrnllatc I nnc , eisy piments: send for booklets nnd tns-ten. I nle bap anethe which Is ineutrn, mho .1 iMiiioems, ier j.ii'oe ir u are loe'il.i.r for n, rejenabl. modern home 1'en't fnll t" tool, th.se ecr KIIWAIII) WASSi:ilMAN. 1111 H (lid. Woodland llfjl nr Wemllnl.il Wi:.-.' XV. 5112 Wll.I.OWS AVK. Twe' story, bneli. heated Incleseil percn iinrngp; liet.ntcr h it. electric llsht. tiled h.ith, built-in ihnwer bath: leek "t this befere you buy. I'AUl. 11. STU1.1,, JIertlsWdH-. Spruse lfll'l Sir.' Wll.I.OWS AVI. Twe M.irv brick' heited tnc'tmd lnnh. gnrngi. hni.nninH , . -. .. .1 .1.. . . . . . : .."' ii.Mii. ri'i inn iimik 1 i '11 mint 1... lit. In 1 .!,.. I. .11,. I...... ... .1.1 "I..,.."'' """." ii ii ii iSliii i r..V'' nu " ' PAI I. II S1t'Ll..lerrls llldg Srrurn 1021 ijiai iiil.u ttai-i.i; wne want it real ceiv huiw with BitrnKO had better leek nt 5054 Uldgewed t . In the Sheiwoed Keel Ien before buying elsev here. Phene Woodland U.-40 II u.Aili: AVK Sn en im'i. In, i.i. .J perch thin eughly modern. Cobbs Creek It iul.. ml. eiK'illlee in liime lniMT flnin.-.il 5713-111. Ssn-21 Warrington ae.. new mud." fill Pnrin'i M.iltnlnv IHilnnnil S7"e mill ST SCCTION. 0300 OCe'w slual" u.r.n.. hm,.. In, II. . .,. .,. . . e.,,,. ...,un, i,,fc ... ii, ufi i, r,ain r.l 141!, will 111'. AVI: six r.Mm-1 andTiTn, Kiici.cn, laundry in Inst mint: excellent 10 , eltlnn: rsp,ipnn Phenn Walnut ltl-l I'INR 3 st ter. Overt 'oek i"nj thrnu-h. out, Inrg.- Id room fji rar.u r,ip u., ,.:.,i ...- .R . ,ia ,,i,ii ,..,.;...... r .-..., tllr.ml a.-. '"-' 1 ' .-b- 1 Vt t:NKFIi:i.D'h ptrknnv i . .M5. a eiiuii .,,1- .. iwiiii-i anti nuui. Marac ...... ....Hit.. Kii'u.-iii, n-nt Jnu Lets r. I I R ippKIp 725 S 32d st I-OSSESMi N 3027 Arpen. b'sriw7vTn-WeTt ,'IAILH i;2 Linrasler me, n.l.t lllll. M.Vlt I'RRltACi: Mmlirn: Incli.scil north, rijne 1 1. Cunnlnsnnn . e?5i ' h, tier nte nle-i Imliiv K'2e 1 .no ) iiAvnitreiti) avk; rTu-Z renmt- larrrel 2--.lv. beusp n w Phlla -iiiht I nrlrmln llrffmnn 3!I27 'eir-ini C.ntKMDi; . n.vr hit..,) hnme. Ini.'st l7j. siPnement: 118,000. nu brokers, htadlin. .VTAimTfiNT proper! ps. W Phlli.. miTe I citih rei , h'g r-i llelnlnnt. 1,124 Chest .t.'j l;i.imi,Nci-j ai: -.,u 1. iiioein ! Cunnnilimi .1707 Ch.si. r uv. ve, l.enKINO f..r bem- of est Ch. ster pike, nr Walter A. SkClatchy I 1VAYM2 70th niidSli rltet. Open Pidnv. """ciiy. 'l.-,' . mTm'iTTi -?n 777.7 : : ; VRItY lhab'.e hotiye, with met nttractlve iirie uuini. well iTr'.'ir.V Vn,ni",''r?heme' ln"'p '" M ,rte!'' ,u chnmbcrs. bath, 1 ., ii.emi wen , cneii. v Hi Kacrlllcc for liable- S17 500 immeillnle en'e putt-pus nn at nn e t t. i-A.v.i.iit-. . . n J, CMC i,s.i ind Wniiiliiinj nxe J M 1 HOM.1 ILL!) Uiene, Penn.i. ntesiment Prue innuii HOFFM V. .1!IJ7 lllrnr.l Sl.'l MAItLYN III). Modern lncTL"perch" jtarqi.. til) ,-fm II(ll.AX.viS7r:;nr'l' Alse sre mlirrtlsiuiriits In large ljpe"ln preeeillng eeli-niiiH ' ' (iElt.MANTOUX A IIAItOAIN for a neinn iiiin. ...,ir.t.i.. T. riem'' " b'!,hH modern corns.; gee tn- ,; ?nJ',rrMl 'unv cl, ""'" P"eslen l"JjjLj'lJwMjrtijiiit Call Oln 1021 .1 I.OOAN sreiti: mil rellls 82711 3 ,'tnt.. Itlvli .n i. i... . rents i27iiu. . Ite J1-..HUO. miss, jn 600' Minjpp IiN'j. 1 -nt rinna iiiiu OI.SRl $5750 Rist side 2d si . below Fisher ite up Io dine homes hnrttunnd floors lnitndry deen . lets with gar.igu rights, the btst birgaln in S lllis lOCIlllt I J CHAR l.r." YCXDT Ilulldrr ' NEW Rustnnib st Ii in's bi-t ri and 31 sts . I Llk nil 111 "f Reisevelt llltd , 0 l ind bjth. h -w beat Iniltiseil perch p ts t.rms STAIII. .U'l'i X !lil at Ute -,72s 1 fUKIAXi: ) -tl.XI) for our l.u nt ub prnis.-Ues. Iannnn fi Itlllt. no in Ymli id 1 1 iic Line Ui'is FHAMvI'llIlD i HUNOALOWS with garage: 7 litest Improvements D UI'J I'EKN IttluK rms Orst Or J '"?.. nrst nr , nd. 0.122 I-RIIN HOCK Twin. 7-rm dwg.; J.T,00 opportunity. Lannen &. Ite!II, ue3D Yerk TIO(l 1443 XV, VENANOO Three story, le rms 2 baths, elec. large let, e,xc. condition, a leal opportunity In best location. FRANK LIN II SP1TZER t.ClJW)vn,mKe l'i:XXsYH.M sl'lii'KIIAN J CUT .tl'eNE Hiihurbiu m unee' le nied en Helhlebem plk nt.vr Chestnut Hill, le 4 cars let Hxil'iO llrm rlims condition, will s.i'illltn inr IK), lien Iimh hm ailuil pest of construction will OnunLP lu Milt purchaser LarntHi llerrt 1U.'7 IIi-.il Lstute 'Irusi Uldg' Walnut 17SU luuiii-., iniui, nu iiiiih ,-iih'iiis, guiae fill l-m 11 t. I' -.l-l-l HIV -ri.r. TTT T r ii.uii ? i ii. t ihi.s inree and four bed- room homes. J500 le J1500 cash, seme are twins, mine urn simile Urn from L bin- r.iscrv?rl!irl.',CLIrY. ?&i ' Rml Market wtn Opt n today. i l,rilItIOMiVAI Ll'Y pa ' &Sr l',0,.f7tnT',r';nei,1bleau,H,u'l PerkterTn Illl.r Iren" Z-UTIu Inkln11.'!1 bathing and rowing Ucnlllei enlj Reuben sch.nkH W 1h MOVE IN AT ONCE 2 acres. 13-renm alone house, het-wnter heat i and eiher cenvs Inrge garage, shade und I fruit in itbundinte aL Langhnrnn PEI'EltS & HON (.IIS CHES'INL'T ST PHILA TWO NEW houses, del.-chid .ill modern tun Ne 51 HunIIiuk id, Xnrth Sprliu 'K lil btatluii sti.ne und slngU-. tln.uue, also 'i-rnnm beunn, nil coin l.l'.en Call Lhai.ir 11 llljtht' builder und uwn r. It l.lU j I'm l. Il'i-X LALA All-stone iletnihed beuse, slate reef 2-car gsiiigp WAL'I EH H SU'IHEIf LAND l.ul.t-i'jnwsd I'jnwjd 212 CYNWYD htnne and plaster Colonial thambers 3 baths will build 4ur.ig. Waller H '-utbeilii id Iliia-Ctntijil Cjn.21. IM. pens, 5-rm stune Cnl farmhse Inrl shed, small bn .1 i..ir Iui Aniln i Uii l, rote, j.ii'j'i. tteiiej ,mu i ii ,vi ipie tllen.l'a HAlthY' i llARItY. 4 I ' rrKI7: ir.".1 " I cnmenlenlly small: a pes.a card or a ',,he le .- .. ,, "n : - ; - Icill will bring ou full particulars, SAJIURL f,.pT;Jpni Vrnt-iifN-1"! -i""'7: room I'tiSSNER 1308 Celllngs re.i.1. 1-Ulr0w -jULf"''"'e. HOI. K1UX. J7jiRiur,t. Camden. X. J. Camden 3105 J.' Open Sun-l-'.tl N. 1,01113 t peieh, excellent fend- 'daM and evenings. THE POO DADS Nicholas Had ie Fellow Instructions S. 0 "AND IF VOO DO A -r--wv-v L " n 1 e, i 1 Veen .inn at erttu-riiM- 1 f .i .. jB&& . . . v3eiv v ir-.r."" 1:. .-"" ii" 1 - .. . . vaiK lCnNT yss r - -- a.v .Y,GlST5rt V, T trtNUt,l'Ul.riVt 1 . .V "W i nA.Vrt7.V.' V f7,YSii? I Mi. .1 Tl. T AXESC ;CSayi Xi-ft eP.Pi:V,ft- J AlrvJhrv,v.V & FENCE ONLESa) m JfOUQv, DICTiOrisTi - ipk:i (VS e v --ueTlu v i -ggssv rurT mssm mmK n n tWki VtS! Iih vwwgh about iti) SiE X2!Z5 -ran TRSI II vceats. YawantaoeoV HSTW .Bzjm as H ri bmrm..m.. .mmjmuk & mmruM&wryym ?mm "iiini ki 4vaJ-w ;iju '. . iwvv ,.(ssPa tfnyv-J"- "-- s Lea .k... w. a,ivjjitL, -"-, t .n,. b, ' ir-' i ws -. - l ' - - - e - yi' r 1. ----'n e,. - rrr - .JJJMrs!j s II --...-. i v -' I I1PI r I I .1. i. . I .,, n tykcf. ?(. 'jj'. ) x EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AtiiiMiif.rt hiKOO SINGLE, n rooms. tll bath i. tnn nrpnlnpnf Ir.t .nrll'V WALTER A. Me CLATCHY. 7eth nnd Market 2004, Cull today. Lansaewne CHKLTKNIUM LOOK this opportunity ever Twe stories iiimi nine npincnrtl menc" unii irnnin wim Inr. modern con."s let Kliuinii fru't trees, Krnpes: btrnj reduced for quick snle. KllAXKMX If. SI'lTZr.It & CO.. 1500 Vennnge. Tlemi 4IIR4. 1'OI.I.IXODALB SPi:ciAI summer ertrlnmi new home-) built bv Cclllsn nnd Itnmbe, Ileechwoe.l and Ti'nreln; 7 roemsi Inrlevd perch! brick: hot het witer h.it: eHclrlci hudwoed fleer nit: room for Bnrarrp nnd driveways xvenderfuli a!uc: JOOQOt will nSKltt nu te ilnjneci phen.. for Inunctien tour of thee wonderful homes. II, lllelr Coekn Ce, Parker nnd Sharen nve. Colllndnle. l'henn Sharen lllll 1. and (lOth and Mirkt, lud Theatre Ulilg. I'lirn" I.nnileni. L'OSl, CUI.l.I.VdDAI.i; . Nine-room corner house, Jut tlnlshed! (rnrnnei possession. Apply en premise. 31.-, rolllnsdale nve., or HICK- MAX. O.'l) milliard nve. . nnnxKr, ihli. DREXEL MILL HOMES WAI.TKR C. UUDUIXn n 3 I7lh st. Hiirnce gS37 QMiVMinw Ill.'Atn'irUI. med buiiR., hrcn lltlnir rm flrepl'ite, I ledrms., medbnth , h.-w. ht., Ill one: also li'ing.. large cer. let. hdwd. (Irs., h -w bt , Jii.'O) Can be aeen any dny bv ap'. te Wm T, II Hebert ft Sen, (lien- uie linen eiery nny IJUAI'Tir'in. cer, prep : 111 rim... ij-slnne hni.se. let 100 ft. front. SlQ.AOOi nlse single in.rm hei'e en Iteberts no, let 00x -w. ji.iimi. wm. t. itni ens . Hen, uieiisiuc, I'a ipen evrry dny. IIIfllll.AMI I'AKU J!OI)i;it. ilnir.. Ilv. rni , din. rm kitrh 4 U-drms., tile bath: let 50x130; prlce Jtd - 7.10 O. 1.. llnrnes, 1201 Chestnut. Wnl, 408,1. MOIillKN dwelling. 0 rooms nnd bnthF let .1012.1i price $11500 Cine. I.. llAUNKS, I2(H Chestnut street. Walnut 40S5. IHIUSIIAH lir.HlllT.S Iliilldlng lets Ilil'.SHA.M IIIMIIUTS (nenr Willow Or(U), pitni or mnurrn ouniriiews. uinmend 1800. FERGUSON, Frent and Yerk IKNKIXTOWX (5500 ALL brick, 0 rm . :,'l lmpreements: 2 squires te stntlen. Tnnlc. Jenklntertn, I,ANS1I(IWXF. I.ANSDOWXK Three-story brick, 0 roems: g-iLe. .700fi: deluihed 2U-sterv dwelling, 4 Ixdrenms. h.-w hent, let 00x140: 18000. New Celnnlnl iHvell'ng. modern In everv m ........ . I.A.lHnn..,.. I,. T-.v!',-. ... n.W -. , e"-; " """"""I.'"' .... iran uuui si. liellev nniv xii.mm CLAYTON HHALTY CO 31 S T.nn.rtm,. ae.. I.antilowne. 1M. I.insilowne 1U71. Open ted iv. mi: n I a NIIW Colonial brick, 1 acre, old shade. CIIA.MIIUIIS. Medl.t 300 J ItOMIOlttll'lill I'INi: lernir dwelling, gas and bath, lint- w iter bent Rnrngc; let lsxlOO: gneil leea- thin for dn.g store, only $7000 J. J. Keran. 4110 Cre.en st, Pheiirt Mnnnvunk 0")70 AI-.ii trp iiihertlHCmentH In large t.ipe In prrriillng reli'inns N I:W.IKRM:Y SJtlUUIIAN CAMI1KX" SUHUUIIAX. "deslrnblehenIes SI5U0 te 14,50ll Alse business 0111 nrl (unities nnd building lels. Applv RALPH MAHTS. 115.1 Kenwood ne.. Cimden. Pheno 2151 J. CI.i-mi;n iu. .ew n-rni nungiiew. perch mint tellnr. let 100x1011. nar lake. f'OO nh easy terms, 2'UO 1 1 n nceck street . ('oi.i.iNtisweon WOODl.AWN AVR. Light rooms, ba(h nnl ricreatlen room, 2-car garage, corner house, let 45x12.1: ,1 beautiful heme: owner tenting town, llllime, tan llnnnre Col Cel llngsunnd Hral Rstnte Ce.. 720 ll.nl Inn .A 1 Cnlllncswoeil GOOD IIOMKS with modern cenv , from ISiiuO te (15,000; desirable building leta from 1800 te 12.100 Colllngswned Reil Rstite Ce. 72H llniblnn n, llell Ph. len.i. l'AIUVIKW I WILL SRLL jeu 11 PnlrMew home and ou can pay me as u would pay rent. t'-, te S35 menthh : huuses are w,.Mir, .. ene-lnlf of building test, down p.ijment KIVHRTON LARGE DWELLING ?$?" 4 baths, etc.: stnble and garage, large, well th tiled gieiinils phnins. LOW PRICE TO SETTLE RSTATR rirri:iisi& .son, eqs chestnut st. FOR" SALE. Itlterten Riverlmnk estate; p'esl st-iiiiii at unit- tuiiiM up in me ein swim ming hole. Apply DAVID WRIGHT, 2007 1 Arch st. i A lT riH.I.IXfiSWOen " I SIX rooms and bath, elettrliltt steam heat price $420.1 t-ims J150U taeh. LOCIs 111 M" mil Rlthev rue l " NEW .lEKSEY seashore rtTIIXi; IIMtllOR UUNUALOWS ill . ro.env newly furnished " '" " " "' tvn ll'lllll, t-'lJllll. j: 11VT )X 323 Wn'niit st Iximh 75,17. ii.imjien llulldhu Lets t I'M HAL I .nu 'n n ir lliinrdnnlk. .xcel lent cinimerpl u iparimirit nr hotel s! s SIMON writ IUI x d st JJ'.N.NS1I, M I'RMS 1AI.I.I.1 IMIIllE 70 inns no lili-hly Im proved Mite tOlf! mil. HtfiHnn. Pnn etnnn house, op. n ball le rooms, bath, het-wnier ' "' E'ectricitv, lar," lnrcles giiraBe. farm- , ,,-H hnilSA. firm urn ti I ,mn T s. ' enmuni, ,,..""".. .v. e. ,,. i i.w,ii.rii.i.i', ttatne j-a NEW JERSEY FARMS VIXELAXD FARM BAHRAIN 3730 cash hus this excel!, nt fnrm. consisting of III urcti of lind. smnll tnttige house, barii nnd 'blcken house' s'luitnl In a prosperous sec tien en a nuui re.ui nna goon neichtjorheol; i well ndnpled for fruit poultry and truck I raising, pnre for nil JJOnn, only J760 cisn, b Unpen niran as rent owner's ether busl I net litiruMs puiniel him te sell this exel i lent fnrm 1'nr ill 1 illii anil fn.A lint nt nihn. 'inn rmignns . I' r write VINELAND' FARM AtH.KlY, 5IJ I ''ii X J L.U'lls live. Vine- 250 Ill'YS u 5-atie friii- and poultry farm In Lett ptci en of .Seuth Jersej , nu build ings handy le large n.erliets. climate, seli, water unsurpassed payments $1 vteeklj; ,,fti'-t nt" t.ii.in.iii . u CAliliAUIlit, in- walnut st I'h l nl..inhii ' ' l"'"lt,l"'"1' T; HEALESTATE-SAZE0BBENT roll anln 01 rent en Ien? term, country itm, he!' t r IethUirhoe.1 liQiiutlful ie. P V Y" "" iVrn" SSS?. !?., l :' nllVwrlV"1""" I,adner nunt ' lrn -vu"r' J REAL ESTATE WANTED W AN l'l.l) tn imulin In H.il.t or Cjnwvd, itenn Heuse, piei r iiilt tl.t.icbed, must ruu 0 btdroems would also pieft-r center ii.iu, givt nu pirn uiu a tiiuiatl ueck, Jl 11 I" X lliimdM WtX'I'EI) li rpnt with uptmn of busing, a 2 nr 3 Htnrj liiiusu belwi n 10th and With Kts, south of Mule i fl m ddle.agtd couple; no children. PI22JI. der eflctj WNT am numlier i ,vt heu-in nr nther sppcul.itlve properties turneis pref., quick eitieiiient Han ti H,irr 1113 Chealnut. A'l" te but a ami 3 story iiitelllngs In Wen PhilidelpMa ur in .Snulli Pliliadel hl.i. AUdrens 1' in I, I., dger Office. i.ist your pitepi.R'MEs with u.s. wm .4ADM.RS sons i-,..,i celu.miija.vve. rfTOItL and dweliiiK In northern section; also lu dwn.iiiun weinnt 532 Dauphin s - s- w-v-v II -u : Bu Arch Hnle . tt-zjtv r CAVQ'ei'.rj: m '. i j-c-t me s r -i i it5ezenthacan-v -n xz I? .iMl V , SEAL ESTATE FOR RENT t'lTY ,DP '-i.-'AHSYUXK AVE., store and dwell- 1011 15. Pussyunk uve stere and dwcltlnif, . 4...per month. , 1008-10 f). 13th it., 2-story gnraire, 150 per rsentn - , v i-n,elIfi.r nX.'',' ".ffprn" 33 P month, ,.'i.ci2'- 2Jul1 "' Heors sts., earatje and mnchlne shop, niltjoe: plenty of light with up-liwbita Imprevements: Ien term lease " mt''iW!lv-Afl"'' .direct, Ne brokers. CJIAItMJS ft. BHUTXtlXIJ tt CO. iirenn nnq I'nssvunK lr?n.?P' r-". second fleer of nw daylltht uu, mil, k, ..nn near, ngni ami electric pewer: use of elevator te shipping platform ircle-ed.by 2-truck g.irnge: location 32d and neea st.! Immediate possession. rhene """" . nmrney iires ,a.-q nn need ate, lean (lltKr.N Fourteen roem: 105 month. limn i. whbth, nt'i anil smiler n-e. Jllnesarrnpertlra nnd Storm ONLY 1 deslrabln stere left In the new bulldlnc at 223-25 S. 17th St. Apply owner. 132 S. 4th st. Phene Lembard BOO, 3001-01 FItANKKOHD AVU. Larcp store. 30x3,1. win nlidlvliN. - Dli:Ti:niCH. 737 Walnut st. Fnrlnrles. Warehouses, Slqnufiictiirlne; Floers A 1'Al'TtlKY, wnrehnuse and fleer epeclnllsti AUTHI'lt II ntASKIt. 21 3, 12th st, AUn see nihertlsfment n Inrsn fvnA In preeedlnir relnmns, erricr..'j.in;H.iXKsi rooms, tttc. null!) Ifl.DO., 0th nnd Chestnut Desirable dajl'ght efilree. Apply te Superintendent. Samuel T. Unit. 3. XV. cer. 17th and Snnsem STt'IHO. 2042 RAXSTHAD "t. full Information. Apply owner, 132 8. 4th t 1'hnne Lembard 300. i:sti:y iii.txi. DKsiitAin.n efficrs. AM, OL'TSIDK: HUNT nilAPONAllI.K. APPLY KhTin- IlI.Da.. 1701 WALNUT ST. I:siltAltLK offlre space, fireproof building: elcnlnr srrv'ce; moderate rent. Apply R .1. HLLIflTT. 1114 Chlnm st. I)i:siC SI'ACI! In n real estate eftlcs for rent reasonable. 071 N. 10th st. (10th st. and (1 Irani ne.l I'ROrrsSIeXAI. and commercial offices. 112 W llth st . Ilnem 201. CKNTHAI, Ol'i'icnrt. goetl llBlits: reason able. Wlllls-Wlnchester Ce . 23 S. ISth st. DIISIv or ifilie sume: light airy front room. 103 I Chestnut st Itnnm 502. Alse sec iiihertlseinenta In large type In JIV KST Jill IT.M) Kl.rill .MODnitN'lIOMn wlfh alllmpreemcnts. In"- c.uuing ii rooms, nam, riee1 perch: elec tricity, bnrdwen floors thrnni-hniif. Irwntpf1 nn I'eiument nnd Lltrhficlil st" . neir 52d nml inmmore ie. .ppiy JACKSON'S, 5211 Ilnlt'mere ae. OVIlllimeuK H'i2 Mnrln read: new stene heue, 3 bedrnnns nnd maid's rnnpi, cmtrni betting plant system, riiene Over- hrnelc 2100 M Call mninlngs or eenl nrs. COTII ST, Si:c. I bedroems: garage: thor oughly modern; renv. te L; $80 month. Hi:itMAN UII03,, flOlt) Market. 5i,10 SPItlNlirilH.D AVi:. night rm.i. end bath. ther. med : SOI) me. II. XV, Wit- Mnsfill Lincoln llldir, Phnn e Snriipn 725(1 31150 SPRIXariRLD AVB. Right rms and bath, ther med.; 00 me II. W.Wntklns. 013 I.IppeIii llldg. Phene Spruce 72.10. 5l20 MAltKCT Owe.. 0 rms. nriiTb.ithrhet". miter heat, elec. I., Krles. 5120 Mirket. I.OOAS 5311 CARLISI.R ST. below Somervlllo no. N. w stone heuse: gnrnge. 0 roems: tile bath shewer: whlte and maheg.inv Onlsh; tncleseil perch: JIO0 month. Applv eff'ce. lirnfui ft- pnniprvnin nn. itnni 11. Hamilton. OAK T.AXR OAK LANi: Twe houses 4 bed-oems. $7.1 per mnnth. opts J4e te .8.1: steret J40 per m 1 Herbert Hepe. 5004 N, llread. Wye.4337. if:rn Riicn STORRS apirtments. furnished hnus. s. II. Hep., .11111 X. llreiul st Wjemlnir 4537. rr.xNMi.vANiA tiimiR,N CIIXTRII of (lerm'intnwn business section Twe large ertlce rooms, sultnblc for den tist or luilles" hilrilrpsslriR, Including heat ard light and nrlMtlb washroom. Pheno Oermnntewn 4253. , 21 W UKBUXWOOU AVE.. Lnnedewne Ten rooms, rerch; geed conditien: geed neighborhood. P. H. McCann. 5403 Sprum St. Wiindlnnd (HISS ,T. MAIX LINK A. D. WAltXOCK. 112 S. Kith St.. offers nt l'nell Colonial heuse containing 7 bed rooms, 4 baths, het-wnter heat, electric light, for rent, unfurnished, en senrly lease, at S125 ner month. , NEW JKKSUV SKAMIOBi. ISLAND lir.KUITS FIXE 10-room reitiigi. all nind. t-ins.. en high cer. let near river: Sllne for season. C lli:CK. flll'l Cheilnilt st , Phlla,. 1'1 rtVE-ROOM cettagn nn lilgli bluff nverloek- Ing liter, gas and running wub-r: $150 for Htiimin C. HECK. liO'i Chestnut st., I'hl'n. STONE HARIIOR HUNOALOWS In colenj : newly furn'shed nnd redecerated: I8 weekly. DON E. NEWTON. 323 Walnut st. I.emh 7557. VKXTXOIl VEXTNOll N. J. rer rent, rnnms nnd bath, reasonable. Austin ate. cottage, 0 Apply 0 N. DREAMLAND Witch of the Weed lly DADDY lack, Janet ami Red Wing, the hulian le;. srek the thief who titelc Runner (hay's chicken. Red Wing fain the thief iras the Witch of Uie U'ems. .Is they search for the Witrh'n lair, he tilh them the story of Jiyiit, an ilt-tempered Indian maiden, irhe, uhile searching for heriy tickcis irie have run aiea'g from her, conies upon an old squnw looking stew, CH.M'TKIt IV Sorcery in the Stew RHP WIN'O went en with the story of Lynx, tlin ill-tempered Indian i milden. "I.ynv wes se huncry, nnd se enger te eat and be en her way te gain rcvciiKe en the berrr-picking yentliH nnd tnniilens wlin lind run nwny from ber, hlie paid little attention te what the old, old squnw was drening: 'Stew! Stew for these in n Ktew. " '.Stew you'll ent nnd stew you'll rue. "Mm took trtse of he stew nnd found it pleosed her. The very. I very old s..unv grinned at her, anil. went en with .or drene: . . "'Stew: .Stew in which wishes i.vnx ling r nve vvisneii ier tniinv i geed thing. She might have wished I Ill ill- nr-. IMI1U JIN hiiu war iiur. Bl P .. 1... . II.. .1 .... , I. .. I l. F ulie inlghl de te the berry -picking veuths and miuiKMis uliu lind run n her liec.iuse of her ill-temper and maidens who had run nwny , I 1 Wish I hn,l n ennt mi lllllliUnme1., thnt every maiden would leek upon it I I., .,,,.1..... !..! I .!.. I J i . .tm,. . 1 T'.vnx turned upon the old snunw ' n,.i See what n wish will de te you.' IC eW Fr,lmw' ,,,, VnnWi nnd Ln "New Ljnx piieked up her ears. ,.1 il,,, nf mpw T.,,i ,, s,() AVh this renllv wishing stew? Wb the K',, trAnk ngn n."L"X c0,,Mn l old s,tmw u sorceress who could give HPI1 WHur nniiMil m if bl. .- her wluit she desired? Whnt luck! complete. r' Wcre might hnve wW.,l for Rwectness of t!lP w lrh of the We ,10" ,", ""with henit Hint would hnve made nil the j "V,I W he's voice s ai? . nkp'i ?" jeuths nnd iiMhlens leve her instead of "s ,p li ?, VHh r " xVtlhiK' dislike her. She might hnve wished ,10 ', W U'i J . ' n. ", nW te hnve the finest brave in the tribe 0,X e'duv iih Tsh, , i i""iIRl' ,,,e tnkp her as his wife. Uw?d she islt st , s 1 t, ,, ',' "K ,"K0 "Hut I.M.N- was net thinking of such "ree Uh ICeu , n t ti1""1 ,.,h th I12H. She was IhlnUiin- nnlt- f nt-il "T'.i. W'. 'A11-'! ..'inlet ! 'Iheru is "'""" tnijiii'. uiu nun it fiy in nve i (Tomorrow will lie ted hew Mm old iiilmiie te hh sorrow.' And shc'WlUli of the Weeds meets lier niiiiUh took a sup of the slew. 'And I wish ment for stealing F.irnicr V.m'L 'I had long, sharp nails se thnt when clilehcns. ) unt s 55SWWm? m&m rA; m'v iML&mtf -w:v M'rmMsmiLcrm S ft , ' V V . i i r If II I .! I itiM .... ,j LJ-J1 Kr.77 WrrTs,T;.TTr.D 1 BOARjOINO ' I Hsi WAH&DMtNI ? dBVAllflJfcSatf ?f city nnT and second Meet's of large twin house, nlCSlV f1ln!fif.l l,AaMllfnl nAtehhorheoal private Rarage; yearly lease. Uelipent 5234. r 1204. I,efler Office. .' wcxx8tlvaxia wtmtmmx.. TO rbnt, furnished, 2 lirce, rooms with prl prl vnte bath and all cenwnlencist ndjneeni le the Merlen Club nnd Haerferd Station, Fn. It. It,; yeuti children net desired: from July 20 until September 21, Answer, phone 1110 Ardmore. i XKW JKItitBV HKAIIIOKIC.. CAPE MA I.AnOR wcll-furn. Mttnse near beach! ex clusive section! cenUlns nil modern cenvsl large perches! uarage for 3 cars, man a quarters: inr seasen: rcjscnuuic. uu ,, Wlldwoed 1. O. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY Funds for first nnd second mertgages: prompt answer en desirable applications. .- DANIEI, II. UI.Lia 700 rranklln Trust llldg. Spruce 2032 20 S. l-illl ti. APPLICATIOXS wanted: first and second mertgage funds. MAGEE & R0DGERS 1200 locust st. Phene Spruce 0208-0207 FUNDS rilNDS IN ANY AMOUNT IMMIODIATIl Sirri.KMDNT nuri.Di.Ne associatiex Muxnr ni:ii'si:v ft co. 27 s ieth st. MenTO.ai:s CLARK & JACKSON 812 Steele Exchange llldg. Spruce 2047. A NtlMIIKU ..r small nrst mortgages from 1850 te tlGOO; title. Ore Jnsuranee and cenveyancing; nj charges. Address V 1212, Ledrerefflrcr MONEY FOR MORTGAGES walti:r C. ItUUDIXa 30 H. I7th St. Spruce 2837 MAURICE LICHTMAN pkhsenat, snnvicn COLONIAL TRUST HLDO. SPRUCE 0778. lbT, 21) AND nn MVH-s ANY AMOUNTS WEINBERGER & CO. 28 S, 17TH ST. RACK 2028. MOIITOAOKS. 1st. second, third! also leans en outstanding accounts te ruled cencerns: prompt nctlen. St.idlen. 12IIS I'enna. llldg. HL'ILDINQ nsse. nnd pritnte funds for 1st nnd 2d mtgs.; large nnd small amounts. Snmu.-I T, Hull. P. W rnr llth ft snnsem. HAS your mortgage been called? Funds for flrst and second mortgages en hand. H. 1.'. SMITH. 800 W. Krleavp. $200,000 ,0n,nf,"ce,;,nn,,i,yly Mortgages RjTAYLOR MIDDLRTON. 703 Wnlnut Bt. MORTMAflE.H. 1st, 2d and" 3d. also leans en outstanding iipcIs. te rated cencerns: pmnirt ncnen. nimiien, 1111 i'enna llldg l'lIeXH I'nlumbl 1 12vl fur ilrst-mtge. mousy in 1'iwe-t cnqrrpq inrj uienwe-in nve. 1ST AXD 2D mortgages placed. II. BLAIR COOKE CO.. I'lltb St. Thenti Hldg. p money roeu neon f'irst .MeRTaAOES. WII.LIS-WlNCHi:STRH CO . 25 8. 18(h St. I HAVE $11.1,000 for first and serend mnrt ragis. rltv nr cnnnlrv. A 310 Ledger Off. I-'fNDH fn? fllal nnA uMe.in.l mn,l..n. riewir-nn a. iin.11 aj.Tii tun, nv. Tiegn 2302. :: --1 ..-.:- -L-i-.'--' ...-.-, ri.MJH lit nn-1 L'i I'h a. nml lie. l-n m(gs, S. T, Lynch. 112 S IQIh. Snr. 7011. MeintlAdRS: (blr.l a speelnlty. Surely 1-1 nance Ce.. 412 North Amerlenn Ring. Alie SPA mlippf TMPit.pnlH In lure- Ivna In pe-prfilntr rplnmns ROOMS EOK RENT HALTIMiiRE AVE. A I2d, X. XV. cer. La'rje rms.. da leca.: boa rd re ir. Wdld. 5(120. VaIU.eii and walling room for dentist: old fM.ihllshed' renron.ible Wer-dld 3313 R, IOTH. N. 130. IIOTKL RURIC Central. shopping district near statiens: beautiful iurn. rms.; pip?., spotless, u.tny. w'Kly rates, UEACTirULLY furnished room In Inrge 1 ii. ,A" .I'riviiie nnmn: eieeiric. snewcr .,-. ... i-iiniii"s te i uy inn, mring iri'in .1, 11TH. S.. 310 (nenr Spruce) Pcrrln: single nml tlntlhtn tlu-nnHn-- f.l-ll-ntn I.IK. nttrnt.- thelv furnished: summer rntes Wnln'ut 73115, ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms, bath. electric, gns- centcnltnt te cars. Preston 1411 XV, Phene NEW JERSEY SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITY Mnnln. I.r H 1 .. nlsheit reims. privilege ennklng: reasonable OCEAN CITY OCEAN CITY 84.1 5th St.: slngle rooms or en suite, with biths; entirely new; finest iitiitiuii in ui-ean iiiy. BOARD WANTED YOUNO BUSINESS WOMAN wants room vith lireskfnst nnd evening dinner In pri vate family, fiem July 1.1 te September 1; preferably near Wujne and convenient te P. R. It. trains. M c30. Ledger Office. ADVENTURES the youths nnd maidens enine nenr te stroke nn- beautiful cent I could scrnteh them. And I wish I hud streiic lees nnd ni'iiiH se I could trnvel in the trees nnd lurk among the branches te pounce upon felltH panning beneath. And I wish 1 hed fnr-seelng i-yes se I could sec my fees before they see me, nnd ,,lm', J0 ,Il';,,I-v u surprise them. And I wih I hnd n voice thnt would scare nil who heard It.' . "As I.ynx iiuide eneh wish, -hp t00t n sip of the stew. And the old niiunw kept en with her droning and her cockling; '''.Stew! Stew of evil brew eti smi 1 ent, nnd jeu slinl rue.' And siiddcnlv I.ynx felt n fur coat coming upon her, but it wuh growing there. And her finger nails turned te long, shnrp clnws. And her legs and arms beenme pnws. And her eyes grew squinty and far-sighted. "Lynx was startled nml looked in n peel near by. She wns no longer a fnir Indian mnlden. Sim i.n.i i i(,,r.i i..... .. - .. . "" " i..,..,t.i .in,, h iui n (,n jnrger evi i,m ' l,c W Idct-n nt " mKmcTu ,i( n,t.. T VI1X nCrCa,ne. ,n K ?". .., frighten,., even he-self t , 5 se weird and scary. " " "ns .i t.er - ,,, , ..!.. ...i. i i . nO.cV ' V,"" l ,",w,re" '" M'nx then?" ..... ' ', ' fi ' ' ' ' ' " "- ...In All.l.i.. .1.1.. .1....I. i . 'i'1 L'l.l. I.. .1,1., .1....1. "..",. "l"'"Irf ' '.". .""" """l "l" "'" ""' tW ' , .71 T- Villi 1..it l.n.. - l. a . nur iiur iitii'iiti ei us : ' , eriday, 'muly, 7, i?22 i :'pwmmmi PKXNBr,VAXIA rUTniTRBAX OTN., Oref.er, 102 IJ. WSInut lane De . llghtful ,rermi modern cenve.l excellent hflffll r.wiUlnirf InlvM tf'PVfest Isrsfn living .room! perches and lawm reas. Ph. Qtn. 088J COUNTRY BOARDINO OPPORTUNITY for Invalid or convalescent , te, nave luxurious nome in country, wiin nursing nnd medlnl attendance at( a mod med mod ernte rale. M 1102. ledger Office. APARTMENTS , rATTRACTIVE APARTIVIENTS" 2.11-53 S. 17TII BT. Just re.mpteted: n story, modern In every resMct: particulars homelike; housekeeping enn bieneier. Anniy owner, ijj e, tin si. rnnn iiemnnrn an". ONH. entire floer.wlth, 8 rooms, bath' and kitchen; ery desirable apartments for hnusekteplfigt furnished or unfurnished every convenience. 2000 Wallace St.. or apply 020X. llJth. COLUMJIIATaVII. Apt., B rooms and bath; hwd. floors, elec; med. In every respect; nr, -Parks 20 mln, from center of city! rein. David Berber! 013 Lincoln Hide;. Bpmee 7230. THREU. ROOJS nnd white tiled bath. 2d fleer 12.1 per menth: 2 rooms nnd white tiled bath; Id fleer, 120 per month,' gas and electric. 1027 'Seuth . st. , j Old B. 10TH ST. (Clinten St.). central, un .furnished. Jicwlv renovated; medern: chil dren welcome! nrlvate baths. Fer appolrit appelrit ment address Owner B247 Rftltlmern ave. 1408 KRItT AVn 0 ' rms. j' ther. med. Im. nn,,. An. ennvrnlent! rental ''IflO. J. If. 1UHP.ERT.' Northern Central Trust Ce... B, IV. Cor, llrend nnd Erie, or Tiega 5001. HACHHLOR'H APARTMENT, 2 rooms and inert untn; uci-waicr neat, niectrie ngni central. Phen- Spruce 0207-0208, MODERN Unfurnished apartment' 4 rooms nnd bath; 115: adults only. Phene Ce- lumbla 2441 APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Ccntrnl apartments, a specialty, Sherwood Apartment Aenc" pm walnut st WANTED Te rent, unfurnished apartment; 3.1 per month. A B10. Ledger Office. EXCEPTIONAL npts.. $0.1 te 1100; steam mvt l . eiec. : pri vain inmny. iniui locust st, HUXTIXO PARK AVE.. 22102 rooms and Imthi leasenable. T.tulane. QUI IVnlnut at. WKST Plllf.ADKI.l'HIA APT. H-4. The llrlihten. 51st tt Locust sts., 0 rooms, Including bathroom! outside light In each room. 180 per menth: vacant August J, 11., nr. 1 tuimn- ufiiiiijiit i mn j. FOUR rooms nnd bath, 0 rooms nnd bath npnrinieiiis, muuerii. ntnsee et itegera 1200 Ixicust st. Spruce 0207-020S. REEVES apts. 1 room, kitchenette i and bath. 3400 Pnwelten m-e. 0448 II WALNUT, fl r. A bath; med.! open. M. Feldman A Ben , Lembard 0520. OKR1IAXTQ1VN GTN. Most itesiratup apt.. 0 rooms and bath: n".ir train nnd trolley; beautiful sur sur eoundings: every comfort nnd cenv. David Berber. 013 Lincoln Bids. Ph. Spruce 75fl -Most desirable apt., 0 NEW TER'sF.V IK HIIOUK ATLANTIC CITY OCEAN lleulevnrd and Ornmmercy Court Arts.: highest rlass In Atlantic City: 2 te u 1UU1113 mi iimiiuu. iiuiijiiuiin it. i-ex. uranv mercy nnd Milnn ne., Inlet section. Miff JEKSKY SEASHORE ATLANTIC! CITY 3 ROOMS ind lath apartment, the Clinten, corner Paclfle and Delnnari; unfurn.i early lease, Edwnrdi. H2I Filbert. Phlla, OCKAN CITY OCEAN CITY I'lnent npartmente at btst tnrntlen in Ocean Cltv: newlv hnui n,,i furnished. Apply any agent or owner, 843 ..ill nt. WILDWOOD THE CHRISTINE APARTMENTS, cer. At lantic nnd Baker nves.. finely Onlshed and furnished: 7 rooms. Including 3 bedrooms, only 7 left out of 10; private an rags j In rear: moderate terms. J. M. SIMON, en premises llell phone 224 Alse see advertisements in large type In pretedlnt; column. HOUSEKEEPING APA.RTKENTS 1286 N. 13th, st. 2 furn. nr unfurn. hskp. rooms and bath. (5 and SO per week. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Uy elderlv lady, 1 or 2 rooms with kitchenette, located north of Alle gheny ave., Legan or Olney section pro pre pro ferred: state terms. T 54. P. O, Hex 3300 APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TII AND PING STS. ADSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. TURNISHED, UNPUnX'D LONO AND SHORT TERM LEASES NEW HOTEL BARTRAM 33D AND CHESTNUT Apartments, furnished or unfurnished. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. PHONE PRESTON! 2310. THE DELMAR-MORRIS W. Chelten nve. OERMANTOWN L'O MINUTES TO HllllAM HT- utiti Hetel nr iinfinn. suiter, housekeeping n'pts HOTF.I. m ONIAI spruce at .... . UTIt ST. , SUMMER RATL13 &.rVIAX IIAKEIt. Jr. Minneer T,E-l,ir?.YAnT,".,enn' 72!1 50d'"Valn"u"t- ..i f"1.",.1""1' 2 teams nnd bath, nnd 1 room In'one'aLncu'Hnta3'myrV'C "R" "ne" lnc"""d' ""U LITJ-LM 1IUTEI2.-, s, jiread et. t Kiinii in.icn te nve 1711110 In Pnlladelnhla. GENEVA APARTMENTS. 127lTTethOM .. or 2 rooms, with hath. Phene Spruce3393? HEIiI' WANTED-FEMALE UtJS5'iKl:l'I.:n. "id stenographer with "e"x" P P&r:rtiVrcMc.CTi "nd "''Y. CROCHETFRH .100 women te crochet silk HIRL who understands Inbullrur perfumerv' perfumerv' 532.dOe'rmaamtett'n a-Vp"ly & "33S KEY PUNCH OPERATOR, experienced en Hollerith machine: .N. E. soctten- glv2 m.s-1 loi.ieiico, experience and salary . pected. S 82. P. e. Ret 84m "lllaT' - OFFICE ASSISTANT Yeung worn. i.h bookkeeping and .teneVrphlexpe'r,Wnc5 for accounting department of a manufac turing company; state details of M?t . perlence and salary desired, p 1225. l"djc; faH!C!,Ii:rf!rIlX,.Irri'!nc''rt ftn'Pc-- wnnted Applv ...I'ttl.ri..5cter Ce'. -,2'1 nd .Ma?ke .. rrt;wini llvfijr TW Slt""sen'',1 'F0""1 '"". WH.veave., n.i.rlhth and Oeimnntew IVe TELEPHONE OPERATING WHILE LEARNING. 13 PER WBL'i: TO bTART THD TRAINING COURSE IS SHORT AXD THOROUGH n"OUf THE WORK IS CLEAN vND AT. PLEABANT. T"B SUlt0JN-JLVGS MEALS SERVED AT LOW COST SICK UENEFITS. APPLY TO MISS STEVr.'XSON THE flELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 1031 ARCH ST. " OeniTil I.ERKS. tplsts, ttpiiega wanted by Gevt : W'rlle for Instruetlen ..nr.iA.iinr. ,..' for appllcatiern Aug..Sept. P. 1421. Led. OIL inantfrwftil V Ih. iT-tAal llrt nf tAltst IM claltles for barbers and drugglstes high; class salesman wanted! glre ref. no ejP.. .plllu nnnflAnntlsl. P 1330. IrfldlPT OfflCC. ADVERTIS1NO COPY WRITEIJ, who liV alto n capable lay-out man. with ability te visualize and work quicKiy, wnnira vr 1..1 advertising senrlce department! Hnewwd nutumetlve products. and market prerrea. state experience and minimum sr.lary and samples. 1' .lain, leaser iiuht., AN OPPORTUNITY IS 9F'5NJJ.9,AsW,ELI" EDUCATED CHRISTIAN YOUNO MAN, "1 TO 2.1 YEAns OK AQI3, IN CREDIT drpt: in larek AXp" inpaREssivB NATIONAL RANK. APPLICANT MUBT UNDRRSTAND STENOGRAPHY AND TYPRWRtTINO AND POSSEBS ENERaY. INITiATIVi: AND ABILITY TO HANDLE CORRE9IK1NDENCD,, WITH TACT AND INTRLLIORXCE. SALARY ' . WIM. BE MODEI1ATE TO BTART, RUT OPPOR. TUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT UXLIM ITED. REPLIES PLEASE BTATB AOK, RDUCATION AND PRR8ENT IIMPLOY- MRNT, llUA f lJBi liCiUUl.lt urilt,a. ARTI8T Wanted by. ah advertising service department: must be experienced, geed de signer and ictteref, understand engraving processes. and nble te direct work of ether effice: ehe particulars of training, ex perience and minimum salary In first letter, V lain, ixmger unice, AUTOMOMLB MECHANIC High-class all around man, capable of fine and general work,. nil makes of can: state qualifications fully nnd give references., , Address L 40, P, O. Bex 3443. BOILERMAKERS. MACHINISTS. ELEC TrtlfMANA wonted! nermanent nosltlenst best wagesMlme and one-half after 8 hour. Apply Roem 808. Bhuhert Bids.. 2.10 llrend. BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS 'CAR REPAIRMEN MACHINISTS ELECTRICIANS wonted for permanent positions. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1023 Filbert at. BOYS. 2. between 10 and 18 years, wanted by manufacturing concern In this city tar icarn carpet designing: must have en.e nuuny ti uraw. t- iauj. j-uger errice, BRlCIvLAYFRft wan ed. union; one year's work. If Wllhelm's Sene, Inc. 803 E. Jersey st, Elltqbeth. N. J, CARPENTERS 85.50 day; K33 week; con" crete ferms: lone job. TIP Vine st. CLERK AND MESSENOER for national bank, between the ages of 10 and 22: ex ex pcrlence required: Christian: answer In own handwriting, stating exporlence and giving references. A 017. Ledger Office. """" Cl.i-.HK Yeung man: pi-roll dept. mfg. plant: stqte age. exporlence nnd refcrenre. Address A-01. P. O. llev 344. DYER experienced, wanted, for hosiery dyeing and blenching; superintending- cs. I'-tie , Hw.i piiiwiy, ivritp .tt uue, ledger Off r!v.til-.iivrir! ni'? 777, TT m 'iT-- ' EX-SERVICE MEN (10). Sen MrTlTegan 214 S. Otli St.. Hrm 107 from R A.S aL iv iv y. imm-nu w ti e I-, jk, uany, FAtP?I LAF30RERH wanted. SuabroeksCon Tirlogpten. N. J. KLOOR STOVE-PL.VTT3 MOLDEnS 12) wnnted: unlun shop- men must pay own trnnspertatlen. Hammer-Bray Ce., Oakland. California. T LA1IORERS wanted Apply btone & Web ster. Iteach and Pilm sts. " ivVHORERS 30c. hour, a dny. fore sd. vanned, geed camp. 710 vine Vt. ,a MACHINISTS BOII.ERMAKEns PIPEFITTERS ELEOTIHCIAN1! CAR REPAIRMEN RTEA.M CRANK ENOINEER HELPERS FOR A1IOVE TRADES. PERMANENT POSITIONS APPLY ROOM fl THIRD Ff.oen D AND O. PASSENGER STATION' 24TH AND CHESTNUT iJT3. "fiiUliaf JftJ ?uJn -r iuv- te handle semi-exeeutlvt, werk: position rel quires nccurncv and close, application; state age and experience: permanent position with p" eh' MM manufaclurln nrm. w 007 mas or cxper ence ana production te work In small steel heat-treating department: state age. experience and salary expected. 1 l""4 ledger Office. ' MAN wanted", with ability te nil an execu- tlve posit en. Call Spruce 0413 tu arrange for personal Interview. "" lleh I .MECHANICS wanted for manufacturing Plant en new works, fleer hnn,i. ...." zentnl nnd vertical milling machine, slot- ' i.l l f, ....--. .nit. iiit-na, tvciuer, mack smith, bellermakers. Call for Jlr Cettl Hetel Revere. 110 N. llth st, "' SALES MANAGER wanted te sell an In dustrlal security of preven merit; this Issue r-as an uijusunl record ns n real seller and money maker: this sales manager must have pep, personality nnd enthusiasm and be able te plac.i n force of real salesmen In the neld and mannge same successfully: civs full i0CtteUnt 50ur"!lt wllh refeienccs In nrst STEVENSON C1HAR CO. Cernell and llth sts. Indljnape!lH, Ind. SOMEWHERE IN PHILADCLPIIIA there's a. irmn ua nre innirina. . - i .. geed appearance, honest, trustworthy, ever 30 and willing te go Inte training for n "nd ie iu"! Pasi1 blT rer hard werl! Te the right man we offer a Ufa work with recompense much bigger than you expect. If f.eu.W i.,?mai,,.F,.ms '" Prepared te preve i,'-n7' W11(lnci U'J-"'. 0 te 12 or 1:30 te 1:30 l, 51. 8A.Ln51,A?' ,c,llLllnB n drug trade te handle " in 2f Ich-uu illtv perfumes nnd toilet articles en commission basis; nnswer by let ter. giving full iiii.ii,ii,,p. ... J .:. '.' li hHe?2nt. r,er''"1' ens nil cnmmuneatlens Off lie ,re,ltei1 "nlldtlillally. A 013, Ledoer HA.,r,nrXI,I.lN Vcn.,1i.n"l,Inmen'" Pn for 2 experience; .,i... :" ','r' ."." '. regarpiess of sal's with leads': Peri.V nnetrprnntn bio cSnnec ler men pf the ISOOO te SIO.OOO rlssi fl. rJW!Ulngi71fi Victory Hid', leni "hi.tS!! -.. . nlp"- p,,n enerallng linn flee HVel?Sl72.TeKl. .M'!1..W te 2 7,hr: X- ' "urten' j,"" bllEEr-MhTAI, WORKER a nnl.. uZZ ghenCv''nH?nUfUCtUrlna 'Ceh ?' 3d BA,,.,I,aSnd "jfSt S,,i0n,i:'4i-S:x.10irl('n?''' '-"neers wanted. Apply ,J '1nnSC',0bcr & Ce" "d ""I M.,litA Z recend fleer. TILE I.E AND TEllRA..e SETTERS wanted for out-of-town werlc ,.n i,,'.i ".!?.. ""I1!"1 w'agesn,h,reuhlerl!ln,,)0!,,'lb, '"'.unle lien "' n .i, e ' ',' un, ."niR fur oveillme: none hut m.ime" ,Jt,P,"-l'ni.d nnd reliable men need apply. Send name, address, qui Mentions r)"flrp'tPer"'"-'t"n"ne,1""c'' te m'uei. Utl," '"ttSS.".,.:! notional bank. 1,.. i ... .-' it iiiiu u; erences A (IIH. Udgei" Office S "'" week. 44 "hn.i;..""l. ""!.."". 4D ner Standard E:.grA'ln,.rct,,,i',J'f0tpesti;,n. Washington. I), c s1' " W., Ki'nef bSPeVieSSnJi 5 g tS3 HPpeiirnnee. mjki;). J$g.rjntii? K eaX i.ii, i-j a v-1 1 r. i it n sii n t V . s WANTED MACHINISTS AND BOILEHMAKERS AT CAMDEX AND ATLANTIC CrTT ,1 Apelr U. M, WILSON. MASTER MECHANIC. FRONT AND FEDERAL STREETS, ' CAMDEX ,N. J, HAT.lraiinM t-..- .... . . . flenetnl ,3l CIVIL SERVICJU lAiiinliiBilens Julv.A. . ''11 many vacancies: $120 monthly. .2Lmi3lll big demand for men. Inexperl-nced Xriy! perlenced, city or 1 raveling. National J.iM Jfi men's Tr. Asse., Dept. S77. Chi".!1 Stl":fH MHfi.w.nl"'l 0.ftvl' .POilMi rlerks.' carHSV ' write for instruction partleular,. ai!jJlS' . for application Aug. 1. p 1421. iAdewTwr- f SITUATIONS VANTED--TttYMT g BOOKEEPER and stennsrnpher de7S 'f pes.l fl years' exp. A 012. vlAtffn. . NURSE wishes care of Invslrdadvs; $ Infant: county or seashore preferred. S reference. ,A 013. Ledger Office. We' ', SITUATIONS WANTEDMftTg i cHAUFFnirn in y'-rs'TxircirhEhi: ii ears: priv. fam.. city or cty. a ei. 'tTJ A ger Office, KEEN STUDENT of economics h. t -. J the trend of stocks listed en N.ks .1 Stock Exchange, wlshts position a ZJV for a .financial avndleate, or ranneMlnfl'1?!;; rennoie party wun Office, X&S3$te&5S&& -TT-: : tm where main requ's are geed 'jud.t'.'hnn "A wings. iii cenv. you or resnen. and ceni Ar. Int. nt your cenv. A 010. T-cdrer 08' il YOUNO MAN, iIAN. ned,,20, graduate rirlv.ir if wants Ijisitlen with pre'spect, i? ,fi nt, A 014 ledger Offlp. " et VM scroel advancement YOUNO MAN. executive, bank teller. -" educated, linguist, desires responsible 4. I with growing concern. A 002. ledger Offiea' EMPLOY1ITEHT A flvvmnn ..,WM , ,j situation wanted, young sTiri tTO S Prnteslnnl- rliiimli.,.i.i, V' .'" Ji ether first-class help; reference: all unul1 fctsl ties. 511 n. inth anrn u'ni " capac. njsj -. .. .....Mp ..-am. eipir S. & X.U-r -k, . , . m ...... i.. tins morning, Japanese and Fill., nine, housemen vnnA u.n... ...ri"1 iu-i quired. 811 S. 10th at. "' """ AGENTS ACTIVE sales organisatien with offices is' S Chicago desires sales agency for EasistS V manufacturing cemnnnv druIiim.. ?'!? w hava you te efferT A 004. Ledger Offlel .--- w LOST AND FOUND COUPONS Lest. July 0. near City ifilT corporation coupons; liberal reward. Be i m Phene. Oregon 4402 R. ' ENVELOPE Lest, Thursday afternoon, bT- M Building. large brown envelope centsi?in. itNl Ltvi-t'ii all. miu iiiarKpr nnn -. ... '..!..' rust agreement nnd note. Reward If ril Jf urned te Mrs. Isabella Fisher, mi w A.V M .. , .u ..L v i:.T -. .- """.. i re- tuiiiei. tu -ire. isauena risner. III) N, UPMS fS street. MESH UAO ilist. tn music pavilion at wi7. t Orst concert, a sliver mesh beg with pointed Inside of meunting: contained' small silver &! clasp coin purse. Finder pleuse phone li- JR cust 8308 any night at b. Address 1017 H Spruce and receive reward. v .i? LEGAL ADVERTIBEMKXTj Jgf E8TAJE OF HANNAH TAYLOB. DE- A . . Be,d Le.,,2,r" testamentary upon the .3 estate et Hannah Tayler, deceased, havln ' been granted te BadcllfT Furness. all per-,A sons Indebted te the jiaid estute are re- il queetcd te make payment, and these having 5 Wif. v. ar.ar. ci President. gigr-JTATK Or HENRY A. U0K- NICUETi. liMrauil T.ts.ta . mentnry upon the ugtath of iitnrv a unF. nickels ilecenpet, hnvlrnr bern urantd la it FIDELITY THlJsT COMPANY and Wl" 'A hMl. i DIIKNNAN. Esquire, all perien. Innnlilpd In lh .al.l A.fnt. ... .............. . ' make payment, and these having claims against the same te present them, without v.elayv,n2t.tJ,eU,frlC6 or the said company. Nes. 323-331 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. WM. P. QEST. President. 57 K.HTATK OF FRANLTH IIOWAIII) -" WILLIAMS, drcented Letters tej. tamentary upon tie estate of Francis Ho He nrd Williams, decensed. having been granted In FIDELITY TniTii-p r.n-.iiv-v .i ITtANCIS CHURCMlf.i. wrr'.T.iiMtj u .. mn InilahlAil In V,a ..I.. .... . ... .L .. ...uvu.vu . .,,u ..,,(.. COIAIQ UII IB- ."S1 quested, le make pajment. nnd thore hav ..,' lng claims against he same tn nresent thsm. ...I., . .... . rr . - r.- .-.- .1 tvitiiuut ueiuv, iii i ne omce or tne ssia com- pnnv. Nes. 32.1-331 Chestnut street. Phlla- ' without delav. at the offlce of the ssld com cem nanv. Nes. S2.-i.:tat rh,.min .i...! vini.. delPhle. it. WM. P. QEST. .ifll President. (TOT IN 1IIK OPRIIAXS' COURT or "' I'lillndelphU Ccunly. Ne. 72i. AprliTerni. 19M. Ilntiitn nt .Inlin Xf Ifvi.M.ll.t. ,i.nn....l Te the heirs, legatees, creditors and ether ,! persons Interested In salt! entr.fpt it-4 Net ce Is hereby given that Hester Feley ,1 Krnmlleh. executrix, has filed .In the. office 'j pf the Clerk of the Court her petition pray- lng for nn order of snle of the real estsle iM u. .im ut-ui-u-iu, .mi, ,u wrinur si. i-nea- -.ji delehla (S. XV. side Arthur .1 17.1 SJ. I'. Iti Rldgewny st.. 3.1th Ward, 28 ft. 'front. 04 f(. p Alll mm ..hI...... .i SIS. ee.. Vs t I u y't J4V jniviiiii sate in riorare it. .vineinnn : and Aflna J,, his wife, for (the sum of 12400 It (subject te mortgages nf 12100), for the pal- .fai exemption. If no exceptions are filed thereto 8? or objections made te granting the same; the 0 Court will he asked te teke action upon the if petition en Frldnv. July 21, 11)22, upon th vlT call of the current motion list, DAVID Q, HUNTER. si Attorney rer Petitioner. ..j iPgr"! KSTATK OF JOHN L, DERIUCKH0N. ,2 derenncd Leiters of administration '"3 c. t. rt. upon tne eatnte nr Jehn I,. Drrrlrk- vy son. deeeaeed. having beii imiii.il in Kt. p A DKI.ITY TRUST COMPANY, nil persens In. .3 debted te the sold estate nre requested le J limn" im.hiviiu Mtii, .utinir Ili.Vinn Cl III.- r agalnet the same te present them, without i? delav at the offlce of the said company. Nes.f.tjf 325-331 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia A WILLIAM P. OEST. President. JOT KSTATK OF HENRY .11. WRKIRT. "- deceased Letters of ndmlnlstrstlen upon the estnte of Henrv M. Wr'ght. d. 1 reased. hiving been granted te FIDELITY , TRUST COMPANY, nil persons Indebted te J the said estate are requested te make par- ment. nnd these having claims against lh ,1 same te present them, without delay, at the t offlce of the said cempnny, Nes. 323-311 Chestnut street, Phlladelnh'n, '. WM. P. QEST. ) Prcs'dent. 'JSTl KSTATK OF .1X0. A. CR.lNE.De. , teased Letters testnmentary upon the estate of .Ine, A. Crnne. decensed. having ' ben granted tn FIDELITY TRUST COM- PANY nnd EJIILIE St. CRANE, all persons' IndnMci! te the Bald estate ere tequcsted te ' make navmert. and thnn,. h.vlnv .i.lm. ngalnst the sr.me ti present them, without Vsi eemy, ni tne oiiice or tne sn'd company, Nes, 325-331 Chestn-it st.. Philadelphia. WILLIAM P. QEST, President. JOT" KSTATK OF CATHARINE II. Jlc -" nOWRI.Ti. deceased Letters testa- "$ menlary upon the estate of Cathsrlrs H. MpDewell. dCAlSSd. hnvlnir hnnn a-rsntsi tn FIDBLITY TRUST COMPANY, and CHARLES McPOWELL. all persons in debted te the said estate nre requested te make payment, and these having claims ngalnat the same tu present them, without Oe-liii-. nt the eftlce of the said company, Nes, 32u-331 Chestnut stret, Philadelphia. WM. P. OEST. TI a a rlsnl JOT KSTATK OF K.111IA L. ROHSOXTdE. ..' reased Letters testamentary upon the "'' nstatn nf Kinnt l I., nnbiinn .1.i.a..a s.v. lng been granted la Ptnini i-nv- n-'nnsT COMPANY. r.U perrens Ind-bted tn the said estnte r.re requested le make pus ment, and iiiuae imviiiK cinmia against tne same is present thorn, without deinv a. .1.. m.- of Hi6.,"1.1' enPny. Nes. 823-331 Chestnut it., Philadelphia. WILLIAM P. OEST. v Presldsnt. . rNOTICK IM IIKRK1IY (IIVKN THAT an snnlleallnr, will li maA in the Oeternnr of the Hintn cf Pennsylvania, en July 81, A. D, 1022, by William Tell, Sam uel Camilla, Jr., ttnd Samuel L. CehfO, under thn Act of Assembly of the Common, wealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act l provide for the Inpnrnnrntlnn nnd result tlerr of certain corporations, approved April n.. .. " ', ..,ur"""""' nppreveu K'" iii 2)1. 1H74. and thn niniKmuil. .hereto, for lill.l the charter of an Intended corporation, te b jj,J pnlleil llnrnthv V ITnln..n n..u.lln sns - .01 Lean Association, the eharnplnr and object ''? 3 of which Is te conduct a building and len fijl nrruviuuuii unner ine laws relatlrrg tnerei". ,, i ; " "'.,? .i,"n,',i m nave aim i'w- wfi ( and enjoy nil the rights, benefits and or V lieges of the said net or Assembly and In supplements. JW A.ir.Mj ivi.-iv.cmr,.- ... ..... a. h-i.bi UTnwiT ","'W uuujhs.-" pfi; Rnlln'tnrs "if'V 704-01 Pennsvlfinls. Hid - till 237 5A!,'Uk -a.iix.- of 7') ww i.wj)l -' YIIIIK st.. h,i mi,i hi. ,.i I'U'i" IVf.l l.. h'l" SOl.l his B-OCiy ' a te-WIan, I.e,vl: All' pIsTmr,.'" he hi Nathan lienldlct. 7X7. W7 StpyseiaDstag w I m -" m --. r- I i If .l n S 1 II i HJ M f . M I M nt S " .iVf'iesssssssssk'-' V .itSfrihi . t.i ,-jA u ,,t. . I , , L . i,12r2sissssBs7;.,w. I WMsWMTsTlfrlTfMslsMrnTTmillksWlMIit ' .-i,. .,, I'ii,.; -, r , - Vsir-' ,.." v, lfc- ,'..7,., , t,f4 tAsssEstsHsflsflsflsflkssUAl1'''1' l- . I sWsWsWsMsMsTssWsWsWLsTsslsWsTsMsMsWsWslsWsWM - "A ,, , f ., " ",fi't fv,u. ..' rtl