13 "tBand at 9; Organ at 11 rT7 An si T WANAMAKER'S Stere Opens at 9 Daylight-Saving Tim WANAMAKER'S Stere Closes at 5 Daylight-Saving Tim WANAMAKER'S I Mel'' ""d Chime "t Noen - ' ? interest Centers at Wanamakei's Wlei tie City Cemes Heme m the Fifth Wl 111 I 'I u That Little Brown Streamlet Through the Ferest at Bedford, Pa., or up in the beautiful White Mountains, is always full of clear, pure, drinkable water se long as it keeps running en. But if some filthy stream overflows into it, or a fall of foul mud clogs it, it chokes and loses its purity and at intervals steps running. The running stream fully and fairly pictures this Stere. We are only human, but we watch te avoid being clogged with stagnant or overpriced stocks, and the large sales of each day compel us the next day te bring in a full supply of newest goods te keep the stream fresh. ISigned July S, 1022. Gossamer Silk Stockings Are Really a Rage in Paris Every one seems te be wearing them, every fashion picture shows the best-dressed society in the daintily designed stockings, while all the women coming home from a tour abroad talk of nothing else. The first have come for the women who haven't been te Paris. Thin, sheer, fine gauge Gossamer silk stockings in black or white. At $10 are stockings with the open-work ankle design. At $12 are mere eluberatcly designed stockings, (t'lrkt Fleer) MIGHTY Like a Flower Is the Newest Van ity Bex Beth sides fall open, like a beautiful, bursting bud. And the colors gayest of all in the flower garden. Deep, rich rose, or a paler rose, lilac, the palest of blue and three shades of gray. In shape, the box is square and rather flat, being made of fine crushed Morocco or pin Morocco with the high ecrase finish. When opening, each of the flat sides falls outward, dis closing an exquisitely blend ing lining, a mirror and three dainty little fittings in enamel finish. One a powder puff case, another a hair pin case and the third a little perfume atomizer. All in all the richest, finest bags that have come from abroad during the entire season. The price is $10. (Main Fleer) St fan I Get a Geed Corset at a Lew Price?" is what many women ask. Certainly. We can fit you in an t. R. model of plain ceutil, batiste, broche or pink satin, exactly suited te your figure, at prices from ?1 te $9.50. Fer slight figures there are excellent topless models at $1.25 and $1.50. Topless models for average figures are $2 te $9.50. Large women will find excellent models at S3.50 te $6.50. Coel open mesh L. R.'s in several models are $1.50 and $2. (Third Fleer) M ew That Women Practically Live Outdoors they can afford less than ever te neglect proper care of the complexion. The woman who most enjoys her tennis, her golf, her metering, sailing and ether outdoor sports is the woman who is most likely te be a devotee of the famous Queen Mary Toilet Creams which are noted for purity and efficacy in prolonging beauty and youth. v eGV Mary cleansing cream is 65c and $1.25; Seuth and Beauty" cream, 60c and $1.15 ; skin cream, 65c te $3.50; cold cream, 35c and 65c; peroxide cream, 60c; delicate skin cream, 75c. (iUIn Fleer) IMSP K r, , ....... i. ,. iitl' .. tfa. ., T I - I , i-i... i. f I ..r2Tll. A. . . if . iu.... i .... , .. A.S. vi iMMMMSiiSiii.aJahg2S .diggJtv-- . .i2giMkA -Vife'i!3iMjM- .rtyHtM. . fiitTHrHW. .,icA JVXJriMfl), QMjfrm TITASHABLE Dee - Finish Gloves in Seft, New Colorings Until this season, white or yellow were the only colors that would wash successfully in the smart doc-finish skin gloves. New there is a soft pearl shade and a pcachbloem both attractive and greatly in demand. In strap-wrist style with 5-inch top they are priced $3.25 the pair. In 12-button-length mous meus quetaire, $5. Spearpeint backs, pique sewn, and quite the smartest washable gloves te be found. (Main Fleer) TjINE French Bordered Voiles New $2 They were among the ex clusive novelty fabrics of the early season. In most colors they have sold down te a single dress pattern or two. Therefore all are new lowered te $2 a yard, which is from almost a half te less than a half of the original prices. There is gray, beige, navy, French and lighter blue, white, pink, rose all with deep embroidered border in black, white or a contrasting color. 44 inches wide. (First Fleer) When a Weman Travels She Needs a Watch And it must be a watch she can trust. Elgin and Waltham watches are se geed that they are known from one end of the United States te the ether. They are among the safest watches en account of the reputation back of them. Women's wrist watches en ribbon bracelets, cased in ster ling silver $32 te $41. In gold geld filled cases, $31 te $45. In 14 kt. solid-geld cases, $35 te $215. (Main Fleer) After the Holiday a geed many women are going te enjoy a shampoo or facial treatment or some ether one of the comfortable things in the Salen de Bcaute. Appointments may be made by telephone or in person. (Third Fleer) White Sports Skirts of Cotten Ratine It seems impossible te get enough te satisfy all the women who want them in this white season. They are made with vertical pockets and hand - drawnwerk forming a border of squares. Prices are $7.50 and $8.75. (First Fleer) Bungalow Aprons Ne excuse for any housewife net looking as pretty and cheer ful as a daisy when such dresses can be bought for $1.25. Made of checked and flowered percale in pink, blue, green and lavender effects. (Third Fleer) Girls Will Sleep Better in Coel Nightgowns Fer het nights there should be lew-iieck and short-sleeve nightgowns of cotton crepe, batiste or nainsoek. Either white or flesh color and with lace, embroidery or hemstitch ing. Prices begin at 45c and go up te $1.75 for 4 te 16 year sizes. (Third Fleer) Little Silver Novelties for Travel ing Companions Fer the "bobbed-hair girl" is a compact little silk case with a sterling silver back mirror and silver-mounted comb. It can be slipped in a handbag and is $3.50 and $5. Sterling silver mounted bobbed-hair combs in a case, $1.50. Small handbag mirrors with sterling silver backs, $2.75 te $8. Sterling silver powder boxes with lip-stick holders, $5.50 and $7.50. Sterling silver meshbags in the oblong shape, with braided handle and tassel, $30. (Main Fleer) Real Filet Neckwear Is a Great Addition Whether one uses it en a dress, tailored suit or a sweater. A new shipment brings several attractive patterns in both col cel lars and sets. The cellars alone are $1.50 te $3. The sets, $5. (Main Fleer) Silk Lace Was the Feature at the Grand Prix, Paris It is at this famous race, which ends the "Grand Se malne," that the newest fash ions for mid - Summer are launched, and this makes the mention of silk lace as the fea ture of the hour all the meic important. Dresses were made of silk lace, cavalier capes and hats were trimmed with it. A very interesting series of photo graphs from Paris is in the Lace Stere, showing just hew Paris is using silk lace. They were taken before the "Grand Prix." Chantilly and Spanish laces are the ones most favored, and they are both here. Chantilly all-ever, in black or white, 40 inches wide, $2.75 te $4.50 a yuid. Spanish all-ever, black, white and colors, 3G inches wide, $1.90 te $2.75 a yard. (MhIii Fleer) Te Slice an Egg Quickly and Surely it is always wise te have an aluminum egg slicer. The price is only 50 cents, and the slices are se much mere even and neatly done that it pays te have one. (Fourth Fleer) i r Delightful New Sports Dresses Frem Switzerland r F THE fabric se much used, silk and Shetland wool. All are extremely charming in texture as in color. The dresses of soft Shetland wool have overbleuses in large blocks and plain skirts; they come in tan and copper, black and white, and camel and brown, and are priced $27.50. The fiber knitted dresses are in one-piece" styles and two-toned color effects white and maize, white and coral, white and jade. The price is $35. The silk knitted dresses have charming yokes of hand crochet. Celers are orchid, silver, jade green, tur quoise, lemon and jade, besides white, and the price $45. (First Fleer) 1 50 Yeung Women's Dresses Reduced te $5, $10 and $15 COOL, pretty frocks for the vacation outfit close te half price. - . Checked ginghams are $5 and $10, and there are any number of attractive styles; many have touches of white or hand stitching. Just the thing for mornings. Coel linen and epenge dresses, quite pretty enough te be worn in the afternoons. In colors only and a variety of new styles. While it is true there are net all sizes in any one model, young women from 14 te 20 will find a geed selec tion of dresses in all three materials. (.Second Fleer) Hats Are Trimmed Se Easily New that many women who never thought of attempting it before are able te have a hat for al most every dress at a trifling cost. Cheese from some of the new est and prettiest shapes, large or small, mostly in dark colors from $1 te S10, and many of them nave been reduced. (Second Fleer) Prices Drep en All the Fur-Cellared Silk Capes TOW a woman will pay from $45 te $100 for - wraps that formerly were from a quarter te a half mere. The capes are of Canten and ether silk crepes and twisted failles, usually in black, a few in white and a few in navy. Beth lined and unlined, and there are scarcely two alike. The cellars are of Eelgian hare, dyed and natural caracul and platinum wolf. All are in geed condition, some having been here only a fortnight. (FImI Fleer) Women's Fine Summer Footwear, $5.75 and $7.75 STILL geed cheesing among the reduced slippers, pumps and oxfords. Dress, street and sports shoes are included, and a choice of white canvas, white buckskin, black patent leather, and calfskin or kid in black, brown or tan. Alse some combination novelties. All styles, from flat, mannish lasts te high-arched Leuis-heeled slippers. Values are remarkable. (Flrit Fleer) Yeung Women's Skirts Reduced te $5 A little group of the nicest skirts for sports wear and te go with sweaters. There are plain-colored and fancy baronet satins and flannel skirts in col ors only. Seme sizes are missing in every style. (Second Fleer) .JwX. Antiques has added te its collections a number of interesting pieces of furniture recently gathered from old Pennsylvania homes. Among them is a fine old ma hogany drop-lid writing desk with four drawers; a large bu reau desk of beautifully grained crotch and bird's-eye maple; and several ether interesting old desks of various weeds. An old stippled pine corner cupboard; a Dutch stretcher table of painted pine; a number a tilt-top tables and a particu larly fine drop-leaf breakfast table of mahogany with rounded corners and block-feet legs arc included in the collection. There are also a number of old chests-of-drawers in curly maple, cheiry and mahogany, which are net only uncommonly attractive, but moderately priced. (Fifth Fleer) Italian Glass and Pottery There is still in the Little Heuse some of the cool-looking green Dcruta pottery from Italy, which many people And se lovely for breakfast and lunch eon service and also in theferm of flower bowls and vases. A number of charming things in Venetian glass also remain, including flower-stepper per fume bottles, drinking glasses in green, amber and white, candle sticks and delightful bowls for fruit and flowers. (Fifth Fleer) A Little Boek by Sir James Barrie It is called "Courage," and it is the Recterial address deliv ered by this beloved writer at St. Andrew's University in May of this year. Price 60c. (Main Fleer) Fruit Knives That Will Net Stain are needed in every home in Summer, the season of fruit. Every time it is served knives arc needed, and hew terrible it is te see them covered with acid stains. Stainless fruit knives with white handles are priced Ge cents each. (Fourth Fleer) Het-Weather Suits for the Beys Washable suits that are cool ness itself. Beys of 10 and 12 who wear Norfolk styles can have them in Palm Beach or gray crash. Prices 510 and $12. Fer the little fellows of three te nine they come in several styles and any number of col ors and color combinations. Oliver Twist, Middy, shirt and regulation models, some with short, some with long sleeves. Prices $3 te $6.50. Excellence of material, cut and making marks every suit in the collection. Beys' washable trousers, khaki, gray crash, white duck, tan linen und Palm Beach, cut liberally and well made, $1.50 te $3, in bizes for 7 te 18 year old boys. (Third Fleer) Paris Baby Dresses Arrive Just in Time Ner could there be anything daintier for a tiny baby than one of these exquisite little dresses, every stitch, every bit of embroidery and drawn work hand done. Tiny real lace edgings are en some, and there are a number elaborate enough for christen ing dius&es. Surprisingly small prices for such lovely things, $3.25 te $15. (Third Fleer) c oelest of (jfJAtL, tei Oplendid New Table Linens & Come Direct Frem Ireland 500 yards of silver-bleached Irish table damask, nurt flax, and of substantial quality, 70 inches wide and priced moderately en its merit at $3 a yard. 200 dozen bleached Irish damask napkins, finely woven of pure flax yarn and in a choice of half a dozen floral designs $6.75 a dozen, size 22x22 inches. (First Fleer) B edspread Price Clear away Several attractive styles included. Sets appliqued with cretonne stripes, ethers in em broidered effects in several patterns, and a number in block printed effects. AH of unbleached muslin, some with separate bolster cov ers, ethers with bolster covers attached. Spreads with scalloped edges (Sixth fOOD Cotten Umbrellas Special, $1 Each Less than what it costs te make such umbrellas! They have strong paragon frames and are covered with geed American cotton with tape edge. All are full size, 26 inches for women and 28 inches for men. The handles are mission weed with silk loop cords for women and natural weed hooks for men. (Main Fleer) preserving Jars Are Lewer - Priced Right at Preserving Time Net a great deal, but at least a saving. Other needfuls that go along with them are a little lower, tee. Masen jars, complete with rubber rings and zinc caps, 60c a dozen in S-pint size; 70c in pint size; 80c a dozen in quart size; $1 a dozen in -gallon size. Other well-known and popu lar jars, easy te seal, sure and efficient, $1.35 a dozen in pint (Fourth Fleer) A t Least 4000 luuivriuis New special purchase, bringing two of the most de sirable patterns of the season. Woven stripes in tan colors. And we can make these up into awnings in about a Special at 35c a yard. (Fifth Fleer) A SOAP Espe " daily for Washing Gloves is "Lavita." It is made ex pressly for Wanamaker's. If directions are followed it cleanses washable gloves of every kind silk, lisle or skin se perfectly that the finish is retained like new. Every woman who uses it is enthusiastic. It is excel lent also for silk stockings. Te be found here only, at 10c a cake. (Mnln Fleer) TPvery Justly Proud Man in Philadelphia Who Wants a Pair of Shoes ought te see the pliTin English oxfords that are here for as low a price as S7.50. Trim, neat, smart oxfords that make a man leek busmess-hke and alert. Geed looking, fashionable yet iar from the extreme touches of style. Smeeth calfskin, tan, of course, and net a mark en them. (Main I l(ier) All for the Gelfer Is the Light Linen Knicker There arc linen knickers of almost every de scriptien in the Men's Londen Shep. Unbleached ones, white ones or erav ones. Light and cool and easy Many men are buying three or four pair se clean ones : always will be en hand. Even lower in price are (The j. i Sets in a Lew and spreads finished with wide hems. Prices new, $4, $6 and $8 in the single-bed and $5, $7.50 and $9 in the double-bed size. Fleer) RISH Linen H andkerchiefs That Suit Most Men In ether words, the geed, practical kinds for general use. Plain hemstitched, of a nice linen and generous in size. Such handkerchiefs may be had for 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1 each, according te the linen. (Main Fleer) size; $1.50 in quart size; $2 in i-gallon size. Jelly glasses complete with metal covers, 40c a dozen. Extra covers for Masen jars, 35c a dozen, for ether standard jars, 30c a dozen. Rubber rings for Masen jars, geed quality rubber, 10c and 12c a dozen. Yards of Awning ai doc a lara A PAINTED - Wall Inside the Heuse or inside the school or inside most any ether building is becoming the really fashion able wall. It always was the practi cal wall, and the most beau tiful and most serviceable painted walls are these done with Sherwin-Williams Flat Tene Wall Paint. It is en te stay, it stands washing and comes in surprisingly attrac tive shades. (Fourth Fleer) I L T i i and surprisingly inexpensive J' t the duck knickers at 98.(0 duller) I iW l . , wasa&sfe, Jfi fftti.JWtfvii m i i K. !4 t tf .! '"-n M i ( rJLzw wf 4-V3