"tti : i. is -. i n h" s I ' v & Oft. - KW fiftlW A TWqgEejnfTr C; nfi:v .;$$(& 8M EN&NING PUBHO LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WlbfffcgDAY, JULY 6, 1922 KJMtf ;rvfHWf 'Tl ' : V '-. ' p L'O Soldering Furnacss and ApptianctB StnnmtnrturmA fcu ft. D. bergcr Ce., 59 N. 2d St. . ttarktt tt Kwitene, Main S71I mw'm Ik &Mx.m; wi AJlW"lr wtu GIRL IS STRANGELY HURTBYCARTRIDGE VAUnce ai ainilkSmiipplBcs bound iV tee eclcaf, Hit en Head by Unexploded Shell as She Walks Along Street aCc un i iiainnnLeiiTi'tw .J)29MariketStreei raw iteSHSESSSHSESHSHSH5HSZSHSaSHS2S?3i NOTICE Largest Assortment ADDING MACHINES AH Makes COLLINS, 831 Chestnut St. I'henei Wnlnut 313 dSHSE5H525aS2SES2S2525H5H525H5E2 Mhrle Vlneetit. nineteen jrnti old. 422 North Fifty-ninth Mieet, fell te the street yesterday morning an the result of being utrnek en the heed by nn unexpledcil .4ii-callbrr cartridge. Tlie Rlrl was walking along Itace street near Second nbent 7 :H0 o'clock with Frank A. Doeniin. Jr., 1,112 North Coneilecn street. She fell te the nnve- tneiit stunned nnd the euth lifted her te it dneistep und Munitiened the police. As her hut uns ronie'u'd the cart ridge fell nut. llloed nan streaming from her bead. After un Imestlg.i. tlen the theory was iidutnceij by the police that the girl uns hit b n'rart. I rldRc rerklevdy thrown fiem a win- I dew. Hut the couple n. that during the wnlk they posted no one who wns tiring n went'en. The police hnvc been I llllilliit' in mruir nn (Mir WHO Will admit threw Ins the cartridge. Mi"") Vincent was taken te Ilahne matin Hospital. BUYS 17TH CENTURY ART PRIZE FOR ONLY $450 Ninety-one Years Old S tV , r SIB m mi HBRH SEEK TO UNRAVEL MYSTERY OF SCREAMING GIRL IN AUTO Patrolman Tries te Halt Speeding Car With Shots, but Falls M8tcry surrounds n jeung woman who was beard screaming In nn auto mobile which dashed pa&t Richmond street and Lehigh avenue early this metnlng. In nn attempt te bring the car (entnining the girl nnd two men te a halt, n policeman of the llclgrndc and Clearfield streets station fired after It. Patrolman Hacker was standing en the corner when n huge limousine, dircculng across the street from one side te the ether, sped down Hlch- np he nnd nnml .trrMif tmvard lllm. As it fl prenched Lehigh nvenue be saw ..Irl mnkn nil nffnrt tl) Bet Oltt, iiw.ii slin uttered n series of shrieks Hncker shouted for the driver, te step, but bis orders were Ignored. He stepped te the middle of the street and emptied lilt rexeher at the fleeing car. An nlnrm bes been sent broadcast ever the city. It Is net known whether the girl wns nn unwilling prisoner or whether the party hnd been drinking nnd she beenme hys tcricnl. ,, According te the patrolman, the young wemnn wns n brunette, well dressed nnd very pretty. Se fnr ns the police enn lenrn, no report hns et been mnde of n eung woman being missing. SIRS. CECKLIA STRAUS Who Is celebrating Iter lilrtlnlny nt the Jewish Heme for the Aged. Mic Is nn mint of former Assent- libmnn Herman L. Hecht MANDO I mtkei reiilbls the wrarinr of icottumei that oxpei your I iron, neck mid limbs ! It Removes Hair i from ill parti of the Mr. i itftlr and quickly. At all drux i and department iteres or direct. rtl. Tri-1 ilze, 10c Jeseph no Lerere te. llJ N. I2th strcit, rillmlrlililn, I'll. Territory epi n (or Dlntrlbulen )Y sR $3.00 Per Year is a smnll premium te pay for insurance against ab solute less of valuables. That's what an individual box in our new modern safe deposit depaitment costs. Come in and we'll show you that it is 3.00 well spent. REPUBLIC TRUST COMPANY 9 Cfiestnut Street HOURS 9am-4p-m ,P New Refuses $25,000 for Werk of Van Ostade New Yerk, Julv .". (Ity A. P.) ChrMenhcr J. Fitzgerald hns loved ' lieres all his life and he has spent , niet of his life looking nt them, eltliei f..ll.... ..e - ,i. i.. i (1-. ii luiniurr (ii llU'liiK m ur. nil null nil of the jockey eluli. His affection even rock -e fur that he wnn pictuies of hoi si-M nriiuiid lilni, Uu-cntl.v he saw in nn mictien loom a painted stiid.v of scer.tl hef-es nnd bid S4."() te get It. He took the painting home and hail It eleaned and dKuvircd he hnd pur i based n work of Haac Van Ostade. a Dutch master of the seventeenth ccntiirj. The painting had been In the Paring and Dunmerc collections In Londen. An offer of S2.",000 hnd been made for the pnlnting, but Mr. Fitzgerald says It is net for Mile. CELEBRATING THE FOURTH Bar en Firecrackers, Se Coffee Cups Were Used International complications took n personal turn at Fourth nnd Iterks streets jesterday when n four-cornered argument ever the respective excel lentles of the participants' fatherlands terminated in .i free ride for nil te the police station. Ilnrrj (!resmnn, n Ruminlnn ; Gtis tave Oraund, a Swede; his wife Lnura, an American, nnd Alec Tumor, a Hus. I slim, gathered in the parlor of the Cirrnund home te vpend n social after noon. (iilxtnve. emnlinsizlnc n nr.lnt. nlel.irl up n lamp nnd threw itit Aleck's head. Harry (iressinnn threw a well-aimed dinner plate, which narrowly mis-ed Mrs. (ieraund's head. She returned bis tire with u ellev of coffee cups nnd the ' lid of a soup teureen. All weie discharged by Magistrate Clenn today with the admonition te arbitrate in the future. Cuts Artery Mending Phonograph ditching ills hand in the mechanism of n phonograph which he was repair ing. .Tehn Lafferty, Hi" Mountain stiect, cut nn artery nnd lest nently n pint of bleed before the Hew wns stepped. Eight Die Celebrating Fourth New Yeilt, .July .". Klgbt deaths and less than n score of miner Injuries was the tell for the celebration of the Fourth je-tcidn.v in nietiopelltnn dls-triu. fi n Het Water Service for All Seasons Gas het water service is all-year insur ance of a plentiful supply of piping het water for all household needs at the turn of a faucet. Have you inspected the Storage System? A tankful of het water always ready. Ne work. Ne dirt. Little expense. Automatic. Demonstrated whenever you please at any U. G. I. store. If you cannot come in, ask us te send a representative. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. Map net , ssik fiF Tired- ilk JfL, Thirsty! m tWJdlBH& Delicious and Refreshing Mf Wmm 5 YhSHv Mi TYi Ceca Cela Company Aiunii. Ca Market-and fourth Sfx PHILADELPHIA. WHEN. HE CALLS 'T'HE MAN who places a part of his income in a savings nc nc ceunt has no headaches ever its safety. He knows that when an emergency prompts him te call for it, it will be there waiting with all its welcome accumula tions. CAPITAL & SURPLUS $1,600,000.00 i i W kMiSkf$n) m v ' f I- iU sO'Si MM r 7i BBtr ItM 'imtkrwa ITU nfr1 ....!. i .1 DOG BITES LIKE BULLET Weman, Believing She's Shet, Gees te Hospital Teeth Did It Believing she had been shot by a man who was tiring n revolver nt ran dom in her home In Livingston street near Cnmbrin, Mrs Alexander Steward wns tnkm te the Northeastern Hospital last night, where it wns found thnt Instead of being shot she bad been bitten bv n deg. Peter Uelinski wns nrrested at Mrs. Stevvnrd's rooming house shortly before when neighbors sent In a riot call. It is thought thnt a deg in the house beean e frightened nt the sheeting nnd bit Mrs. Steward. P.ellnski was captured by Tntrelmnn Cnmpbell, of the Helgrndc and Clear held streets station, while Dellnski wa pointing a gun at him and after he had "tiuik Uelinskt ever the head with his rlub. Five men In the house are being laid as witnesses. LIONS PICNIC CHILDREN , thousand children of fileiicestpi tedav members Iteennse of the rain the picnic started indoors In the auditorium of Gloucester City ' Hall, but shifted te the park In time for lunch. tneusnnu cmiclren of (ileuces Cit were entertained en n picnic tei nt Cleinenten Pnrk, N. .!.. by memb of the Gloucester Liens Club, lleeai The Graceful strength of rhp casement-like Lupten Windows lives a new charm te homes where the use of weed has hitherto been unavoidable en account of cost. ClOIC'tlttinff. nen.Warainc finn rartllnn iwuhable en both ildci from iniide the rasm. There', a Lupten Steel Window for every room and earagc. v Phene Garfield 1 1 60-Afr. llinkcl David Lupten's Sens Ce. I BBBBBBrjNvcTTMtNT"viu?ijBBBBJ K 5 bsssfitjtiiES 013986 AN ATTRACTIVE silk ' shade fixture for the , dining room. Finished in TJull Brnnn nr Celnnll Iavs:i .'i 1 : -.i ii . ti uadiiuniica wnn Georgian or Colonial pe i nod furnishings. Visit our showrooms for suggestions for lighting your home. 'LIGHTING FIXTURES ' BIDDLE-OAUMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. Take s.'e, 10 Cur In bubwuy -Op.0 fMH Till 'i o'C-eck UNuen) 1 1 Uncommon Sense i I Calling Out the Reserves j fly JOHN ULAKE IT LS a poorly erganised police force ' ( thnt cannot instnntly dispatch u con cen Mdi i able number of nun te the. sun. of a net or contiel githenn crowds in anv part of a eitj Police force-, aie regulated with an eye te maintaining a reserve supplj . ' 'T'nOl'nLIJ unfertunntcly ennnet be ' fercheen. There must be men te tope with it or it may gievv into a catastrophe. A police force with just sufficient men fe ipittel and detective dutv weuld1 ueve tisc'l('s.s nt the first riot call. The mutant patrolmen had te leave their, biat-i te put down the riot, trouble! which thtur presence keeps subdued, i would lue.il; nut en the bents. ! This pitnciple applies te armleb and I navies, and it applies equally te the lit- tle urgHiiu.itieu that is known as a i human being. . I , The man who has just sufficient i strength for his dally work fails when j that work is doubled or tieblid by un- ! foreseen emergency. i The man who hns just enough will, power te drive himself te his task evcr I I du and keep himself there from U te .' I i Is pitnull.v iniKlcquate for the ic.il tnai el lite, wlitcli come te tveijlxxlj utiiit vitcd and unexpected. IT IS reserve force vvbicli enables men te show when oppertunltj comes tliut thej nre cnpnblc of doing bigger things thnn they have been doing. It is stores of energy, untapped and unused, thnt cany them through the crlhes of their lives and leaves them stronger nnd mere tit when the crises have passed, Unless one steadily cultivates the ability dot mere than he is doing, te tniry mere responsibility, te bear up under mere punishment, he might as well make up his mind te fall bnck te the tall of the precession. He will certainly never get a place mi; mien' utiir me iicuu OI 11, IF ITU has the resenes he can call them out when the need nrles. ns Ii in (eitnin te de If In bih mi ii(,'l((t(d tlu hull, , up of his iiiganintieii that no iimim uie en call he will cut a sorrow figure when be has te face a real test. (Cmrrirht-'im 1u ,Awv.. I m An old butter maker said- "t he flavor of the old time buttermilk just as I used te make it myself." , It's this real old fash ioned buttermilky taste that appeals te thousands of men and women. They make drinking Abbotts Cream Buttermilk a daily habit. ABBOTTS ALDERNEY DAIRIES, INC. "Milk suppliers te critical buyers" Philadelphia Atlantic City PleasantvllU Ocean City Wildwood Phene Baring 0205 bbetts Cream Buttermilk Sim dHm A glass a day keeps fatigue away Wl A finmlX in ii j 1 1 1 u j i ii 1 1 m i r Thursday Friday Saturday Winkelman Will Sell 2160 Pairs of New White Pumps $ 5 That Were $8 and $10 Will your plans be carried out? your name YOUR will should provide for the distribution and proper management et property, it should your executer and provide for "the disposition of your funds". But you may have ether thoughts and ideas that cannot be set out in your will. There may be confidential facts re garding your business that you want your executer te knew. Yeu may have plans for the education of your daughter or the training of your son. Yeu can assure the consum mation 'of your plans and ideas by filing, with your will, an in formal letter addressed te this company as executer and trus tee. Talk ever these prcblcms with one of our officers and ex plain them in person. It is our officers' business te plan for the future of families. They will be pleased te con fer with you. We would like te send you a copy of our new booklet '"Protecting the Family," an interesting ex pi nation of it hat your will can be made te accomplish. Write te cither office, or call in person. Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street Bread and Chestnut Streets I V T. C. iT ANY WOMEN were unable te avail themselves -LTA of our special offer last week. This, then, is their opportunity. And even these who di buy will find in this group mere wonderful values in the many new styles that we could net reduce before. Every pair is from our regular stock. Allstees. Ne C. O. D.'s. Ne Refunds. Ne Exchanges. ' Winkelman Style in Quality FoeUocar 1130 CHESTNUT ST. At Twelfth 111 ""Milium in hmhihiiiihhiiihihui'iiiii nmutJ nU ' '..I lim jjTin t-n-Tr-T-rTTTJ TOO i lTI enJA yasil $ Greater Value at Lewer Cost The Essex has always been an outstand ing value by every standard of price and n quality comparison. Especially interesting new is a price te price measurement of the Essex against cars you have regarded as comparable te it in quality. Essex Touring $10e3 Essex Cabriolet 1195 Essex Coach J295 'Essex Sedan i895 Frtlght .nd Tex jrfra' nre II (45G) E Will you find today any car that. even approaches Essex in quality and ability, Wlthtn hnnrlrn f J.11 , ... " -e wi uuwms 01 iracestr And doesn't its low cost with such quality appeal te judicious buyers, whether they are considering a car slightly less in cest: or have been seeking Essex quality in some much costlier car? G0MERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. SALES ROOM, 128-140 NORTH BROAD SERVICE STATION, 2400-14 MARKET ST. I'h2!, incK lj ill m jirBHp HBnaMHn-Mii mm iY) hw mm. mm IW.m rmmmwy T' kii " Ice mmHm-m W- Fuyirwj:?zTBzt, artiM? :.J-.La'HAiniwimiw '.J' ."!, I " V I kfe wj .-T?