a M ."WTI mmmmwFMr f- - if. T-w-jn 'jljl A' - ; . 60SSIP OF THE STREET mh Announcement wns made yesterday l'OTt t,e purclinse of the New Yerk Stock !lfiLnnire Bent of Vt. II. Themas by fl'lMbeiiriic F. Mlddleten, Jr., of this v&sli for the consideration of $()0,C00, Wne $500 under lic lnit l'rveUB nnd my.. 1 unn Mr. MliMlMnn'n , .". .:. ---""""-- (limb UP l"0 """ler 01 urei! mm uec-n tepid nnd n deserving rewnrd. At Inst nnniml meeting of the I'hlla- 4iphl Stecl Kxclinnge lie was elected president of tlint Institution and Is tfenernlly legarded us one of the live 'WW- ..... A Directly after nnsuming mat emcc ne irerked for nnd Miccceded In cstubllsh f'W n close nlllance between the New I Yerk nnd Philadelphia stock exchanges, "f 4h outcome of which was the dinner m tendered n short time age by the mem- bcri e( tlie Plillndclphin stock exchatiKc te ficjineur li. iromweii, um presiuciu of the New Yerk stock exchange. Mr. Mlddlcten's willingness te join hands with the New Yerk stock exchange authorities In the se-called house clean In movement wen for him the support and geed -will of the New Yerk in. Before launching Inte the stock ex ehange business Mr. Mlddleten was connected for many years with the house of C. D. Hnrney & Ce., working himself up from a humble clerkship .. . i-ixinmiHlhle nositlen. In 11)10 he V unrealised a sent en the Philadelphia IfAnk ttxclinne-c. Mr. Miildieten "vv .... I.. .U..1... I.t been Vei'.V UCllVC in diunnur run" in New Jersey and hns filled the chairs of most of the bodies of that fraternity. Additional Offices But Ne "Branches" Comptroller of the Currency Crls lingcr is undcrsted te have virtually decided upon a policy toward the ques tion of the right of national banks te .i.MUIi hrnnrhes. He is said te take the view that "additional offices' might DC estODllsnei! ey naiienni usiiiks unuer proper circumstances, but that "branches" might net be maintained. Belief was expressed at the Treasury jfstcrday thnt the Comptroller would lisue 0 formal ruling covering the question In general, but that appllca-. tiens of national banks for the privilege of opening additional offices would be handled en the merits of each Individual case. . Mr. Crlsslngcr was represented ns holding te the view thnt the ntlenal Banking Act gives his office the right te permit the establishment of addi tional offices by national banks where due consideration is given the question of competition and the condition of the applying bank, but that a "branch" bank operating with separate offices and eanltal cannot be operated by a oattennl hank. Basic Conditions Favorable The Franklin Nntienal Bank In the current IsMie of the Digest of Trndc Conditions says: "Today's review of recent business events brings out many fncters favor able te a continuance of basic activ ities through the summer nnd pointing teunrd a steady and general Improve ment in underlying conditions. Among 'the few unfavorable signs we find rail road earnings, both gross nnd net. de clining, structural steel bookings shrink ing, petroleum production and consump tion both in smnller volume and a lesser output of the manufactured of wool nnd of tobacco. "Te offset the few unfavorable con ditions, we hnve an Increase in the out put of pig iron, steel Ingots, silks, cottons, lumber nnd nutomebiles, with Increasing car lendlngs, continued record building operations, fewer business fgnllures- and very geed prospects for 1922 crops except cotton." Few Railroad Maturities Falling Due RallreadH will net be burdened with heavy finnncing te refund maturing lisues in the last six months of 1022. Total of obligations fulling due in that oeried is $SI),330.470, against $202, 684.270 In the corresponding period of 1021. and $103,720.fi70 in 1020. Largest item is International & Great r" -hern $11,201,000 first mortgage V le November 1. 1022. Keine, watertewn & Ogdcnsburg II. It. has 10.070,000 cons. ,ris. due July 1. With money rates showing n decline the world ever, railroads having te dn financing will find no difficulty in re funding maturing obligations at easier rates than have prevailed for the last three years. Great Northern Dividend Great Northern preferred was one of the etrenger spots of the railroad di vision In yesterday's murKet, en buying which showed traces of special accumu lation. According te the gossip, the buying was based en the belief that the directors mny declare a further dividend of 1 per cent in the fall, thus bring ing the full year's payment te 7 per cent. Such nctien would afford con firmatory evidence of the management's plans te maintain the icgular 7 per cent rate. The usual quarterly dividend of 1 per cent was declared in the first qunr ter. Action was deferred In the sec ond quarter with the adoption of the policy of chnnging the payment periods from quarterly te semi-annually. A week age, the beard declared a semi annual dividend of 3 per cent paj utile August 1. This would muke only a distribution of D'i per cent for the year. Maxwell Moter Calling In Notes Action of Mnxwcll Moter Corperntiou in calling for payment of $1,000,000 of Its notes due en June 1, 1023, gives some Idet of the strong cash position of we company, tin April 1, litL'J, tlie (empan.v culled for pa.Miient of .$.', H 10. 700 of Its notes due June 1, 1022. In three months Maxwell has paid off be be be fere maturity $4,840,70(1 of its 7 per cent notes. Yet its working capital is approximately $18,000,000, of which about one-half is in cash or its equiva lent. After July fi Maxwell will have out standing S7. 172, 171 of 7 per cent notes, 53,000,0 I being due in 1023 and re mainder in 1021. Ilefere end of this fear $3,000,000 notes due In 1023 mny he called for pn.nunt, leaving a bal ance of only $4,172,000. iVhlle the directors Iiiivp net et dN eussed dividends en the 8 l."i, 20.(100 H per cent "A" stock, belief preulls the stock will be In line for dividends Iter notes due In 1023 are paid. Ne Dividend en B. anil O, Common Ne disappointment need be felt ever e fnllure of the Baltimore nnd Ohie directors te act en the resumption of ulvldends en the common stock, ah such 0 step would surely have been unwise jnd inconsistent until the labor uncer tainty n nut of the way. The regular em. annual dividend of 2 per cent, mfver( ft8 declared en the preferred. Iho income statement for the six months cmli'il .Inn,. :i(l nnrtlv rH. mated, shows a net railway operating income of $H,33.IM13. Had it net been or the piolenged coal strike the show ing iindnubti illy would lum been much 'tier, us the read derives considerable wveniie fiem the heavy liltumlneus It wns. undoubtedly, the uncertainty ' the railroad labor situation thnt In nuenppfi tim k.....! .i.,r.. MAi.. n I' .ne common ilhidend at this time, even "kii dome distribution was warranted by the earnings. THE TIUD10U. V t" NEW YORK BONDS (SALES IN tlOOl Arjf Iter-V 7i 1..,. 101H Chlcacj Mil 2 DO'i 1.... 1014 StF id 4Ua B 01U O(talc) 8tU 1 (Hat) 01 2 01 0 0U1 3wltz'd Cen R 2 ttOtt 1.... 1184 0ll t Heu a Chines Oeve't H-1C niy 3 S 5311 Cltv IleriM Hs 2,,,. ICS'4 2,.,. IOSVi City of Iiorgen 8s rots 1.... 109 City of Coen Ceen hasen Mia 2 01' 8 02 Cltv Dena d B 83i City Mara's Cs 1 64 Ctv 'Hlo de ,1a. nerle 8s wl B.... 10 h; Cty nie de Ja Ja nsrie et 8 2.... ion; 2. . , . 10'J Cty Sia pi.,.1 es wi 118 U K Ort llrll 6 I'd 1022 20.... 107 1.... 107 0(sal6) 10"i ' K Urt llrll 4 I'd 10211 1.... 107, 1.... 1074 a..., ion n.... les 2 ... 107N '-Meftnj Mil a Bt F ev Bi 1 74 C K I t i Id 10 Bl Chtcate Union Bta 44s 1 00H 1 BOH 4 00 Chi t W Mi tl K Ort Urlt 8 72 78 10 78 2 72i 4 78 & I'd 1037 2.. .1.. 1.. 43.. V. 3.. le.lH 11.3V iea'i let 1014 1041, 104 C 4 W I 7 2.... 101H Chile Ce'r U 3. 00 ; ' H lira S .. . 3 1 .... B . . IB 7 wl 1.04 net, nr, 0114 mm 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 2 ... 4.... . 004 . een . 004 . oe . 00i . OOH . 00H . 00 li . son . 00 . 00 ?4 4a '87 1.... 102 City Telttu ! i cd'; CMche-Sl.vak I H Brazil ha 2.... 101 13.. . 104 IB ... 101 6.... 104 lUp'e 6 wl S,. 1.. 1.. 0SH U H Mexico ! C N T 0BH OB'i O.Vi ft 44 B .... 48 1.... 00 H Clnclnn'tl uaa Adams I'xp 4 BHa ttl 1. ... Danmark 08 H 2. .. 78H B raw 10 os v; Cl'd Cln CM 4 St L 4H 1 8O14 1 hOV. ct D 8a B.... 100H 2 . .. 70 Am'n Agr'e A UfDl btine 7 Chcm Bs 8 00i O0 no; 00 oe neii 2 034 Cl'd Cln CM & St Le Ss 1 .... 04 VI B. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2 fi. 1. Am'n Agr'B it enm 7 us 1. ... 70H C C C ft St L 4 ... 103H 1.... IO314 2. . 103 mn S 4 It Ra 1 02 1 01 'i Ser A 6a 1.. 100ii Clevel'd fnlen Ter'l BHb 2 ... 10214 OOH O Canada a 1021, 102U 102Vt 102 H 102 102U 1021.; 102H 102 H 102H 102H 1054 102 10214 102 102H 102T4 103 0ST4 American Sun 2.. 11.. 8.. IS.. 17.. 1.. B.. 8.. B.. B.. 12.. 1.. 1.. 10 . 4.. 4.. D Canada 'ill 1.... 100H 3.... lOOVi 2.... 100'4 8.... 100'i 6.... 100 TW c 61 1 10m 101 '4 1. 8. 10. 1. 1. 1. m 17. 1. 1. 1. 101H 10H 101 10 Hi 101H D Canada '31 1. 0714 1 4 De Cm 18 10 1 2 S 8 8 2 07 i T 4 T clt OS 82 wl 08 0SH 08H 08 08t4 01'J 01 H 01 H 01 , 2 OI14 A Tel . Te! 3 1 07n; 3 .... 07'4 1 074 08H 08 4 Cel Indus' I 3a 1 77 Cole 4 S 4 Ha 10 87 PSH 1 071,4 23. OS A Tl & Tel 0i 1 114 7.... 114 Am Writ 1' It 1 RBI4 Dutch K lnJ'i Cem Cable 4 a rcta '47 73 1. PBS Cen'd Ceal Ce 4... 26... 10... 1... 12... 22... 28... 3... 10... S... D3 of Md 3a 2 R7H 1 87H 1 874 1 87 2 8R Cena'd Qaa 7a PS4 OBU T 4 S Fe 4 3 01 4 08 OB 2 8 a 4 2 1 2 2 0. . .. Vlchlsen 014 0174 01H 014 014 0314 03 W 95H OS 14 OSH 0Si 03', 00 00 , 0T. fi.. 113 01 '4 2.. 1.. 1.. 7.. n.. 2 20!'. 1.. Cuba 7.. Cuba 1.. Cuba . . 11H , . 113 .. 113 . . 113 . . 113 .. 114 .. 114 .. 114 Am R Ra . . 103 C S cv . .. 80 C'e Sur 01 "4 01 B 4.... 1.... B.... 23.... 0H4 Ariz OMsen 4V4 3 Oil, 03 4 -eat I Dutch K lnd'j 1 . . StH rcta '62 28 A C Line 4 Ha 04U 04 14 94i 04 H O'H 04H 04 U n 87 Vtl'c Fruit 7 6.... 1.... 1.... 4.... 3.... 8.... 2.... 3.... 2.... 25 18.... 1.... B C.... 0.... 4 30 Ml Ret ft 10 100 Sn ata'd 1 R7 2 R7 Cuba Railroad Atlantic rtcf'ff ct ms IMH 1.... 103 Ce 7a 0411 A Powder li 103 04 H 044 04 14 1.... 100 Del 4 Hud fd . 80 Hud cv 3... llalt 4 Ohln cv Del 4 1..,.. 82 3 S1H 1 82 3 RIS 1 S1U 04 04?4 04'4 0B 1... . ... 00 .... 00 4 Hud ,'s Del 1 llli nn 4 ROII . 47 044 Halt 4 Ohln -la 20.... 0 10 2 20.!'.'. Oee't Prnnch S 8? 3 RHi R 7t4a ret' . 47 . 47 . 47 . 47 .47 . 47 2.... 10O4 3.... 10D4 flnlt ft Ohl - 3 M 1 set; 1.... inn 7. . 100 1 (flat) 100U llalt 4 Oh' -IV 7 100; B 100H B IOO14 M 4 O P I, i3 4 W Va 4 a 1. ... 78V. TJn.lt 4 Onte H 2 (flat) 104 Pen B, Orunda M Ilank'a eta Axsented 10 42 1 100, 1 ion. 1.... 100; Den ft R O 4a 1 10 (Hi 1 7fl Oeve't F It in B 103 2 ... 103 Det Edi Ce Ai Wn 3Ha 3... 102 4.... 102 1 102 01 4 103H 4 .... Ot 4.. . 01 (I . 01 2.. .. 01 0 101H Det Tun'l 4a 1 103 7(Mle 101 1... 101 1 101 II (aale) Rfi Det Tun'l 4 Ha 'ell Telephone 1 80 Dtt U R 4a 1 R2 D ile Nrmeuin Pdr 7r 2 107 3... 107 3 107 fi.... 107 of Pa 7 10.. 107 0 107 lh Htne H' 21 OSi, 1 .. 108 Or il Trunk u Can 0s n ! 2.... 1021 Or'l Trunk e( Canada 7a 2.... 113H Jap deve't lt 2 01 , 10... . 01 '4 2 02 Jap Oeve't 2d 8 01 K Belgium Hi Ukn Kdl Ce 1, 1 04 U Cdla'n D - 2 100 Duq Light (Is 1 100 1 102 1.... 102 1.... 102 rikn llap T a R2 10 82 Du I.lstlt 7 Ha 2 88 1 100 Cmp Qaa ft l" Buffalo Hech'r 1.... 10SH 4 Pitt 4a 1 01 3 01 7 He rcta 1 103 R 0RH ORH R 08 H 0R 08 1.... 101H fi.... 3.... 0.... 1 2 K Bairm 7i Buah Bld'b' 3a 2.... 10(1 Vj 1. ... 00 1.... lOO5 Canadl'n Nthn K Belgium Ss 2.... 103W 0e rcta 1 110 Hrle dcnl I.len Kingdom Den 8.... 111 1 .13 2 fi4 mark ct n. 1.... 111 "ana'n Pai- 1. 2. ... 77 1 77 Canada S'n An 8 08 "tl Pacific 0 RR 0. ... RR 1 S8 rri P S I. 4a 1. ..8.1 ie de I'na'e 7. 0R1 Hrle RR cv A 2.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3.. 0R 0R OSS 0S 1 M 1 61 1 B1H Krle R R cv II OS 08 B .11 1. Hrle R R cv D K Italy 0H 1 B4 2 55 4... . flfl'4 11... . 00 Krle R 1t en K of Nether B.... 10,1 5.... 10S landa ua 1... 00 Cep'r Ba Flsk Rub'r Ce 10.. 07 07 004 0 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 8h rcta 1. ,. 10.1i, Flo a E Ceaat Illy 4a 1 00 Frnm'n Induat Dev 7 l 1 07 A 3., 3.. fi . I., fi., 1 , fi., 1., fi., 00 07 00 07 00 3. I'arla-I.yena Ml ft O Cen I II 'ort worth A 0 wl B. . 1 ... 81 l Ij Clt) lat 1 10.1 1 ... 103 lene'l Illec fia 1 00 70 70 70 ,rh t O 3'jH 3.. r... 5 . . 03 " & O e4H 1 88 rhca'k & e '. 2 7l4 2 .. . 70 7 70 Oene'l Klec fla 1.. 101 1 100 2.... 100 1 10014 2 70 0. . 70 R, . 70 I'r'gue ct j 2 80 IB. . SS 3... . 8R Quccn'd 0 "I 1.. . 101 8 . . 101 Republic Bell- C 4 cv Bh . 02 . 02 . 02 . 02 . 02 . 02 . im . 02 . 03 3.. 1.. 1.. 1 . I.. 4,. 3.. 4. Geed) ear T 4 Rub'r '81 2.. . 101 1.... 101 tO(aule) 101 1, 1. 1 4. 1. S. 101 1i)1 S 101 n 101 '4 iem 10P, II C & A char 3a lu Ri wl 3 081. 10 let 101 101 101 101 101 let Chi Alt .l'ie 2 . 48 0(aale) 48 2 .. 47 10 (salt) 471. .1 . .1 fi. 17 B . (loeil)eur T & Ilub'r '4t 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. . IIS'4 . lllHi . 113'.4 . HSV-j . 1151t North' n Chi H & O 3 10(H; 100H 1001 Hep Chile '.'II 10 .. 102 R . 102 fi(aale) 102 10 102 Q Oija Oreat C IJ & Ilall'y 1st 1 en. 25... 7... 3... 0 . 3... 3... 8... 5... 7... 111... 10 . , .. 103 , .. 103H . .. 103H 2.... 102 Oreat Nerth'n 2... 101', . . 1054 , .. 1031. Illy BHa 2..,. 1001.1 2,... 100 Vj 2..., lOOVi 1.... 100 a, 10.... 1004 1.... loes S ... 103 8 ... 100 2, ine'a I.... toeH 7 .. H'01, 2..., 101 1.... 10014 0... 101 Hep Chile '41 17.... 108 . .. 10RS . .. 10BH . .. 103S 1 .. 103 1... 103 . .. lO.Vi Hen Chile '10 , ,. 105i .. 103H 0 . 103 1 ... 101', : & 0 1 II 4 K I Ra '51 2 ... 10,1 I . 1(11 ... 71H4 ... 704 ... 701, . 7ll'i , . 70 U 7 . 013 Hrep'c iif 1 1 u miHy 8a 1 ... 104i I 'hlcuKe Ml. (4 Oreat Nenh'n I . 104 Plate Rie O'e Du Hei 8a 8.... lOH'i 8.... 100 State of Sae Pnule ct 8a 2.,.. 101 3.... 101 St Paul 4 Hallny 7 10.... 100U 5.,.. 1lilHi U.... 100IU 1.... 100K 2.... 100U 1 .... Tll'l -hlcnirj Mli St HI I' 4a '23 3 70 .'hlcnav Mil Btl'cv 4Ua 1 M t ' Q Day slVb 1 11 EVENING PUBLIC Hud 4 Man fdi 4 3U 1 S Si S OSH Bt L flew'n en 1 84 I Me Pue Ra '21 1 74 4 84 O(aale) 84 2 N4 1.... 100 St L Bw'n lat He Puclflc 0t 78 1..... 80 Seab'd A Ii J Hud 4 Man In i 1H 8 61H Ilia Centr'i (d . 87 I Ct'l 8Ha '62 8 78'4 Ilia cnt'l R Ha 0..,. 100H 1.... 100H Ilia Cnt'l OHa 2.... 110V4 Ilia Steel 4 Ha 1 01 S'tl Unamellng 1. B. 1. 2B 23 24 & stamp 8a 1.... 110U New Kn Tele Heab'd A I. fd Ce Ba Wl T 074 7 (17 A 1.. 3.. 41 41 Li 0a Seab'd A N Or' I f 4a 1 2 8 Bft 684 1 78 New Or Tex 4 B8 Mexico Ba Sh Steel H Ra 1 7QH 2 07 Sinclair C Oil Cerp 7a rots New Or Tex 1 Mexico Us 1 004 Indl'a 8teel 3a 23 08 2 0R 1 OflH 4 0RH .1 08 1 00T4 4.... 100H 2..,. 100H Info .Met- 4V4s 3 11 0 1214 Int .M ct 4Vj. . 2... . 12 Intb'e H T fd 4..., 100 4 004 3.... 100 N Y Cent' I Ba 6 fi 04 04 01 Sinclair C Oil Cerp 7 2 104 10.. B.. 17.. 1.. 1.. . .. 04 ... 04 H ... 0 ... 01 Cent'l l)i .. 104 .. 104 .. 101 Sinclair Crude O V co 3 He 00 1 ea ORH .1 .. 13 ". 10... n 3'.'.'. 10.. 10... 1... 0(1", 8. 1. 8. 3 2. 4. 4. no na 00 v, 00 0(1 no 07 V, N Y 08 1.. 10.. OSH ORH 08 08 08 3., N Y Chi 4 HI L d 4a 20 83 2 85 S'n Bel Tel fia 07 2 04 1 04 Inter'l ft Great N Y Connect' N nj wi 1 31 4 B 31 H 1 01 Rda 4a 1 81 Se'n Paclfle fd fi RS 10 88 20 B8H N Y Edl'n Ce OHa rcta 1.... 100 Inter' 1 4 Oreat 6e'n Pacific 4a N'n ct Ba 20 (It N Y ft Hnrl'm 1 88 River 7H 1.... 100 !... 100 1.... 100 S'n Pec cv 4a Inter'l & Great 2 01 1 01 Nerth'n 7n 2.... 100 Sn Railway 4a 1 ... 100 N Yk Rlyya fia 1 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 8.... 100 1 10 I M Marine (Is 10 10 2. 2.. 00 00 N Y Tal 4 Ha 2 03 1 03 Sn Rall'y 0a 8.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 00 H 00 00 00 1... 00 00 00 00 00 N Y Tele'e '41 1. 0. 1. 1. 10.... 104 O.... 104 1.... 104 7(aale) 104 Kflat) 104 1.... 104 1.... 101 8. 00 H Int'l Pan b Ra 1 88 1 83 2 83 Invincible oil Cerp 8a 2 07 K Uty Ft S 4 Mmp 4a 22 70 8 70 1 70 2 78 1.... 09 Stand'd Olt of Calif 7a 1.... 103 Tex A Pac lat 1 02 Third Ave nj N Y Tele'e '40 1.... 104 Nla F Twr Ba 1.... 100 2 fiO 8 fiO 1 B0 2...., BO 10 60 N A W cv Os B.... 108 N A Hdla'n Ce 0s rcta 1 01 1 01 2 01 1 01 0 01 Tidewater 01', K City Ft 3 ft Memp 0a 1.... 103 Ce ct fl I.... 103 Kan C 4 S 3a Te Edlaen 7a 1 701)4 14 70 1 70 .North Western 8.... 10.1 8.... 105 nell T 7a 1.... 100 1.... 100 1 100 Teledo 4 Olie Kan C 4 S Ba Ct'l Ba fi R7 2 88 K C T Rly 4a N Paclflc R 8a Union Pa 4 1 82 10 02 1 02 1 02 Pap Ce 0a 3 07 2 82 Kelly Sprlnu'd Union Pac fd 2 Rfl Tlra 8a N Paclfle R fls B.... 108 4.... 103 B.... 105 Union Pac 4 1 03 3.... 108 1.... 108 Nth S Pwr 8s 0.. 1.. 0.. 10.. 0. 01 03 04 04 2.... 108 1 01 Lack Steel '30 Ore A calif 3a B 88 1.... 100 B 100 L K 4 W !! 03 1 01 L S M S 8 3 70 Oreiten S Line U Tank-C 7a guar'd Bs 1.... 104 1.... 103 1 103 Lake Shere M Ore-W R R Ce Unt'd Drue 8a S'n 4a '2S N Ce De 1.... 11U U S Renlty A Impv't fia 4 0fi U 3 Rub'r fia 1 03 1 04 Lpx'n 4 n Ba 1 09 Lex T 3a 10 80 L 4 Myora 7a 2.... 118 1 Rl Pac Q E 5a 1.... 1..., 1.... 1.... 1.... 00 00 00 00 00 H 1. 80 80 80 1... 1... 6... Pan T T Ba 80 80 80 U lid n Ba '37 1..., 00 2 81 2 82 4 81 Pac Tel 4 Tel 1. fia rcta 2 02 2 80 U'd S Steel fia Lerlllard C 7a R 02 1.... 103 4.... 108 Utah P 4 L Ss 8 90 1 00 Va-C Chm lat 1 00 1.... 118 1 118 Pa ft cm 4 He 1 01 La 4 N IV Ra 0 OITi 1 73 1 01 Lnula 4 Nash M'me 4a 1 80 Leuis ft Nanh WI!e 3a 1.... 103 Mnuatt Sugar Ce 7a 1 OS 2 07 Penna R R Ra 2.... 100 2 100 3.... I0OH 'a-C C rcta 7a 08 , 10.... 100 .. 08 .. 08 .. 08 .. 08 .. 98 Ch 7a . 103 . 103 . 105 . 103 . 108 Penna ltd OHa S.... 108 Phlla Cnty d 1 07 Pierce Oil Sa Va-C Manilla Elec'c 1 00 ISO.... Rly Ba 2 80 7(aale) 80 Fitt Cln Chi A 7.... SO 1 2.... St L a fia 2 00 M Oil ua'd 8a Pertl'd Rwy A 1.... 124 L Be '42 1 82 Wabash R lat 07 97 08 R 2d 88 Sugar 1 124': 11 124 2 3 Fub 8erv Cerp Market St Rly N Jay Ba 1 81 1 84 1 84H 1 84 1 ... 84 S Fran 1st 2 R7'i Wabash 10 Mich Ct'l d 4a Warner 8 0t Kef's 7s 1 100 (aale) 100 1.... 100i 2..,. (11 Mid 3 ft Or Ba Reading Ce 4s B RR 10. ... 83 1 . . . . 83 M StP ft S Ste We'll Pac ita Marie 6 a B.... 102 Rogera Brown 2 87 Iren Ce 7a B 07 W Pa Pwr 7a fi R fi.... M Kan aj wl 102 1.... 103'. 102 St L 4 3 F aj Weat'n Pac da 102 2 78 4 78 2 78 1 98U 1 t8U 4 Tex Weatlnsha'a E B 2B fi 3fi fl Me K ft 4 4 1 . B6 . fifl . ne St L 4 S F In & Mf's 7a 2.... 1084 1.... 100H 1.... 10I1H 1 03 1 08 10 08 1 08 . B0 . B0 Whl aLGli T 4a fit L A 8 Fran 1 72V4 70 70 Serlea A 8 71 2 71 1 71 WlekWe Bpnc Steel 7a 1 084 1 DAU 1 08 0 08 Wllaen Ce rv 1 M 1 014 70 M Kan ft Tex Ba l 10 82 St L 4 a I'ran Series II .1 RI 2 fl.1 1 8.1H 10 82 Me Pnclde 4a 3. 03 08 01 (I 2.'. 2.. 3.. St L 4 S Fran Wllaen Ce lata BHa wl 1.. 07 4 01 2.. 03 1... 0' 83 1-30 P. M. High Ixiw Liberty .T,2s , .. Liberty Ut 4,8, Liberty 2,1 4V4". Liberty .'Id 48. .100.08 100.00 100.08 .100.24 100.14 100.18 .100.08 100.02 100.01 .100.10 100,04 100.08 .100.110 100.12 100,24 .100.48 100.4S 100.48 Liberty Victory 4th 4i',s, X 4-v,s. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS C'hliiiRO. June 30. CATTI.i: -Ueielpl 3500 hend I'nlrlv active, enalltv pUIn; beef aieera atrent:. Ten mat.ired alcra, ,'0,00 bulk beef "tera, J8 2P.4JK) 40 cimnera, wcalt te lower, ether clasaea irenerallj 'ady built dealrubln eaprB te packer $H'BS 30: few tu eutaldera upward te te 50' bulk bolesna Iiii.Ih 04 .'iHWl 03, bulk Blecker and feed er XdiH7. HODS Itpceinta. 20 000 head. Sleadv te 10c lower, en llnht and Usht butchers; nthera lOe te loc lower Ten 411: bulk, 0 illtf 10 00. bulk Biel butchers, tte 401H.I10: packlns; cewa meatlv f-eWO.30: pUa about eteadj: meatly S1010 23: heavj weluht 10 BilfP10.75, medium I10.7OW1O OOj-llsht, III! HnWinOfi! light 1IV. MO 40(1(185 incklliK pewa, imoeth 0 250,73. packlnc ans reuiih 18 83fl0,30, killing plus, fll.l.i (il 10 .in HIIUIIP rtrcelpta. ll.oie lieml. Strnnu te 23c lilahei reteipta 173 dlrvtt te pack era. Toe nutlve l.imb. 113 8.1 te clt butch ers. S18.15 te pnck.'r Iml.i $18. shertb aerted. culls nmMlv $7W7,3U fjt ene J3B 0,50: Reed handy weight upnunl te 17, rittabiirirh. June 30 110(13 Itecelpts, IKHIO heid Lewer. Ilealcs Jl 1011 . Iuij ami ll.'lil or I. its 111..')." it 11. 10. pla, 111 21fl 11.40 HIIKUP AND IAMI1H Keicipts. 100 head Bleady. Sheep, 17: lambs, $13. OAI.VK.S lltcelpls. 350 luad lJwer Ten, 111, Knt nuffttle. June 30 CATTLE Re relptB. 800 held. Slew, heavy and earl nva Hleaill . butehura. 1013c lower, bullB, 25fl le"r. C'alies, receipts, 2700 head. Slew. SlitHO.50. few 111, HOOS Htci'lpla, 4800 head. Mew, low Be lower. hea. Ill.leJlUl 85 mixed 1118043 11.50, yerkera, llfcht eiliera and nlsa 111 BOWU 110, reuith te, alas. Mffll SIIIJKP AND I.AMIW Hcre'pla, line head Slew. Lambs, II 50 lower Sii&10, sear Units. 510 Liverpool Cotten l.lirrrmel June .80 Spot cotton was en et today, with price easier en the Inula of a dee Ine of 11 points for inlddlinK at 1.1 08d The snlea were 0000 balea The recelpta were hOim bales Includlnir 4700 balea Amer ican. 1'utures were quiet 'n the early dealings. Spot prices were! American mid dling fair. 14.38d: geed middling, 13 Bid: fully middling. 18.20(1: middling, 18,08d; low m'ddllng, 12.113d; geed ordinary, 11.78d, and ordinary, ll.SSd. iJDGER PHIliAiifeLPHlA, FRIDAY, ' FINANCIAL BRIEFS I The Bread Street Nntienal Bank ndded $42,600 te the surplus, making mat item 9 iuw.uwu. Charles 8. Gednlck wilt retire from the firm of II. V. Bachmnn & Ce nt the close of business today. William M. Crewe has resigned as vice president nnd director of American Stores Company, effective today. A Chicago Heard of Trade member ship ban been sold for $."G2j, net te buyer, off $17f ,from the lust previous sale. The average price of the twenty active Industrials declined 0.18 per cent yes terday te 02.00, whlle the twenty rails advanced 0.24 per cent te 8.1.73. The Interstate Commerce Commission announced tentative valuation of Du- 1,, tl. Hniitli Hlinrn nmt Atlnntlc Rail way Company, as of June 30, 1910, at $17,007,101. The merger of the .Tenklntewn Trust Company nnd the .Tenklntewn National Hank will lieceuie effective tomorrow. Beth stockholders nnd the State bank ing officials hnve approved the move. In addition te declnrlng a semi-annual dividend of 8 per cent, the di rectors of the National Hank of Oer Oer mnntewn added $50,000 te surplus, bringing that fund up te $800,000. Cudany Packing Company has called for redemption under operation of the sinking fund $1,205,000 7 per cent 1 notes due July IB. 1023. This will leave $4,204,100 outstanding, $5,70.",. 000 having been redeemed, 1 The Willow drove 'Trust Company, , the newest finnncinl Institution en tin-1 Old Yerk read, opened its doers for I business today with total deposits of mero than $100,000. Arthur Shipton te nresldent. He is nlse vice president ' of the Excelsior Trust Company, of this cltv. The treasurer Is Charles Cramer The Wabash Railway Company has applied for authority te Issue $4,245, 000 5 per cent equipment trust certifi cates. Certificates will 6e issued by Commercial Trust Cempnny, of Phila delphia, and will be dated August 1. 1022. Carrier propetcs te use proceeds te acquire 2800 cenl cars nnd 1500 box enrs. The only feature In the Central Eu ropean exchanges tedav was n further decline of Creek. Meit of the ethers maintained their position. Rumanian. .01; Bulgarian, .7 ; Herman, l.z ; Czecho-Slevnklan. 1.01't; .Tuge-Sla- vlnn, .31-ri i Finnish. l'.:i; UrecK. 3.00; Polish. .022; Austrian, .OOej ; Hungarian, .10. Tlie North American Company nnd subsidiary companies. In their repot t for May, show gross earnings of 4. 001,001. nn increase of 45.33 per cent ever Mny, 1021, and a balance for de preciation, dividends and surplus amounting te $842,500, nn increase of Mt.52 per cent. Fer the twehe mouth ending May 31 gross earnings btoed nt $41,805,733. , , At the time of the closing of the books for the .Tune dividend en United States Steel common shares the total number of holders of this class of stock was 1)0.512, a decrcn-e of 7200. as com pared with three months previous. This makes tlie -ecend successive decline In holders of tlie common stock from the high point which was reached in tin fourth quarter of 1021. when the total te whom the dividend was distributed reached 107,430. The reserve of $10,800,000 which the American Car and Foundry Company set aside out of earnings during the prosperous period 1017-20 te provide for pnyment of dividends en the com mon stock in lean cars was untouched during the fiscal jear ended April 30. 1022, even though the regular 12 per cent dividend was paid en the common. Net earnings during the year totaled $0,583,310. or 14.03 per cent en the common after the payment of regulnr dividends en the preferred. This com pares with n net of SS.550,$55, or 21.50 per cent In the previous fiscal year. Phlla. Federal Reserve Bank The htntement nf condition e the Phila delphia Federal HeseMe Hunk at the close et business June 28 fellows IIESOUIICLIH Juna 2S June 21 $3,330,010 Oeld and cold ccr tlflcatea . , . . Oeld aettlement fund. Federal He aere Heard . . . Total Keld held by bank Geld with 1'edi ral neaere anent Oeld redemption fund 1.1.399,070 42.704.34S 38.410,870 48,301.318 133,311,703 7.090, 170 $03,041,780 133,430,90-. 7.171 R.'O Tetnl cold re. Bines . ...I! Lecal tender netes alHer. etc 09.1173.003 t224.533"11 7.184,210 7,990 013 Total reserves ..5217.130,879 J.12,5-,0,J17 II I 1 I a dlBceunted secured by United Btutea Govern Gevern ment oblliratlenB.. All ether Utlls bought In open market .... $32,000 4SS 12,054,714 132.704,035 11.411.001 18,200,730 17.490 0J2 Total bill. en hanil 102,013,040 23.504,450 501,073. 101 23,533,050 United States bend nnd netva United State ccr- tincates or inueui edneaa: One-jcar rertlll- catea u'liinan Act) All ether Tetnl eirnlnc an aeta Dank premlae (in cludlnx vault ... Five xr cent re demption fund aKalnat !' dcral lltitni Hank notes Uncollected Itema, All ethur rt source 5 300,000 U.hO'i.OOO 5.500.000 1.305.OUO J05.785.300 J000.113 102 031,218 $1100.113 7(111,1100 45,11.1, 3S7 507,113 700,000 50 J43.230 170,347 j Total roieurcea . U50.hd1,Mi3 $370,001 310 LIAHII.ITIES Capital paid In flurelu Jt.001.2"iil 17,1145,1111 Is 001,010 I 17,045,140 ' llleaercd for tle- ernment r r a n chlne tux . ... Dopeslta Oevernnnnt Member Hank llc Bcrve aiceunt 278 000 a.soe.iua 251. 0U0 1 424 7.10 103,3 17.147 778 080 10s o,e38 1155 884 All eth'-i Total depciltB 1107. 030, US J100.0J0.05J Kedir.il notes lu elrcu'atlur lUsene iictu.il 1177,870 233 1178,171,703 Federal Heere Hunk notes In clr culat.en (net lla hllltj . . . Defrred avalla blllly terns . . All ether llab I Hies . . , 5,133.000 40,581, OSS 1.142.135 5,138 000 55,000,1101 t 100 73.) Total liabilities. Mill Ifl5,8n3 1370,001 340 Ratie of total rneres In di-per-ll and he. eral Ilcseru nole liabilities lembned. week of June 88 70 0 per cent , previous week, 80 7 P'r cent I MlLUOHANnr.V iinunient llablllt en bills purchased for fer-lMi liiii caiMinilentH wrek of June 8, I 8 753 50H pre eus utek, 8, 755, 500 Federal Reserve Ratios NiisliliiKtun, luue .10 it. 11 m of tela! re sers te net iKpes't und Tideral llesierve nut labilities combined, for thu twelve Fed er.il llesere bunks and the enllre satem, as of June 8H. (.umii.ireil with the previous week anu a ear aire, ioiiew June 8S June 81 June 20, 1088 00 0 8H'J 70 0 70,4 70 I 88 3 81 7 00 .1 110.0 in 7 en 8 00 7 1028 1021 72 3 70 7 37.1 110.1 43 0 44 0 33.7 .12 1 11 1 50 3 37.0 38 0 00 S Uosten . . . New Yerk . . I'nllndelphla . Cleveland .... ItUhmeud .... Atlanta Chicago ft Leuis . M'nncipiills Ktiisa i'ity Inllns Sun Francisce Totals 78 3 87 0 80 7 Oil 7 73 5 83 O 81,8 08 1 70 I 0 3 01 8 70 8 Wm. A. Law Gees te Penn Mutual William A. L.iw Tr sldrnt nf tht. I'lrht N'liilenal Hank of Philadelphia, will take nfflin timencw us piealdent of the Penn Mul.iiil Insurance Ccnipany of I'lillmlelphln Miccfedlntt' Ueerue K Jehnsen, who,, reslv reslv natien takes effect tedav. William II, Klngsle, u vlce president of the Penn Mu tual since 1000 and In the service of the cempanv hIuce 1883, will assume duties aa vice president In charga of nasncies, suc ceeding Lincoln K. l'astti. ,"- RAILROAD EARNINGS CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN May ureaa ,. $1,073,600 ..Net eper. deficit. .. 84,210 Five month!' (cress.. 0,284,854 Net eper. deficit.. . 134,622 144,300 111.730 870,430 248,131 TEXAS PACIFIC May tres 2,87R,HS1 J8B1.700 162,000 3,848,4113 233,008 Met eper. Income,. 870,318 Five months' gross,. 11,803,004 Nt eper. Income,. 778.450 Decrease. "ntCFORE 1017 INVKS Inveatltate," aald C. II. Ferbea reeanllr It an article In the Dualneaa Section. There at complete data as te price changes and II come yields of hundreda of leading sloe it ana Denga jiuensnea every day In the Dual- neaa ana Financial Heetien or the Pobue I,rnes, '.-naire it a Habit." Adv. If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of stocks and bends every Wednes day, charging $1.50 en trance fee for each item. Onr weekly catalogues nnrl postal card service reach every mar ket. We take pleasure ii furnishing quotations. Barnes & Lefland tek Ttrnkers nnfl Anetieneam 147 S. 4th St Tax Free Pennsylvania Railroad Bends Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH ST. GEO. A. HUHN & SONS Member or the Philadelphia. New Yerk and Chlcase Sterlt techanaea Jsaw Yerk Cotten Kxrhnnte STOCKS & BONDS bought nnd sold for cash or rarrled en conservative marirln. Uelletue Court Hide. 1418 Walnut SI. N. Y IU llmndwar KEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1512 Walnut St. LOCUST 7270 Direct telephone connection with enr TRADING DKPT. IN NEW YORK A. A. Heusman & Ce. Utmlcra New Yerk 20 Bread Street Stuck Ezchanet New Yerk !&! r.O-0- .tJ w "' . r.v)' m && & ?ruvc- -Te &&& m zm& n s- js i B-.rr: S? S tFj -aSB ZX Ciraenebaiim Sens investment Cemnaay Creenebaam Bend 100 Safe Since 1855 Stickhildtrs 0 this Company art idint'ual -with thtu Gritntbaum Stm Bank & Trim Cimpanj OUtit Banking Hiuu in Chicagt, Faundid 1S55. Aurtgati capital, lurplui and undtvtdtd pr6ti $4,500,000. June 30th, 1922 JUNE 30, 1922 Fourth edition of the only complete book en trading pro cedure in Nevf "iferk Curb stocks. Other featureajcevered: comparison of prin cipal stock markets Dividend records, Earnings, Assets tabulated of issues traded en New Yerk Curb trading terms defined Ask for "Investors & Traders Guide Jenes &. Baker Members New Yurk Curb Exchange Direct Private Wlrea New Yolk Chicago Bolten Philadelphia rittbufh Detroit Baltloieie Clertlins PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Building Tclenhnnes B" Le"t 4730 telephone. Key,tone , R, 5861 BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building Telephone . Plata 84? 1 tttrwmniuMiiiuiiiiiMiiiiiiimiutiaimniiiuMitiniuiiul We suggest for July investment Joint Stock Land Bank 5s, non-callable for ten years, te yield 4.60 te 4.87. Free of all taxes ex cept inheritance taxes. .EpRISTINEeceJ UV.U.MI. If Wnaxaa Buildims. TSiiiAataMtu HtWVOBK SU7ABETH N J ""HI tt V.IUI AWB J01B mimm wiM 5rM Zjw Bank Safeguarded Vl 'tiVMhV iri . t.fT m 'mw&4 iL &$ &' B1' 1 .vll V" VSS .SY", M .-r. eP Kfcl the due en vitn an unequaiea record 01 61 Years Vmvm Safety If you have $100, $500, $1000 or mere interestwith 100 safety. Send for our a SClCCiea usi ei current eneriugs, appruvcu auu recommended Dy ine Oldest First Mortgage Banking Heuse Founded 18SS Ask for Investors' Guide Ne. PPL-13S IT. TK:- ren Addr City. LI The firm- of LAGE BROTHERS & CO. has been dissolved as at the close of business this day by mutual consent. Messrs. Frederice Lage, Jehn F Trew, Bert V. Smith, Basil S. Courtney, formerly members of Lage Brethers & Ce., and Mr Harry P. Jalcett will continue the business under the firm name of Lage & Ce. Members Next; Yerk Stock Exchange New Yerk Chicago PENNA. MUNICIPALS TO YIELD 4.20 Tax Free in Penna. Exempt from All Federal Income Taxt 30 Year Nen-Callable Bends. Communities near Philada. Legal for Trust Funds in Pennsylvania. Full particular upon request A. B. Leach & Ce., Inc. Tvveatmcnt Securities 115 Seuth Fourth St. riilliKlrlnliln We want an iuc of capital stock of a meritorious corpora tion. We are in a position te dispose of same very quickly. Fer appointment write A 427, LEDGER OFFICE FINANTIAl. OKFIcn OF THE UNtO TittHT COMPANT OF riTTSIlt'ltdll. Truatee Pltteburah I 'a.. June 2. 1022. NOTirK T(f llOl.nF.HS OF STANSAKU TANK (Alt 0'A CAR TRC8T CERTIFICATE. SERIES A Dated lulr lat, 1910 Netice la hereby KUen that purajant te the provlalena of Article IV of the Truet Agreement between n. Clarence Miller et ai. The Union Truat Company of Plttaburgh Truplee. nnd standard Tank Oar Company dated July let HUB under which are leaud the Standard Tank Car 07e Car Truat Car tincatea Serlea A. The Union Truat Cempanl of Plttaburh, aa Truatce thereunder, did. en January 4th, 1022, sell all of the car; referred te therein at the price apeclfled thereby, and that aald Truatee will apply the proceeds of aald aala te the payment and redemption en July lat. 1022. bainit the dividend paylnir date next occurring net leaa ihin thirty daa after the receipt of aald purchase menev. of all of the certificate ued and eutetandlnir under aald Truat Akreemcnt. exclualNe of certlflcatea maturln? en Julv let, 1022 at the price of one thou theu ind tn (11010 00) dellara for xach rertlfl cite, piua the amount of all dividend war rant 'hereon mtiturJna; en or before Juiy 1t. 1022. upon which dat aald certlflcatea nnd dIMdend warranta ciall become due and rayable. and from and nfter aald date dHI dHI erdi en aald certlflcatea will ecaae. t pen the precentatlen nnd 'rr-nder at ih eMlce nf aald Truatef 337 Fourth Ave. en Pltlaburh. Pnnaylvnnln. en or after Tulv let 102? of aald cert'flcatcj maturlnt; "i or after January lat 1023. together with nil Inlereat toupen app-rtalnlnK thereto. -turln en and nfter Tuly lat. 1022 and 'lie tnual nwnerehlp certificate renulred un d r th F.der-l Inccme Tax Act. the holder thereof w 11 be entitled te receive the aum of one the-isnnd ten (11010,00) dollar! plua tie amount of the dividend warrants thereon maturlnK July 1st. 1022. , The certificate mRtiirlnu Jul lt. 1022. will be pnld en aald date at tlie principal amount ther-ef with the dIUdenda accrued thereon upon preentatlen and eurrinder at aid efllce nf the T-ute nf the reapecttve certlf!te e"d dividend warrant. Greenebaum Bends 3 for Philadelphia Investors l Safe and profitable 7 Greenebaum Serial First Mortgage Real Estate Bends are new directly available te you. Right in your own city you can cash interest coupons when these sound securities H te invest, you can earn 7 July Investors' Guide, with M Greenebaum Sens Investment Company La Salle and Madisen Sts., Chicago Please send copy of July, 1922. "INVBSTORS GUIDE" te Name PPL WSmPm mssrl ?C4OTttfc&dHMHP jrryAKejAfc - ., V. X Ma-aataaa I TO T1IK IIOI.DKRH OF THR NORTH! OHIO TRACTION AND LIGHT COMPA FOIIirMKVT TMUftT 100 t'Me' CATES Vl'-'Sfi: 4etlce la hereby irlven th lha C rate hereinafter enumerated. Ierea the Kt cement bet een the Northern panjr Truatee and the Nerthern OlttV Hen aim i.inni uempany, anieu jwr in'JO. hut a. In arr-)rr1anr with thfl nre of tf.4 aald Aareement, been called fi demptlen ana payment aa et Aiicnat i. ui niu fttimli-fvl and One rr centum (1 n( ihn imr valua thereuf. tocether Willi dividend thereon te the aald data of iax Iptmitlen, The hetdera or tha aald CertlAcatM N teiiulrnd te present them for payment and redomptten, with all unmatured dividend wr ranta attached, at thn office of Kldallt Trust Company, Truatee, en Auauat 1, lfftf, en which datn dividends upon tha aald Cartt tlcitea ahnll ceaae. ill r a rA K.,nj.i..A ..mit... .a. u Maa...M ..aa. it Neu, 401 te r.eu, Inciualve. due Feb, 1, llM r,Ql te 1100, " " Aug, 1, If (10 1 tr. 700. " " Keb. 1. li: 701 te ten, ' Aur. 1, IB! S01 te (100. " " b. i. 16 1101 te 1000, " Aug 1, IMS riUKUTY Tltt'ST COMPANT, Trtiatea, mi l'. tiEST. I'realdent. ' t Jiinc SOUi joy. Philadelphia. . tji TO TIIK IIOI.DKKS OP KI.ErTRK) RAtX- f ?'( TO WAY EQI'IPMENT HECUIlITIEfl COsV.. I'OUATION IltlUII'MKNT OI,D CERTIVI. CATES Netice la hereby alen that the Certlfl- catea hereinafter enumerated, due November t. 1. 1022, lasued under the Aareement batwMn jf Electric Hallway Equipment Securltlea Cor- " poratlen und Fidelity Truat Company, Trua- ff tee, dated February 1, 1922. creutlmr Elee-W trio Itallwas Equipment Herurltlea Corpora Cerpora Corpera tlon Eaulpment Truet of February 1, 1B2J, have. In accerdance with the provlalena of the aald aitreement Iwen called for rmlemp- " tlen and payment nn of Auruat 1, 1022, at S par and accrued dividend te the aald data of redemption. The heldera of the aald certificates are r '" Sutred te prfent them for plyment nnu ra- emptlen, nlth all unmatured dividend war- ' ranta attached nt the office of Fidelity Truat "1 Company, un Aumiat 1 1011. en which date the dHldends upon the aald Certlflcatea ahall ceiee. rne, uertincaie caned for redempt en arai Noc 102 107. 108 170 172. 173. 174 170, 180. 181. 182 184. 183. 180. 100. 102 lttn 108. 101 204 Z0t. 200, 508 217 2lS! 28 224 220 227, 228. 220. 231. 2S. 231 217 237. 838. 23D. 210, 213. 244, 243, 249, FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Truatee. .... ,WM. P. UF.ST Prealdent. June .IQlh, 1022. Philadelphia. Proposals . DIKIXTOll'H OFFICE UKPAKTMUNT OF FUIII.IC IIEAXTH B84 CITY IIAI.L ""wrM , . Philadelphia June 20, 1021. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock neon, Thursday, JulyeT a fellows"- W"' te et"nt,i aM scheduls4 DUREAU or HOSPITALS 34th and Pine ata. Fer the erection of a resldence building for Interne, Including construction, plumb ini; heatlne and elcctrlcn! work PP-ciricatlena. blue prints nnd forms of proposals and any Infoimatien relative te te Philip II Jehnsen. Esq.. architect Pre.eer Uulldln. 1713 Sansum street. Phila delphia. Ilida from ethers than these eng-aa-ed or established in business for which proposals are asked will net be entertained or eon. aiaerea mils are invited subject te future appropriation by Council, All blda must be accompanied by a eer tlflcate from the City Solicitor that seeurltr previsions of the Ordinance of Councils id. proved May 25. I860. .. i The Dincter reaervea the rleht te accept any propeaal In whole or In part, or reject all the blda, aa he may deem beat for the Interest of the city Vhen a bid or ai Brenate of blda exceeds the aum of HOeTlt will be necessary for a contract te be en. tered into, tha cost of which und all In formation relative thereto may be obtained upon lnuuiry at the efllce of the City tJellel. ler. City Hall, Philadelphia. oenci- C. UXt'OLN FUUIIUSII. M D Director of the D'PTrtme'nt. DEAI.F.M 1'KOPOSAI.S MIIJ, uE aK. celved and publicly opened in tne eiOca of the Director of the U. a. Vetsrani? Uureuu, Keem 1U44 Arllmrien JiuiidTnsi. nrAV- srii&tW: svisJS construction of concrete foundations fur nine c) patient build njis for iuu bed llespual J IS be built at Northampton, Mass. Kin and tpeclflcitiena may be obtained upon ue ue Dealt of 130.00 from the office of the Uuartar. master General. Keem 2300 Munitions SuKl !ii, Waahlniften. D. C, or from tne office) of the Constructing Quartermaster, ChamOer el commerce Building. Northampton. uZi. UMlfcU BTATJtS 1'UalUl'JrlLJc ANI LMcu" Tky.Iv'AV" Ofllce of Custodian , . June 20, 1022. Sealed ,preaala wl be received at ihls office until 2 P. M July S, 1U22, and thea pyAHt&Tm&' CHANGES AND nKPAlua at this building in accordance with tne draw ings and specification, copies of wnich mas; b, obtained from HH. P Custodian. PBOPOSAI.S ARH. INV1TKD -UY THIS Bureau of Encravlnu and Printing for the furnishing of Mixed Black, llurr.t Plate Otl. and heavy Waxed Paper, for the en suing fiscal ear. Samples must be re ceded at the Bureau net later than 2 P. M.. July IB, 1022) proposals. heweer, muat ba received net later than 2 P. M., August S, 1022. at which time rliey will be opened In the office of the Director. Any further In formation will be furnished en application le Leuis A Hill. Director. Dividends THE R. I. DOLI.INOH COJIPANY. PHILADELPHIA. PA announces the pement of the following dirt denda by tempanks financed by It: (JUAKTKRI.Y Dl'E JULY 1. 1022. The R. L Delllngs Company of Ohie . 1"4 t The International Nete and Mortgage Ce.. Indianapolis, Ind I."",, lh I'lav PreductB Cn , Brazil, Ind , 14 Th International ete and 3Iertage He and Mortgage le 14 Vi: JULY 1, 1022 Company of In- I ............. aH", J Ce Columbus unie SKMl-A.NNL'AI,, I)U The 11 L Delllngs dlaniill9. Ind. . The Andersen Feundr and Machine Ce Andersen, ina . The Insley Mfg Ce , Indianapolis, Ind. . 3i The llude .Mtg r Llberty, Ind Th i-ervlce .Moter Truck Company, Wabash, Ind The Western Drep rerge Ce., Marlen, Ind The Hucre Mfir Ce . Indlananells.Ind. 8 354 m 3H 34 34 3Vi 3M The Mulhnlland Machinery Ce., In dianapelis ind. Th Hteel Fabricating Cerp., Indian, npells Ind . SEMI-ANNUAL DUE JULY 15, 102: in it i. ueinnus cempnny of I'ennsH.inl.ir American Bronre Cerp Herwn. Pa American Cnnn and Pretzel Ce Phlla. dolphin l'u The Amerli.m Moter Truck Ce , New. ark uhle , , The C t E t-hnw Ce Columbus O. The I'ullen and Vnughau Ce , Ham ilton Ohie The Mkrnntz Ce Columbus Ohie The Matthews Englnn rlris Ce. San dusk Ohie McCnmhrld.j f'e I'hlla , 1hi Re cording Imlies l'u The Flerida Firmsj and Ce Columbus (in. 1h.' Ilurlon-Tewns.nd Ce Ohie Pa PnMen.O. Industries Zaneavllle, 34 14 34 34 . 34 ( rnne Ire Cream ( e I'hlla P.i The i rane Ohie be Cream Ce Ce. lumbus (ihle The Pnnklin Brick unci Tile Ce , Co lumbus Ohl i ( emmep la I ruck I e Phil i Ba Th" North anilliii Farina t'u Co lumbus Ohie 'Ihe Champien EmcUi-i ring Ce Can. T", ten ehln iu C' 1 h 'ii x Iren W.irk .., M ni1llli (. 341 C mm riu I Trm't S rlrp I'mit, 1'hl.u Pa ai, or r-LMi NM M. I'll! Al'iJ l lii.f ' V O Unking Ci Alli'iitnnn Pi .14 Checks will I mtll'd nn dit.s Indicated abeie si.1 ll.Mi MIIOMI IIVMi Oh'pIlTlTv. DELPHI . VT FKA.NMIlBii ,U1 Phil idelphl i Jun 8, JU2" The Dlrecmia hate ihls tl ly ilwlared n k, ml-iiiinintl tliMd.nl of rlshl (H) per lent. fren ,f tax iiibl. JuK 1 Hi.'.' ti stock steck stock telilt'rs of rt'ieid it the close of business lune : 1H88 an 1 lin rnlui.il the book vMiit of tti Itinking lioiise ncceunt 130,000 i iu ks w IU be nit I ui HIANK ADHHE.U), I'ttshli1 r. inn fi.iiM nixMi'A mi.ns ship aTm I.M.IM, III II. DIM. tl)lll'N " DIMIIEM) Mill! I, Jllll,, L"l. le" ' Hie Ileir.l 'f llliec'tnra his thlx diy i 1 i are I an t ttru iliv nl ml of s.'.l.lte pp shara , in ihi i iitiitu si ik tl tin ininpiny, pay- lilu JuU 14 1088 le aim liheldera of record I l 3 1 M n J" s I" '028 CHARLES T TAYLOR, . . . 1 1 etifUitr. lltVMil.IN NXMO.NVJ. I1NK Llieatniil street wesi et lirii id I Philadelphia, June 20, 1022. At the reguiar nuetina of ine ileura of , rrecturs ei nils Lank, held this day. a I Quarterly dMJend of O'e was ilcitrsd, . ijjuu.e July 1. IVii, tu atoikheldern ei receid -t i tnu close of bualness .luns Hv, 1V2Z Cuttiks will be mulled 4 -". )lAUl'T.V!iTPnjldeiit and Cashier. " "ernt'K of this PENNA. lAI.I MKIi, t OMPA.YY At liiielin. of l'ie Hum U or Uiitclers held thin iid) a tjuirlfil) DivhIuiiiI ui tivu and iine-hulf trr tent was Hecluiud, payable July ie, lu stuckiiuidiTs ui 1 1 turd Juua de, lu.'i. ..L.U.. Wl.l h lllnlltid I, A H.MITH Treasurer. I'h lr d. ' 'a June 2 il 1082 Hi:sir...N P(Ut Kit COItPOIt THIN Tne Hut d -f 'Jlli-clera hiivti declaied a ti'iirlr-U 'in im mi or unr und nnr-liiiir -n t'l'-i'n) per irnt en the Piefrtred Hleck. il Livable .lub 1,1. 1022. tn ftO"lCic)lilirs of . rin.nl u tlie cl.se uf liulnea Juiuj 3D, H'88. Il FM iPy.rPKlNS TrniiMurar. NAIIOWI. 'M'l'HirY IIAM4 The Beard of Dlrectera'hsa this tlay "da. .i -n i im ii iiiii i. .iiina i . iii-- N timed aeml-unnuul tws4 tI8e) per cent, paabls July A, of j M w m Ml v M v i' Si A :4 4 . i It II i ! i A i $i I M m J,f ni- k mw k P ijJ&vubSHseShz. ym t ..viik J iiykisstkSt .rfftSf'ilitfw-. j fV, v.-.v3 ..fttfiVsi. ,, r&ti Sf.tt?y?i ?. t na:Vi '-..Wj i.I tVsi V.r v s, at , ...V I -L L - .. i.d !AdjJ I II ilil II Mil i m till! 1 sw- LiJsi J " -f" ''-