a ivw wzMmmimmKirT? wmr iMiT'iwii.mmmmmmmmmmww'mmmmmXmWmmmmWBmTBmWRmwm c mrTKMTO $J 'N ' fiw TJlPHRf mmtm FV.nHli . Ml II Ml I III I WiMI H III III' llWllWi i 'i i i 'I,, I, ii i i illi iflMf M.i'SN Ml il WW Ww - ."'W r-i-ri-. KBTt EVEOTtfO PTTBLTfl rf,EDGERP&iTiAiiBLPfi:iA SATURDAY, JULY fl, 1922 tes mrm ' te. Wilsen Gives A t Ati!ti Minn rati fpp"M"6 "wm -n, . if. irflrm W ' nittJlPT 17Hlt TflQT HIV tr " Mi Here the Meals Should Be Coel and tiejrcsnmg Br MRS. A. WILSON tmrtiM-""i.&fZiJM' All iHB housewife likes te plan ana nr n" L- i.- , .mil and menu i range ncr ." - .... it ...111 nnfnrm Willi me auuev... .,BM"r.";:: lunn .reuble tiur erk nml menus; uiu ' -' - Aiilenii when it uccu... """ ' CI he home-wife te cntcrtnin, it nwj u I relative, or perchance a buslncis Mnd of the men folk, of the family. lrL.t. t.n.....vitn usually wants te table from n Prt nt least of the r uiual ml. .-a ntmi rainetlilns that will tttisfy both the eye and appetite, ami conform Uh the Bfa,n A formal mcai ni " k. very Inappropriate and out of place; M very 1 1 .. . felTnenl. Vet here are 'occulen. I il U does net rJitlnfy the hestPHB KSfrte Uh for something Just a bit pore eiaoeraw. ceirrmtlve Menu I'n TH...1 C-rv Hnrktllil Consomme a la dlniFrnPpe Gnrucn """, Chicken en Cnsscrole iinint.klilrn Snucn nehess I'otatees Stuffed and Baked tomato Salad with Cucumber Cream Blackberry Rell n la Mede OraiiKe Sauce After-Dinner Mints Toasted Cheese en Crackers Cafe Noir 1 . ii.n rlklics and nlace en I te crisp. The garden onieni should be peeled until they arc no larger than P licivu " ,. , .. ,.n,l,l. lntn ttnin leau pint". -- .-- ----- Sewer" and then carefully separate the d outside covering of the rad sh from IU white center by splitting with nharp knife, taking enre net te detach ; chill en ice. Serve all uppctlrcrs covered with crushed ice. Blackberry Ceclitall Place In taucepan Twe cuns of blackbcrrtca that have llm prepared, 0C ana ene-naii ti" w.i..f One-half cup of W- Kimmer klnwlv for fifteen minutes. tn bring te bell, cook for five minutes. ed turn in htramcr, luasuing tne errlcs through, then turn In Jelly bag nd let the Juice drip through, chill, nnd rhen rcadv te tcrvc pluce one tablespoon crushed ice in each glass, then fill .in, thr, nrnnni'Pil hlnckbcrrv iuicc. add mr.li snrav of mint leaves, and garnish Wth spoon of whipped cream. Consemmo a la Jardiniere Frapp Place in saucepan One can of consomme, Three cupt of catcr, Tttrrn hnulllnn CllUCi. Simmer slowly for five minutes, then add One-hall cup of carreit cut w imy ff. . . ... One tablespoon of the man $tar- ihnnrd macaroni. Three level tablcanoens of aclatin that has been soaked for ten minutes m one half cup of cold water. One'hail teaspoon ej salt, One-half tcasoeon of white tietwer. One tablespoon of irerceterftlr tauce. Stir well te blend and then rinse cups with cold water, pour in the prepared consomme and chill. Serve, place the cup en nest of green lettuce leaves nnd parsley nnd serve ice cold. Chicken en Casserole, Devenshire Sauce Select a canon or large roasting rhlcken, or if the market docs net have the dlze te suit you select n pair of breilci'H or frying chickens. Steam fowls selected until tender, new cut In pieces for serving, and remove the bones, season by mnrinnting for one- half hour in nlcelv seasoned French dressing, then dip lightly In flour nnd prewn In het skillet In bacon fat. Ijut te casscrole nnd then make two cutis of thin cream gravy with the fat In the pan and neur ever the chicken : nlacn In moderate even for twenty minutes. Through a Weman's Eyes By JEAN NEWTON The Only Way te Vamp Them A mother was remonstrating with' r daughter for the loose- habltB of the tet with whom she was going I ibeut. Mrs. Wllleuchbr was net ttrntt- 'ced. Te smoking, for the ohvleus pirpec of being "In the swim," she ld resigned herself. Alse te long mrrlnCS Hint Vtwn In .tru) .m.n .,,,res tl10 sophisticated air of blase middle nge. But transparent blouses and an all mealing figure she was fighting teeth (nd nail. And new tales hml enmn in her nt Sr!?ptl,t,leil2 fecktnils, of "petting Parties, of crowded automobile rides mierc me gins clioie and "swapped" Ups. .!Ph,.!t wnsn,t nfl bad 8 sounds, Ste .A,lcl tM' "l (,ld slt en xeianiy r Inn lint- im. v.. i1A i. n perfect gentleman ! ii... ,7 "" " "tf course net. a ikuceil uncomfortable. Hut a girl pas te be geed-natured if she wantH bCi ""y !,"n' Veu knew Temmy's ike cvcijwhere nnd any girl would fe Just crazy te go about with him!" ivaTf i """"I'i'y mother knew, Adele M fundamentally a nlrc girl. But J.ri,rj!,l,nc",.K,..'i:!:!:h""..wre Lenlthv n.vt.n'l'umuw UI n u" ieu'JnL'i "c V.lut f"llew"'. licr mother i Bhl"-1 ''" lll weri1"' "When I was Shi "Oli ., i Li , .nirii j nil uprn n gill fi 1110 lOpty. "u.rv.M,, ."".,'....'"' was U le mil,.'. If . "" uiuram WIIV tllil r.l..1 -. 1. . it Hi :i5, (nK'!! was1 by modesty. '" "ul what attracted them." that lV i,J," 7,,y.,,incw . "ttle girl, ?r., be "vanped. P'Mhe Mi'ferhultcV.f xinuZ VZZTt0 ''i8. "n tK 1 Blwiis w ' ine" l .a,wV 'I'd ind ?.f. ?.l "I (iemn'l the modesty Hrcsimeh of unse, i..hA."' mweu, -.-tvmtii glrl te mpect Jhii,nu ni1'1 nlwn-vs want "x nnni8-! !,,,,c"', aophlstlcilen m lisilnS! nnB.'V"re worthwhile He nlw "n which it i "'"I'urury stiniu a luMs. ury b0011 Pull's and dls- rn.ii Mni,.yei,r du1iter t h n v Atliku ,'wlllblSrfepqrrt,mt by milking herself ihe will hrA?. P"ttlng partlc WC otnlymnkeheV Ifmmf, nnf"1"' but will make Wrtnd ve, VI ' Qr." "erly. pursue I'M l iWtaTO'W ler MOVIEGRAMS OF THE WEEK Betty Compson Here Again at the Stanley Agnes Ayrcs in a New Play APPARENTLY the mevlng-plcture Interests have decided that the best way te combat the natural lagging of Interest ntneng movie fans In the het weather Is te present films of such at tractiveness that the public will prefer whatever discomforts there may be In the season rather than miss the pic tures. Next week brings us rather nn un usual arruv of popular favorites In pictures) which have, for some time, been talked of nx the most netuble of recent productions. "DETTY COMPSON, as nil readers of J photoplay news in this particular paper Knew, is niways a welcome gucit en any of the local screens. It Is probably net tee much te say that there Is no nctresH en the screen avIie has shown such consistent artistic growth In such a wide variety of tinrts. Anything that the fair Uetty does Is sure te be done with n most unusual Intelligence and with n keen insight Inte humnn characteristics that mighty few of the stars of the day peiscss. And there is one thing about Uetty: If she doesn't de a thing she is still worth watching. Next weelc's feature, which will be nt the Stanley Theatre, Is nn adapta tion of Sir Ollbcrt Parker's story, "She of the Triple Chevren," and It will appear as a film under the title, "Over the Berder." It will be wel come news also that the director of the picture was Pcnrhyu Stanlnws, with whom Miss Compbeu seems te de her very best work. Tem Moere plays opposite the star and clever young Cassen Fergusen will again be with her nn he was In "At the End of the .World" and "The Law und the Weman." ANOTHER favorite who will be with us next week for the first time in a long while en the screen by the wuy Is Irene Castle Her film, "French Heels" was made some time age but was kept in the strong box for some rea son or ether, and is Just being seen here. It comes te the Arcadia. The story gives the dainty star plenty of opportunity te de these things which she docs se well. She dances and rides and swims and In between times wear a let of these stunning gowns which make her a rivul of Gleria Swanson as a human fashion plate. The action of "French Heels" takes place In New Yerk City nnd In the lumber camps of the Fnr North. This seems te be n fuvorlte contrast with her director, Edwin L. Hollywood, for he has since tnndn another picture of her which carries her from the gilded pal aces of the metropolis te the unlovely houses of the fishcrfelk en the Maine const. Ward Crane, who has been seen In support of many of the most famous stars. lias tne lending male reie. Charles (icrnrd Is the villain. Anether well-known actor in the cast Is Heward Trucsdclt. Themas Murray, n popular character actor, has an important character part. Jocke, a tiny monk, Mrs. Castle's favorite, will also appear. THEY seem te be taking particular pains te bolster up Agnes Aycrs' stardom with particularly strong sup porting casts, much as though they were net quttc Mire this very charming young lady ii proving capable of wear ing the crown which they have given her. In "The Ordeal," which comes te the Karlton, she has an unusual array of capable players. There Is Ednn Murphy, whom you will remember in "Over the Hill" und "Footfall." And there Is Cenrad Nngel, who cdmei very near being the top-netchcr In the esti mation of the photoplay department at Sixth und Chestnut streets. Then there will be that suave villain, Clarence Burten, who Is net only a very fine actor of unpopular parts but a master of freak make-up nlmest as geed as Len Chancy. "The Ordeal" has several novel touches which ought te make it inter esting ns a r.tery. In the first place, the villain is dibpesed of in the first reel, but his influence hangs ever all the rest of the picture. There's a crippled sister who becomes an impor tant figures when a cure turns her into a super-flapper. And there Is nlse a will which stands as a barrier te the happiness of several persons, but that Is qulte a conventional thing for a will te de. FOIl these who like thrills as they sit tn the darkness of n movie house there will be "Yellow Men nnd Geld" at tiie Victeria. Advance notices that came out of the West whlle it was being filmed declared that only thp twin brother of an Iceberg could sit through this melodrama. The nctlen starts in Les Anceles and shifts te two ships which are headed for an Island In the Menth Sens te hunt the treasure sunk in a Spanish galleon some 300 years bcfeie. Treasure seekers in the Seuth Seas, nf course, knew nothing whatever about either the.Maruuis et ijueensDrrry rules or the Velstead act, and se the lever et - ----- , -- .- what Is popularly Known ns "rcu l.l-.wlfwl ifT'' tlll lid mnila linnnr UlUUlliil null. . ... uw ....... iihi'iv The (ieidwyn company btrengesi team, Helena Chadwlck and Richard Dlx, are again together In this one, and the cast also Includes Hescmnry Thcby nnd Richard Tucker among its favor ites. ... MARY MILES MINTER departs from- her "Sweet Sixteen" type of heroine In "The Heart Rneelalist," in which she comes te the Regent. Felks who watched the production of this picture say that little Miss MInter gives quite a surprising portrayal nnd that th role calls for an ability of a type that lias net been demanded of her heretofore. The story tells of hew a young writer, sent out by her editor te gnln n per per eonal Insight Inte the heart romances which she is wilting, finds it, but net until she hns hud n.strenueua tliup that even a real reporter would almost call n day's work. She has te fight with croekH. match wits with a half-eriued doctor,' get thrown down u well nml nuite generally mussed up, but, of course, it proves te the young gentle mnn In the ense thnt she Is n regular ulrl. nnd the usual ending mnkes it all right for these who like that kind of Allen Ferrest, who appeared oppo eppo oppe slto Miis Minter In n long series of pic turcs some time age, is again with her and the picture gives Neah Heery an an ether chance te vie with Hull Mentana ns the screen's most beautiful mule. LOVELY Florence Vlder will again he nt the Aldlne Theatre next week, this time in "The Renl Adventure." It Is u problem of n woman who is net satisfied te be her husband's companion In love hut who wishes nUe te cn,uul him in business nbllity. Naturally, he scoffs at tnls nnd se she leaves him, nnd makes her own way In the world. The story proceeds te show that the mreer of wife and mother U higher nd mere satisfying feri wpman than STARS OF STAGE ii Ci&fc?rf Av'i&H SSKaSONT DOROTHY PM.TON'. FRANK HELPER vHMRI 0ETTV PAPY mm.. ' L J ' tjfr C $&t? H&jKKm fmwKUffiw Hr eliCvjiTs f 'tfBirl c'8' nn1 ctt' Hale, dancer, com- bkHMI 'J HRi vlsMBImrm men and il! UB9Wi. 'Ah nflw geld" P i i lill i'nmir'Wm -' Ii JL tMUM- vic-tcmA anything that the business world can offer. "Where Is My Wandering Bey To night'" will be the attraction nt the Market Street Theatre the first half of next week, nnd Nerma Talmadge's best recent work, "Smllln' Through," will fellow. Dorethy Dalten, in "The Wemnn Who Walked Alene." which had a suc cessful run ut the Stanley a short time age, will be seen nt the Palace, and! viola uann will have her latent film, "Seeing's Believing," nt the Capitel. Comedy at Cress Keys Jean Webster's popular story, "Daddy Leng Less," which has been such a success In print nnd en the stagu and the screen, will be seen nt the Cress Keys next week, where Mac Des mend nnd Heir riayers will give It an ambitious production. Most people arc fnmillnr with the story of the little in mate of n charity home fiem the time a wealthy bachelor sends her te u fash fash fash louable bearding school te the day when, ns nu attractive young lady, kIiu comes te thank the unknown benefactor, whom she has christened "Daddy Leng Legs." Miss Desmond will nppenr In the role first taken bv Ruth Cliatterten en the btnge. nnd Frank Fielder will be the wealthy bachelor. The rest of the com pany will be supplemented by a num ber of children especially engaged for the production. Keith's In Atlantic City Arrangements have just been com pleted whereby the Glebe Theatre, in Atlantic City, will be thu home of Keith vaudeville during the coming sea sea Ben. The heube will open as a Keith theatre next Monday with a typical summer bill. TINY-ROOMED CLUB KEEPS ART SPARK AFIRE IN YOUTH "Ccnacole Leonarde da Vinci" at 404 S. Bread St., Exhibits Masterpieces and "First Efferts' te Encourage Hidden Genius Art has no home neither the sunny skied Italy nor the bright land of America but it" has many landlords. u.m...n. mm of Its rooms at present Is et -HH Seuth Bread street, and It is called the "Ccnacole Leonarde Da Vinci." , It Is a bare room, but en Its walls nre paintings ranging from portraits te still life, done in dusky Italian shades by an Italian artist from Reme. The Idea of the Ccnacole Leonarde Da Vinci is te keep alive the article tal ent that the great master Da Vinci ex emplified in his painting. "The Last Runner." The club gives te Its members-Italian nnd otherwise-the oppor tunity "-xl.tblt their paintings en its walls. All .person nre Invited te step nnd view the paintings. Talent in struggling immigrant heys who de net even knew hew te sniak he language te sell their wares is ex pected t" be developed by the encour enceur nBement. The fervor, for art which s smothered In many a breast bccaiibc Us bearer cannot have spacious picture uvHt f.l0ii ,i,win iifi in- tcrnrctcd In tonus of its beniitie.. Art they pny. should net be housed only in the homes of the affluent, nnd ?he nwmberH of tlilR tiny. roomed club inve robi.eiuled te tile pppertunliy und Mppert which the Milrlt of American inm Blvcs. Their ideal, they Mnte. Is te tnlie held 'f the Irecdem of America nnd nn it for the development of nrt nnd hcienee, which, without united on en .rU'nunt, would, for the meM part, behqunudered nnd lest in the confines of tlilh new lii'i'l . , , The lueMent collretlen include!) feine BceneH from Heme nml Venice nnd bemu Americnn lundwniiec. A scene In Heme transports one te the romanticism of the place by viitue of Its pastel coloring. A imluliiiR called "I.andscnpe" could be in nuy clime or country. It bicnthca of bpringtlme frrslmess. The pertrnlts reveal the study ana Interurctutlens of strength of charac ter. Tort i alts of Itnllnn and of Amer lean women are ceutruttcd side by M(1q covered nnus . """' ".; AND SCREEN HERE -"" st&V&SZ A&rS ! Theatrical Billboard Fer the Coming Week Stock CItOSS KEYS Jean -Webster's popular story, "Daddy Leng Legs," which will Klve Mae Des,menci a chnnce te ncore in the rele made famous by ltutn Cliatterten. Vaudeville KEITIVKX summer show of special local Interest, presenting present-day itnrs who get their start In this city. VIVIenne Segal, the charming singer and dancer, who began with the Philadelphia Operntlc Society ;orergo LeMalre, former comedian of The Follies" : Dave neth and a big ag gregation of clever Wds In the an nual "Wree'H uds" fcuture, this yenr called "Youth and Bfauty." GLOBE Wyatfs Scotch I.nds and lassies In Hengs, dances and bagpipe music from the land of the. heather; faltea Brethers, two popular Phila delphia beys: Baby i:dna Klcr In songs nnd ether things; the Musical Ifednes In a malange: Arthur ucja. Known ns "the liumnu catil Index, nnd a list of ether attractive acts and pictures. .VA'O.V The great Ttlchards. widely Unewn Illusionist, heads the program for the first hnlf of the week with magical Illusions; Jee Tewle appears, nntl Jenn Kethern, Etar of stnge nnd screen, presents a novelty sketch . the Capper Family nnd "Barbette cemplete the prcaram. "he photo, pluy for the first half of thwkl "Whv Announce Your Marriage? starring Elaine Hnmmcrsteln. Fer tne latter half. Gladys Walten in "Second-Hand Hese." WALTOX HOOF This week's program Is headed by Shelden. Thorns and Habs, "Dancers Unlque' ; Gerald I.car, drummer, appears In a novel form of entertainment. Kenney and O'Neill In "High Steps and High in the difference of coloring nnd vivid ness. A new group of paintings will be hung .Tuly 17, nnd all the eager ns pirnntu ate te be given thcii turns later THK WORI.n IX A MIRROR l.a tian ... I f 1. 1 ..nl. tnrmm it ih. .nanw kiln ,'CnUi.lu. v. tw...'n w. tlik ..i..l picture. hev!ii! the Important personages. I places and ecnta of thu wurld, ennance the fitlractUrneen of the enlv roti-w;i'aure nee-j linn purMliinfil uy kdv jiiiittiieipniu iicwh' pupcr. It la a part of each Hunday's run 1.10 I.cneEH. "SUKs It a Habit." Adv. "EVERYTHING FROM PAPRIKA TO CAYENNE HAS BEEN LAV ISHLY POURED INTO SPICE of 1922 AT THE WALNUT It's the most flaverable revue seen hereabout for a long time." North American. Last Pep. Mat. Today, 50c te $1.50 LAST TIMK TONIGHT BOe TO 2,00 ""KOdDF' nlrt, 1 H.Uunliiy, SHELDON, THOMS ed BABS nANcnun I'Niqt'i: GERALD LEAR nrttnr.MEH K.'rnArmntN-nv BETTY HALE nnnuiwAY's PAVeniTi: pantkii KENNEY & O'NEILL lltrilt RTHPH AND 11IOH C' A I niMC Direction M. 13. Felt ALUINfc rir.i8A.at.ls,fiP.M. "Don't Doubt Your Wife" U1TII I.KAH UAIRn Hareld Lloyd ia "Nmr Weaken" pKiLWl! lYiwume iNTiRnuNMrNTll 11 us .'II AmM H.se v NEXT WEEK JT '" , C's." nnd Hetty Hale, dancer, com plete the bill. ICV PALACE The Ice Talace con tinues the summer policy cf dancing and roller skating. Many special fea tures the coming week. Including An drews and Mack, well-known dancers; King Ilex and Bright Star and com pany. A notable feature Is Papys' Orchestra. Philadelphlans at Keith's Philadelphia cntcrtainern wlll'be very much te the front en the bill nt Keith's next week. The headllner is Vivlenne Segnl who began her career here as a member of the Philadelphia Operatic Society nnd who lias since made a success en the musical cemedv stngc. Jee Phillips is another local artist who is en the bill, appearing with (Seergc Malre, former cemmedinn of the Follies. Dave Reth Is another local favorite, and a spccinl feature will be Walter reiB annual precondition et the " roe's Buds of 11)21!." composed of a grqup nf Philadelphia children In a miniature musical revue called "l'euth and Beauty." :A PHILADELPHIA CHESTNUT MIltKCT UK VAUDEVILLE'S BEST WHERE 97 mV JQf V"Hv A B Bf mm 9m mw JmMJ .HSH limiNNIXU MONDAY MAT I NEK ritU.AUKt.I'lIIAS BRILLIANT" iiu.ii.iui..a: V1VIENNE SEGAL STAR OP MANY Ml'SirAL SUCCESSES ' IN A HKR1KS OF SONO t'I.ASSIC.4 ' SPECIAL SUMMER FEATURE: WALTER G. WROE PRESENTS "WROE'S BUDS OF 1922" T'HII.ADBI.rtltA ll'VKVII.B STARS IN A "TOfTII AND unAl'TY" REVUE VAN & BELLE CHAS. CRAFTS & JACK HALEY . IN' "Vi'lMMIX" topic h or the ii.w The Philadelphia Favorite! DAVE ROTH IN VERSATILE IMPRn.sStOXS 2 Shown rall. ! ft 8 J'. .11. 1'rlcen. Mat. m. m nn iumu. nraia un nil IP wrin July 1 0, Fannie Briee, Comedy Star of "Follies" Ar-Mrv f DIRECTION MAURICE E.FELT "rNffl'fM Lt K CHESTNUT AT 1 9T-3 STREET CONTINUOUS HAM TO II CM CU-SVl PHILADELPHIA'S "ferettee AM. NEATH 50c KM'K.rT PAT, II0MIIAV Er.H. UAoer- IN AN All IPTATMN F lli:NK THE ADDED ATTRACTION ".SOME CLASH," l&W'-i-mm-mk'1 W-Wimmmmmt v. mOmWbiii-mmmii i A'lTKAt'TKIN "MO.MI! CLASH" M ITU w E. Till: UOSDIK non am jdiinxy fii. hckkkn's fcnnikst jcvknilf It'l.Y in- "THK l-OWr.n Wtrm.NV ICE PALACP UTU AND XABXTT STXZZta tw DANCING and Reller f ) m& Dehg C?r lil Ijr Q 8.31 S. KB (Ik ei(W Jfflm PADV 9i CeisIm. 7I. UmU Hire. IU JP Wm. Guide "te Photoplays Fer the Week te Come Nw rhotenlays 8TAN iLEY Betty Cempren and Tem ... I- air..... ll.n lli.rrlpr." frOM a favorite story by Sir bert I'arUcr. In the cast also are Cassen tergusen. Moeru and Jeseph Hay. At.ntXE Levely Florence Vlder In a story cf modern wemnn, called " Heal Adventure." She Is auPP0; by Clyde Fillmore, Nellle V. Saunders nnd Lllyan McCarthy. KAHTiTO N Agnes Ayrcs and a hand picked cast In "The Ordeal." Iter support Includes Kdna Murphy, Con Cen i ad Nagel and Clarence Burten. ARCADIA Irene Castle reappears en the screen nfter a long absence, "French Heels" is the story, and Ward Civino ngaln plays opposite the star. VICTORIA The (leldwyn thriller, "Yellow Men nnd Geld." w 111 that strong team, Hclene' Chadwldk and rtlchard Dlx, besides a notuble sup porting cast. REGENT Mary Miles MInter has a new kind of rcle In "The Heart .Spe plAllnt." Allen Ferest Is seen with her, and Neah Beery has a strong role. I CAPITOTy Viela Dana ban her latest success, "Seeing's Believing." Her company Includes Alten Fer.'rt. cm rude Acter, Phlle McCullough and ethers. Previously Reviewed PALACE Dorethy Dalten In "The Weman Who Walked Alene" A great cast, Including Wnnda Hawley, Charles Ogle nnd Jehn Davidsen. MARKET STREET "Whoie 1 My Wnnderlng Bey Tonight?" first part of week : Nerma Tnlmadge s "Smllln Through" latter half, ALUAZIBRA Bebe Daniels In "Nancy Frem Nowhere." first part of week; Wallace Held In "Acress the Continent " latter linir. COLOXIAL Themas Mclghan In "The Bacheler Daddy." flrat half; Oeorge Arllsa In "The Ruling Passion," latter half. IMPERIAL Constance Tnlmadge In "Weman's Place," tlrst half; Kath erlne MncDcmald's "Trust Your Wire latter half. GREAT XORTHERXBcke Daniels In "Nancy Frem Nowhere," first half; Geerge Arllss in "The Ruling Pas sion," latter half. SIXTY'XIXTH STREET Viela Dana In "The Fourteenth Lever," first half of week; Griffith's latest masterpiece, "Orphans of the Storm." latter half. BTRAXD Themas Melghan In "The Bacheler Daddy" will be the screen feature. wvnvs AMliASSADOR "Nine Sec ends Frem Heaven." first part of week; Shirley Masen In "Little Miss Smiles." latter half. LOCUST Eric Ven Strehelm's much-discussed masterpiece, "Foolish Wives," will be the feature the entire week. BELMOXT Charles Bay In "The Mid night Bell," first half of week: Nerma Tnlmadge In "The Branded Weman,' latter half. LEADER Viela Dana In "Glass Houses." first half of week ; "Orphans of the Storm," latter half. COLISEUM "Frivolous Wives," in which nodelph Valentine has a part. Is the bill Monday and Tuesday; "A Millionaire for a Day," Wednesday; "The Man Who Married His Own Wife" for Thursday and Friday, and "Foolish Wives" for Saturday. CEDAR "Revival Week." Monday. "Peter Ibbetson" ; Tuesday, "Her Husband's Trademark"; Wednesday, "The Duke erf Clnney Butte" ; Thurs day "Feels' Paradise" ; ! rldny, "Meran of the Lady Letty" ; Satur day, "Saturday Night." Nlrdllnger Buys Theatres The" Montgomery Theatre nnd thp Glrard Palace, both en Fast Oirard avenue, have been bought by Fred O. Nlxen-Nlrdlinger, who will entirely renovate both houses before the opening of the new sensen. This announcement fellows his acquisition of the Ambassa dor Theatre In Wet Philadelphia, and there nre rumors In circulation that he will shortly buy ether motion-picture houses. INSTITUTION: LOW 12TII KTKEUT IT'S COOL AND COMFORTABLE THE Ml'8It'AI. COMEDY COMEDIAN GEORGE LE MAIRE IN "AT THE DENTIST" With JOB PHH.I.ll'H BOOTH & NINA SOt'i Ontnry Neltv lOI"rt F.WH.r.H I'ATIli; Ni:r AND The Rapid-Fire Comedian.' ' HARRY BREEN r.N-TEMPORANEOfa SONO WRITER aic . 55c. llexdi. h.lc Ntirhtn. 'Ann tn PftK in rtUVanP'l, t'nene yiitwrt 3.Jf3 COOLEST THEATRE AM. SKATS 50c F.VCT.PT ST. A HOLIDAY EVICS. Klltlti:i.L WERSTKR'S VAMOl'S NOVEL lum-AOVENTDEE H J.i?!, h mmk. V. KKATl'ltlNTrPAt'LlNK'TiTiTriv Emy tnnlitK Ec.t Friday. Alwiyi Cial tne CcrntirUbit. Oil th Mntit Flc.r la Pniit. dtliiliim Skating Statinf 8.39 te 10J0 emBnesmA JaerKffius.Kss DIRECTION STANLEY COMPANY QV AMERICA 1 :m ALWAYS PERFECTLY VENTILATED next week NINTEENTH AND PENRHYfl STANLAW'S LATEST PARAMOUNT PMDUCTUJN OVER-BORDER rjwwgmx AmmmmmmSmmmmm. fiWSmmmWM Jfm&mmmmWmW&tSmm. BETTY (OMRSON WRITTEN BY SIR GILBERT PARKER JULY 10TH "G0 - T0 MJmwm ADDED ATTRACTION "NANOOK OP THU XORril I. . . ll 13ROAD A CIIKSTNUT NEXT WEEK PARAMOUNT PRESENTS Jldnes Jlyres in The Ordeal THE drama of a beauti ful woman's soul in conflict, portrayed in a setting of gorgeous gowns and luxury. Cenrad Nagel and Edna Murphy in the cast. ji'i.y ietm-zane cmnvs PALACE 1214 MARKET STREET 10 A. M. TO 11:15 P. M. Next Week Gee. Welford Production WHO WMBMM A PARAMOUNT PICTL'Ri: WITH DOROTHY DALTON. MII.TON SII.I.3. WANDA HAWLEY GLOBE JUXIPKR AND MARKET OPEN ALL SUMMER VAODEVILLU 11 TO 11 STINT WEEK a RRr:i:zK rnesi thu highlands Mmwmrs L4DJp lassies ftONUS. DANCE,; ND lNSTRl'MKNTALIhTS RIO Sl'RROt'NDlNQ 1UI.L ALHAMBRA ,., TWELFTH i MORRIS BEBE DANIELS NANCV FROM NOHIIKRr." WOODSID Something Doing All ihc Time SPECIAL FEATURES FOURTH OF JULY jj Patriotic Concerts nnd Fireworks H Grec Open Karly fur Picnic S Pnrtinu Free Concerts Ticc Daily DURBANO'S CONCERT BAND Ercele Uurbane. Conductor Dinnche Rand Ferbes, Seprano Fireworks Every Friday Night ROSS KEY flflTH AND MARKKT UAV.,, 8 11 MATS W1.D & SAT.. 1' 13 hli;k iu:;i.nmm memiay MAE DESMOND AND HER PLAYERS DADDY LONG LESS I'rnm Jriin Wi'littrr'H I'eimliir Htury In Wlitt.li llrnry Mlllrr und Ituth t'linttrrtnn Htarrril Jt i. lern rAltLOR. UKIHIUOM ANI HATH WILLOW GROVE PARK Victer Herbert and Hit Orchestra Phen rarU OITlce fpr llu.le imell July 4 Patriotic Programs of America Mutle ,72 I anua i E OPEN 'ALL -Summer MAKKt'gr NEXT week WITH TOM N00RE STIRRING STORY OF THE NORTHWEST - THE - M0V1ES" WEEK AT 10 A. M. 12. 2, , 0. 8. 10 P. M. "Whkx remanck rides" VICTORIA 0TII AND MARKET 0 A. SI. TO II 'IS P. M. Next Week Oeuverneur ilerria Story YELLOW MEN (kniQOLD r K.S WITH IIEI.ENrHADWICK 4 4 RICHARD DIX ARCADIA fclXTUCNTH AXD CHESTNUT 10 A. SI. TO 11:13 P. SI. NIIXT WEEK THK FAMOUS STAGU 4 sCRUEN STAR Qc&gfle 72 '5L F.-nm Ctnrrrce nuddlnsten Kellnnil'i P'eij "Knets nnd WlndhKles" CAPITOL T'4 MARKET 8T. 10 A.M. te 11-15 P.M. VIOLA DANA "m:eine,s ffi 9fSi THEATRE 0ip. Trrmln'il JIOMMV. TIKsriXY A EI)VIDAY VIOLA DANA in "The Fourteenth Lever" Tiunn. riciiAY 4 sxtikday AT !.il l IS AMI U P M "ORPHANS of the STORM" mmm Gfrminlewn Are. & Venanje St. themMMighan and LEATRICE JOY THE BACHELOR DADDY iiiifi ltorce's sTitivn eiuiihSTKt NIXON'S )jdiyi "' ';!,'." ' " "mnTinn . Mnllnri. ,-30 .1 M.IKIt Y.t. 7 0 P. W. MON DA V Tl h I) Y A ivKIINKSDAY mne Seconds from Heaven W Til N l,ll'tt CST T,,ll,M,,.;,,?IJ'I.WT3l,,UAV SHIRLEY MASON in "LITTLE MISS SMILES" coming "eni'ii ixs nr tii i; stehm Mr CJI H.. MAIIKKT 8T. vtAttm K,iiln, 70 5-ALL-STAR VOD-VIL ACTS-5 nnd "li ii)iniinrf Ynnr M;irr1nT" I, Mil ft I.Ot I'hT STH. aUwvv A , VKVr (1, II FOOLISH WIVES IIV AMI WITH VII V 'TimiltC'M Till: MN UV Wll.l. I.QVI; 1(1 IUTF. 'TTtLnlli MIN'-b-M IcSlt'v'ilyWfV nsri. 3i msn . fl.fl 1t..t.t ....... ., L. . MOMIAY. Ttr-SMW WKIINKSIIAY ThnrU. Rv in "A MMnl.l. D.lT Tin itsiiAY. rniniv fATrDAy Nnrm 1 n msnif. 'In RrtmfaJ U. m ., .-.-. .... -., '-" nWrnmrnrnW elcLza, Jt A, I.uiiratr ila, 3:30 tu 4iSi ibu .Mnn.. Tura. Vleln Dann. '(lUaa HaM WfUnetJar. Tliurkday. Yrldar. MatluB.' fLmTiF mmL i E'H . i ... ' w : a A tf .1 V l tl X is vt I 1.11 -rid -f 1!' I, VI 1 1 vX sa I 5 siij mi MM & m 'z' JWJ C"H v Bfl- -""-' I -' M. .'i"V .Viff" ft,. ., ilnHi j ' J ,STi , -.'i .t. ... .ii.,... j,,.jV". . s... espffiis Wmmvvf7rrr- MHh.HIBIdlil