PllflS JftWl d iR3' uT .,.-." , rwfrAMW'i v "i.ujS-'v' '"""I'W 'w i i viszsmv-y rwxMr&P&w?.: ft-'iikin.iTi'iJf. w M'. vrrw-iriTr J.-WTTff. '! J WH-f UW v?k r -' ,r - -t''iWT3M".ataK Jtt4'&wfrwi. ' ''fOTpip r t xWrAT'Oyr&'tJiu- wir i,iJr'i:, i .(; . ...A.r'l ttfixw.wsw. s DNESDAY, JULY" 5,' 1922 -ffitiFviyfsyj J2VJCiXNlJXW JfUJDUlU 'JLJKJWWUiXIr Jtrri.llJAUJiilJlfn.lAt rf wwTATl! gOK 8At.B APARTMENT HOUSE At AUCTION LOT 1BO1BO FT. WILLOW GROVE, MONTG. CO. (PARK AVE. OPP. WILLOW OnOVB pVlUO WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1922, AT 12 M. AT THE REAL ESTATE! SALESROOMS 1810-21 CHESTNUT ST.,' PHILADELPHIA r f Aprtmnt Heuse 11 8-room apartments 4 2-room apartmentai 14 roemi en Bth ,W tlctrla llcht. ei. Springfield wtr, steam heat, tc. SAMUEL T. FREEMAN A CO.. Auctioneer! 1519-21 CHESTNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA XEV JERSEY BCnPBBAy NEW JER'IKV SWW1UIAN " "" HAllDONrlKLH HAnDONFIKI.n fr?sLJm JftViw&vrWnrras.K. t ffiwvawM'".; :. ' '"wwwimviBHfti SUBURBAN LIFE THE DESIRE OF MOST EVERYONE can be enjoyed without sacrificing any efvth city convenience. Lecate your nom at BEAUTIFUL HADDONFIELD ESTATES. New Jeriey'a handiest and melt btautlful home section. PICTUnnSOUE, OPEN rolline country, high and dry PLENTY OF PURE AIR AND SUNSHINE BATHING BEACH ADJACENT TO PROPERTY CITY CONVENIENCES BUY YOUR LOTS AND BUILD Take Haddenfleld trolley or P. R. R. .ateam train at Market St. Ferry (Camden side) te West Haddenfleld, N. J. Our office la adjacent te atatlen. SEND FOR BEAUTIFUL FREE BOOKLET HADDONFIELD ESTATES COMPANY l 801 1IADDON EARL R. AVL.1UH i.ixwnnn jEpWgS0S0- IS YOUR NOSE TO THE GRINDSTONE? If you are paying rent It purely Is, and hew much long-err are you going te permit thli condition te exist? It Is false economy te pay rent when wa are sclllne little homes en such small pavments, lull pavments. We are LINWOOD, MT. THE STATION 19 RIGHT AT OUR GROUNDS Lets are selling from $44 en up as low as $10 down and $5 per month. will be accepted. If you desire te build yourself you de net have te wait until let It paid for. There arc ocheols, stores and churtfies. Twelve trains a day. The bus line running from Kalghn's Aenue Ferry. The fare la 11 centa right Inte tha city of Philadelphia. LOOK WHAT YOU GET FOR $3200 1. New five-room bungalow and bath. 4. Running water, 2. Hot-wate- heat. B. Large fertile piece of ground. 8. Electric lluhts. 0. Ne charge for financing. 7. Terms te ault your earnings. There Is an ngcr.t en I'.ie grounds waiting te show you a sample heuae, which la "nn for your Inspection, Or you may cell at the etllce of T P ARROTT 9nl.Q Atrent opposite station, auduben. n. j. i . r. gpy i i , aaies Mgcm open daily and bunday pexxsyi.vama BunxiRnAN MAIN I.INB ARDMORE ON THE NOnTH BIDE Stene and stucco Colenlnt-typ house, with 2-car garage) spa spa cleus first fleer; 4 bedrooms. 3 baths en the second fleer; 4 bed rooms. 2 baths en tha third Boer; very reaaenabty priced. WYNNEWOOD Stene and stucco Colonial heuae, with usual first-fleer roems: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths en the second fleer; 3 bedrooms, bath, atore atere atore reom en the third fleer; early possessien: excellent opportunity te mirrhasa in restricted neigh borhood. PAOLI Te close an eatate; Colonial house. T bedrooms, 4 batha; thoroughly modern; can be pur chased at a very low figure; well financed; ewnera will con sider renting. BRYN MAWR On a prlvate tape, atone and hlngle house, 2-car garage, U S$l00.m'- ? baths; large let with fine ahade. A. D. WARNOCK 112 S. 10TH ST. MEDIA ROSE TREE DISTRICT olenlal-stvle house. 12 rooms; h. w. in" blh, outbuildings. Quick possession) te acres of land. S00OO; easily financed. BENJ. T.LEVIS affi- Phene, Media 48H JjIKI.BOSB TARK Uli!lllll!ll!lilUllllll!iBli;;iUIIII!l!lll!,ll MELROSE PARK 'ATTRACTIVE DWELLING hJ?SSd l9r centa'nn 3 bedroemi. 2 niiSi' dJn1ntr room and oleeplns cellent location; $20,000. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDO. ItniiitKim n IPUIHIOTIIIIIIIIIIIM RADNOR rSSRRSTOB with i ':' ". .-..- I ml" ,8 rooms. 3 baths and1 ?nri?mber"! at reami old ehade, with eu.rt' '' or 3 cara. "tin man'! minrlasn nKma 10 , fnr"?; iw,lSr """I""' te sell, mev. k"1? another city. iil5l & McMULLIN "'mi u.Ni) TRUST BLDO, WVNNKWOD WYNNEWOQD Modern itrm i ...j.i. ,. Mn.?W"re. ntlractlwily nlnn'ai. aharnbir.'f ,S ren,n"- a ttatha, u ...SP1""": Karav-e imt inr Inn.. "'"J am hujB. Ilrl... tmlBua. HIRST & McMULLIN OV.8T ENV TRUST ULDO. Urn BBAIi ESTATE TOB BALI" 1 1 i I I l l f 1 I LIPPINCOTT HADDONFIELD. N. J. I.INWOOD building hornet at EPHRAIM. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS piiimiiiiiiM HUNTINGDON VALLEY FARM ONE MILE FROM RYDAL Large stone Colonial house, contains 13 rma. ; farm barn; old shade around bulldlnga; TO acres rich, fertile land surrounded by country seats of well known l'hlladelphlana; convenient te railroad atatlen, geed schools, golf club, etc.; for sal at attractive price. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDO. ilainiM REAIj ESTATE SAXE OB KENT cnKSTNUT ma, VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CHESTNUT HILL. PHILA. -Chestnut Hill 1837 Chestnut Hill 20S7 BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY IIMlB'il S. W. Cor. 5 th & Arch Sts. Twe-story building, Jannarv 1. 1U23. 48x00; possesien C.F.Simen, 112S. 1 6th St. I iniiiniiui SiailllilllWilllllinilllUIWIIIIIIMlIMIIIIIWIIIllIllillllllllUI!!!!! 11 7-1 VS. 1thSt. I5T auea Improvanient lasn C.F.Simen, 112S. 16th St. lllll!IJIIIIII!lll!!IUIinillll!!linunilllli!llll! Alan see ndvrrtUrmcnta In sniull type In fellow luc columns. RADIO RALF- : : : : : : : : By Jack Wilsen f THE. MEW MAM NEXT D00r? IS AWFUL 1 WELL, Me BETTER 0E CAREFUL iM I ' , iSteJOHB T7"t " i r roegM!!- Me wamtep te whip sx this neighborhood!! some one will I hey pep! Vel meaM MM IB "" lnTLB cMicKerVs MOVERS TO0AY BECAUSE THEY BROKE 1M HrM VCMt4 A PEG- ME BETTER I 0Uf? CKTS GeT 1ittpkJc; f Rm H " S,X F &M TA:r 0ELOHGEP - A SMALL JAR ( L NEVER OPEM HlS MOUTr I CHlCEMS !.' SniCrl9.. J H Te THE riEW MAM NET , I hTT & V 07 ? 1 T0!r- ' Brm u 7 ZM VrnT? r -tT b y jwwsm. M & te' m ns v-:-?x. w.7rr m tx ?7 vu vtsrjai BEAT ESTATE, JOB BENT CITY OFFICE FLOOR SPACE 140 North Bread Street Attractive) efflcei, InrtTO and small, In thoroughly modern, centrally located, fireproof building. Tills fleer particularly adapted for organliatlenn In which te handle large office forces economically and efficiently. . STEAM HEAT 8PLKNDID. LIGHT AND VENTILATION ELECTRIC PASSENGER AND FREIGHT ELEVATORS LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WASH HOOMB LINOLEUM FLOOR COVERINGS a We also have ene 2000 square feet store space en the ground fleer, and dry sterage space In the basement. Fer further particulars apply te GUARANTY CORPORATION GEORGE E. OLLEIt, Secretary & Manager. 140 N. Ilread St, Phlla., Pa. Phene: Spruce 1060 ltttlnesa Presertle and Storm k'liaiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii FIRST FLOOR & BASEMENT Light en Three Sides Light Furnished Outside Entrance te Basement NO. 2 S. MOLE ST. Between 15th and lGth Sts. FIRST DOdR BELOW MARKET MiiiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii!iiiiimiigiiiiiii'iiiwiii;iiiiii!i,! A FOUR.STORT nUILDINd 1223 TO 1220 13 BACK ST. Contains 22.000 square feet and has electric elevator. Itental only 13000.00 yearly. Suitable for llsht storage or manu facturing. Belt lne R. R. aiding Inte property. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION APPLY AMERICAN ICE CO. C00 ARCH ST. SEn MR. ARMSTRONG l!ll!Ei:Hiii3 Fne terlrs. Warehouses. Mannfacterlns Floers 1 FOR RENT IN THE Building 22d and Arch Sts. A Limited Amount of Fleer Space I Reasonable Terms S H Light, Airy Space Best Facilities a Fer full information apply I THE BELBER TRUNK I & BAG CO. ilMIBWlMIM 1813-15 CALLOWHILL Modern 3-story bulldlnc (8-story front. 1. story rear). 3200 sa. ft. en around floer: aultairte for garage, service station or llsjbt manufaeru'a M. H. MATSINGERlf-e.151' Qrwaa AUTOMOBILE SALESROOMS. SERVICE STATIONS OR GARAGES 1322-36 Rldsa ave., 00x130; larara show windows en Illdaa ave; unusually Reed llsht: every medern convenience. QaraRe and service station en Watts st.. south of Wallace; one-half square from Bread St.: 1B1 feet front en Watta st., 130 feet en Lemen st.: unutunl Hunt; all conveniences; completed July These three garages can be rented to te Bether If desired as they all communi cate, with total area of 27,000 square feet en ene fleer, with exceptional llxht. 308-10-12 N. 15th at.. 01x80; llcht en three sides; geed show windows; new and modern building. We have under way three additional iraraces, containing six, seven and flfteen thousand feet each; all central. Let's talk It ever. HARRY T. SAUNDERS 81 SOUTH 18TH STREET OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC. 1807 CHESTNUT STREET Offices suitable for any line of busi ness and 1 upartment, 3 rooms and bath; reasonable price. Fer further particulars apply te JeHeph Feldman '-'Oil Lincoln ltldg 1913 ARCH STREET Complete new and modem offlce build ing: elevator and Janitor service; amall and laige space; reasonable rent. C LI,.m WkK,12i0 Wldener Bid. J. 11UI1UUI' ITV.UU Sprue Lh7 pi iiim BEA1. (ESTATE TOB BENT CITY ..OKFICKH. nDrHNEWH ROOMS. liTO. Rent Offices City Center Building SOUTHEAST CORNER Bread & Cherry Sts. A BLOCK FRO'V CITY HALL Desirable Offices In this thoreuuhly modern fireproof building ready for occupancy In September, Het and cold water In each office. Light and airy. Fast elevators. Albert M.a3ifieM&e. 15th & Chestnut Sts. IfJIIIUIUHIBIl STOCK BROKERS Very dMrable acconrl-fleor-front opeca; iuu sq. ir.; wnn eievntnr. 1615 WALNUT STREET EDGAR G. CROSS H nil WAI.WUT HTHEET iraiii'iuiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiininniiiiiiiiiiini'iHiiiiiiOi VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street Made New Frem Cellar te Reef Several desirable eftlces for rent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1BTH AND CHESTNUT STS. HEED BUILDING 1211-1213-1215 Filbert St. OUTSIDE ROOMS At very reasonable rates. SHUBEI BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street ipst a nre.u, neon ewice: huimmnq AlSO H fl Vrt I usii mid In amnll K. t following felumnH. '"v MAINE FOR RENT FULLY FURNISHED SUJfMER HOME BALD HEAD CLIFF. MAINE 10 rooms, hanter. water, ntwn flHnl.u. magnificent ocean shore land; trolley, church 3 minutes' walk: rent for season 11200. Apply Henry W. Weare. Ofrunqult, Me., or mm ROBERT N. SIMPERS N. 4th St.. Philadelphia MORTGAGES iiiiH!iBrra!.!!i,K LARGE TRUST FUND 1100,000 TO I500?000 ALWAYSi AVAILABLE FOR Immediate Investment FIRST MORTGAGES LOW CHARGES LIONEL FRIEDMANN I 231 S. 15TH ST. i Spruce 0141-2-3 V Anstvem urlven in e. hn,, HlWIlim WANTED 1ST. 2D AW W IgTANV AOONTS FOR WEINBERGER & CO. 28 S. 17TH BT. RACE 2020 MORTGAGE FUNDS WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1617 WALNUT STREET MORTGAGES FIRST AND SEr-nvn . QUICK SEl'TI.EMENT WEINBERGER & CO. nAonsesa '-'s S. 17TH ST. WANTKn FIRST MORTGAGES In any amount from Moen te 11,000.000 for Important special fund Herace H. Fritz, 713 Walnut St. $50 TO Real eatu'.e security. Immediate tettlement. Interest en estates $2000 EDW. M. MOLL j?.?h".-t. VUUBIII, 1Dtl c.t uuijv Al' see adtirtUcmeils tn small tjpe In follevtlnc columns. FOR RENT FURWISHED OKItMAXTOWN TO RENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Large Colenlnl brick residence. 1,12 Car penter st . (Ivrmuntewn, near Carptentcr Station, 1 It, It, electric branch, 3. acre lawn nh.ule trees, bulges; 4 bathrooms, steam hunt from renttal plant, v.111 repaint ami paper WM. M. BRINKWORTH agent, hth and Lehigh ue. Phene Dlnmend 2btl0. APABTMENTS PEWNBYLVANIA WUBUBBAK " 2 AND 3 ROOM APTS. STRICTLY MODERN P. J. LAWLER MARKET STS. Phene, Lansdnwna 80 Alan see ndrertlwmenta In email type In follewlna celnmns. BEAL ESTATE FOB BAIE CITY 2214 COLUMIHA AVE., stores. 2127 Sprlnr Garden: solid brownstone. (1013 N. 11th St.; corner apartments, 17tlfM22 Vine at,: central. 850 N, 17th,, cer. store and drrti. tat. restaurant. B. E, cer 15th and Parrlsh; store and dvrs.i i ovxeg, I1S10-12 Stiles; 3sty. caraae. 1 20RB Oreen at.) brownstone. am n. mtn: in moms, s hatha; doueis rreni. 1701 Mt. Vernen; cer.! 11 rooms, N. W. cer. leth and Wallace; 10 npartmenta. 02e Mt Vernen; med,, h:at. clee. 2040 Kalrmeunt ave, ; 0 rooms; lfiiel. 0020 Summer, cer.; B rooms; modern. 1021 replar, 10 rooms, 30x110. . II. H. WORRELL A CD . nsfi N. 17th at. 17117 HI'IUNO OAHDHN, 13 RM8, A BATH 173H HI'ltINU UARDBN, 1.1 RMS. UKTll 2(117 HI'IUNO C1ARDKN, 13 RMS. A 2 BATHS 1021 SPR1NU OAItnilM, 1H RMS. A 0 BATHS 2001 RPR I NO flAHDBN, 18 RMfl. A BATHS 2117 RPRINO OARDBN, 14 RMS. A 2 BATHS 2123 SPRINO OARDBN. 18 RMS. & 0 BATHS 170B MT. VKHNON, 11 RMS. A BATHS 1710 MT. VERNON (Oar.). 12 Rms. A 8 Batha 1721 MT. VERNON, 13 ROOMS A 2 BATHS 20S8 MT. VERNON. 12 RMS. & 2 BATHS 1434 BIDOE AVENUE TO 15T1I STREET 2007 NORTH MARVINE, 10 HM8. A 1 BATH 2124 NORTH ALDER. 7 RMsTaND BATH SOU NORTH I1UCKNELL. 7 RMS. A BATH David T. Nevin, 529 N. 20th St. WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS REALTORS 1.-.40 NORTH SEVENTH STREET 0th.. 110. 000 F'klln O.B00 H'tch'n 4,000 H'tch'n 3.B00 1028 N, 13th. 110,000 1314 N. 2023 N. 12th. 0.000 017 N. 1030 N. 11th. 7.B0O 1202 N. 1320 N. F-klln 7.O0O 1218 N. 11-25 N. 12th .. O.7S0 1220 N. 1011 N. Marv'e 3.800 1033 N. 2130 N. 7th.. 8.000 H,02 N. ii'tcn n a,ev Alder Bedlna D'phln , Oxf'd Camsr 1,800 1.7B0 1.700 1,600 l.fiOO 1248 W. Hax'd 3.300 2544 E 247 Jeffersen 2,0 00 r,04 W, 13B2N, Marten 1.800 1014 N. 2414 Alder at...K,oe 2423 Clarien at. 2000 2110 Arlington . 2700 2.1B0rhadwlck. 3000 182,1 N. leth st, 4U0O 2ri32 N. 10th ..IBB0O 3124 Yerk rd... 8200 137 W.Wyem. 10. B00 1817 N.l.Keer.) 12, BOO 17t Master at. 12, BOO B017 N 12th St. 12.S00 17111 N. .'0th St. B200 HUGH F. QUINN rep. 2028 101(1 COLUMBIA AV. Park 3044 $5200, WORTH $6000 Perch. 0 rooms, bath, het-wter heat, gas and elect., hardwood floors. In 2 rooms, gas kitchen, ntar St. Henry'a; let 10x120 te back street, garage privilege, 440O block N, 3d st. Office and samnle house alwaya open. SOOO cash nedd. BinDLE CO 4n.-,l Nl Bth. S130O EACH: rent, MB te 117: f colored tenements: West Phlla.; these will pay ever 26 per cent en Investment: also nt J-22B0 12 mall houses up town, close te Ilread at.' rent. J2B. LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. 1010 SntUCE ST la nst only an extremely well-located corner property, but Is an at- tract Ue value at present prlcn; most suitable for Immediate occupancy without nitratiens for doctors, lawyers or 1 nlr-s offices en luwer floors, apartments en upper floors. SHERWOOD APARTilENtP AOENCY 1834 Walnut st. Spruce 8H00. $100,000 CASH, balance mertage, secures central office building, paying 123,000 npt per annum: 23 per cent Imestmcnt: close te Bread st.; exceptional opportunity for a uulck actor. LAMB & CO.. 737 Walnut St. 4243 N( 15TH ST. Eight rooms and bath: uutcn nan: steam neat: electrlc light: perch frent: let lS.Bx88: I0S00; I1B0O cash; prompt possessien: they are net turned loeso like this every day: be prompt. WESTNEY. 203 I.lberty Building (40,000. BALANCE mortgage, buys larc building, paying S10.000 yearly, clear of all expenses; we will Jein with buyer In the purchase of this property. LAMB & CO.. 737 Walnut St. ERIE AVE WEST OF RICHMOND ST. rer se. foet: a rare hnnnentni- hn. th,m.i, this unusual property en market for im. inedlate sale at a ridiculous pr'ce, I ti. ii. inn. ti;i wnsriut st. 243 r.. lOTH ST. Eight rooms nnd bath. Dutch hall, steam heat, electrlc light, perch frent: let lB.BxSS; J0300: 11300 cash: prompt possession; they nru net turned loeso llke this t-very day; be prompt. WEST-NHY. 203 Liberty Building. .211.00". .PROMINENT corner. I2()x2ud: irenta; clete te exposition; will double :n value. LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. BAIRD AVE., 1473 Twin house, cer.: hard- weed floors, elcc. light: 2-car garage; large let: all modern Improvements; sun parler: $14,000. New Jersey Realty nnd Finance Cerp., 21 Bresdway. Camden. N. J. Fer sale, suitable. Important AUTO SERVICE STATION Bleck bounded by 4 Btreets; 20.000 sq. ft.. 3 blocks S of Market st., emt of Sehuylklll H. II. FRITZ 713 Walnut ;""ylK'"- 1500 EACH buys B 3-story houses; rent. ISfiO: mortgage, JB00O: geed section nnd geed speculation or Investment for some one. LAMB & CO.. 737 Walnut St. TWO r.-roem heunes, rented J13 i-uch: price $1500 each: terms te suit: fine paying In vestments. NEW JERSEY REALTY AND FINANCE CORP.. 21 Broadway, Camden, N. J. 7-STORY npartment house, fully rented: best class: south of Market, one block te Bread at.; nearly 20 per cent net return en Bpeclnl price tn close estate. H. H. FRITZ. 713 Walnut st. 11-18-15-n E COLUMBIA AVE. (cer of Blair st.) Fer sale, 4 8-story dwellings; all rented nt $25 pr month each: a real bargain. Apply te BARBER. HARTMAN & CO.. 1201 Chestnut at. M 020 SPRUCE ST"-i-Fer sale; 17-room real real denee: let 21x00 te Cypress st. ; 3 bath rooms; Immediate possession. BARBER. HARTMAN It CO 1201 Chestnut et. 3330 JOYCE (near Frankford nnd TIebh)- 2 story, perch, "rooms bath, eutsldu hhed'. excel. cend. 8700 cash: Him i'.,..i 11. J Bfinngrn s w. cer. Marshall A liriyt'm 2420 liAUERT ST.; let 1.1.0x112; a rooms and bath, eUe. light, perch front and back- terracu lawn: cement walk: In wnnH.,.,.i ' ditlen: I.1SO0. WESTNEY. 203 Liberty Bldg u ALlu.s, iioimeseurg junction sta. : large Delaware River frent: P. B. R. aiding- must be sold te clese estate. II. ir. prit?' 713 Walnut et "' r r1"' ISO N. DAR1EN be. ter sale: 2 story 0 rooms and h.itn. Bend lecatlun; reasjnable BARBER. HARTMAN 4 gg''Jn"ie. 1201 Chestnut st. ISTH BT NEAR COLUMBIA AVE, Das!-, nhle modern home with side yard: excel, lent for apartments: went offer. J it Masey A Sen. lgthM'd Green sta 420 IIAQERT ST . let 13.0x112. II rm,T7n bath, elec. light, perrh front nnd bark ty Hide. 010.12 WILT S.T. Six rooms, bath. Thed tmniedtate DOSsesslOn Dargajn. Mallen. nve. Cel. 4370. Oraham & Ce., 100H Qtn 2322 IlKU.Nlilt r. iteming 120; ujll blini 125: price $1300; will finance j i Maasey ft Hen, 13th nnd Green sts 2220 TUiiMiit m; iteming 2J, w.u brmg 123: price $1000, will finance. J. if 1781 MAhTER ST (cer lsth Seven apart- iiivit.B, ,.. h vu k-, tt.uiiMii must De neld; wunt niter TWO-STORY DWELLING. 0 rooms and bath; Yerk and Oermantuwn avea. ; posses, slen. Jeaenh Feldmnn. 200 Lincoln Bldg. uiajie.m) mt. corner, meiiern apartment house. 120 000. tirst niurtKagu 110. 000 dCOvVCBOFT, 241 S. 13th Spruce 7U78; .005 N PARK AV Apt house, 3 apta . nil lented: h.-w, neat e,tc ; but cum! , reaa. unable. E. M. Jennnlssen. 41128 Frankford nv :tH4 PERCY ST 7 rms. penh. I)m,.h h.n finished In white und mahogany; excehuH condition Shoemaker 7th and Eile avi. 11.1 HELEN- ST : perch, 7 room, shed . 11. vv , heat, elec, Dutch hall: flrst-class con,. pcKH FINNEY II and Perter. Har. 0110. laun ui.NUUUi.u st Three siery; renting au; win iirinir J3. prlcj ?2lO0: will t.Kt.v, u, a. .n,tr; em, lam ana urcen torrace in n, i.c-iiiiii wtuiv; in wonderful eeti. I m'irtgai'e insnuin'-ni nuer small caHn p.ay p.ay dltlen; I.1S0II. Westney. 203 LIbertv iidx I ment. "no perch-front henitH. 7 rooms Osiii. "?5x?PY,ci (1 ,7re ! "n l?lllv,l!iJ.,?:iS,n0e'I?. ' 5"d ttn" Ma"tet' --xl- ie i'l. . l.lf-y St., --sty garavH, ' . nn-n v-l-tu v i-i,d r-t....,t... 10.1,00(1. WESTNEY. 203 Liber MCAt KSTATB yOK flAJJC crrr 700 S. 11TH BT. and 708 Cliften St. Rent ing $88 per menth: te close estate. IB00. J. R. MAWSEY A SON. lth nndqreti i407 N. 18TH ST. Flva a par tmM rentlns 123 per month! muat be seldi want effar. J. It. MASSE Y geN, 13th and.Oren. DIRECTLY opposite Olty Hall, 85 feet front! te clese estatei financed. II. H. grin. 71B walnut at. THIRD KT. aeuthuf Callewhlll! 4 aleryi let through te Orlanna st. II, II. Fritz. 7l3wainuisr 707 ROOSEVELT ItULKVARD Two-ilery perch-front dwelling; 7 rooms iv w. I.1NHKR. 1328 Chestnut st. 2417 N. 10T1I. 3-aty brownstcne, 10 room;: "b-VIO: poVsVelon, Worrell SSO N,, TjS" e?U23b5LhJgl.ri2La..70U2. ....(nn jh .... RK M, T .ATI Iff It! is rmH. 2000 JILK. N. RINOaOI.D, 4 rna, ana eain. 00O lll.K, IN. ''"""'"IJ,,!" 2B05 W. ..Lehlfh.Dla.70 J2 2"0H r'TlMBERLAND ST.i 0 r,. bath, pch.: '-SiUy'jgljarlgty. 2338 W. Huntingdon, VValfiMifeSSLsS 2800 N. BAMBRKY 0 rma.. Batni mwi. inf tsane Krlck. Judsen and Indiana. , 2000 N. 24TH-0 rooms, bath, ehed. P?"'1 med.t tOOO'. Frlck. Juilsen and Indiana. 4300 XHANKKI.IN V-,fi.S,,nn M fi'li cend.i price rlnlit. timwlenlmah. -1200 N.Ttn V 131-33 W. HUNTINGDON T. 2 sty .. hl. gar,; let 0xBO Shmldhi'luer, 2427 .7in, 2357 N. CLEVKLAND-0 rooms, bath, elec tric: SH.ioe. rrxK. -'"'""" "u APARTMENT HOUhB. 31 rooms 4 bath. Sinn if 11TH ST. 3 sty.. 10 rms.: owner must rell. Keehler. 142H f'r,.tnut. CORNER property. r.. bth, else. : first- rTfirlt.rilll ai naiin'"" '- class cenn.: imm. "" " -- "" j Alse arc ndvertlaetnenta In large ijp prrewllng columns lliilldlng Lela, xifterr HUM, Kte. . ioi.euo UKYH en lets. 20X1J10 choicely lo cated west side Oormantewn; c Ipae te Manhelm Cricket riub! 'T.i.Viih?.! houses here will sell fast ni flushed. LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. FINEST building site In P hlladeinhla for op oration; might divide. Jehn H. McCafTert, 3721 Oermsntewn ae 7. nne Choice fnttery site. lflOxSOn. Wlin both river and R. R. frontage cneap. LAMB & CO.. 737 Walnut St. nualneaa Prepertlea nnd Bterea juu.oue HAItUAIN: 4-atery building. i.ix 20O: eloctrie elevator, electric IUht., 3 000 sauare feet; central, near the river: eniy S10.000 cash needed: possession. LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. $8000 BAROAIN: , rent. F',n:,'r,lnMiI property, with old frame buildings, live buslnesa center, desirable for stores or com mercial Improvement. ,, , -, LAMB & CO., 737 Walnut St. ,.. nnn, Kntitiintf. tarltet at., near nliV rental 4000: geed Investment; terms te suit buyer; unuimal opportunity. LAMB & CO.. 737 Walnut St. ITES railroad, Penna. and Rending! I2i0 rr acre A ur. IllETKRICH. 737 Walnut Inrferlea. Wnrelutisea. Manufarturlng Floers 18.C01 SQUARi: FEET, third fleer. S3d and Walnut sts.; exwllt eullllng: elevaterii electricity, hrat: geed claylleht ventilatien: West Philadelphia atatlen nnd excellent trol trel ley sorvke: medurate rent Apply nny broker or owners. 003 Bailey Bldg. Phene Walnut 2422. I0O.0O0: 1-STORY factory; 05x330: Penna. R. R. aldlnc; possession; with little cash required. LAMB 6c CO., 737 Walnut St. FIVE factory or warehouse properties. lil.OOO-flO.HOO sq. ft.; semi-central locatien: Immediate lclnlty all railroads, electricity: elevators- steam heat, modern construction. Immulht. nnM.esstnn. SLVtON WEIL Owner, 1141 N, 2d. KAC10R1ES & WAREHOUSES I 17 C XAMI.Mn I 1.1.LUI.A I - " iviiliimauii. Ji iu.n ONE-STY. brick btdg.. 20x74, with basern't; hlrtl. celling; suitable for light manufac turing; IU.UUU. gnucmtimM , , ?-j; NEAR 2d and Nerrts 24,000 tn ft en 2 floors and basement: steiim heat and elec. Its. J. C. Frel ft Ce., 140 N, 21st. Spr Mj'I'J. FACTORIES, warehouses, rallreaaa; 0n finance. DIETKRICH. 737 Walnut St. Alse see advertisement In large type In prerwllng reinmna, Onrnges OARAGE Wyncote: ene story, stone, CO-ear capacity; a going propes'tlon that Invites your Inspec tion. ALBERT HALL. Land Title Bldg. Spruce 7401. . - Stores nnd Dwellings THREE-STORY steru nnd dwelling- all Im- rreviments, BS1H I.ansdevne ave. Apply LEHHMA'N'S Real Estate Office. 1101 N. 4llth st. STORE for rent and stock for sale, confe cenfe confe tlnnery, cigars nnd light lunch: Easten rd below Welsh, Call Willow Orevn 38., CORNER, flth nbee Ihlgh: store. 0 rooms. bath. Apply 2S0.1 W. Lehigh, Dla 7pd2 WEST I'llII.ADEI.rillA TAKE A LOOK AT THIS 1221 S. 40th st.: 3 story, semi-detached, lentaining 10 rooms, bath shed und lnu:i liy, stationary wash tubs In cellar; all n"wly papered finished In white and mahog maheg tny. ehctrlc light, with beautiful Interior decoration het-nlr heat: lare let 2tlxl 1.1. side and bai k j.t. with room for gurnge. lrch and laun front; nlce wide street, convenient te car line; price 17010; worth will finance te ault purchaser, for Inspection i;-! : rinlsslnn. C. B. Bartlett. 10(11 Commonwealth Bldg. Rlttenheuse S20O TWO-STORY ircd-rti H-room house; 4 bed rooms; electric; newly pnperd ind painted; laundry tuhs; Dutch hall etc.: A-l condi tion' let 10x55: frcnt perch: fine neighbor neighber neighbor eood: prlee te quick buyer, I00OO, immediate possession; I also have another which Is modern, with 3 U'diciema, for 1.1000 If you are loe'tl.u for n reasonable modern home, don't Mil te leek these ever. EDWARD WASSERMAN, 2414 S. 03d. Woodland 4184 or Woodland S4B2 W. $7200 Inclesed perch, hardwood flcera throughout; beautiful full tit. k.. .h with built-in shewer: het-water heat, elec tricity; cannot be duplicated. REED & TEMPLETON 1310 Seuth B7th street v..cnaian I tme 4020 CEDAR AVE. Threc-stcrv seml-de- tnchd residence, 2 baths, h.-w. heat, elec hardwood floers: especially ndapted for physician or dentist; offlce and waiting room possession. ' Hermen Andersen f;,0,,- ONLY FEW LEFT J 14 leps than rent pays fixe, charges and ONE of the most modern homes, nil hard' weed flooring, perch front, stone, 1 1 rooms, 2 b.iths, let 23x12.1, eeml-detached; must ba seen te nppreclate. Call at any time. Owner 3D03 W, Glrard ave, 02411-34 OSAGE AVE. Seien rm iTTcbised perch thoroughly medern: Cobbs Creek B'iulev.ird saerlflre te home buyers financed B713-10. .111-21 Warrington nve., new med. cm garages Snkolev Diamond ST'.'n 5412 WILLOWS AVE. Twe story, brick, heated Inclesed perch: garage, het-water beat, electric light, tlled bath, built-in hhewer bath, leek at this before you buv. lV UL H ST ULL. Merris ir.dg. S pruce 1021, CORNER. 0-rrj. rciidence, elec . h -w. heat' fled bath. Incl perch, garage, facing 011 2 main us , let U"cl20 ft.; room for 2 stores Apply office. 1,130 S 37th at, Woedlanriji nil. FINE 3-eiy cer. Ovcrb-oek: i"ed, threujh- eut: lar,T,j Iff remn for garage for several cars; .irle $30,000. HOi F.MAN. 50:'7 Glrard nve. OOTH'ST. SECTfON. Jli',00 New single stone heuse, let 11.1 ft, deep; State rd. West Cheelei Pike, or Walter A. McClatcIr ' 7'llh nnd Mrrket. Open today. MALCOUM, .1720. 2-story, modern home". large rooms well iecatnl, will eacrlllce f '1 immediate sale meniuiM whip lereeshinn at en e J, W. CA.MAC. tl'.'d and Woodland ave. KBATj BiTATX FOR 8ALK WMI PHILADKLPHIA N. W, COR, ISth and Baring 8-story stara ana lu rooms ana e.iin, meaern; ou ft. from Lancaster ava.t bargain. Whitley. 401 Empire Bldg, W Rnsrk. A ainut eiiaa, 6418 WHlTBt AVE. Big rooms and bath. . irarun, aircviiviij. wi-Tiar iivmi, s, kitchen, laundry In basement: excellent con ditlen I possession. Phene Walnut 2888. WYNNKKIKLD'H parkway at.. 04B2 Lb anon Ave,, fl rooms and bath: garage! thoroughly medern: rent' 180! keys B432. Hoeckl". 723 H, f.2,1 sL SIX 2-story apta., B rooms, bath and perch: each rented, only IBliacash each; sell 2 or mere. Del Delbert, 1420 Chestnut. Roem 801. .im.i BELLa.R TERRACE Medern: Inclesed percn; saxuu, J. P. Cunnlnansni. J707 rifsler ave open inntiy. 162005003 IIAVERFOKD AVE., 6 bed bed bed roems: largest 2stv. hnui. In w Phlln i.wnsr leaving rlty. Ilcffmari, BII27 Olrnrd. 3038 BALTIMORE AVE-. Three etery, ee-. trie: vacant: terms te suit. A. r. BROWN. 310 I.ln-eln Bldg. Sptucs 7301. POtHESHK N 8027 A-pen best buy In West Phlla.: $BOO0: 0 rooms, bath, perch. MAYER, 4I'2" Lnnrnstrr ave, 4027 CHESTNUT 3 etnry, 18 rms., 3 baths: euiinuie or nni, iiuusn. ijnnn investment. GEO M, AMA.VS SONS. 1218 Chestnut at. 1'AltKSIDE ft 41.ST Ideal home, latest Hri Hri Hri provement, 118.000; no brokers, Stndlcn. st.nire ;tr.li2 30TH AND SPRUCE Excellent residence, 12 em., 2 baths, beatiiir I i 'itiee i j,.. cut. Qeerge Watsen, 3247 f'hestnut st. N. 84TH ST. Well built Percir"linu.""ii rooms and bath, elec. light; must be sold quickly, Qenrge Watsen. 3247 Chestnutst. 4oue z-b-ruiix percn nouse: 10 roems: bargain. OSI OltaE WATSON. 3217 Chestnut at. ,1022 FLORENCE AVE. Four li'droems J. I' Cunningham B707 Chester ae. IF LOOKING for home or Investment see BARRY a. BARRY. 4443 fheett n s. 818 MARLYN RD. Modern, Inrl'd perch. Kaiage: 8UI.MMI. Heffman. .")27 Olrsrd. ."uu j siy., sien sara: let yrixUT! room for garage. HOFFMAN, B027 Olrard. 1281 N. 007 II 3 sty , perch, excellent efjnd.: price IDfifit'. HOFFMAV. ,1027 Glrard. 8727 CHESTER AVE. Desirable ceriierT CONNELLY. BID Oreen. APARTMENT prep! ties, W. Phlla.; little ensn req.: nig returns, iteinnsrt. 1.124 Chest Alse aee adertls'ments In large t)pe In preeellng eeliimnw njTRMANTntVV $5300 Olrl-fashiered home, with bed ah nf ntin r?Al above financed will de well te com. with -imries j cnaeier, 0702 uermantewn ave. ins E. u'Af.vTTT tivi' uAi..i..t.A perch front. O renmn and luth tie.wter ' rf sa a iiv iiiiij-iftiv-ui n i-naiuuvix anu room ai siee ter eriveway i twins, some are alnBl": nrst from u and some let. old shade, lawn, het-water ,ion. ethers In By weed, Highland Park. U.: heat; geed loc. en main st.i unusual prep. , ijvi; ,t WALTER A. McCLATCHY. 7th in these tlmea of high prices, no trlllers: .rt iinri,., tts. Open today. . any hemeseeWer who hoe th eaeh r.r nan ni I nn JlllTKet v "' i hen .electricity' let 20x100 ft 'fine cend" '""ni" ''"' te etafler and Philadelphia: an tlen: prlcVufed. NEIANABALLrsSeI'd'Hl up-te-date commuter', place, must be Oermtntewn ave. I sold at .unee. , . 13 E. TULPKHOCICEN ST Three etury. B rooms, bath het-nter hent eleetile, semi-detached- 10000. Edwin C nihaidt. .1011.1 Oenn.intewn av. Oermiintewn . 10.13 in XV LOUDEN ST Price rcdiKed: 2-stuij potch-frent hmie i! rooms nnd bath, vn- cant. Henry W. Fletcher. flflOO Germ'twn ay. 01 15. WISTI'.'H HT Sl7r and dwelling, let 3.1x101: elec. h.-w. heat: aide drive; rle(s for gnr Inc. Dnane. an.17 Otn. ave. Tin. 0731 OTN. tlin r.i ges Ireene nnd Tulpoherken sts.; txst sta in Otn.: attractive hemeB with ga Drehv A Evsns'1007 T.lnr-l-i T"de- MODERN heme: excellent location; 14000; only s.'.OO cs-h Curs H141 Otentx av. Alse ndverilsriurnta In large tjpe In preceding eelnmna LOGAN B214 N. WARNOCK Medern 2-tery twin house. 4 bedroems: flnw condition. 1320 Wagner ave Modern 2-story twin haute, 4 bedrooms, excellent condition, A, R. OHEENSTEIN 1142 Real E.tate Trust Bldg. STORE and 3 apta., 19x02, all late Imp.; rents $2700; price 118.(100: mtgs. 114,000. Spruce 3.1H2. I2ls I'ennn Illd. ATTRACTIVE twin heme- Dnneanner. ave.! r 2W sterv, 10 rooms. In geed conditien: peas MOORE. 11th and Wlndrlm ave. LOfiAN At Hld . 4SI0 N. lntn 7 tmc. A h. med Fremont t Ce.. 1 402 N. Am. Bid, Alse are ndtrrtlsrmcnts In large t)pe In precrillng eelitmn. OLNE $5750 aide 2d at., balew Fisher a-.. up to te data homes, hardwood fleer, laundry, de-p lets, with garage rights, the best bargain in thla lecillty. J. CHARLES TI'NDT. Builder $5200 New, cozy. 2-story, alrllte home, perch, hot het water heat, elebtrlc, hardwood floera- garage privilege: little cash required. OLNEY REALTY CO. B.110 N. BTH ST. WTO.'' B2.10 GROUND FOR BUILDERS Ripe for Immediate use; we have some very rtpe locations, OLNEY REALTY CO. tin f niTvn a- 2lTE-FWEWAiyETrlert.,terv rorch-fre-it dwe lings; 7 roems: wth vi- rage under kltrhen- nrenertv In ,nnrtl. . -." . .---.-- ... ....... .....- ChurchiT rooms. Inclesed perch, wide strut; geed sectien: easv payments; 47 and 7.1 trel. leva. . ABERNKTHT 1328 Chestnut st NEW Rusciimb st homes, bet. 2d and 3d sts.: 1 bik. north or nenseveit Blvd.; n r and nam. n.-w neat, inclesed percn: e-isv terms STAHL, 32011 N 3d St. Wve B728 1 COR, prep., s e. cer. Marshall and Grange, 7 rooms bath, hwd floors, h -w ht will fin, W. Fischer's Sens 8th nnd Rockland. Alse see advertisement In Urge tjpe In preceding columns. OAK LANE SEND for our list of sub pmpe-tles. Lannen nellly. 00,ln Veiv. rd imk Lane 100s FRANKFORD FRANKFORD English dwellings. priced low; cenv. locatien: Pilling st. bet. Orthe dex and Arrett sts. 3 hlecks west of Frank ford nve ; lets 30x12.1; garages can be rented. Drehv Evans 1007 Lincoln Bide BUNGALOWS with garage. 7 rms first fir latest Improvements DUFF. Fkd. 0522 CHKSTMT H I LL LOTS In Erdanhnlm terrain, all street Im prevements; cencrete walks: low tax rate; will assist In financing nnd for building. JENKINTOWN TRUST COMPA N Y riatx ROCK FERN ROCK Twin. 7-rm. dwg.: fg.itie. opportunity. Lannen &. Rellls, 0030 Yerk rend " TIIHiA 114.1 W VENANGO -Three story. 10 rms 2 luthB. elec , large let, etc condition a real opportunity -In best location I'RANK LIN 11. SP1TZER t W 11U0 Wnange WlfsrlSIMI 1.MMF.D ress. 0.128 'TerresdaT av"ir;""il rooms, bath, perch modern garire privl- lege. Wubel. 32.12 FranKfird uye. Gar 0037. 1T.SNSVLV M. SL'IU'RBAX HIVER-FRONT property ut bmilhtewn. neur Point Pleasant, Bucks Ce.. Ta ; 1 Aero with river and canal frontage, Colonial bungalow; living rin. with flreplac" kitchen 3 bedrooms, bath rm shower b.itr. screen-d perch, tcrrace etc.. all medjrn conveniences Incl elec. lights, laundry, etc . g-viage fur 2 cars, servant's room and pump house artesian well Delce elec system for light ing and pumping beautiful grounds, sell for reasonable price H .!. DAG r It. Ammer l'.i 14 MILES FROM CITY HALL ilOn TEET FROM .STATION AND TIU1LI FY ' acres, mostly In grove, stene dwelling Iieslrln Immedlaie ea'e we ate autherlied e name r. low prli'e maUliig esy t, rms f. P I'lrnlltS A -ION. HOsJ-HESTVI'T T CI'T STONE suburban res dence, lecateH en Bethlehem PlU" near Chestnut Hi l in rooms, bath, all improvement. enr. .1. iiun; narawoen nne;s tnrougneut; net-water aundry. large perches 8 chambers 4 hhs r healing system: price reasonable sleeping r perch nrlVsii ..-iP .jr.'.i lUIl t HAnilFIt Hahtmav . r'e ii, ,. percn, private watr system, elec- ,b c?'?rV ' &&"'?" "g.'' vr . IWmi CASH buys beuutltul medirn home. 221 , ' ... W. Fishers ave.: close In Tnearnnflnn ' A.1IIILF.R mBFessS82WW3mk , ,... .-....i . .. .... ., .) MAt, XgTATS VOS fNNYLVANIA WUWUMAir PUBLIC BALK )' MR. WILLIAM O. JUBT '.SJt-.S at Owynedd Val ey, Pn.. tfaturifty, JMW;ln Se t tAmvUrht nvln time), en nreasMMi' ,mtl.i f.ti2rM O. JUBT ' teti ,-va'ti. anil Welsh reads, short 3 mlltt ! "' . i;r . i . - j. - , - rj from uwyneuq vaiier bibuuh, -. u at Owynedd Valley, Montgomery County, ...-,. ..--;- .;-.,-. u.-.,- t. . " ... laundry, etc. Fin condition. LargaBi stuccn barn of attractive appearance. hA..HAfl tnr etintlt ROO hen. Alr ulfh letrift nlltomatle JI(,C ' 1 ,. .l.b. t.a....l..l uver l acres in inwn, win, i-tutu.... 3plngi Old eik nnd ethir ahade trjeai rniruunery in tununnc. si drives. Lake of about 1 acre In all. f k....Mi T.ertrA mimner ex ..B Kriua .li. Aefr.vlts hedaA AlelNI main front. Property hag ever 8500 ft. JOM Itentnge. This l n attractlv., m4lsjm' priced, modern country home, which will In create In vnlia liecaua of Its deslrabl loeft leeft loeft tlen and extensive read frontages. Nth boring properties owned by.Celnnil Lemt i:elb, Cardin-.l Dougherty, Mr. Reland L Tailor. Mr. C. L. Carter, Mrs, Pemberton Holllngswerth and etliern. ,. . Property open for Inspectldn Wrlta ler descriptive ijrei'tr,t, . II. J. DAQER Agent. Amblr. Pa. , DREXEL HILL Artist's heme: a perfect dream; high ! tlen; view unexcelled: can b purchased with artistic furnishings romp cte If desired: beautiful greundD; nothing else Ilk It In -uburban Philadelphia: w J price 17.."00: worth $10,000 UIHirilUI T.IWi I mere: must (jet ,'".--. ,. ,. ,.. immcainteiy u inirreiru. ORIFFITH, NATIONAL BANK BLDO. LAMHDOWNB . B5 ACRES. Nertn Wales, Pa., sultabl for factory sites or sub-dlilslen Inte build Ing lets lien ft. railroad frontage, about 3000 ft. frontage en 3 streets, particularly suitable for any manufacturing concern iy quiring tenslderable ncreuge: can dlvlda te suit purchase y daeku Amhlr. Pa. . MOVE IN AT ONCE " acres: 13-ref,m stone house; het-water bt and ether cenvs.: Inrge garage: shade and fruit in abundance: at Langhorne, PETERS SON.008 CHESTNUT ,ST.,rHILA I BALA All-stone detached house, slat roef: 2-car garage WALTKIl s SUTHER LAND. Bnla-Cnwyd. Cynwyd 212. nOTfr"hT. SECTION Threii and four bad- room homes; 000 te unuu casn, aemq r 70-ACRE FARM and country home, near chiir, hvitin Htatlen. Newtown It R.l splsn- I did dwelling, d duelling, with all linrrcnements: larg I- . l... i tmrti, inrr--i nuun-, wen is. sirejtrn, en HORACE 'O. BEEPER Newtown. Pa. WYNNEFIEI.D English style, stone con struction, between train nnd trelley: 7 Clambers. 2 baths, electricity, het-watar heal let 7B'xlftO'. 120.000 E A. HAVENS CO . LAND TITLE BLTJO. w. mnrnvMi mnn siirr.ciivv ruuuirx vim of about 30 acfa. stucco dwelling 0 roema'W 5 end -i baths. 2 glass-Inclesed perches, mm X. i teirnre. het-water heat. . electrle llVptlaabu'- ,,flfl MEI.ROSE New stone Colenlnl residence! center hall. 1 chambera, 3 baths, sleeping perch, electricity, het-water heat, hardwood floors; large let, E A. HAVENS CO., LAND TITLE BLDO. MERION Stene nnd stucco English atyte: let 70'xl0': n chambers. 3 baths: electric light. het-water heat, hardwood floors throughout I21.000. E. A. HAVENS CO., LAND TITLE BLPO. GERMANTOWN Stene-and-brlck resldena between train nnd trolley, center hall: 7 chambers; electricity, het-wnter heat: let 2tlx220 ft. te back street: tll.SOO. E. A HAVENS CO LAND TITLE BLDO. ' FOR SALE Small country place; stoeo bldg.; artealnn well: l acre high greund: main auto read: less than 1 hour from Phila delphia; near R. 11. stntlnn. price, 3109U. Address M S3B. Ledger Office. JENKINTOWN Modern stuccoed brick real dince letween train and trolley; 7 bed ehambsrs. let 7B'x170 S14.O00. I E. A. HAVENS CO.. LAND TITLE BLPO. ' VAPANT Croyden bungalow. 0 room. VrtW-Ul attic: SOxl.17- hargnln; I2BM; HEWITT. 3411 Frankfnrd ave. UiT close te West Cheser ptke; .10x200: only SOOO; street Improvements In. P 01t. Ledger Office CYNWYD sten nnd pInter7ColenIal. 0 chambers. 3 baths will, build garage. . Walter S Suthciln-id Ba'a -C-. nw;-d Cvnl24i Building I)t HO.SLN PARK (above OlenMe Train and trelley: large lets. J200 up wnter. gas. elec; due te low-priced lets and low taxes living costs are less than city nnd health and happiness are assured; send for booklet.' Suburbs tandCni!a0B0 Otn, ave Dla.7153 . m .vnc uirwuy nt .ew l'erk Dlv. Btm- tlen: Inside city: new surface trolley within 00 feet; a marvelous opportunity for mat. asy and proflteli'e development. II II. FRITZ. 713 Walnut st. 1. ALRE.i unimproved land with Old Yerk read frentage: gas. water and all Im Im preyemenia. price right. WARREN SI. COR NKI.I, Hatboro. Pu 'HIV LINT. 1 "'i.'nne nnd shln8lV0huO,,!;,' la'ge'r'ecepTleil hall, music room library iiintm? -nf, ilft !. -.. ,,'rarJ' "PlnB room. bUt- ,, e 'niuj aitcncn. rerriwriarnr MODERN nw bunxalews. hollow tll and ."'uf,', ,''1Ul nsl,'es "Century" shlngls -roefs: living rm . with fireplace, den. dining r"r Jlr.cJ'1fa',t "Icee. kitchen. 4 bedroom ?.?h. 'f1.1 ltrlclty. 'gas kitchen, laundry VASiane. rn,0,rn. conveniences; lets eh tiZU f,.! !,n location and view; 16800: Jipne cash, balanc easy terms, ether bun galows ut $7000 und $0000. and mei. ern heuats from $r,O0 upward. H. J DAGER. Ambler. Fa, Tm)'f?;fiTn0,J.Y hrick r,Bte-rnef dwelling; lt lev'0x1"".,t: c?'"n,rn' ,0 '""n nd trol trel Srn'. lk"i.K.-pe",.L "J"a.i"- hl. dining bath and condition , .......,. ri. ,,,., ,1-1 iiiiiit-ri. . nnpnAM.. se-vlng room! nil n,nl..n. ei. r.lA .U-... ...... ...-.... ., lmmrdtute possession ' vi n.ll'm, T,,UU M.1V term; H J DAGER, Ambler Pn. ARDMOKB $0800 SINGLE. 0 rooms, tile bath, epra e-A'rS-1 Let J'nl-'5- WALTER j!c- "erTctcrii ye&vf"1 Market- niiRwvs SE.M.'.'.nETAr'!l:2.he.u"e' r"n""' and $0300. liberally financed. .,,,., iwinirip eiiick sruereei! in. n-triis. LEE J. P. I.AMBORN. Berwyn. Pa. iivwoen lii.Al ni 11, corner 8 rooms 2 baths: cm- Hut , " II , BLAIR COOE V. "jlPArf?. ' W de'ne 20" Th,!ri"'u Balding. Phene Lang- ft fj riii:i.Ti:viiAM i K leui this opportunity ever Twe stories und nttlc. detached stone and frame dwell- lng, modern cenvs let 100x1.12. fruit ir... ?.r.? '".?... hrn, reduced for eulck sale. 1RANKLIN H. hPITZER i CO, ISOO Venante. Tiega l,1M ritirKvrvii i.k HOMES of .junllty ami dlsTrnctfen. deteeh.H anil se.n -iletrched re.L,, n.i... easll tli nctd HAI'I' 3008 N. flth st. rixwvn 42D STATE RD Onwv.l ra -3-story, ds tiu'he.l stone an 1 plnster heuke 10 room. 3 baths excellent locality, neaV statien: lmi mediate possess,, n, remn for gurage. Apply II H Xacliev ,1.33SArchst "vjwjt Pit FAEL HEIGHTS lliilldlng I.ti t - BO FEET by 100 deep Semrrters ave. Heights . nREXEI. JIII.L Drl DREXEL HILL HOMES KLKISS PARK . ; --z.- -"--- irip-ii.njzi hinne tjung.-ilew In Eist Blklna JENKI.VreWfTRUSTCOMPANT. FOX (HASP. MODERN l.vrgs 3. story brlclt dwelling. II rooms and bath Ideal for apartment, pri vate hespltaL sanatorium. gar.,ge. larg l. 1LKNMIE MODERN. Single hOUse 7 t-nnrm lltlt.. T brand new. sIiiL-le hnt.w.ii,p h..! also beautiful, modern, K-roe.n house.' elegant ti'SiVn""?!- Iurn? ,'.0'' ",httl1" '" shrubbery, " IU00O Mm T, II Roberts A Sen, Qlensld 1 .' ' El'".SJXday, uiMi'lliil, corner property in -, only 1J10C CS rrem fttutlnn ii- In, fni.i ... . :.. . -.- " . u.u !,; l. -tar gur ewier bar rmm 1.1,1011 up, Htnd n u ii.:c..' "y is"'- t !."" ..""' "p. "run .M i,wii own. iiiens uu ut st Htm,,. !.., em, T ' Phnn. n.eM.V nC". ' -M" " siauue. MODLRN '.'.story detached H.roem heussTl bupt.ln tub, hardwood floors, het-vtiiCr RENNlS-OEK A RENNINOEII, (ll.nsld! , ' "i. IU..VIH ur liirnsiae watch for opening nf ree fine building sliest send ,-., ii..!., p, ,tw ufw.-'i junisuri. ijgriiisinewn ave. -none iiiumend OLENS1DE New. II rooms and bath m bath, jn,t, Jrch 19m1 ' nln A tJ3KK I' irum uiiu iruiier; iek ouxine AI.IIEHT HALL. I-an,l Till. IV - " .... .... .... jf . VERY attractive dwell., nr train A trJUrii; brick nnd stuece, IT00. RENNINfJaTsV mm ........ ,,...,. ., ...... ....... w.. uppeBn isaa. ". ts'. .7',j M i DfjK ' ' IHI msmBH JBt 'Jam S'Jt jr. rj -M I ' w .8 JgJSgjwita (TM U NEW '. :HV?F-, ". cenvenlenreai let M, r" 'if ISO pelnimeut, St.fe&U . ahr- .v , .A.... iff . msdMMti fciV. W&h ..!.' : 7-1 ) ' r l '. 1 7 ilk,,. . 1 . u J"" J sV -.