-Wit.. 1 & .w m -JM ,vn mmmmtlmmimmftmi Mk WBmwmmjm ' , . Bf IHBWBX Hi .HBKUX" A, KTIfn fir i . s fzi mmr aw f5 vH 9 . gbuPLCD CCHti V wV. .' 1 - v " 'SPIDER Wtftr ". 4! VAAtO COUPLER Pf COUPLING , , HONCV COMB jf-CDnw0 "' iwwum miqii tffv cnvwiuu yueuu tripe iboicme mm wv wu ei wuv are piCM'e m.ie nave aa ct rak ihew dlff mat trpm tl eeaplM, an of which are indicated la dla- 8 rJ".:i- wViir.l a 1 . VH " V ' - j, - u ;debb- JL' . "Wj.? .. J ! TIr tfce' eid d.r. thi -.ftfbi'-Withit t arrow ln.lt would haratmcaat that tM two com wera'flxM la tniir portion! wltba relation,. te, each ethir and that there, waa no means of varying their coupling. If we wanted te indicate two celli wheae coupling could he varied, we put .the arrow cutting through both celli. Whenever we eaw thli arrow en any symbol we knew that It meant "ra riable.!' Later e& we will take up ether symbols which are used in these diagrams, but de' net fear from 'this that we' are' going te 'change ever te in giv this system In giving our own hook- una. fop tre twdlsra that our nreMnt plan '.of using pictures savea the be ginner a let of .trouble and tends te avoid 'mistake ' . CcpvrleM. JIM,' hv PlH'Ztmr,Cempmv MOTHERS GET OUTING - Fifty With labia Queite of Chil dren' , Country Walk Association Seme fifty mothers and babies left tms morning ler cape May, te remain ak ..V(rt ril, &vm$'Wr w& wit")thtef Mita, 8 and ether thlnge, and some took nothing aleag bnt'friltu in human nature.' m " A;HtU 'later another contingent of twenty-live girla bearded the train, at Bread Street Station for Raven Beck, N.S J., and at aliest the same" time twnty:nvemre were started for Naa man. Del. ' . This afternoon the aasocianea wiu Mad thirty girls te Blue' Grass, near r ter-five i weed Ledge, near West Chester. Bustleton, and sixty boil' ter Paradise vmvm. at Bradford Mills. Tomorrow five girls will be sent te Glen- grama by these symbols Getting Used te Radie Symbols Verybedy understood all of the ..la MMH in LQB IBU1U UW-UV fSHr.(ftn airen in most of the a hooks and magaslne, it would, save ?!S a areaf deal of trouble- in . the pictures which we use wnen 1Y'M Wiring lliuaimuu ler my- ! .. ! JZS2& !S &M "Jf.-f.rL .M te translate them. BSmtf ba worth our while from time MTte tak? np the Which are jn use u " - w, have already explained that a :lllw penstata of two cells of wire '' i. . Wlt1 WAlAtlAtl j ether that a current of elec- p flowing in one wm xai. W w . i.hnfcal term, "Induce" a ur- ," v Mhmr. r even tbeui h the of the two cells is net physically fCrl-.' reat many different Int&uTa old-fashioned aoese w Ti wWeh is a cell of wire wound SadW cylinder and another cell Sv?-wound around a smaller cylinder HIa Wildes In and out or tne nrst one "v... ,n ami nnt "rln thi II 'varies the fe5T sliding in and out -varies we &2'-4n ether words, it changes tf.8reSft.Biw that the electricity in the 'A Set sett bas ln Inducing a current in the second cell. This is extreraelr Ira. pertant in 'getting sharp and distinct ngnais in me pnenes. There is the typetcnewn as the varlo varle varlo ceupler, in'whlch the first cell is wound around the cylinder and the second cell Is wound' around a ball-shaped -form knewnaa a'roter." In this case the coupling is varied by turning the rotor areuna en its axis insiae tne cylinder. Twe spider-web coils or two honey comb cells or two cells of any ether una wnicn are ueea ler tne same pur pose also make a coupler, and changini their position with relation te eac ether sliding them apart like a fan or opening and closing them like a boekvaries their coupling. In all radio diagrams yen will see lines drawn in a tairir geed imitation ex a corkscrew. This is merely a graphic representation of a ceIL When two of these corkscrews are placed near te each ether ln the dlasram von will knew that they are intended te have an effect upon eacn ether, and this ef fect is known as ceuDllna. In the illustration you will see two of these' symbols representing couplers. One of them has an arrow 'striking through both coils; the ether has no arrow. Nowadays these two symbols seem te be used te mean the same thing, but in there until next week as guests of the Children's Country Week Association. Seme' lugged bundles' or cane suitcases "Radid-Twins" (Psteaj ftagtaa) 'twins ntwJbilsH your slag HpmaaMH tlma loud lisMsjfabjBH with and BMOhFteTB1 dead clear I TOUT V mounts T Ilk or nnllk. . Jn.eslrs of both In eaa ""SeswMdesl or ABA ll.ailalljwH M.aal irfiJ".-;rK5V -- i At most dealers, Incladlag QUAKER LIGHT SUPPLY CO. -.- Dlftrlbntars . rOOTB MINERAL CO.. Vfrs. Only .4LkklekkkkHHkV LLLhhHIIiKhhP' ' 'mWmWmmmWmmmW ' 1 ' walk rn . Everv time veu threusrh Ith'e Wf dener Arcade think of WILSON painting the great building above you with paints that will starul the test of time AaTII, Painter $inet 1851 2039. Arck Street sfbccb asii-wna l 'BAC IS1 saMeaVWibea.SsB,Iac Armstrong's new super regenerative receiver By Hew te Construct and Operate It Kenneth Photes and Diagrams of Twe Sets Harknesa ' ; Actually Constructed "by the Auther . Booklet Ready for Delivery. Price 50c Liberal DitceunU te Dm-aUrt in Qtumtitiat Published by the RADIO GUILD, 'INC. Twe Fifty-six West Thirty-fourth St, New Yerk Send for Catalogue of Radie and Audie Frequency Receivers '. 4HrUv News of Advantage te -". m'.r ieung Man in Loek for the C, YEUOW Diamond andtalk te the dealer Yfhe shows it if r iAnscac OA TOK A,t04,1W' My tM Mr. OtflettM . itave Mnt it tom'beturteantheold faction. Xtoef?ntwa.alway. tme. The queatien of ad j k..p It troublesome one te "notth.BUght "netth.BUght .crewed down tight "ftu it and t difficulty. laJ"othlslnvsntlen. h.KUlycengt.tuU f8Mlng ,hOP,.7n.wSanunc.. you seen, te renew Wth kindest regards, I am 8lneeely yours. QJCr Mr. King C Omstte, 47 West First BtreeT, Bosten, Mass. YOU will live te see America pro duce many a. startling invention. Nene will mean mere te you in your daily life as a man and a citizen than the New Improved Gillette. Loek ever the clean shaven young, men of affairs. Typical of the kind of men the world is selecting te run its business. This type of man hella the New Improved Gillette as the greatest shaving advance of all times. Fer Instance read (his letter from Charles M. Schwab. Your dealer in the Yellow Diamond store) will show you the New Improved Gillette. Compare it with the best old-type razor you knew. At every point you will find It a 75 finer Instrument for shaving. Seme say even mere. Be sure te have your dealer show you the -r SSSfifJ rnM.rainfnM .tfwfiSSr I Fulcrum Shoulder Overhanging Cap Channeled Quard Mfcretnetrfc Precltien Automatic Adjuttment task eflte fitoitedJmWUtyt3at9ie SAFETY RAZOR V Jt " AJ mmmi flHlHHH f ' T i S " I V. J J lmW P Jl-Mr ' 'l-tj- JS A SBB immmmW'mAjljLmmm SBUJl ' ' v I W .VSl lllIMel Arrvfiiii wkm 'liKsasMssHksHHsl ' iTTTi nniL I iffbipsiS bsh . ' ' i r ii - ' " H It Hal B B .B.B1HB i .Bk ...HHIIIIIH.. .. . I 1 I . I Z. I klB-llH V - , 7mV ' '' - i . dEtaa . i I BBsaaiaai tstitM na -m' mm " " .Mill li1k Msal 1 I I EjlH ,MDBKuMM M New anr Uaed Ui Z.ti. I O M . . . WMm 1 . " 411 Afl l I . BBsfHl 4CB . M H Uprifht Xvm $45 np Q W w H" l vy 2 PUvw.PiiWM. $1S0n Wl -ir n n . I mM - -T ----, - ww -r jaVflVM iWA fjai VAVimAtll' BsaBllsUiBaBMB a Bib? Grinds, $250 np El , ...;'??:, mS-lP 3 SPECIAL TERMS . H lnft! AUgUSt Dtll I f iMB'sl n ff'fffrtJl Then as-Little as I 9 naBBasaiBiiBlelBBiBiBBi1aHiMBMHHBi1a1aaaBW V When reliable power if cenibinca with ex.- srfrft'ee then your battery iiiejpimerdya, comfort but a gen uine econen. THB ElEOTBIO STOBAOS BATTEBT CO. , ' EXIDE- SERVICE STATION Dtieet laeterr Braack '' 671' N. Bread St. x Fhone Poplar 8SSS ' SNOB BlaAlXJCaT I COMFOKT Whie MAGUIRES llmlSslani c TftkM TkMS Oat ay eka RmU PIASTER Make seer fcet UW b Bestaa ataSasC rear feet UW b peetMr at la ante tssisiawi Te ctkir. r iri"i'ii"ii"iiirn" - .i.'ictrinririrnnnnnnfrpji 1.50Weeldy! Purchase your first supply of Records from us as you will be glad te de anyway that's all we ask I B. B. TODD 1306 ARCH 1623 CHESTNUT Pianos, Players, Victrelas, Records SOHMER PIANO,? 'H rvr . pf. v . vih B 1 If ml . . a,;,: venrencUmTt v fr y ', 1. CLOVER TRIUllflf , INSURES service: AND ECONOMY lir rear Hsstsr freat tte arsdleel tUndpeIal of terrlee ajeslitiei aaa low eaerttiag cett CLOVER TRIUMPH was awae te fulfill the araitle raasirraeeti of the U. G. I. for aerfset coHes, sa dsraaee asd ecoaeay. '" It 'eatwtsrs cksaper kestsrt aad barai Icit gsi becuM it it citsti fieallr aude. Tear get ceataaay er dilr will espleia itt adTaataget. Manufactured br PHILADELPHIA STOVE CO. Economy Basement Specials for Thursday i Three' Exceptional Up-, holster y Values f 49c Scrim , Sash Curtains at 24 c ar Well made of geed qual ity striped scrim. Ready te hang;. . 25c Yard-Wide 1 A 0 mmJIAXimgff AlWUl Very closely woven in green, red and brown. $1.49 Bar Harber Chair Cushions, Each CRa Cave e e;e ee Well filled and 'covered with fine quality cretonne. Excellent assortment of colors. SNELLENBIJRCS Economy Baoinent S Wednesday, July S, 1022. Star Openi at 0 A. M. Oleie at S P. SL f " NELLENBURGN ENTIRE BLOCK -MJRKETIIte2 STREETS M An Importer's Entire Stteck of 10Q0 9xl2-Ft. "Trade Mark" 6rass Rugs i5 at $4.50 each " - Six Tiretty niltterns mctlv crepn. Wn limit. tVie THimher tn tnrh ntetnmni- .. .--.-. .. . t I- " - W .....W WW .... VHUWW...WI man ana pnene eracrs lined. jn r ? ' lone te dealers. Genuine Cerk Linoleum Clearance Hundreds of yards of best quality CORK LINO- Ti M g aw--v LEUMS in full rolls and remnants sharply re-.-C-fT LWlOm iSMaT duced for a quick clearance seconds. Square yd., at " 'vvj ttV SNEUENBUROS Economy Basement Women's Smart $3.00 Sweaters 4i$1.95 A new let of pure worsted sweaters. Short-sleeve styles with contrasting stripes and long-sleeve models in plain colors. One-Third Less! Women's Sateen Bathing Suits GK at. ..'.......... Becoming model, with bias stripe trimming. SNELLENBUFUjS Economy Basement ssasaLsr J saB Special Let of Children's Play Suits Advantageously Marked at 75c ea Sturdily made of serviceable quality denim in neat stripe patterns. Sizes 2 te 6 Style pictured. Sale of Men's $5.00 te $7.50 Silk Shirts at $2.95 ea. fz "Emery" seconds and ether odds and ends of fine silk shirts from prominent makers slightly mussed, at fractions of real worth. Qualities include English broadcloths, Jap Memmie Shantungs, some crepes de chine and tub silks. Neck band and cellar - attached styles. Sizes 14 te 17. Last let of "Emery" seconds did net last the day. Come early! 45c years. Children's Overalls Blue denim. SJzes 2 te 6 years. Babies' Gowns, Wrappers and Gertrudes, Special at. . . . JQf Made of demet flannel. TTe! Babies' Pads, 22c and 50c Babies' Hand-Crochet Sacques, Prettily trimmed in pink or blue. JI& Babies' PillewSlips Lawn in, several styles. Babies' Leng and Short Dresses at Made of excellent quality nainsoek, with daintily embroidered yokes. Sizes infants', years. SneLLENBURGS Economy 59c 29c 59c 1 and 2 Basement Remarkable New Purchase of 500 Girls' $2.50 Camping Suits Te Sell at $1.49 ea. - 'Tsf f fM V V I JlfiTf 59c A , Bleemers 'and blouse, full cut of geed quality khaki. Sizes 7 te 14 years. Just the thing for camping, hiking and outings. Girls' $1.50 Suspender EQs Dresses.. VK, Very becoming mod els of gingham, ramie and linene, Sizes 6 te 14 years, Girls' $1.00 Middies . , Khaki and white linene. Sizes 7 te 18 years. Girls' Khaki Bleemers Made geed and full. Sizes 7 te 14 years. SnCLLENBUROS Economy Basement 'III l $1.49 49c 75c SHELLENBURGS Economy Basement r MJMWtt Extraordinary Sale of 300 $12.50 te $15.00 Silk Covered Comfertables at $7.00 each Flowered Bilk tops, plain color silk borders and Flor entine silk backs in pretty shades. California lamb's wool filling. All full size. See Our Window Display of These Comfertables bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement Five Extra Special Offerings In Extra-Size Undermuslins Women's Extra-Size Nightgowns at. ..Qn Tnltnrnrl mnrlela "J71 of lingerie cloth. Women's Extra-Size Bleemers at AQp Plainly tailored '' of pink batiste, with elastic at waist and knee. Women's Extra-Size Drawers at Qi Muslin, trimmed Je71 with ruffle of embroidery. Women's Extra-Size Skirts at QQn Muslin finished 0i7f with ruffle of embroidery and underlay. Wbmen's Extra-Size Nightgowns at. . .QQA Batiste, trimmed '-'' with embroidery. Have set in sleeves. Alse Windser crepe J)loemers. bNELLENBURGS Economy ' " Bavement . This $18 Fibre Reed Rocker $8.49 Fer Perch, Bedroom or Living Roem Comfortable service able rockers, with upholstered high back and loose cushion spring seats that are covered with beautiful cretonnes. In ivory or brown finish. 1 I 11 llJilPltlff f I J bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement Candy Specials Kiddie Package, 20c Includes six nure suear candv nens lemen. ernntrn. lime, chocolate, butterscotch and faspberry flavors. 80c Chocolate Almonds, 39c lb. 60c Vanilla Marshmallows, 29c Special Combination 1 lb. Feil-Wrapped Chocolate Dainties l id. halted Virginia l'eanuts OUR NEW SODA FOUNTAIN Offers quick service and cool, dainty refreshments, Special Today Chocolate Marshmallow Sundae - Pure ice cream, pure chocolate, pure snow- XOC wnue marsnmauew ana hqavy, rich whipped cream. 68c An Unusual Offer! " Beys' $6.95 Twe-Pants Suits at $4.65 Smait models of gray herringbone cheviot, wjth full-lined knickers. Beys' $12.75 2- flJO Hf Pants Suits... DO' All-wool mixed cheviets and cassimeres, with full lined knickers. Beys' $14.95 2- 0Q QC Pants Suits. . . D''0 All-wool blue sertre. chev iet and cassimere, with full lined knickers. Sizes 7 te 16 years. i Beys' Tub Knickers. Tan khaki and black an A white cotton crash. Sizes 7 te 18 years. Beys' Blue Denim AQ Overalls el Apron front and sheuMr straps. Sizes 6 te 15 years. years. bNELLENBURGS Economy n.ascment A 81c Women's Regular and Extra - Size Percale Aprons at89c Neat, models, trimmed with rickrack braid, sash nnd pockets. bNELLENBURcS Economy Uasement A Brand-New Shipment of Matting Suit Cases Very fle qq Special at w-O SncIlcnbUrgS Economy Basement Geed - looking, light weight, well - made iuit cases. Fitted with two btreng leather straps ru4. ning all around. Neatly' lined nnd fitted with strong cewmue, rc-enierced cer-f; iiuib. i-incn size. Mall and Pheno Orders Filled!. ' t t' . n . t . Iiuaemene ;l H vm Si ! 1 I n 'ff ii I fm B M W; il V"$- tR Ti1 m l.rl m :N. SNELLENBUKG & CO. . v. sfWt ' 'i.- lty'i i H it' rn.tAi ,JH y , V lilL-I" 'N. SNELLENBURG & CO.!