wmmmz ! -'XlIWWW x w te f. BJBmremwamswji ? jart.VTmiiJifii3"rrfi?'Uhvw-:,i -. cika-r,.,,. v , t , v , ' "lW rcr.,:-- v ; -"- ' IWflfe Euentng public Sie&aer . . . -. " ILWV'1 PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1UZJ5 sg fc. tr&y&i?: ?? T.'yV MtWmiiDftC .J jWWywjMm-ivttj-iW cv fc mm muc fcyt - " ! Tr, -" ' fy"fiy?'Mffl!MS13IBBI rc' '4 v: vv " . Wflt Mf9BHllifi l if N' Mf!i jk1tMD Kvuit w J!lft&Ii ?JwL"lrt-. f v, 3 MHrfJ MKSSraS'BKi, PJv. lis If ftflf HBffi'i LiiiHPIJ 5MI! sKP flin.E BE&3flM&HK!-IH9wiiBVFv MIHEBI Fff.ffif I Hi bRI,1?W3bHU'" -bbV'iHKi 7 a. 1 Ttt-rwFiWFmMhaHFy " (N. -: 'V - wll VMJV i til ,y PiitiTy h v . fwnijii .S?3G?v? R.,u?y.fc miu&i (Wrt CARRYING OUT A PROVISION OF THE SILESIAN PLEBISCITE. Polish troops, en June 20, crossed the frontier between Poland and Upner Silesia nnd took possession of the large city of Knttewitz, the center of the Upper Silesian mine district J . bP lTwt'n 1 la? ' BPirBl l,,'f.. WLw " FBrnli' xk. PT V YS 9 V "N J- 1 SrAyt.tl K K WI3 K BW rii!. bHb-------P: Hlir 'ill HHjV Up? ) mKm . .' iTi. W -:V! - ft. r&Mm. tfl a''S:.ta?j IBM -iff H Rf 2iBVsapJKf AXtTJr'HmJ 'J ktfBBBT' ' ' AjjgWMBBBBBBBBH. l EiJvSI tV4 FfffifffM i TB Ea ii 1 '( OFF FOR A DATS ENJOYABLE OUTING. The children are leaving the BedfeH Street Mission, at 619 Katex- street, for Clementen, N. J. It was a happy gretip a , rfOm A MARVELOUS WHISTLER. Virginia Bedard, aged three, has attracted much attention in San Francisce GEORGES CARPENTIER as a "movie" actor. The light-heavyweight champion will appear In "Leve's April," new being filmed in Paris HOME ON 4TH OF JULY. Fannie Hurst, the writer, ar rives in New Yerk after Eu ropean vacation HPM -t ' -5 g B vtfbajWk. ' QUIZZED IN WINSLOW JUNCTION WRECK PROBE. Jehn De Walt, Reading tewerman (center); Detective Marks en right Younger man is De Walt's son Lawrence Charles A. Wclverten Edward Kelleher - James Mayberry Peter Kerwin INVESTIGATING CAUSE OF READING WRECK. Prosecutor Wolverton, of Camden, and three representatives of Public Utilities Commission, who are assisting in getti ng facts in the wreck of the flier at Winslow Junction CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW resting at Het Springs, Va. He leeks fit at eighty-eight, and retains an active interest in the world's affairs i'; sx TJV f '"iii sfi s;A m s &r2ttv m HkH m. a... KOlr vrtll rs i?:a i, (f 3'3 v v Oi j? i : lj,' .. i i-n .Jf" r J(bsTr 5 i1 ivS JV kH " kW...-rc4 5er KP CnlkkPVK7K ' flHr eHi fcv & m jmtK WM$ V s; MISS MADGE MERRITT was declared "Queen of the Beaches" in New Yerk bathinp: Kirl contest . $k - f - 'Bfa ' s ,sf 'Vfr 4,-' ' X1 WZ iSUftff & jjWt i lBU tff -- jmJBI8B"B '. m&vwM&mMP;.::! - .raaaBwi'; wts 'a ' ' T -1. i ti, U $&r it Mt HT IV!: 'mSLE 'yJft-iH V.vmeSHHiLLHHHkHHRHHBkVHIIHHHBMHB& MRS. HAROLD M, WALL ei cw ierK, going to ward the salt water at Southampton BBBBBHi!'' ''JBBbW MRS. ANNIE E. H. S1TER, who divorced Dr. E. Hellingswbrth Siter yesterday GETTING READY FOR VIR GINIA. Busy with clippers as Marines prepare te leave Gettys burg for Quantlce WILMINGTON Beidman (left) FOLK IN CANOE RACES. They are members of the Delaware Canoe Club. The races were en Christiana Creek. We show you Elsie and Margaret Brennan, winners of the pig-headed race. In this race the paddler had te sit in the bow. The standing gunwale race was a thriller SOUTH PHILADELPHIA children THE REV. EDWIN' are entertained by "Spike" Heward HEYL DELK will hd,J at Woedslde Park Mayer Moere plan rfer,-1 i L , bureau if If WFzhsMEiLjj&P'a&&ftfr& UtiKK3SKEiBw&&temtfiKKM BymBBtCBBBMiBlHBBWCjBlBBBBBBBBBBBBF tiKfZf A-Jt0"Jt 4fjf B1HCbMEvk.'H 8 I SSSBBBBBBBBBBBBUHVrBBRjiBBBtt. BH '-K " 'BS? fRHHOTR kunMMMMMMMp)nMttjygijM POLICE TLAN AND MAKE OWN FLOWER GARDEN. Up at the Thirty-ninth police district, Twenty-second street MISS MARY HUMPHREY out with SID BROWN DOING HIS BIT. One of the black end Hunting Park avenup, Patrolmen Stehle, Horrocks, Lynch, Medd and Smith (left te right) were busy with the flower "Buster." The pole pony is owned by her smiths employed in the construction of Philadelphia beds. Patrolman Burke found a water lily in the miniutuie lake father, Colonel Chauncey Humphrey art gallery at the Fairmount Park end of the Parkway A NOVEL SIGN has been erected in Ypres. It requests teuristi te leave untouched what remains of the famous French cathedral ruined during war - er ; : p ; -, , - i HaT . .. - m ... I11M , ,, HARRY NEW dives through an old automobile tire NINE GOOD SWIMMERS pose HAVE YOU CROSSED IT7 The old W., N. Y. & P. R. R. bridge ever the Schuylkill UNITED STATES SENATOR -l, , L , , A. . . . , . en one of the safety poles north of Girard avenue. It was removed several years age. The photograph was made KELLOGG en a Wnililnatnn pere are just a few of the many Phlladelphians who de their swimming in the Delaware, at Pleasant WW Send your old-Philadelphia photograph te the Eveninq Public Ledgw golf ceune, He's aoed HUIPark Z?J?!?..SN1DJVE- cWcage swimmers perform one' of the, Ktulu, ieaW Known te fancy divers. Tep te bottem: Stubby iurucer. Nerman Jlnaa nnA Pe., ni... u. , t ri l Rfr-". 'A EM' te f ,sr 'a 'i-u 'J;"- i. J A .."S15d (k.f irf. ' KWli!if&& ;...t. , I'.A,a A fif Ns . -tJ Jc ft . . fci-Jt iH lX',1 dfi'Vai?3.-