fOT'W??''- "? - HijHppni:; ;. , g u -; i - v,iiy' i "- r '',-,.- www! i !3...'tA,(a, n ' . 1 1 - tt.'vmm' .WVf-Vif' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1922 5 in .'fl STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Are Yeu Ready for the Holiday? -a m m F i - -' s- V'"'':.'';'il,!f.''-i' Women's Holiday Dresses and for the Leng Summer All at Prices Notably Lew These are the Frecks that women will cheese for comfort as well as style distinction. Voile Dresses, cool and practical, Frecks of tricelette that are indispensable te traveler and busi ness woman alike. And no wardrobe is complete without a White Silk Crepe Dress. Be sure and see the group here at pecial prices. $8.50 Dresses of Dotted Voile Sketched at the left. A graceful paneled medel1 in black, navy blue or brown dotted in white. Trimmed with narrow plaiting and dainty white nct-and-lace col cel lar and vestce. The price is remarkably low for Dresses of such excellent quality and se smart a style. $21.75 $ 9.75 Voile and Gingham What's a summer without a Checked Gingham Freck? The model sketched in the centre is of imported checked gingham, smart in cut, en long lines. In this group at $9.75 are dark Voile Dresses figured and dotted. In paneled or side-draped styles. Htriiulirlilfre A (.'letliler ! Tricelette Dresses Oh, se practical! Fer trico trice lette docs net crush and is cool te wear. A group of at tractive models at a special price includes straight-line and tunic styles, many em broidered and beaded, with narrow sashes. In white, navy blue and henna. White Crepe Dresses $15.00 te $32.50 The prettiest collection of White Silk Crepe Frecks in town at these prices. Canten Crepe, one model at $32.50 sketched, Crepe Georgette and crepe de chine beaded, em broidered or in these slim tai lored styles. With panels, tunics or graceful drapery. Srceml Fleer. MurW Strfft and Ontre Sixteen-button Silk Gloves Unusual Value at $1.15 Plenty of white, te carry out the .scheme of the popular white summer costume. Most women will add a pair in pongee shade te wear when traveling or shopping. Fcr these arc Silk ttlevcs of a desirable weight, with double finger-tips, and Paris-stitched backs. Cut te fit the hand and arm beautifully. It will pay you te buy freely at $1.15. "Htrawlirldsr (. Uflhlvr -.lnlca 11' mid 13, Markft Strict BflHj $1.00 Curlex Hair Nets Special a Dezen Extra large size, double and single mesh and thoroughly well made. In brown, black, auburn and blend shades. A demonstration cf Curlex Nets in the Notion Stere, te-morrow. StrnwhrldRe 'lelhl.-r AMe !, CVntrn Matting Suit Cases, $2.75 A 24-inch Case, made ever wooden frame te prevent sag ging. Has strong lock and handles and is nicely lined. A geed - looking, serviceable, lightweight Case, at a very low price. KtrnHhrldsi S. riiitliler Al.'lf H, Crnlri Smart Summer Dresses for the Younger Set These are models that set one's thoughts a-holidaying. Silk Frecks and Tub Frecks in which miss-14-te-18 will leek her best. And, for her younger sister, ndernblc, cool summer Dresses as charming as youth itself. New Silk Dresses, $15.00 The model sketched, of crepe de chine in white, gray and nuvy blue. Knife-plaited frills aie bewitching. And there's an elastic waist-band under the crepe de chine sash in the smartest oiled. Sizes 14 te 18 years. Misses Wash Dresses $5.00 and $7.50 Of checked gingham, plaid or plain col ored ratine and figured voile.' Variously tai lrred and belted. Alse lew-waisted models with jaunty sashes. Misses' Tub Dresses $10.75 te $15.00 Coel summer Tub Dresses of striped and checked tissue, dotted voiles and Swisses, linen, ratine and gingham. Every smart 6tyle imaginable, se that one can unci the most becoming "in a twinKiing. Sizes 14 te IS years. New Dresses, $10.75 SPECIAL in price, tee. Designed for girls of 12 te 1(5 years. Of white voile hem stitched and embroidered and trimmed te match the bkirt of navy blue, red or green dotted Swiss, as sketched. Sheer Dresses, $2.65, $3.95 Dainty Wash Dresses for girls of C te 14 years. Medels in smart styles, of checked and figured voiles, colored organdie and dotted Swiss. Just the kind girls like best. Misses' Wash Skirts $2.00 te $7.50 Twe-piece gathered Skirts with ucel pockets. Of white gnbardine and surf satin (cotton), also plaid and checked ratine in rose, geld and green effects. - HtruivlirldRA H C'letliler Hcreiul l-'luur. M.nket Mrcet mid lYmie m I ilk 9 mk SatinSperts Skirts $6.75 Gathered Skirts of white, navy or black sports Satin; perfectly plain except for neat inset pockets, each trimmed with a single pearl button $6.75, Strftwbrldge K Clothier Second fleer, 1'llbvrt Street Coats and Capes $15.60 Practical Tweed Coats in light color effects, all-around belted, partly lined the kind women can quickly slip en. Serviceable Weel V e 1 e u r Coats, knee-length silk-lined throughout in pretty tans and blues, and well-cut Capes in various styles and colors, silk-lined. Stmwbrldftn A Ctellilrr Second Fleer, Centr SILK BLOUSES Fer Holiday Wear Smart models that will go into many a week-end travel ing bag te-morrow. Of Net, $2.00 te $3.95 Newest models for sweaters or jumper dresses. Daintily frilled or lacc-trimmed. Of Habutai Silk, $2.65 Tailored or semi - tailored models in white or blnck. Over-Blouses, $235 Of mignonette in gay shades, many trimmed with deep silk fringe. Of Crepe Georgette $4.95, $5.95, $6J5 Blouses and Over-Dleuses, beautifully trimmed with laces and rufflings. Many Over Blouses are lavishly beaded in crystal or colors. Of Crepe de Chine, $4.95 The smnrtest of Blouses, lace-trimmed, tucked or fageted, Slniwhrlrl . Clothier Second Fleer. Centra This Stere Will be Open Monday, July Third Thereby insuring for you a pleasant "Fourth" by being ready te meet the many holiday needs which are usually overlooked until the last minute. We Shall Be Closed All Day July Fourth, Independence Day Saturday, July 8th, will be the first of our Summer Holidays which will be continued throughout the summer. White Blouses Tailored or Trimmed 81 nn Short-sleeve Bicuses 'I'JklUV of white voile, in vest cr with Peter Pan PRi-nv ''.vr! 'W.'-M ' ' -' ' -&VJ'-!' iiiWw.y -' 'STOWW ipiSipptSpiSJpL st.oe $2.95 $3.30 $3.30 $6.00 White Hats That Will Lead the Holiday Precession Sports Hats for maid and matron, in cool, dainty white. And for these who would match a gay sweater there are Hats a-plenty that vie with the colors of the rainbow. New models just unpacked in time te go en holiday outings. The best values in town. effects cellars. 1 OK White Voile models tpx.etj with seeVC!S enK 0I. short. Vest effect or Peter Pan cellar. Alse Tailored White Dimity Blouses with gingham-bound Tuxedo or Peter Pan cellars. K1 QC; "Royal" Tailored 'VLve Blouses of batiste or dimity, in many smart styles with roll or Peter Pan cellars. S9 Qi Perte Rican Hand Hand J"ve made Blouses of white batiste. Vest or Peter Pan styles, many edged with filet or Irish laces. CQ OK B e a u t i f u 1 Hand 'Pu made Blouses from Perte Rice, hand-embroidered, hemstitched and tucked and trimmed with real laces. Strawbrldue . Clolliler Clelliler Clolliler Secend Meer CenT Little Beys' Wash Suits Fine for Holiday Wear $1.45 Straw and Felt Hats Satin and Ribbon Hats $1.50 te $6.00 $2.95 te $12.00 Of Miian-hcmp, Leghorn, pea nut and imitation Panama straws, in smart, becoming shapes. Chiefly white, some in natural shade. A model at $3.50 sketched. Alse the smait cst of fringed Felt Hats in white and colors, as sketched, ?4.00. Style after style in this group, all new. White Dress Hats $5.00 te $14.00 Designed for youthful or ma ture faces. A beautiful collec tion of straw, satin, Canten crepe or crepe Georgette, show ing the touch of the nrtist in style and trimming. StrawbrldBe Clethl There's a bewitching White Baronet Satin Hat at $2.1)5 sketched at the left, and a saucy round model at $3.50 next te it. And at the extreme right a distinctive Ribbon Hat at $6.00. And there are only three of this wonderful collection in white and colors. Smart Black Hats $2.95 te $9.00 Eyes sparkle the brighter under shadowy, transparent brims of Hats of Malinc hair and hair braid. Picturesque styles beautifully trimmed, that add the crowning touch te sum mer costumes. rr Second Plenr. Markrt Sired, t Practical Suits for little fellows of 2 te 5 years. Of green, dark blue, brown or white chnmbray. All with -leuscrs buttoned te the blouse. Styles with sailor or round cellar. Less than rcgutar price, tee $1.45. StniwIirlrlRe Clothier--Third Fleer. Wt Something New in Handkerchiefs, 50e Frem Japan come these dainty hand-made Handker chiefs of fine, natural-color Silk Pongee, with exquisite drawn-work and smart hem stitched borders in blue, pink, orange, geld, green or old rose. Straw hr!d,! A rtnthW Alt 12. Market Mtfi Te-morrow We Shall Have Ready Over 1000 Men's and Yeung Men's Suits Many With Twe Pairs of Trousers Hart, Schaffner & Marx Stein-Blech Suits "Alce" and "Wickham" Suits of Other Noted Makes $27 Men and young men save a substantial sum en every Suit at this price. In fact, the savings, in many instances, will mere than defray the expenses of your "Fourth of July" trip or outing. Nete the sources from which these Suits come te us Stein-Blech, Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Alce, Wickham and ether dependable tailor ing concerns. Every Suit is fresh, up-te-the-minute, and just the sort that well dressed men prefer. Youthful styles, sports styles, conservative styles. Worsted, serges and cheviets. Stripes, checks, tweed and herringbone. Rich, plain shades of blue, gray and brown. Please bear in mind that hundreds of these Suits come with TWO PAIRS of Trousers at this price $27.00 an extra value feature net te be overlooked. Men's Palm Beach Suits Men's Coe! Mohair Suits nr x. r,! Trepica! Worsted Suits Gabardine Suits new $13.50 $15.00 $25.00 $25.00 Here are four cteuds of Trenical-u eight Suits, out-ef-thj-ordhuiry from everv sUm.Iiximf nf ctv well, leek well, and feel well and they are marked at very low prices for to-meirow. e and tnilemiR Thej will tit White Flannel Trousers, decidedly under price at $6.50 1lribn lu 4 Cenner S. ..ri I" ni I .., Men's Madras Shirts Made te Sell (JM OC Fer One-half Mere i eO O Any man would be justified in buying six or even a dozen of these Shirts for, aside from the fact they nu much under price, they are unusually fine in every detail of design and woik weik manship. The madras is very close in weave and the attractive .-.triped patterns are woven clear through. They should go quickly tO-meriOW. -'-- Straw brldje . Cleth, -r Slei. i:it;lilh Street Step Inte the Convenient Sporting Goods Stere New located in the Basement, just a few steps down, in-K'.e the West Market Street doei. Filled with desirable equipment for all speits. Pnr dnlffiVi Dfiu'in and Brnssii !)..r)0 i ui Kiuuvia rm Gelf t,lil()S( ,utterS) xibUHe, -ic-SLet) Gelf Bags Imported from Fngland, for women $,-.."iii Men's Gelf Bngs, with metal bottom ?(1..'50 Scotty Gelf Balls, :)5c each, $4.00 a dozen Piv 7V?lie Plniurl Backets dependable make -Ml."." rui 1 viuux i uiyvi ft Tl,Mnls Bll,l,8 fei. Sli0lli ,. Sli00 a dozen FOI' EverilOne uuutir-sl' Sneakers; brown, black or " white canvas uppers; sizes for eveiyene, ?l Salt Water Fishing Outfits, complete $10.00 Felding Weeden Chairs, stieng, compact Croquet Sets, 8-ball, in weed box $L75 I.ife-Guard Bathing Suits new $:ur Ferd Fabric Tires, 30x3V2, oversize, $8.75 ,-- Straw bridge i Clethlei llabeincm, West Men's English Straw Hats Much Under Price $1.35 Kviry Hat equipped with a comfort cushion. Imported Sennit, in eei desirable -hnpe. ItV about time fei a fresh, new .Stiaw Hat, particularly for u:ir en the holiday. On ale en the Market Stieet Ciess Aisle, as well a- in the leguiar Hat Stoic en th- .Second Fleer, Market Sheet, Knt. Children's Footwear Save Pumps $1.45 Sandals $1.75 I'ATFNT l.KATIII'U STHAI' ITMI'S, at an unu-uullv low price. On lnend, nutuie-shaped lasts, with heavv square'-edge, ea-tauned soles and two-button intep sfaps, as sketched. Lined with white. Sizes 1 ni 8 $1.1 . PATKN'T LKATHKIt SANDALS, at a meat savin,.. Chit itren s sizes, 8'u. te 11. On biead, nntuie-h.tped lasts, with Miuare Miuare eege, oak-tanned leather m les and spring heels, as sketched. Lined with white kid. eith double this special price of $1.7." HOYS1 AND YOUTHS' OXFORDS, net illustrated. Of tan calfskin en cadet Newaik and Fnglish lais, with medium and bread tees ami welted oak-tanned leather soles with iiibhei heels A rematkable value at :2: -Sl.ui I , i,ti,l.l M), , , I'll,,,,, s,,,. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER BIAUKET STREET EIGHTH STREET FILBERT STREET Surf Satin Bathing Suits A Choice of Six Medels t m At an Average S A Saving of One-third JiJ.SJ Four of these smart models are sketched. All of black surf satin (cotton) in becoming new styles. Sizes 30 te 4C inches. Such Bathing Suits will make the sea nymphs envious. At the left a hand-embroidered model with bloomers nttached. A square-necked model at the left centre, trimmed with silk poplin in white or colors. A braid-trimmed model with inset panels at the right centre. At the right, a saucy frilled model. Net illustrated, a basque model with a wide sash, and a hand hand embreideied style scalloped at the hem $3.95 each. y StrawbrldBn 1 Clethi'r Alale 13, Ontre $1.95 1300 Perte Rican Undergarments Just Unpacked and Out They Will Soen Ge, for the Value is Exceptional You'll want te share in this event. Exquisite hand-made and hand-embroidered NIGHT GOWNS, ENVELOPE CHEMISES and STRAIGHT CHEMISES one-third less than regular price. Of fine white lingerie cloth, embroidered in design after design and daintily scalloped. -J- - SiriHbndce . i leihiT Third Kleer. West Beys' Summer Clothing at Special Summer Prices In the Beys' Clothing Stere mothers will find complete stocks of wanted Sum mer Clothing for boys, at a considerable saving in price. These arc a few of many, ready for holiday wear: All-wool Blue Serge Suits Twe Pairs Trousers $9.75 Sizes 8 te 16 years. Special value. Tweed Suits With Extra Trousers $12.50 Sizes S te 17 ears. Light colored tweeds. V Beys' Palm Beach Suits, $7.95 Desirable Wash Suits $1.35 Sizes 3 te 8 years. Leng- or short sleeve models. Save en Wash Knickerbockers Of-WhitrDuckSlja Tan Khaki $1.65 Gran Cotte)i Crash $1.10 Uraij Linen Crash $2.2. Tan nr Graii Cotten Mixtures .9.7c Sizes S te IT yeais in all the above Knickerbockers. s,,rnir l-. tliiihi. r S. ,..,).) 1 , ier Piltri Mr yl is Jb Men's and Beys' Bathing Suits Men's Twe-piece Bathing Suits at $2.."i(). $-..V. SC.Od. ?7.00 and $8.."i0. Men's One-piece Rathing Suits with skirt at $l.r0, $,".00, $f!.00 and $7.00. Men's Life-Guard Suits, in cluding belt, $3.7."i, $1.7.1, is.i.'J.") and $7.(10. Men's White Sleeeless ,Ier seys at SI. 50, $2.S0 and $3.00. Men's Navy Blue Bathing i'ants,, $3.50 and $3.75. Heys' Twe - piece Bathing Suits. $2.00 and S3.75. Beys' One - piece Bathiiiu Suits with skirt, $1.00. All excellent Suits, all fast color. yi , !, a , ,,.,,. I .s - hi .-I !) s.-.. , Summer Corsets Fer Style and Comfert -1 ni' I mil n g kinds for sports wear and med- l"4HP? els a a feunda- i V, Hen for iiieie 4' fei ni a I ce.s- I J l tutne. Kery kin.l here, fe.' women of eery type of figure and for young k'll'N. Cerslet tes a i. ett, $i..)0 The m nel sketched bandeau lra sieie and hip ma riner lemhined, is Sl.aO. An ether model, in bandeau bias leie tpe, has V-shaped elastu gores ever the hip-, SI. 00. In i hide one te wear with Jein batli'itg suit ' Kloiitiv-und-brecmle (,'inUes, 12-inch S2 Oil ii'i'ilar el is..mck med.-'l. feel i'et Corsets, Leir liust, Leng Hips $l..iO sun vl.i ili.-e A l inlliier 1 tut U 1'luer Mitrltel Stieet, Vti afii&h CELEBRATED HEAUTY SPECIALIST RECOMMENDS Valaze Beauty Preparations Te women who appreciate a beautiful complexion. There is a treatment for every skin, te suit the individual needs of each. Summer sun and wind need have no terrors for women who use Valaze Preparations. Valatr Huiuty (hmnt te deiui'e tin" Hldii run! In priullt (! l)t-m-ihIips -Jl .T, .un! $; rii Idiot, ItrnittliiiKj Skinfoed nHkt" tiif. skin mi levph that nil .nlnilr. l .',- ami $:' 5u Valntr sun (i in U'nwiirne Halm, in prevpiit fii'l,le.. tnn anri "uiiliiirn--i TS Vulii-e I'l-rparnlinii', itlil hrrc s, v i , hi u, l'liilnlrliluii Siinwl n tin. H r iD)pr Ais!i s iVntrn IT"- U. S. Flags 7c te $30.00 Lai go assortment of wool Bunting Flags, also Cotten and Silk Flags en sticks, at paiticuluily low prices. Brackets, poles and nil nec esary holiday display equip ment. S'laHlirl lac I'loihlpr I'leihlpr I I))' ! ri(ir I ''ntre Candy for the Fourth "h inspenge" Cake for pic nic lunches two pounds, 59c. Ivins' Oven Fresh Cookies, asserted, at 32c a pound. Mutter Ci earns shaped like bullets, submarines, pistols, I nele Sams, 1 -lit. boxes, 50c; Lady Dainty Asserted Chocolates at f0c a pound. Delicious fium Dreps in dec- orated square metal boxes 1 'a pounds, 60c. tttrawbrlUge & Oolhler--llairmtn( Hi MH Hi i W rr W Wk m fnw ,t.;jar -. OMk i-C i . a -